# Constants defined in <gl.h> #************************************************************************** #* * #* Copyright (C) 1984, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * #* * #* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain * #* unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and * #* are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed * #* to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or * #* in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * #* * #************************************************************************** # Graphics Libary constants # Booleans TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 # maximum X and Y screen coordinates XMAXSCREEN = 1279 YMAXSCREEN = 1023 XMAXMEDIUM = 1023 # max for medium res monitor YMAXMEDIUM = 767 XMAX170 = 645 # max for RS-170 YMAX170 = 484 XMAXPAL = 779 # max for PAL YMAXPAL = 574 # various hardware/software limits ATTRIBSTACKDEPTH = 10 VPSTACKDEPTH = 8 MATRIXSTACKDEPTH = 32 NAMESTACKDEPTH = 1025 STARTTAG = -2 ENDTAG = -3 CPOSX_INVALID = -(2*XMAXSCREEN) # names for colors in color map loaded by greset BLACK = 0 RED = 1 GREEN = 2 YELLOW = 3 BLUE = 4 MAGENTA = 5 CYAN = 6 WHITE = 7 # popup colors PUP_CLEAR = 0 PUP_COLOR = 1 PUP_BLACK = 2 PUP_WHITE = 3 # defines for drawmode NORMALDRAW = 0 PUPDRAW = 1 OVERDRAW = 2 UNDERDRAW = 3 CURSORDRAW = 4 # defines for defpattern PATTERN_16 = 16 PATTERN_32 = 32 PATTERN_64 = 64 PATTERN_16_SIZE = 16 PATTERN_32_SIZE = 64 PATTERN_64_SIZE = 256 # defines for readsource SRC_AUTO = 0 SRC_FRONT = 1 SRC_BACK = 2 SRC_ZBUFFER = 3 SRC_PUP = 4 SRC_OVER = 5 SRC_UNDER = 6 SRC_FRAMEGRABBER = 7 # defines for blendfunction BF_ZERO = 0 BF_ONE = 1 BF_DC = 2 BF_SC = 2 BF_MDC = 3 BF_MSC = 3 BF_SA = 4 BF_MSA = 5 BF_DA = 6 BF_MDA = 7 # defines for zfunction ZF_NEVER = 0 ZF_LESS = 1 ZF_EQUAL = 2 ZF_LEQUAL = 3 ZF_GREATER = 4 ZF_NOTEQUAL = 5 ZF_GEQUAL = 6 ZF_ALWAYS = 7 # defines for zsource ZSRC_DEPTH = 0 ZSRC_COLOR = 1 # defines for pntsmooth SMP_OFF = 0 SMP_ON = 1 # defines for linesmooth SML_OFF = 0 SML_ON = 1 # defines for setpup PUP_NONE = 0 PUP_GREY = 1 # defines for glcompat GLC_OLDPOLYGON = 0 GLC_ZRANGEMAP = 1 # defines for curstype C16X1 = 0 C16X2 = 1 C32X1 = 2 C32X2 = 3 CCROSS = 4 # defines for shademodel FLAT = 0 GOURAUD = 1 # defines for logicop LO_ZERO = 0x0 LO_AND = 0x1 LO_ANDR = 0x2 LO_SRC = 0x3 LO_ANDI = 0x4 LO_DST = 0x5 LO_XOR = 0x6 LO_OR = 0x7 LO_NOR = 0x8 LO_XNOR = 0x9 LO_NDST = 0xa LO_ORR = 0xb LO_NSRC = 0xc LO_ORI = 0xd LO_NAND = 0xe LO_ONE = 0xf # # START defines for getgdesc # GD_XPMAX = 0 GD_YPMAX = 1 GD_XMMAX = 2 GD_YMMAX = 3 GD_ZMIN = 4 GD_ZMAX = 5 GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_RED = 6 GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_GREEN = 7 GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_BLUE = 8 GD_BITS_NORM_DBL_RED = 9 GD_BITS_NORM_DBL_GREEN = 10 GD_BITS_NORM_DBL_BLUE = 11 GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_CMODE = 12 GD_BITS_NORM_DBL_CMODE = 13 GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_MMAP = 14 GD_BITS_NORM_DBL_MMAP = 15 GD_BITS_NORM_ZBUFFER = 16 GD_BITS_OVER_SNG_CMODE = 17 GD_BITS_UNDR_SNG_CMODE = 18 GD_BITS_PUP_SNG_CMODE = 19 GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_ALPHA = 21 GD_BITS_NORM_DBL_ALPHA = 22 GD_BITS_CURSOR = 23 GD_OVERUNDER_SHARED = 24 GD_BLEND = 25 GD_CIFRACT = 26 GD_CROSSHAIR_CINDEX = 27 GD_DITHER = 28 GD_LINESMOOTH_CMODE = 30 GD_LINESMOOTH_RGB = 31 GD_LOGICOP = 33 GD_NSCRNS = 35 GD_NURBS_ORDER = 36 GD_NBLINKS = 37 GD_NVERTEX_POLY = 39 GD_PATSIZE_64 = 40 GD_PNTSMOOTH_CMODE = 41 GD_PNTSMOOTH_RGB = 42 GD_PUP_TO_OVERUNDER = 43 GD_READSOURCE = 44 GD_READSOURCE_ZBUFFER = 48 GD_STEREO = 50 GD_SUBPIXEL_LINE = 51 GD_SUBPIXEL_PNT = 52 GD_SUBPIXEL_POLY = 53 GD_TRIMCURVE_ORDER = 54 GD_WSYS = 55 GD_ZDRAW_GEOM = 57 GD_ZDRAW_PIXELS = 58 GD_SCRNTYPE = 61 GD_TEXTPORT = 62 GD_NMMAPS = 63 GD_FRAMEGRABBER = 64 GD_TIMERHZ = 66 GD_DBBOX = 67 GD_AFUNCTION = 68 GD_ALPHA_OVERUNDER = 69 GD_BITS_ACBUF = 70 GD_BITS_ACBUF_HW = 71 GD_BITS_STENCIL = 72 GD_CLIPPLANES = 73 GD_FOGVERTEX = 74 GD_LIGHTING_TWOSIDE = 76 GD_POLYMODE = 77 GD_POLYSMOOTH = 78 GD_SCRBOX = 79 GD_TEXTURE = 80 # return value for inquiries when there is no limit GD_NOLIMIT = 2 # return values for GD_WSYS GD_WSYS_NONE = 0 GD_WSYS_4S = 1 # return values for GD_SCRNTYPE GD_SCRNTYPE_WM = 0 GD_SCRNTYPE_NOWM = 1 # # END defines for getgdesc # # # START NURBS interface definitions # # NURBS Rendering Properties N_PIXEL_TOLERANCE = 1 N_CULLING = 2 N_DISPLAY = 3 N_ERRORCHECKING = 4 N_SUBDIVISIONS = 5 N_S_STEPS = 6 N_T_STEPS = 7 N_TILES = 8 N_SHADED = 1.0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FLAGS FOR NURBS SURFACES AND CURVES # # Bit: 9876 5432 1 0 # |tttt|nnnn|f|r| : r - 1 bit = 1 if rational coordinate exists # : f - 1 bit = 1 if rational coordinate is before rest # : = 0 if rational coordinate is after rest # : nnnn - 4 bits for number of coordinates # : tttt - 4 bits for type of data (color, position, etc.) # # NURBS data type # N_T_ST 0 parametric space data # N_T_XYZ 1 model space data # # rational or non-rational data and position in memory # N_NONRATIONAL 0 non-rational data # N_RATAFTER 1 rational data with rat coord after rest # N_RATBEFORE 3 rational data with rat coord before rest # # N_MKFLAG(a,b,c) ((a<<6) | (b<<2) | c) # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # N_ST = 0x8 # N_MKFLAG( N_T_ST, 2, N_NONRATIONAL ) N_STW = 0xd # N_MKFLAG( N_T_ST, 3, N_RATAFTER ) N_WST = 0xf # N_MKFLAG( N_T_ST, 3, N_RATBEFORE ) N_XYZ = 0x4c # N_MKFLAG( N_T_XYZ, 3, N_NONRATIONAL ) N_XYZW = 0x51 # N_MKFLAG( N_T_XYZ, 4, N_RATAFTER ) N_WXYZ = 0x53 # N_MKFLAG( N_T_XYZ, 4, N_RATBEFORE ) # # END NURBS interface definitions # # # START lighting model defines # LMNULL = 0.0 # MATRIX modes MSINGLE = 0 MPROJECTION = 1 MVIEWING = 2 # LIGHT constants MAXLIGHTS = 8 MAXRESTRICTIONS = 4 # MATERIAL properties DEFMATERIAL = 0 EMISSION = 1 AMBIENT = 2 DIFFUSE = 3 SPECULAR = 4 SHININESS = 5 COLORINDEXES = 6 ALPHA = 7 # LIGHT properties DEFLIGHT = 100 LCOLOR = 101 POSITION = 102 # LIGHTINGMODEL properties DEFLMODEL = 200 LOCALVIEWER = 201 ATTENUATION = 202 # TARGET constants MATERIAL = 1000 LIGHT0 = 1100 LIGHT1 = 1101 LIGHT2 = 1102 LIGHT3 = 1103 LIGHT4 = 1104 LIGHT5 = 1105 LIGHT6 = 1106 LIGHT7 = 1107 LMODEL = 1200 # lmcolor modes LMC_COLOR = 0 LMC_EMISSION = 1 LMC_AMBIENT = 2 LMC_DIFFUSE = 3 LMC_SPECULAR = 4 LMC_AD = 5 LMC_NULL = 6 # # END lighting model defines # # # START distributed graphics library defines # DGLSINK = 0 # sink connection DGLLOCAL = 1 # local connection DGLTSOCKET = 2 # tcp socket connection DGL4DDN = 3 # 4DDN (DECnet) # # END distributed graphics library defines #