# # Support for the API of the multiprocessing package using threads # # multiprocessing/dummy/__init__.py # # Copyright (c) 2006-2008, R Oudkerk --- see COPYING.txt # __all__ = [ 'Process', 'current_process', 'active_children', 'freeze_support', 'Lock', 'RLock', 'Semaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore', 'Condition', 'Event', 'Queue', 'Manager', 'Pipe', 'Pool', 'JoinableQueue' ] # # Imports # import threading import sys import weakref import array import itertools from multiprocessing import TimeoutError, cpu_count from multiprocessing.dummy.connection import Pipe from threading import Lock, RLock, Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore from threading import Event from Queue import Queue # # # class DummyProcess(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}): threading.Thread.__init__(self, group, target, name, args, kwargs) self._pid = None self._children = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._start_called = False self._parent = current_process() def start(self): assert self._parent is current_process() self._start_called = True self._parent._children[self] = None threading.Thread.start(self) def get_exitcode(self): if self._start_called and not self.isAlive(): return 0 else: return None # XXX if sys.version_info < (3, 0): is_alive = threading.Thread.isAlive.im_func get_name = threading.Thread.getName.im_func set_name = threading.Thread.setName.im_func is_daemon = threading.Thread.isDaemon.im_func set_daemon = threading.Thread.setDaemon.im_func else: is_alive = threading.Thread.isAlive get_name = threading.Thread.getName set_name = threading.Thread.setName is_daemon = threading.Thread.isDaemon set_daemon = threading.Thread.setDaemon # # # class Condition(threading._Condition): # XXX if sys.version_info < (3, 0): notify_all = threading._Condition.notifyAll.im_func else: notify_all = threading._Condition.notifyAll # # # Process = DummyProcess current_process = threading.currentThread current_process()._children = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def active_children(): children = current_process()._children for p in list(children): if not p.isAlive(): children.pop(p, None) return list(children) def freeze_support(): pass # # # class Namespace(object): def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) def __repr__(self): items = self.__dict__.items() temp = [] for name, value in items: if not name.startswith('_'): temp.append('%s=%r' % (name, value)) temp.sort() return 'Namespace(%s)' % str.join(', ', temp) dict = dict list = list def Array(typecode, sequence, lock=True): return array.array(typecode, sequence) class Value(object): def __init__(self, typecode, value, lock=True): self._typecode = typecode self._value = value def _get(self): return self._value def _set(self, value): self._value = value value = property(_get, _set) def __repr__(self): return '<%r(%r, %r)>'%(type(self).__name__,self._typecode,self._value) def Manager(): return sys.modules[__name__] def shutdown(): pass def Pool(processes=None, initializer=None, initargs=()): from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool return ThreadPool(processes, initializer, initargs) JoinableQueue = Queue