import ast import builtins import dis import enum import os import re import sys import textwrap import types import unittest import warnings import weakref from functools import partial from textwrap import dedent from test import support from import import_fresh_module from import os_helper, script_helper from import ASTTestMixin def to_tuple(t): if t is None or isinstance(t, (str, int, complex)) or t is Ellipsis: return t elif isinstance(t, list): return [to_tuple(e) for e in t] result = [t.__class__.__name__] if hasattr(t, 'lineno') and hasattr(t, 'col_offset'): result.append((t.lineno, t.col_offset)) if hasattr(t, 'end_lineno') and hasattr(t, 'end_col_offset'): result[-1] += (t.end_lineno, t.end_col_offset) if t._fields is None: return tuple(result) for f in t._fields: result.append(to_tuple(getattr(t, f))) return tuple(result) # These tests are compiled through "exec" # There should be at least one test per statement exec_tests = [ # None "None", # Module docstring "'module docstring'", # FunctionDef "def f(): pass", # FunctionDef with docstring "def f(): 'function docstring'", # FunctionDef with arg "def f(a): pass", # FunctionDef with arg and default value "def f(a=0): pass", # FunctionDef with varargs "def f(*args): pass", # FunctionDef with varargs as TypeVarTuple "def f(*args: *Ts): pass", # FunctionDef with varargs as unpacked Tuple "def f(*args: *tuple[int, ...]): pass", # FunctionDef with varargs as unpacked Tuple *and* TypeVarTuple "def f(*args: *tuple[int, *Ts]): pass", # FunctionDef with kwargs "def f(**kwargs): pass", # FunctionDef with all kind of args and docstring "def f(a, b=1, c=None, d=[], e={}, *args, f=42, **kwargs): 'doc for f()'", # FunctionDef with type annotation on return involving unpacking "def f() -> tuple[*Ts]: pass", "def f() -> tuple[int, *Ts]: pass", "def f() -> tuple[int, *tuple[int, ...]]: pass", # ClassDef "class C:pass", # ClassDef with docstring "class C: 'docstring for class C'", # ClassDef, new style class "class C(object): pass", # Return "def f():return 1", # Delete "del v", # Assign "v = 1", "a,b = c", "(a,b) = c", "[a,b] = c", # AnnAssign with unpacked types "x: tuple[*Ts]", "x: tuple[int, *Ts]", "x: tuple[int, *tuple[str, ...]]", # AugAssign "v += 1", # For "for v in v:pass", # While "while v:pass", # If "if v:pass", # If-Elif "if a:\n pass\nelif b:\n pass", # If-Elif-Else "if a:\n pass\nelif b:\n pass\nelse:\n pass", # With "with x as y: pass", "with x as y, z as q: pass", # Raise "raise Exception('string')", # TryExcept "try:\n pass\nexcept Exception:\n pass", # TryFinally "try:\n pass\nfinally:\n pass", # TryStarExcept "try:\n pass\nexcept* Exception:\n pass", # Assert "assert v", # Import "import sys", # ImportFrom "from sys import v", # Global "global v", # Expr "1", # Pass, "pass", # Break "for v in v:break", # Continue "for v in v:continue", # for statements with naked tuples (see "for a,b in c: pass", "for (a,b) in c: pass", "for [a,b] in c: pass", # Multiline generator expression (test for .lineno & .col_offset) """( ( Aa , Bb ) for Aa , Bb in Cc )""", # dictcomp "{a : b for w in x for m in p if g}", # dictcomp with naked tuple "{a : b for v,w in x}", # setcomp "{r for l in x if g}", # setcomp with naked tuple "{r for l,m in x}", # AsyncFunctionDef "async def f():\n 'async function'\n await something()", # AsyncFor "async def f():\n async for e in i: 1\n else: 2", # AsyncWith "async def f():\n async with a as b: 1", # PEP 448: Additional Unpacking Generalizations "{**{1:2}, 2:3}", "{*{1, 2}, 3}", # Asynchronous comprehensions "async def f():\n [i async for b in c]", # Decorated FunctionDef "@deco1\n@deco2()\n@deco3(1)\ndef f(): pass", # Decorated AsyncFunctionDef "@deco1\n@deco2()\n@deco3(1)\nasync def f(): pass", # Decorated ClassDef "@deco1\n@deco2()\n@deco3(1)\nclass C: pass", # Decorator with generator argument "@deco(a for a in b)\ndef f(): pass", # Decorator with attribute "@a.b.c\ndef f(): pass", # Simple assignment expression "(a := 1)", # Positional-only arguments "def f(a, /,): pass", "def f(a, /, c, d, e): pass", "def f(a, /, c, *, d, e): pass", "def f(a, /, c, *, d, e, **kwargs): pass", # Positional-only arguments with defaults "def f(a=1, /,): pass", "def f(a=1, /, b=2, c=4): pass", "def f(a=1, /, b=2, *, c=4): pass", "def f(a=1, /, b=2, *, c): pass", "def f(a=1, /, b=2, *, c=4, **kwargs): pass", "def f(a=1, /, b=2, *, c, **kwargs): pass", # Type aliases "type X = int", "type X[T] = int", "type X[T, *Ts, **P] = (T, Ts, P)", "type X[T: int, *Ts, **P] = (T, Ts, P)", "type X[T: (int, str), *Ts, **P] = (T, Ts, P)", # Generic classes "class X[T]: pass", "class X[T, *Ts, **P]: pass", "class X[T: int, *Ts, **P]: pass", "class X[T: (int, str), *Ts, **P]: pass", # Generic functions "def f[T](): pass", "def f[T, *Ts, **P](): pass", "def f[T: int, *Ts, **P](): pass", "def f[T: (int, str), *Ts, **P](): pass", ] # These are compiled through "single" # because of overlap with "eval", it just tests what # can't be tested with "eval" single_tests = [ "1+2" ] # These are compiled through "eval" # It should test all expressions eval_tests = [ # None "None", # BoolOp "a and b", # BinOp "a + b", # UnaryOp "not v", # Lambda "lambda:None", # Dict "{ 1:2 }", # Empty dict "{}", # Set "{None,}", # Multiline dict (test for .lineno & .col_offset) """{ 1 : 2 }""", # ListComp "[a for b in c if d]", # GeneratorExp "(a for b in c if d)", # Comprehensions with multiple for targets "[(a,b) for a,b in c]", "[(a,b) for (a,b) in c]", "[(a,b) for [a,b] in c]", "{(a,b) for a,b in c}", "{(a,b) for (a,b) in c}", "{(a,b) for [a,b] in c}", "((a,b) for a,b in c)", "((a,b) for (a,b) in c)", "((a,b) for [a,b] in c)", # Yield - yield expressions can't work outside a function # # Compare "1 < 2 < 3", # Call "f(1,2,c=3,*d,**e)", # Call with multi-character starred "f(*[0, 1])", # Call with a generator argument "f(a for a in b)", # Num "10", # Str "'string'", # Attribute "a.b", # Subscript "a[b:c]", # Name "v", # List "[1,2,3]", # Empty list "[]", # Tuple "1,2,3", # Tuple "(1,2,3)", # Empty tuple "()", # Combination "a.b.c.d(a.b[1:2])", ] # TODO: expr_context, slice, boolop, operator, unaryop, cmpop, comprehension # excepthandler, arguments, keywords, alias class AST_Tests(unittest.TestCase): maxDiff = None def _is_ast_node(self, name, node): if not isinstance(node, type): return False if "ast" not in node.__module__: return False return name != 'AST' and name[0].isupper() def _assertTrueorder(self, ast_node, parent_pos): if not isinstance(ast_node, ast.AST) or ast_node._fields is None: return if isinstance(ast_node, (ast.expr, ast.stmt, ast.excepthandler)): node_pos = (ast_node.lineno, ast_node.col_offset) self.assertGreaterEqual(node_pos, parent_pos) parent_pos = (ast_node.lineno, ast_node.col_offset) for name in ast_node._fields: value = getattr(ast_node, name) if isinstance(value, list): first_pos = parent_pos if value and name == 'decorator_list': first_pos = (value[0].lineno, value[0].col_offset) for child in value: self._assertTrueorder(child, first_pos) elif value is not None: self._assertTrueorder(value, parent_pos) self.assertEqual(ast_node._fields, ast_node.__match_args__) def test_AST_objects(self): x = ast.AST() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ()) x.foobar = 42 self.assertEqual(x.foobar, 42) self.assertEqual(x.__dict__["foobar"], 42) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.vararg with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # "ast.AST constructor takes 0 positional arguments" ast.AST(2) def test_AST_garbage_collection(self): class X: pass a = ast.AST() a.x = X() a.x.a = a ref = weakref.ref(a.x) del a support.gc_collect() self.assertIsNone(ref()) def test_snippets(self): for input, output, kind in ((exec_tests, exec_results, "exec"), (single_tests, single_results, "single"), (eval_tests, eval_results, "eval")): for i, o in zip(input, output): with self.subTest(action="parsing", input=i): ast_tree = compile(i, "?", kind, ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) self.assertEqual(to_tuple(ast_tree), o) self._assertTrueorder(ast_tree, (0, 0)) with self.subTest(action="compiling", input=i, kind=kind): compile(ast_tree, "?", kind) def test_ast_validation(self): # compile() is the only function that calls PyAST_Validate snippets_to_validate = exec_tests + single_tests + eval_tests for snippet in snippets_to_validate: tree = ast.parse(snippet) compile(tree, '', 'exec') def test_invalid_position_information(self): invalid_linenos = [ (10, 1), (-10, -11), (10, -11), (-5, -2), (-5, 1) ] for lineno, end_lineno in invalid_linenos: with self.subTest(f"Check invalid linenos {lineno}:{end_lineno}"): snippet = "a = 1" tree = ast.parse(snippet) tree.body[0].lineno = lineno tree.body[0].end_lineno = end_lineno with self.assertRaises(ValueError): compile(tree, '', 'exec') invalid_col_offsets = [ (10, 1), (-10, -11), (10, -11), (-5, -2), (-5, 1) ] for col_offset, end_col_offset in invalid_col_offsets: with self.subTest(f"Check invalid col_offset {col_offset}:{end_col_offset}"): snippet = "a = 1" tree = ast.parse(snippet) tree.body[0].col_offset = col_offset tree.body[0].end_col_offset = end_col_offset with self.assertRaises(ValueError): compile(tree, '', 'exec') def test_compilation_of_ast_nodes_with_default_end_position_values(self): tree = ast.Module(body=[ ast.Import(names=[ast.alias(name='builtins', lineno=1, col_offset=0)], lineno=1, col_offset=0), ast.Import(names=[ast.alias(name='traceback', lineno=0, col_offset=0)], lineno=0, col_offset=1) ], type_ignores=[]) # Check that compilation doesn't crash. Note: this may crash explicitly only on debug mode. compile(tree, "", "exec") def test_slice(self): slc = ast.parse("x[::]").body[0].value.slice self.assertIsNone(slc.upper) self.assertIsNone(slc.lower) self.assertIsNone(slc.step) def test_from_import(self): im = ast.parse("from . import y").body[0] self.assertIsNone(im.module) def test_non_interned_future_from_ast(self): mod = ast.parse("from __future__ import division") self.assertIsInstance(mod.body[0], ast.ImportFrom) mod.body[0].module = " __future__ ".strip() compile(mod, "", "exec") def test_alias(self): im = ast.parse("from bar import y").body[0] self.assertEqual(len(im.names), 1) alias = im.names[0] self.assertEqual(, 'y') self.assertIsNone(alias.asname) self.assertEqual(alias.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.end_lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.col_offset, 16) self.assertEqual(alias.end_col_offset, 17) im = ast.parse("from bar import *").body[0] alias = im.names[0] self.assertEqual(, '*') self.assertIsNone(alias.asname) self.assertEqual(alias.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.end_lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.col_offset, 16) self.assertEqual(alias.end_col_offset, 17) im = ast.parse("from bar import y as z").body[0] alias = im.names[0] self.assertEqual(, "y") self.assertEqual(alias.asname, "z") self.assertEqual(alias.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.end_lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.col_offset, 16) self.assertEqual(alias.end_col_offset, 22) im = ast.parse("import bar as foo").body[0] alias = im.names[0] self.assertEqual(, "bar") self.assertEqual(alias.asname, "foo") self.assertEqual(alias.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.end_lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(alias.col_offset, 7) self.assertEqual(alias.end_col_offset, 17) def test_base_classes(self): self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.For, ast.stmt)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.Name, ast.expr)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.stmt, ast.AST)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.expr, ast.AST)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.comprehension, ast.AST)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.Gt, ast.AST)) def test_import_deprecated(self): ast = import_fresh_module('ast') depr_regex = ( r'ast\.{} is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; ' r'use ast\.Constant instead' ) for name in 'Num', 'Str', 'Bytes', 'NameConstant', 'Ellipsis': with self.assertWarnsRegex(DeprecationWarning, depr_regex.format(name)): getattr(ast, name) def test_field_attr_existence_deprecated(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) from ast import Num, Str, Bytes, NameConstant, Ellipsis for name in ('Num', 'Str', 'Bytes', 'NameConstant', 'Ellipsis'): item = getattr(ast, name) if self._is_ast_node(name, item): with self.subTest(item): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): x = item() if isinstance(x, ast.AST): self.assertIs(type(x._fields), tuple) def test_field_attr_existence(self): for name, item in ast.__dict__.items(): # These emit DeprecationWarnings if name in {'Num', 'Str', 'Bytes', 'NameConstant', 'Ellipsis'}: continue # constructor has a different signature if name == 'Index': continue if self._is_ast_node(name, item): x = item() if isinstance(x, ast.AST): self.assertIs(type(x._fields), tuple) def test_arguments(self): x = ast.arguments() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('posonlyargs', 'args', 'vararg', 'kwonlyargs', 'kw_defaults', 'kwarg', 'defaults')) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.args self.assertIsNone(x.vararg) x = ast.arguments(*range(1, 8)) self.assertEqual(x.args, 2) self.assertEqual(x.vararg, 3) def test_field_attr_writable_deprecated(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) x = ast.Num() # We can assign to _fields x._fields = 666 self.assertEqual(x._fields, 666) def test_field_attr_writable(self): x = ast.Constant() # We can assign to _fields x._fields = 666 self.assertEqual(x._fields, 666) def test_classattrs_deprecated(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) from ast import Num, Str, Bytes, NameConstant, Ellipsis with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', DeprecationWarning) x = ast.Num() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('value', 'kind')) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.value with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.n x = ast.Num(42) self.assertEqual(x.value, 42) self.assertEqual(x.n, 42) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.lineno with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.foobar x = ast.Num(lineno=2) self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 2) x = ast.Num(42, lineno=0) self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 0) self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('value', 'kind')) self.assertEqual(x.value, 42) self.assertEqual(x.n, 42) self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.Num, 1, None, 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.Num, 1, None, 2, lineno=0) # Arbitrary keyword arguments are supported self.assertEqual(ast.Num(1, foo='bar').foo, 'bar') with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "Num got multiple values for argument 'n'"): ast.Num(1, n=2) self.assertEqual(ast.Num(42).n, 42) self.assertEqual(ast.Num(4.25).n, 4.25) self.assertEqual(ast.Num(4.25j).n, 4.25j) self.assertEqual(ast.Str('42').s, '42') self.assertEqual(ast.Bytes(b'42').s, b'42') self.assertIs(ast.NameConstant(True).value, True) self.assertIs(ast.NameConstant(False).value, False) self.assertIs(ast.NameConstant(None).value, None) self.assertEqual([str(w.message) for w in wlog], [ 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Str is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute s is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Bytes is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute s is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', ]) def test_classattrs(self): x = ast.Constant() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('value', 'kind')) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.value x = ast.Constant(42) self.assertEqual(x.value, 42) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.lineno with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.foobar x = ast.Constant(lineno=2) self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 2) x = ast.Constant(42, lineno=0) self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 0) self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('value', 'kind')) self.assertEqual(x.value, 42) self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.Constant, 1, None, 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.Constant, 1, None, 2, lineno=0) # Arbitrary keyword arguments are supported self.assertEqual(ast.Constant(1, foo='bar').foo, 'bar') with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "Constant got multiple values for argument 'value'"): ast.Constant(1, value=2) self.assertEqual(ast.Constant(42).value, 42) self.assertEqual(ast.Constant(4.25).value, 4.25) self.assertEqual(ast.Constant(4.25j).value, 4.25j) self.assertEqual(ast.Constant('42').value, '42') self.assertEqual(ast.Constant(b'42').value, b'42') self.assertIs(ast.Constant(True).value, True) self.assertIs(ast.Constant(False).value, False) self.assertIs(ast.Constant(None).value, None) self.assertIs(ast.Constant(...).value, ...) def test_realtype(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) from ast import Num, Str, Bytes, NameConstant, Ellipsis with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', DeprecationWarning) self.assertIs(type(ast.Num(42)), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.Num(4.25)), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.Num(4.25j)), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.Str('42')), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.Bytes(b'42')), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.NameConstant(True)), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.NameConstant(False)), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.NameConstant(None)), ast.Constant) self.assertIs(type(ast.Ellipsis()), ast.Constant) self.assertEqual([str(w.message) for w in wlog], [ 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Str is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Bytes is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Ellipsis is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', ]) def test_isinstance(self): from ast import Constant with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) from ast import Num, Str, Bytes, NameConstant, Ellipsis cls_depr_msg = ( 'ast.{} is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; ' 'use ast.Constant instead' ) assertNumDeprecated = partial( self.assertWarnsRegex, DeprecationWarning, cls_depr_msg.format("Num") ) assertStrDeprecated = partial( self.assertWarnsRegex, DeprecationWarning, cls_depr_msg.format("Str") ) assertBytesDeprecated = partial( self.assertWarnsRegex, DeprecationWarning, cls_depr_msg.format("Bytes") ) assertNameConstantDeprecated = partial( self.assertWarnsRegex, DeprecationWarning, cls_depr_msg.format("NameConstant") ) assertEllipsisDeprecated = partial( self.assertWarnsRegex, DeprecationWarning, cls_depr_msg.format("Ellipsis") ) for arg in 42, 4.2, 4.2j: with self.subTest(arg=arg): with assertNumDeprecated(): n = Num(arg) with assertNumDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(n, Num) with assertStrDeprecated(): s = Str('42') with assertStrDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(s, Str) with assertBytesDeprecated(): b = Bytes(b'42') with assertBytesDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(b, Bytes) for arg in True, False, None: with self.subTest(arg=arg): with assertNameConstantDeprecated(): n = NameConstant(arg) with assertNameConstantDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(n, NameConstant) with assertEllipsisDeprecated(): e = Ellipsis() with assertEllipsisDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(e, Ellipsis) for arg in 42, 4.2, 4.2j: with self.subTest(arg=arg): with assertNumDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(Constant(arg), Num) with assertStrDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(Constant('42'), Str) with assertBytesDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(Constant(b'42'), Bytes) for arg in True, False, None: with self.subTest(arg=arg): with assertNameConstantDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(Constant(arg), NameConstant) with assertEllipsisDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(Constant(...), Ellipsis) with assertStrDeprecated(): s = Str('42') assertNumDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, s, Num) assertBytesDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, s, Bytes) with assertNumDeprecated(): n = Num(42) assertStrDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, n, Str) assertNameConstantDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, n, NameConstant) assertEllipsisDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, n, Ellipsis) with assertNameConstantDeprecated(): n = NameConstant(True) with assertNumDeprecated(): self.assertNotIsInstance(n, Num) with assertNameConstantDeprecated(): n = NameConstant(False) with assertNumDeprecated(): self.assertNotIsInstance(n, Num) for arg in '42', True, False: with self.subTest(arg=arg): with assertNumDeprecated(): self.assertNotIsInstance(Constant(arg), Num) assertStrDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(42), Str) assertBytesDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant('42'), Bytes) assertNameConstantDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(42), NameConstant) assertEllipsisDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(42), Ellipsis) assertNumDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(), Num) assertStrDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(), Str) assertBytesDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(), Bytes) assertNameConstantDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(), NameConstant) assertEllipsisDeprecated(self.assertNotIsInstance, Constant(), Ellipsis) class S(str): pass with assertStrDeprecated(): self.assertIsInstance(Constant(S('42')), Str) with assertNumDeprecated(): self.assertNotIsInstance(Constant(S('42')), Num) def test_constant_subclasses_deprecated(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) from ast import Num with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', DeprecationWarning) class N(ast.Num): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.z = 'spam' class N2(ast.Num): pass n = N(42) self.assertEqual(n.n, 42) self.assertEqual(n.z, 'spam') self.assertIs(type(n), N) self.assertIsInstance(n, N) self.assertIsInstance(n, ast.Num) self.assertNotIsInstance(n, N2) self.assertNotIsInstance(ast.Num(42), N) n = N(n=42) self.assertEqual(n.n, 42) self.assertIs(type(n), N) self.assertEqual([str(w.message) for w in wlog], [ 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', ]) def test_constant_subclasses(self): class N(ast.Constant): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.z = 'spam' class N2(ast.Constant): pass n = N(42) self.assertEqual(n.value, 42) self.assertEqual(n.z, 'spam') self.assertEqual(type(n), N) self.assertTrue(isinstance(n, N)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(n, ast.Constant)) self.assertFalse(isinstance(n, N2)) self.assertFalse(isinstance(ast.Constant(42), N)) n = N(value=42) self.assertEqual(n.value, 42) self.assertEqual(type(n), N) def test_module(self): body = [ast.Constant(42)] x = ast.Module(body, []) self.assertEqual(x.body, body) def test_nodeclasses(self): # Zero arguments constructor explicitly allowed x = ast.BinOp() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('left', 'op', 'right')) # Random attribute allowed too x.foobarbaz = 5 self.assertEqual(x.foobarbaz, 5) n1 = ast.Constant(1) n3 = ast.Constant(3) addop = ast.Add() x = ast.BinOp(n1, addop, n3) self.assertEqual(x.left, n1) self.assertEqual(x.op, addop) self.assertEqual(x.right, n3) x = ast.BinOp(1, 2, 3) self.assertEqual(x.left, 1) self.assertEqual(x.op, 2) self.assertEqual(x.right, 3) x = ast.BinOp(1, 2, 3, lineno=0) self.assertEqual(x.left, 1) self.assertEqual(x.op, 2) self.assertEqual(x.right, 3) self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 0) # node raises exception when given too many arguments self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.BinOp, 1, 2, 3, 4) # node raises exception when given too many arguments self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.BinOp, 1, 2, 3, 4, lineno=0) # can set attributes through kwargs too x = ast.BinOp(left=1, op=2, right=3, lineno=0) self.assertEqual(x.left, 1) self.assertEqual(x.op, 2) self.assertEqual(x.right, 3) self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 0) # Random kwargs also allowed x = ast.BinOp(1, 2, 3, foobarbaz=42) self.assertEqual(x.foobarbaz, 42) def test_no_fields(self): # this used to fail because Sub._fields was None x = ast.Sub() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ()) def test_pickling(self): import pickle for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): for ast in (compile(i, "?", "exec", 0x400) for i in exec_tests): ast2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(ast, protocol)) self.assertEqual(to_tuple(ast2), to_tuple(ast)) def test_invalid_sum(self): pos = dict(lineno=2, col_offset=3) m = ast.Module([ast.Expr(ast.expr(**pos), **pos)], []) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: compile(m, "", "exec") self.assertIn("but got ", "exec") self.assertIn("identifier must be of type str", str(cm.exception)) def test_invalid_constant(self): for invalid_constant in int, (1, 2, int), frozenset((1, 2, int)): e = ast.Expression(body=ast.Constant(invalid_constant)) ast.fix_missing_locations(e) with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, "invalid type in Constant: type" ): compile(e, "", "eval") def test_empty_yield_from(self): # Issue 16546: yield from value is not optional. empty_yield_from = ast.parse("def f():\n yield from g()") empty_yield_from.body[0].body[0].value.value = None with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: compile(empty_yield_from, "", "exec") self.assertIn("field 'value' is required", str(cm.exception)) @support.cpython_only def test_issue31592(self): # There shouldn't be an assertion failure in case of a bad # unicodedata.normalize(). import unicodedata def bad_normalize(*args): return None with support.swap_attr(unicodedata, 'normalize', bad_normalize): self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.parse, '\u03D5') def test_issue18374_binop_col_offset(self): tree = ast.parse('4+5+6+7') parent_binop = tree.body[0].value child_binop = parent_binop.left grandchild_binop = child_binop.left self.assertEqual(parent_binop.col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(parent_binop.end_col_offset, 7) self.assertEqual(child_binop.col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(child_binop.end_col_offset, 5) self.assertEqual(grandchild_binop.col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(grandchild_binop.end_col_offset, 3) tree = ast.parse('4+5-\\\n 6-7') parent_binop = tree.body[0].value child_binop = parent_binop.left grandchild_binop = child_binop.left self.assertEqual(parent_binop.col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(parent_binop.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(parent_binop.end_col_offset, 4) self.assertEqual(parent_binop.end_lineno, 2) self.assertEqual(child_binop.col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(child_binop.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(child_binop.end_col_offset, 2) self.assertEqual(child_binop.end_lineno, 2) self.assertEqual(grandchild_binop.col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(grandchild_binop.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(grandchild_binop.end_col_offset, 3) self.assertEqual(grandchild_binop.end_lineno, 1) def test_issue39579_dotted_name_end_col_offset(self): tree = ast.parse('@a.b.c\ndef f(): pass') attr_b = tree.body[0].decorator_list[0].value self.assertEqual(attr_b.end_col_offset, 4) def test_ast_asdl_signature(self): self.assertEqual(ast.withitem.__doc__, "withitem(expr context_expr, expr? optional_vars)") self.assertEqual(ast.GtE.__doc__, "GtE") self.assertEqual(ast.Name.__doc__, "Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx)") self.assertEqual(ast.cmpop.__doc__, "cmpop = Eq | NotEq | Lt | LtE | Gt | GtE | Is | IsNot | In | NotIn") expressions = [f" | {node.__doc__}" for node in ast.expr.__subclasses__()] expressions[0] = f"expr = {ast.expr.__subclasses__()[0].__doc__}" self.assertCountEqual(ast.expr.__doc__.split("\n"), expressions) def test_positional_only_feature_version(self): ast.parse('def foo(x, /): ...', feature_version=(3, 8)) ast.parse('def bar(x=1, /): ...', feature_version=(3, 8)) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): ast.parse('def foo(x, /): ...', feature_version=(3, 7)) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): ast.parse('def bar(x=1, /): ...', feature_version=(3, 7)) ast.parse('lambda x, /: ...', feature_version=(3, 8)) ast.parse('lambda x=1, /: ...', feature_version=(3, 8)) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): ast.parse('lambda x, /: ...', feature_version=(3, 7)) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): ast.parse('lambda x=1, /: ...', feature_version=(3, 7)) def test_assignment_expression_feature_version(self): ast.parse('(x := 0)', feature_version=(3, 8)) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): ast.parse('(x := 0)', feature_version=(3, 7)) def test_conditional_context_managers_parse_with_low_feature_version(self): # regression test for gh-115881 ast.parse('with (x() if y else z()): ...', feature_version=(3, 8)) def test_exception_groups_feature_version(self): code = dedent(''' try: ... except* Exception: ... ''') ast.parse(code) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): ast.parse(code, feature_version=(3, 10)) def test_type_params_feature_version(self): samples = [ "type X = int", "class X[T]: pass", "def f[T](): pass", ] for sample in samples: with self.subTest(sample): ast.parse(sample) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): ast.parse(sample, feature_version=(3, 11)) def test_invalid_major_feature_version(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): ast.parse('pass', feature_version=(2, 7)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): ast.parse('pass', feature_version=(4, 0)) def test_constant_as_name(self): for constant in "True", "False", "None": expr = ast.Expression(ast.Name(constant, ast.Load())) ast.fix_missing_locations(expr) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, f"identifier field can't represent '{constant}' constant"): compile(expr, "", "eval") def test_precedence_enum(self): class _Precedence(enum.IntEnum): """Precedence table that originated from python grammar.""" NAMED_EXPR = # := TUPLE = # , YIELD = # 'yield', 'yield from' TEST = # 'if'-'else', 'lambda' OR = # 'or' AND = # 'and' NOT = # 'not' CMP = # '<', '>', '==', '>=', '<=', '!=', # 'in', 'not in', 'is', 'is not' EXPR = BOR = EXPR # '|' BXOR = # '^' BAND = # '&' SHIFT = # '<<', '>>' ARITH = # '+', '-' TERM = # '*', '@', '/', '%', '//' FACTOR = # unary '+', '-', '~' POWER = # '**' AWAIT = # 'await' ATOM = def next(self): try: return self.__class__(self + 1) except ValueError: return self enum._test_simple_enum(_Precedence, ast._Precedence) @unittest.skipIf(support.is_wasi, "exhausts limited stack on WASI") @support.cpython_only def test_ast_recursion_limit(self): fail_depth = support.C_RECURSION_LIMIT + 1 crash_depth = 100_000 success_depth = int(support.C_RECURSION_LIMIT * 0.9) def check_limit(prefix, repeated): expect_ok = prefix + repeated * success_depth ast.parse(expect_ok) for depth in (fail_depth, crash_depth): broken = prefix + repeated * depth details = "Compiling ({!r} + {!r} * {})".format( prefix, repeated, depth) with self.assertRaises(RecursionError, msg=details): with support.infinite_recursion(): ast.parse(broken) check_limit("a", "()") check_limit("a", ".b") check_limit("a", "[0]") check_limit("a", "*a") def test_null_bytes(self): with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, msg="source code string cannot contain null bytes"): ast.parse("a\0b") def assert_none_check(self, node: type[ast.AST], attr: str, source: str) -> None: with self.subTest(f"{node.__name__}.{attr}"): tree = ast.parse(source) found = 0 for child in ast.walk(tree): if isinstance(child, node): setattr(child, attr, None) found += 1 self.assertEqual(found, 1) e = re.escape(f"field '{attr}' is required for {node.__name__}") with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, f"^{e}$"): compile(tree, "", "exec") def test_none_checks(self) -> None: tests = [ (ast.alias, "name", "import spam as SPAM"), (ast.arg, "arg", "def spam(SPAM): spam"), (ast.comprehension, "target", "[spam for SPAM in spam]"), (ast.comprehension, "iter", "[spam for spam in SPAM]"), (ast.keyword, "value", "spam(**SPAM)"), (ast.match_case, "pattern", "match spam:\n case SPAM: spam"), (ast.withitem, "context_expr", "with SPAM: spam"), ] for node, attr, source in tests: self.assert_none_check(node, attr, source) class ASTHelpers_Test(unittest.TestCase): maxDiff = None def test_parse(self): a = ast.parse('foo(1 + 1)') b = compile('foo(1 + 1)', '', 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(a), ast.dump(b)) def test_parse_in_error(self): try: 1/0 except Exception: with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as e: ast.literal_eval(r"'\U'") self.assertIsNotNone(e.exception.__context__) def test_dump(self): node = ast.parse('spam(eggs, "and cheese")') self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node), "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load()), " "args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load()), Constant(value='and cheese')], " "keywords=[]))], type_ignores=[])" ) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False), "Module([Expr(Call(Name('spam', Load()), [Name('eggs', Load()), " "Constant('and cheese')], []))], [])" ) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True), "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), " "lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=4), " "args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=5, " "end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=9), Constant(value='and cheese', " "lineno=1, col_offset=11, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=23)], keywords=[], " "lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=24), " "lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=24)], type_ignores=[])" ) def test_dump_indent(self): node = ast.parse('spam(eggs, "and cheese")') self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, indent=3), """\ Module( body=[ Expr( value=Call( func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load()), args=[ Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load()), Constant(value='and cheese')], keywords=[]))], type_ignores=[])""") self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False, indent='\t'), """\ Module( \t[ \t\tExpr( \t\t\tCall( \t\t\t\tName('spam', Load()), \t\t\t\t[ \t\t\t\t\tName('eggs', Load()), \t\t\t\t\tConstant('and cheese')], \t\t\t\t[]))], \t[])""") self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True, indent=3), """\ Module( body=[ Expr( value=Call( func=Name( id='spam', ctx=Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=4), args=[ Name( id='eggs', ctx=Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=5, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=9), Constant( value='and cheese', lineno=1, col_offset=11, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=23)], keywords=[], lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=24), lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=24)], type_ignores=[])""") def test_dump_incomplete(self): node = ast.Raise(lineno=3, col_offset=4) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node), "Raise()" ) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True), "Raise(lineno=3, col_offset=4)" ) node = ast.Raise(exc=ast.Name(id='e', ctx=ast.Load()), lineno=3, col_offset=4) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node), "Raise(exc=Name(id='e', ctx=Load()))" ) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False), "Raise(Name('e', Load()))" ) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True), "Raise(exc=Name(id='e', ctx=Load()), lineno=3, col_offset=4)" ) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False, include_attributes=True), "Raise(Name('e', Load()), lineno=3, col_offset=4)" ) node = ast.Raise(cause=ast.Name(id='e', ctx=ast.Load())) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node), "Raise(cause=Name(id='e', ctx=Load()))" ) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False), "Raise(cause=Name('e', Load()))" ) def test_copy_location(self): src = ast.parse('1 + 1', mode='eval') src.body.right = ast.copy_location(ast.Constant(2), src.body.right) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True), 'Expression(body=BinOp(left=Constant(value=1, lineno=1, col_offset=0, ' 'end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=1), op=Add(), right=Constant(value=2, ' 'lineno=1, col_offset=4, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=5), lineno=1, ' 'col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=5))' ) src = ast.Call(col_offset=1, lineno=1, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=1) new = ast.copy_location(src, ast.Call(col_offset=None, lineno=None)) self.assertIsNone(new.end_lineno) self.assertIsNone(new.end_col_offset) self.assertEqual(new.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(new.col_offset, 1) def test_fix_missing_locations(self): src = ast.parse('write("spam")') src.body.append(ast.Expr(ast.Call(ast.Name('spam', ast.Load()), [ast.Constant('eggs')], []))) self.assertEqual(src, ast.fix_missing_locations(src)) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True), "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='write', ctx=Load(), " "lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=5), " "args=[Constant(value='spam', lineno=1, col_offset=6, end_lineno=1, " "end_col_offset=12)], keywords=[], lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, " "end_col_offset=13), lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, " "end_col_offset=13), Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), " "lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=0), " "args=[Constant(value='eggs', lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, " "end_col_offset=0)], keywords=[], lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, " "end_col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0, end_lineno=1, end_col_offset=0)], " "type_ignores=[])" ) def test_increment_lineno(self): src = ast.parse('1 + 1', mode='eval') self.assertEqual(ast.increment_lineno(src, n=3), src) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True), 'Expression(body=BinOp(left=Constant(value=1, lineno=4, col_offset=0, ' 'end_lineno=4, end_col_offset=1), op=Add(), right=Constant(value=1, ' 'lineno=4, col_offset=4, end_lineno=4, end_col_offset=5), lineno=4, ' 'col_offset=0, end_lineno=4, end_col_offset=5))' ) # issue10869: do not increment lineno of root twice src = ast.parse('1 + 1', mode='eval') self.assertEqual(ast.increment_lineno(src.body, n=3), src.body) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True), 'Expression(body=BinOp(left=Constant(value=1, lineno=4, col_offset=0, ' 'end_lineno=4, end_col_offset=1), op=Add(), right=Constant(value=1, ' 'lineno=4, col_offset=4, end_lineno=4, end_col_offset=5), lineno=4, ' 'col_offset=0, end_lineno=4, end_col_offset=5))' ) src = ast.Call( func=ast.Name("test", ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[], lineno=1 ) self.assertEqual(ast.increment_lineno(src).lineno, 2) self.assertIsNone(ast.increment_lineno(src).end_lineno) def test_increment_lineno_on_module(self): src = ast.parse(dedent("""\ a = 1 b = 2 # type: ignore c = 3 d = 4 # type: ignore@tag """), type_comments=True) ast.increment_lineno(src, n=5) self.assertEqual(src.type_ignores[0].lineno, 7) self.assertEqual(src.type_ignores[1].lineno, 9) self.assertEqual(src.type_ignores[1].tag, '@tag') def test_iter_fields(self): node = ast.parse('foo()', mode='eval') d = dict(ast.iter_fields(node.body)) self.assertEqual(d.pop('func').id, 'foo') self.assertEqual(d, {'keywords': [], 'args': []}) def test_iter_child_nodes(self): node = ast.parse("spam(23, 42, eggs='leek')", mode='eval') self.assertEqual(len(list(ast.iter_child_nodes(node.body))), 4) iterator = ast.iter_child_nodes(node.body) self.assertEqual(next(iterator).id, 'spam') self.assertEqual(next(iterator).value, 23) self.assertEqual(next(iterator).value, 42) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(next(iterator)), "keyword(arg='eggs', value=Constant(value='leek'))" ) def test_get_docstring(self): node = ast.parse('"""line one\n line two"""') self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(node), 'line one\nline two') node = ast.parse('class foo:\n """line one\n line two"""') self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0]), 'line one\nline two') node = ast.parse('def foo():\n """line one\n line two"""') self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0]), 'line one\nline two') node = ast.parse('async def foo():\n """spam\n ham"""') self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0]), 'spam\nham') def test_get_docstring_none(self): self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(ast.parse(''))) node = ast.parse('x = "not docstring"') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node)) node = ast.parse('def foo():\n pass') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node)) node = ast.parse('class foo:\n pass') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0])) node = ast.parse('class foo:\n x = "not docstring"') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0])) node = ast.parse('class foo:\n def bar(self): pass') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0])) node = ast.parse('def foo():\n pass') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0])) node = ast.parse('def foo():\n x = "not docstring"') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0])) node = ast.parse('async def foo():\n pass') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0])) node = ast.parse('async def foo():\n x = "not docstring"') self.assertIsNone(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0])) def test_multi_line_docstring_col_offset_and_lineno_issue16806(self): node = ast.parse( '"""line one\nline two"""\n\n' 'def foo():\n """line one\n line two"""\n\n' ' def bar():\n """line one\n line two"""\n' ' """line one\n line two"""\n' '"""line one\nline two"""\n\n' ) self.assertEqual(node.body[0].col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(node.body[0].lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(node.body[1].body[0].col_offset, 2) self.assertEqual(node.body[1].body[0].lineno, 5) self.assertEqual(node.body[1].body[1].body[0].col_offset, 4) self.assertEqual(node.body[1].body[1].body[0].lineno, 9) self.assertEqual(node.body[1].body[2].col_offset, 2) self.assertEqual(node.body[1].body[2].lineno, 11) self.assertEqual(node.body[2].col_offset, 0) self.assertEqual(node.body[2].lineno, 13) def test_elif_stmt_start_position(self): node = ast.parse('if a:\n pass\nelif b:\n pass\n') elif_stmt = node.body[0].orelse[0] self.assertEqual(elif_stmt.lineno, 3) self.assertEqual(elif_stmt.col_offset, 0) def test_elif_stmt_start_position_with_else(self): node = ast.parse('if a:\n pass\nelif b:\n pass\nelse:\n pass\n') elif_stmt = node.body[0].orelse[0] self.assertEqual(elif_stmt.lineno, 3) self.assertEqual(elif_stmt.col_offset, 0) def test_starred_expr_end_position_within_call(self): node = ast.parse('f(*[0, 1])') starred_expr = node.body[0].value.args[0] self.assertEqual(starred_expr.end_lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(starred_expr.end_col_offset, 9) def test_literal_eval(self): self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('[1, 2, 3]'), [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('{"foo": 42}'), {"foo": 42}) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('(True, False, None)'), (True, False, None)) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('{1, 2, 3}'), {1, 2, 3}) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('b"hi"'), b"hi") self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('set()'), set()) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, 'foo()') self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('6'), 6) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('+6'), 6) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-6'), -6) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('3.25'), 3.25) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('+3.25'), 3.25) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-3.25'), -3.25) self.assertEqual(repr(ast.literal_eval('-0.0')), '-0.0') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '++6') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '+True') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '2+3') def test_literal_eval_str_int_limit(self): with support.adjust_int_max_str_digits(4000): ast.literal_eval('3'*4000) # no error with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as err_ctx: ast.literal_eval('3'*4001) self.assertIn('Exceeds the limit ', str(err_ctx.exception)) self.assertIn(' Consider hexadecimal ', str(err_ctx.exception)) def test_literal_eval_complex(self): # Issue #4907 self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('6j'), 6j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-6j'), -6j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('6.75j'), 6.75j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-6.75j'), -6.75j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('3+6j'), 3+6j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-3+6j'), -3+6j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('3-6j'), 3-6j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-3-6j'), -3-6j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('3.25+6.75j'), 3.25+6.75j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-3.25+6.75j'), -3.25+6.75j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('3.25-6.75j'), 3.25-6.75j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('-3.25-6.75j'), -3.25-6.75j) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('(3+6j)'), 3+6j) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '-6j+3') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '-6j+3j') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '3+-6j') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '3+(0+6j)') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '-(3+6j)') def test_literal_eval_malformed_dict_nodes(self): malformed = ast.Dict(keys=[ast.Constant(1), ast.Constant(2)], values=[ast.Constant(3)]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, malformed) malformed = ast.Dict(keys=[ast.Constant(1)], values=[ast.Constant(2), ast.Constant(3)]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, malformed) def test_literal_eval_trailing_ws(self): self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval(" -1"), -1) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval("\t\t-1"), -1) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval(" \t -1"), -1) self.assertRaises(IndentationError, ast.literal_eval, "\n -1") def test_literal_eval_malformed_lineno(self): msg = r'malformed node or string on line 3:' with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): ast.literal_eval("{'a': 1,\n'b':2,\n'c':++3,\n'd':4}") node = ast.UnaryOp( ast.UAdd(), ast.UnaryOp(ast.UAdd(), ast.Constant(6))) self.assertIsNone(getattr(node, 'lineno', None)) msg = r'malformed node or string:' with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): ast.literal_eval(node) def test_literal_eval_syntax_errors(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, "unexpected indent"): ast.literal_eval(r''' \ (\ \ ''') def test_bad_integer(self): # issue13436: Bad error message with invalid numeric values body = [ast.ImportFrom(module='time', names=[ast.alias(name='sleep')], level=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None)] mod = ast.Module(body, []) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: compile(mod, 'test', 'exec') self.assertIn("invalid integer value: None", str(cm.exception)) def test_level_as_none(self): body = [ast.ImportFrom(module='time', names=[ast.alias(name='sleep', lineno=0, col_offset=0)], level=None, lineno=0, col_offset=0)] mod = ast.Module(body, []) code = compile(mod, 'test', 'exec') ns = {} exec(code, ns) self.assertIn('sleep', ns) def test_recursion_direct(self): e = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), lineno=0, col_offset=0) e.operand = e with self.assertRaises(RecursionError): with support.infinite_recursion(): compile(ast.Expression(e), "", "eval") def test_recursion_indirect(self): e = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), lineno=0, col_offset=0) f = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), lineno=0, col_offset=0) e.operand = f f.operand = e with self.assertRaises(RecursionError): with support.infinite_recursion(): compile(ast.Expression(e), "", "eval") class ASTValidatorTests(unittest.TestCase): def mod(self, mod, msg=None, mode="exec", *, exc=ValueError): mod.lineno = mod.col_offset = 0 ast.fix_missing_locations(mod) if msg is None: compile(mod, "", mode) else: with self.assertRaises(exc) as cm: compile(mod, "", mode) self.assertIn(msg, str(cm.exception)) def expr(self, node, msg=None, *, exc=ValueError): mod = ast.Module([ast.Expr(node)], []) self.mod(mod, msg, exc=exc) def stmt(self, stmt, msg=None): mod = ast.Module([stmt], []) self.mod(mod, msg) def test_module(self): m = ast.Interactive([ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]) self.mod(m, "must have Load context", "single") m = ast.Expression(ast.Name("x", ast.Store())) self.mod(m, "must have Load context", "eval") def _check_arguments(self, fac, check): def arguments(args=None, posonlyargs=None, vararg=None, kwonlyargs=None, kwarg=None, defaults=None, kw_defaults=None): if args is None: args = [] if posonlyargs is None: posonlyargs = [] if kwonlyargs is None: kwonlyargs = [] if defaults is None: defaults = [] if kw_defaults is None: kw_defaults = [] args = ast.arguments(args, posonlyargs, vararg, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, kwarg, defaults) return fac(args) args = [ast.arg("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))] check(arguments(args=args), "must have Load context") check(arguments(posonlyargs=args), "must have Load context") check(arguments(kwonlyargs=args), "must have Load context") check(arguments(defaults=[ast.Constant(3)]), "more positional defaults than args") check(arguments(kw_defaults=[ast.Constant(4)]), "length of kwonlyargs is not the same as kw_defaults") args = [ast.arg("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Load()))] check(arguments(args=args, defaults=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context") args = [ast.arg("a", ast.Name("x", ast.Load())), ast.arg("b", ast.Name("y", ast.Load()))] check(arguments(kwonlyargs=args, kw_defaults=[None, ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context") def test_funcdef(self): a = ast.arguments([], [], None, [], [], None, []) f = ast.FunctionDef("x", a, [], [], None, None, []) self.stmt(f, "empty body on FunctionDef") f = ast.FunctionDef("x", a, [ast.Pass()], [ast.Name("x", ast.Store())], None, None, []) self.stmt(f, "must have Load context") f = ast.FunctionDef("x", a, [ast.Pass()], [], ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), None, []) self.stmt(f, "must have Load context") f = ast.FunctionDef("x", ast.arguments(), [ast.Pass()]) self.stmt(f) def fac(args): return ast.FunctionDef("x", args, [ast.Pass()], [], None, None, []) self._check_arguments(fac, self.stmt) def test_funcdef_pattern_matching(self): # gh-104799: New fields on FunctionDef should be added at the end def matcher(node): match node: case ast.FunctionDef("foo", ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg("bar")]), [ast.Pass()], [ast.Name("capybara", ast.Load())], ast.Name("pacarana", ast.Load())): return True case _: return False code = """ @capybara def foo(bar) -> pacarana: pass """ source = ast.parse(textwrap.dedent(code)) funcdef = source.body[0] self.assertIsInstance(funcdef, ast.FunctionDef) self.assertTrue(matcher(funcdef)) def test_classdef(self): def cls(bases=None, keywords=None, body=None, decorator_list=None, type_params=None): if bases is None: bases = [] if keywords is None: keywords = [] if body is None: body = [ast.Pass()] if decorator_list is None: decorator_list = [] if type_params is None: type_params = [] return ast.ClassDef("myclass", bases, keywords, body, decorator_list, type_params) self.stmt(cls(bases=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context") self.stmt(cls(keywords=[ast.keyword("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]), "must have Load context") self.stmt(cls(body=[]), "empty body on ClassDef") self.stmt(cls(body=[None]), "None disallowed") self.stmt(cls(decorator_list=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context") def test_delete(self): self.stmt(ast.Delete([]), "empty targets on Delete") self.stmt(ast.Delete([None]), "None disallowed") self.stmt(ast.Delete([ast.Name("x", ast.Load())]), "must have Del context") def test_assign(self): self.stmt(ast.Assign([], ast.Constant(3)), "empty targets on Assign") self.stmt(ast.Assign([None], ast.Constant(3)), "None disallowed") self.stmt(ast.Assign([ast.Name("x", ast.Load())], ast.Constant(3)), "must have Store context") self.stmt(ast.Assign([ast.Name("x", ast.Store())], ast.Name("y", ast.Store())), "must have Load context") def test_augassign(self): aug = ast.AugAssign(ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), ast.Add(), ast.Name("y", ast.Load())) self.stmt(aug, "must have Store context") aug = ast.AugAssign(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), ast.Add(), ast.Name("y", ast.Store())) self.stmt(aug, "must have Load context") def test_for(self): x = ast.Name("x", ast.Store()) y = ast.Name("y", ast.Load()) p = ast.Pass() self.stmt(ast.For(x, y, [], []), "empty body on For") self.stmt(ast.For(ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), y, [p], []), "must have Store context") self.stmt(ast.For(x, ast.Name("y", ast.Store()), [p], []), "must have Load context") e = ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store())) self.stmt(ast.For(x, y, [e], []), "must have Load context") self.stmt(ast.For(x, y, [p], [e]), "must have Load context") def test_while(self): self.stmt(ast.While(ast.Constant(3), [], []), "empty body on While") self.stmt(ast.While(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), [ast.Pass()], []), "must have Load context") self.stmt(ast.While(ast.Constant(3), [ast.Pass()], [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]), "must have Load context") def test_if(self): self.stmt(ast.If(ast.Constant(3), [], []), "empty body on If") i = ast.If(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), [ast.Pass()], []) self.stmt(i, "must have Load context") i = ast.If(ast.Constant(3), [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], []) self.stmt(i, "must have Load context") i = ast.If(ast.Constant(3), [ast.Pass()], [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]) self.stmt(i, "must have Load context") def test_with(self): p = ast.Pass() self.stmt(ast.With([], [p]), "empty items on With") i = ast.withitem(ast.Constant(3), None) self.stmt(ast.With([i], []), "empty body on With") i = ast.withitem(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), None) self.stmt(ast.With([i], [p]), "must have Load context") i = ast.withitem(ast.Constant(3), ast.Name("x", ast.Load())) self.stmt(ast.With([i], [p]), "must have Store context") def test_raise(self): r = ast.Raise(None, ast.Constant(3)) self.stmt(r, "Raise with cause but no exception") r = ast.Raise(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), None) self.stmt(r, "must have Load context") r = ast.Raise(ast.Constant(4), ast.Name("x", ast.Store())) self.stmt(r, "must have Load context") def test_try(self): p = ast.Pass() t = ast.Try([], [], [], [p]) self.stmt(t, "empty body on Try") t = ast.Try([ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [], [], [p]) self.stmt(t, "must have Load context") t = ast.Try([p], [], [], []) self.stmt(t, "Try has neither except handlers nor finalbody") t = ast.Try([p], [], [p], [p]) self.stmt(t, "Try has orelse but no except handlers") t = ast.Try([p], [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [])], [], []) self.stmt(t, "empty body on ExceptHandler") e = [ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), "y", [p])] self.stmt(ast.Try([p], e, [], []), "must have Load context") e = [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [p])] t = ast.Try([p], e, [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [p]) self.stmt(t, "must have Load context") t = ast.Try([p], e, [p], [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]) self.stmt(t, "must have Load context") def test_try_star(self): p = ast.Pass() t = ast.TryStar([], [], [], [p]) self.stmt(t, "empty body on TryStar") t = ast.TryStar([ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [], [], [p]) self.stmt(t, "must have Load context") t = ast.TryStar([p], [], [], []) self.stmt(t, "TryStar has neither except handlers nor finalbody") t = ast.TryStar([p], [], [p], [p]) self.stmt(t, "TryStar has orelse but no except handlers") t = ast.TryStar([p], [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [])], [], []) self.stmt(t, "empty body on ExceptHandler") e = [ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), "y", [p])] self.stmt(ast.TryStar([p], e, [], []), "must have Load context") e = [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [p])] t = ast.TryStar([p], e, [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [p]) self.stmt(t, "must have Load context") t = ast.TryStar([p], e, [p], [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]) self.stmt(t, "must have Load context") def test_assert(self): self.stmt(ast.Assert(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), None), "must have Load context") assrt = ast.Assert(ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), ast.Name("y", ast.Store())) self.stmt(assrt, "must have Load context") def test_import(self): self.stmt(ast.Import([]), "empty names on Import") def test_importfrom(self): imp = ast.ImportFrom(None, [ast.alias("x", None)], -42) self.stmt(imp, "Negative ImportFrom level") self.stmt(ast.ImportFrom(None, [], 0), "empty names on ImportFrom") def test_global(self): self.stmt(ast.Global([]), "empty names on Global") def test_nonlocal(self): self.stmt(ast.Nonlocal([]), "empty names on Nonlocal") def test_expr(self): e = ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store())) self.stmt(e, "must have Load context") def test_boolop(self): b = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), []) self.expr(b, "less than 2 values") b = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), [ast.Constant(3)]) self.expr(b, "less than 2 values") b = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), [ast.Constant(4), None]) self.expr(b, "None disallowed") b = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), [ast.Constant(4), ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]) self.expr(b, "must have Load context") def test_unaryop(self): u = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Name("x", ast.Store())) self.expr(u, "must have Load context") def test_lambda(self): a = ast.arguments([], [], None, [], [], None, []) self.expr(ast.Lambda(a, ast.Name("x", ast.Store())), "must have Load context") def fac(args): return ast.Lambda(args, ast.Name("x", ast.Load())) self._check_arguments(fac, self.expr) def test_ifexp(self): l = ast.Name("x", ast.Load()) s = ast.Name("y", ast.Store()) for args in (s, l, l), (l, s, l), (l, l, s): self.expr(ast.IfExp(*args), "must have Load context") def test_dict(self): d = ast.Dict([], [ast.Name("x", ast.Load())]) self.expr(d, "same number of keys as values") d = ast.Dict([ast.Name("x", ast.Load())], [None]) self.expr(d, "None disallowed") def test_set(self): self.expr(ast.Set([None]), "None disallowed") s = ast.Set([ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]) self.expr(s, "must have Load context") def _check_comprehension(self, fac): self.expr(fac([]), "comprehension with no generators") g = ast.comprehension(ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), [], 0) self.expr(fac([g]), "must have Store context") g = ast.comprehension(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), [], 0) self.expr(fac([g]), "must have Load context") x = ast.Name("x", ast.Store()) y = ast.Name("y", ast.Load()) g = ast.comprehension(x, y, [None], 0) self.expr(fac([g]), "None disallowed") g = ast.comprehension(x, y, [ast.Name("x", ast.Store())], 0) self.expr(fac([g]), "must have Load context") def _simple_comp(self, fac): g = ast.comprehension(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), [], 0) self.expr(fac(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), [g]), "must have Load context") def wrap(gens): return fac(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), gens) self._check_comprehension(wrap) def test_listcomp(self): self._simple_comp(ast.ListComp) def test_setcomp(self): self._simple_comp(ast.SetComp) def test_generatorexp(self): self._simple_comp(ast.GeneratorExp) def test_dictcomp(self): g = ast.comprehension(ast.Name("y", ast.Store()), ast.Name("p", ast.Load()), [], 0) c = ast.DictComp(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), ast.Name("y", ast.Load()), [g]) self.expr(c, "must have Load context") c = ast.DictComp(ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), ast.Name("y", ast.Store()), [g]) self.expr(c, "must have Load context") def factory(comps): k = ast.Name("x", ast.Load()) v = ast.Name("y", ast.Load()) return ast.DictComp(k, v, comps) self._check_comprehension(factory) def test_yield(self): self.expr(ast.Yield(ast.Name("x", ast.Store())), "must have Load") self.expr(ast.YieldFrom(ast.Name("x", ast.Store())), "must have Load") def test_compare(self): left = ast.Name("x", ast.Load()) comp = ast.Compare(left, [ast.In()], []) self.expr(comp, "no comparators") comp = ast.Compare(left, [ast.In()], [ast.Constant(4), ast.Constant(5)]) self.expr(comp, "different number of comparators and operands") comp = ast.Compare(ast.Constant("blah"), [ast.In()], [left]) self.expr(comp) comp = ast.Compare(left, [ast.In()], [ast.Constant("blah")]) self.expr(comp) def test_call(self): func = ast.Name("x", ast.Load()) args = [ast.Name("y", ast.Load())] keywords = [ast.keyword("w", ast.Name("z", ast.Load()))] call = ast.Call(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), args, keywords) self.expr(call, "must have Load context") call = ast.Call(func, [None], keywords) self.expr(call, "None disallowed") bad_keywords = [ast.keyword("w", ast.Name("z", ast.Store()))] call = ast.Call(func, args, bad_keywords) self.expr(call, "must have Load context") def test_num(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) from ast import Num with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', DeprecationWarning) class subint(int): pass class subfloat(float): pass class subcomplex(complex): pass for obj in "0", "hello": self.expr(ast.Num(obj)) for obj in subint(), subfloat(), subcomplex(): self.expr(ast.Num(obj), "invalid type", exc=TypeError) self.assertEqual([str(w.message) for w in wlog], [ 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', 'ast.Num is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', ]) def test_attribute(self): attr = ast.Attribute(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), "y", ast.Load()) self.expr(attr, "must have Load context") def test_subscript(self): sub = ast.Subscript(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), ast.Constant(3), ast.Load()) self.expr(sub, "must have Load context") x = ast.Name("x", ast.Load()) sub = ast.Subscript(x, ast.Name("y", ast.Store()), ast.Load()) self.expr(sub, "must have Load context") s = ast.Name("x", ast.Store()) for args in (s, None, None), (None, s, None), (None, None, s): sl = ast.Slice(*args) self.expr(ast.Subscript(x, sl, ast.Load()), "must have Load context") sl = ast.Tuple([], ast.Load()) self.expr(ast.Subscript(x, sl, ast.Load())) sl = ast.Tuple([s], ast.Load()) self.expr(ast.Subscript(x, sl, ast.Load()), "must have Load context") def test_starred(self): left = ast.List([ast.Starred(ast.Name("x", ast.Load()), ast.Store())], ast.Store()) assign = ast.Assign([left], ast.Constant(4)) self.stmt(assign, "must have Store context") def _sequence(self, fac): self.expr(fac([None], ast.Load()), "None disallowed") self.expr(fac([ast.Name("x", ast.Store())], ast.Load()), "must have Load context") def test_list(self): self._sequence(ast.List) def test_tuple(self): self._sequence(ast.Tuple) def test_nameconstant(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '', DeprecationWarning) from ast import NameConstant with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', DeprecationWarning) self.expr(ast.NameConstant(4)) self.assertEqual([str(w.message) for w in wlog], [ 'ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead', ]) @support.requires_resource('cpu') def test_stdlib_validates(self): stdlib = os.path.dirname(ast.__file__) tests = [fn for fn in os.listdir(stdlib) if fn.endswith(".py")] tests.extend(["test/", "test/"]) for module in tests: with self.subTest(module): fn = os.path.join(stdlib, module) with open(fn, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp: source = mod = ast.parse(source, fn) compile(mod, fn, "exec") constant_1 = ast.Constant(1) pattern_1 = ast.MatchValue(constant_1) constant_x = ast.Constant('x') pattern_x = ast.MatchValue(constant_x) constant_true = ast.Constant(True) pattern_true = ast.MatchSingleton(True) name_carter = ast.Name('carter', ast.Load()) _MATCH_PATTERNS = [ ast.MatchValue( ast.Attribute( ast.Attribute( ast.Name('x', ast.Store()), 'y', ast.Load() ), 'z', ast.Load() ) ), ast.MatchValue( ast.Attribute( ast.Attribute( ast.Name('x', ast.Load()), 'y', ast.Store() ), 'z', ast.Load() ) ), ast.MatchValue( ast.Constant(...) ), ast.MatchValue( ast.Constant(True) ), ast.MatchValue( ast.Constant((1,2,3)) ), ast.MatchSingleton('string'), ast.MatchSequence([ ast.MatchSingleton('string') ]), ast.MatchSequence( [ ast.MatchSequence( [ ast.MatchSingleton('string') ] ) ] ), ast.MatchMapping( [constant_1, constant_true], [pattern_x] ), ast.MatchMapping( [constant_true, constant_1], [pattern_x, pattern_1], rest='True' ), ast.MatchMapping( [constant_true, ast.Starred(ast.Name('lol', ast.Load()), ast.Load())], [pattern_x, pattern_1], rest='legit' ), ast.MatchClass( ast.Attribute( ast.Attribute( constant_x, 'y', ast.Load()), 'z', ast.Load()), patterns=[], kwd_attrs=[], kwd_patterns=[] ), ast.MatchClass( name_carter, patterns=[], kwd_attrs=['True'], kwd_patterns=[pattern_1] ), ast.MatchClass( name_carter, patterns=[], kwd_attrs=[], kwd_patterns=[pattern_1] ), ast.MatchClass( name_carter, patterns=[ast.MatchSingleton('string')], kwd_attrs=[], kwd_patterns=[] ), ast.MatchClass( name_carter, patterns=[ast.MatchStar()], kwd_attrs=[], kwd_patterns=[] ), ast.MatchClass( name_carter, patterns=[], kwd_attrs=[], kwd_patterns=[ast.MatchStar()] ), ast.MatchClass( constant_true, # invalid name patterns=[], kwd_attrs=['True'], kwd_patterns=[pattern_1] ), ast.MatchSequence( [ ast.MatchStar("True") ] ), ast.MatchAs( name='False' ), ast.MatchOr( [] ), ast.MatchOr( [pattern_1] ), ast.MatchOr( [pattern_1, pattern_x, ast.MatchSingleton('xxx')] ), ast.MatchAs(name="_"), ast.MatchStar(name="x"), ast.MatchSequence([ast.MatchStar("_")]), ast.MatchMapping([], [], rest="_"), ] def test_match_validation_pattern(self): name_x = ast.Name('x', ast.Load()) for pattern in self._MATCH_PATTERNS: with self.subTest(ast.dump(pattern, indent=4)): node = ast.Match( subject=name_x, cases = [ ast.match_case( pattern=pattern, body = [ast.Pass()] ) ] ) node = ast.fix_missing_locations(node) module = ast.Module([node], []) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): compile(module, "", "exec") class ConstantTests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests on the ast.Constant node type.""" def compile_constant(self, value): tree = ast.parse("x = 123") node = tree.body[0].value new_node = ast.Constant(value=value) ast.copy_location(new_node, node) tree.body[0].value = new_node code = compile(tree, "", "exec") ns = {} exec(code, ns) return ns['x'] def test_validation(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: self.compile_constant([1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "got an invalid type in Constant: list") def test_singletons(self): for const in (None, False, True, Ellipsis, b'', frozenset()): with self.subTest(const=const): value = self.compile_constant(const) self.assertIs(value, const) def test_values(self): nested_tuple = (1,) nested_frozenset = frozenset({1}) for level in range(3): nested_tuple = (nested_tuple, 2) nested_frozenset = frozenset({nested_frozenset, 2}) values = (123, 123.0, 123j, "unicode", b'bytes', tuple("tuple"), frozenset("frozenset"), nested_tuple, nested_frozenset) for value in values: with self.subTest(value=value): result = self.compile_constant(value) self.assertEqual(result, value) def test_assign_to_constant(self): tree = ast.parse("x = 1") target = tree.body[0].targets[0] new_target = ast.Constant(value=1) ast.copy_location(new_target, target) tree.body[0].targets[0] = new_target with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: compile(tree, "string", "exec") self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "expression which can't be assigned " "to in Store context") def test_get_docstring(self): tree = ast.parse("'docstring'\nx = 1") self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(tree), 'docstring') def get_load_const(self, tree): # Compile to bytecode, disassemble and get parameter of LOAD_CONST # instructions co = compile(tree, '', 'exec') consts = [] for instr in dis.get_instructions(co): if instr.opname == 'LOAD_CONST' or instr.opname == 'RETURN_CONST': consts.append(instr.argval) return consts @support.cpython_only def test_load_const(self): consts = [None, True, False, 124, 2.0, 3j, "unicode", b'bytes', (1, 2, 3)] code = '\n'.join(['x={!r}'.format(const) for const in consts]) code += '\nx = ...' consts.extend((Ellipsis, None)) tree = ast.parse(code) self.assertEqual(self.get_load_const(tree), consts) # Replace expression nodes with constants for assign, const in zip(tree.body, consts): assert isinstance(assign, ast.Assign), ast.dump(assign) new_node = ast.Constant(value=const) ast.copy_location(new_node, assign.value) assign.value = new_node self.assertEqual(self.get_load_const(tree), consts) def test_literal_eval(self): tree = ast.parse("1 + 2") binop = tree.body[0].value new_left = ast.Constant(value=10) ast.copy_location(new_left, binop.left) binop.left = new_left new_right = ast.Constant(value=20j) ast.copy_location(new_right, binop.right) binop.right = new_right self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval(binop), 10+20j) def test_string_kind(self): c = ast.parse('"x"', mode='eval').body self.assertEqual(c.value, "x") self.assertEqual(c.kind, None) c = ast.parse('u"x"', mode='eval').body self.assertEqual(c.value, "x") self.assertEqual(c.kind, "u") c = ast.parse('r"x"', mode='eval').body self.assertEqual(c.value, "x") self.assertEqual(c.kind, None) c = ast.parse('b"x"', mode='eval').body self.assertEqual(c.value, b"x") self.assertEqual(c.kind, None) class EndPositionTests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for end position of AST nodes. Testing end positions of nodes requires a bit of extra care because of how LL parsers work. """ def _check_end_pos(self, ast_node, end_lineno, end_col_offset): self.assertEqual(ast_node.end_lineno, end_lineno) self.assertEqual(ast_node.end_col_offset, end_col_offset) def _check_content(self, source, ast_node, content): self.assertEqual(ast.get_source_segment(source, ast_node), content) def _parse_value(self, s): # Use duck-typing to support both single expression # and a right hand side of an assignment statement. return ast.parse(s).body[0].value def test_lambda(self): s = 'lambda x, *y: None' lam = self._parse_value(s) self._check_content(s, lam.body, 'None') self._check_content(s, lam.args.args[0], 'x') self._check_content(s, lam.args.vararg, 'y') def test_func_def(self): s = dedent(''' def func(x: int, *args: str, z: float = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: return True ''').strip() fdef = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_end_pos(fdef, 5, 15) self._check_content(s, fdef.body[0], 'return True') self._check_content(s, fdef.args.args[0], 'x: int') self._check_content(s, fdef.args.args[0].annotation, 'int') self._check_content(s, fdef.args.kwarg, 'kwargs: Any') self._check_content(s, fdef.args.kwarg.annotation, 'Any') def test_call(self): s = 'func(x, y=2, **kw)' call = self._parse_value(s) self._check_content(s, call.func, 'func') self._check_content(s, call.keywords[0].value, '2') self._check_content(s, call.keywords[1].value, 'kw') def test_call_noargs(self): s = 'x[0]()' call = self._parse_value(s) self._check_content(s, call.func, 'x[0]') self._check_end_pos(call, 1, 6) def test_class_def(self): s = dedent(''' class C(A, B): x: int = 0 ''').strip() cdef = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_end_pos(cdef, 2, 14) self._check_content(s, cdef.bases[1], 'B') self._check_content(s, cdef.body[0], 'x: int = 0') def test_class_kw(self): s = 'class S(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): pass' cdef = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_content(s, cdef.keywords[0].value, 'abc.ABCMeta') def test_multi_line_str(self): s = dedent(''' x = """Some multi-line text. It goes on starting from same indent.""" ''').strip() assign = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_end_pos(assign, 3, 40) self._check_end_pos(assign.value, 3, 40) def test_continued_str(self): s = dedent(''' x = "first part" \\ "second part" ''').strip() assign = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_end_pos(assign, 2, 13) self._check_end_pos(assign.value, 2, 13) def test_suites(self): # We intentionally put these into the same string to check # that empty lines are not part of the suite. s = dedent(''' while True: pass if one(): x = None elif other(): y = None else: z = None for x, y in stuff: assert True try: raise RuntimeError except TypeError as e: pass pass ''').strip() mod = ast.parse(s) while_loop = mod.body[0] if_stmt = mod.body[1] for_loop = mod.body[2] try_stmt = mod.body[3] pass_stmt = mod.body[4] self._check_end_pos(while_loop, 2, 8) self._check_end_pos(if_stmt, 9, 12) self._check_end_pos(for_loop, 12, 15) self._check_end_pos(try_stmt, 17, 8) self._check_end_pos(pass_stmt, 19, 4) self._check_content(s, while_loop.test, 'True') self._check_content(s, if_stmt.body[0], 'x = None') self._check_content(s, if_stmt.orelse[0].test, 'other()') self._check_content(s,, 'x, y') self._check_content(s, try_stmt.body[0], 'raise RuntimeError') self._check_content(s, try_stmt.handlers[0].type, 'TypeError') def test_fstring(self): s = 'x = f"abc {x + y} abc"' fstr = self._parse_value(s) binop = fstr.values[1].value self._check_content(s, binop, 'x + y') def test_fstring_multi_line(self): s = dedent(''' f"""Some multi-line text. { arg_one + arg_two } It goes on...""" ''').strip() fstr = self._parse_value(s) binop = fstr.values[1].value self._check_end_pos(binop, 5, 7) self._check_content(s, binop.left, 'arg_one') self._check_content(s, binop.right, 'arg_two') def test_import_from_multi_line(self): s = dedent(''' from x.y.z import ( a, b, c as c ) ''').strip() imp = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_end_pos(imp, 3, 1) self._check_end_pos(imp.names[2], 2, 16) def test_slices(self): s1 = 'f()[1, 2] [0]' s2 = 'x[ a.b: c.d]' sm = dedent(''' x[ a.b: f () , g () : c.d ] ''').strip() i1, i2, im = map(self._parse_value, (s1, s2, sm)) self._check_content(s1, i1.value, 'f()[1, 2]') self._check_content(s1, i1.value.slice, '1, 2') self._check_content(s2, i2.slice.lower, 'a.b') self._check_content(s2, i2.slice.upper, 'c.d') self._check_content(sm, im.slice.elts[0].upper, 'f ()') self._check_content(sm, im.slice.elts[1].lower, 'g ()') self._check_end_pos(im, 3, 3) def test_binop(self): s = dedent(''' (1 * 2 + (3 ) + 4 ) ''').strip() binop = self._parse_value(s) self._check_end_pos(binop, 2, 6) self._check_content(s, binop.right, '4') self._check_content(s, binop.left, '1 * 2 + (3 )') self._check_content(s, binop.left.right, '3') def test_boolop(self): s = dedent(''' if (one_condition and (other_condition or yet_another_one)): pass ''').strip() bop = ast.parse(s).body[0].test self._check_end_pos(bop, 2, 44) self._check_content(s, bop.values[1], 'other_condition or yet_another_one') def test_tuples(self): s1 = 'x = () ;' s2 = 'x = 1 , ;' s3 = 'x = (1 , 2 ) ;' sm = dedent(''' x = ( a, b, ) ''').strip() t1, t2, t3, tm = map(self._parse_value, (s1, s2, s3, sm)) self._check_content(s1, t1, '()') self._check_content(s2, t2, '1 ,') self._check_content(s3, t3, '(1 , 2 )') self._check_end_pos(tm, 3, 1) def test_attribute_spaces(self): s = 'func(x. y .z)' call = self._parse_value(s) self._check_content(s, call, s) self._check_content(s, call.args[0], 'x. y .z') def test_redundant_parenthesis(self): s = '( ( ( a + b ) ) )' v = ast.parse(s).body[0].value self.assertEqual(type(v).__name__, 'BinOp') self._check_content(s, v, 'a + b') s2 = 'await ' + s v = ast.parse(s2).body[0].value.value self.assertEqual(type(v).__name__, 'BinOp') self._check_content(s2, v, 'a + b') def test_trailers_with_redundant_parenthesis(self): tests = ( ('( ( ( a ) ) ) ( )', 'Call'), ('( ( ( a ) ) ) ( b )', 'Call'), ('( ( ( a ) ) ) [ b ]', 'Subscript'), ('( ( ( a ) ) ) . b', 'Attribute'), ) for s, t in tests: with self.subTest(s): v = ast.parse(s).body[0].value self.assertEqual(type(v).__name__, t) self._check_content(s, v, s) s2 = 'await ' + s v = ast.parse(s2).body[0].value.value self.assertEqual(type(v).__name__, t) self._check_content(s2, v, s) def test_displays(self): s1 = '[{}, {1, }, {1, 2,} ]' s2 = '{a: b, f (): g () ,}' c1 = self._parse_value(s1) c2 = self._parse_value(s2) self._check_content(s1, c1.elts[0], '{}') self._check_content(s1, c1.elts[1], '{1, }') self._check_content(s1, c1.elts[2], '{1, 2,}') self._check_content(s2, c2.keys[1], 'f ()') self._check_content(s2, c2.values[1], 'g ()') def test_comprehensions(self): s = dedent(''' x = [{x for x, y in stuff if cond.x} for stuff in things] ''').strip() cmp = self._parse_value(s) self._check_end_pos(cmp, 2, 37) self._check_content(s, cmp.generators[0].iter, 'things') self._check_content(s, cmp.elt.generators[0].iter, 'stuff') self._check_content(s, cmp.elt.generators[0].ifs[0], 'cond.x') self._check_content(s, cmp.elt.generators[0].target, 'x, y') def test_yield_await(self): s = dedent(''' async def f(): yield x await y ''').strip() fdef = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_content(s, fdef.body[0].value, 'yield x') self._check_content(s, fdef.body[1].value, 'await y') def test_source_segment_multi(self): s_orig = dedent(''' x = ( a, b, ) + () ''').strip() s_tuple = dedent(''' ( a, b, ) ''').strip() binop = self._parse_value(s_orig) self.assertEqual(ast.get_source_segment(s_orig, binop.left), s_tuple) def test_source_segment_padded(self): s_orig = dedent(''' class C: def fun(self) -> None: "ЖЖЖЖЖ" ''').strip() s_method = ' def fun(self) -> None:\n' \ ' "ЖЖЖЖЖ"' cdef = ast.parse(s_orig).body[0] self.assertEqual(ast.get_source_segment(s_orig, cdef.body[0], padded=True), s_method) def test_source_segment_endings(self): s = 'v = 1\r\nw = 1\nx = 1\n\ry = 1\rz = 1\r\n' v, w, x, y, z = ast.parse(s).body self._check_content(s, v, 'v = 1') self._check_content(s, w, 'w = 1') self._check_content(s, x, 'x = 1') self._check_content(s, y, 'y = 1') self._check_content(s, z, 'z = 1') def test_source_segment_tabs(self): s = dedent(''' class C: \t\f def fun(self) -> None: \t\f pass ''').strip() s_method = ' \t\f def fun(self) -> None:\n' \ ' \t\f pass' cdef = ast.parse(s).body[0] self.assertEqual(ast.get_source_segment(s, cdef.body[0], padded=True), s_method) def test_source_segment_newlines(self): s = 'def f():\n pass\ndef g():\r pass\r\ndef h():\r\n pass\r\n' f, g, h = ast.parse(s).body self._check_content(s, f, 'def f():\n pass') self._check_content(s, g, 'def g():\r pass') self._check_content(s, h, 'def h():\r\n pass') s = 'def f():\n a = 1\r b = 2\r\n c = 3\n' f = ast.parse(s).body[0] self._check_content(s, f, s.rstrip()) def test_source_segment_missing_info(self): s = 'v = 1\r\nw = 1\nx = 1\n\ry = 1\r\n' v, w, x, y = ast.parse(s).body del v.lineno del w.end_lineno del x.col_offset del y.end_col_offset self.assertIsNone(ast.get_source_segment(s, v)) self.assertIsNone(ast.get_source_segment(s, w)) self.assertIsNone(ast.get_source_segment(s, x)) self.assertIsNone(ast.get_source_segment(s, y)) class BaseNodeVisitorCases: # Both `NodeVisitor` and `NodeTranformer` must raise these warnings: def test_old_constant_nodes(self): class Visitor(self.visitor_class): def visit_Num(self, node): log.append((node.lineno, 'Num', node.n)) def visit_Str(self, node): log.append((node.lineno, 'Str', node.s)) def visit_Bytes(self, node): log.append((node.lineno, 'Bytes', node.s)) def visit_NameConstant(self, node): log.append((node.lineno, 'NameConstant', node.value)) def visit_Ellipsis(self, node): log.append((node.lineno, 'Ellipsis', ...)) mod = ast.parse(dedent('''\ i = 42 f = 4.25 c = 4.25j s = 'string' b = b'bytes' t = True n = None e = ... ''')) visitor = Visitor() log = [] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wlog: warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', DeprecationWarning) visitor.visit(mod) self.assertEqual(log, [ (1, 'Num', 42), (2, 'Num', 4.25), (3, 'Num', 4.25j), (4, 'Str', 'string'), (5, 'Bytes', b'bytes'), (6, 'NameConstant', True), (7, 'NameConstant', None), (8, 'Ellipsis', ...), ]) self.assertEqual([str(w.message) for w in wlog], [ 'visit_Num is deprecated; add visit_Constant', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'visit_Num is deprecated; add visit_Constant', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'visit_Num is deprecated; add visit_Constant', 'Attribute n is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'visit_Str is deprecated; add visit_Constant', 'Attribute s is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'visit_Bytes is deprecated; add visit_Constant', 'Attribute s is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use value instead', 'visit_NameConstant is deprecated; add visit_Constant', 'visit_NameConstant is deprecated; add visit_Constant', 'visit_Ellipsis is deprecated; add visit_Constant', ]) class NodeVisitorTests(BaseNodeVisitorCases, unittest.TestCase): visitor_class = ast.NodeVisitor class NodeTransformerTests(ASTTestMixin, BaseNodeVisitorCases, unittest.TestCase): visitor_class = ast.NodeTransformer def assertASTTransformation(self, tranformer_class, initial_code, expected_code): initial_ast = ast.parse(dedent(initial_code)) expected_ast = ast.parse(dedent(expected_code)) tranformer = tranformer_class() result_ast = ast.fix_missing_locations(tranformer.visit(initial_ast)) self.assertASTEqual(result_ast, expected_ast) def test_node_remove_single(self): code = 'def func(arg) -> SomeType: ...' expected = 'def func(arg): ...' # Since `FunctionDef.returns` is defined as a single value, we test # the `if isinstance(old_value, AST):` branch here. class SomeTypeRemover(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_Name(self, node: ast.Name): self.generic_visit(node) if == 'SomeType': return None return node self.assertASTTransformation(SomeTypeRemover, code, expected) def test_node_remove_from_list(self): code = """ def func(arg): print(arg) yield arg """ expected = """ def func(arg): print(arg) """ # Since `FunctionDef.body` is defined as a list, we test # the `if isinstance(old_value, list):` branch here. class YieldRemover(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_Expr(self, node: ast.Expr): self.generic_visit(node) if isinstance(node.value, ast.Yield): return None # Remove `yield` from a function return node self.assertASTTransformation(YieldRemover, code, expected) def test_node_return_list(self): code = """ class DSL(Base, kw1=True): ... """ expected = """ class DSL(Base, kw1=True, kw2=True, kw3=False): ... """ class ExtendKeywords(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_keyword(self, node: ast.keyword): self.generic_visit(node) if node.arg == 'kw1': return [ node, ast.keyword('kw2', ast.Constant(True)), ast.keyword('kw3', ast.Constant(False)), ] return node self.assertASTTransformation(ExtendKeywords, code, expected) def test_node_mutate(self): code = """ def func(arg): print(arg) """ expected = """ def func(arg): log(arg) """ class PrintToLog(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call): self.generic_visit(node) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and == 'print': = 'log' return node self.assertASTTransformation(PrintToLog, code, expected) def test_node_replace(self): code = """ def func(arg): print(arg) """ expected = """ def func(arg): logger.log(arg, debug=True) """ class PrintToLog(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call): self.generic_visit(node) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and == 'print': return ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( ast.Name('logger', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='log', ctx=ast.Load(), ), args=node.args, keywords=[ast.keyword('debug', ast.Constant(True))], ) return node self.assertASTTransformation(PrintToLog, code, expected) @support.cpython_only class ModuleStateTests(unittest.TestCase): # bpo-41194, bpo-41261, bpo-41631: The _ast module uses a global state. def check_ast_module(self): # Check that the _ast module still works as expected code = 'x + 1' filename = '' mode = 'eval' # Create _ast.AST subclasses instances ast_tree = compile(code, filename, mode, flags=ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) # Call PyAST_Check() code = compile(ast_tree, filename, mode) self.assertIsInstance(code, types.CodeType) def test_reload_module(self): # bpo-41194: Importing the _ast module twice must not crash. with support.swap_item(sys.modules, '_ast', None): del sys.modules['_ast'] import _ast as ast1 del sys.modules['_ast'] import _ast as ast2 self.check_ast_module() # Unloading the two _ast module instances must not crash. del ast1 del ast2 support.gc_collect() self.check_ast_module() def test_sys_modules(self): # bpo-41631: Test reproducing a Mercurial crash when PyAST_Check() # imported the _ast module internally. lazy_mod = object() def my_import(name, *args, **kw): sys.modules[name] = lazy_mod return lazy_mod with support.swap_item(sys.modules, '_ast', None): del sys.modules['_ast'] with support.swap_attr(builtins, '__import__', my_import): # Test that compile() does not import the _ast module self.check_ast_module() self.assertNotIn('_ast', sys.modules) # Sanity check of the test itself import _ast self.assertIs(_ast, lazy_mod) def test_subinterpreter(self): # bpo-41631: Importing and using the _ast module in a subinterpreter # must not crash. code = dedent(''' import _ast import ast import gc import sys import types # Create _ast.AST subclasses instances and call PyAST_Check() ast_tree = compile('x+1', '', 'eval', flags=ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) code = compile(ast_tree, 'string', 'eval') if not isinstance(code, types.CodeType): raise AssertionError # Unloading the _ast module must not crash. del ast, _ast del sys.modules['ast'], sys.modules['_ast'] gc.collect() ''') res = support.run_in_subinterp(code) self.assertEqual(res, 0) class ASTMainTests(unittest.TestCase): # Tests `ast.main()` function. def test_cli_file_input(self): code = "print(1, 2, 3)" expected = ast.dump(ast.parse(code), indent=3) with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp_dir: filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "") with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(code) res, _ = script_helper.run_python_until_end("-m", "ast", filename) self.assertEqual(res.err, b"") self.assertEqual(expected.splitlines(), res.out.decode("utf8").splitlines()) self.assertEqual(res.rc, 0) def main(): if __name__ != '__main__': return if sys.argv[1:] == ['-g']: for statements, kind in ((exec_tests, "exec"), (single_tests, "single"), (eval_tests, "eval")): print(kind+"_results = [") for statement in statements: tree = ast.parse(statement, "?", kind) print("%r," % (to_tuple(tree),)) print("]") print("main()") raise SystemExit unittest.main() #### EVERYTHING BELOW IS GENERATED BY python Lib/test/ -g ##### exec_results = [ ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 4), ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 4), None, None))], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 18), ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 18), 'module docstring', None))], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 13), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 9, 1, 13))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 29), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Expr', (1, 9, 1, 29), ('Constant', (1, 9, 1, 29), 'function docstring', None))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 14), 'f', ('arguments', [], [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 10, 1, 14))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 16), 'f', ('arguments', [], [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], None, [], [], None, [('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 0, None)]), [('Pass', (1, 12, 1, 16))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 18), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], ('arg', (1, 7, 1, 11), 'args', None, None), [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 14, 1, 18))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 23), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], ('arg', (1, 7, 1, 16), 'args', ('Starred', (1, 13, 1, 16), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 16), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None), [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 19, 1, 23))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 36), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], ('arg', (1, 7, 1, 29), 'args', ('Starred', (1, 13, 1, 29), ('Subscript', (1, 14, 1, 29), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 19), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 20, 1, 28), [('Name', (1, 20, 1, 23), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Constant', (1, 25, 1, 28), Ellipsis, None)], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None), [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 32, 1, 36))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 36), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], ('arg', (1, 7, 1, 29), 'args', ('Starred', (1, 13, 1, 29), ('Subscript', (1, 14, 1, 29), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 19), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 20, 1, 28), [('Name', (1, 20, 1, 23), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Starred', (1, 25, 1, 28), ('Name', (1, 26, 1, 28), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Load',))], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None), [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 32, 1, 36))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 21), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], ('arg', (1, 8, 1, 14), 'kwargs', None, None), []), [('Pass', (1, 17, 1, 21))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 71), 'f', ('arguments', [], [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None), ('arg', (1, 9, 1, 10), 'b', None, None), ('arg', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'c', None, None), ('arg', (1, 22, 1, 23), 'd', None, None), ('arg', (1, 28, 1, 29), 'e', None, None)], ('arg', (1, 35, 1, 39), 'args', None, None), [('arg', (1, 41, 1, 42), 'f', None, None)], [('Constant', (1, 43, 1, 45), 42, None)], ('arg', (1, 49, 1, 55), 'kwargs', None, None), [('Constant', (1, 11, 1, 12), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 16, 1, 20), None, None), ('List', (1, 24, 1, 26), [], ('Load',)), ('Dict', (1, 30, 1, 32), [], [])]), [('Expr', (1, 58, 1, 71), ('Constant', (1, 58, 1, 71), 'doc for f()', None))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 27), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 23, 1, 27))], [], ('Subscript', (1, 11, 1, 21), ('Name', (1, 11, 1, 16), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 17, 1, 20), [('Starred', (1, 17, 1, 20), ('Name', (1, 18, 1, 20), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Load',))], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 32), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 28, 1, 32))], [], ('Subscript', (1, 11, 1, 26), ('Name', (1, 11, 1, 16), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 17, 1, 25), [('Name', (1, 17, 1, 20), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Starred', (1, 22, 1, 25), ('Name', (1, 23, 1, 25), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Load',))], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 45), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 41, 1, 45))], [], ('Subscript', (1, 11, 1, 39), ('Name', (1, 11, 1, 16), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 17, 1, 38), [('Name', (1, 17, 1, 20), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Starred', (1, 22, 1, 38), ('Subscript', (1, 23, 1, 38), ('Name', (1, 23, 1, 28), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 29, 1, 37), [('Name', (1, 29, 1, 32), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Constant', (1, 34, 1, 37), Ellipsis, None)], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), ('Load',))], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None, [])], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0, 1, 12), 'C', [], [], [('Pass', (1, 8, 1, 12))], [], [])], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0, 1, 32), 'C', [], [], [('Expr', (1, 9, 1, 32), ('Constant', (1, 9, 1, 32), 'docstring for class C', None))], [], [])], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0, 1, 21), 'C', [('Name', (1, 8, 1, 14), 'object', ('Load',))], [], [('Pass', (1, 17, 1, 21))], [], [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 16), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Return', (1, 8, 1, 16), ('Constant', (1, 15, 1, 16), 1, None))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('Delete', (1, 0, 1, 5), [('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'v', ('Del',))])], []), ('Module', [('Assign', (1, 0, 1, 5), [('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'v', ('Store',))], ('Constant', (1, 4, 1, 5), 1, None), None)], []), ('Module', [('Assign', (1, 0, 1, 7), [('Tuple', (1, 0, 1, 3), [('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',))], ('Name', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'c', ('Load',)), None)], []), ('Module', [('Assign', (1, 0, 1, 9), [('Tuple', (1, 0, 1, 5), [('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 4), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',))], ('Name', (1, 8, 1, 9), 'c', ('Load',)), None)], []), ('Module', [('Assign', (1, 0, 1, 9), [('List', (1, 0, 1, 5), [('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 4), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',))], ('Name', (1, 8, 1, 9), 'c', ('Load',)), None)], []), ('Module', [('AnnAssign', (1, 0, 1, 13), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'x', ('Store',)), ('Subscript', (1, 3, 1, 13), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 8), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 9, 1, 12), [('Starred', (1, 9, 1, 12), ('Name', (1, 10, 1, 12), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Load',))], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None, 1)], []), ('Module', [('AnnAssign', (1, 0, 1, 18), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'x', ('Store',)), ('Subscript', (1, 3, 1, 18), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 8), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 9, 1, 17), [('Name', (1, 9, 1, 12), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Starred', (1, 14, 1, 17), ('Name', (1, 15, 1, 17), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Load',))], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None, 1)], []), ('Module', [('AnnAssign', (1, 0, 1, 31), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'x', ('Store',)), ('Subscript', (1, 3, 1, 31), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 8), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 9, 1, 30), [('Name', (1, 9, 1, 12), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Starred', (1, 14, 1, 30), ('Subscript', (1, 15, 1, 30), ('Name', (1, 15, 1, 20), 'tuple', ('Load',)), ('Tuple', (1, 21, 1, 29), [('Name', (1, 21, 1, 24), 'str', ('Load',)), ('Constant', (1, 26, 1, 29), Ellipsis, None)], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), ('Load',))], ('Load',)), ('Load',)), None, 1)], []), ('Module', [('AugAssign', (1, 0, 1, 6), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Add',), ('Constant', (1, 5, 1, 6), 1, None))], []), ('Module', [('For', (1, 0, 1, 15), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 9, 1, 10), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 11, 1, 15))], [], None)], []), ('Module', [('While', (1, 0, 1, 12), ('Name', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 8, 1, 12))], [])], []), ('Module', [('If', (1, 0, 1, 9), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 4), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 5, 1, 9))], [])], []), ('Module', [('If', (1, 0, 4, 6), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 4), 'a', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (2, 2, 2, 6))], [('If', (3, 0, 4, 6), ('Name', (3, 5, 3, 6), 'b', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (4, 2, 4, 6))], [])])], []), ('Module', [('If', (1, 0, 6, 6), ('Name', (1, 3, 1, 4), 'a', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (2, 2, 2, 6))], [('If', (3, 0, 6, 6), ('Name', (3, 5, 3, 6), 'b', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (4, 2, 4, 6))], [('Pass', (6, 2, 6, 6))])])], []), ('Module', [('With', (1, 0, 1, 17), [('withitem', ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'x', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 10, 1, 11), 'y', ('Store',)))], [('Pass', (1, 13, 1, 17))], None)], []), ('Module', [('With', (1, 0, 1, 25), [('withitem', ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'x', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 10, 1, 11), 'y', ('Store',))), ('withitem', ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'z', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'q', ('Store',)))], [('Pass', (1, 21, 1, 25))], None)], []), ('Module', [('Raise', (1, 0, 1, 25), ('Call', (1, 6, 1, 25), ('Name', (1, 6, 1, 15), 'Exception', ('Load',)), [('Constant', (1, 16, 1, 24), 'string', None)], []), None)], []), ('Module', [('Try', (1, 0, 4, 6), [('Pass', (2, 2, 2, 6))], [('ExceptHandler', (3, 0, 4, 6), ('Name', (3, 7, 3, 16), 'Exception', ('Load',)), None, [('Pass', (4, 2, 4, 6))])], [], [])], []), ('Module', [('Try', (1, 0, 4, 6), [('Pass', (2, 2, 2, 6))], [], [], [('Pass', (4, 2, 4, 6))])], []), ('Module', [('TryStar', (1, 0, 4, 6), [('Pass', (2, 2, 2, 6))], [('ExceptHandler', (3, 0, 4, 6), ('Name', (3, 8, 3, 17), 'Exception', ('Load',)), None, [('Pass', (4, 2, 4, 6))])], [], [])], []), ('Module', [('Assert', (1, 0, 1, 8), ('Name', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'v', ('Load',)), None)], []), ('Module', [('Import', (1, 0, 1, 10), [('alias', (1, 7, 1, 10), 'sys', None)])], []), ('Module', [('ImportFrom', (1, 0, 1, 17), 'sys', [('alias', (1, 16, 1, 17), 'v', None)], 0)], []), ('Module', [('Global', (1, 0, 1, 8), ['v'])], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 1), ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 1), 1, None))], []), ('Module', [('Pass', (1, 0, 1, 4))], []), ('Module', [('For', (1, 0, 1, 16), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 9, 1, 10), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Break', (1, 11, 1, 16))], [], None)], []), ('Module', [('For', (1, 0, 1, 19), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 9, 1, 10), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Continue', (1, 11, 1, 19))], [], None)], []), ('Module', [('For', (1, 0, 1, 18), ('Tuple', (1, 4, 1, 7), [('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 11, 1, 12), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 14, 1, 18))], [], None)], []), ('Module', [('For', (1, 0, 1, 20), ('Tuple', (1, 4, 1, 9), [('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 16, 1, 20))], [], None)], []), ('Module', [('For', (1, 0, 1, 20), ('List', (1, 4, 1, 9), [('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 16, 1, 20))], [], None)], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 11, 5), ('GeneratorExp', (1, 0, 11, 5), ('Tuple', (2, 4, 6, 5), [('Name', (3, 4, 3, 6), 'Aa', ('Load',)), ('Name', (5, 7, 5, 9), 'Bb', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (8, 4, 10, 6), [('Name', (8, 4, 8, 6), 'Aa', ('Store',)), ('Name', (10, 4, 10, 6), 'Bb', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (10, 10, 10, 12), 'Cc', ('Load',)), [], 0)]))], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 34), ('DictComp', (1, 0, 1, 34), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'b', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 11, 1, 12), 'w', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 16, 1, 17), 'x', ('Load',)), [], 0), ('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 22, 1, 23), 'm', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 27, 1, 28), 'p', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 32, 1, 33), 'g', ('Load',))], 0)]))], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 20), ('DictComp', (1, 0, 1, 20), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'b', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 14), [('Name', (1, 11, 1, 12), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'w', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'x', ('Load',)), [], 0)]))], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 19), ('SetComp', (1, 0, 1, 19), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'r', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'l', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'x', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 17, 1, 18), 'g', ('Load',))], 0)]))], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 16), ('SetComp', (1, 0, 1, 16), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'r', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 7, 1, 10), [('Name', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'l', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 9, 1, 10), 'm', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'x', ('Load',)), [], 0)]))], []), ('Module', [('AsyncFunctionDef', (1, 0, 3, 18), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Expr', (2, 1, 2, 17), ('Constant', (2, 1, 2, 17), 'async function', None)), ('Expr', (3, 1, 3, 18), ('Await', (3, 1, 3, 18), ('Call', (3, 7, 3, 18), ('Name', (3, 7, 3, 16), 'something', ('Load',)), [], [])))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('AsyncFunctionDef', (1, 0, 3, 8), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('AsyncFor', (2, 1, 3, 8), ('Name', (2, 11, 2, 12), 'e', ('Store',)), ('Name', (2, 16, 2, 17), 'i', ('Load',)), [('Expr', (2, 19, 2, 20), ('Constant', (2, 19, 2, 20), 1, None))], [('Expr', (3, 7, 3, 8), ('Constant', (3, 7, 3, 8), 2, None))], None)], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('AsyncFunctionDef', (1, 0, 2, 21), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('AsyncWith', (2, 1, 2, 21), [('withitem', ('Name', (2, 12, 2, 13), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (2, 17, 2, 18), 'b', ('Store',)))], [('Expr', (2, 20, 2, 21), ('Constant', (2, 20, 2, 21), 1, None))], None)], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 14), ('Dict', (1, 0, 1, 14), [None, ('Constant', (1, 10, 1, 11), 2, None)], [('Dict', (1, 3, 1, 8), [('Constant', (1, 4, 1, 5), 1, None)], [('Constant', (1, 6, 1, 7), 2, None)]), ('Constant', (1, 12, 1, 13), 3, None)]))], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 12), ('Set', (1, 0, 1, 12), [('Starred', (1, 1, 1, 8), ('Set', (1, 2, 1, 8), [('Constant', (1, 3, 1, 4), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 6, 1, 7), 2, None)]), ('Load',)), ('Constant', (1, 10, 1, 11), 3, None)]))], []), ('Module', [('AsyncFunctionDef', (1, 0, 2, 21), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Expr', (2, 1, 2, 21), ('ListComp', (2, 1, 2, 21), ('Name', (2, 2, 2, 3), 'i', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (2, 14, 2, 15), 'b', ('Store',)), ('Name', (2, 19, 2, 20), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 1)]))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (4, 0, 4, 13), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (4, 9, 4, 13))], [('Name', (1, 1, 1, 6), 'deco1', ('Load',)), ('Call', (2, 1, 2, 8), ('Name', (2, 1, 2, 6), 'deco2', ('Load',)), [], []), ('Call', (3, 1, 3, 9), ('Name', (3, 1, 3, 6), 'deco3', ('Load',)), [('Constant', (3, 7, 3, 8), 1, None)], [])], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('AsyncFunctionDef', (4, 0, 4, 19), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (4, 15, 4, 19))], [('Name', (1, 1, 1, 6), 'deco1', ('Load',)), ('Call', (2, 1, 2, 8), ('Name', (2, 1, 2, 6), 'deco2', ('Load',)), [], []), ('Call', (3, 1, 3, 9), ('Name', (3, 1, 3, 6), 'deco3', ('Load',)), [('Constant', (3, 7, 3, 8), 1, None)], [])], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (4, 0, 4, 13), 'C', [], [], [('Pass', (4, 9, 4, 13))], [('Name', (1, 1, 1, 6), 'deco1', ('Load',)), ('Call', (2, 1, 2, 8), ('Name', (2, 1, 2, 6), 'deco2', ('Load',)), [], []), ('Call', (3, 1, 3, 9), ('Name', (3, 1, 3, 6), 'deco3', ('Load',)), [('Constant', (3, 7, 3, 8), 1, None)], [])], [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (2, 0, 2, 13), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (2, 9, 2, 13))], [('Call', (1, 1, 1, 19), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 5), 'deco', ('Load',)), [('GeneratorExp', (1, 5, 1, 19), ('Name', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 17, 1, 18), 'b', ('Load',)), [], 0)])], [])], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (2, 0, 2, 13), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (2, 9, 2, 13))], [('Attribute', (1, 1, 1, 6), ('Attribute', (1, 1, 1, 4), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), 'b', ('Load',)), 'c', ('Load',))], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 8), ('NamedExpr', (1, 1, 1, 7), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Constant', (1, 6, 1, 7), 1, None)))], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 18), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 14, 1, 18))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 26), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'c', None, None), ('arg', (1, 15, 1, 16), 'd', None, None), ('arg', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'e', None, None)], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 22, 1, 26))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 29), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'c', None, None)], None, [('arg', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'd', None, None), ('arg', (1, 21, 1, 22), 'e', None, None)], [None, None], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 25, 1, 29))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 39), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'c', None, None)], None, [('arg', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'd', None, None), ('arg', (1, 21, 1, 22), 'e', None, None)], [None, None], ('arg', (1, 26, 1, 32), 'kwargs', None, None), []), [('Pass', (1, 35, 1, 39))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 20), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [], None, [], [], None, [('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 1, None)]), [('Pass', (1, 16, 1, 20))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 29), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', None, None), ('arg', (1, 19, 1, 20), 'c', None, None)], None, [], [], None, [('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 16, 1, 17), 2, None), ('Constant', (1, 21, 1, 22), 4, None)]), [('Pass', (1, 25, 1, 29))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 32), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', None, None)], None, [('arg', (1, 22, 1, 23), 'c', None, None)], [('Constant', (1, 24, 1, 25), 4, None)], None, [('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 16, 1, 17), 2, None)]), [('Pass', (1, 28, 1, 32))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 30), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', None, None)], None, [('arg', (1, 22, 1, 23), 'c', None, None)], [None], None, [('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 16, 1, 17), 2, None)]), [('Pass', (1, 26, 1, 30))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 42), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', None, None)], None, [('arg', (1, 22, 1, 23), 'c', None, None)], [('Constant', (1, 24, 1, 25), 4, None)], ('arg', (1, 29, 1, 35), 'kwargs', None, None), [('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 16, 1, 17), 2, None)]), [('Pass', (1, 38, 1, 42))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 40), 'f', ('arguments', [('arg', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'a', None, None)], [('arg', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', None, None)], None, [('arg', (1, 22, 1, 23), 'c', None, None)], [None], ('arg', (1, 27, 1, 33), 'kwargs', None, None), [('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 16, 1, 17), 2, None)]), [('Pass', (1, 36, 1, 40))], [], None, None, [])], []), ('Module', [('TypeAlias', (1, 0, 1, 12), ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'X', ('Store',)), [], ('Name', (1, 9, 1, 12), 'int', ('Load',)))], []), ('Module', [('TypeAlias', (1, 0, 1, 15), ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'X', ('Store',)), [('TypeVar', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'T', None)], ('Name', (1, 12, 1, 15), 'int', ('Load',)))], []), ('Module', [('TypeAlias', (1, 0, 1, 32), ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'X', ('Store',)), [('TypeVar', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'T', None), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 10, 1, 13), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 15, 1, 18), 'P')], ('Tuple', (1, 22, 1, 32), [('Name', (1, 23, 1, 24), 'T', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 26, 1, 28), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 30, 1, 31), 'P', ('Load',))], ('Load',)))], []), ('Module', [('TypeAlias', (1, 0, 1, 37), ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'X', ('Store',)), [('TypeVar', (1, 7, 1, 13), 'T', ('Name', (1, 10, 1, 13), 'int', ('Load',))), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 15, 1, 18), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 20, 1, 23), 'P')], ('Tuple', (1, 27, 1, 37), [('Name', (1, 28, 1, 29), 'T', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 31, 1, 33), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 35, 1, 36), 'P', ('Load',))], ('Load',)))], []), ('Module', [('TypeAlias', (1, 0, 1, 44), ('Name', (1, 5, 1, 6), 'X', ('Store',)), [('TypeVar', (1, 7, 1, 20), 'T', ('Tuple', (1, 10, 1, 20), [('Name', (1, 11, 1, 14), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 16, 1, 19), 'str', ('Load',))], ('Load',))), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 22, 1, 25), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 27, 1, 30), 'P')], ('Tuple', (1, 34, 1, 44), [('Name', (1, 35, 1, 36), 'T', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 38, 1, 40), 'Ts', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 42, 1, 43), 'P', ('Load',))], ('Load',)))], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0, 1, 16), 'X', [], [], [('Pass', (1, 12, 1, 16))], [], [('TypeVar', (1, 8, 1, 9), 'T', None)])], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0, 1, 26), 'X', [], [], [('Pass', (1, 22, 1, 26))], [], [('TypeVar', (1, 8, 1, 9), 'T', None), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 11, 1, 14), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 16, 1, 19), 'P')])], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0, 1, 31), 'X', [], [], [('Pass', (1, 27, 1, 31))], [], [('TypeVar', (1, 8, 1, 14), 'T', ('Name', (1, 11, 1, 14), 'int', ('Load',))), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 16, 1, 19), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 21, 1, 24), 'P')])], []), ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0, 1, 38), 'X', [], [], [('Pass', (1, 34, 1, 38))], [], [('TypeVar', (1, 8, 1, 21), 'T', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 21), [('Name', (1, 12, 1, 15), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 17, 1, 20), 'str', ('Load',))], ('Load',))), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 23, 1, 26), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 28, 1, 31), 'P')])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 16), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 12, 1, 16))], [], None, None, [('TypeVar', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'T', None)])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 26), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 22, 1, 26))], [], None, None, [('TypeVar', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'T', None), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 9, 1, 12), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 14, 1, 17), 'P')])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 31), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 27, 1, 31))], [], None, None, [('TypeVar', (1, 6, 1, 12), 'T', ('Name', (1, 9, 1, 12), 'int', ('Load',))), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 14, 1, 17), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 19, 1, 22), 'P')])], []), ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0, 1, 38), 'f', ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), [('Pass', (1, 34, 1, 38))], [], None, None, [('TypeVar', (1, 6, 1, 19), 'T', ('Tuple', (1, 9, 1, 19), [('Name', (1, 10, 1, 13), 'int', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 15, 1, 18), 'str', ('Load',))], ('Load',))), ('TypeVarTuple', (1, 21, 1, 24), 'Ts'), ('ParamSpec', (1, 26, 1, 29), 'P')])], []), ] single_results = [ ('Interactive', [('Expr', (1, 0, 1, 3), ('BinOp', (1, 0, 1, 3), ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 1), 1, None), ('Add',), ('Constant', (1, 2, 1, 3), 2, None)))]), ] eval_results = [ ('Expression', ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 4), None, None)), ('Expression', ('BoolOp', (1, 0, 1, 7), ('And',), [('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 6, 1, 7), 'b', ('Load',))])), ('Expression', ('BinOp', (1, 0, 1, 5), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Add',), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',)))), ('Expression', ('UnaryOp', (1, 0, 1, 5), ('Not',), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'v', ('Load',)))), ('Expression', ('Lambda', (1, 0, 1, 11), ('arguments', [], [], None, [], [], None, []), ('Constant', (1, 7, 1, 11), None, None))), ('Expression', ('Dict', (1, 0, 1, 7), [('Constant', (1, 2, 1, 3), 1, None)], [('Constant', (1, 4, 1, 5), 2, None)])), ('Expression', ('Dict', (1, 0, 1, 2), [], [])), ('Expression', ('Set', (1, 0, 1, 7), [('Constant', (1, 1, 1, 5), None, None)])), ('Expression', ('Dict', (1, 0, 5, 6), [('Constant', (2, 6, 2, 7), 1, None)], [('Constant', (4, 10, 4, 11), 2, None)])), ('Expression', ('ListComp', (1, 0, 1, 19), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'b', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 17, 1, 18), 'd', ('Load',))], 0)])), ('Expression', ('GeneratorExp', (1, 0, 1, 19), ('Name', (1, 1, 1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 7, 1, 8), 'b', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 17, 1, 18), 'd', ('Load',))], 0)])), ('Expression', ('ListComp', (1, 0, 1, 20), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 14), [('Name', (1, 11, 1, 12), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('ListComp', (1, 0, 1, 22), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 16), [('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 20, 1, 21), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('ListComp', (1, 0, 1, 22), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('List', (1, 11, 1, 16), [('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 20, 1, 21), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('SetComp', (1, 0, 1, 20), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 14), [('Name', (1, 11, 1, 12), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('SetComp', (1, 0, 1, 22), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 16), [('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 20, 1, 21), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('SetComp', (1, 0, 1, 22), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('List', (1, 11, 1, 16), [('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 20, 1, 21), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('GeneratorExp', (1, 0, 1, 20), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 14), [('Name', (1, 11, 1, 12), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 18, 1, 19), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('GeneratorExp', (1, 0, 1, 22), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11, 1, 16), [('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 20, 1, 21), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('GeneratorExp', (1, 0, 1, 22), ('Tuple', (1, 1, 1, 6), [('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('List', (1, 11, 1, 16), [('Name', (1, 12, 1, 13), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14, 1, 15), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 20, 1, 21), 'c', ('Load',)), [], 0)])), ('Expression', ('Compare', (1, 0, 1, 9), ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 1), 1, None), [('Lt',), ('Lt',)], [('Constant', (1, 4, 1, 5), 2, None), ('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 3, None)])), ('Expression', ('Call', (1, 0, 1, 17), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'f', ('Load',)), [('Constant', (1, 2, 1, 3), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 4, 1, 5), 2, None), ('Starred', (1, 10, 1, 12), ('Name', (1, 11, 1, 12), 'd', ('Load',)), ('Load',))], [('keyword', (1, 6, 1, 9), 'c', ('Constant', (1, 8, 1, 9), 3, None)), ('keyword', (1, 13, 1, 16), None, ('Name', (1, 15, 1, 16), 'e', ('Load',)))])), ('Expression', ('Call', (1, 0, 1, 10), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'f', ('Load',)), [('Starred', (1, 2, 1, 9), ('List', (1, 3, 1, 9), [('Constant', (1, 4, 1, 5), 0, None), ('Constant', (1, 7, 1, 8), 1, None)], ('Load',)), ('Load',))], [])), ('Expression', ('Call', (1, 0, 1, 15), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'f', ('Load',)), [('GeneratorExp', (1, 1, 1, 15), ('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'a', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 8, 1, 9), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13, 1, 14), 'b', ('Load',)), [], 0)])], [])), ('Expression', ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 2), 10, None)), ('Expression', ('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 8), 'string', None)), ('Expression', ('Attribute', (1, 0, 1, 3), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), 'b', ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('Subscript', (1, 0, 1, 6), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Slice', (1, 2, 1, 5), ('Name', (1, 2, 1, 3), 'b', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4, 1, 5), 'c', ('Load',)), None), ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'v', ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('List', (1, 0, 1, 7), [('Constant', (1, 1, 1, 2), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 3, 1, 4), 2, None), ('Constant', (1, 5, 1, 6), 3, None)], ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('List', (1, 0, 1, 2), [], ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('Tuple', (1, 0, 1, 5), [('Constant', (1, 0, 1, 1), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 2, 1, 3), 2, None), ('Constant', (1, 4, 1, 5), 3, None)], ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('Tuple', (1, 0, 1, 7), [('Constant', (1, 1, 1, 2), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 3, 1, 4), 2, None), ('Constant', (1, 5, 1, 6), 3, None)], ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('Tuple', (1, 0, 1, 2), [], ('Load',))), ('Expression', ('Call', (1, 0, 1, 17), ('Attribute', (1, 0, 1, 7), ('Attribute', (1, 0, 1, 5), ('Attribute', (1, 0, 1, 3), ('Name', (1, 0, 1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), 'b', ('Load',)), 'c', ('Load',)), 'd', ('Load',)), [('Subscript', (1, 8, 1, 16), ('Attribute', (1, 8, 1, 11), ('Name', (1, 8, 1, 9), 'a', ('Load',)), 'b', ('Load',)), ('Slice', (1, 12, 1, 15), ('Constant', (1, 12, 1, 13), 1, None), ('Constant', (1, 14, 1, 15), 2, None), None), ('Load',))], [])), ] main()