import io import platform import queue import re import subprocess import sys import unittest from _android_support import TextLogStream from array import array from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager from threading import Thread from import LOOPBACK_TIMEOUT from time import time from unittest.mock import patch if sys.platform != "android": raise unittest.SkipTest("Android-specific") api_level = platform.android_ver().api_level # (name, level, fileno) STREAM_INFO = [("stdout", "I", 1), ("stderr", "W", 2)] # Test redirection of stdout and stderr to the Android log. @unittest.skipIf( api_level < 23 and platform.machine() == "aarch64", "SELinux blocks reading logs on older ARM64 emulators" ) class TestAndroidOutput(unittest.TestCase): maxDiff = None def setUp(self): self.logcat_process = subprocess.Popen( ["logcat", "-v", "tag"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, errors="backslashreplace" ) self.logcat_queue = queue.Queue() def logcat_thread(): for line in self.logcat_process.stdout: self.logcat_queue.put(line.rstrip("\n")) self.logcat_process.stdout.close() self.logcat_thread = Thread(target=logcat_thread) self.logcat_thread.start() from ctypes import CDLL, c_char_p, c_int android_log_write = getattr(CDLL(""), "__android_log_write") android_log_write.argtypes = (c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p) ANDROID_LOG_INFO = 4 # Separate tests using a marker line with a different tag. tag, message = "python.test", f"{} {time()}" android_log_write( ANDROID_LOG_INFO, tag.encode("UTF-8"), message.encode("UTF-8")) self.assert_log("I", tag, message, skip=True, timeout=5) def assert_logs(self, level, tag, expected, **kwargs): for line in expected: self.assert_log(level, tag, line, **kwargs) def assert_log(self, level, tag, expected, *, skip=False, timeout=0.5): deadline = time() + timeout while True: try: line = self.logcat_queue.get(timeout=(deadline - time())) except queue.Empty:"line not found: {expected!r}") if match := re.fullmatch(fr"(.)/{tag}: (.*)", line): try: self.assertEqual(level, match[1]) self.assertEqual(expected, match[2]) break except AssertionError: if not skip: raise def tearDown(self): self.logcat_process.terminate() self.logcat_process.wait(LOOPBACK_TIMEOUT) self.logcat_thread.join(LOOPBACK_TIMEOUT) @contextmanager def unbuffered(self, stream): stream.reconfigure(write_through=True) try: yield finally: stream.reconfigure(write_through=False) # In --verbose3 mode, sys.stdout and sys.stderr are captured, so we can't # test them directly. Detect this mode and use some temporary streams with # the same properties. def stream_context(self, stream_name, level): # prio = {"I": 4, "W": 5}[level] stack = ExitStack() stack.enter_context(self.subTest(stream_name)) stream = getattr(sys, stream_name) native_stream = getattr(sys, f"__{stream_name}__") if isinstance(stream, io.StringIO): stack.enter_context( patch( f"sys.{stream_name}", TextLogStream( prio, f"python.{stream_name}", native_stream.fileno(), errors="backslashreplace" ), ) ) return stack def test_str(self): for stream_name, level, fileno in STREAM_INFO: with self.stream_context(stream_name, level): stream = getattr(sys, stream_name) tag = f"python.{stream_name}" self.assertEqual(f"<TextLogStream '{tag}'>", repr(stream)) self.assertIs(stream.writable(), True) self.assertIs(stream.readable(), False) self.assertEqual(stream.fileno(), fileno) self.assertEqual("UTF-8", stream.encoding) self.assertIs(stream.line_buffering, True) self.assertIs(stream.write_through, False) # stderr is backslashreplace by default; stdout is configured # that way by libregrtest.main. self.assertEqual("backslashreplace", stream.errors) def write(s, lines=None, *, write_len=None): if write_len is None: write_len = len(s) self.assertEqual(write_len, stream.write(s)) if lines is None: lines = [s] self.assert_logs(level, tag, lines) # Single-line messages, with self.unbuffered(stream): write("", []) write("a") write("Hello") write("Hello world") write(" ") write(" ") # Non-ASCII text write("ol\u00e9") # Spanish write("\u4e2d\u6587") # Chinese # Non-BMP emoji write("\U0001f600") # Non-encodable surrogates write("\ud800\udc00", [r"\ud800\udc00"]) # Code used by surrogateescape (which isn't enabled here) write("\udc80", [r"\udc80"]) # Null characters are logged using "modified UTF-8". write("\u0000", [r"\xc0\x80"]) write("a\u0000", [r"a\xc0\x80"]) write("\u0000b", [r"\xc0\x80b"]) write("a\u0000b", [r"a\xc0\x80b"]) # Multi-line messages. Avoid identical consecutive lines, as # they may activate "chatty" filtering and break the tests. write("\nx", [""]) write("\na\n", ["x", "a"]) write("\n", [""]) write("b\n", ["b"]) write("c\n\n", ["c", ""]) write("d\ne", ["d"]) write("xx", []) write("f\n\ng", ["exxf", ""]) write("\n", ["g"]) # Since this is a line-based logging system, line buffering # cannot be turned off, i.e. a newline always causes a flush. stream.reconfigure(line_buffering=False) self.assertIs(stream.line_buffering, True) # However, buffering can be turned off completely if you want a # flush after every write. with self.unbuffered(stream): write("\nx", ["", "x"]) write("\na\n", ["", "a"]) write("\n", [""]) write("b\n", ["b"]) write("c\n\n", ["c", ""]) write("d\ne", ["d", "e"]) write("xx", ["xx"]) write("f\n\ng", ["f", "", "g"]) write("\n", [""]) # "\r\n" should be translated into "\n". write("hello\r\n", ["hello"]) write("hello\r\nworld\r\n", ["hello", "world"]) write("\r\n", [""]) # Non-standard line separators should be preserved. write("before form feed\x0cafter form feed\n", ["before form feed\x0cafter form feed"]) write("before line separator\u2028after line separator\n", ["before line separator\u2028after line separator"]) # String subclasses are accepted, but they should be converted # to a standard str without calling any of their methods. class CustomStr(str): def splitlines(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AssertionError() def __len__(self): raise AssertionError() def __str__(self): raise AssertionError() write(CustomStr("custom\n"), ["custom"], write_len=7) # Non-string classes are not accepted. for obj in [b"", b"hello", None, 42]: with self.subTest(obj=obj): with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, fr"write\(\) argument must be str, not " fr"{type(obj).__name__}" ): stream.write(obj) # Manual flushing is supported. write("hello", []) stream.flush() self.assert_log(level, tag, "hello") write("hello", []) write("world", []) stream.flush() self.assert_log(level, tag, "helloworld") # Long lines are split into blocks of 1000 characters # (MAX_CHARS_PER_WRITE in, but # TextIOWrapper should then join them back together as much as # possible without exceeding 4000 UTF-8 bytes # (MAX_BYTES_PER_WRITE). # # ASCII (1 byte per character) write(("foobar" * 700) + "\n", # 4200 bytes in [("foobar" * 666) + "foob", # 4000 bytes out "ar" + ("foobar" * 33)]) # 200 bytes out # "Full-width" digits 0-9 (3 bytes per character) s = "\uff10\uff11\uff12\uff13\uff14\uff15\uff16\uff17\uff18\uff19" write((s * 150) + "\n", # 4500 bytes in [s * 100, # 3000 bytes out s * 50]) # 1500 bytes out s = "0123456789" write(s * 200, []) # 2000 bytes in write(s * 150, []) # 1500 bytes in write(s * 51, [s * 350]) # 510 bytes in, 3500 bytes out write("\n", [s * 51]) # 0 bytes in, 510 bytes out def test_bytes(self): for stream_name, level, fileno in STREAM_INFO: with self.stream_context(stream_name, level): stream = getattr(sys, stream_name).buffer tag = f"python.{stream_name}" self.assertEqual(f"<BinaryLogStream '{tag}'>", repr(stream)) self.assertIs(stream.writable(), True) self.assertIs(stream.readable(), False) self.assertEqual(stream.fileno(), fileno) def write(b, lines=None, *, write_len=None): if write_len is None: write_len = len(b) self.assertEqual(write_len, stream.write(b)) if lines is None: lines = [b.decode()] self.assert_logs(level, tag, lines) # Single-line messages, write(b"", []) write(b"a") write(b"Hello") write(b"Hello world") write(b" ") write(b" ") # Non-ASCII text write(b"ol\xc3\xa9") # Spanish write(b"\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87") # Chinese # Non-BMP emoji write(b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x80") # Null bytes are logged using "modified UTF-8". write(b"\x00", [r"\xc0\x80"]) write(b"a\x00", [r"a\xc0\x80"]) write(b"\x00b", [r"\xc0\x80b"]) write(b"a\x00b", [r"a\xc0\x80b"]) # Invalid UTF-8 write(b"\xff", [r"\xff"]) write(b"a\xff", [r"a\xff"]) write(b"\xffb", [r"\xffb"]) write(b"a\xffb", [r"a\xffb"]) # Log entries containing newlines are shown differently by # `logcat -v tag`, `logcat -v long`, and Android Studio. We # currently use `logcat -v tag`, which shows each line as if it # was a separate log entry, but strips a single trailing # newline. # # On newer versions of Android, all three of the above tools (or # maybe Logcat itself) will also strip any number of leading # newlines. write(b"\nx", ["", "x"] if api_level < 30 else ["x"]) write(b"\na\n", ["", "a"] if api_level < 30 else ["a"]) write(b"\n", [""]) write(b"b\n", ["b"]) write(b"c\n\n", ["c", ""]) write(b"d\ne", ["d", "e"]) write(b"xx", ["xx"]) write(b"f\n\ng", ["f", "", "g"]) write(b"\n", [""]) # "\r\n" should be translated into "\n". write(b"hello\r\n", ["hello"]) write(b"hello\r\nworld\r\n", ["hello", "world"]) write(b"\r\n", [""]) # Other bytes-like objects are accepted. write(bytearray(b"bytearray")) mv = memoryview(b"memoryview") write(mv, ["memoryview"]) # Continuous write(mv[::2], ["mmrve"]) # Discontinuous write( # Android only supports little-endian architectures, so the # bytes representation is as follows: array("H", [ 0, # 00 00 1, # 01 00 65534, # FE FF 65535, # FF FF ]), # After encoding null bytes with modified UTF-8, the only # valid UTF-8 sequence is \x01. All other bytes are handled # by backslashreplace. ["\\xc0\\x80\\xc0\\x80" "\x01\\xc0\\x80" "\\xfe\\xff" "\\xff\\xff"], write_len=8, ) # Non-bytes-like classes are not accepted. for obj in ["", "hello", None, 42]: with self.subTest(obj=obj): with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, fr"write\(\) argument must be bytes-like, not " fr"{type(obj).__name__}" ): stream.write(obj) class TestAndroidRateLimit(unittest.TestCase): def test_rate_limit(self): #;l=39 PER_MESSAGE_OVERHEAD = 28 # ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG = 3 # To avoid flooding the test script output, use a different tag rather # than stdout or stderr. tag = "python.rate_limit" stream = TextLogStream(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, tag) # Make a test message which consumes 1 KB of the logcat buffer. message = "Line {:03d} " message += "." * ( 1024 - PER_MESSAGE_OVERHEAD - len(tag) - len(message.format(0)) ) + "\n" # To avoid depending on the performance of the test device, we mock the # passage of time. mock_now = time() def mock_time(): # Avoid division by zero by simulating a small delay. mock_sleep(0.0001) return mock_now def mock_sleep(duration): nonlocal mock_now mock_now += duration # See The default values of these parameters work # well across a wide range of devices, but we'll use smaller values to # ensure a quick and reliable test that doesn't flood the log too much. MAX_KB_PER_SECOND = 100 BUCKET_KB = 10 with ( patch("_android_support.MAX_BYTES_PER_SECOND", MAX_KB_PER_SECOND * 1024), patch("_android_support.BUCKET_SIZE", BUCKET_KB * 1024), patch("_android_support.sleep", mock_sleep), patch("_android_support.time", mock_time), ): # Make sure the token bucket is full. stream.write("Initial message to reset _prev_write_time") mock_sleep(BUCKET_KB / MAX_KB_PER_SECOND) line_num = 0 # Write BUCKET_KB messages, and return the rate at which they were # accepted in KB per second. def write_bucketful(): nonlocal line_num start = mock_time() max_line_num = line_num + BUCKET_KB while line_num < max_line_num: stream.write(message.format(line_num)) line_num += 1 return BUCKET_KB / (mock_time() - start) # The first bucketful should be written with minimal delay. The # factor of 2 here is not arbitrary: it verifies that the system can # write fast enough to empty the bucket within two bucketfuls, which # the next part of the test depends on. self.assertGreater(write_bucketful(), MAX_KB_PER_SECOND * 2) # Write another bucketful to empty the token bucket completely. write_bucketful() # The next bucketful should be written at the rate limit. self.assertAlmostEqual( write_bucketful(), MAX_KB_PER_SECOND, delta=MAX_KB_PER_SECOND * 0.1 ) # Once the token bucket refills, we should go back to full speed. mock_sleep(BUCKET_KB / MAX_KB_PER_SECOND) self.assertGreater(write_bucketful(), MAX_KB_PER_SECOND * 2)