"""Tests for packaging.create.""" import os import sys import sysconfig from textwrap import dedent from packaging import create from packaging.create import MainProgram, ask_yn, ask, main from packaging.tests import support, unittest from packaging.tests.support import Inputs class CreateTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironRestorer, support.LoggingCatcher, unittest.TestCase): maxDiff = None restore_environ = ['PLAT'] def setUp(self): super(CreateTestCase, self).setUp() self.wdir = self.mkdtemp() os.chdir(self.wdir) # patch sysconfig self._old_get_paths = sysconfig.get_paths sysconfig.get_paths = lambda *args, **kwargs: { 'man': sys.prefix + '/share/man', 'doc': sys.prefix + '/share/doc/pyxfoil', } def tearDown(self): sysconfig.get_paths = self._old_get_paths if hasattr(create, 'input'): del create.input super(CreateTestCase, self).tearDown() def test_ask_yn(self): create.input = Inputs('y') self.assertEqual('y', ask_yn('is this a test')) def test_ask(self): create.input = Inputs('a', 'b') self.assertEqual('a', ask('is this a test')) self.assertEqual('b', ask(str(list(range(0, 70))), default='c', lengthy=True)) def test_set_multi(self): mainprogram = MainProgram() create.input = Inputs('aaaaa') mainprogram.data['author'] = [] mainprogram._set_multi('_set_multi test', 'author') self.assertEqual(['aaaaa'], mainprogram.data['author']) def test_find_files(self): # making sure we scan a project dir correctly mainprogram = MainProgram() # building the structure tempdir = self.wdir dirs = ['pkg1', 'data', 'pkg2', 'pkg2/sub'] files = [ 'README', 'data/data1', 'foo.py', 'pkg1/__init__.py', 'pkg1/bar.py', 'pkg2/__init__.py', 'pkg2/sub/__init__.py', ] for dir_ in dirs: os.mkdir(os.path.join(tempdir, dir_)) for file_ in files: self.write_file((tempdir, file_), 'xxx') mainprogram._find_files() mainprogram.data['packages'].sort() # do we have what we want? self.assertEqual(mainprogram.data['packages'], ['pkg1', 'pkg2', 'pkg2.sub']) self.assertEqual(mainprogram.data['modules'], ['foo']) data_fn = os.path.join('data', 'data1') self.assertEqual(mainprogram.data['extra_files'], ['README', data_fn]) def test_convert_setup_py_to_cfg(self): self.write_file((self.wdir, 'setup.py'), dedent(""" # coding: utf-8 from distutils.core import setup long_description = '''My super Death-scription barbar is now on the public domain, ho, baby !''' setup(name='pyxfoil', version='0.2', description='Python bindings for the Xfoil engine', long_description=long_description, maintainer='André Espaze', maintainer_email='andre.espaze@logilab.fr', url='http://www.python-science.org/project/pyxfoil', license='GPLv2', packages=['pyxfoil', 'babar', 'me'], data_files=[ ('share/doc/pyxfoil', ['README.rst']), ('share/man', ['pyxfoil.1']), ], py_modules=['my_lib', 'mymodule'], package_dir={ 'babar': '', 'me': 'Martinique/Lamentin', }, package_data={ 'babar': ['Pom', 'Flora', 'Alexander'], 'me': ['dady', 'mumy', 'sys', 'bro'], 'pyxfoil': ['fengine.so'], }, scripts=['my_script', 'bin/run'], ) """), encoding='utf-8') create.input = Inputs('y') main() path = os.path.join(self.wdir, 'setup.cfg') with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as fp: contents = fp.read() self.assertEqual(contents, dedent("""\ [metadata] name = pyxfoil version = 0.2 summary = Python bindings for the Xfoil engine download_url = UNKNOWN home_page = http://www.python-science.org/project/pyxfoil maintainer = André Espaze maintainer_email = andre.espaze@logilab.fr description = My super Death-scription |barbar is now on the public domain, |ho, baby ! [files] packages = pyxfoil babar me modules = my_lib mymodule scripts = my_script bin/run package_data = babar = Pom Flora Alexander me = dady mumy sys bro pyxfoil = fengine.so resources = README.rst = {doc} pyxfoil.1 = {man} """)) def test_convert_setup_py_to_cfg_with_description_in_readme(self): self.write_file((self.wdir, 'setup.py'), dedent(""" # coding: utf-8 from distutils.core import setup with open('README.txt') as fp: long_description = fp.read() setup(name='pyxfoil', version='0.2', description='Python bindings for the Xfoil engine', long_description=long_description, maintainer='André Espaze', maintainer_email='andre.espaze@logilab.fr', url='http://www.python-science.org/project/pyxfoil', license='GPLv2', packages=['pyxfoil'], package_data={'pyxfoil': ['fengine.so', 'babar.so']}, data_files=[ ('share/doc/pyxfoil', ['README.rst']), ('share/man', ['pyxfoil.1']), ], ) """), encoding='utf-8') self.write_file((self.wdir, 'README.txt'), dedent(''' My super Death-scription barbar is now in the public domain, ho, baby! ''')) create.input = Inputs('y') main() path = os.path.join(self.wdir, 'setup.cfg') with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as fp: contents = fp.read() self.assertEqual(contents, dedent("""\ [metadata] name = pyxfoil version = 0.2 summary = Python bindings for the Xfoil engine download_url = UNKNOWN home_page = http://www.python-science.org/project/pyxfoil maintainer = André Espaze maintainer_email = andre.espaze@logilab.fr description-file = README.txt [files] packages = pyxfoil package_data = pyxfoil = fengine.so babar.so resources = README.rst = {doc} pyxfoil.1 = {man} """)) def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(CreateTestCase) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')