# Tests invocation of the interpreter with various command line arguments # All tests are executed with environment variables ignored # See test_cmd_line_script.py for testing of script execution import test.support, unittest import os import sys from test.script_helper import spawn_python, kill_python, python_exit_code # XXX (ncoghlan): there are assorted gratuitous inconsistencies between the # support code in the Py3k version and the 2.x version that unnecessarily # complicate test suite merges. See issue 7331 # spawn_python normally enforces use of -E to avoid environmental effects # but one test checks PYTHONPATH behaviour explicitly # XXX (ncoghlan): Give script_helper.spawn_python an option to switch # off the -E flag that is normally inserted automatically import subprocess def _spawn_python_with_env(*args): cmd_line = [sys.executable] cmd_line.extend(args) return subprocess.Popen(cmd_line, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # XXX (ncoghlan): Move to script_helper and make consistent with run_python def _kill_python_and_exit_code(p): data = kill_python(p) returncode = p.wait() return data, returncode class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase): def start_python(self, *args): p = spawn_python(*args) return kill_python(p) def start_python_and_exit_code(self, *args): p = spawn_python(*args) return _kill_python_and_exit_code(p) def exit_code(self, *args): return python_exit_code(*args) def test_directories(self): self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('.'), 0) self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('< .'), 0) def verify_valid_flag(self, cmd_line): data = self.start_python(cmd_line) self.assertTrue(data == b'' or data.endswith(b'\n')) self.assertNotIn(b'Traceback', data) def test_optimize(self): self.verify_valid_flag('-O') self.verify_valid_flag('-OO') def test_q(self): self.verify_valid_flag('-Qold') self.verify_valid_flag('-Qnew') self.verify_valid_flag('-Qwarn') self.verify_valid_flag('-Qwarnall') def test_site_flag(self): self.verify_valid_flag('-S') def test_usage(self): self.assertIn(b'usage', self.start_python('-h')) def test_version(self): version = ('Python %d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]).encode("ascii") self.assertTrue(self.start_python('-V').startswith(version)) def test_verbose(self): # -v causes imports to write to stderr. If the write to # stderr itself causes an import to happen (for the output # codec), a recursion loop can occur. data, rc = self.start_python_and_exit_code('-v') self.assertEqual(rc, 0) self.assertNotIn(b'stack overflow', data) data, rc = self.start_python_and_exit_code('-vv') self.assertEqual(rc, 0) self.assertNotIn(b'stack overflow', data) def test_run_module(self): # Test expected operation of the '-m' switch # Switch needs an argument self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('-m'), 0) # Check we get an error for a nonexistent module self.assertNotEqual( self.exit_code('-m', 'fnord43520xyz'), 0) # Check the runpy module also gives an error for # a nonexistent module self.assertNotEqual( self.exit_code('-m', 'runpy', 'fnord43520xyz'), 0) # All good if module is located and run successfully self.assertEqual( self.exit_code('-m', 'timeit', '-n', '1'), 0) def test_run_module_bug1764407(self): # -m and -i need to play well together # Runs the timeit module and checks the __main__ # namespace has been populated appropriately p = spawn_python('-i', '-m', 'timeit', '-n', '1') p.stdin.write(b'Timer\n') p.stdin.write(b'exit()\n') data = kill_python(p) self.assertTrue(data.find(b'1 loop') != -1) self.assertTrue(data.find(b'__main__.Timer') != -1) def test_run_code(self): # Test expected operation of the '-c' switch # Switch needs an argument self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('-c'), 0) # Check we get an error for an uncaught exception self.assertNotEqual( self.exit_code('-c', 'raise Exception'), 0) # All good if execution is successful self.assertEqual( self.exit_code('-c', 'pass'), 0) # Test handling of non-ascii data if sys.getfilesystemencoding() != 'ascii': command = "assert(ord('\xe9') == 0xe9)" self.assertEqual( self.exit_code('-c', command), 0) def test_unbuffered_output(self): # Test expected operation of the '-u' switch for stream in ('stdout', 'stderr'): # Binary is unbuffered code = ("import os, sys; sys.%s.buffer.write(b'x'); os._exit(0)" % stream) data, rc = self.start_python_and_exit_code('-u', '-c', code) self.assertEqual(rc, 0) self.assertEqual(data, b'x', "binary %s not unbuffered" % stream) # Text is line-buffered code = ("import os, sys; sys.%s.write('x\\n'); os._exit(0)" % stream) data, rc = self.start_python_and_exit_code('-u', '-c', code) self.assertEqual(rc, 0) self.assertEqual(data.strip(), b'x', "text %s not line-buffered" % stream) def test_unbuffered_input(self): # sys.stdin still works with '-u' code = ("import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.stdin.read(1))") p = spawn_python('-u', '-c', code) p.stdin.write(b'x') p.stdin.flush() data, rc = _kill_python_and_exit_code(p) self.assertEqual(rc, 0) self.assertTrue(data.startswith(b'x'), data) def test_large_PYTHONPATH(self): with test.support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env: path1 = "ABCDE" * 100 path2 = "FGHIJ" * 100 env['PYTHONPATH'] = path1 + os.pathsep + path2 code = """ import sys path = ":".join(sys.path) path = path.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") sys.stdout.buffer.write(path)""" code = code.strip().splitlines() code = '; '.join(code) p = _spawn_python_with_env('-S', '-c', code) stdout, _ = p.communicate() self.assertIn(path1.encode('ascii'), stdout) self.assertIn(path2.encode('ascii'), stdout) def test_main(): test.support.run_unittest(CmdLineTest) test.support.reap_children() if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()