# Copyright (c) 2004 Python Software Foundation. # All rights reserved. # Written by Eric Price # and Facundo Batista # and Raymond Hettinger # and Aahz (aahz at pobox.com) # and Tim Peters """ These are the test cases for the Decimal module. There are two groups of tests, Arithmetic and Behaviour. The former test the Decimal arithmetic using the tests provided by Mike Cowlishaw. The latter test the pythonic behaviour according to PEP 327. Cowlishaw's tests can be downloaded from: www2.hursley.ibm.com/decimal/dectest.zip This test module can be called from command line with one parameter (Arithmetic or Behaviour) to test each part, or without parameter to test both parts. If you're working through IDLE, you can import this test module and call test_main() with the corresponding argument. """ from __future__ import with_statement import unittest import glob import os, sys import pickle, copy from decimal import * from test.test_support import (TestSkipped, run_unittest, run_doctest, is_resource_enabled) import random try: import threading except ImportError: threading = None # Useful Test Constant Signals = getcontext().flags.keys() # Tests are built around these assumed context defaults. # test_main() restores the original context. def init(): global ORIGINAL_CONTEXT ORIGINAL_CONTEXT = getcontext().copy() DefaultContext.prec = 9 DefaultContext.rounding = ROUND_HALF_EVEN DefaultContext.traps = dict.fromkeys(Signals, 0) setcontext(DefaultContext) TESTDATADIR = 'decimaltestdata' if __name__ == '__main__': file = sys.argv[0] else: file = __file__ testdir = os.path.dirname(file) or os.curdir directory = testdir + os.sep + TESTDATADIR + os.sep skip_expected = not os.path.isdir(directory) # Make sure it actually raises errors when not expected and caught in flags # Slower, since it runs some things several times. EXTENDEDERRORTEST = False #Map the test cases' error names to the actual errors ErrorNames = {'clamped' : Clamped, 'conversion_syntax' : InvalidOperation, 'division_by_zero' : DivisionByZero, 'division_impossible' : InvalidOperation, 'division_undefined' : InvalidOperation, 'inexact' : Inexact, 'invalid_context' : InvalidOperation, 'invalid_operation' : InvalidOperation, 'overflow' : Overflow, 'rounded' : Rounded, 'subnormal' : Subnormal, 'underflow' : Underflow} def Nonfunction(*args): """Doesn't do anything.""" return None RoundingDict = {'ceiling' : ROUND_CEILING, #Maps test-case names to roundings. 'down' : ROUND_DOWN, 'floor' : ROUND_FLOOR, 'half_down' : ROUND_HALF_DOWN, 'half_even' : ROUND_HALF_EVEN, 'half_up' : ROUND_HALF_UP, 'up' : ROUND_UP} # Name adapter to be able to change the Decimal and Context # interface without changing the test files from Cowlishaw nameAdapter = {'toeng':'to_eng_string', 'tosci':'to_sci_string', 'samequantum':'same_quantum', 'tointegral':'to_integral', 'remaindernear':'remainder_near', 'divideint':'divide_int', 'squareroot':'sqrt', 'apply':'_apply', } class DecimalTest(unittest.TestCase): """Class which tests the Decimal class against the test cases. Changed for unittest. """ def setUp(self): self.context = Context() for key in DefaultContext.traps.keys(): DefaultContext.traps[key] = 1 self.ignore_list = ['#'] # Basically, a # means return NaN InvalidOperation. # Different from a sNaN in trim self.ChangeDict = {'precision' : self.change_precision, 'rounding' : self.change_rounding_method, 'maxexponent' : self.change_max_exponent, 'minexponent' : self.change_min_exponent, 'clamp' : self.change_clamp} def tearDown(self): """Cleaning up enviroment.""" # leaving context in original state for key in DefaultContext.traps.keys(): DefaultContext.traps[key] = 0 return def eval_file(self, file): global skip_expected if skip_expected: raise TestSkipped return for line in open(file): line = line.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '') #print line try: t = self.eval_line(line) except InvalidOperation: print('Error in test cases:') print(line) continue except DecimalException as exception: #Exception raised where there shoudn't have been one. self.fail('Exception "'+exception.__class__.__name__ + '" raised on line '+line) return def eval_line(self, s): if s.find(' -> ') >= 0 and s[:2] != '--' and not s.startswith(' --'): s = (s.split('->')[0] + '->' + s.split('->')[1].split('--')[0]).strip() else: s = s.split('--')[0].strip() for ignore in self.ignore_list: if s.find(ignore) >= 0: #print s.split()[0], 'NotImplemented--', ignore return if not s: return elif ':' in s: return self.eval_directive(s) else: return self.eval_equation(s) def eval_directive(self, s): funct, value = map(lambda x: x.strip().lower(), s.split(':')) if funct == 'rounding': value = RoundingDict[value] else: try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass funct = self.ChangeDict.get(funct, Nonfunction) funct(value) def eval_equation(self, s): #global DEFAULT_PRECISION #print DEFAULT_PRECISION if not TEST_ALL and random.random() < 0.90: return try: Sides = s.split('->') L = Sides[0].strip().split() id = L[0] # print id, funct = L[1].lower() valstemp = L[2:] L = Sides[1].strip().split() ans = L[0] exceptions = L[1:] except (TypeError, AttributeError, IndexError): raise InvalidOperation def FixQuotes(val): val = val.replace("''", 'SingleQuote').replace('""', 'DoubleQuote') val = val.replace("'", '').replace('"', '') val = val.replace('SingleQuote', "'").replace('DoubleQuote', '"') return val fname = nameAdapter.get(funct, funct) if fname == 'rescale': return funct = getattr(self.context, fname) vals = [] conglomerate = '' quote = 0 theirexceptions = [ErrorNames[x.lower()] for x in exceptions] for exception in Signals: self.context.traps[exception] = 1 #Catch these bugs... for exception in theirexceptions: self.context.traps[exception] = 0 for i, val in enumerate(valstemp): if val.count("'") % 2 == 1: quote = 1 - quote if quote: conglomerate = conglomerate + ' ' + val continue else: val = conglomerate + val conglomerate = '' v = FixQuotes(val) if fname in ('to_sci_string', 'to_eng_string'): if EXTENDEDERRORTEST: for error in theirexceptions: self.context.traps[error] = 1 try: funct(self.context.create_decimal(v)) except error: pass except Signals as e: self.fail("Raised %s in %s when %s disabled" % \ (e, s, error)) else: self.fail("Did not raise %s in %s" % (error, s)) self.context.traps[error] = 0 v = self.context.create_decimal(v) else: v = Decimal(v) vals.append(v) ans = FixQuotes(ans) if EXTENDEDERRORTEST and fname not in ('to_sci_string', 'to_eng_string'): for error in theirexceptions: self.context.traps[error] = 1 try: funct(*vals) except error: pass except Signals as e: self.fail("Raised %s in %s when %s disabled" % \ (e, s, error)) else: self.fail("Did not raise %s in %s" % (error, s)) self.context.traps[error] = 0 try: result = str(funct(*vals)) if fname == 'same_quantum': result = str(int(eval(result))) # 'True', 'False' -> '1', '0' except Signals as error: self.fail("Raised %s in %s" % (error, s)) except: #Catch any error long enough to state the test case. print("ERROR:", s) raise myexceptions = self.getexceptions() self.context.clear_flags() myexceptions.sort(key=repr) theirexceptions.sort(key=repr) self.assertEqual(result, ans, 'Incorrect answer for ' + s + ' -- got ' + result) self.assertEqual(myexceptions, theirexceptions, 'Incorrect flags set in ' + s + ' -- got ' \ + str(myexceptions)) return def getexceptions(self): return [e for e in Signals if self.context.flags[e]] def change_precision(self, prec): self.context.prec = prec def change_rounding_method(self, rounding): self.context.rounding = rounding def change_min_exponent(self, exp): self.context.Emin = exp def change_max_exponent(self, exp): self.context.Emax = exp def change_clamp(self, clamp): self.context._clamp = clamp # Dynamically build custom test definition for each file in the test # directory and add the definitions to the DecimalTest class. This # procedure insures that new files do not get skipped. for filename in os.listdir(directory): if '.decTest' not in filename: continue head, tail = filename.split('.') tester = lambda self, f=filename: self.eval_file(directory + f) setattr(DecimalTest, 'test_' + head, tester) del filename, head, tail, tester # The following classes test the behaviour of Decimal according to PEP 327 class DecimalExplicitConstructionTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Unit tests for Explicit Construction cases of Decimal.''' def test_explicit_empty(self): self.assertEqual(Decimal(), Decimal("0")) def test_explicit_from_None(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal, None) def test_explicit_from_int(self): #positive d = Decimal(45) self.assertEqual(str(d), '45') #very large positive d = Decimal(500000123) self.assertEqual(str(d), '500000123') #negative d = Decimal(-45) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-45') #zero d = Decimal(0) self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') def test_explicit_from_string(self): #empty self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('')), 'NaN') #int self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('45')), '45') #float self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('45.34')), '45.34') #engineer notation self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('45e2')), '4.5E+3') #just not a number self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('ugly')), 'NaN') def test_explicit_from_tuples(self): #zero d = Decimal( (0, (0,), 0) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') #int d = Decimal( (1, (4, 5), 0) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-45') #float d = Decimal( (0, (4, 5, 3, 4), -2) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '45.34') #weird d = Decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.34913534E-17') #wrong number of items self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1)) ) #bad sign self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (8, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), 2) ) #bad exp self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), 'wrong!') ) #bad coefficients self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, None, 1), 2) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, -3, 4, 9, 1), 2) ) def test_explicit_from_Decimal(self): #positive d = Decimal(45) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '45') self.assertNotEqual(id(d), id(e)) #very large positive d = Decimal(500000123) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '500000123') self.assertNotEqual(id(d), id(e)) #negative d = Decimal(-45) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '-45') self.assertNotEqual(id(d), id(e)) #zero d = Decimal(0) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '0') self.assertNotEqual(id(d), id(e)) def test_explicit_context_create_decimal(self): nc = copy.copy(getcontext()) nc.prec = 3 # empty d = Decimal() self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') d = nc.create_decimal() self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') # from None self.assertRaises(TypeError, nc.create_decimal, None) # from int d = nc.create_decimal(456) self.failUnless(isinstance(d, Decimal)) self.assertEqual(nc.create_decimal(45678), nc.create_decimal('457E+2')) # from string d = Decimal('456789') self.assertEqual(str(d), '456789') d = nc.create_decimal('456789') self.assertEqual(str(d), '4.57E+5') # from tuples d = Decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.34913534E-17') d = nc.create_decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.35E-17') # from Decimal prevdec = Decimal(500000123) d = Decimal(prevdec) self.assertEqual(str(d), '500000123') d = nc.create_decimal(prevdec) self.assertEqual(str(d), '5.00E+8') class DecimalImplicitConstructionTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Unit tests for Implicit Construction cases of Decimal.''' def test_implicit_from_None(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + None', globals()) def test_implicit_from_int(self): #normal self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(5) + 45), '50') #exceeding precision self.assertEqual(Decimal(5) + 123456789000, Decimal(123456789000)) def test_implicit_from_string(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + "3"', globals()) def test_implicit_from_float(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + 2.2', globals()) def test_implicit_from_Decimal(self): self.assertEqual(Decimal(5) + Decimal(45), Decimal(50)) def test_rop(self): # Allow other classes to be trained to interact with Decimals class E: def __divmod__(self, other): return 'divmod ' + str(other) def __rdivmod__(self, other): return str(other) + ' rdivmod' def __lt__(self, other): return 'lt ' + str(other) def __gt__(self, other): return 'gt ' + str(other) def __le__(self, other): return 'le ' + str(other) def __ge__(self, other): return 'ge ' + str(other) def __eq__(self, other): return 'eq ' + str(other) def __ne__(self, other): return 'ne ' + str(other) self.assertEqual(divmod(E(), Decimal(10)), 'divmod 10') self.assertEqual(divmod(Decimal(10), E()), '10 rdivmod') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) < E()'), 'gt 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) > E()'), 'lt 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) <= E()'), 'ge 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) >= E()'), 'le 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) == E()'), 'eq 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) != E()'), 'ne 10') # insert operator methods and then exercise them oplist = [ ('+', '__add__', '__radd__'), ('-', '__sub__', '__rsub__'), ('*', '__mul__', '__rmul__'), ('/', '__truediv__', '__rtruediv__'), ('%', '__mod__', '__rmod__'), ('//', '__floordiv__', '__rfloordiv__'), ('**', '__pow__', '__rpow__') ] for sym, lop, rop in oplist: setattr(E, lop, lambda self, other: 'str' + lop + str(other)) setattr(E, rop, lambda self, other: str(other) + rop + 'str') self.assertEqual(eval('E()' + sym + 'Decimal(10)'), 'str' + lop + '10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10)' + sym + 'E()'), '10' + rop + 'str') class DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Unit tests for all arithmetic operators, binary and unary.''' def test_addition(self): d1 = Decimal('-11.1') d2 = Decimal('22.2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1+d2, Decimal('11.1')) self.assertEqual(d2+d1, Decimal('11.1')) #with other type, left c = d1 + 5 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-6.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 5 + d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-6.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 += d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('11.1')) #inline with other type d1 += 5 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('16.1')) def test_subtraction(self): d1 = Decimal('-11.1') d2 = Decimal('22.2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1-d2, Decimal('-33.3')) self.assertEqual(d2-d1, Decimal('33.3')) #with other type, left c = d1 - 5 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-16.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 5 - d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('16.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 -= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-33.3')) #inline with other type d1 -= 5 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-38.3')) def test_multiplication(self): d1 = Decimal('-5') d2 = Decimal('3') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1*d2, Decimal('-15')) self.assertEqual(d2*d1, Decimal('-15')) #with other type, left c = d1 * 5 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-25')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 5 * d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-25')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 *= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-15')) #inline with other type d1 *= 5 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-75')) def test_division(self): d1 = Decimal('-5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1/d2, Decimal('-2.5')) self.assertEqual(d2/d1, Decimal('-0.4')) #with other type, left c = d1 / 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-1.25')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 4 / d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-0.8')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 /= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-2.5')) #inline with other type d1 /= 4 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-0.625')) def test_floor_division(self): d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1//d2, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(d2//d1, Decimal('0')) #with other type, left c = d1 // 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 7 // d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 //= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('2')) #inline with other type d1 //= 2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('1')) def test_powering(self): d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1**d2, Decimal('25')) self.assertEqual(d2**d1, Decimal('32')) #with other type, left c = d1 ** 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('625')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 7 ** d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('16807')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 **= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('25')) #inline with other type d1 **= 4 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('390625')) def test_module(self): d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1%d2, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(d2%d1, Decimal('2')) #with other type, left c = d1 % 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 7 % d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 %= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('1')) #inline with other type d1 %= 4 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('1')) def test_floor_div_module(self): d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals (p, q) = divmod(d1, d2) self.assertEqual(p, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(q, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(p), type(d1)) self.assertEqual(type(q), type(d1)) #with other type, left (p, q) = divmod(d1, 4) self.assertEqual(p, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(q, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(p), type(d1)) self.assertEqual(type(q), type(d1)) #with other type, right (p, q) = divmod(7, d1) self.assertEqual(p, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(q, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(type(p), type(d1)) self.assertEqual(type(q), type(d1)) def test_unary_operators(self): self.assertEqual(+Decimal(45), Decimal(+45)) # + self.assertEqual(-Decimal(45), Decimal(-45)) # - self.assertEqual(abs(Decimal(45)), abs(Decimal(-45))) # abs # The following are two functions used to test threading in the next class def thfunc1(cls): d1 = Decimal(1) d3 = Decimal(3) cls.assertEqual(d1/d3, Decimal('0.333333333')) cls.synchro.wait() cls.assertEqual(d1/d3, Decimal('0.333333333')) cls.finish1.set() return def thfunc2(cls): d1 = Decimal(1) d3 = Decimal(3) cls.assertEqual(d1/d3, Decimal('0.333333333')) thiscontext = getcontext() thiscontext.prec = 18 cls.assertEqual(d1/d3, Decimal('0.333333333333333333')) cls.synchro.set() cls.finish2.set() return class DecimalUseOfContextTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Unit tests for Use of Context cases in Decimal.''' try: import threading except ImportError: threading = None # Take care executing this test from IDLE, there's an issue in threading # that hangs IDLE and I couldn't find it def test_threading(self): #Test the "threading isolation" of a Context. self.synchro = threading.Event() self.finish1 = threading.Event() self.finish2 = threading.Event() th1 = threading.Thread(target=thfunc1, args=(self,)) th2 = threading.Thread(target=thfunc2, args=(self,)) th1.start() th2.start() self.finish1.wait() self.finish1.wait() return if threading is None: del test_threading class DecimalUsabilityTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Unit tests for Usability cases of Decimal.''' def test_comparison_operators(self): da = Decimal('23.42') db = Decimal('23.42') dc = Decimal('45') #two Decimals self.failUnless(dc > da) self.failUnless(dc >= da) self.failUnless(da < dc) self.failUnless(da <= dc) self.failUnless(da == db) self.failUnless(da != dc) self.failUnless(da <= db) self.failUnless(da >= db) self.assertEqual(cmp(dc,da), 1) self.assertEqual(cmp(da,dc), -1) self.assertEqual(cmp(da,db), 0) #a Decimal and an int self.failUnless(dc > 23) self.failUnless(23 < dc) self.failUnless(dc == 45) self.assertEqual(cmp(dc,23), 1) self.assertEqual(cmp(23,dc), -1) self.assertEqual(cmp(dc,45), 0) #a Decimal and uncomparable self.assertNotEqual(da, 'ugly') self.assertNotEqual(da, 32.7) self.assertNotEqual(da, object()) self.assertNotEqual(da, object) # sortable a = map(Decimal, range(100)) b = a[:] random.shuffle(a) a.sort() self.assertEqual(a, b) def test_copy_and_deepcopy_methods(self): d = Decimal('43.24') c = copy.copy(d) self.assertEqual(id(c), id(d)) dc = copy.deepcopy(d) self.assertEqual(id(dc), id(d)) def test_hash_method(self): #just that it's hashable hash(Decimal(23)) #the same hash that to an int self.assertEqual(hash(Decimal(23)), hash(23)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, Decimal('NaN')) self.assert_(hash(Decimal('Inf'))) self.assert_(hash(Decimal('-Inf'))) def test_min_and_max_methods(self): d1 = Decimal('15.32') d2 = Decimal('28.5') l1 = 15 l2 = 28 #between Decimals self.failUnless(min(d1,d2) is d1) self.failUnless(min(d2,d1) is d1) self.failUnless(max(d1,d2) is d2) self.failUnless(max(d2,d1) is d2) #between Decimal and long self.failUnless(min(d1,l2) is d1) self.failUnless(min(l2,d1) is d1) self.failUnless(max(l1,d2) is d2) self.failUnless(max(d2,l1) is d2) def test_as_nonzero(self): #as false self.failIf(Decimal(0)) #as true self.failUnless(Decimal('0.372')) def test_tostring_methods(self): #Test str and repr methods. d = Decimal('15.32') self.assertEqual(str(d), '15.32') # str self.assertEqual(repr(d), 'Decimal("15.32")') # repr def test_tonum_methods(self): #Test float, int and long methods. d1 = Decimal('66') d2 = Decimal('15.32') #int self.assertEqual(int(d1), 66) self.assertEqual(int(d2), 15) #long self.assertEqual(int(d1), 66) self.assertEqual(int(d2), 15) #float self.assertEqual(float(d1), 66) self.assertEqual(float(d2), 15.32) def test_eval_round_trip(self): #with zero d = Decimal( (0, (0,), 0) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) #int d = Decimal( (1, (4, 5), 0) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) #float d = Decimal( (0, (4, 5, 3, 4), -2) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) #weird d = Decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) def test_as_tuple(self): #with zero d = Decimal(0) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (0,), 0) ) #int d = Decimal(-45) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (4, 5), 0) ) #complicated string d = Decimal("-4.34913534E-17") self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) #inf d = Decimal("Infinity") self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (0,), 'F') ) def test_immutability_operations(self): # Do operations and check that it didn't change change internal objects. d1 = Decimal('-25e55') b1 = Decimal('-25e55') d2 = Decimal('33e-33') b2 = Decimal('33e-33') def checkSameDec(operation, useOther=False): if useOther: eval("d1." + operation + "(d2)") self.assertEqual(d1._sign, b1._sign) self.assertEqual(d1._int, b1._int) self.assertEqual(d1._exp, b1._exp) self.assertEqual(d2._sign, b2._sign) self.assertEqual(d2._int, b2._int) self.assertEqual(d2._exp, b2._exp) else: eval("d1." + operation + "()") self.assertEqual(d1._sign, b1._sign) self.assertEqual(d1._int, b1._int) self.assertEqual(d1._exp, b1._exp) return Decimal(d1) self.assertEqual(d1._sign, b1._sign) self.assertEqual(d1._int, b1._int) self.assertEqual(d1._exp, b1._exp) checkSameDec("__abs__") checkSameDec("__add__", True) checkSameDec("__divmod__", True) checkSameDec("__cmp__", True) checkSameDec("__float__") checkSameDec("__floordiv__", True) checkSameDec("__hash__") checkSameDec("__int__") checkSameDec("__long__") checkSameDec("__mod__", True) checkSameDec("__mul__", True) checkSameDec("__neg__") checkSameDec("__bool__") checkSameDec("__pos__") checkSameDec("__pow__", True) checkSameDec("__radd__", True) checkSameDec("__rdivmod__", True) checkSameDec("__repr__") checkSameDec("__rfloordiv__", True) checkSameDec("__rmod__", True) checkSameDec("__rmul__", True) checkSameDec("__rpow__", True) checkSameDec("__rsub__", True) checkSameDec("__str__") checkSameDec("__sub__", True) checkSameDec("__truediv__", True) checkSameDec("adjusted") checkSameDec("as_tuple") checkSameDec("compare", True) checkSameDec("max", True) checkSameDec("min", True) checkSameDec("normalize") checkSameDec("quantize", True) checkSameDec("remainder_near", True) checkSameDec("same_quantum", True) checkSameDec("sqrt") checkSameDec("to_eng_string") checkSameDec("to_integral") class DecimalPythonAPItests(unittest.TestCase): def test_pickle(self): d = Decimal('-3.141590000') p = pickle.dumps(d) e = pickle.loads(p) self.assertEqual(d, e) def test_int(self): for x in range(-250, 250): s = '%0.2f' % (x / 100.0) # should work the same as for floats self.assertEqual(int(Decimal(s)), int(float(s))) # should work the same as to_integral in the ROUND_DOWN mode d = Decimal(s) r = d.to_integral(ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual(Decimal(int(d)), r) class ContextAPItests(unittest.TestCase): def test_pickle(self): c = Context() e = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(c)) for k in vars(c): v1 = vars(c)[k] v2 = vars(e)[k] self.assertEqual(v1, v2) def test_equality_with_other_types(self): self.assert_(Decimal(10) in ['a', 1.0, Decimal(10), (1,2), {}]) self.assert_(Decimal(10) not in ['a', 1.0, (1,2), {}]) def test_copy(self): # All copies should be deep c = Context() d = c.copy() self.assertNotEqual(id(c), id(d)) self.assertNotEqual(id(c.flags), id(d.flags)) self.assertNotEqual(id(c.traps), id(d.traps)) class WithStatementTest(unittest.TestCase): # Can't do these as docstrings until Python 2.6 # as doctest can't handle __future__ statements def test_localcontext(self): # Use a copy of the current context in the block orig_ctx = getcontext() with localcontext() as enter_ctx: set_ctx = getcontext() final_ctx = getcontext() self.assert_(orig_ctx is final_ctx, 'did not restore context correctly') self.assert_(orig_ctx is not set_ctx, 'did not copy the context') self.assert_(set_ctx is enter_ctx, '__enter__ returned wrong context') def test_localcontextarg(self): # Use a copy of the supplied context in the block orig_ctx = getcontext() new_ctx = Context(prec=42) with localcontext(new_ctx) as enter_ctx: set_ctx = getcontext() final_ctx = getcontext() self.assert_(orig_ctx is final_ctx, 'did not restore context correctly') self.assert_(set_ctx.prec == new_ctx.prec, 'did not set correct context') self.assert_(new_ctx is not set_ctx, 'did not copy the context') self.assert_(set_ctx is enter_ctx, '__enter__ returned wrong context') def test_main(arith=False, verbose=None): """ Execute the tests. Runs all arithmetic tests if arith is True or if the "decimal" resource is enabled in regrtest.py """ init() global TEST_ALL TEST_ALL = arith or is_resource_enabled('decimal') test_classes = [ DecimalExplicitConstructionTest, DecimalImplicitConstructionTest, DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest, DecimalUseOfContextTest, DecimalUsabilityTest, DecimalPythonAPItests, ContextAPItests, DecimalTest, WithStatementTest, ] try: run_unittest(*test_classes) import decimal as DecimalModule run_doctest(DecimalModule, verbose) finally: setcontext(ORIGINAL_CONTEXT) if __name__ == '__main__': # Calling with no arguments runs all tests. # Calling with "Skip" will skip over 90% of the arithmetic tests. if len(sys.argv) == 1: test_main(arith=True, verbose=True) elif len(sys.argv) == 2: arith = sys.argv[1].lower() != 'skip' test_main(arith=arith, verbose=True) else: raise ValueError("test called with wrong arguments, use test_Decimal [Skip]")