#! /usr/bin/env python # pdb.py -- finally, a Python debugger! # (See pdb.doc for documentation.) import string import sys import linecache import cmd import bdb import repr # Interaction prompt line will separate file and call info from code # text using value of line_prefix string. A newline and arrow may # be to your liking. You can set it once pdb is imported using the # command "pdb.line_prefix = '\n% '". # line_prefix = ': ' # Use this to get the old situation back line_prefix = '\n-> ' # Probably a better default class Pdb(bdb.Bdb, cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): bdb.Bdb.__init__(self) cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.prompt = '(Pdb) ' def reset(self): bdb.Bdb.reset(self) self.forget() def forget(self): self.lineno = None self.stack = [] self.curindex = 0 self.curframe = None def setup(self, f, t): self.forget() self.stack, self.curindex = self.get_stack(f, t) self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0] # Override Bdb methods (except user_call, for now) def user_line(self, frame): # This function is called when we stop or break at this line self.interaction(frame, None) def user_return(self, frame, return_value): # This function is called when a return trap is set here frame.f_locals['__return__'] = return_value print '--Return--' self.interaction(frame, None) def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)): # This function is called if an exception occurs, # but only if we are to stop at or just below this level frame.f_locals['__exception__'] = exc_type, exc_value if type(exc_type) == type(''): exc_type_name = exc_type else: exc_type_name = exc_type.__name__ print exc_type_name + ':', repr.repr(exc_value) self.interaction(frame, exc_traceback) # General interaction function def interaction(self, frame, traceback): self.setup(frame, traceback) self.print_stack_entry(self.stack[self.curindex]) self.cmdloop() self.forget() def default(self, line): if line[:1] == '!': line = line[1:] locals = self.curframe.f_locals globals = self.curframe.f_globals globals['__privileged__'] = 1 try: code = compile(line + '\n', '<stdin>', 'single') exec code in globals, locals except: t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2] if type(t) == type(''): exc_type_name = t else: exc_type_name = t.__name__ print '***', exc_type_name + ':', v # Command definitions, called by cmdloop() # The argument is the remaining string on the command line # Return true to exit from the command loop do_h = cmd.Cmd.do_help def do_break(self, arg): if not arg: print self.get_all_breaks() # XXX return # Try line number as argument try: arg = eval(arg, self.curframe.f_globals, self.curframe.f_locals) except: print '*** Could not eval argument:', arg return # Check for condition try: arg, cond = arg except: arg, cond = arg, None try: lineno = int(arg) filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename except: # Try function name as the argument try: func = arg if hasattr(func, 'im_func'): func = func.im_func code = func.func_code except: print '*** The specified object', print 'is not a function', arg return lineno = code.co_firstlineno filename = code.co_filename # now set the break point err = self.set_break(filename, lineno, cond) if err: print '***', err do_b = do_break def do_clear(self, arg): if not arg: try: reply = raw_input('Clear all breaks? ') except EOFError: reply = 'no' reply = string.lower(string.strip(reply)) if reply in ('y', 'yes'): self.clear_all_breaks() return try: lineno = int(eval(arg)) except: print '*** Error in argument:', `arg` return filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename err = self.clear_break(filename, lineno) if err: print '***', err do_cl = do_clear # 'c' is already an abbreviation for 'continue' def do_where(self, arg): self.print_stack_trace() do_w = do_where def do_up(self, arg): if self.curindex == 0: print '*** Oldest frame' else: self.curindex = self.curindex - 1 self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0] self.print_stack_entry(self.stack[self.curindex]) self.lineno = None do_u = do_up def do_down(self, arg): if self.curindex + 1 == len(self.stack): print '*** Newest frame' else: self.curindex = self.curindex + 1 self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0] self.print_stack_entry(self.stack[self.curindex]) self.lineno = None do_d = do_down def do_step(self, arg): self.set_step() return 1 do_s = do_step def do_next(self, arg): self.set_next(self.curframe) return 1 do_n = do_next def do_return(self, arg): self.set_return(self.curframe) return 1 do_r = do_return def do_continue(self, arg): self.set_continue() return 1 do_c = do_cont = do_continue def do_quit(self, arg): self.set_quit() return 1 do_q = do_quit def do_args(self, arg): if self.curframe.f_locals.has_key('__args__'): print `self.curframe.f_locals['__args__']` else: print '*** No arguments?!' do_a = do_args def do_retval(self, arg): if self.curframe.f_locals.has_key('__return__'): print self.curframe.f_locals['__return__'] else: print '*** Not yet returned!' do_rv = do_retval def do_p(self, arg): self.curframe.f_globals['__privileged__'] = 1 try: value = eval(arg, self.curframe.f_globals, \ self.curframe.f_locals) except: t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2] if type(t) == type(''): exc_type_name = t else: exc_type_name = t.__name__ print '***', exc_type_name + ':', `v` return print `value` def do_list(self, arg): self.lastcmd = 'list' last = None if arg: try: x = eval(arg, {}, {}) if type(x) == type(()): first, last = x first = int(first) last = int(last) if last < first: # Assume it's a count last = first + last else: first = max(1, int(x) - 5) except: print '*** Error in argument:', `arg` return elif self.lineno is None: first = max(1, self.curframe.f_lineno - 5) else: first = self.lineno + 1 if last == None: last = first + 10 filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename breaklist = self.get_file_breaks(filename) try: for lineno in range(first, last+1): line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) if not line: print '[EOF]' break else: s = string.rjust(`lineno`, 3) if len(s) < 4: s = s + ' ' if lineno in breaklist: s = s + 'B' else: s = s + ' ' if lineno == self.curframe.f_lineno: s = s + '->' print s + '\t' + line, self.lineno = lineno except KeyboardInterrupt: pass do_l = do_list def do_whatis(self, arg): try: value = eval(arg, self.curframe.f_globals, \ self.curframe.f_locals) except: t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2] if type(t) == type(''): exc_type_name = t else: exc_type_name = t.__name__ print '***', exc_type_name + ':', `v` return code = None # Is it a function? try: code = value.func_code except: pass if code: print 'Function', code.co_name return # Is it an instance method? try: code = value.im_func.func_code except: pass if code: print 'Method', code.co_name return # None of the above... print type(value) # Print a traceback starting at the top stack frame. # The most recently entered frame is printed last; # this is different from dbx and gdb, but consistent with # the Python interpreter's stack trace. # It is also consistent with the up/down commands (which are # compatible with dbx and gdb: up moves towards 'main()' # and down moves towards the most recent stack frame). def print_stack_trace(self): try: for frame_lineno in self.stack: self.print_stack_entry(frame_lineno) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def print_stack_entry(self, frame_lineno, prompt_prefix=line_prefix): frame, lineno = frame_lineno if frame is self.curframe: print '>', else: print ' ', print self.format_stack_entry(frame_lineno, prompt_prefix) # Help methods (derived from pdb.doc) def help_help(self): self.help_h() def help_h(self): print """h(elp) Without argument, print the list of available commands. With a command name as argument, print help about that command "help pdb" pipes the full documentation file to the $PAGER "help exec" gives help on the ! command""" def help_where(self): self.help_w() def help_w(self): print """w(here) Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom. An arrow indicates the "current frame", which determines the context of most commands.""" def help_down(self): self.help_d() def help_d(self): print """d(own) Move the current frame one level down in the stack trace (to an older frame).""" def help_up(self): self.help_u() def help_u(self): print """u(p) Move the current frame one level up in the stack trace (to a newer frame).""" def help_break(self): self.help_b() def help_b(self): print """b(reak) [lineno | function] [, "condition"] With a line number argument, set a break there in the current file. With a function name, set a break at the entry of that function. Without argument, list all breaks. If a second argument is present, it is a string specifying an expression which must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored. """ def help_clear(self): self.help_cl() def help_cl(self): print """cl(ear) [lineno] With a line number argument, clear that break in the current file. Without argument, clear all breaks (but first ask confirmation).""" def help_step(self): self.help_s() def help_s(self): print """s(tep) Execute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion (either in a function that is called or in the current function).""" def help_next(self): self.help_n() def help_n(self): print """n(ext) Continue execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns.""" def help_return(self): self.help_r() def help_r(self): print """r(eturn) Continue execution until the current function returns.""" def help_continue(self): self.help_c() def help_cont(self): self.help_c() def help_c(self): print """c(ont(inue)) Continue execution, only stop when a breakpoint is encountered.""" def help_list(self): self.help_l() def help_l(self): print """l(ist) [first [,last]] List source code for the current file. Without arguments, list 11 lines around the current line or continue the previous listing. With one argument, list 11 lines starting at that line. With two arguments, list the given range; if the second argument is less than the first, it is a count.""" def help_args(self): self.help_a() def help_a(self): print """a(rgs) Print the argument list of the current function.""" def help_p(self): print """p expression Print the value of the expression.""" def help_exec(self): print """(!) statement Execute the (one-line) statement in the context of the current stack frame. The exclamation point can be omitted unless the first word of the statement resembles a debugger command. To assign to a global variable you must always prefix the command with a 'global' command, e.g.: (Pdb) global list_options; list_options = ['-l'] (Pdb)""" def help_quit(self): self.help_q() def help_q(self): print """q(uit) Quit from the debugger. The program being executed is aborted.""" def help_pdb(self): help() # Simplified interface def run(statement, globals=None, locals=None): Pdb().run(statement, globals, locals) def runeval(expression, globals=None, locals=None): return Pdb().runeval(expression, globals, locals) def runctx(statement, globals, locals): # B/W compatibility run(statement, globals, locals) def runcall(*args): return apply(Pdb().runcall, args) def set_trace(): Pdb().set_trace() # Post-Mortem interface def post_mortem(t): p = Pdb() p.reset() while t.tb_next <> None: t = t.tb_next p.interaction(t.tb_frame, t) def pm(): import sys post_mortem(sys.last_traceback) # Main program for testing TESTCMD = 'import x; x.main()' def test(): run(TESTCMD) # print help def help(): import os for dirname in sys.path: fullname = os.path.join(dirname, 'pdb.doc') if os.path.exists(fullname): sts = os.system('${PAGER-more} '+fullname) if sts: print '*** Pager exit status:', sts break else: print 'Sorry, can\'t find the help file "pdb.doc"', print 'along the Python search path' # When invoked as main program, invoke the debugger on a script if __name__=='__main__': import sys import os if not sys.argv[1:]: print "usage: pdb.py scriptfile [arg] ..." sys.exit(2) filename = sys.argv[1] # Get script filename del sys.argv[0] # Hide "pdb.py" from argument list # Insert script directory in front of module search path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(filename)) run('execfile(' + `filename` + ')', {'__name__': '__main__'})