import os import re import sys import warnings from inspect import isabstract from test import support def dash_R(the_module, test, indirect_test, huntrleaks): """Run a test multiple times, looking for reference leaks. Returns: False if the test didn't leak references; True if we detected refleaks. """ # This code is hackish and inelegant, but it seems to do the job. import copyreg import if not hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'): raise Exception("Tracking reference leaks requires a debug build " "of Python") # Save current values for dash_R_cleanup() to restore. fs = warnings.filters[:] ps = copyreg.dispatch_table.copy() pic = sys.path_importer_cache.copy() try: import zipimport except ImportError: zdc = None # Run unmodified on platforms without zipimport support else: zdc = zipimport._zip_directory_cache.copy() abcs = {} for abc in [getattr(, a) for a in]: if not isabstract(abc): continue for obj in abc.__subclasses__() + [abc]: abcs[obj] = obj._abc_registry.copy() nwarmup, ntracked, fname = huntrleaks fname = os.path.join(support.SAVEDCWD, fname) repcount = nwarmup + ntracked rc_deltas = [0] * repcount alloc_deltas = [0] * repcount print("beginning", repcount, "repetitions", file=sys.stderr) print(("1234567890"*(repcount//10 + 1))[:repcount], file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() for i in range(repcount): indirect_test() alloc_after, rc_after = dash_R_cleanup(fs, ps, pic, zdc, abcs) sys.stderr.write('.') sys.stderr.flush() if i >= nwarmup: rc_deltas[i] = rc_after - rc_before alloc_deltas[i] = alloc_after - alloc_before alloc_before, rc_before = alloc_after, rc_after print(file=sys.stderr) # These checkers return False on success, True on failure def check_rc_deltas(deltas): return any(deltas) def check_alloc_deltas(deltas): # At least 1/3rd of 0s if 3 * deltas.count(0) < len(deltas): return True # Nothing else than 1s, 0s and -1s if not set(deltas) <= {1,0,-1}: return True return False failed = False for deltas, item_name, checker in [ (rc_deltas, 'references', check_rc_deltas), (alloc_deltas, 'memory blocks', check_alloc_deltas)]: if checker(deltas): msg = '%s leaked %s %s, sum=%s' % ( test, deltas[nwarmup:], item_name, sum(deltas)) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() with open(fname, "a") as refrep: print(msg, file=refrep) refrep.flush() failed = True return failed def dash_R_cleanup(fs, ps, pic, zdc, abcs): import gc, copyreg import _strptime, linecache import urllib.parse, urllib.request, mimetypes, doctest import struct, filecmp, from distutils.dir_util import _path_created from weakref import WeakSet # Clear the warnings registry, so they can be displayed again for mod in sys.modules.values(): if hasattr(mod, '__warningregistry__'): del mod.__warningregistry__ # Restore some original values. warnings.filters[:] = fs copyreg.dispatch_table.clear() copyreg.dispatch_table.update(ps) sys.path_importer_cache.clear() sys.path_importer_cache.update(pic) try: import zipimport except ImportError: pass # Run unmodified on platforms without zipimport support else: zipimport._zip_directory_cache.clear() zipimport._zip_directory_cache.update(zdc) # clear type cache sys._clear_type_cache() # Clear ABC registries, restoring previously saved ABC registries. for abc in [getattr(, a) for a in]: if not isabstract(abc): continue for obj in abc.__subclasses__() + [abc]: obj._abc_registry = abcs.get(obj, WeakSet()).copy() obj._abc_cache.clear() obj._abc_negative_cache.clear() # Flush standard output, so that buffered data is sent to the OS and # associated Python objects are reclaimed. for stream in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.__stdout__, sys.__stderr__): if stream is not None: stream.flush() # Clear assorted module caches. _path_created.clear() re.purge() _strptime._regex_cache.clear() urllib.parse.clear_cache() urllib.request.urlcleanup() linecache.clearcache() mimetypes._default_mime_types() filecmp._cache.clear() struct._clearcache() doctest.master = None try: import ctypes except ImportError: # Don't worry about resetting the cache if ctypes is not supported pass else: ctypes._reset_cache() # Collect cyclic trash and read memory statistics immediately after. func1 = sys.getallocatedblocks func2 = sys.gettotalrefcount gc.collect() return func1(), func2() def warm_caches(): # char cache s = bytes(range(256)) for i in range(256): s[i:i+1] # unicode cache x = [chr(i) for i in range(256)] # int cache x = list(range(-5, 257))