import contextlib import dis import io import math import opcode import os import unittest import sys import ast import _ast import tempfile import types import textwrap import warnings import _testinternalcapi from test import support from import (script_helper, requires_debug_ranges, run_code, requires_specialization, get_c_recursion_limit) from import instructions_with_positions from import FakePath class TestSpecifics(unittest.TestCase): def compile_single(self, source): compile(source, "", "single") def assertInvalidSingle(self, source): self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, self.compile_single, source) def test_no_ending_newline(self): compile("hi", "", "exec") compile("hi\r", "", "exec") def test_empty(self): compile("", "", "exec") def test_other_newlines(self): compile("\r\n", "", "exec") compile("\r", "", "exec") compile("hi\r\nstuff\r\ndef f():\n pass\r", "", "exec") compile("this_is\rreally_old_mac\rdef f():\n pass", "", "exec") def test_debug_assignment(self): # catch assignments to __debug__ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, '__debug__ = 1', '?', 'single') import builtins prev = builtins.__debug__ setattr(builtins, '__debug__', 'sure') self.assertEqual(__debug__, prev) setattr(builtins, '__debug__', prev) def test_argument_handling(self): # detect duplicate positional and keyword arguments self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, 'lambda a,a:0') self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, 'lambda a,a=1:0') self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, 'lambda a=1,a=1:0') self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, exec, 'def f(a, a): pass') self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, exec, 'def f(a = 0, a = 1): pass') self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, exec, 'def f(a): global a; a = 1') def test_syntax_error(self): self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, "1+*3", "filename", "exec") def test_none_keyword_arg(self): self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, "f(None=1)", "", "exec") def test_duplicate_global_local(self): self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, exec, 'def f(a): global a; a = 1') def test_exec_with_general_mapping_for_locals(self): class M: "Test mapping interface versus possible calls from eval()." def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'a': return 12 raise KeyError def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.results = (key, value) def keys(self): return list('xyz') m = M() g = globals() exec('z = a', g, m) self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', 12)) try: exec('z = b', g, m) except NameError: pass else:'Did not detect a KeyError') exec('z = dir()', g, m) self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', list('xyz'))) exec('z = globals()', g, m) self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', g)) exec('z = locals()', g, m) self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', m)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, exec, 'z = b', m) class A: "Non-mapping" pass m = A() self.assertRaises(TypeError, exec, 'z = a', g, m) # Verify that dict subclasses work as well class D(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'a': return 12 return dict.__getitem__(self, key) d = D() exec('z = a', g, d) self.assertEqual(d['z'], 12) @unittest.skipIf(support.is_wasi, "exhausts limited stack on WASI") def test_extended_arg(self): repeat = int(get_c_recursion_limit() * 0.9) longexpr = 'x = x or ' + '-x' * repeat g = {} code = textwrap.dedent(''' def f(x): %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s # the expressions above have no effect, x == argument while x: x -= 1 # EXTENDED_ARG/JUMP_ABSOLUTE here return x ''' % ((longexpr,)*10)) exec(code, g) self.assertEqual(g['f'](5), 0) def test_argument_order(self): self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, exec, 'def f(a=1, b): pass') def test_float_literals(self): # testing bad float literals self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "2e") self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "2.0e+") self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "1e-") self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "3-4e/21") def test_indentation(self): # testing compile() of indented block w/o trailing newline" s = textwrap.dedent(""" if 1: if 2: pass """) compile(s, "", "exec") # This test is probably specific to CPython and may not generalize # to other implementations. We are trying to ensure that when # the first line of code starts after 256, correct line numbers # in tracebacks are still produced. def test_leading_newlines(self): s256 = "".join(["\n"] * 256 + ["spam"]) co = compile(s256, 'fn', 'exec') self.assertEqual(co.co_firstlineno, 1) lines = [line for _, _, line in co.co_lines()] self.assertEqual(lines, [0, 257]) def test_literals_with_leading_zeroes(self): for arg in ["077787", "0xj", "0x.", "0e", "090000000000000", "080000000000000", "000000000000009", "000000000000008", "0b42", "0BADCAFE", "0o123456789", "0b1.1", "0o4.2", "0b101j", "0o153j", "0b100e1", "0o777e1", "0777", "000777", "000000000000007"]: self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, arg) self.assertEqual(eval("0xff"), 255) self.assertEqual(eval("0777."), 777) self.assertEqual(eval("0777.0"), 777) self.assertEqual(eval("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000777e0"), 777) self.assertEqual(eval("0777e1"), 7770) self.assertEqual(eval("0e0"), 0) self.assertEqual(eval("0000e-012"), 0) self.assertEqual(eval("09.5"), 9.5) self.assertEqual(eval("0777j"), 777j) self.assertEqual(eval("000"), 0) self.assertEqual(eval("00j"), 0j) self.assertEqual(eval("00.0"), 0) self.assertEqual(eval("0e3"), 0) self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000."), 90000000000000.) self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000.0000000000000000000000"), 90000000000000.) self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000e0"), 90000000000000.) self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000e-0"), 90000000000000.) self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000j"), 90000000000000j) self.assertEqual(eval("000000000000008."), 8.) self.assertEqual(eval("000000000000009."), 9.) self.assertEqual(eval("0b101010"), 42) self.assertEqual(eval("-0b000000000010"), -2) self.assertEqual(eval("0o777"), 511) self.assertEqual(eval("-0o0000010"), -8) def test_int_literals_too_long(self): n = 3000 source = f"a = 1\nb = 2\nc = {'3'*n}\nd = 4" with support.adjust_int_max_str_digits(n): compile(source, "", "exec") # no errors. with support.adjust_int_max_str_digits(n-1): with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as err_ctx: compile(source, "", "exec") exc = err_ctx.exception self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 3) self.assertIn('Exceeds the limit ', str(exc)) self.assertIn(' Consider hexadecimal ', str(exc)) def test_unary_minus(self): # Verify treatment of unary minus on negative numbers SF bug #660455 if sys.maxsize == 2147483647: # 32-bit machine all_one_bits = '0xffffffff' self.assertEqual(eval(all_one_bits), 4294967295) self.assertEqual(eval("-" + all_one_bits), -4294967295) elif sys.maxsize == 9223372036854775807: # 64-bit machine all_one_bits = '0xffffffffffffffff' self.assertEqual(eval(all_one_bits), 18446744073709551615) self.assertEqual(eval("-" + all_one_bits), -18446744073709551615) else:"How many bits *does* this machine have???") # Verify treatment of constant folding on -(sys.maxsize+1) # i.e. -2147483648 on 32 bit platforms. Should return int. self.assertIsInstance(eval("%s" % (-sys.maxsize - 1)), int) self.assertIsInstance(eval("%s" % (-sys.maxsize - 2)), int) if sys.maxsize == 9223372036854775807: def test_32_63_bit_values(self): a = +4294967296 # 1 << 32 b = -4294967296 # 1 << 32 c = +281474976710656 # 1 << 48 d = -281474976710656 # 1 << 48 e = +4611686018427387904 # 1 << 62 f = -4611686018427387904 # 1 << 62 g = +9223372036854775807 # 1 << 63 - 1 h = -9223372036854775807 # 1 << 63 - 1 for variable in self.test_32_63_bit_values.__code__.co_consts: if variable is not None: self.assertIsInstance(variable, int) def test_sequence_unpacking_error(self): # Verify sequence packing/unpacking with "or". SF bug #757818 i,j = (1, -1) or (-1, 1) self.assertEqual(i, 1) self.assertEqual(j, -1) def test_none_assignment(self): stmts = [ 'None = 0', 'None += 0', '__builtins__.None = 0', 'def None(): pass', 'class None: pass', '(a, None) = 0, 0', 'for None in range(10): pass', 'def f(None): pass', 'import None', 'import x as None', 'from x import None', 'from x import y as None' ] for stmt in stmts: stmt += "\n" self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, stmt, 'tmp', 'single') self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, stmt, 'tmp', 'exec') def test_import(self): succeed = [ 'import sys', 'import os, sys', 'import os as bar', 'import os.path as bar', 'from __future__ import nested_scopes, generators', 'from __future__ import (nested_scopes,\ngenerators)', 'from __future__ import (nested_scopes,\ngenerators,)', 'from sys import stdin, stderr, stdout', 'from sys import (stdin, stderr,\nstdout)', 'from sys import (stdin, stderr,\nstdout,)', 'from sys import (stdin\n, stderr, stdout)', 'from sys import (stdin\n, stderr, stdout,)', 'from sys import stdin as si, stdout as so, stderr as se', 'from sys import (stdin as si, stdout as so, stderr as se)', 'from sys import (stdin as si, stdout as so, stderr as se,)', ] fail = [ 'import (os, sys)', 'import (os), (sys)', 'import ((os), (sys))', 'import (sys', 'import sys)', 'import (os,)', 'import os As bar', 'import os.path a bar', 'from sys import stdin As stdout', 'from sys import stdin a stdout', 'from (sys) import stdin', 'from __future__ import (nested_scopes', 'from __future__ import nested_scopes)', 'from __future__ import nested_scopes,\ngenerators', 'from sys import (stdin', 'from sys import stdin)', 'from sys import stdin, stdout,\nstderr', 'from sys import stdin si', 'from sys import stdin,', 'from sys import (*)', 'from sys import (stdin,, stdout, stderr)', 'from sys import (stdin, stdout),', ] for stmt in succeed: compile(stmt, 'tmp', 'exec') for stmt in fail: self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, stmt, 'tmp', 'exec') def test_for_distinct_code_objects(self): # SF bug 1048870 def f(): f1 = lambda x=1: x f2 = lambda x=2: x return f1, f2 f1, f2 = f() self.assertNotEqual(id(f1.__code__), id(f2.__code__)) def test_lambda_doc(self): l = lambda: "foo" self.assertIsNone(l.__doc__) def test_encoding(self): code = b'# -*- coding: badencoding -*-\npass\n' self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, code, 'tmp', 'exec') code = '# -*- coding: badencoding -*-\n"\xc2\xa4"\n' compile(code, 'tmp', 'exec') self.assertEqual(eval(code), '\xc2\xa4') code = '"\xc2\xa4"\n' self.assertEqual(eval(code), '\xc2\xa4') code = b'"\xc2\xa4"\n' self.assertEqual(eval(code), '\xa4') code = b'# -*- coding: latin1 -*-\n"\xc2\xa4"\n' self.assertEqual(eval(code), '\xc2\xa4') code = b'# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"\xc2\xa4"\n' self.assertEqual(eval(code), '\xa4') code = b'# -*- coding: iso8859-15 -*-\n"\xc2\xa4"\n' self.assertEqual(eval(code), '\xc2\u20ac') code = '"""\\\n# -*- coding: iso8859-15 -*-\n\xc2\xa4"""\n' self.assertEqual(eval(code), '# -*- coding: iso8859-15 -*-\n\xc2\xa4') code = b'"""\\\n# -*- coding: iso8859-15 -*-\n\xc2\xa4"""\n' self.assertEqual(eval(code), '# -*- coding: iso8859-15 -*-\n\xa4') def test_subscripts(self): # SF bug 1448804 # Class to make testing subscript results easy class str_map(object): def __init__(self): = {} def __getitem__(self, key): return[str(key)] def __setitem__(self, key, value):[str(key)] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del[str(key)] def __contains__(self, key): return str(key) in d = str_map() # Index d[1] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[1], 1) d[1] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[1], 2) del d[1] self.assertNotIn(1, d) # Tuple of indices d[1, 1] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[1, 1], 1) d[1, 1] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[1, 1], 2) del d[1, 1] self.assertNotIn((1, 1), d) # Simple slice d[1:2] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2], 1) d[1:2] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2], 2) del d[1:2] self.assertNotIn(slice(1, 2), d) # Tuple of simple slices d[1:2, 1:2] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2, 1:2], 1) d[1:2, 1:2] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2, 1:2], 2) del d[1:2, 1:2] self.assertNotIn((slice(1, 2), slice(1, 2)), d) # Extended slice d[1:2:3] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3], 1) d[1:2:3] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3], 2) del d[1:2:3] self.assertNotIn(slice(1, 2, 3), d) # Tuple of extended slices d[1:2:3, 1:2:3] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3, 1:2:3], 1) d[1:2:3, 1:2:3] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3, 1:2:3], 2) del d[1:2:3, 1:2:3] self.assertNotIn((slice(1, 2, 3), slice(1, 2, 3)), d) # Ellipsis d[...] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[...], 1) d[...] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[...], 2) del d[...] self.assertNotIn(Ellipsis, d) # Tuple of Ellipses d[..., ...] = 1 self.assertEqual(d[..., ...], 1) d[..., ...] += 1 self.assertEqual(d[..., ...], 2) del d[..., ...] self.assertNotIn((Ellipsis, Ellipsis), d) def test_annotation_limit(self): # more than 255 annotations, should compile ok s = "def f(%s): pass" s %= ', '.join('a%d:%d' % (i,i) for i in range(300)) compile(s, '?', 'exec') def test_mangling(self): class A: def f(): __mangled = 1 __not_mangled__ = 2 import __mangled_mod # noqa: F401 import __package__.module # noqa: F401 self.assertIn("_A__mangled", A.f.__code__.co_varnames) self.assertIn("__not_mangled__", A.f.__code__.co_varnames) self.assertIn("_A__mangled_mod", A.f.__code__.co_varnames) self.assertIn("__package__", A.f.__code__.co_varnames) def test_condition_expression_with_dead_blocks_compiles(self): # See gh-113054 compile('if (5 if 5 else T): 0', '', 'exec') def test_condition_expression_with_redundant_comparisons_compiles(self): # See gh-113054, gh-114083 exprs = [ 'if 9<9<9and 9or 9:9', 'if 9<9<9and 9or 9or 9:9', 'if 9<9<9and 9or 9or 9or 9:9', 'if 9<9<9and 9or 9or 9or 9or 9:9', ] for expr in exprs: with self.subTest(expr=expr): with self.assertWarns(SyntaxWarning): compile(expr, '', 'exec') def test_dead_code_with_except_handler_compiles(self): compile(textwrap.dedent(""" if None: with CM: x = 1 else: x = 2 """), '', 'exec') def test_compile_invalid_namedexpr(self): # gh-109351 m = ast.Module( body=[ ast.Expr( value=ast.ListComp( elt=ast.NamedExpr( target=ast.Constant(value=1), value=ast.Constant(value=3), ), generators=[ ast.comprehension( target=ast.Name(id="x", ctx=ast.Store()), iter=ast.Name(id="y", ctx=ast.Load()), ifs=[], is_async=0, ) ], ) ) ], type_ignores=[], ) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "NamedExpr target must be a Name"): compile(ast.fix_missing_locations(m), "", "exec") def test_compile_redundant_jumps_and_nops_after_moving_cold_blocks(self): # See gh-120367 code=textwrap.dedent(""" try: pass except: pass else: match name_2: case b'': pass finally: something """) tree = ast.parse(code) # make all instruction locations the same to create redundancies for node in ast.walk(tree): if hasattr(node,"lineno"): del node.lineno del node.end_lineno del node.col_offset del node.end_col_offset compile(ast.fix_missing_locations(tree), "", "exec") def test_compile_redundant_jump_after_convert_pseudo_ops(self): # See gh-120367 code=textwrap.dedent(""" if name_2: pass else: try: pass except: pass ~name_5 """) tree = ast.parse(code) # make all instruction locations the same to create redundancies for node in ast.walk(tree): if hasattr(node,"lineno"): del node.lineno del node.end_lineno del node.col_offset del node.end_col_offset compile(ast.fix_missing_locations(tree), "", "exec") def test_compile_ast(self): fname = __file__ if fname.lower().endswith('pyc'): fname = fname[:-1] with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f: fcontents = sample_code = [ ['', 'x = 5'], ['', """if True:\n pass\n"""], ['', """for n in [1, 2, 3]:\n print(n)\n"""], ['', """def foo():\n pass\nfoo()\n"""], [fname, fcontents], ] for fname, code in sample_code: co1 = compile(code, '%s1' % fname, 'exec') ast = compile(code, '%s2' % fname, 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) self.assertTrue(type(ast) == _ast.Module) co2 = compile(ast, '%s3' % fname, 'exec') self.assertEqual(co1, co2) # the code object's filename comes from the second compilation step self.assertEqual(co2.co_filename, '%s3' % fname) # raise exception when node type doesn't match with compile mode co1 = compile('print(1)', '', 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) self.assertRaises(TypeError, compile, co1, '', 'eval') # raise exception when node type is no start node self.assertRaises(TypeError, compile, _ast.If(test=_ast.Name(id='x', ctx=_ast.Load())), '', 'exec') # raise exception when node has invalid children ast = _ast.Module() ast.body = [_ast.BoolOp(op=_ast.Or())] self.assertRaises(TypeError, compile, ast, '', 'exec') def test_compile_invalid_typealias(self): # gh-109341 m = ast.Module( body=[ ast.TypeAlias( name=ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="foo", ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Constant(value="x"), ctx=ast.Store(), ), type_params=[], value=ast.Name(id="Callable", ctx=ast.Load()), ) ], type_ignores=[], ) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "TypeAlias with non-Name name"): compile(ast.fix_missing_locations(m), "", "exec") def test_dict_evaluation_order(self): i = 0 def f(): nonlocal i i += 1 return i d = {f(): f(), f(): f()} self.assertEqual(d, {1: 2, 3: 4}) def test_compile_filename(self): for filename in '', b'': code = compile('pass', filename, 'exec') self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '') for filename in bytearray(b''), memoryview(b''): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): compile('pass', filename, 'exec') self.assertRaises(TypeError, compile, 'pass', list(b''), 'exec') @support.cpython_only def test_same_filename_used(self): s = """def f(): pass\ndef g(): pass""" c = compile(s, "myfile", "exec") for obj in c.co_consts: if isinstance(obj, types.CodeType): self.assertIs(obj.co_filename, c.co_filename) def test_single_statement(self): self.compile_single("1 + 2") self.compile_single("\n1 + 2") self.compile_single("1 + 2\n") self.compile_single("1 + 2\n\n") self.compile_single("1 + 2\t\t\n") self.compile_single("1 + 2\t\t\n ") self.compile_single("1 + 2 # one plus two") self.compile_single("1; 2") self.compile_single("import sys; sys") self.compile_single("def f():\n pass") self.compile_single("while False:\n pass") self.compile_single("if x:\n f(x)") self.compile_single("if x:\n f(x)\nelse:\n g(x)") self.compile_single("class T:\n pass") self.compile_single("c = '''\na=1\nb=2\nc=3\n'''") def test_bad_single_statement(self): self.assertInvalidSingle('1\n2') self.assertInvalidSingle('def f(): pass') self.assertInvalidSingle('a = 13\nb = 187') self.assertInvalidSingle('del x\ndel y') self.assertInvalidSingle('f()\ng()') self.assertInvalidSingle('f()\n# blah\nblah()') self.assertInvalidSingle('f()\nxy # blah\nblah()') self.assertInvalidSingle('x = 5 # comment\nx = 6\n') self.assertInvalidSingle("c = '''\nd=1\n'''\na = 1\n\nb = 2\n") def test_particularly_evil_undecodable(self): # Issue 24022 src = b'0000\x00\n00000000000\n\x00\n\x9e\n' with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpd: fn = os.path.join(tmpd, "") with open(fn, "wb") as fp: fp.write(src) res = script_helper.run_python_until_end(fn)[0] self.assertIn(b"source code cannot contain null bytes", res.err) def test_yet_more_evil_still_undecodable(self): # Issue #25388 src = b"#\x00\n#\xfd\n" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpd: fn = os.path.join(tmpd, "") with open(fn, "wb") as fp: fp.write(src) res = script_helper.run_python_until_end(fn)[0] self.assertIn(b"source code cannot contain null bytes", res.err) @support.cpython_only @unittest.skipIf(support.is_wasi, "exhausts limited stack on WASI") def test_compiler_recursion_limit(self): # Expected limit is Py_C_RECURSION_LIMIT limit = get_c_recursion_limit() fail_depth = limit + 1 crash_depth = limit * 100 success_depth = int(limit * 0.8) def check_limit(prefix, repeated, mode="single"): expect_ok = prefix + repeated * success_depth compile(expect_ok, '', mode) for depth in (fail_depth, crash_depth): broken = prefix + repeated * depth details = "Compiling ({!r} + {!r} * {})".format( prefix, repeated, depth) with self.assertRaises(RecursionError, msg=details): compile(broken, '', mode) check_limit("a", "()") check_limit("a", ".b") check_limit("a", "[0]") check_limit("a", "*a") # XXX Crashes in the parser. # check_limit("a", " if a else a") # check_limit("if a: pass", "\nelif a: pass", mode="exec") def test_null_terminated(self): # The source code is null-terminated internally, but bytes-like # objects are accepted, which could be not terminated. with self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, "cannot contain null"): compile("123\x00", "", "eval") with self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, "cannot contain null"): compile(memoryview(b"123\x00"), "", "eval") code = compile(memoryview(b"123\x00")[1:-1], "", "eval") self.assertEqual(eval(code), 23) code = compile(memoryview(b"1234")[1:-1], "", "eval") self.assertEqual(eval(code), 23) code = compile(memoryview(b"$23$")[1:-1], "", "eval") self.assertEqual(eval(code), 23) # Also test when eval() and exec() do the compilation step self.assertEqual(eval(memoryview(b"1234")[1:-1]), 23) namespace = dict() exec(memoryview(b"ax = 123")[1:-1], namespace) self.assertEqual(namespace['x'], 12) def check_constant(self, func, expected): for const in func.__code__.co_consts: if repr(const) == repr(expected): break else:"unable to find constant %r in %r" % (expected, func.__code__.co_consts)) # Merging equal constants is not a strict requirement for the Python # semantics, it's a more an implementation detail. @support.cpython_only def test_merge_constants(self): # Issue #25843: compile() must merge constants which are equal # and have the same type. def check_same_constant(const): ns = {} code = "f1, f2 = lambda: %r, lambda: %r" % (const, const) exec(code, ns) f1 = ns['f1'] f2 = ns['f2'] self.assertIs(f1.__code__.co_consts, f2.__code__.co_consts) self.check_constant(f1, const) self.assertEqual(repr(f1()), repr(const)) check_same_constant(None) check_same_constant(0) check_same_constant(0.0) check_same_constant(b'abc') check_same_constant('abc') # Note: "lambda: ..." emits "LOAD_CONST Ellipsis", # whereas "lambda: Ellipsis" emits "LOAD_GLOBAL Ellipsis" f1, f2 = lambda: ..., lambda: ... self.assertIs(f1.__code__.co_consts, f2.__code__.co_consts) self.check_constant(f1, Ellipsis) self.assertEqual(repr(f1()), repr(Ellipsis)) # Merge constants in tuple or frozenset f1, f2 = lambda: "not a name", lambda: ("not a name",) f3 = lambda x: x in {("not a name",)} self.assertIs(f1.__code__.co_consts[1], f2.__code__.co_consts[1][0]) self.assertIs(next(iter(f3.__code__.co_consts[1])), f2.__code__.co_consts[1]) # {0} is converted to a constant frozenset({0}) by the peephole # optimizer f1, f2 = lambda x: x in {0}, lambda x: x in {0} self.assertIs(f1.__code__.co_consts, f2.__code__.co_consts) self.check_constant(f1, frozenset({0})) self.assertTrue(f1(0)) # Merging equal co_linetable is not a strict requirement # for the Python semantics, it's a more an implementation detail. @support.cpython_only def test_merge_code_attrs(self): # See f1 = lambda x: x.y.z f2 = lambda a: a.b.c self.assertIs(f1.__code__.co_linetable, f2.__code__.co_linetable) @support.cpython_only def test_remove_unused_consts(self): def f(): "docstring" if True: return "used" else: return "unused" self.assertEqual(f.__code__.co_consts, (f.__doc__, "used")) @support.cpython_only def test_remove_unused_consts_no_docstring(self): # the first item (None for no docstring in this case) is # always retained. def f(): if True: return "used" else: return "unused" self.assertEqual(f.__code__.co_consts, (None, "used")) @support.cpython_only def test_remove_unused_consts_extended_args(self): N = 1000 code = ["def f():\n"] code.append("\ts = ''\n") code.append("\tfor i in range(1):\n") for i in range(N): code.append(f"\t\tif True: s += 't{i}'\n") code.append(f"\t\tif False: s += 'f{i}'\n") code.append("\treturn s\n") code = "".join(code) g = {} eval(compile(code, "", "exec"), g) exec(code, g) f = g['f'] expected = tuple([None, '', 1] + [f't{i}' for i in range(N)]) self.assertEqual(f.__code__.co_consts, expected) expected = "".join(expected[3:]) self.assertEqual(expected, f()) # Stripping unused constants is not a strict requirement for the # Python semantics, it's a more an implementation detail. @support.cpython_only def test_strip_unused_None(self): # Python 3.10rc1 appended None to co_consts when None is not used # at all. See bpo-45056. def f1(): "docstring" return 42 self.assertEqual(f1.__code__.co_consts, (f1.__doc__, 42)) # This is a regression test for a CPython specific peephole optimizer # implementation bug present in a few releases. It's assertion verifies # that peephole optimization was actually done though that isn't an # indication of the bugs presence or not (crashing is). @support.cpython_only def test_peephole_opt_unreachable_code_array_access_in_bounds(self): """Regression test for issue35193 when run under clang msan.""" def unused_code_at_end(): return 3 raise RuntimeError("unreachable") # The above function definition will trigger the out of bounds # bug in the peephole optimizer as it scans opcodes past the # RETURN_VALUE opcode. This does not always crash an interpreter. # When you build with the clang memory sanitizer it reliably aborts. self.assertEqual( 'RETURN_CONST', list(dis.get_instructions(unused_code_at_end))[-1].opname) @support.cpython_only def test_docstring_omitted(self): # See gh-115347 src = textwrap.dedent(""" def f(): "docstring1" def h(): "docstring2" return 42 class C: "docstring3" pass return h """) for opt in [-1, 0, 1, 2]: with self.subTest(opt=opt): code = compile(src, "", "exec", optimize=opt) output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): dis.dis(code) self.assertNotIn('NOP' , output.getvalue()) def test_dont_merge_constants(self): # Issue #25843: compile() must not merge constants which are equal # but have a different type. def check_different_constants(const1, const2): ns = {} exec("f1, f2 = lambda: %r, lambda: %r" % (const1, const2), ns) f1 = ns['f1'] f2 = ns['f2'] self.assertIsNot(f1.__code__, f2.__code__) self.assertNotEqual(f1.__code__, f2.__code__) self.check_constant(f1, const1) self.check_constant(f2, const2) self.assertEqual(repr(f1()), repr(const1)) self.assertEqual(repr(f2()), repr(const2)) check_different_constants(0, 0.0) check_different_constants(+0.0, -0.0) check_different_constants((0,), (0.0,)) check_different_constants('a', b'a') check_different_constants(('a',), (b'a',)) # check_different_constants() cannot be used because repr(-0j) is # '(-0-0j)', but when '(-0-0j)' is evaluated to 0j: we loose the sign. f1, f2 = lambda: +0.0j, lambda: -0.0j self.assertIsNot(f1.__code__, f2.__code__) self.check_constant(f1, +0.0j) self.check_constant(f2, -0.0j) self.assertEqual(repr(f1()), repr(+0.0j)) self.assertEqual(repr(f2()), repr(-0.0j)) # {0} is converted to a constant frozenset({0}) by the peephole # optimizer f1, f2 = lambda x: x in {0}, lambda x: x in {0.0} self.assertIsNot(f1.__code__, f2.__code__) self.check_constant(f1, frozenset({0})) self.check_constant(f2, frozenset({0.0})) self.assertTrue(f1(0)) self.assertTrue(f2(0.0)) def test_path_like_objects(self): # An implicit test for PyUnicode_FSDecoder(). compile("42", FakePath("test_compile_pathlike"), "single") @support.requires_resource('cpu') def test_stack_overflow(self): # bpo-31113: Stack overflow when compile a long sequence of # complex statements. compile("if a: b\n" * 200000, "", "exec") # Multiple users rely on the fact that CPython does not generate # bytecode for dead code blocks. See bpo-37500 for more context. @support.cpython_only def test_dead_blocks_do_not_generate_bytecode(self): def unused_block_if(): if 0: return 42 def unused_block_while(): while 0: return 42 def unused_block_if_else(): if 1: return None else: return 42 def unused_block_while_else(): while 1: return None else: return 42 funcs = [unused_block_if, unused_block_while, unused_block_if_else, unused_block_while_else] for func in funcs: opcodes = list(dis.get_instructions(func)) self.assertLessEqual(len(opcodes), 3) self.assertEqual('RETURN_CONST', opcodes[-1].opname) self.assertEqual(None, opcodes[-1].argval) def test_false_while_loop(self): def break_in_while(): while False: break def continue_in_while(): while False: continue funcs = [break_in_while, continue_in_while] # Check that we did not raise but we also don't generate bytecode for func in funcs: opcodes = list(dis.get_instructions(func)) self.assertEqual(2, len(opcodes)) self.assertEqual('RETURN_CONST', opcodes[1].opname) self.assertEqual(None, opcodes[1].argval) def test_consts_in_conditionals(self): def and_true(x): return True and x def and_false(x): return False and x def or_true(x): return True or x def or_false(x): return False or x funcs = [and_true, and_false, or_true, or_false] # Check that condition is removed. for func in funcs: with self.subTest(func=func): opcodes = list(dis.get_instructions(func)) self.assertLessEqual(len(opcodes), 3) self.assertIn('LOAD_', opcodes[-2].opname) self.assertEqual('RETURN_VALUE', opcodes[-1].opname) def test_imported_load_method(self): sources = [ """\ import os def foo(): return os.uname() """, """\ import os as operating_system def foo(): return operating_system.uname() """, """\ from os import path def foo(x): return path.join(x) """, """\ from os import path as os_path def foo(x): return os_path.join(x) """ ] for source in sources: namespace = {} exec(textwrap.dedent(source), namespace) func = namespace['foo'] with self.subTest(func=func.__name__): opcodes = list(dis.get_instructions(func)) instructions = [opcode.opname for opcode in opcodes] self.assertNotIn('LOAD_METHOD', instructions) self.assertIn('LOAD_ATTR', instructions) self.assertIn('CALL', instructions) def test_lineno_procedure_call(self): def call(): ( print() ) line1 = call.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1 assert line1 not in [line for (_, _, line) in call.__code__.co_lines()] def test_lineno_after_implicit_return(self): TRUE = True # Don't use constant True or False, as compiler will remove test def if1(x): x() if TRUE: pass def if2(x): x() if TRUE: pass else: pass def if3(x): x() if TRUE: pass else: return None def if4(x): x() if not TRUE: pass funcs = [ if1, if2, if3, if4] lastlines = [ 3, 3, 3, 2] frame = None def save_caller_frame(): nonlocal frame frame = sys._getframe(1) for func, lastline in zip(funcs, lastlines, strict=True): with self.subTest(func=func): func(save_caller_frame) self.assertEqual(frame.f_lineno-frame.f_code.co_firstlineno, lastline) def test_lineno_after_no_code(self): def no_code1(): "doc string" def no_code2(): a: int for func in (no_code1, no_code2): with self.subTest(func=func): if func is no_code1 and no_code1.__doc__ is None: continue code = func.__code__ [(start, end, line)] = code.co_lines() self.assertEqual(start, 0) self.assertEqual(end, len(code.co_code)) self.assertEqual(line, code.co_firstlineno) def get_code_lines(self, code): last_line = -2 res = [] for _, _, line in code.co_lines(): if line is not None and line != last_line: res.append(line - code.co_firstlineno) last_line = line return res def test_lineno_attribute(self): def load_attr(): return ( o. a ) load_attr_lines = [ 0, 2, 3, 1 ] def load_method(): return ( o. m( 0 ) ) load_method_lines = [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1 ] def store_attr(): ( o. a ) = ( v ) store_attr_lines = [ 0, 5, 2, 3 ] def aug_store_attr(): ( o. a ) += ( v ) aug_store_attr_lines = [ 0, 2, 3, 5, 1, 3 ] funcs = [ load_attr, load_method, store_attr, aug_store_attr] func_lines = [ load_attr_lines, load_method_lines, store_attr_lines, aug_store_attr_lines] for func, lines in zip(funcs, func_lines, strict=True): with self.subTest(func=func): code_lines = self.get_code_lines(func.__code__) self.assertEqual(lines, code_lines) def test_line_number_genexp(self): def return_genexp(): return (1 for x in y) genexp_lines = [0, 2, 0] genexp_code = return_genexp.__code__.co_consts[1] code_lines = self.get_code_lines(genexp_code) self.assertEqual(genexp_lines, code_lines) def test_line_number_implicit_return_after_async_for(self): async def test(aseq): async for i in aseq: body expected_lines = [0, 1, 2, 1] code_lines = self.get_code_lines(test.__code__) self.assertEqual(expected_lines, code_lines) def check_line_numbers(self, code, opnames=None): # Check that all instructions whose op matches opnames # have a line number. opnames can be a single name, or # a sequence of names. If it is None, match all ops. if isinstance(opnames, str): opnames = (opnames, ) for inst in dis.Bytecode(code): if opnames and inst.opname in opnames: self.assertIsNotNone(inst.positions.lineno) def test_line_number_synthetic_jump_multiple_predecessors(self): def f(): for x in it: try: if C1: yield 2 except OSError: pass self.check_line_numbers(f.__code__, 'JUMP_BACKWARD') def test_line_number_synthetic_jump_multiple_predecessors_nested(self): def f(): for x in it: try: X = 3 except OSError: try: if C3: X = 4 except OSError: pass return 42 self.check_line_numbers(f.__code__, 'JUMP_BACKWARD') def test_line_number_synthetic_jump_multiple_predecessors_more_nested(self): def f(): for x in it: try: X = 3 except OSError: try: if C3: if C4: X = 4 except OSError: try: if C3: if C4: X = 5 except OSError: pass return 42 self.check_line_numbers(f.__code__, 'JUMP_BACKWARD') def test_lineno_of_backward_jump_conditional_in_loop(self): # Issue gh-107901 def f(): for i in x: if y: pass self.check_line_numbers(f.__code__, 'JUMP_BACKWARD') def test_big_dict_literal(self): # The compiler has a flushing point in "compiler_dict" that calls compiles # a portion of the dictionary literal when the loop that iterates over the items # reaches 0xFFFF elements but the code was not including the boundary element, # dropping the key at position 0xFFFF. See bpo-41531 for more information dict_size = 0xFFFF + 1 the_dict = "{" + ",".join(f"{x}:{x}" for x in range(dict_size)) + "}" self.assertEqual(len(eval(the_dict)), dict_size) def test_redundant_jump_in_if_else_break(self): # Check if bytecode containing jumps that simply point to the next line # is generated around if-else-break style structures. See bpo-42615. def if_else_break(): val = 1 while True: if val > 0: val -= 1 else: break val = -1 INSTR_SIZE = 2 HANDLED_JUMPS = ( 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', 'POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', 'JUMP_FORWARD', ) for line, instr in enumerate( dis.Bytecode(if_else_break, show_caches=True) ): if instr.opname == 'JUMP_FORWARD': self.assertNotEqual(instr.arg, 0) elif instr.opname in HANDLED_JUMPS: self.assertNotEqual(instr.arg, (line + 1)*INSTR_SIZE) def test_no_wraparound_jump(self): # See def while_not_chained(a, b, c): while not (a < b < c): pass for instr in dis.Bytecode(while_not_chained): self.assertNotEqual(instr.opname, "EXTENDED_ARG") @support.cpython_only def test_uses_slice_instructions(self): def check_op_count(func, op, expected): actual = 0 for instr in dis.Bytecode(func): if instr.opname == op: actual += 1 self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def load(): return x[a:b] + x [a:] + x[:b] + x[:] def store(): x[a:b] = y x [a:] = y x[:b] = y x[:] = y def long_slice(): return x[a:b:c] def aug(): x[a:b] += y check_op_count(load, "BINARY_SLICE", 4) check_op_count(load, "BUILD_SLICE", 0) check_op_count(store, "STORE_SLICE", 4) check_op_count(store, "BUILD_SLICE", 0) check_op_count(long_slice, "BUILD_SLICE", 1) check_op_count(long_slice, "BINARY_SLICE", 0) check_op_count(aug, "BINARY_SLICE", 1) check_op_count(aug, "STORE_SLICE", 1) check_op_count(aug, "BUILD_SLICE", 0) def test_compare_positions(self): for opname_prefix, op in [ ("COMPARE_", "<"), ("COMPARE_", "<="), ("COMPARE_", ">"), ("COMPARE_", ">="), ("CONTAINS_OP", "in"), ("CONTAINS_OP", "not in"), ("IS_OP", "is"), ("IS_OP", "is not"), ]: expr = f'a {op} b {op} c' expected_positions = 2 * [(2, 2, 0, len(expr))] for source in [ f"\\\n{expr}", f'if \\\n{expr}: x', f"x if \\\n{expr} else y" ]: code = compile(source, "", "exec") actual_positions = [ instruction.positions for instruction in dis.get_instructions(code) if instruction.opname.startswith(opname_prefix) ] with self.subTest(source): self.assertEqual(actual_positions, expected_positions) def test_if_expression_expression_empty_block(self): # See regression in gh-99708 exprs = [ "assert (False if 1 else True)", "def f():\n\tif not (False if 1 else True): raise AssertionError", "def f():\n\tif not (False if 1 else True): return 12", ] for expr in exprs: with self.subTest(expr=expr): compile(expr, "", "exec") def test_multi_line_lambda_as_argument(self): # See gh-101928 code = textwrap.dedent(""" def foo(param, lambda_exp): pass foo(param=0, lambda_exp=lambda: 1) """) compile(code, "", "exec") def test_apply_static_swaps(self): def f(x, y): a, a = x, y return a self.assertEqual(f("x", "y"), "y") def test_apply_static_swaps_2(self): def f(x, y, z): a, b, a = x, y, z return a self.assertEqual(f("x", "y", "z"), "z") def test_apply_static_swaps_3(self): def f(x, y, z): a, a, b = x, y, z return a self.assertEqual(f("x", "y", "z"), "y") def test_variable_dependent(self): # gh-104635: Since the value of b is dependent on the value of a # the first STORE_FAST for a should not be skipped. (e.g POP_TOP). # This test case is added to prevent potential regression from aggressive optimization. def f(): a = 42; b = a + 54; a = 54 return a, b self.assertEqual(f(), (54, 96)) def test_duplicated_small_exit_block(self): # See gh-109627 def f(): while element and something: try: return something except: pass def test_cold_block_moved_to_end(self): # See gh-109719 def f(): while name: try: break except: pass else: 1 if 1 else 1 def test_remove_empty_basic_block_with_jump_target_label(self): # See gh-109823 def f(x): while x: 0 if 1 else 0 def test_remove_redundant_nop_edge_case(self): # See gh-109889 def f(): a if (1 if b else c) else d def test_global_declaration_in_except_used_in_else(self): # See gh-111123 code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def f(): try: pass %s Exception: global a else: print(a) """) g, l = {'a': 5}, {} for kw in ("except", "except*"): exec(code % kw, g, l); def test_regression_gh_120225(self): async def name_4(): match b'': case True: pass case name_5 if f'e': {name_3: name_4 async for name_2 in name_5} case []: pass [[]] @requires_debug_ranges() class TestSourcePositions(unittest.TestCase): # Ensure that compiled code snippets have correct line and column numbers # in `co_positions()`. def check_positions_against_ast(self, snippet): # Basic check that makes sure each line and column is at least present # in one of the AST nodes of the source code. code = compile(snippet, '', 'exec') ast_tree = compile(snippet, '', 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) self.assertTrue(type(ast_tree) == _ast.Module) # Use an AST visitor that notes all the offsets. lines, end_lines, columns, end_columns = set(), set(), set(), set() class SourceOffsetVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): def generic_visit(self, node): super().generic_visit(node) if not isinstance(node, (ast.expr, ast.stmt, ast.pattern)): return lines.add(node.lineno) end_lines.add(node.end_lineno) columns.add(node.col_offset) end_columns.add(node.end_col_offset) SourceOffsetVisitor().visit(ast_tree) # Check against the positions in the code object. for (line, end_line, col, end_col) in code.co_positions(): if line == 0: continue # This is an artificial module-start line # If the offset is not None (indicating missing data), ensure that # it was part of one of the AST nodes. if line is not None: self.assertIn(line, lines) if end_line is not None: self.assertIn(end_line, end_lines) if col is not None: self.assertIn(col, columns) if end_col is not None: self.assertIn(end_col, end_columns) return code, ast_tree def assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(self, code, opcode, line, end_line, column, end_column, occurrence=1): for instr, position in instructions_with_positions( dis.Bytecode(code), code.co_positions() ): if instr.opname == opcode: occurrence -= 1 if not occurrence: self.assertEqual(position[0], line) self.assertEqual(position[1], end_line) self.assertEqual(position[2], column) self.assertEqual(position[3], end_column) return"Opcode {opcode} not found in code") def test_simple_assignment(self): snippet = "x = 1" self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) def test_compiles_to_extended_op_arg(self): # Make sure we still have valid positions when the code compiles to an # EXTENDED_ARG by performing a loop which needs a JUMP_ABSOLUTE after # a bunch of opcodes. snippet = "x = x\n" * 10_000 snippet += ("while x != 0:\n" " x -= 1\n" "while x != 0:\n" " x += 1\n" ) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'BINARY_OP', line=10_000 + 2, end_line=10_000 + 2, column=2, end_column=8, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'BINARY_OP', line=10_000 + 4, end_line=10_000 + 4, column=2, end_column=9, occurrence=2) def test_multiline_expression(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ f( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'CALL', line=1, end_line=3, column=0, end_column=1) @requires_specialization def test_multiline_boolean_expression(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ if (a or (b and not c) or not ( d > 0)): x = 42 """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) # jump if a is true: self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', line=1, end_line=1, column=4, end_column=5, occurrence=1) # jump if b is false: self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', line=2, end_line=2, column=5, end_column=6, occurrence=1) # jump if c is false: self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', line=2, end_line=2, column=15, end_column=16, occurrence=2) # compare d and 0 self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'COMPARE_OP', line=4, end_line=4, column=8, end_column=13, occurrence=1) # jump if comparison it True self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', line=4, end_line=4, column=8, end_column=13, occurrence=2) @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize, "Assertions are disabled in optimized mode") def test_multiline_assert(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ assert (a > 0 and bb > 0 and ccc == 1000000), "error msg" """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'LOAD_COMMON_CONSTANT', line=1, end_line=3, column=0, end_column=36, occurrence=1) # The "error msg": self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'LOAD_CONST', line=3, end_line=3, column=25, end_column=36, occurrence=4) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'CALL', line=1, end_line=3, column=0, end_column=36, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'RAISE_VARARGS', line=1, end_line=3, column=8, end_column=22, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_generator_expression(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ ((x, 2*x) for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)) """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) compiled_code = compiled_code.co_consts[0] self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'YIELD_VALUE', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=8, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'JUMP_BACKWARD', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=8, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'RETURN_CONST', line=1, end_line=6, column=0, end_column=32, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_async_generator_expression(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ ((x, 2*x) async for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)) """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) compiled_code = compiled_code.co_consts[0] self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'YIELD_VALUE', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=8, occurrence=2) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'RETURN_CONST', line=1, end_line=6, column=0, end_column=32, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_list_comprehension(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ [(x, 2*x) for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)] """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'LIST_APPEND', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=8, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'JUMP_BACKWARD', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=8, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_async_list_comprehension(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ async def f(): [(x, 2*x) async for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)] """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) g = {} eval(compiled_code, g) compiled_code = g['f'].__code__ self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'LIST_APPEND', line=2, end_line=3, column=5, end_column=12, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'JUMP_BACKWARD', line=2, end_line=3, column=5, end_column=12, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'RETURN_CONST', line=2, end_line=7, column=4, end_column=36, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_set_comprehension(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ {(x, 2*x) for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)} """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'SET_ADD', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=8, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'JUMP_BACKWARD', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=8, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_async_set_comprehension(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ async def f(): {(x, 2*x) async for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)} """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) g = {} eval(compiled_code, g) compiled_code = g['f'].__code__ self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'SET_ADD', line=2, end_line=3, column=5, end_column=12, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'JUMP_BACKWARD', line=2, end_line=3, column=5, end_column=12, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'RETURN_CONST', line=2, end_line=7, column=4, end_column=36, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_dict_comprehension(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ {x: 2*x for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)} """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MAP_ADD', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=7, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'JUMP_BACKWARD', line=1, end_line=2, column=1, end_column=7, occurrence=1) def test_multiline_async_dict_comprehension(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ async def f(): {x: 2*x async for x in [1,2,3] if (x > 0 and x < 100 and x != 50)} """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) g = {} eval(compiled_code, g) compiled_code = g['f'].__code__ self.assertIsInstance(compiled_code, types.CodeType) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MAP_ADD', line=2, end_line=3, column=5, end_column=11, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'JUMP_BACKWARD', line=2, end_line=3, column=5, end_column=11, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'RETURN_CONST', line=2, end_line=7, column=4, end_column=36, occurrence=1) def test_matchcase_sequence(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ match x: case a, b: pass """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_SEQUENCE', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=13, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'UNPACK_SEQUENCE', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=13, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=13, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=13, occurrence=2) def test_matchcase_sequence_wildcard(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ match x: case a, *b, c: pass """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_SEQUENCE', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=17, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'UNPACK_EX', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=17, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=17, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=17, occurrence=2) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=17, occurrence=3) def test_matchcase_mapping(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ match x: case {"a" : a, "b": b}: pass """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_MAPPING', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=26, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_KEYS', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=26, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=26, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=26, occurrence=2) def test_matchcase_mapping_wildcard(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ match x: case {"a" : a, "b": b, **c}: pass """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_MAPPING', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=31, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_KEYS', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=31, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=31, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=31, occurrence=2) def test_matchcase_class(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ match x: case C(a, b): pass """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_CLASS', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=16, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'UNPACK_SEQUENCE', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=16, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=16, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'STORE_NAME', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=16, occurrence=2) def test_matchcase_or(self): snippet = textwrap.dedent("""\ match x: case C(1) | C(2): pass """) compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_CLASS', line=2, end_line=2, column=9, end_column=13, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'MATCH_CLASS', line=2, end_line=2, column=16, end_column=20, occurrence=2) def test_very_long_line_end_offset(self): # Make sure we get the correct column offset for offsets # too large to store in a byte. long_string = "a" * 1000 snippet = f"g('{long_string}')" compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'CALL', line=1, end_line=1, column=0, end_column=1005) def test_complex_single_line_expression(self): snippet = "a - b @ (c * x['key'] + 23)" compiled_code, _ = self.check_positions_against_ast(snippet) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'BINARY_SUBSCR', line=1, end_line=1, column=13, end_column=21) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'BINARY_OP', line=1, end_line=1, column=9, end_column=21, occurrence=1) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'BINARY_OP', line=1, end_line=1, column=9, end_column=26, occurrence=2) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'BINARY_OP', line=1, end_line=1, column=4, end_column=27, occurrence=3) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs(compiled_code, 'BINARY_OP', line=1, end_line=1, column=0, end_column=27, occurrence=4) def test_multiline_assert_rewritten_as_method_call(self): # GH-94694: Don't crash if pytest rewrites a multiline assert as a # method call with the same location information: tree = ast.parse("assert (\n42\n)") old_node = tree.body[0] new_node = ast.Expr( ast.Call( ast.Attribute( ast.Name("spam", ast.Load()), "eggs", ast.Load(), ), [], [], ) ) ast.copy_location(new_node, old_node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) tree.body[0] = new_node compile(tree, "", "exec") def test_push_null_load_global_positions(self): source_template = """ import abc, dis import ast as art abc = None dix = dis ast = art def f(): {} """ for body in [ " abc.a()", " art.a()", " ast.a()", " dis.a()", " dix.a()", " abc[...]()", " art()()", " (ast or ...)()", " [dis]()", " (dix + ...)()", ]: with self.subTest(body): namespace = {} source = textwrap.dedent(source_template.format(body)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', SyntaxWarning) exec(source, namespace) code = namespace["f"].__code__ self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "LOAD_GLOBAL", line=10, end_line=10, column=4, end_column=7, ) def test_attribute_augassign(self): source = "(\n lhs \n . \n rhs \n ) += 42" code = compile(source, "", "exec") self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "LOAD_ATTR", line=4, end_line=4, column=5, end_column=8 ) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "STORE_ATTR", line=4, end_line=4, column=5, end_column=8 ) def test_attribute_del(self): source = "del (\n lhs \n . \n rhs \n )" code = compile(source, "", "exec") self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "DELETE_ATTR", line=4, end_line=4, column=5, end_column=8 ) def test_attribute_load(self): source = "(\n lhs \n . \n rhs \n )" code = compile(source, "", "exec") self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "LOAD_ATTR", line=4, end_line=4, column=5, end_column=8 ) def test_attribute_store(self): source = "(\n lhs \n . \n rhs \n ) = 42" code = compile(source, "", "exec") self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "STORE_ATTR", line=4, end_line=4, column=5, end_column=8 ) def test_method_call(self): source = "(\n lhs \n . \n rhs \n )()" code = compile(source, "", "exec") self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "LOAD_ATTR", line=4, end_line=4, column=5, end_column=8 ) self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "CALL", line=4, end_line=5, column=5, end_column=10 ) def test_weird_attribute_position_regressions(self): def f(): (bar. baz) (bar. baz( )) files().setdefault( 0 ).setdefault( 0 ) for line, end_line, column, end_column in f.__code__.co_positions(): self.assertIsNotNone(line) self.assertIsNotNone(end_line) self.assertIsNotNone(column) self.assertIsNotNone(end_column) self.assertLessEqual((line, column), (end_line, end_column)) @support.cpython_only def test_column_offset_deduplication(self): # GH-95150: Code with different column offsets shouldn't be merged! for source in [ "lambda: a", "(a for b in c)", ]: with self.subTest(source): code = compile(f"{source}, {source}", "", "eval") self.assertEqual(len(code.co_consts), 2) self.assertIsInstance(code.co_consts[0], types.CodeType) self.assertIsInstance(code.co_consts[1], types.CodeType) self.assertNotEqual(code.co_consts[0], code.co_consts[1]) self.assertNotEqual( list(code.co_consts[0].co_positions()), list(code.co_consts[1].co_positions()), ) def test_load_super_attr(self): source = "class C:\n def __init__(self):\n super().__init__()" for const in compile(source, "", "exec").co_consts[0].co_consts: if isinstance(const, types.CodeType): code = const break self.assertOpcodeSourcePositionIs( code, "LOAD_GLOBAL", line=3, end_line=3, column=4, end_column=9 ) def test_lambda_return_position(self): snippets = [ "f = lambda: x", "f = lambda: 42", "f = lambda: 1 + 2", "f = lambda: a + b", ] for snippet in snippets: with self.subTest(snippet=snippet): lamb = run_code(snippet)["f"] positions = lamb.__code__.co_positions() # assert that all positions are within the lambda for i, pos in enumerate(positions): with self.subTest(i=i, pos=pos): start_line, end_line, start_col, end_col = pos if i == 0 and start_col == end_col == 0: # ignore the RESUME in the beginning continue self.assertEqual(start_line, 1) self.assertEqual(end_line, 1) code_start = snippet.find(":") + 2 code_end = len(snippet) self.assertGreaterEqual(start_col, code_start) self.assertLessEqual(end_col, code_end) self.assertGreaterEqual(end_col, start_col) self.assertLessEqual(end_col, code_end) def test_return_in_with_positions(self): # See gh-98442 def f(): with xyz: 1 2 3 4 return R # All instructions should have locations on a single line for instr in dis.get_instructions(f): start_line, end_line, _, _ = instr.positions self.assertEqual(start_line, end_line) # Expect three load None instructions for the no-exception __exit__ call, # and one RETURN_VALUE. # They should all have the locations of the context manager ('xyz'). load_none = [instr for instr in dis.get_instructions(f) if instr.opname == 'LOAD_CONST' and instr.argval is None] return_value = [instr for instr in dis.get_instructions(f) if instr.opname == 'RETURN_VALUE'] self.assertEqual(len(load_none), 3) self.assertEqual(len(return_value), 1) for instr in load_none + return_value: start_line, end_line, start_col, end_col = instr.positions self.assertEqual(start_line, f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) self.assertEqual(end_line, f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) self.assertEqual(start_col, 17) self.assertEqual(end_col, 20) class TestStaticAttributes(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic(self): class C: def f(self): self.a = self.b = 42 # read fields are not included self.f() self.arr[3] self.assertIsInstance(C.__static_attributes__, tuple) self.assertEqual(sorted(C.__static_attributes__), ['a', 'b']) def test_nested_function(self): class C: def f(self): self.x = 1 self.y = 2 self.x = 3 # check deduplication def g(self, obj): self.y = 4 self.z = 5 def h(self, a): self.u = 6 self.v = 7 obj.self = 8 self.assertEqual(sorted(C.__static_attributes__), ['u', 'v', 'x', 'y', 'z']) def test_nested_class(self): class C: def f(self): self.x = 42 self.y = 42 class D: def g(self): self.y = 42 self.z = 42 self.assertEqual(sorted(C.__static_attributes__), ['x', 'y']) self.assertEqual(sorted(C.D.__static_attributes__), ['y', 'z']) def test_subclass(self): class C: def f(self): self.x = 42 self.y = 42 class D(C): def g(self): self.y = 42 self.z = 42 self.assertEqual(sorted(C.__static_attributes__), ['x', 'y']) self.assertEqual(sorted(D.__static_attributes__), ['y', 'z']) class TestExpressionStackSize(unittest.TestCase): # These tests check that the computed stack size for a code object # stays within reasonable bounds (see issue #21523 for an example # dysfunction). N = 100 def check_stack_size(self, code): # To assert that the alleged stack size is not O(N), we # check that it is smaller than log(N). if isinstance(code, str): code = compile(code, "", "single") max_size = math.ceil(math.log(len(code.co_code))) self.assertLessEqual(code.co_stacksize, max_size) def test_and(self): self.check_stack_size("x and " * self.N + "x") def test_or(self): self.check_stack_size("x or " * self.N + "x") def test_and_or(self): self.check_stack_size("x and x or " * self.N + "x") def test_chained_comparison(self): self.check_stack_size("x < " * self.N + "x") def test_if_else(self): self.check_stack_size("x if x else " * self.N + "x") def test_binop(self): self.check_stack_size("x + " * self.N + "x") def test_list(self): self.check_stack_size("[" + "x, " * self.N + "x]") def test_tuple(self): self.check_stack_size("(" + "x, " * self.N + "x)") def test_set(self): self.check_stack_size("{" + "x, " * self.N + "x}") def test_dict(self): self.check_stack_size("{" + "x:x, " * self.N + "x:x}") def test_func_args(self): self.check_stack_size("f(" + "x, " * self.N + ")") def test_func_kwargs(self): kwargs = (f'a{i}=x' for i in range(self.N)) self.check_stack_size("f(" + ", ".join(kwargs) + ")") def test_meth_args(self): self.check_stack_size("o.m(" + "x, " * self.N + ")") def test_meth_kwargs(self): kwargs = (f'a{i}=x' for i in range(self.N)) self.check_stack_size("o.m(" + ", ".join(kwargs) + ")") def test_func_and(self): code = "def f(x):\n" code += " x and x\n" * self.N self.check_stack_size(code) def test_stack_3050(self): M = 3050 code = "x," * M + "=t" # This raised on 3.10.0 to 3.10.5 compile(code, "", "single") def test_stack_3050_2(self): M = 3050 args = ", ".join(f"arg{i}:type{i}" for i in range(M)) code = f"def f({args}):\n pass" # This raised on 3.10.0 to 3.10.5 compile(code, "", "single") class TestStackSizeStability(unittest.TestCase): # Check that repeating certain snippets doesn't increase the stack size # beyond what a single snippet requires. def check_stack_size(self, snippet, async_=False): def compile_snippet(i): ns = {} script = """def func():\n""" + i * snippet if async_: script = "async " + script code = compile(script, "