"""tools for BuildApplet and BuildApplication""" import sys import os import string import imp import marshal from Carbon import Res import Carbon.Files import Carbon.File import MacOS import macostools import macresource import EasyDialogs import shutil import warnings warnings.warn("the buildtools module is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) BuildError = "BuildError" # .pyc file (and 'PYC ' resource magic number) MAGIC = imp.get_magic() # Template file (searched on sys.path) TEMPLATE = "PythonInterpreter" # Specification of our resource RESTYPE = 'PYC ' RESNAME = '__main__' # A resource with this name sets the "owner" (creator) of the destination # It should also have ID=0. Either of these alone is not enough. OWNERNAME = "owner resource" # Default applet creator code DEFAULT_APPLET_CREATOR="Pyta" # OpenResFile mode parameters READ = 1 WRITE = 2 # Parameter for FSOpenResourceFile RESOURCE_FORK_NAME=Carbon.File.FSGetResourceForkName() def findtemplate(template=None): """Locate the applet template along sys.path""" if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho': return None if not template: template=TEMPLATE for p in sys.path: file = os.path.join(p, template) try: file, d1, d2 = Carbon.File.FSResolveAliasFile(file, 1) break except (Carbon.File.Error, ValueError): continue else: raise BuildError, "Template %r not found on sys.path" % (template,) file = file.as_pathname() return file def process(template, filename, destname, copy_codefragment=0, rsrcname=None, others=[], raw=0, progress="default", destroot=""): if progress == "default": progress = EasyDialogs.ProgressBar("Processing %s..."%os.path.split(filename)[1], 120) progress.label("Compiling...") progress.inc(0) # check for the script name being longer than 32 chars. This may trigger a bug # on OSX that can destroy your sourcefile. if '#' in os.path.split(filename)[1]: raise BuildError, "BuildApplet could destroy your sourcefile on OSX, please rename: %s" % filename # Read the source and compile it # (there's no point overwriting the destination if it has a syntax error) fp = open(filename, 'rU') text = fp.read() fp.close() try: code = compile(text + '\n', filename, "exec") except SyntaxError, arg: raise BuildError, "Syntax error in script %s: %s" % (filename, arg) except EOFError: raise BuildError, "End-of-file in script %s" % (filename,) # Set the destination file name. Note that basename # does contain the whole filepath, only a .py is stripped. if string.lower(filename[-3:]) == ".py": basename = filename[:-3] if MacOS.runtimemodel != 'macho' and not destname: destname = basename else: basename = filename if not destname: if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho': destname = basename + '.app' else: destname = basename + '.applet' if not rsrcname: rsrcname = basename + '.rsrc' # Try removing the output file. This fails in MachO, but it should # do any harm. try: os.remove(destname) except os.error: pass process_common(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, 0, copy_codefragment, raw, others, filename, destroot) def update(template, filename, output): if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho': raise BuildError, "No updating yet for MachO applets" if progress: progress = EasyDialogs.ProgressBar("Updating %s..."%os.path.split(filename)[1], 120) else: progress = None if not output: output = filename + ' (updated)' # Try removing the output file try: os.remove(output) except os.error: pass process_common(template, progress, None, filename, output, 1, 1) def process_common(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update, copy_codefragment, raw=0, others=[], filename=None, destroot=""): if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho': return process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update, raw, others, filename, destroot) if others: raise BuildError, "Extra files only allowed for MachoPython applets" # Create FSSpecs for the various files template_fsr, d1, d2 = Carbon.File.FSResolveAliasFile(template, 1) template = template_fsr.as_pathname() # Copy data (not resources, yet) from the template if progress: progress.label("Copy data fork...") progress.set(10) if copy_codefragment: tmpl = open(template, "rb") dest = open(destname, "wb") data = tmpl.read() if data: dest.write(data) dest.close() tmpl.close() del dest del tmpl # Open the output resource fork if progress: progress.label("Copy resources...") progress.set(20) try: output = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(destname, RESOURCE_FORK_NAME, WRITE) except MacOS.Error: destdir, destfile = os.path.split(destname) Res.FSCreateResourceFile(destdir, unicode(destfile), RESOURCE_FORK_NAME) output = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(destname, RESOURCE_FORK_NAME, WRITE) # Copy the resources from the target specific resource template, if any typesfound, ownertype = [], None try: input = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(rsrcname, RESOURCE_FORK_NAME, READ) except (MacOS.Error, ValueError): pass if progress: progress.inc(50) else: if is_update: skip_oldfile = ['cfrg'] else: skip_oldfile = [] typesfound, ownertype = copyres(input, output, skip_oldfile, 0, progress) Res.CloseResFile(input) # Check which resource-types we should not copy from the template skiptypes = [] if 'vers' in typesfound: skiptypes.append('vers') if 'SIZE' in typesfound: skiptypes.append('SIZE') if 'BNDL' in typesfound: skiptypes = skiptypes + ['BNDL', 'FREF', 'icl4', 'icl8', 'ics4', 'ics8', 'ICN#', 'ics#'] if not copy_codefragment: skiptypes.append('cfrg') ## skipowner = (ownertype <> None) # Copy the resources from the template input = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(template, RESOURCE_FORK_NAME, READ) dummy, tmplowner = copyres(input, output, skiptypes, 1, progress) Res.CloseResFile(input) ## if ownertype is None: ## raise BuildError, "No owner resource found in either resource file or template" # Make sure we're manipulating the output resource file now Res.UseResFile(output) if ownertype is None: # No owner resource in the template. We have skipped the # Python owner resource, so we have to add our own. The relevant # bundle stuff is already included in the interpret/applet template. newres = Res.Resource('\0') newres.AddResource(DEFAULT_APPLET_CREATOR, 0, "Owner resource") ownertype = DEFAULT_APPLET_CREATOR if code: # Delete any existing 'PYC ' resource named __main__ try: res = Res.Get1NamedResource(RESTYPE, RESNAME) res.RemoveResource() except Res.Error: pass # Create the raw data for the resource from the code object if progress: progress.label("Write PYC resource...") progress.set(120) data = marshal.dumps(code) del code data = (MAGIC + '\0\0\0\0') + data # Create the resource and write it id = 0 while id < 128: id = Res.Unique1ID(RESTYPE) res = Res.Resource(data) res.AddResource(RESTYPE, id, RESNAME) attrs = res.GetResAttrs() attrs = attrs | 0x04 # set preload res.SetResAttrs(attrs) res.WriteResource() res.ReleaseResource() # Close the output file Res.CloseResFile(output) # Now set the creator, type and bundle bit of the destination. # Done with FSSpec's, FSRef FInfo isn't good enough yet (2.3a1+) dest_fss = Carbon.File.FSSpec(destname) dest_finfo = dest_fss.FSpGetFInfo() dest_finfo.Creator = ownertype dest_finfo.Type = 'APPL' dest_finfo.Flags = dest_finfo.Flags | Carbon.Files.kHasBundle | Carbon.Files.kIsShared dest_finfo.Flags = dest_finfo.Flags & ~Carbon.Files.kHasBeenInited dest_fss.FSpSetFInfo(dest_finfo) macostools.touched(destname) if progress: progress.label("Done.") progress.inc(0) def process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update, raw=0, others=[], filename=None, destroot=""): # Check that we have a filename if filename is None: raise BuildError, "Need source filename on MacOSX" # First make sure the name ends in ".app" if destname[-4:] != '.app': destname = destname + '.app' # Now deduce the short name destdir, shortname = os.path.split(destname) if shortname[-4:] == '.app': # Strip the .app suffix shortname = shortname[:-4] # And deduce the .plist and .icns names plistname = None icnsname = None if rsrcname and rsrcname[-5:] == '.rsrc': tmp = rsrcname[:-5] plistname = tmp + '.plist' if os.path.exists(plistname): icnsname = tmp + '.icns' if not os.path.exists(icnsname): icnsname = None else: plistname = None if not icnsname: dft_icnsname = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Resources/Python.app/Contents/Resources/PythonApplet.icns') if os.path.exists(dft_icnsname): icnsname = dft_icnsname if not os.path.exists(rsrcname): rsrcname = None if progress: progress.label('Creating bundle...') import bundlebuilder builder = bundlebuilder.AppBuilder(verbosity=0) builder.mainprogram = filename builder.builddir = destdir builder.name = shortname builder.destroot = destroot if rsrcname: realrsrcname = macresource.resource_pathname(rsrcname) builder.files.append((realrsrcname, os.path.join('Contents/Resources', os.path.basename(rsrcname)))) for o in others: if type(o) == str: builder.resources.append(o) else: builder.files.append(o) if plistname: import plistlib builder.plist = plistlib.Plist.fromFile(plistname) if icnsname: builder.iconfile = icnsname if not raw: builder.argv_emulation = 1 builder.setup() builder.build() if progress: progress.label('Done.') progress.inc(0) ## macostools.touched(dest_fss) # Copy resources between two resource file descriptors. # skip a resource named '__main__' or (if skipowner is set) with ID zero. # Also skip resources with a type listed in skiptypes. # def copyres(input, output, skiptypes, skipowner, progress=None): ctor = None alltypes = [] Res.UseResFile(input) ntypes = Res.Count1Types() progress_type_inc = 50/ntypes for itype in range(1, 1+ntypes): type = Res.Get1IndType(itype) if type in skiptypes: continue alltypes.append(type) nresources = Res.Count1Resources(type) progress_cur_inc = progress_type_inc/nresources for ires in range(1, 1+nresources): res = Res.Get1IndResource(type, ires) id, type, name = res.GetResInfo() lcname = string.lower(name) if lcname == OWNERNAME and id == 0: if skipowner: continue # Skip this one else: ctor = type size = res.size attrs = res.GetResAttrs() if progress: progress.label("Copy %s %d %s"%(type, id, name)) progress.inc(progress_cur_inc) res.LoadResource() res.DetachResource() Res.UseResFile(output) try: res2 = Res.Get1Resource(type, id) except MacOS.Error: res2 = None if res2: if progress: progress.label("Overwrite %s %d %s"%(type, id, name)) progress.inc(0) res2.RemoveResource() res.AddResource(type, id, name) res.WriteResource() attrs = attrs | res.GetResAttrs() res.SetResAttrs(attrs) Res.UseResFile(input) return alltypes, ctor def copyapptree(srctree, dsttree, exceptlist=[], progress=None): names = [] if os.path.exists(dsttree): shutil.rmtree(dsttree) os.mkdir(dsttree) todo = os.listdir(srctree) while todo: this, todo = todo[0], todo[1:] if this in exceptlist: continue thispath = os.path.join(srctree, this) if os.path.isdir(thispath): thiscontent = os.listdir(thispath) for t in thiscontent: todo.append(os.path.join(this, t)) names.append(this) for this in names: srcpath = os.path.join(srctree, this) dstpath = os.path.join(dsttree, this) if os.path.isdir(srcpath): os.mkdir(dstpath) elif os.path.islink(srcpath): endpoint = os.readlink(srcpath) os.symlink(endpoint, dstpath) else: if progress: progress.label('Copy '+this) progress.inc(0) shutil.copy2(srcpath, dstpath) def writepycfile(codeobject, cfile): import marshal fc = open(cfile, 'wb') fc.write('\0\0\0\0') # MAGIC placeholder, written later fc.write('\0\0\0\0') # Timestap placeholder, not needed marshal.dump(codeobject, fc) fc.flush() fc.seek(0, 0) fc.write(MAGIC) fc.close()