#!/usr/bin/env python2.5 """ Test suite for the fixer modules """ # Author: Collin Winter # Testing imports try: from tests import support except ImportError: import support # Python imports import unittest # Local imports from .. import pygram from .. import pytree from .. import refactor class Options: def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.verbose = False class FixerTestCase(support.TestCase): def setUp(self): options = Options(fix=[self.fixer], print_function=False) self.refactor = refactor.RefactoringTool(options) self.fixer_log = [] for order in (self.refactor.pre_order, self.refactor.post_order): for fixer in order: fixer.log = self.fixer_log def _check(self, before, after): before = support.reformat(before) after = support.reformat(after) tree = self.refactor.refactor_string(before, "") self.failUnlessEqual(after, str(tree)) return tree def check(self, before, after, ignore_warnings=False): tree = self._check(before, after) self.failUnless(tree.was_changed) if not ignore_warnings: self.failUnlessEqual(self.fixer_log, []) def warns(self, before, after, message, unchanged=False): tree = self._check(before, after) self.failUnless(message in "".join(self.fixer_log)) if not unchanged: self.failUnless(tree.was_changed) def warns_unchanged(self, before, message): self.warns(before, before, message, unchanged=True) def unchanged(self, before, ignore_warnings=False): self._check(before, before) if not ignore_warnings: self.failUnlessEqual(self.fixer_log, []) class Test_ne(FixerTestCase): fixer = "ne" def test_basic(self): b = """if x <> y: pass""" a = """if x != y: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_no_spaces(self): b = """if x<>y: pass""" a = """if x!=y: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_chained(self): b = """if x<>y<>z: pass""" a = """if x!=y!=z: pass""" self.check(b, a) class Test_has_key(FixerTestCase): fixer = "has_key" def test_1(self): b = """x = d.has_key("x") or d.has_key("y")""" a = """x = "x" in d or "y" in d""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """x = a.b.c.d.has_key("x") ** 3""" a = """x = ("x" in a.b.c.d) ** 3""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """x = a.b.has_key(1 + 2).__repr__()""" a = """x = (1 + 2 in a.b).__repr__()""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """x = a.b.has_key(1 + 2).__repr__() ** -3 ** 4""" a = """x = (1 + 2 in a.b).__repr__() ** -3 ** 4""" self.check(b, a) def test_5(self): b = """x = a.has_key(f or g)""" a = """x = (f or g) in a""" self.check(b, a) def test_6(self): b = """x = a + b.has_key(c)""" a = """x = a + (c in b)""" self.check(b, a) def test_7(self): b = """x = a.has_key(lambda: 12)""" a = """x = (lambda: 12) in a""" self.check(b, a) def test_8(self): b = """x = a.has_key(a for a in b)""" a = """x = (a for a in b) in a""" self.check(b, a) def test_9(self): b = """if not a.has_key(b): pass""" a = """if b not in a: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_10(self): b = """if not a.has_key(b).__repr__(): pass""" a = """if not (b in a).__repr__(): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_11(self): b = """if not a.has_key(b) ** 2: pass""" a = """if not (b in a) ** 2: pass""" self.check(b, a) class Test_apply(FixerTestCase): fixer = "apply" def test_1(self): b = """x = apply(f, g + h)""" a = """x = f(*g + h)""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """y = apply(f, g, h)""" a = """y = f(*g, **h)""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """z = apply(fs[0], g or h, h or g)""" a = """z = fs[0](*g or h, **h or g)""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """apply(f, (x, y) + t)""" a = """f(*(x, y) + t)""" self.check(b, a) def test_5(self): b = """apply(f, args,)""" a = """f(*args)""" self.check(b, a) def test_6(self): b = """apply(f, args, kwds,)""" a = """f(*args, **kwds)""" self.check(b, a) # Test that complex functions are parenthesized def test_complex_1(self): b = """x = apply(f+g, args)""" a = """x = (f+g)(*args)""" self.check(b, a) def test_complex_2(self): b = """x = apply(f*g, args)""" a = """x = (f*g)(*args)""" self.check(b, a) def test_complex_3(self): b = """x = apply(f**g, args)""" a = """x = (f**g)(*args)""" self.check(b, a) # But dotted names etc. not def test_dotted_name(self): b = """x = apply(f.g, args)""" a = """x = f.g(*args)""" self.check(b, a) def test_subscript(self): b = """x = apply(f[x], args)""" a = """x = f[x](*args)""" self.check(b, a) def test_call(self): b = """x = apply(f(), args)""" a = """x = f()(*args)""" self.check(b, a) # Extreme case def test_extreme(self): b = """x = apply(a.b.c.d.e.f, args, kwds)""" a = """x = a.b.c.d.e.f(*args, **kwds)""" self.check(b, a) # XXX Comments in weird places still get lost def test_weird_comments(self): b = """apply( # foo f, # bar args)""" a = """f(*args)""" self.check(b, a) # These should *not* be touched def test_unchanged_1(self): s = """apply()""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_2(self): s = """apply(f)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_3(self): s = """apply(f,)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_4(self): s = """apply(f, args, kwds, extras)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_5(self): s = """apply(f, *args, **kwds)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_6(self): s = """apply(f, *args)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_7(self): s = """apply(func=f, args=args, kwds=kwds)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_8(self): s = """apply(f, args=args, kwds=kwds)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_9(self): s = """apply(f, args, kwds=kwds)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_space_1(self): a = """apply( f, args, kwds)""" b = """f(*args, **kwds)""" self.check(a, b) def test_space_2(self): a = """apply( f ,args,kwds )""" b = """f(*args, **kwds)""" self.check(a, b) class Test_intern(FixerTestCase): fixer = "intern" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = intern( a )""" a = """x = sys.intern( a )""" self.check(b, a) b = """y = intern("b" # test )""" a = """y = sys.intern("b" # test )""" self.check(b, a) b = """z = intern(a+b+c.d, )""" a = """z = sys.intern(a+b+c.d, )""" self.check(b, a) def test(self): b = """x = intern(a)""" a = """x = sys.intern(a)""" self.check(b, a) b = """z = intern(a+b+c.d,)""" a = """z = sys.intern(a+b+c.d,)""" self.check(b, a) b = """intern("y%s" % 5).replace("y", "")""" a = """sys.intern("y%s" % 5).replace("y", "")""" self.check(b, a) # These should not be refactored def test_unchanged(self): s = """intern(a=1)""" self.unchanged(s) s = """intern(f, g)""" self.unchanged(s) s = """intern(*h)""" self.unchanged(s) s = """intern(**i)""" self.unchanged(s) s = """intern()""" self.unchanged(s) class Test_print(FixerTestCase): fixer = "print" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """print 1, 1+1, 1+1+1""" a = """print(1, 1+1, 1+1+1)""" self.check(b, a) def test_idempotency(self): s = """print()""" self.unchanged(s) s = """print('')""" self.unchanged(s) def test_idempotency_print_as_function(self): print_stmt = pygram.python_grammar.keywords.pop("print") try: s = """print(1, 1+1, 1+1+1)""" self.unchanged(s) s = """print()""" self.unchanged(s) s = """print('')""" self.unchanged(s) finally: pygram.python_grammar.keywords["print"] = print_stmt def test_1(self): b = """print 1, 1+1, 1+1+1""" a = """print(1, 1+1, 1+1+1)""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """print 1, 2""" a = """print(1, 2)""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """print""" a = """print()""" self.check(b, a) def test_tuple(self): b = """print (a, b, c)""" a = """print((a, b, c))""" self.check(b, a) # trailing commas def test_trailing_comma_1(self): b = """print 1, 2, 3,""" a = """print(1, 2, 3, end=' ')""" self.check(b, a) def test_trailing_comma_2(self): b = """print 1, 2,""" a = """print(1, 2, end=' ')""" self.check(b, a) def test_trailing_comma_3(self): b = """print 1,""" a = """print(1, end=' ')""" self.check(b, a) # >> stuff def test_vargs_without_trailing_comma(self): b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1, 2, 3""" a = """print(1, 2, 3, file=sys.stderr)""" self.check(b, a) def test_with_trailing_comma(self): b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1, 2,""" a = """print(1, 2, end=' ', file=sys.stderr)""" self.check(b, a) def test_no_trailing_comma(self): b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1+1""" a = """print(1+1, file=sys.stderr)""" self.check(b, a) def test_spaces_before_file(self): b = """print >> sys.stderr""" a = """print(file=sys.stderr)""" self.check(b, a) class Test_exec(FixerTestCase): fixer = "exec" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """ exec code in ns1, ns2""" a = """ exec(code, ns1, ns2)""" self.check(b, a) def test_basic(self): b = """exec code""" a = """exec(code)""" self.check(b, a) def test_with_globals(self): b = """exec code in ns""" a = """exec(code, ns)""" self.check(b, a) def test_with_globals_locals(self): b = """exec code in ns1, ns2""" a = """exec(code, ns1, ns2)""" self.check(b, a) def test_complex_1(self): b = """exec (a.b()) in ns""" a = """exec((a.b()), ns)""" self.check(b, a) def test_complex_2(self): b = """exec a.b() + c in ns""" a = """exec(a.b() + c, ns)""" self.check(b, a) # These should not be touched def test_unchanged_1(self): s = """exec(code)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_2(self): s = """exec (code)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_3(self): s = """exec(code, ns)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_4(self): s = """exec(code, ns1, ns2)""" self.unchanged(s) class Test_repr(FixerTestCase): fixer = "repr" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = `1 + 2`""" a = """x = repr(1 + 2)""" self.check(b, a) def test_simple_1(self): b = """x = `1 + 2`""" a = """x = repr(1 + 2)""" self.check(b, a) def test_simple_2(self): b = """y = `x`""" a = """y = repr(x)""" self.check(b, a) def test_complex(self): b = """z = `y`.__repr__()""" a = """z = repr(y).__repr__()""" self.check(b, a) def test_tuple(self): b = """x = `1, 2, 3`""" a = """x = repr((1, 2, 3))""" self.check(b, a) def test_nested(self): b = """x = `1 + `2``""" a = """x = repr(1 + repr(2))""" self.check(b, a) def test_nested_tuples(self): b = """x = `1, 2 + `3, 4``""" a = """x = repr((1, 2 + repr((3, 4))))""" self.check(b, a) class Test_except(FixerTestCase): fixer = "except" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """ try: pass except (RuntimeError, ImportError), e: pass""" a = """ try: pass except (RuntimeError, ImportError) as e: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_simple(self): b = """ try: pass except Foo, e: pass""" a = """ try: pass except Foo as e: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_simple_no_space_before_target(self): b = """ try: pass except Foo,e: pass""" a = """ try: pass except Foo as e: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_tuple_unpack(self): b = """ def foo(): try: pass except Exception, (f, e): pass except ImportError, e: pass""" a = """ def foo(): try: pass except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme: (f, e) = xxx_todo_changeme.args pass except ImportError as e: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_multi_class(self): b = """ try: pass except (RuntimeError, ImportError), e: pass""" a = """ try: pass except (RuntimeError, ImportError) as e: pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_list_unpack(self): b = """ try: pass except Exception, [a, b]: pass""" a = """ try: pass except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme: [a, b] = xxx_todo_changeme.args pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_weird_target_1(self): b = """ try: pass except Exception, d[5]: pass""" a = """ try: pass except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme: d[5] = xxx_todo_changeme pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_weird_target_2(self): b = """ try: pass except Exception, a.foo: pass""" a = """ try: pass except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme: a.foo = xxx_todo_changeme pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_weird_target_3(self): b = """ try: pass except Exception, a().foo: pass""" a = """ try: pass except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme: a().foo = xxx_todo_changeme pass""" self.check(b, a) # These should not be touched: def test_unchanged_1(self): s = """ try: pass except: pass""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_2(self): s = """ try: pass except Exception: pass""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_3(self): s = """ try: pass except (Exception, SystemExit): pass""" self.unchanged(s) class Test_raise(FixerTestCase): fixer = "raise" def test_basic(self): b = """raise Exception, 5""" a = """raise Exception(5)""" self.check(b, a) def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """raise Exception,5""" a = """raise Exception(5)""" self.check(b, a) b = """raise Exception, 5""" a = """raise Exception(5)""" self.check(b, a) def test_with_comments(self): b = """raise Exception, 5 # foo""" a = """raise Exception(5) # foo""" self.check(b, a) b = """raise E, (5, 6) % (a, b) # foo""" a = """raise E((5, 6) % (a, b)) # foo""" self.check(b, a) b = """def foo(): raise Exception, 5, 6 # foo""" a = """def foo(): raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6) # foo""" self.check(b, a) def test_tuple_value(self): b = """raise Exception, (5, 6, 7)""" a = """raise Exception(5, 6, 7)""" self.check(b, a) def test_tuple_detection(self): b = """raise E, (5, 6) % (a, b)""" a = """raise E((5, 6) % (a, b))""" self.check(b, a) def test_tuple_exc_1(self): b = """raise (((E1, E2), E3), E4), V""" a = """raise E1(V)""" self.check(b, a) def test_tuple_exc_2(self): b = """raise (E1, (E2, E3), E4), V""" a = """raise E1(V)""" self.check(b, a) # These should produce a warning def test_string_exc(self): s = """raise 'foo'""" self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions") def test_string_exc_val(self): s = """raise "foo", 5""" self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions") def test_string_exc_val_tb(self): s = """raise "foo", 5, 6""" self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions") # These should result in traceback-assignment def test_tb_1(self): b = """def foo(): raise Exception, 5, 6""" a = """def foo(): raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_2(self): b = """def foo(): a = 5 raise Exception, 5, 6 b = 6""" a = """def foo(): a = 5 raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6) b = 6""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_3(self): b = """def foo(): raise Exception,5,6""" a = """def foo(): raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_4(self): b = """def foo(): a = 5 raise Exception,5,6 b = 6""" a = """def foo(): a = 5 raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6) b = 6""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_5(self): b = """def foo(): raise Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6""" a = """def foo(): raise Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6)""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_6(self): b = """def foo(): a = 5 raise Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6 b = 6""" a = """def foo(): a = 5 raise Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6) b = 6""" self.check(b, a) class Test_throw(FixerTestCase): fixer = "throw" def test_1(self): b = """g.throw(Exception, 5)""" a = """g.throw(Exception(5))""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """g.throw(Exception,5)""" a = """g.throw(Exception(5))""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7))""" a = """g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7))""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """5 + g.throw(Exception, 5)""" a = """5 + g.throw(Exception(5))""" self.check(b, a) # These should produce warnings def test_warn_1(self): s = """g.throw("foo")""" self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions") def test_warn_2(self): s = """g.throw("foo", 5)""" self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions") def test_warn_3(self): s = """g.throw("foo", 5, 6)""" self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions") # These should not be touched def test_untouched_1(self): s = """g.throw(Exception)""" self.unchanged(s) def test_untouched_2(self): s = """g.throw(Exception(5, 6))""" self.unchanged(s) def test_untouched_3(self): s = """5 + g.throw(Exception(5, 6))""" self.unchanged(s) # These should result in traceback-assignment def test_tb_1(self): b = """def foo(): g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)""" a = """def foo(): g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_2(self): b = """def foo(): a = 5 g.throw(Exception, 5, 6) b = 6""" a = """def foo(): a = 5 g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6)) b = 6""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_3(self): b = """def foo(): g.throw(Exception,5,6)""" a = """def foo(): g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_4(self): b = """def foo(): a = 5 g.throw(Exception,5,6) b = 6""" a = """def foo(): a = 5 g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6)) b = 6""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_5(self): b = """def foo(): g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6)""" a = """def foo(): g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6))""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_6(self): b = """def foo(): a = 5 g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6) b = 6""" a = """def foo(): a = 5 g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6)) b = 6""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_7(self): b = """def foo(): a + g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)""" a = """def foo(): a + g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))""" self.check(b, a) def test_tb_8(self): b = """def foo(): a = 5 a + g.throw(Exception, 5, 6) b = 6""" a = """def foo(): a = 5 a + g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6)) b = 6""" self.check(b, a) class Test_long(FixerTestCase): fixer = "long" def test_1(self): b = """x = long(x)""" a = """x = int(x)""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """y = isinstance(x, long)""" a = """y = isinstance(x, int)""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """z = type(x) in (int, long)""" a = """z = type(x) in (int, int)""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """a = 12L""" a = """a = 12""" self.check(b, a) def test_5(self): b = """b = 0x12l""" a = """b = 0x12""" self.check(b, a) def test_unchanged_1(self): s = """a = 12""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_2(self): s = """b = 0x12""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_3(self): s = """c = 3.14""" self.unchanged(s) def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = long( x )""" a = """x = int( x )""" self.check(b, a) class Test_dict(FixerTestCase): fixer = "dict" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = "if d. keys ( ) : pass" a = "if list(d. keys ( )) : pass" self.check(b, a) b = "if d. items ( ) : pass" a = "if list(d. items ( )) : pass" self.check(b, a) b = "if d. iterkeys ( ) : pass" a = "if iter(d. keys ( )) : pass" self.check(b, a) b = "[i for i in d. iterkeys( ) ]" a = "[i for i in d. keys( ) ]" self.check(b, a) def test_trailing_comment(self): b = "d.keys() # foo" a = "list(d.keys()) # foo" self.check(b, a) b = "d.items() # foo" a = "list(d.items()) # foo" self.check(b, a) b = "d.iterkeys() # foo" a = "iter(d.keys()) # foo" self.check(b, a) b = """[i for i in d.iterkeys() # foo ]""" a = """[i for i in d.keys() # foo ]""" self.check(b, a) def test_unchanged(self): wrappers = ["set", "sorted", "any", "all", "tuple", "sum"] for wrapper in wrappers: s = "s = %s(d.keys())" % wrapper self.unchanged(s) s = "s = %s(d.values())" % wrapper self.unchanged(s) s = "s = %s(d.items())" % wrapper self.unchanged(s) def test_01(self): b = "d.keys()" a = "list(d.keys())" self.check(b, a) b = "a[0].foo().keys()" a = "list(a[0].foo().keys())" self.check(b, a) def test_02(self): b = "d.items()" a = "list(d.items())" self.check(b, a) def test_03(self): b = "d.values()" a = "list(d.values())" self.check(b, a) def test_04(self): b = "d.iterkeys()" a = "iter(d.keys())" self.check(b, a) def test_05(self): b = "d.iteritems()" a = "iter(d.items())" self.check(b, a) def test_06(self): b = "d.itervalues()" a = "iter(d.values())" self.check(b, a) def test_07(self): s = "list(d.keys())" self.unchanged(s) def test_08(self): s = "sorted(d.keys())" self.unchanged(s) def test_09(self): b = "iter(d.keys())" a = "iter(list(d.keys()))" self.check(b, a) def test_10(self): b = "foo(d.keys())" a = "foo(list(d.keys()))" self.check(b, a) def test_11(self): b = "for i in d.keys(): print i" a = "for i in list(d.keys()): print i" self.check(b, a) def test_12(self): b = "for i in d.iterkeys(): print i" a = "for i in d.keys(): print i" self.check(b, a) def test_13(self): b = "[i for i in d.keys()]" a = "[i for i in list(d.keys())]" self.check(b, a) def test_14(self): b = "[i for i in d.iterkeys()]" a = "[i for i in d.keys()]" self.check(b, a) def test_15(self): b = "(i for i in d.keys())" a = "(i for i in list(d.keys()))" self.check(b, a) def test_16(self): b = "(i for i in d.iterkeys())" a = "(i for i in d.keys())" self.check(b, a) def test_17(self): b = "iter(d.iterkeys())" a = "iter(d.keys())" self.check(b, a) def test_18(self): b = "list(d.iterkeys())" a = "list(d.keys())" self.check(b, a) def test_19(self): b = "sorted(d.iterkeys())" a = "sorted(d.keys())" self.check(b, a) def test_20(self): b = "foo(d.iterkeys())" a = "foo(iter(d.keys()))" self.check(b, a) def test_21(self): b = "print h.iterkeys().next()" a = "print iter(h.keys()).next()" self.check(b, a) def test_22(self): b = "print h.keys()[0]" a = "print list(h.keys())[0]" self.check(b, a) def test_23(self): b = "print list(h.iterkeys().next())" a = "print list(iter(h.keys()).next())" self.check(b, a) def test_24(self): b = "for x in h.keys()[0]: print x" a = "for x in list(h.keys())[0]: print x" self.check(b, a) class Test_xrange(FixerTestCase): fixer = "xrange" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = xrange( 10 )""" a = """x = range( 10 )""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = xrange( 1 , 10 )""" a = """x = range( 1 , 10 )""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = xrange( 0 , 10 , 2 )""" a = """x = range( 0 , 10 , 2 )""" self.check(b, a) def test_1(self): b = """x = xrange(10)""" a = """x = range(10)""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """x = xrange(1, 10)""" a = """x = range(1, 10)""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """x = xrange(0, 10, 2)""" a = """x = range(0, 10, 2)""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """for i in xrange(10):\n j=i""" a = """for i in range(10):\n j=i""" self.check(b, a) class Test_raw_input(FixerTestCase): fixer = "raw_input" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = raw_input( )""" a = """x = input( )""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = raw_input( '' )""" a = """x = input( '' )""" self.check(b, a) def test_1(self): b = """x = raw_input()""" a = """x = input()""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """x = raw_input('')""" a = """x = input('')""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """x = raw_input('prompt')""" a = """x = input('prompt')""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """x = raw_input(foo(a) + 6)""" a = """x = input(foo(a) + 6)""" self.check(b, a) class Test_funcattrs(FixerTestCase): fixer = "funcattrs" attrs = ["closure", "doc", "name", "defaults", "code", "globals", "dict"] def test(self): for attr in self.attrs: b = "a.func_%s" % attr a = "a.__%s__" % attr self.check(b, a) b = "self.foo.func_%s.foo_bar" % attr a = "self.foo.__%s__.foo_bar" % attr self.check(b, a) def test_unchanged(self): for attr in self.attrs: s = "foo(func_%s + 5)" % attr self.unchanged(s) s = "f(foo.__%s__)" % attr self.unchanged(s) s = "f(foo.__%s__.foo)" % attr self.unchanged(s) class Test_xreadlines(FixerTestCase): fixer = "xreadlines" def test_call(self): b = "for x in f.xreadlines(): pass" a = "for x in f: pass" self.check(b, a) b = "for x in foo().xreadlines(): pass" a = "for x in foo(): pass" self.check(b, a) b = "for x in (5 + foo()).xreadlines(): pass" a = "for x in (5 + foo()): pass" self.check(b, a) def test_attr_ref(self): b = "foo(f.xreadlines + 5)" a = "foo(f.__iter__ + 5)" self.check(b, a) b = "foo(f().xreadlines + 5)" a = "foo(f().__iter__ + 5)" self.check(b, a) b = "foo((5 + f()).xreadlines + 5)" a = "foo((5 + f()).__iter__ + 5)" self.check(b, a) def test_unchanged(self): s = "for x in f.xreadlines(5): pass" self.unchanged(s) s = "for x in f.xreadlines(k=5): pass" self.unchanged(s) s = "for x in f.xreadlines(*k, **v): pass" self.unchanged(s) s = "foo(xreadlines)" self.unchanged(s) class Test_imports(FixerTestCase): fixer = "imports" modules = {"StringIO": ("io", ["StringIO"]), "cStringIO": ("io", ["StringIO"]), "__builtin__" : ("builtins", ["open", "Exception", "__debug__", "str"]), } def test_import_module(self): for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items(): b = "import %s" % old a = "import %s" % new self.check(b, a) b = "import foo, %s, bar" % old a = "import foo, %s, bar" % new self.check(b, a) def test_import_from(self): for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items(): for member in members: b = "from %s import %s" % (old, member) a = "from %s import %s" % (new, member) self.check(b, a) s = "from foo import %s" % member self.unchanged(s) def test_import_module_as(self): for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items(): b = "import %s as foo_bar" % old a = "import %s as foo_bar" % new self.check(b, a) b = "import %s as foo_bar" % old a = "import %s as foo_bar" % new self.check(b, a) def test_import_from_as(self): for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items(): for member in members: b = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (old, member) a = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (new, member) self.check(b, a) def test_star(self): for old in self.modules: s = "from %s import *" % old self.warns_unchanged(s, "Cannot handle star imports") def test_import_module_usage(self): for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items(): for member in members: b = """ import %s foo(%s, %s.%s) """ % (old, old, old, member) a = """ import %s foo(%s, %s.%s) """ % (new, new, new, member) self.check(b, a) def test_from_import_usage(self): for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items(): for member in members: b = """ from %s import %s foo(%s, %s()) """ % (old, member, member, member) a = """ from %s import %s foo(%s, %s()) """ % (new, member, member, member) self.check(b, a) class Test_input(FixerTestCase): fixer = "input" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = input( )""" a = """x = eval(input( ))""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = input( '' )""" a = """x = eval(input( '' ))""" self.check(b, a) def test_trailing_comment(self): b = """x = input() # foo""" a = """x = eval(input()) # foo""" self.check(b, a) def test_idempotency(self): s = """x = eval(input())""" self.unchanged(s) s = """x = eval(input(''))""" self.unchanged(s) s = """x = eval(input(foo(5) + 9))""" self.unchanged(s) def test_1(self): b = """x = input()""" a = """x = eval(input())""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """x = input('')""" a = """x = eval(input(''))""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """x = input('prompt')""" a = """x = eval(input('prompt'))""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """x = input(foo(5) + 9)""" a = """x = eval(input(foo(5) + 9))""" self.check(b, a) class Test_tuple_params(FixerTestCase): fixer = "tuple_params" def test_unchanged_1(self): s = """def foo(): pass""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_2(self): s = """def foo(a, b, c): pass""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_3(self): s = """def foo(a=3, b=4, c=5): pass""" self.unchanged(s) def test_1(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c)): x = 5""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme): ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c), d): x = 5""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d): ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c), d) -> e: x = 5""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d) -> e: ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_semicolon(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c)): x = 5; y = 7""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme): ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme; x = 5; y = 7""" self.check(b, a) def test_keywords(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c), d, e=5) -> z: x = 5""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d, e=5) -> z: ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_varargs(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c), d, *vargs, **kwargs) -> z: x = 5""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d, *vargs, **kwargs) -> z: ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_multi_1(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c), (d, e, f)) -> z: x = 5""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1) -> z: ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme (d, e, f) = xxx_todo_changeme1 x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_multi_2(self): b = """ def foo(x, ((a, b), c), d, (e, f, g), y) -> z: x = 5""" a = """ def foo(x, xxx_todo_changeme, d, xxx_todo_changeme1, y) -> z: ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme (e, f, g) = xxx_todo_changeme1 x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_docstring(self): b = """ def foo(((a, b), c), (d, e, f)) -> z: "foo foo foo foo" x = 5""" a = """ def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1) -> z: "foo foo foo foo" ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme (d, e, f) = xxx_todo_changeme1 x = 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_lambda_no_change(self): s = """lambda x: x + 5""" self.unchanged(s) def test_lambda_parens_single_arg(self): b = """lambda (x): x + 5""" a = """lambda x: x + 5""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda(x): x + 5""" a = """lambda x: x + 5""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda ((((x)))): x + 5""" a = """lambda x: x + 5""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda((((x)))): x + 5""" a = """lambda x: x + 5""" self.check(b, a) def test_lambda_simple(self): b = """lambda (x, y): x + f(y)""" a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda(x, y): x + f(y)""" a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda (((x, y))): x + f(y)""" a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda(((x, y))): x + f(y)""" a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])""" self.check(b, a) def test_lambda_one_tuple(self): b = """lambda (x,): x + f(x)""" a = """lambda x1: x1[0] + f(x1[0])""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda (((x,))): x + f(x)""" a = """lambda x1: x1[0] + f(x1[0])""" self.check(b, a) def test_lambda_simple_multi_use(self): b = """lambda (x, y): x + x + f(x) + x""" a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + x_y[0] + f(x_y[0]) + x_y[0]""" self.check(b, a) def test_lambda_simple_reverse(self): b = """lambda (x, y): y + x""" a = """lambda x_y: x_y[1] + x_y[0]""" self.check(b, a) def test_lambda_nested(self): b = """lambda (x, (y, z)): x + y + z""" a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + x_y_z[1][1]""" self.check(b, a) b = """lambda (((x, (y, z)))): x + y + z""" a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + x_y_z[1][1]""" self.check(b, a) def test_lambda_nested_multi_use(self): b = """lambda (x, (y, z)): x + y + f(y)""" a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + f(x_y_z[1][0])""" self.check(b, a) class Test_methodattrs(FixerTestCase): fixer = "methodattrs" attrs = ["func", "self", "class"] def test(self): for attr in self.attrs: b = "a.im_%s" % attr if attr == "class": a = "a.__self__.__class__" else: a = "a.__%s__" % attr self.check(b, a) b = "self.foo.im_%s.foo_bar" % attr if attr == "class": a = "self.foo.__self__.__class__.foo_bar" else: a = "self.foo.__%s__.foo_bar" % attr self.check(b, a) def test_unchanged(self): for attr in self.attrs: s = "foo(im_%s + 5)" % attr self.unchanged(s) s = "f(foo.__%s__)" % attr self.unchanged(s) s = "f(foo.__%s__.foo)" % attr self.unchanged(s) class Test_next(FixerTestCase): fixer = "next" def test_1(self): b = """it.next()""" a = """next(it)""" self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """a.b.c.d.next()""" a = """next(a.b.c.d)""" self.check(b, a) def test_3(self): b = """(a + b).next()""" a = """next((a + b))""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """a().next()""" a = """next(a())""" self.check(b, a) def test_5(self): b = """a().next() + b""" a = """next(a()) + b""" self.check(b, a) def test_6(self): b = """c( a().next() + b)""" a = """c( next(a()) + b)""" self.check(b, a) def test_prefix_preservation_1(self): b = """ for a in b: foo(a) a.next() """ a = """ for a in b: foo(a) next(a) """ self.check(b, a) def test_prefix_preservation_2(self): b = """ for a in b: foo(a) # abc # def a.next() """ a = """ for a in b: foo(a) # abc # def next(a) """ self.check(b, a) def test_prefix_preservation_3(self): b = """ next = 5 for a in b: foo(a) a.next() """ a = """ next = 5 for a in b: foo(a) a.__next__() """ self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True) def test_prefix_preservation_4(self): b = """ next = 5 for a in b: foo(a) # abc # def a.next() """ a = """ next = 5 for a in b: foo(a) # abc # def a.__next__() """ self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True) def test_prefix_preservation_5(self): b = """ next = 5 for a in b: foo(foo(a), # abc a.next()) """ a = """ next = 5 for a in b: foo(foo(a), # abc a.__next__()) """ self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True) def test_prefix_preservation_6(self): b = """ for a in b: foo(foo(a), # abc a.next()) """ a = """ for a in b: foo(foo(a), # abc next(a)) """ self.check(b, a) def test_method_1(self): b = """ class A: def next(self): pass """ a = """ class A: def __next__(self): pass """ self.check(b, a) def test_method_2(self): b = """ class A(object): def next(self): pass """ a = """ class A(object): def __next__(self): pass """ self.check(b, a) def test_method_3(self): b = """ class A: def next(x): pass """ a = """ class A: def __next__(x): pass """ self.check(b, a) def test_method_4(self): b = """ class A: def __init__(self, foo): self.foo = foo def next(self): pass def __iter__(self): return self """ a = """ class A: def __init__(self, foo): self.foo = foo def __next__(self): pass def __iter__(self): return self """ self.check(b, a) def test_method_unchanged(self): s = """ class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.unchanged(s) def test_shadowing_assign_simple(self): s = """ next = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_assign_tuple_1(self): s = """ (next, a) = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_assign_tuple_2(self): s = """ (a, (b, (next, c)), a) = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_assign_list_1(self): s = """ [next, a] = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_assign_list_2(self): s = """ [a, [b, [next, c]], a] = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_builtin_assign(self): s = """ def foo(): __builtin__.next = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_builtin_assign_in_tuple(self): s = """ def foo(): (a, __builtin__.next) = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_builtin_assign_in_list(self): s = """ def foo(): [a, __builtin__.next] = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_assign_to_next(self): s = """ def foo(): A.next = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.unchanged(s) def test_assign_to_next_in_tuple(self): s = """ def foo(): (a, A.next) = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.unchanged(s) def test_assign_to_next_in_list(self): s = """ def foo(): [a, A.next] = foo class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.unchanged(s) def test_shadowing_import_1(self): s = """ import foo.bar as next class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_import_2(self): s = """ import bar, bar.foo as next class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_import_3(self): s = """ import bar, bar.foo as next, baz class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_import_from_1(self): s = """ from x import next class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_import_from_2(self): s = """ from x.a import next class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_import_from_3(self): s = """ from x import a, next, b class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_import_from_4(self): s = """ from x.a import a, next, b class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_funcdef_1(self): s = """ def next(a): pass class A: def next(self, a, b): pass """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_funcdef_2(self): b = """ def next(a): pass class A: def next(self): pass it.next() """ a = """ def next(a): pass class A: def __next__(self): pass it.__next__() """ self.warns(b, a, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_global_1(self): s = """ def f(): global next next = 5 """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_global_2(self): s = """ def f(): global a, next, b next = 5 """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_for_simple(self): s = """ for next in it(): pass b = 5 c = 6 """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_for_tuple_1(self): s = """ for next, b in it(): pass b = 5 c = 6 """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_shadowing_for_tuple_2(self): s = """ for a, (next, c), b in it(): pass b = 5 c = 6 """ self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed") def test_noncall_access_1(self): b = """gnext = g.next""" a = """gnext = g.__next__""" self.check(b, a) def test_noncall_access_2(self): b = """f(g.next + 5)""" a = """f(g.__next__ + 5)""" self.check(b, a) def test_noncall_access_3(self): b = """f(g().next + 5)""" a = """f(g().__next__ + 5)""" self.check(b, a) class Test_nonzero(FixerTestCase): fixer = "nonzero" def test_1(self): b = """ class A: def __nonzero__(self): pass """ a = """ class A: def __bool__(self): pass """ self.check(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """ class A(object): def __nonzero__(self): pass """ a = """ class A(object): def __bool__(self): pass """ self.check(b, a) def test_unchanged_1(self): s = """ class A(object): def __bool__(self): pass """ self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_2(self): s = """ class A(object): def __nonzero__(self, a): pass """ self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_func(self): s = """ def __nonzero__(self): pass """ self.unchanged(s) class Test_numliterals(FixerTestCase): fixer = "numliterals" def test_octal_1(self): b = """0755""" a = """0o755""" self.check(b, a) def test_long_int_1(self): b = """a = 12L""" a = """a = 12""" self.check(b, a) def test_long_int_2(self): b = """a = 12l""" a = """a = 12""" self.check(b, a) def test_long_hex(self): b = """b = 0x12l""" a = """b = 0x12""" self.check(b, a) def test_unchanged_int(self): s = """5""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_float(self): s = """5.0""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_octal(self): s = """0o755""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_hex(self): s = """0xABC""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_exp(self): s = """5.0e10""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_complex_int(self): s = """5 + 4j""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_complex_float(self): s = """5.4 + 4.9j""" self.unchanged(s) def test_unchanged_complex_bare(self): s = """4j""" self.unchanged(s) s = """4.4j""" self.unchanged(s) class Test_renames(FixerTestCase): fixer = "renames" modules = {"sys": ("maxint", "maxsize"), } def test_import_from(self): for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items(): b = "from %s import %s" % (mod, old) a = "from %s import %s" % (mod, new) self.check(b, a) s = "from foo import %s" % old self.unchanged(s) def test_import_from_as(self): for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items(): b = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (mod, old) a = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (mod, new) self.check(b, a) def test_import_module_usage(self): for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items(): b = """ import %s foo(%s, %s.%s) """ % (mod, mod, mod, old) a = """ import %s foo(%s, %s.%s) """ % (mod, mod, mod, new) self.check(b, a) def XXX_test_from_import_usage(self): # not implemented yet for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items(): b = """ from %s import %s foo(%s, %s) """ % (mod, old, mod, old) a = """ from %s import %s foo(%s, %s) """ % (mod, new, mod, new) self.check(b, a) class Test_unicode(FixerTestCase): fixer = "unicode" def test_unicode_call(self): b = """unicode(x, y, z)""" a = """str(x, y, z)""" self.check(b, a) def test_unicode_literal_1(self): b = '''u"x"''' a = '''"x"''' self.check(b, a) def test_unicode_literal_2(self): b = """ur'x'""" a = """r'x'""" self.check(b, a) def test_unicode_literal_3(self): b = """UR'''x'''""" a = """R'''x'''""" self.check(b, a) class Test_callable(FixerTestCase): fixer = "callable" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """callable( x)""" a = """hasattr( x, '__call__')""" self.check(b, a) b = """if callable(x): pass""" a = """if hasattr(x, '__call__'): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_callable_call(self): b = """callable(x)""" a = """hasattr(x, '__call__')""" self.check(b, a) def test_callable_should_not_change(self): a = """callable(*x)""" self.unchanged(a) a = """callable(x, y)""" self.unchanged(a) a = """callable(x, kw=y)""" self.unchanged(a) a = """callable()""" self.unchanged(a) class Test_filter(FixerTestCase): fixer = "filter" def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = filter( foo, 'abc' )""" a = """x = list(filter( foo, 'abc' ))""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = filter( None , 'abc' )""" a = """x = [_f for _f in 'abc' if _f]""" self.check(b, a) def test_filter_basic(self): b = """x = filter(None, 'abc')""" a = """x = [_f for _f in 'abc' if _f]""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = len(filter(f, 'abc'))""" a = """x = len(list(filter(f, 'abc')))""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, range(10))""" a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0]""" self.check(b, a) # Note the parens around x b = """x = filter(lambda (x): x%2 == 0, range(10))""" a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0]""" self.check(b, a) # XXX This (rare) case is not supported ## b = """x = filter(f, 'abc')[0]""" ## a = """x = list(filter(f, 'abc'))[0]""" ## self.check(b, a) def test_filter_nochange(self): a = """b.join(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """(a + foo(5)).join(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """iter(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """list(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """list(filter(f, 'abc'))[0]""" self.unchanged(a) a = """set(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """set(filter(f, 'abc')).pop()""" self.unchanged(a) a = """tuple(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """any(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """all(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sum(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'), key=blah)""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'), key=blah)[0]""" self.unchanged(a) a = """for i in filter(f, 'abc'): pass""" self.unchanged(a) a = """[x for x in filter(f, 'abc')]""" self.unchanged(a) a = """(x for x in filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) def test_future_builtins(self): a = "from future_builtins import spam, filter; filter(f, 'ham')" self.unchanged(a) b = """from future_builtins import spam; x = filter(f, 'abc')""" a = """from future_builtins import spam; x = list(filter(f, 'abc'))""" self.check(b, a) a = "from future_builtins import *; filter(f, 'ham')" self.unchanged(a) class Test_map(FixerTestCase): fixer = "map" def check(self, b, a): self.unchanged("from future_builtins import map; " + b, a) FixerTestCase.check(self, b, a) def test_prefix_preservation(self): b = """x = map( f, 'abc' )""" a = """x = list(map( f, 'abc' ))""" self.check(b, a) def test_trailing_comment(self): b = """x = map(f, 'abc') # foo""" a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc')) # foo""" self.check(b, a) def test_map_basic(self): b = """x = map(f, 'abc')""" a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = len(map(f, 'abc', 'def'))""" a = """x = len(list(map(f, 'abc', 'def')))""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = map(None, 'abc')""" a = """x = list('abc')""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = map(None, 'abc', 'def')""" a = """x = list(map(None, 'abc', 'def'))""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = map(lambda x: x+1, range(4))""" a = """x = [x+1 for x in range(4)]""" self.check(b, a) # Note the parens around x b = """x = map(lambda (x): x+1, range(4))""" a = """x = [x+1 for x in range(4)]""" self.check(b, a) b = """ foo() # foo map(f, x) """ a = """ foo() # foo list(map(f, x)) """ self.warns(b, a, "You should use a for loop here") # XXX This (rare) case is not supported ## b = """x = map(f, 'abc')[0]""" ## a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))[0]""" ## self.check(b, a) def test_map_nochange(self): a = """b.join(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """(a + foo(5)).join(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """iter(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """list(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """list(map(f, 'abc'))[0]""" self.unchanged(a) a = """set(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """set(map(f, 'abc')).pop()""" self.unchanged(a) a = """tuple(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """any(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """all(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sum(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'), key=blah)""" self.unchanged(a) a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'), key=blah)[0]""" self.unchanged(a) a = """for i in map(f, 'abc'): pass""" self.unchanged(a) a = """[x for x in map(f, 'abc')]""" self.unchanged(a) a = """(x for x in map(f, 'abc'))""" self.unchanged(a) def test_future_builtins(self): a = "from future_builtins import spam, map, eggs; map(f, 'ham')" self.unchanged(a) b = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = map(f, 'abc')""" a = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = list(map(f, 'abc'))""" self.check(b, a) a = "from future_builtins import *; map(f, 'ham')" self.unchanged(a) class Test_standarderror(FixerTestCase): fixer = "standarderror" def test(self): b = """x = StandardError()""" a = """x = Exception()""" self.check(b, a) b = """x = StandardError(a, b, c)""" a = """x = Exception(a, b, c)""" self.check(b, a) b = """f(2 + StandardError(a, b, c))""" a = """f(2 + Exception(a, b, c))""" self.check(b, a) class Test_types(FixerTestCase): fixer = "types" def test_basic_types_convert(self): b = """types.StringType""" a = """bytes""" self.check(b, a) b = """types.DictType""" a = """dict""" self.check(b, a) b = """types . IntType""" a = """int""" self.check(b, a) b = """types.ListType""" a = """list""" self.check(b, a) b = """types.LongType""" a = """int""" self.check(b, a) b = """types.NoneType""" a = """type(None)""" self.check(b, a) class Test_idioms(FixerTestCase): fixer = "idioms" def test_while(self): b = """while 1: foo()""" a = """while True: foo()""" self.check(b, a) b = """while 1: foo()""" a = """while True: foo()""" self.check(b, a) b = """ while 1: foo() """ a = """ while True: foo() """ self.check(b, a) def test_while_unchanged(self): s = """while 11: foo()""" self.unchanged(s) s = """while 0: foo()""" self.unchanged(s) s = """while foo(): foo()""" self.unchanged(s) s = """while []: foo()""" self.unchanged(s) def test_eq_simple(self): b = """type(x) == T""" a = """isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if type(x) == T: pass""" a = """if isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_eq_reverse(self): b = """T == type(x)""" a = """isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if T == type(x): pass""" a = """if isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_eq_expression(self): b = """type(x+y) == d.get('T')""" a = """isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) b = """type( x + y) == d.get('T')""" a = """isinstance(x + y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) def test_is_simple(self): b = """type(x) is T""" a = """isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if type(x) is T: pass""" a = """if isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_is_reverse(self): b = """T is type(x)""" a = """isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if T is type(x): pass""" a = """if isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_is_expression(self): b = """type(x+y) is d.get('T')""" a = """isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) b = """type( x + y) is d.get('T')""" a = """isinstance(x + y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) def test_is_not_simple(self): b = """type(x) is not T""" a = """not isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if type(x) is not T: pass""" a = """if not isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_is_not_reverse(self): b = """T is not type(x)""" a = """not isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if T is not type(x): pass""" a = """if not isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_is_not_expression(self): b = """type(x+y) is not d.get('T')""" a = """not isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) b = """type( x + y) is not d.get('T')""" a = """not isinstance(x + y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) def test_ne_simple(self): b = """type(x) != T""" a = """not isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if type(x) != T: pass""" a = """if not isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_ne_reverse(self): b = """T != type(x)""" a = """not isinstance(x, T)""" self.check(b, a) b = """if T != type(x): pass""" a = """if not isinstance(x, T): pass""" self.check(b, a) def test_ne_expression(self): b = """type(x+y) != d.get('T')""" a = """not isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) b = """type( x + y) != d.get('T')""" a = """not isinstance(x + y, d.get('T'))""" self.check(b, a) def test_type_unchanged(self): a = """type(x).__name__""" self.unchanged(a) def test_sort_list_call(self): b = """ v = list(t) v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(t) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ v = list(foo(b) + d) v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(foo(b) + d) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ while x: v = list(t) v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ while x: v = sorted(t) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ v = list(t) # foo v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(t) # foo foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = r""" v = list( t) v.sort() foo(v) """ a = r""" v = sorted( t) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) def test_sort_simple_expr(self): b = """ v = t v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(t) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ v = foo(b) v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(foo(b)) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ v = b.keys() v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(b.keys()) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ v = foo(b) + d v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(foo(b) + d) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ while x: v = t v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ while x: v = sorted(t) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = """ v = t # foo v.sort() foo(v) """ a = """ v = sorted(t) # foo foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) b = r""" v = t v.sort() foo(v) """ a = r""" v = sorted(t) foo(v) """ self.check(b, a) def test_sort_unchanged(self): s = """ v = list(t) w.sort() foo(w) """ self.unchanged(s) s = """ v = list(t) v.sort(u) foo(v) """ self.unchanged(s) class Test_basestring(FixerTestCase): fixer = "basestring" def test_basestring(self): b = """isinstance(x, basestring)""" a = """isinstance(x, str)""" self.check(b, a) class Test_buffer(FixerTestCase): fixer = "buffer" def test_buffer(self): b = """x = buffer(y)""" a = """x = memoryview(y)""" self.check(b, a) class Test_future(FixerTestCase): fixer = "future" def test_future(self): b = """from __future__ import braces""" a = """""" self.check(b, a) class Test_itertools(FixerTestCase): fixer = "itertools" def checkall(self, before, after): # Because we need to check with and without the itertools prefix # and on each of the three functions, these loops make it all # much easier for i in ('itertools.', ''): for f in ('map', 'filter', 'zip'): b = before %(i+'i'+f) a = after %(f) self.check(b, a) def test_0(self): # A simple example -- test_1 covers exactly the same thing, # but it's not quite as clear. b = "itertools.izip(a, b)" a = "zip(a, b)" self.check(b, a) def test_1(self): b = """%s(f, a)""" a = """%s(f, a)""" self.checkall(b, a) def test_2(self): b = """itertools.ifilterfalse(a, b)""" a = """itertools.filterfalse(a, b)""" self.check(b, a) def test_4(self): b = """ifilterfalse(a, b)""" a = """filterfalse(a, b)""" self.check(b, a) def test_space_1(self): b = """ %s(f, a)""" a = """ %s(f, a)""" self.checkall(b, a) def test_space_2(self): b = """ itertools.ifilterfalse(a, b)""" a = """ itertools.filterfalse(a, b)""" self.check(b, a) if __name__ == "__main__": import __main__ support.run_all_tests(__main__)