#! /usr/bin/env python """Test script for the bsddb C module Roger E. Masse """ import os import bsddb import dbhash # Just so we know it's imported import tempfile from test_support import verbose, verify def test(openmethod, what, ondisk=1): if verbose: print '\nTesting: ', what, (ondisk and "on disk" or "in memory") if ondisk: fname = tempfile.mktemp() else: fname = None f = openmethod(fname, 'c') verify(f.keys() == []) if verbose: print 'creation...' f['0'] = '' f['a'] = 'Guido' f['b'] = 'van' f['c'] = 'Rossum' f['d'] = 'invented' f['f'] = 'Python' if verbose: print '%s %s %s' % (f['a'], f['b'], f['c']) if what == 'BTree' : if verbose: print 'key ordering...' f.set_location(f.first()[0]) while 1: try: rec = f.next() except KeyError: if rec != f.last(): print 'Error, last != last!' f.previous() break if verbose: print rec if not f.has_key('a'): print 'Error, missing key!' f.sync() f.close() if ondisk: # if we're using an in-memory only db, we can't reopen it # so finish here. if verbose: print 'modification...' f = openmethod(fname, 'w') f['d'] = 'discovered' if verbose: print 'access...' for key in f.keys(): word = f[key] if verbose: print word f.close() try: os.remove(fname) except os.error: pass types = [(bsddb.btopen, 'BTree'), (bsddb.hashopen, 'Hash Table'), (bsddb.btopen, 'BTree', 0), (bsddb.hashopen, 'Hash Table', 0), # (bsddb.rnopen,'Record Numbers'), 'put' for RECNO for bsddb 1.85 # appears broken... at least on # Solaris Intel - rmasse 1/97 ] for type in types: test(*type)