import sys import io import linecache import time import socket import traceback import _thread as thread import threading import queue import tkinter from idlelib import CallTips from idlelib import AutoComplete from idlelib import RemoteDebugger from idlelib import RemoteObjectBrowser from idlelib import StackViewer from idlelib import rpc from idlelib import PyShell from idlelib import IOBinding import __main__ LOCALHOST = '' import warnings def idle_showwarning_subproc( message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): """Show Idle-format warning after replacing warnings.showwarning. The only difference is the formatter called. """ if file is None: file = sys.stderr try: file.write(PyShell.idle_formatwarning( message, category, filename, lineno, line)) except IOError: pass # the file (probably stderr) is invalid - this warning gets lost. _warnings_showwarning = None def capture_warnings(capture): "Replace warning.showwarning with idle_showwarning_subproc, or reverse." global _warnings_showwarning if capture: if _warnings_showwarning is None: _warnings_showwarning = warnings.showwarning warnings.showwarning = idle_showwarning_subproc else: if _warnings_showwarning is not None: warnings.showwarning = _warnings_showwarning _warnings_showwarning = None capture_warnings(True) tcl = tkinter.Tcl() def handle_tk_events(tcl=tcl): """Process any tk events that are ready to be dispatched if tkinter has been imported, a tcl interpreter has been created and tk has been loaded.""" tcl.eval("update") # Thread shared globals: Establish a queue between a subthread (which handles # the socket) and the main thread (which runs user code), plus global # completion, exit and interruptable (the main thread) flags: exit_now = False quitting = False interruptable = False def main(del_exitfunc=False): """Start the Python execution server in a subprocess In the Python subprocess, RPCServer is instantiated with handlerclass MyHandler, which inherits register/unregister methods from RPCHandler via the mix-in class SocketIO. When the RPCServer 'server' is instantiated, the TCPServer initialization creates an instance of run.MyHandler and calls its handle() method. handle() instantiates a run.Executive object, passing it a reference to the MyHandler object. That reference is saved as attribute rpchandler of the Executive instance. The Executive methods have access to the reference and can pass it on to entities that they command (e.g. RemoteDebugger.Debugger.start_debugger()). The latter, in turn, can call MyHandler(SocketIO) register/unregister methods via the reference to register and unregister themselves. """ global exit_now global quitting global no_exitfunc no_exitfunc = del_exitfunc #time.sleep(15) # test subprocess not responding try: assert(len(sys.argv) > 1) port = int(sys.argv[-1]) except: print("IDLE Subprocess: no IP port passed in sys.argv.", file=sys.__stderr__) return capture_warnings(True) sys.argv[:] = [""] sockthread = threading.Thread(target=manage_socket, name='SockThread', args=((LOCALHOST, port),)) sockthread.daemon = True sockthread.start() while 1: try: if exit_now: try: exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: # exiting but got an extra KBI? Try again! continue try: seq, request = rpc.request_queue.get(block=True, timeout=0.05) except queue.Empty: handle_tk_events() continue method, args, kwargs = request ret = method(*args, **kwargs) rpc.response_queue.put((seq, ret)) except KeyboardInterrupt: if quitting: exit_now = True continue except SystemExit: capture_warnings(False) raise except: type, value, tb = sys.exc_info() try: print_exception() rpc.response_queue.put((seq, None)) except: # Link didn't work, print same exception to __stderr__ traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb, file=sys.__stderr__) exit() else: continue def manage_socket(address): for i in range(3): time.sleep(i) try: server = MyRPCServer(address, MyHandler) break except socket.error as err: print("IDLE Subprocess: socket error: " + err.args[1] + ", retrying....", file=sys.__stderr__) socket_error = err else: print("IDLE Subprocess: Connection to " "IDLE GUI failed, exiting.", file=sys.__stderr__) show_socket_error(socket_error, address) global exit_now exit_now = True return server.handle_request() # A single request only def show_socket_error(err, address): import tkinter import tkinter.messagebox as tkMessageBox root = tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() if err.args[0] == 61: # connection refused msg = "IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d. This may be due "\ "to your personal firewall configuration. It is safe to "\ "allow this internal connection because no data is visible on "\ "external ports." % address tkMessageBox.showerror("IDLE Subprocess Error", msg, parent=root) else: tkMessageBox.showerror("IDLE Subprocess Error", "Socket Error: %s" % err.args[1]) root.destroy() def print_exception(): import linecache linecache.checkcache() flush_stdout() efile = sys.stderr typ, val, tb = excinfo = sys.exc_info() sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = excinfo seen = set() def print_exc(typ, exc, tb): seen.add(exc) context = exc.__context__ cause = exc.__cause__ if cause is not None and cause not in seen: print_exc(type(cause), cause, cause.__traceback__) print("\nThe above exception was the direct cause " "of the following exception:\n", file=efile) elif (context is not None and not exc.__suppress_context__ and context not in seen): print_exc(type(context), context, context.__traceback__) print("\nDuring handling of the above exception, " "another exception occurred:\n", file=efile) if tb: tbe = traceback.extract_tb(tb) print('Traceback (most recent call last):', file=efile) exclude = ("", "", "", "", "", "") cleanup_traceback(tbe, exclude) traceback.print_list(tbe, file=efile) lines = traceback.format_exception_only(typ, exc) for line in lines: print(line, end='', file=efile) print_exc(typ, val, tb) def cleanup_traceback(tb, exclude): "Remove excluded traces from beginning/end of tb; get cached lines" orig_tb = tb[:] while tb: for rpcfile in exclude: if tb[0][0].count(rpcfile): break # found an exclude, break for: and delete tb[0] else: break # no excludes, have left RPC code, break while: del tb[0] while tb: for rpcfile in exclude: if tb[-1][0].count(rpcfile): break else: break del tb[-1] if len(tb) == 0: # exception was in IDLE internals, don't prune! tb[:] = orig_tb[:] print("** IDLE Internal Exception: ", file=sys.stderr) rpchandler = rpc.objecttable['exec'].rpchandler for i in range(len(tb)): fn, ln, nm, line = tb[i] if nm == '?': nm = "-toplevel-" if not line and fn.startswith("<pyshell#"): line = rpchandler.remotecall('linecache', 'getline', (fn, ln), {}) tb[i] = fn, ln, nm, line def flush_stdout(): """XXX How to do this now?""" def exit(): """Exit subprocess, possibly after first clearing exit functions. If config-main.cfg/.def 'General' 'delete-exitfunc' is True, then any functions registered with atexit will be removed before exiting. (VPython support) """ if no_exitfunc: import atexit atexit._clear() capture_warnings(False) sys.exit(0) class MyRPCServer(rpc.RPCServer): def handle_error(self, request, client_address): """Override RPCServer method for IDLE Interrupt the MainThread and exit server if link is dropped. """ global quitting try: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: global exit_now exit_now = True thread.interrupt_main() except: erf = sys.__stderr__ print('\n' + '-'*40, file=erf) print('Unhandled server exception!', file=erf) print('Thread: %s' % threading.current_thread().name, file=erf) print('Client Address: ', client_address, file=erf) print('Request: ', repr(request), file=erf) traceback.print_exc(file=erf) print('\n*** Unrecoverable, server exiting!', file=erf) print('-'*40, file=erf) quitting = True thread.interrupt_main() class MyHandler(rpc.RPCHandler): def handle(self): """Override base method""" executive = Executive(self) self.register("exec", executive) self.console = self.get_remote_proxy("console") sys.stdin = PyShell.PseudoInputFile(self.console, "stdin", IOBinding.encoding) sys.stdout = PyShell.PseudoOutputFile(self.console, "stdout", IOBinding.encoding) sys.stderr = PyShell.PseudoOutputFile(self.console, "stderr", IOBinding.encoding) sys.displayhook = rpc.displayhook # page help() text to shell. import pydoc # import must be done here to capture i/o binding pydoc.pager = pydoc.plainpager # Keep a reference to stdin so that it won't try to exit IDLE if # sys.stdin gets changed from within IDLE's shell. See issue17838. self._keep_stdin = sys.stdin self.interp = self.get_remote_proxy("interp") rpc.RPCHandler.getresponse(self, myseq=None, wait=0.05) def exithook(self): "override SocketIO method - wait for MainThread to shut us down" time.sleep(10) def EOFhook(self): "Override SocketIO method - terminate wait on callback and exit thread" global quitting quitting = True thread.interrupt_main() def decode_interrupthook(self): "interrupt awakened thread" global quitting quitting = True thread.interrupt_main() class Executive(object): def __init__(self, rpchandler): self.rpchandler = rpchandler self.locals = __main__.__dict__ self.calltip = CallTips.CallTips() self.autocomplete = AutoComplete.AutoComplete() def runcode(self, code): global interruptable try: self.usr_exc_info = None interruptable = True try: exec(code, self.locals) finally: interruptable = False except SystemExit: # Scripts that raise SystemExit should just # return to the interactive prompt pass except: self.usr_exc_info = sys.exc_info() if quitting: exit() # even print a user code SystemExit exception, continue print_exception() jit = self.rpchandler.console.getvar("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>") if jit: self.rpchandler.interp.open_remote_stack_viewer() else: flush_stdout() def interrupt_the_server(self): if interruptable: thread.interrupt_main() def start_the_debugger(self, gui_adap_oid): return RemoteDebugger.start_debugger(self.rpchandler, gui_adap_oid) def stop_the_debugger(self, idb_adap_oid): "Unregister the Idb Adapter. Link objects and Idb then subject to GC" self.rpchandler.unregister(idb_adap_oid) def get_the_calltip(self, name): return self.calltip.fetch_tip(name) def get_the_completion_list(self, what, mode): return self.autocomplete.fetch_completions(what, mode) def stackviewer(self, flist_oid=None): if self.usr_exc_info: typ, val, tb = self.usr_exc_info else: return None flist = None if flist_oid is not None: flist = self.rpchandler.get_remote_proxy(flist_oid) while tb and tb.tb_frame.f_globals["__name__"] in ["rpc", "run"]: tb = tb.tb_next sys.last_type = typ sys.last_value = val item = StackViewer.StackTreeItem(flist, tb) return RemoteObjectBrowser.remote_object_tree_item(item) capture_warnings(False) # Make sure turned off; see issue 18081