#! /usr/bin/env python """Read/write support for Maildir, mbox, MH, Babyl, and MMDF mailboxes.""" import os import time import calendar import socket import errno import copy import email import email.Message import email.Generator import rfc822 import StringIO try: import fnctl except ImportError: fcntl = None __all__ = [ 'Mailbox', 'Maildir', 'mbox', 'MH', 'Babyl', 'MMDF', 'Message', 'MaildirMessage', 'mboxMessage', 'MHMessage', 'BabylMessage', 'MMDFMessage', 'UnixMailbox', 'PortableUnixMailbox', 'MmdfMailbox', 'MHMailbox', 'BabylMailbox' ] class Mailbox: """A group of messages in a particular place.""" def __init__(self, path, factory=None, create=True): """Initialize a Mailbox instance.""" self._path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) self._factory = factory def add(self, message): """Add message and return assigned key.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def remove(self, key): """Remove the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def __delitem__(self, key): self.remove(key) def discard(self, key): """If the keyed message exists, remove it.""" try: self.remove(key) except KeyError: pass def __setitem__(self, key, message): """Replace the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def get(self, key, default=None): """Return the keyed message, or default if it doesn't exist.""" try: return self.__getitem__(key) except KeyError: return default def __getitem__(self, key): """Return the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" if not self._factory: return self.get_message(key) else: return self._factory(self.get_file(key)) def get_message(self, key): """Return a Message representation or raise a KeyError.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def get_string(self, key): """Return a string representation or raise a KeyError.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def get_file(self, key): """Return a file-like representation or raise a KeyError.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def iterkeys(self): """Return an iterator over keys.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def keys(self): """Return a list of keys.""" return list(self.iterkeys()) def itervalues(self): """Return an iterator over all messages.""" for key in self.iterkeys(): try: value = self[key] except KeyError: continue yield value def __iter__(self): return self.itervalues() def values(self): """Return a list of messages. Memory intensive.""" return list(self.itervalues()) def iteritems(self): """Return an iterator over (key, message) tuples.""" for key in self.iterkeys(): try: value = self[key] except KeyError: continue yield (key, value) def items(self): """Return a list of (key, message) tuples. Memory intensive.""" return list(self.iteritems()) def has_key(self, key): """Return True if the keyed message exists, False otherwise.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_key(key) def __len__(self): """Return a count of messages in the mailbox.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def clear(self): """Delete all messages.""" for key in self.iterkeys(): self.discard(key) def pop(self, key, default=None): """Delete the keyed message and return it, or default.""" try: result = self[key] except KeyError: return default self.discard(key) return result def popitem(self): """Delete an arbitrary (key, message) pair and return it.""" for key in self.iterkeys(): return (key, self.pop(key)) # This is only run once. else: raise KeyError('No messages in mailbox') def update(self, arg=None): """Change the messages that correspond to certain keys.""" if hasattr(arg, 'iteritems'): source = arg.iteritems() elif hasattr(arg, 'items'): source = arg.items() else: source = arg bad_key = False for key, message in source: try: self[key] = message except KeyError: bad_key = True if bad_key: raise KeyError('No message with key(s)') def flush(self): """Write any pending changes to the disk.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def lock(self): """Lock the mailbox.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def unlock(self): """Unlock the mailbox if it is locked.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def close(self): """Flush and close the mailbox.""" raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented by subclass') def _dump_message(self, message, target, mangle_from_=False): # Most files are opened in binary mode to allow predictable seeking. # To get native line endings on disk, the user-friendly \n line endings # used in strings and by email.Message are translated here. """Dump message contents to target file.""" if isinstance(message, email.Message.Message): buffer = StringIO.StringIO() gen = email.Generator.Generator(buffer, mangle_from_, 0) gen.flatten(message) buffer.seek(0) target.write(buffer.read().replace('\n', os.linesep)) elif isinstance(message, str): if mangle_from_: message = message.replace('\nFrom ', '\n>From ') message = message.replace('\n', os.linesep) target.write(message) elif hasattr(message, 'read'): while True: line = message.readline() if line == '': break if mangle_from_ and line.startswith('From '): line = '>From ' + line[5:] line = line.replace('\n', os.linesep) target.write(line) else: raise TypeError('Invalid message type: %s' % type(message)) class Maildir(Mailbox): """A qmail-style Maildir mailbox.""" colon = ':' def __init__(self, dirname, factory=rfc822.Message, create=True): """Initialize a Maildir instance.""" Mailbox.__init__(self, dirname, factory, create) if not os.path.exists(self._path): if create: os.mkdir(self._path, 0700) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self._path, 'tmp'), 0700) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self._path, 'new'), 0700) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self._path, 'cur'), 0700) else: raise NoSuchMailboxError(self._path) self._toc = {} def add(self, message): """Add message and return assigned key.""" tmp_file = self._create_tmp() try: self._dump_message(message, tmp_file) finally: tmp_file.close() if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): subdir = message.get_subdir() suffix = self.colon + message.get_info() if suffix == self.colon: suffix = '' else: subdir = 'new' suffix = '' uniq = os.path.basename(tmp_file.name).split(self.colon)[0] dest = os.path.join(self._path, subdir, uniq + suffix) os.rename(tmp_file.name, dest) if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): os.utime(dest, (os.path.getatime(dest), message.get_date())) return uniq def remove(self, key): """Remove the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" os.remove(os.path.join(self._path, self._lookup(key))) def discard(self, key): """If the keyed message exists, remove it.""" # This overrides an inapplicable implementation in the superclass. try: self.remove(key) except KeyError: pass except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass else: raise def __setitem__(self, key, message): """Replace the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" old_subpath = self._lookup(key) temp_key = self.add(message) temp_subpath = self._lookup(temp_key) if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): # temp's subdir and suffix were specified by message. dominant_subpath = temp_subpath else: # temp's subdir and suffix were defaults from add(). dominant_subpath = old_subpath subdir = os.path.dirname(dominant_subpath) if self.colon in dominant_subpath: suffix = self.colon + dominant_subpath.split(self.colon)[-1] else: suffix = '' self.discard(key) new_path = os.path.join(self._path, subdir, key + suffix) os.rename(os.path.join(self._path, temp_subpath), new_path) if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): os.utime(new_path, (os.path.getatime(new_path), message.get_date())) def get_message(self, key): """Return a Message representation or raise a KeyError.""" subpath = self._lookup(key) f = file(os.path.join(self._path, subpath), 'r') try: msg = MaildirMessage(f) finally: f.close() subdir, name = os.path.split(subpath) msg.set_subdir(subdir) if self.colon in name: msg.set_info(name.split(self.colon)[-1]) msg.set_date(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self._path, subpath))) return msg def get_string(self, key): """Return a string representation or raise a KeyError.""" f = file(os.path.join(self._path, self._lookup(key)), 'r') try: return f.read() finally: f.close() def get_file(self, key): """Return a file-like representation or raise a KeyError.""" f = file(os.path.join(self._path, self._lookup(key)), 'rb') return _ProxyFile(f) def iterkeys(self): """Return an iterator over keys.""" self._refresh() for key in self._toc: try: self._lookup(key) except KeyError: continue yield key def has_key(self, key): """Return True if the keyed message exists, False otherwise.""" self._refresh() return key in self._toc def __len__(self): """Return a count of messages in the mailbox.""" self._refresh() return len(self._toc) def flush(self): """Write any pending changes to disk.""" return # Maildir changes are always written immediately. def lock(self): """Lock the mailbox.""" return def unlock(self): """Unlock the mailbox if it is locked.""" return def close(self): """Flush and close the mailbox.""" return def list_folders(self): """Return a list of folder names.""" result = [] for entry in os.listdir(self._path): if len(entry) > 1 and entry[0] == '.' and \ os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._path, entry)): result.append(entry[1:]) return result def get_folder(self, folder): """Return a Maildir instance for the named folder.""" return Maildir(os.path.join(self._path, '.' + folder), create=False) def add_folder(self, folder): """Create a folder and return a Maildir instance representing it.""" path = os.path.join(self._path, '.' + folder) result = Maildir(path) maildirfolder_path = os.path.join(path, 'maildirfolder') if not os.path.exists(maildirfolder_path): os.close(os.open(maildirfolder_path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY)) return result def remove_folder(self, folder): """Delete the named folder, which must be empty.""" path = os.path.join(self._path, '.' + folder) for entry in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, 'new')) + \ os.listdir(os.path.join(path, 'cur')): if len(entry) < 1 or entry[0] != '.': raise NotEmptyError('Folder contains message(s): %s' % folder) for entry in os.listdir(path): if entry != 'new' and entry != 'cur' and entry != 'tmp' and \ os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, entry)): raise NotEmptyError("Folder contains subdirectory '%s': %s" % (folder, entry)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False): for entry in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, entry)) for entry in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, entry)) os.rmdir(path) def clean(self): """Delete old files in "tmp".""" now = time.time() for entry in os.listdir(os.path.join(self._path, 'tmp')): path = os.path.join(self._path, 'tmp', entry) if now - os.path.getatime(path) > 129600: # 60 * 60 * 36 os.remove(path) _count = 1 # This is used to generate unique file names. def _create_tmp(self): """Create a file in the tmp subdirectory and open and return it.""" now = time.time() hostname = socket.gethostname() if '/' in hostname: hostname = hostname.replace('/', r'\057') if ':' in hostname: hostname = hostname.replace(':', r'\072') uniq = "%s.M%sP%sQ%s.%s" % (int(now), int(now % 1 * 1e6), os.getpid(), Maildir._count, hostname) path = os.path.join(self._path, 'tmp', uniq) try: os.stat(path) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: Maildir._count += 1 return file(path, 'wb+') else: raise else: raise ExternalClashError('Name clash prevented file creation: %s' % path) def _refresh(self): """Update table of contents mapping.""" self._toc = {} for subdir in ('new', 'cur'): for entry in os.listdir(os.path.join(self._path, subdir)): uniq = entry.split(self.colon)[0] self._toc[uniq] = os.path.join(subdir, entry) def _lookup(self, key): """Use TOC to return subpath for given key, or raise a KeyError.""" try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._path, self._toc[key])): return self._toc[key] except KeyError: pass self._refresh() try: return self._toc[key] except KeyError: raise KeyError('No message with key: %s' % key) # This method is for backward compatibility only. def next(self): """Return the next message in a one-time iteration.""" if not hasattr(self, '_onetime_keys'): self._onetime_keys = self.iterkeys() while True: try: return self[self._onetime_keys.next()] except StopIteration: return None except KeyError: continue class _singlefileMailbox(Mailbox): """A single-file mailbox.""" def __init__(self, path, factory=None, create=True): """Initialize a single-file mailbox.""" Mailbox.__init__(self, path, factory, create) try: f = file(self._path, 'rb+') except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: if create: f = file(self._path, 'wb+') else: raise NoSuchMailboxError(self._path) elif e.errno == errno.EACCES: f = file(self._path, 'rb') else: raise self._file = f self._toc = None self._next_key = 0 self._pending = False # No changes require rewriting the file. self._locked = False def add(self, message): """Add message and return assigned key.""" self._lookup() self._toc[self._next_key] = self._append_message(message) self._next_key += 1 self._pending = True return self._next_key - 1 def remove(self, key): """Remove the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" self._lookup(key) del self._toc[key] self._pending = True def __setitem__(self, key, message): """Replace the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" self._lookup(key) self._toc[key] = self._append_message(message) self._pending = True def iterkeys(self): """Return an iterator over keys.""" self._lookup() for key in self._toc.keys(): yield key def has_key(self, key): """Return True if the keyed message exists, False otherwise.""" self._lookup() return key in self._toc def __len__(self): """Return a count of messages in the mailbox.""" self._lookup() return len(self._toc) def lock(self): """Lock the mailbox.""" if not self._locked: _lock_file(self._file) self._locked = True def unlock(self): """Unlock the mailbox if it is locked.""" if self._locked: _unlock_file(self._file) self._locked = False def flush(self): """Write any pending changes to disk.""" if not self._pending: return self._lookup() new_file = _create_temporary(self._path) try: new_toc = {} self._pre_mailbox_hook(new_file) for key in sorted(self._toc.keys()): start, stop = self._toc[key] self._file.seek(start) self._pre_message_hook(new_file) new_start = new_file.tell() while True: buffer = self._file.read(min(4096, stop - self._file.tell())) if buffer == '': break new_file.write(buffer) new_toc[key] = (new_start, new_file.tell()) self._post_message_hook(new_file) except: new_file.close() os.remove(new_file.name) raise new_file.close() self._file.close() try: os.rename(new_file.name, self._path) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: os.remove(self._path) os.rename(new_file.name, self._path) else: raise self._file = file(self._path, 'rb+') self._toc = new_toc self._pending = False if self._locked: _lock_file(new_file, dotlock=False) def _pre_mailbox_hook(self, f): """Called before writing the mailbox to file f.""" return def _pre_message_hook(self, f): """Called before writing each message to file f.""" return def _post_message_hook(self, f): """Called after writing each message to file f.""" return def close(self): """Flush and close the mailbox.""" self.flush() if self._locked: self.unlock() self._file.close() def _lookup(self, key=None): """Return (start, stop) or raise KeyError.""" if self._toc is None: self._generate_toc() if key is not None: try: return self._toc[key] except KeyError: raise KeyError('No message with key: %s' % key) def _append_message(self, message): """Append message to mailbox and return (start, stop) offsets.""" self._file.seek(0, 2) self._pre_message_hook(self._file) offsets = self._install_message(message) self._post_message_hook(self._file) self._file.flush() return offsets class _mboxMMDF(_singlefileMailbox): """An mbox or MMDF mailbox.""" _mangle_from_ = True def get_message(self, key): """Return a Message representation or raise a KeyError.""" start, stop = self._lookup(key) self._file.seek(start) from_line = self._file.readline().replace(os.linesep, '') string = self._file.read(stop - self._file.tell()) msg = self._message_factory(string.replace(os.linesep, '\n')) msg.set_from(from_line[5:]) return msg def get_string(self, key, from_=False): """Return a string representation or raise a KeyError.""" start, stop = self._lookup(key) self._file.seek(start) if not from_: self._file.readline() string = self._file.read(stop - self._file.tell()) return string.replace(os.linesep, '\n') def get_file(self, key, from_=False): """Return a file-like representation or raise a KeyError.""" start, stop = self._lookup(key) self._file.seek(start) if not from_: self._file.readline() return _PartialFile(self._file, self._file.tell(), stop) def _install_message(self, message): """Format a message and blindly write to self._file.""" from_line = None if isinstance(message, str) and message.startswith('From '): newline = message.find('\n') if newline != -1: from_line = message[:newline] message = message[newline + 1:] else: from_line = message message = '' elif isinstance(message, _mboxMMDFMessage): from_line = 'From ' + message.get_from() elif isinstance(message, email.Message.Message): from_line = message.get_unixfrom() # May be None. if from_line is None: from_line = 'From MAILER-DAEMON %s' % time.asctime(time.gmtime()) start = self._file.tell() self._file.write(from_line + os.linesep) self._dump_message(message, self._file, self._mangle_from_) stop = self._file.tell() return (start, stop) class mbox(_mboxMMDF): """A classic mbox mailbox.""" _mangle_from_ = True def __init__(self, path, factory=None, create=True): """Initialize an mbox mailbox.""" self._message_factory = mboxMessage _mboxMMDF.__init__(self, path, factory, create) def _pre_message_hook(self, f): """Called before writing each message to file f.""" if f.tell() != 0: f.write(os.linesep) def _generate_toc(self): """Generate key-to-(start, stop) table of contents.""" starts, stops = [], [] self._file.seek(0) while True: line_pos = self._file.tell() line = self._file.readline() if line.startswith('From '): if len(stops) < len(starts): stops.append(line_pos - len(os.linesep)) starts.append(line_pos) elif line == '': stops.append(line_pos) break self._toc = dict(enumerate(zip(starts, stops))) self._next_key = len(self._toc) class MMDF(_mboxMMDF): """An MMDF mailbox.""" def __init__(self, path, factory=None, create=True): """Initialize an MMDF mailbox.""" self._message_factory = MMDFMessage _mboxMMDF.__init__(self, path, factory, create) def _pre_message_hook(self, f): """Called before writing each message to file f.""" f.write('\001\001\001\001' + os.linesep) def _post_message_hook(self, f): """Called after writing each message to file f.""" f.write(os.linesep + '\001\001\001\001' + os.linesep) def _generate_toc(self): """Generate key-to-(start, stop) table of contents.""" starts, stops = [], [] self._file.seek(0) next_pos = 0 while True: line_pos = next_pos line = self._file.readline() next_pos = self._file.tell() if line.startswith('\001\001\001\001' + os.linesep): starts.append(next_pos) while True: line_pos = next_pos line = self._file.readline() next_pos = self._file.tell() if line == '\001\001\001\001' + os.linesep: stops.append(line_pos - len(os.linesep)) break elif line == '': stops.append(line_pos) break elif line == '': break self._toc = dict(enumerate(zip(starts, stops))) self._next_key = len(self._toc) class MH(Mailbox): """An MH mailbox.""" def __init__(self, path, factory=None, create=True): """Initialize an MH instance.""" Mailbox.__init__(self, path, factory, create) if not os.path.exists(self._path): if create: os.mkdir(self._path, 0700) os.close(os.open(os.path.join(self._path, '.mh_sequences'), os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY, 0600)) else: raise NoSuchMailboxError(self._path) self._locked = False def add(self, message): """Add message and return assigned key.""" keys = self.keys() if len(keys) == 0: new_key = 1 else: new_key = max(keys) + 1 new_path = os.path.join(self._path, str(new_key)) f = _create_carefully(new_path) try: if self._locked: _lock_file(f) try: self._dump_message(message, f) if isinstance(message, MHMessage): self._dump_sequences(message, new_key) finally: if self._locked: _unlock_file(f) finally: f.close() return new_key def remove(self, key): """Remove the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" path = os.path.join(self._path, str(key)) try: f = file(path, 'rb+') except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise KeyError('No message with key: %s' % key) else: raise try: if self._locked: _lock_file(f) try: f.close() os.remove(os.path.join(self._path, str(key))) finally: if self._locked: _unlock_file(f) finally: f.close() def __setitem__(self, key, message): """Replace the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" path = os.path.join(self._path, str(key)) try: f = file(path, 'rb+') except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise KeyError('No message with key: %s' % key) else: raise try: if self._locked: _lock_file(f) try: os.close(os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC)) self._dump_message(message, f) if isinstance(message, MHMessage): self._dump_sequences(message, key) finally: if self._locked: _unlock_file(f) finally: f.close() def get_message(self, key): """Return a Message representation or raise a KeyError.""" try: if self._locked: f = file(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), 'r+') else: f = file(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), 'r') except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise KeyError('No message with key: %s' % key) else: raise try: if self._locked: _lock_file(f) try: msg = MHMessage(f) finally: if self._locked: _unlock_file(f) finally: f.close() for name, key_list in self.get_sequences(): if key in key_list: msg.add_sequence(name) return msg def get_string(self, key): """Return a string representation or raise a KeyError.""" try: if self._locked: f = file(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), 'r+') else: f = file(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), 'r') except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise KeyError('No message with key: %s' % key) else: raise try: if self._locked: _lock_file(f) try: return f.read() finally: if self._locked: _unlock_file(f) finally: f.close() def get_file(self, key): """Return a file-like representation or raise a KeyError.""" try: f = file(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), 'rb') except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise KeyError('No message with key: %s' % key) else: raise return _ProxyFile(f) def iterkeys(self): """Return an iterator over keys.""" return iter(sorted(int(entry) for entry in os.listdir(self._path) if entry.isdigit())) def has_key(self, key): """Return True if the keyed message exists, False otherwise.""" return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._path, str(key))) def __len__(self): """Return a count of messages in the mailbox.""" return len(list(self.iterkeys())) def lock(self): """Lock the mailbox.""" if not self._locked: self._file = file(os.path.join(self._path, '.mh_sequences'), 'rb+') _lock_file(self._file) self._locked = True def unlock(self): """Unlock the mailbox if it is locked.""" if self._locked: _unlock_file(self._file) self._file.close() del self._file self._locked = False def flush(self): """Write any pending changes to the disk.""" return def close(self): """Flush and close the mailbox.""" if self._locked: self.unlock() def list_folders(self): """Return a list of folder names.""" result = [] for entry in os.listdir(self._path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._path, entry)): result.append(entry) return result def get_folder(self, folder): """Return an MH instance for the named folder.""" return MH(os.path.join(self._path, folder), create=False) def add_folder(self, folder): """Create a folder and return an MH instance representing it.""" return MH(os.path.join(self._path, folder)) def remove_folder(self, folder): """Delete the named folder, which must be empty.""" path = os.path.join(self._path, folder) entries = os.listdir(path) if entries == ['.mh_sequences']: os.remove(os.path.join(path, '.mh_sequences')) elif entries == []: pass else: raise NotEmptyError('Folder not empty: %s' % self._path) os.rmdir(path) def get_sequences(self): """Return a name-to-key-list dictionary to define each sequence.""" results = {} f = file(os.path.join(self._path, '.mh_sequences'), 'r') try: all_keys = set(self.keys()) for line in f: try: name, contents = line.split(':') keys = set() for spec in contents.split(): if spec.isdigit(): keys.add(int(spec)) else: start, stop = (int(x) for x in spec.split('-')) keys.update(range(start, stop + 1)) results[name] = [key for key in sorted(keys) \ if key in all_keys] if len(results[name]) == 0: del results[name] except ValueError: raise FormatError('Invalid sequence specification: %s' % line.rstrip()) finally: f.close() return results def set_sequences(self, sequences): """Set sequences using the given name-to-key-list dictionary.""" f = file(os.path.join(self._path, '.mh_sequences'), 'r+') try: os.close(os.open(f.name, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC)) for name, keys in sequences.iteritems(): if len(keys) == 0: continue f.write('%s:' % name) prev = None completing = False for key in sorted(set(keys)): if key - 1 == prev: if not completing: completing = True f.write('-') elif completing: completing = False f.write('%s %s' % (prev, key)) else: f.write(' %s' % key) prev = key if completing: f.write(str(prev) + '\n') else: f.write('\n') finally: f.close() def pack(self): """Re-name messages to eliminate numbering gaps. Invalidates keys.""" sequences = self.get_sequences() prev = 0 changes = [] for key in self.iterkeys(): if key - 1 != prev: changes.append((key, prev + 1)) f = file(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), 'r+') try: if self._locked: _lock_file(f) try: if hasattr(os, 'link'): os.link(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), os.path.join(self._path, str(prev + 1))) os.unlink(os.path.join(self._path, str(key))) else: f.close() os.rename(os.path.join(self._path, str(key)), os.path.join(self._path, str(prev + 1))) finally: if self._locked: _unlock_file(f) finally: f.close() prev += 1 self._next_key = prev + 1 if len(changes) == 0: return for name, key_list in sequences.items(): for old, new in changes: if old in key_list: key_list[key_list.index(old)] = new self.set_sequences(sequences) def _dump_sequences(self, message, key): """Inspect a new MHMessage and update sequences appropriately.""" pending_sequences = message.get_sequences() all_sequences = self.get_sequences() for name, key_list in all_sequences.iteritems(): if name in pending_sequences: key_list.append(key) elif key in key_list: del key_list[key_list.index(key)] for sequence in pending_sequences: if sequence not in all_sequences: all_sequences[sequence] = [key] self.set_sequences(all_sequences) class Babyl(_singlefileMailbox): """An Rmail-style Babyl mailbox.""" _special_labels = frozenset(('unseen', 'deleted', 'filed', 'answered', 'forwarded', 'edited', 'resent')) def __init__(self, path, factory=None, create=True): """Initialize a Babyl mailbox.""" _singlefileMailbox.__init__(self, path, factory, create) self._labels = {} def add(self, message): """Add message and return assigned key.""" key = _singlefileMailbox.add(self, message) if isinstance(message, BabylMessage): self._labels[key] = message.get_labels() return key def remove(self, key): """Remove the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" _singlefileMailbox.remove(self, key) if key in self._labels: del self._labels[key] def __setitem__(self, key, message): """Replace the keyed message; raise KeyError if it doesn't exist.""" _singlefileMailbox.__setitem__(self, key, message) if isinstance(message, BabylMessage): self._labels[key] = message.get_labels() def get_message(self, key): """Return a Message representation or raise a KeyError.""" start, stop = self._lookup(key) self._file.seek(start) self._file.readline() # Skip '1,' line specifying labels. original_headers = StringIO.StringIO() while True: line = self._file.readline() if line == '*** EOOH ***' + os.linesep or line == '': break original_headers.write(line.replace(os.linesep, '\n')) visible_headers = StringIO.StringIO() while True: line = self._file.readline() if line == os.linesep or line == '': break visible_headers.write(line.replace(os.linesep, '\n')) body = self._file.read(stop - self._file.tell()).replace(os.linesep, '\n') msg = BabylMessage(original_headers.getvalue() + body) msg.set_visible(visible_headers.getvalue()) if key in self._labels: msg.set_labels(self._labels[key]) return msg def get_string(self, key): """Return a string representation or raise a KeyError.""" start, stop = self._lookup(key) self._file.seek(start) self._file.readline() # Skip '1,' line specifying labels. original_headers = StringIO.StringIO() while True: line = self._file.readline() if line == '*** EOOH ***' + os.linesep or line == '': break original_headers.write(line.replace(os.linesep, '\n')) while True: line = self._file.readline() if line == os.linesep or line == '': break return original_headers.getvalue() + \ self._file.read(stop - self._file.tell()).replace(os.linesep, '\n') def get_file(self, key): """Return a file-like representation or raise a KeyError.""" return StringIO.StringIO(self.get_string(key).replace('\n', os.linesep)) def get_labels(self): """Return a list of user-defined labels in the mailbox.""" self._lookup() labels = set() for label_list in self._labels.values(): labels.update(label_list) labels.difference_update(self._special_labels) return list(labels) def _generate_toc(self): """Generate key-to-(start, stop) table of contents.""" starts, stops = [], [] self._file.seek(0) next_pos = 0 label_lists = [] while True: line_pos = next_pos line = self._file.readline() next_pos = self._file.tell() if line == '\037\014' + os.linesep: if len(stops) < len(starts): stops.append(line_pos - len(os.linesep)) starts.append(next_pos) labels = [label.strip() for label in self._file.readline()[1:].split(',') if label.strip() != ''] label_lists.append(labels) elif line == '\037' or line == '\037' + os.linesep: if len(stops) < len(starts): stops.append(line_pos - len(os.linesep)) elif line == '': stops.append(line_pos - len(os.linesep)) break self._toc = dict(enumerate(zip(starts, stops))) self._labels = dict(enumerate(label_lists)) self._next_key = len(self._toc) def _pre_mailbox_hook(self, f): """Called before writing the mailbox to file f.""" f.write('BABYL OPTIONS:%sVersion: 5%sLabels:%s%s\037' % (os.linesep, os.linesep, ','.join(self.get_labels()), os.linesep)) def _pre_message_hook(self, f): """Called before writing each message to file f.""" f.write('\014' + os.linesep) def _post_message_hook(self, f): """Called after writing each message to file f.""" f.write(os.linesep + '\037') def _install_message(self, message): """Write message contents and return (start, stop).""" start = self._file.tell() if isinstance(message, BabylMessage): special_labels = [] labels = [] for label in message.get_labels(): if label in self._special_labels: special_labels.append(label) else: labels.append(label) self._file.write('1') for label in special_labels: self._file.write(', ' + label) self._file.write(',,') for label in labels: self._file.write(' ' + label + ',') self._file.write(os.linesep) else: self._file.write('1,,' + os.linesep) if isinstance(message, email.Message.Message): orig_buffer = StringIO.StringIO() orig_generator = email.Generator.Generator(orig_buffer, False, 0) orig_generator.flatten(message) orig_buffer.seek(0) while True: line = orig_buffer.readline() self._file.write(line.replace('\n', os.linesep)) if line == '\n' or line == '': break self._file.write('*** EOOH ***' + os.linesep) if isinstance(message, BabylMessage): vis_buffer = StringIO.StringIO() vis_generator = email.Generator.Generator(vis_buffer, False, 0) vis_generator.flatten(message.get_visible()) while True: line = vis_buffer.readline() self._file.write(line.replace('\n', os.linesep)) if line == '\n' or line == '': break else: orig_buffer.seek(0) while True: line = orig_buffer.readline() self._file.write(line.replace('\n', os.linesep)) if line == '\n' or line == '': break while True: buffer = orig_buffer.read(4096) # Buffer size is arbitrary. if buffer == '': break self._file.write(buffer.replace('\n', os.linesep)) elif isinstance(message, str): body_start = message.find('\n\n') + 2 if body_start - 2 != -1: self._file.write(message[:body_start].replace('\n', os.linesep)) self._file.write('*** EOOH ***' + os.linesep) self._file.write(message[:body_start].replace('\n', os.linesep)) self._file.write(message[body_start:].replace('\n', os.linesep)) else: self._file.write('*** EOOH ***' + os.linesep + os.linesep) self._file.write(message.replace('\n', os.linesep)) elif hasattr(message, 'readline'): original_pos = message.tell() first_pass = True while True: line = message.readline() self._file.write(line.replace('\n', os.linesep)) if line == '\n' or line == '': self._file.write('*** EOOH ***' + os.linesep) if first_pass: first_pass = False message.seek(original_pos) else: break while True: buffer = message.read(4096) # Buffer size is arbitrary. if buffer == '': break self._file.write(buffer.replace('\n', os.linesep)) else: raise TypeError('Invalid message type: %s' % type(message)) stop = self._file.tell() return (start, stop) class Message(email.Message.Message): """Message with mailbox-format-specific properties.""" def __init__(self, message=None): """Initialize a Message instance.""" if isinstance(message, email.Message.Message): self._become_message(copy.deepcopy(message)) if isinstance(message, Message): message._explain_to(self) elif isinstance(message, str): self._become_message(email.message_from_string(message)) elif hasattr(message, "read"): self._become_message(email.message_from_file(message)) elif message is None: email.Message.Message.__init__(self) else: raise TypeError('Invalid message type: %s' % type(message)) def _become_message(self, message): """Assume the non-format-specific state of message.""" for name in ('_headers', '_unixfrom', '_payload', '_charset', 'preamble', 'epilogue', 'defects', '_default_type'): self.__dict__[name] = message.__dict__[name] def _explain_to(self, message): """Copy format-specific state to message insofar as possible.""" if isinstance(message, Message): return # There's nothing format-specific to explain. else: raise TypeError('Cannot convert to specified type') class MaildirMessage(Message): """Message with Maildir-specific properties.""" def __init__(self, message=None): """Initialize a MaildirMessage instance.""" self._subdir = 'new' self._info = '' self._date = time.time() Message.__init__(self, message) def get_subdir(self): """Return 'new' or 'cur'.""" return self._subdir def set_subdir(self, subdir): """Set subdir to 'new' or 'cur'.""" if subdir == 'new' or subdir == 'cur': self._subdir = subdir else: raise ValueError("subdir must be 'new' or 'cur': %s" % subdir) def get_flags(self): """Return as a string the flags that are set.""" if self._info.startswith('2,'): return self._info[2:] else: return '' def set_flags(self, flags): """Set the given flags and unset all others.""" self._info = '2,' + ''.join(sorted(flags)) def add_flag(self, flag): """Set the given flag(s) without changing others.""" self.set_flags(''.join(set(self.get_flags()) | set(flag))) def remove_flag(self, flag): """Unset the given string flag(s) without changing others.""" if self.get_flags() != '': self.set_flags(''.join(set(self.get_flags()) - set(flag))) def get_date(self): """Return delivery date of message, in seconds since the epoch.""" return self._date def set_date(self, date): """Set delivery date of message, in seconds since the epoch.""" try: self._date = float(date) except ValueError: raise TypeError("can't convert to float: %s" % date) def get_info(self): """Get the message's "info" as a string.""" return self._info def set_info(self, info): """Set the message's "info" string.""" if isinstance(info, str): self._info = info else: raise TypeError('info must be a string: %s' % type(info)) def _explain_to(self, message): """Copy Maildir-specific state to message insofar as possible.""" if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): message.set_flags(self.get_flags()) message.set_subdir(self.get_subdir()) message.set_date(self.get_date()) elif isinstance(message, _mboxMMDFMessage): flags = set(self.get_flags()) if 'S' in flags: message.add_flag('R') if self.get_subdir() == 'cur': message.add_flag('O') if 'T' in flags: message.add_flag('D') if 'F' in flags: message.add_flag('F') if 'R' in flags: message.add_flag('A') message.set_from('MAILER-DAEMON', time.gmtime(self.get_date())) elif isinstance(message, MHMessage): flags = set(self.get_flags()) if 'S' not in flags: message.add_sequence('unseen') if 'R' in flags: message.add_sequence('replied') if 'F' in flags: message.add_sequence('flagged') elif isinstance(message, BabylMessage): flags = set(self.get_flags()) if 'S' not in flags: message.add_label('unseen') if 'T' in flags: message.add_label('deleted') if 'R' in flags: message.add_label('answered') if 'P' in flags: message.add_label('forwarded') elif isinstance(message, Message): pass else: raise TypeError('Cannot convert to specified type: %s' % type(message)) class _mboxMMDFMessage(Message): """Message with mbox- or MMDF-specific properties.""" def __init__(self, message=None): """Initialize an mboxMMDFMessage instance.""" self.set_from('MAILER-DAEMON', True) if isinstance(message, email.Message.Message): unixfrom = message.get_unixfrom() if unixfrom is not None and unixfrom.startswith('From '): self.set_from(unixfrom[5:]) Message.__init__(self, message) def get_from(self): """Return contents of "From " line.""" return self._from def set_from(self, from_, time_=None): """Set "From " line, formatting and appending time_ if specified.""" if time_ is not None: if time_ is True: time_ = time.gmtime() from_ += ' ' + time.asctime(time_) self._from = from_ def get_flags(self): """Return as a string the flags that are set.""" return self.get('Status', '') + self.get('X-Status', '') def set_flags(self, flags): """Set the given flags and unset all others.""" flags = set(flags) status_flags, xstatus_flags = '', '' for flag in ('R', 'O'): if flag in flags: status_flags += flag flags.remove(flag) for flag in ('D', 'F', 'A'): if flag in flags: xstatus_flags += flag flags.remove(flag) xstatus_flags += ''.join(sorted(flags)) try: self.replace_header('Status', status_flags) except KeyError: self.add_header('Status', status_flags) try: self.replace_header('X-Status', xstatus_flags) except KeyError: self.add_header('X-Status', xstatus_flags) def add_flag(self, flag): """Set the given flag(s) without changing others.""" self.set_flags(''.join(set(self.get_flags()) | set(flag))) def remove_flag(self, flag): """Unset the given string flag(s) without changing others.""" if 'Status' in self or 'X-Status' in self: self.set_flags(''.join(set(self.get_flags()) - set(flag))) def _explain_to(self, message): """Copy mbox- or MMDF-specific state to message insofar as possible.""" if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): flags = set(self.get_flags()) if 'O' in flags: message.set_subdir('cur') if 'F' in flags: message.add_flag('F') if 'A' in flags: message.add_flag('R') if 'R' in flags: message.add_flag('S') if 'D' in flags: message.add_flag('T') del message['status'] del message['x-status'] maybe_date = ' '.join(self.get_from().split()[-5:]) try: message.set_date(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(maybe_date, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'))) except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass elif isinstance(message, _mboxMMDFMessage): message.set_flags(self.get_flags()) message.set_from(self.get_from()) elif isinstance(message, MHMessage): flags = set(self.get_flags()) if 'R' not in flags: message.add_sequence('unseen') if 'A' in flags: message.add_sequence('replied') if 'F' in flags: message.add_sequence('flagged') del message['status'] del message['x-status'] elif isinstance(message, BabylMessage): flags = set(self.get_flags()) if 'R' not in flags: message.add_label('unseen') if 'D' in flags: message.add_label('deleted') if 'A' in flags: message.add_label('answered') del message['status'] del message['x-status'] elif isinstance(message, Message): pass else: raise TypeError('Cannot convert to specified type: %s' % type(message)) class mboxMessage(_mboxMMDFMessage): """Message with mbox-specific properties.""" class MHMessage(Message): """Message with MH-specific properties.""" def __init__(self, message=None): """Initialize an MHMessage instance.""" self._sequences = [] Message.__init__(self, message) def get_sequences(self): """Return a list of sequences that include the message.""" return self._sequences[:] def set_sequences(self, sequences): """Set the list of sequences that include the message.""" self._sequences = list(sequences) def add_sequence(self, sequence): """Add sequence to list of sequences including the message.""" if isinstance(sequence, str): if not sequence in self._sequences: self._sequences.append(sequence) else: raise TypeError('sequence must be a string: %s' % type(sequence)) def remove_sequence(self, sequence): """Remove sequence from the list of sequences including the message.""" try: self._sequences.remove(sequence) except ValueError: pass def _explain_to(self, message): """Copy MH-specific state to message insofar as possible.""" if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): sequences = set(self.get_sequences()) if 'unseen' in sequences: message.set_subdir('cur') else: message.set_subdir('cur') message.add_flag('S') if 'flagged' in sequences: message.add_flag('F') if 'replied' in sequences: message.add_flag('R') elif isinstance(message, _mboxMMDFMessage): sequences = set(self.get_sequences()) if 'unseen' not in sequences: message.add_flag('RO') else: message.add_flag('O') if 'flagged' in sequences: message.add_flag('F') if 'replied' in sequences: message.add_flag('A') elif isinstance(message, MHMessage): for sequence in self.get_sequences(): message.add_sequence(sequence) elif isinstance(message, BabylMessage): sequences = set(self.get_sequences()) if 'unseen' in sequences: message.add_label('unseen') if 'replied' in sequences: message.add_label('answered') elif isinstance(message, Message): pass else: raise TypeError('Cannot convert to specified type: %s' % type(message)) class BabylMessage(Message): """Message with Babyl-specific properties.""" def __init__(self, message=None): """Initialize an BabylMessage instance.""" self._labels = [] self._visible = Message() Message.__init__(self, message) def get_labels(self): """Return a list of labels on the message.""" return self._labels[:] def set_labels(self, labels): """Set the list of labels on the message.""" self._labels = list(labels) def add_label(self, label): """Add label to list of labels on the message.""" if isinstance(label, str): if label not in self._labels: self._labels.append(label) else: raise TypeError('label must be a string: %s' % type(label)) def remove_label(self, label): """Remove label from the list of labels on the message.""" try: self._labels.remove(label) except ValueError: pass def get_visible(self): """Return a Message representation of visible headers.""" return Message(self._visible) def set_visible(self, visible): """Set the Message representation of visible headers.""" self._visible = Message(visible) def update_visible(self): """Update and/or sensibly generate a set of visible headers.""" for header in self._visible.keys(): if header in self: self._visible.replace_header(header, self[header]) else: del self._visible[header] for header in ('Date', 'From', 'Reply-To', 'To', 'CC', 'Subject'): if header in self and header not in self._visible: self._visible[header] = self[header] def _explain_to(self, message): """Copy Babyl-specific state to message insofar as possible.""" if isinstance(message, MaildirMessage): labels = set(self.get_labels()) if 'unseen' in labels: message.set_subdir('cur') else: message.set_subdir('cur') message.add_flag('S') if 'forwarded' in labels or 'resent' in labels: message.add_flag('P') if 'answered' in labels: message.add_flag('R') if 'deleted' in labels: message.add_flag('T') elif isinstance(message, _mboxMMDFMessage): labels = set(self.get_labels()) if 'unseen' not in labels: message.add_flag('RO') else: message.add_flag('O') if 'deleted' in labels: message.add_flag('D') if 'answered' in labels: message.add_flag('A') elif isinstance(message, MHMessage): labels = set(self.get_labels()) if 'unseen' in labels: message.add_sequence('unseen') if 'answered' in labels: message.add_sequence('replied') elif isinstance(message, BabylMessage): message.set_visible(self.get_visible()) for label in self.get_labels(): message.add_label(label) elif isinstance(message, Message): pass else: raise TypeError('Cannot convert to specified type: %s' % type(message)) class MMDFMessage(_mboxMMDFMessage): """Message with MMDF-specific properties.""" class _ProxyFile: """A read-only wrapper of a file.""" def __init__(self, f, pos=None): """Initialize a _ProxyFile.""" self._file = f if pos is None: self._pos = f.tell() else: self._pos = pos def read(self, size=None): """Read bytes.""" return self._read(size, self._file.read) def readline(self, size=None): """Read a line.""" return self._read(size, self._file.readline) def readlines(self, sizehint=None): """Read multiple lines.""" result = [] for line in self: result.append(line) if sizehint is not None: sizehint -= len(line) if sizehint <= 0: break return result def __iter__(self): """Iterate over lines.""" return iter(self.readline, "") def tell(self): """Return the position.""" return self._pos def seek(self, offset, whence=0): """Change position.""" if whence == 1: self._file.seek(self._pos) self._file.seek(offset, whence) self._pos = self._file.tell() def close(self): """Close the file.""" del self._file def _read(self, size, read_method): """Read size bytes using read_method.""" if size is None: size = -1 self._file.seek(self._pos) result = read_method(size) self._pos = self._file.tell() return result class _PartialFile(_ProxyFile): """A read-only wrapper of part of a file.""" def __init__(self, f, start=None, stop=None): """Initialize a _PartialFile.""" _ProxyFile.__init__(self, f, start) self._start = start self._stop = stop def tell(self): """Return the position with respect to start.""" return _ProxyFile.tell(self) - self._start def seek(self, offset, whence=0): """Change position, possibly with respect to start or stop.""" if whence == 0: self._pos = self._start whence = 1 elif whence == 2: self._pos = self._stop whence = 1 _ProxyFile.seek(self, offset, whence) def _read(self, size, read_method): """Read size bytes using read_method, honoring start and stop.""" remaining = self._stop - self._pos if remaining <= 0: return '' if size is None or size < 0 or size > remaining: size = remaining return _ProxyFile._read(self, size, read_method) def _lock_file(f, dotlock=True): """Lock file f using lockf, flock, and dot locking.""" dotlock_done = False try: if fcntl: try: fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN: raise ExternalClashError('lockf: lock unavailable: %s' % f.name) else: raise try: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: raise ExternalClashError('flock: lock unavailable: %s' % f.name) else: raise if dotlock: try: pre_lock = _create_temporary(f.name + '.lock') pre_lock.close() except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: return # Without write access, just skip dotlocking. else: raise try: if hasattr(os, 'link'): os.link(pre_lock.name, f.name + '.lock') dotlock_done = True os.unlink(pre_lock.name) else: os.rename(pre_lock.name, f.name + '.lock') dotlock_done = True except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: os.remove(pre_lock.name) raise ExternalClashError('dot lock unavailable: %s' % f.name) else: raise except: if fcntl: fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) if dotlock_done: os.remove(f.name + '.lock') raise def _unlock_file(f): """Unlock file f using lockf, flock, and dot locking.""" if fcntl: fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) if os.path.exists(f.name + '.lock'): os.remove(f.name + '.lock') def _create_carefully(path): """Create a file if it doesn't exist and open for reading and writing.""" fd = os.open(path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR) try: return file(path, 'rb+') finally: os.close(fd) def _create_temporary(path): """Create a temp file based on path and open for reading and writing.""" return _create_carefully('%s.%s.%s.%s' % (path, int(time.time()), socket.gethostname(), os.getpid())) ## Start: classes from the original module (for backward compatibility). # Note that the Maildir class, whose name is unchanged, itself offers a next() # method for backward compatibility. class _Mailbox: def __init__(self, fp, factory=rfc822.Message): self.fp = fp self.seekp = 0 self.factory = factory def __iter__(self): return iter(self.next, None) def next(self): while 1: self.fp.seek(self.seekp) try: self._search_start() except EOFError: self.seekp = self.fp.tell() return None start = self.fp.tell() self._search_end() self.seekp = stop = self.fp.tell() if start != stop: break return self.factory(_PartialFile(self.fp, start, stop)) # Recommended to use PortableUnixMailbox instead! class UnixMailbox(_Mailbox): def _search_start(self): while 1: pos = self.fp.tell() line = self.fp.readline() if not line: raise EOFError if line[:5] == 'From ' and self._isrealfromline(line): self.fp.seek(pos) return def _search_end(self): self.fp.readline() # Throw away header line while 1: pos = self.fp.tell() line = self.fp.readline() if not line: return if line[:5] == 'From ' and self._isrealfromline(line): self.fp.seek(pos) return # An overridable mechanism to test for From-line-ness. You can either # specify a different regular expression or define a whole new # _isrealfromline() method. Note that this only gets called for lines # starting with the 5 characters "From ". # # BAW: According to #http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/2.0/relnotes/demo/content-length.html # the only portable, reliable way to find message delimiters in a BSD (i.e # Unix mailbox) style folder is to search for "\n\nFrom .*\n", or at the # beginning of the file, "^From .*\n". While _fromlinepattern below seems # like a good idea, in practice, there are too many variations for more # strict parsing of the line to be completely accurate. # # _strict_isrealfromline() is the old version which tries to do stricter # parsing of the From_ line. _portable_isrealfromline() simply returns # true, since it's never called if the line doesn't already start with # "From ". # # This algorithm, and the way it interacts with _search_start() and # _search_end() may not be completely correct, because it doesn't check # that the two characters preceding "From " are \n\n or the beginning of # the file. Fixing this would require a more extensive rewrite than is # necessary. For convenience, we've added a PortableUnixMailbox class # which uses the more lenient _fromlinepattern regular expression. _fromlinepattern = r"From \s*[^\s]+\s+\w\w\w\s+\w\w\w\s+\d?\d\s+" \ r"\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?(\s+[^\s]+)?\s+\d\d\d\d\s*$" _regexp = None def _strict_isrealfromline(self, line): if not self._regexp: import re self._regexp = re.compile(self._fromlinepattern) return self._regexp.match(line) def _portable_isrealfromline(self, line): return True _isrealfromline = _strict_isrealfromline class PortableUnixMailbox(UnixMailbox): _isrealfromline = UnixMailbox._portable_isrealfromline class MmdfMailbox(_Mailbox): def _search_start(self): while 1: line = self.fp.readline() if not line: raise EOFError if line[:5] == '\001\001\001\001\n': return def _search_end(self): while 1: pos = self.fp.tell() line = self.fp.readline() if not line: return if line == '\001\001\001\001\n': self.fp.seek(pos) return class MHMailbox: def __init__(self, dirname, factory=rfc822.Message): import re pat = re.compile('^[1-9][0-9]*$') self.dirname = dirname # the three following lines could be combined into: # list = map(long, filter(pat.match, os.listdir(self.dirname))) list = os.listdir(self.dirname) list = filter(pat.match, list) list = map(long, list) list.sort() # This only works in Python 1.6 or later; # before that str() added 'L': self.boxes = map(str, list) self.boxes.reverse() self.factory = factory def __iter__(self): return iter(self.next, None) def next(self): if not self.boxes: return None fn = self.boxes.pop() fp = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, fn)) msg = self.factory(fp) try: msg._mh_msgno = fn except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass return msg class BabylMailbox(_Mailbox): def _search_start(self): while 1: line = self.fp.readline() if not line: raise EOFError if line == '*** EOOH ***\n': return def _search_end(self): while 1: pos = self.fp.tell() line = self.fp.readline() if not line: return if line == '\037\014\n' or line == '\037': self.fp.seek(pos) return ## End: classes from the original module (for backward compatibility). class Error(Exception): """Raised for module-specific errors.""" class NoSuchMailboxError(Error): """The specified mailbox does not exist and won't be created.""" class NotEmptyError(Error): """The specified mailbox is not empty and deletion was requested.""" class ExternalClashError(Error): """Another process caused an action to fail.""" class FormatError(Error): """A file appears to have an invalid format."""