to do ///// * Refactor source/bytecode finder/loader code such that bytecode support is a subclass of source support (makes it nicer for VMs that don't use CPython bytecode). * Implement PEP 302 protocol for loaders (should just be a matter of testing). + Built-in. + Frozen. + Extension. + Source/bytecode. * Public API left to expose (w/ docs!) + abc - Finder * find_module - Loader * load_module - (?) Importer(Finder, Loader) - ResourceLoader(Loader) * get_data - InspectLoader(Loader) * is_package * get_code * get_source - (?) SourceLoader(ResourceLoader) * source_path * bytecode_path * write_bytecode (not abstract) + util - get_module decorator (rename: module_for_loader) - set___package__ decorator + machinery - (?) Chained path hook/finder - (?) FileFinder - Extensions importers * ExtensionFinder * (?) Loader - Source/bytecode importers * SourceFinder * (?) Loader - PathFinder * Write benchmark suite. * OPTIMIZE! + Fast path absolute name. + Fast path pulling from sys.modules. * Bootstrap importlib as implementation of builtins.__import__ * Replace standard library modules. + imp + py_compile + compileall