""" Low-level OS functionality wrappers used by pathlib. """ from errno import * import os import sys try: import fcntl except ImportError: fcntl = None try: import posix except ImportError: posix = None try: import _winapi except ImportError: _winapi = None def _get_copy_blocksize(infd): """Determine blocksize for fastcopying on Linux. Hopefully the whole file will be copied in a single call. The copying itself should be performed in a loop 'till EOF is reached (0 return) so a blocksize smaller or bigger than the actual file size should not make any difference, also in case the file content changes while being copied. """ try: blocksize = max(os.fstat(infd).st_size, 2 ** 23) # min 8 MiB except OSError: blocksize = 2 ** 27 # 128 MiB # On 32-bit architectures truncate to 1 GiB to avoid OverflowError, # see gh-82500. if sys.maxsize < 2 ** 32: blocksize = min(blocksize, 2 ** 30) return blocksize if fcntl and hasattr(fcntl, 'FICLONE'): def _ficlone(source_fd, target_fd): """ Perform a lightweight copy of two files, where the data blocks are copied only when modified. This is known as Copy on Write (CoW), instantaneous copy or reflink. """ fcntl.ioctl(target_fd, fcntl.FICLONE, source_fd) else: _ficlone = None if posix and hasattr(posix, '_fcopyfile'): def _fcopyfile(source_fd, target_fd): """ Copy a regular file content using high-performance fcopyfile(3) syscall (macOS). """ posix._fcopyfile(source_fd, target_fd, posix._COPYFILE_DATA) else: _fcopyfile = None if hasattr(os, 'copy_file_range'): def _copy_file_range(source_fd, target_fd): """ Copy data from one regular mmap-like fd to another by using a high-performance copy_file_range(2) syscall that gives filesystems an opportunity to implement the use of reflinks or server-side copy. This should work on Linux >= 4.5 only. """ blocksize = _get_copy_blocksize(source_fd) offset = 0 while True: sent = os.copy_file_range(source_fd, target_fd, blocksize, offset_dst=offset) if sent == 0: break # EOF offset += sent else: _copy_file_range = None if hasattr(os, 'sendfile'): def _sendfile(source_fd, target_fd): """Copy data from one regular mmap-like fd to another by using high-performance sendfile(2) syscall. This should work on Linux >= 2.6.33 only. """ blocksize = _get_copy_blocksize(source_fd) offset = 0 while True: sent = os.sendfile(target_fd, source_fd, offset, blocksize) if sent == 0: break # EOF offset += sent else: _sendfile = None if _winapi and hasattr(_winapi, 'CopyFile2'): def copyfile(source, target): """ Copy from one file to another using CopyFile2 (Windows only). """ _winapi.CopyFile2(source, target, 0) else: copyfile = None def copyfileobj(source_f, target_f): """ Copy data from file-like object source_f to file-like object target_f. """ try: source_fd = source_f.fileno() target_fd = target_f.fileno() except Exception: pass # Fall through to generic code. else: try: # Use OS copy-on-write where available. if _ficlone: try: _ficlone(source_fd, target_fd) return except OSError as err: if err.errno not in (EBADF, EOPNOTSUPP, ETXTBSY, EXDEV): raise err # Use OS copy where available. if _fcopyfile: try: _fcopyfile(source_fd, target_fd) return except OSError as err: if err.errno not in (EINVAL, ENOTSUP): raise err if _copy_file_range: try: _copy_file_range(source_fd, target_fd) return except OSError as err: if err.errno not in (ETXTBSY, EXDEV): raise err if _sendfile: try: _sendfile(source_fd, target_fd) return except OSError as err: if err.errno != ENOTSOCK: raise err except OSError as err: # Produce more useful error messages. err.filename = source_f.name err.filename2 = target_f.name raise err # Last resort: copy with fileobj read() and write(). read_source = source_f.read write_target = target_f.write while buf := read_source(1024 * 1024): write_target(buf)