# Minimal tests for dis module import contextlib import dis import functools import io import re import sys import types import unittest from test.support import (captured_stdout, requires_debug_ranges, requires_specialization, cpython_only) from test.support.bytecode_helper import BytecodeTestCase import opcode CACHE = dis.opmap["CACHE"] def get_tb(): def _error(): try: 1 / 0 except Exception as e: tb = e.__traceback__ return tb tb = _error() while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next return tb TRACEBACK_CODE = get_tb().tb_frame.f_code class _C: def __init__(self, x): self.x = x == 1 @staticmethod def sm(x): x = x == 1 @classmethod def cm(cls, x): cls.x = x == 1 dis_c_instance_method = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 1 (x) LOAD_CONST 1 (1) COMPARE_OP 72 (==) LOAD_FAST 0 (self) STORE_ATTR 0 (x) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ % (_C.__init__.__code__.co_firstlineno, _C.__init__.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,) dis_c_instance_method_bytes = """\ RESUME 0 LOAD_FAST 1 LOAD_CONST 1 COMPARE_OP 72 (==) LOAD_FAST 0 STORE_ATTR 0 RETURN_CONST 0 """ dis_c_class_method = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 1 (x) LOAD_CONST 1 (1) COMPARE_OP 72 (==) LOAD_FAST 0 (cls) STORE_ATTR 0 (x) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ % (_C.cm.__code__.co_firstlineno, _C.cm.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2,) dis_c_static_method = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 1 (1) COMPARE_OP 72 (==) STORE_FAST 0 (x) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ % (_C.sm.__code__.co_firstlineno, _C.sm.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2,) # Class disassembling info has an extra newline at end. dis_c = """\ Disassembly of %s: %s Disassembly of %s: %s Disassembly of %s: %s """ % (_C.__init__.__name__, dis_c_instance_method, _C.cm.__name__, dis_c_class_method, _C.sm.__name__, dis_c_static_method) def _f(a): print(a) return 1 dis_f = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (print + NULL) LOAD_FAST 0 (a) CALL 1 POP_TOP %3d RETURN_CONST 1 (1) """ % (_f.__code__.co_firstlineno, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2) dis_f_with_offsets = """\ %3d 0 RESUME 0 %3d 2 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (print + NULL) 12 LOAD_FAST 0 (a) 14 CALL 1 22 POP_TOP %3d 24 RETURN_CONST 1 (1) """ % (_f.__code__.co_firstlineno, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2) dis_f_co_code = """\ RESUME 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 LOAD_FAST 0 CALL 1 POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 1 """ def bug708901(): for res in range(1, 10): pass dis_bug708901 = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (range + NULL) LOAD_CONST 1 (1) %3d LOAD_CONST 2 (10) %3d CALL 2 GET_ITER L1: FOR_ITER 3 (to L2) STORE_FAST 0 (res) %3d JUMP_BACKWARD 5 (to L1) %3d L2: END_FOR POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ % (bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) def bug1333982(x=[]): assert 0, ((s for s in x) + 1) pass dis_bug1333982 = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_COMMON_CONSTANT 0 (AssertionError) LOAD_CONST 1 ( at 0x..., file "%s", line %d>) MAKE_FUNCTION LOAD_FAST 0 (x) GET_ITER CALL 0 %3d LOAD_CONST 2 (1) %3d BINARY_OP 0 (+) CALL 0 RAISE_VARARGS 1 """ % (bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, __file__, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) def bug42562(): pass # Set line number for 'pass' to None bug42562.__code__ = bug42562.__code__.replace(co_linetable=b'\xf8') dis_bug42562 = """\ RESUME 0 RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ # Extended arg followed by NOP code_bug_45757 = bytes([ opcode.opmap['EXTENDED_ARG'], 0x01, # EXTENDED_ARG 0x01 opcode.opmap['NOP'], 0xFF, # NOP 0xFF opcode.opmap['EXTENDED_ARG'], 0x01, # EXTENDED_ARG 0x01 opcode.opmap['LOAD_CONST'], 0x29, # LOAD_CONST 0x29 opcode.opmap['RETURN_VALUE'], 0x00, # RETURN_VALUE 0x00 ]) dis_bug_45757 = """\ EXTENDED_ARG 1 NOP EXTENDED_ARG 1 LOAD_CONST 297 RETURN_VALUE """ # [255, 255, 255, 252] is -4 in a 4 byte signed integer bug46724 = bytes([ opcode.EXTENDED_ARG, 255, opcode.EXTENDED_ARG, 255, opcode.EXTENDED_ARG, 255, opcode.opmap['JUMP_FORWARD'], 252, ]) dis_bug46724 = """\ L1: EXTENDED_ARG 255 EXTENDED_ARG 65535 EXTENDED_ARG 16777215 JUMP_FORWARD -4 (to L1) """ def func_w_kwargs(a, b, **c): pass def wrap_func_w_kwargs(): func_w_kwargs(1, 2, c=5) dis_kw_names = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (func_w_kwargs + NULL) LOAD_CONST 1 (1) LOAD_CONST 2 (2) LOAD_CONST 3 (5) LOAD_CONST 4 (('c',)) CALL_KW 3 POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ % (wrap_func_w_kwargs.__code__.co_firstlineno, wrap_func_w_kwargs.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) dis_intrinsic_1_2 = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_CONST 0 (0) LOAD_CONST 1 (('*',)) IMPORT_NAME 0 (math) CALL_INTRINSIC_1 2 (INTRINSIC_IMPORT_STAR) POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 2 (None) """ dis_intrinsic_1_5 = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (a) CALL_INTRINSIC_1 5 (INTRINSIC_UNARY_POSITIVE) RETURN_VALUE """ dis_intrinsic_1_6 = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 BUILD_LIST 0 LOAD_NAME 0 (a) LIST_EXTEND 1 CALL_INTRINSIC_1 6 (INTRINSIC_LIST_TO_TUPLE) RETURN_VALUE """ _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT = """\ 1 RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (spam) POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT2 = """\ 1 RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (spam) POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ dis_module_expected_results = """\ Disassembly of f: 4 RESUME 0 RETURN_CONST 0 (None) Disassembly of g: 5 RESUME 0 RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ expr_str = "x + 1" dis_expr_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 0 (1) BINARY_OP 0 (+) RETURN_VALUE """ simple_stmt_str = "x = x + 1" dis_simple_stmt_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 0 (1) BINARY_OP 0 (+) STORE_NAME 0 (x) RETURN_CONST 1 (None) """ annot_stmt_str = """\ x: int = 1 y: fun(1) lst[fun(0)]: int = 1 """ # leading newline is for a reason (tests lineno) dis_annot_stmt_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (1) STORE_NAME 0 (x) 4 LOAD_CONST 0 (1) LOAD_NAME 1 (lst) LOAD_NAME 2 (fun) PUSH_NULL LOAD_CONST 1 (0) CALL 1 STORE_SUBSCR 2 LOAD_CONST 2 (", line 2>) MAKE_FUNCTION STORE_NAME 3 (__annotate__) RETURN_CONST 3 (None) """ compound_stmt_str = """\ x = 0 while 1: x += 1""" # Trailing newline has been deliberately omitted dis_compound_stmt_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_CONST 0 (0) STORE_NAME 0 (x) 2 NOP 3 L1: LOAD_NAME 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 1 (1) BINARY_OP 13 (+=) STORE_NAME 0 (x) 2 JUMP_BACKWARD 7 (to L1) """ dis_traceback = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d NOP %4d L1: LOAD_CONST 1 (1) LOAD_CONST 2 (0) --> BINARY_OP 11 (/) POP_TOP %4d L2: LOAD_FAST_CHECK 1 (tb) RETURN_VALUE -- L3: PUSH_EXC_INFO %4d LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (Exception) CHECK_EXC_MATCH POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 23 (to L7) STORE_FAST 0 (e) %4d L4: LOAD_FAST 0 (e) LOAD_ATTR 2 (__traceback__) STORE_FAST 1 (tb) L5: POP_EXCEPT LOAD_CONST 0 (None) STORE_FAST 0 (e) DELETE_FAST 0 (e) %4d LOAD_FAST 1 (tb) RETURN_VALUE -- L6: LOAD_CONST 0 (None) STORE_FAST 0 (e) DELETE_FAST 0 (e) RERAISE 1 %4d L7: RERAISE 0 -- L8: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L3 [0] L3 to L4 -> L8 [1] lasti L4 to L5 -> L6 [1] lasti L6 to L8 -> L8 [1] lasti """ % (TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 1, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 2, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 5, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 3, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 4, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 5, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 3) def _fstring(a, b, c, d): return f'{a} {b:4} {c!r} {d!r:4}' dis_fstring = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 0 (a) FORMAT_SIMPLE LOAD_CONST 1 (' ') LOAD_FAST 1 (b) LOAD_CONST 2 ('4') FORMAT_WITH_SPEC LOAD_CONST 1 (' ') LOAD_FAST 2 (c) CONVERT_VALUE 2 (repr) FORMAT_SIMPLE LOAD_CONST 1 (' ') LOAD_FAST 3 (d) CONVERT_VALUE 2 (repr) LOAD_CONST 2 ('4') FORMAT_WITH_SPEC BUILD_STRING 7 RETURN_VALUE """ % (_fstring.__code__.co_firstlineno, _fstring.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) def _with(c): with c: x = 1 y = 2 dis_with = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (c) COPY 1 LOAD_SPECIAL 1 (__exit__) SWAP 2 SWAP 3 LOAD_SPECIAL 0 (__enter__) CALL 0 L1: POP_TOP %4d LOAD_CONST 1 (1) STORE_FAST 1 (x) %4d L2: LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) CALL 3 POP_TOP %4d LOAD_CONST 2 (2) STORE_FAST 2 (y) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) %4d L3: PUSH_EXC_INFO WITH_EXCEPT_START TO_BOOL POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE 1 (to L4) RERAISE 2 L4: POP_TOP L5: POP_EXCEPT POP_TOP POP_TOP POP_TOP %4d LOAD_CONST 2 (2) STORE_FAST 2 (y) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) -- L6: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L3 [2] lasti L3 to L5 -> L6 [4] lasti """ % (_with.__code__.co_firstlineno, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) async def _asyncwith(c): async with c: x = 1 y = 2 dis_asyncwith = """\ %4d RETURN_GENERATOR POP_TOP L1: RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (c) COPY 1 LOAD_SPECIAL 3 (__aexit__) SWAP 2 SWAP 3 LOAD_SPECIAL 2 (__aenter__) CALL 0 GET_AWAITABLE 1 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) L2: SEND 3 (to L5) L3: YIELD_VALUE 1 L4: RESUME 3 JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 5 (to L2) L5: END_SEND L6: POP_TOP %4d LOAD_CONST 1 (1) STORE_FAST 1 (x) %4d L7: LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) CALL 3 GET_AWAITABLE 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) L8: SEND 3 (to L11) L9: YIELD_VALUE 1 L10: RESUME 3 JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 5 (to L8) L11: END_SEND POP_TOP %4d LOAD_CONST 2 (2) STORE_FAST 2 (y) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) %4d L12: CLEANUP_THROW L13: JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 25 (to L5) L14: CLEANUP_THROW L15: JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 9 (to L11) L16: PUSH_EXC_INFO WITH_EXCEPT_START GET_AWAITABLE 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) L17: SEND 4 (to L21) L18: YIELD_VALUE 1 L19: RESUME 3 JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 5 (to L17) L20: CLEANUP_THROW L21: END_SEND TO_BOOL POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE 1 (to L22) RERAISE 2 L22: POP_TOP L23: POP_EXCEPT POP_TOP POP_TOP POP_TOP %4d LOAD_CONST 2 (2) STORE_FAST 2 (y) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) -- L24: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 L25: CALL_INTRINSIC_1 3 (INTRINSIC_STOPITERATION_ERROR) RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L3 -> L25 [0] lasti L3 to L4 -> L12 [4] L4 to L6 -> L25 [0] lasti L6 to L7 -> L16 [2] lasti L7 to L9 -> L25 [0] lasti L9 to L10 -> L14 [2] L10 to L13 -> L25 [0] lasti L14 to L15 -> L25 [0] lasti L16 to L18 -> L24 [4] lasti L18 to L19 -> L20 [7] L19 to L23 -> L24 [4] lasti L23 to L25 -> L25 [0] lasti """ % (_asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) def _tryfinally(a, b): try: return a finally: b() def _tryfinallyconst(b): try: return 1 finally: b() dis_tryfinally = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d NOP %4d L1: LOAD_FAST 0 (a) %4d L2: LOAD_FAST 1 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP RETURN_VALUE -- L3: PUSH_EXC_INFO %4d LOAD_FAST 1 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP RERAISE 0 -- L4: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L3 [0] L3 to L4 -> L4 [1] lasti """ % (_tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, ) dis_tryfinallyconst = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d NOP %4d NOP %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 1 (1) -- L1: PUSH_EXC_INFO %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP RERAISE 0 -- L2: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L2 [1] lasti """ % (_tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, ) def _g(x): yield x async def _ag(x): yield x async def _co(x): async for item in _ag(x): pass def _h(y): def foo(x): '''funcdoc''' return list(x + z for z in y) return foo dis_nested_0 = """\ -- MAKE_CELL 0 (y) %4d RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (y) BUILD_TUPLE 1 LOAD_CONST 1 () MAKE_FUNCTION SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE 8 (closure) STORE_FAST 1 (foo) %4d LOAD_FAST 1 (foo) RETURN_VALUE """ % (_h.__code__.co_firstlineno, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, ) dis_nested_1 = """%s Disassembly of : -- COPY_FREE_VARS 1 MAKE_CELL 0 (x) %4d RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (list + NULL) LOAD_FAST 0 (x) BUILD_TUPLE 1 LOAD_CONST 1 ( at 0x..., file "%s", line %d>) MAKE_FUNCTION SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE 8 (closure) LOAD_DEREF 1 (y) GET_ITER CALL 0 CALL 1 RETURN_VALUE """ % (dis_nested_0, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) dis_nested_2 = """%s Disassembly of at 0x..., file "%s", line %d>: -- COPY_FREE_VARS 1 %4d RETURN_GENERATOR POP_TOP L1: RESUME 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0) L2: FOR_ITER 10 (to L3) STORE_FAST 1 (z) LOAD_DEREF 2 (x) LOAD_FAST 1 (z) BINARY_OP 0 (+) YIELD_VALUE 0 RESUME 5 POP_TOP JUMP_BACKWARD 12 (to L2) L3: END_FOR POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 0 (None) -- L4: CALL_INTRINSIC_1 3 (INTRINSIC_STOPITERATION_ERROR) RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L4 -> L4 [0] lasti """ % (dis_nested_1, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) def load_test(x, y=0): a, b = x, y return a, b dis_load_test_quickened_code = """\ %3d RESUME_CHECK 0 %3d LOAD_FAST_LOAD_FAST 1 (x, y) STORE_FAST_STORE_FAST 50 (b, a) %3d LOAD_FAST_LOAD_FAST 35 (a, b) BUILD_TUPLE 2 RETURN_VALUE """ % (load_test.__code__.co_firstlineno, load_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, load_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2) def loop_test(): for i in [1, 2, 3] * 3: load_test(i) dis_loop_test_quickened_code = """\ %3d RESUME_CHECK 0 %3d BUILD_LIST 0 LOAD_CONST 1 ((1, 2, 3)) LIST_EXTEND 1 LOAD_CONST 2 (3) BINARY_OP 5 (*) GET_ITER L1: FOR_ITER_LIST 14 (to L2) STORE_FAST 0 (i) %3d LOAD_GLOBAL_MODULE 1 (load_test + NULL) LOAD_FAST 0 (i) CALL_PY_GENERAL 1 POP_TOP JUMP_BACKWARD 16 (to L1) %3d L2: END_FOR POP_TOP RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """ % (loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno, loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,) def extended_arg_quick(): *_, _ = ... dis_extended_arg_quick_code = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_CONST 1 (Ellipsis) EXTENDED_ARG 1 UNPACK_EX 256 POP_TOP STORE_FAST 0 (_) RETURN_CONST 0 (None) """% (extended_arg_quick.__code__.co_firstlineno, extended_arg_quick.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,) ADAPTIVE_WARMUP_DELAY = 2 class DisTestBase(unittest.TestCase): "Common utilities for DisTests and TestDisTraceback" def strip_addresses(self, text): return re.sub(r'\b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\b', '0x...', text) def assert_exception_table_increasing(self, lines): prev_start, prev_end = -1, -1 count = 0 for line in lines: m = re.match(r' L(\d+) to L(\d+) -> L\d+ \[\d+\]', line) start, end = [int(g) for g in m.groups()] self.assertGreaterEqual(end, start) self.assertGreaterEqual(start, prev_end) prev_start, prev_end = start, end count += 1 return count def do_disassembly_compare(self, got, expected): if got != expected: got = self.strip_addresses(got) self.assertEqual(got, expected) class DisTests(DisTestBase): maxDiff = None def get_disassembly(self, func, lasti=-1, wrapper=True, **kwargs): # We want to test the default printing behaviour, not the file arg output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): if wrapper: dis.dis(func, **kwargs) else: dis.disassemble(func, lasti, **kwargs) return output.getvalue() def get_disassemble_as_string(self, func, lasti=-1): return self.get_disassembly(func, lasti, False) def do_disassembly_test(self, func, expected, **kwargs): self.maxDiff = None got = self.get_disassembly(func, depth=0, **kwargs) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, expected) # Add checks for dis.disco if hasattr(func, '__code__'): got_disco = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(got_disco): dis.disco(func.__code__, **kwargs) self.do_disassembly_compare(got_disco.getvalue(), expected) def test_opmap(self): self.assertEqual(dis.opmap["CACHE"], 0) self.assertIn(dis.opmap["LOAD_CONST"], dis.hasconst) self.assertIn(dis.opmap["STORE_NAME"], dis.hasname) def test_opname(self): self.assertEqual(dis.opname[dis.opmap["LOAD_FAST"]], "LOAD_FAST") def test_boundaries(self): self.assertEqual(dis.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], dis.EXTENDED_ARG) def test_widths(self): long_opcodes = set(['JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT', 'INSTRUMENTED_CALL_FUNCTION_EX']) for opcode, opname in enumerate(dis.opname): if opname in long_opcodes or opname.startswith("INSTRUMENTED"): continue with self.subTest(opname=opname): width = dis._OPNAME_WIDTH if opcode in dis.hasarg: width += 1 + dis._OPARG_WIDTH self.assertLessEqual(len(opname), width) def test_dis(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_f, dis_f) def test_dis_with_offsets(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_f, dis_f_with_offsets, show_offsets=True) def test_bug_708901(self): self.do_disassembly_test(bug708901, dis_bug708901) def test_bug_1333982(self): # This one is checking bytecodes generated for an `assert` statement, # so fails if the tests are run with -O. Skip this test then. if not __debug__: self.skipTest('need asserts, run without -O') self.do_disassembly_test(bug1333982, dis_bug1333982) def test_bug_42562(self): self.do_disassembly_test(bug42562, dis_bug42562) def test_bug_45757(self): # Extended arg followed by NOP self.do_disassembly_test(code_bug_45757, dis_bug_45757) def test_bug_46724(self): # Test that negative operargs are handled properly self.do_disassembly_test(bug46724, dis_bug46724) def test_kw_names(self): # Test that value is displayed for keyword argument names: self.do_disassembly_test(wrap_func_w_kwargs, dis_kw_names) def test_intrinsic_1(self): # Test that argrepr is displayed for CALL_INTRINSIC_1 self.do_disassembly_test("from math import *", dis_intrinsic_1_2) self.do_disassembly_test("+a", dis_intrinsic_1_5) self.do_disassembly_test("(*a,)", dis_intrinsic_1_6) def test_intrinsic_2(self): self.assertIn("CALL_INTRINSIC_2 1 (INTRINSIC_PREP_RERAISE_STAR)", self.get_disassembly("try: pass\nexcept* Exception: x")) def test_big_linenos(self): def func(count): namespace = {} func = "def foo():\n " + "".join(["\n "] * count + ["spam\n"]) exec(func, namespace) return namespace['foo'] # Test all small ranges for i in range(1, 300): expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT % (i + 2) self.do_disassembly_test(func(i), expected) # Test some larger ranges too for i in range(300, 1000, 10): expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT % (i + 2) self.do_disassembly_test(func(i), expected) for i in range(1000, 5000, 10): expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT2 % (i + 2) self.do_disassembly_test(func(i), expected) from test import dis_module self.do_disassembly_test(dis_module, dis_module_expected_results) def test_disassemble_str(self): self.do_disassembly_test(expr_str, dis_expr_str) self.do_disassembly_test(simple_stmt_str, dis_simple_stmt_str) self.do_disassembly_test(annot_stmt_str, dis_annot_stmt_str) self.do_disassembly_test(compound_stmt_str, dis_compound_stmt_str) def test_disassemble_bytes(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_f.__code__.co_code, dis_f_co_code) def test_disassemble_class(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C, dis_c) def test_disassemble_instance_method(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C(1).__init__, dis_c_instance_method) def test_disassemble_instance_method_bytes(self): method_bytecode = _C(1).__init__.__code__.co_code self.do_disassembly_test(method_bytecode, dis_c_instance_method_bytes) def test_disassemble_static_method(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C.sm, dis_c_static_method) def test_disassemble_class_method(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C.cm, dis_c_class_method) def test_disassemble_generator(self): gen_func_disas = self.get_disassembly(_g) # Generator function gen_disas = self.get_disassembly(_g(1)) # Generator iterator self.assertEqual(gen_disas, gen_func_disas) def test_disassemble_async_generator(self): agen_func_disas = self.get_disassembly(_ag) # Async generator function agen_disas = self.get_disassembly(_ag(1)) # Async generator iterator self.assertEqual(agen_disas, agen_func_disas) def test_disassemble_coroutine(self): coro_func_disas = self.get_disassembly(_co) # Coroutine function coro = _co(1) # Coroutine object coro.close() # Avoid a RuntimeWarning (never awaited) coro_disas = self.get_disassembly(coro) self.assertEqual(coro_disas, coro_func_disas) def test_disassemble_fstring(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_fstring, dis_fstring) def test_disassemble_with(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_with, dis_with) def test_disassemble_asyncwith(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_asyncwith, dis_asyncwith) def test_disassemble_try_finally(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_tryfinally, dis_tryfinally) self.do_disassembly_test(_tryfinallyconst, dis_tryfinallyconst) def test_dis_none(self): try: del sys.last_exc except AttributeError: pass try: del sys.last_traceback except AttributeError: pass self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, dis.dis, None) def test_dis_traceback(self): self.maxDiff = None try: del sys.last_traceback except AttributeError: pass try: 1/0 except Exception as e: tb = e.__traceback__ sys.last_exc = e tb_dis = self.get_disassemble_as_string(tb.tb_frame.f_code, tb.tb_lasti) self.do_disassembly_test(None, tb_dis) def test_dis_object(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, dis.dis, object()) def test_disassemble_recursive(self): def check(expected, **kwargs): dis = self.get_disassembly(_h, **kwargs) dis = self.strip_addresses(dis) self.assertEqual(dis, expected) check(dis_nested_0, depth=0) check(dis_nested_1, depth=1) check(dis_nested_2, depth=2) check(dis_nested_2, depth=3) check(dis_nested_2, depth=None) check(dis_nested_2) def test__try_compile_no_context_exc_on_error(self): # see gh-102114 try: dis._try_compile(")", "") except Exception as e: self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) @staticmethod def code_quicken(f, times=ADAPTIVE_WARMUP_DELAY): for _ in range(times): f() @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_super_instructions(self): self.code_quicken(lambda: load_test(0, 0)) got = self.get_disassembly(load_test, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, dis_load_test_quickened_code) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_binary_specialize(self): binary_op_quicken = """\ 0 RESUME_CHECK 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (a) LOAD_NAME 1 (b) %s RETURN_VALUE """ co_int = compile('a + b', "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co_int, {}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})) got = self.get_disassembly(co_int, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, binary_op_quicken % "BINARY_OP_ADD_INT 0 (+)") co_unicode = compile('a + b', "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co_unicode, {}, {'a': 'a', 'b': 'b'})) got = self.get_disassembly(co_unicode, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, binary_op_quicken % "BINARY_OP_ADD_UNICODE 0 (+)") binary_subscr_quicken = """\ 0 RESUME_CHECK 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (a) LOAD_CONST 0 (0) %s RETURN_VALUE """ co_list = compile('a[0]', "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co_list, {}, {'a': [0]})) got = self.get_disassembly(co_list, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, binary_subscr_quicken % "BINARY_SUBSCR_LIST_INT") co_dict = compile('a[0]', "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co_dict, {}, {'a': {0: '1'}})) got = self.get_disassembly(co_dict, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, binary_subscr_quicken % "BINARY_SUBSCR_DICT") @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_load_attr_specialize(self): load_attr_quicken = """\ 0 RESUME_CHECK 0 1 LOAD_CONST 0 ('a') LOAD_ATTR_SLOT 0 (__class__) RETURN_VALUE """ co = compile("'a'.__class__", "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co, {}, {})) got = self.get_disassembly(co, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, load_attr_quicken) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_call_specialize(self): call_quicken = """\ 0 RESUME_CHECK 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (str) PUSH_NULL LOAD_CONST 0 (1) CALL_STR_1 1 RETURN_VALUE """ co = compile("str(1)", "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co, {}, {})) got = self.get_disassembly(co, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, call_quicken) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_loop_quicken(self): # Loop can trigger a quicken where the loop is located self.code_quicken(loop_test, 4) got = self.get_disassembly(loop_test, adaptive=True) expected = dis_loop_test_quickened_code self.do_disassembly_compare(got, expected) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_loop_with_conditional_at_end_is_quickened(self): def for_loop_true(x): for i in range(10): if x: pass for_loop_true(True) self.assertIn('FOR_ITER_RANGE', self.get_disassembly(for_loop_true, adaptive=True)) def for_loop_false(x): for i in range(10): if x: pass for_loop_false(False) self.assertIn('FOR_ITER_RANGE', self.get_disassembly(for_loop_false, adaptive=True)) def while_loop(): i = 0 while i < 10: i += 1 while_loop() self.assertIn('COMPARE_OP_INT', self.get_disassembly(while_loop, adaptive=True)) @cpython_only def test_extended_arg_quick(self): got = self.get_disassembly(extended_arg_quick) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, dis_extended_arg_quick_code) def get_cached_values(self, quickened, adaptive): def f(): l = [] for i in range(42): l.append(i) if quickened: self.code_quicken(f) else: # "copy" the code to un-quicken it: f.__code__ = f.__code__.replace() for instruction in _unroll_caches_as_Instructions(dis.get_instructions( f, show_caches=True, adaptive=adaptive ), show_caches=True): if instruction.opname == "CACHE": yield instruction.argrepr @cpython_only def test_show_caches(self): for quickened in (False, True): for adaptive in (False, True): with self.subTest(f"{quickened=}, {adaptive=}"): if adaptive: pattern = r"^(\w+: \d+)?$" else: pattern = r"^(\w+: 0)?$" caches = list(self.get_cached_values(quickened, adaptive)) for cache in caches: self.assertRegex(cache, pattern) total_caches = 21 empty_caches = 7 self.assertEqual(caches.count(""), empty_caches) self.assertEqual(len(caches), total_caches) @cpython_only def test_show_currinstr_with_cache(self): """ Make sure that with lasti pointing to CACHE, it still shows the current line correctly """ def f(): print(a) # The code above should generate a LOAD_GLOBAL which has CACHE instr after # However, this might change in the future. So we explicitly try to find # a CACHE entry in the instructions. If we can't do that, fail the test for inst in _unroll_caches_as_Instructions( dis.get_instructions(f, show_caches=True), show_caches=True): if inst.opname == "CACHE": op_offset = inst.offset - 2 cache_offset = inst.offset break else: opname = inst.opname else: self.fail("Can't find a CACHE entry in the function provided to do the test") assem_op = self.get_disassembly(f.__code__, lasti=op_offset, wrapper=False) assem_cache = self.get_disassembly(f.__code__, lasti=cache_offset, wrapper=False) # Make sure --> exists and points to the correct op self.assertRegex(assem_op, fr"--> {opname}") # Make sure when lasti points to cache, it shows the same disassembly self.assertEqual(assem_op, assem_cache) class DisWithFileTests(DisTests): # Run the tests again, using the file arg instead of print def get_disassembly(self, func, lasti=-1, wrapper=True, **kwargs): output = io.StringIO() if wrapper: dis.dis(func, file=output, **kwargs) else: dis.disassemble(func, lasti, file=output, **kwargs) return output.getvalue() if dis.code_info.__doc__ is None: code_info_consts = "0: None" else: code_info_consts = "0: 'Formatted details of methods, functions, or code.'" code_info_code_info = f"""\ Name: code_info Filename: (.*) Argument count: 1 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 1 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS Constants: {code_info_consts} Names: 0: _format_code_info 1: _get_code_object Variable names: 0: x""" @staticmethod def tricky(a, b, /, x, y, z=True, *args, c, d, e=[], **kwds): def f(c=c): print(a, b, x, y, z, c, d, e, f) yield a, b, x, y, z, c, d, e, f code_info_tricky = """\ Name: tricky Filename: (.*) Argument count: 5 Positional-only arguments: 2 Kw-only arguments: 3 Number of locals: 10 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, VARARGS, VARKEYWORDS, GENERATOR Constants: 0: None 1: Variable names: 0: a 1: b 2: x 3: y 4: z 5: c 6: d 7: e 8: args 9: kwds Cell variables: 0: [abedfxyz] 1: [abedfxyz] 2: [abedfxyz] 3: [abedfxyz] 4: [abedfxyz] 5: [abedfxyz]""" # NOTE: the order of the cell variables above depends on dictionary order! co_tricky_nested_f = tricky.__func__.__code__.co_consts[1] code_info_tricky_nested_f = """\ Filename: (.*) Argument count: 1 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 1 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, NESTED Constants: 0: None Names: 0: print Variable names: 0: c Free variables: 0: [abedfxyz] 1: [abedfxyz] 2: [abedfxyz] 3: [abedfxyz] 4: [abedfxyz] 5: [abedfxyz]""" code_info_expr_str = """\ Name: Filename: Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 0 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: 0x0 Constants: 0: 1 Names: 0: x""" code_info_simple_stmt_str = """\ Name: Filename: Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 0 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: 0x0 Constants: 0: 1 1: None Names: 0: x""" code_info_compound_stmt_str = """\ Name: Filename: Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 0 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: 0x0 Constants: 0: 0 1: 1 Names: 0: x""" async def async_def(): await 1 async for a in b: pass async with c as d: pass code_info_async_def = """\ Name: async_def Filename: (.*) Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 2 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, COROUTINE Constants: 0: None 1: 1 Names: 0: b 1: c Variable names: 0: a 1: d""" class CodeInfoTests(unittest.TestCase): test_pairs = [ (dis.code_info, code_info_code_info), (tricky, code_info_tricky), (co_tricky_nested_f, code_info_tricky_nested_f), (expr_str, code_info_expr_str), (simple_stmt_str, code_info_simple_stmt_str), (compound_stmt_str, code_info_compound_stmt_str), (async_def, code_info_async_def) ] def test_code_info(self): self.maxDiff = 1000 for x, expected in self.test_pairs: self.assertRegex(dis.code_info(x), expected) def test_show_code(self): self.maxDiff = 1000 for x, expected in self.test_pairs: with captured_stdout() as output: dis.show_code(x) self.assertRegex(output.getvalue(), expected+"\n") output = io.StringIO() dis.show_code(x, file=output) self.assertRegex(output.getvalue(), expected) def test_code_info_object(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, dis.code_info, object()) def test_pretty_flags_no_flags(self): self.assertEqual(dis.pretty_flags(0), '0x0') # Fodder for instruction introspection tests # Editing any of these may require recalculating the expected output def outer(a=1, b=2): def f(c=3, d=4): def inner(e=5, f=6): print(a, b, c, d, e, f) print(a, b, c, d) return inner print(a, b, '', 1, [], {}, "Hello world!") return f def jumpy(): # This won't actually run (but that's OK, we only disassemble it) for i in range(10): print(i) if i < 4: continue if i > 6: break else: print("I can haz else clause?") while i: print(i) i -= 1 if i > 6: continue if i < 4: break else: print("Who let lolcatz into this test suite?") try: 1 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError: print("Here we go, here we go, here we go...") else: with i as dodgy: print("Never reach this") finally: print("OK, now we're done") # End fodder for opinfo generation tests expected_outer_line = 1 _line_offset = outer.__code__.co_firstlineno - 1 code_object_f = outer.__code__.co_consts[1] expected_f_line = code_object_f.co_firstlineno - _line_offset code_object_inner = code_object_f.co_consts[1] expected_inner_line = code_object_inner.co_firstlineno - _line_offset expected_jumpy_line = 1 # The following lines are useful to regenerate the expected results after # either the fodder is modified or the bytecode generation changes # After regeneration, update the references to code_object_f and # code_object_inner before rerunning the tests def _stringify_instruction(instr): # Since line numbers and other offsets change a lot for these # test cases, ignore them. return f" {instr._replace(positions=None)!r}," def _prepare_test_cases(): ignore = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(ignore): f = outer() inner = f() _instructions_outer = dis.get_instructions(outer, first_line=expected_outer_line) _instructions_f = dis.get_instructions(f, first_line=expected_f_line) _instructions_inner = dis.get_instructions(inner, first_line=expected_inner_line) _instructions_jumpy = dis.get_instructions(jumpy, first_line=expected_jumpy_line) result = "\n".join( [ "expected_opinfo_outer = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_outer), "]", "", "expected_opinfo_f = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_f), "]", "", "expected_opinfo_inner = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_inner), "]", "", "expected_opinfo_jumpy = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_jumpy), "]", ] ) result = result.replace(repr(repr(code_object_f)), "repr(code_object_f)") result = result.replace(repr(code_object_f), "code_object_f") result = result.replace(repr(repr(code_object_inner)), "repr(code_object_inner)") result = result.replace(repr(code_object_inner), "code_object_inner") print(result) # from test.test_dis import _prepare_test_cases; _prepare_test_cases() Instruction = dis.Instruction expected_opinfo_outer = [ Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=92, arg=0, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=92, arg=1, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=4, start_offset=4, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=5, argval=(3, 4), argrepr='(3, 4)', offset=6, start_offset=6, starts_line=True, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=8, start_offset=8, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=1, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_TUPLE', opcode=48, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=12, start_offset=12, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=1, argval=code_object_f, argrepr=repr(code_object_f), offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_FUNCTION', opcode=23, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=16, start_offset=16, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=104, arg=8, argval=8, argrepr='closure', offset=18, start_offset=18, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=104, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='defaults', offset=20, start_offset=20, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=108, arg=2, argval='f', argrepr='f', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=1, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=True, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=0, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=34, start_offset=34, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=1, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=36, start_offset=36, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=2, argval='', argrepr="''", offset=38, start_offset=38, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=3, argval=1, argrepr='1', offset=40, start_offset=40, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_LIST', opcode=43, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=42, start_offset=42, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_MAP', opcode=44, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=44, start_offset=44, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=4, argval='Hello world!', argrepr="'Hello world!'", offset=46, start_offset=46, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=7, argval=7, argrepr='', offset=48, start_offset=48, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=56, start_offset=56, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=2, argval='f', argrepr='f', offset=58, start_offset=58, starts_line=True, line_number=8, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_VALUE', opcode=33, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=60, start_offset=60, starts_line=False, line_number=8, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] expected_opinfo_f = [ Instruction(opname='COPY_FREE_VARS', opcode=58, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=92, arg=0, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=92, arg=1, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=4, start_offset=4, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=6, start_offset=6, starts_line=True, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=2, argval=(5, 6), argrepr='(5, 6)', offset=8, start_offset=8, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=3, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=4, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=12, start_offset=12, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=1, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=16, start_offset=16, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_TUPLE', opcode=48, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=18, start_offset=18, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=1, argval=code_object_inner, argrepr=repr(code_object_inner), offset=20, start_offset=20, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_FUNCTION', opcode=23, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=104, arg=8, argval=8, argrepr='closure', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=104, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='defaults', offset=26, start_offset=26, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=108, arg=2, argval='inner', argrepr='inner', offset=28, start_offset=28, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=1, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=30, start_offset=30, starts_line=True, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=3, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=40, start_offset=40, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=4, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=42, start_offset=42, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=0, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=44, start_offset=44, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=1, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=46, start_offset=46, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=48, start_offset=48, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=56, start_offset=56, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=2, argval='inner', argrepr='inner', offset=58, start_offset=58, starts_line=True, line_number=6, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_VALUE', opcode=33, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=60, start_offset=60, starts_line=False, line_number=6, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] expected_opinfo_inner = [ Instruction(opname='COPY_FREE_VARS', opcode=58, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=1, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=4, start_offset=4, starts_line=True, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=2, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=3, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=16, start_offset=16, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=4, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=18, start_offset=18, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=81, arg=5, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=20, start_offset=20, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST_LOAD_FAST', opcode=85, arg=1, argval=('e', 'f'), argrepr='e, f', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=6, argval=6, argrepr='', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=32, start_offset=32, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_CONST', opcode=101, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=34, start_offset=34, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] expected_opinfo_jumpy = [ Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=1, argval='range', argrepr='range + NULL', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=1, argval=10, argrepr='10', offset=12, start_offset=12, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='GET_ITER', opcode=16, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='FOR_ITER', opcode=68, arg=30, argval=88, argrepr='to L4', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=1, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=108, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=28, start_offset=28, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=30, start_offset=30, starts_line=True, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=40, start_offset=40, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=42, start_offset=42, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=50, start_offset=50, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=52, start_offset=52, starts_line=True, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=2, argval=4, argrepr='4', offset=54, start_offset=54, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=54, arg=18, argval='<', argrepr='bool(<)', offset=56, start_offset=56, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=95, arg=2, argval=68, argrepr='to L2', offset=60, start_offset=60, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=73, arg=22, argval=24, argrepr='to L1', offset=64, start_offset=64, starts_line=True, line_number=6, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=68, start_offset=68, starts_line=True, line_number=7, label=2, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=3, argval=6, argrepr='6', offset=70, start_offset=70, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=54, arg=148, argval='>', argrepr='bool(>)', offset=72, start_offset=72, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', opcode=98, arg=2, argval=84, argrepr='to L3', offset=76, start_offset=76, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=73, arg=30, argval=24, argrepr='to L1', offset=80, start_offset=80, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=84, start_offset=84, starts_line=True, line_number=8, label=3, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_FORWARD', opcode=75, arg=13, argval=114, argrepr='to L5', offset=86, start_offset=86, starts_line=False, line_number=8, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='END_FOR', opcode=9, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=88, start_offset=88, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=4, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=90, start_offset=90, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=92, start_offset=92, starts_line=True, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=4, argval='I can haz else clause?', argrepr="'I can haz else clause?'", offset=102, start_offset=102, starts_line=False, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=104, start_offset=104, starts_line=False, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=112, start_offset=112, starts_line=False, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST_CHECK', opcode=84, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=114, start_offset=114, starts_line=True, line_number=11, label=5, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='TO_BOOL', opcode=37, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=116, start_offset=116, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=95, arg=40, argval=208, argrepr='to L9', offset=124, start_offset=124, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=128, start_offset=128, starts_line=True, line_number=12, label=6, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=138, start_offset=138, starts_line=False, line_number=12, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=140, start_offset=140, starts_line=False, line_number=12, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=148, start_offset=148, starts_line=False, line_number=12, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=150, start_offset=150, starts_line=True, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=5, argval=1, argrepr='1', offset=152, start_offset=152, starts_line=False, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BINARY_OP', opcode=42, arg=23, argval=23, argrepr='-=', offset=154, start_offset=154, starts_line=False, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=108, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=158, start_offset=158, starts_line=False, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=160, start_offset=160, starts_line=True, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=3, argval=6, argrepr='6', offset=162, start_offset=162, starts_line=False, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=54, arg=148, argval='>', argrepr='bool(>)', offset=164, start_offset=164, starts_line=False, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=95, arg=2, argval=176, argrepr='to L7', offset=168, start_offset=168, starts_line=False, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=73, arg=31, argval=114, argrepr='to L5', offset=172, start_offset=172, starts_line=True, line_number=15, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=176, start_offset=176, starts_line=True, line_number=16, label=7, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=2, argval=4, argrepr='4', offset=178, start_offset=178, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=54, arg=18, argval='<', argrepr='bool(<)', offset=180, start_offset=180, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=95, arg=1, argval=190, argrepr='to L8', offset=184, start_offset=184, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='JUMP_FORWARD', opcode=75, arg=20, argval=230, argrepr='to L10', offset=188, start_offset=188, starts_line=True, line_number=17, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=190, start_offset=190, starts_line=True, line_number=11, label=8, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='TO_BOOL', opcode=37, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=192, start_offset=192, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=95, arg=2, argval=208, argrepr='to L9', offset=200, start_offset=200, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=73, arg=40, argval=128, argrepr='to L6', offset=204, start_offset=204, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=208, start_offset=208, starts_line=True, line_number=19, label=9, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=6, argval='Who let lolcatz into this test suite?', argrepr="'Who let lolcatz into this test suite?'", offset=218, start_offset=218, starts_line=False, line_number=19, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=220, start_offset=220, starts_line=False, line_number=19, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=228, start_offset=228, starts_line=False, line_number=19, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='NOP', opcode=27, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=230, start_offset=230, starts_line=True, line_number=20, label=10, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=5, argval=1, argrepr='1', offset=232, start_offset=232, starts_line=True, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=7, argval=0, argrepr='0', offset=234, start_offset=234, starts_line=False, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BINARY_OP', opcode=42, arg=11, argval=11, argrepr='/', offset=236, start_offset=236, starts_line=False, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=240, start_offset=240, starts_line=False, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=242, start_offset=242, starts_line=True, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=57, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=244, start_offset=244, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SPECIAL', opcode=90, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='__exit__', offset=246, start_offset=246, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SWAP', opcode=113, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=248, start_offset=248, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SWAP', opcode=113, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=250, start_offset=250, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SPECIAL', opcode=90, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='__enter__', offset=252, start_offset=252, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=254, start_offset=254, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=108, arg=1, argval='dodgy', argrepr='dodgy', offset=262, start_offset=262, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=264, start_offset=264, starts_line=True, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=8, argval='Never reach this', argrepr="'Never reach this'", offset=274, start_offset=274, starts_line=False, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=276, start_offset=276, starts_line=False, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=284, start_offset=284, starts_line=False, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=286, start_offset=286, starts_line=True, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=288, start_offset=288, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=290, start_offset=290, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=292, start_offset=292, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=300, start_offset=300, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=302, start_offset=302, starts_line=True, line_number=28, label=11, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=10, argval="OK, now we're done", argrepr='"OK, now we\'re done"', offset=312, start_offset=312, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=314, start_offset=314, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=322, start_offset=322, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_CONST', opcode=101, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=324, start_offset=324, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='PUSH_EXC_INFO', opcode=30, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=326, start_offset=326, starts_line=True, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='WITH_EXCEPT_START', opcode=41, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=328, start_offset=328, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='TO_BOOL', opcode=37, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=330, start_offset=330, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', opcode=98, arg=1, argval=344, argrepr='to L12', offset=338, start_offset=338, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=100, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=342, start_offset=342, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=344, start_offset=344, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=12, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=346, start_offset=346, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=348, start_offset=348, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=350, start_offset=350, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=352, start_offset=352, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT', opcode=74, arg=27, argval=302, argrepr='to L11', offset=354, start_offset=354, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=57, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=356, start_offset=356, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=358, start_offset=358, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=100, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=360, start_offset=360, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='PUSH_EXC_INFO', opcode=30, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=362, start_offset=362, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=4, argval='ZeroDivisionError', argrepr='ZeroDivisionError', offset=364, start_offset=364, starts_line=True, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='CHECK_EXC_MATCH', opcode=5, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=374, start_offset=374, starts_line=False, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=95, arg=14, argval=408, argrepr='to L13', offset=376, start_offset=376, starts_line=False, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=380, start_offset=380, starts_line=False, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=382, start_offset=382, starts_line=True, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=9, argval='Here we go, here we go, here we go...', argrepr="'Here we go, here we go, here we go...'", offset=392, start_offset=392, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=394, start_offset=394, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=402, start_offset=402, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=404, start_offset=404, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT', opcode=74, arg=53, argval=302, argrepr='to L11', offset=406, start_offset=406, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=100, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=408, start_offset=408, starts_line=True, line_number=22, label=13, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=57, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=410, start_offset=410, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=412, start_offset=412, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=100, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=414, start_offset=414, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='PUSH_EXC_INFO', opcode=30, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=416, start_offset=416, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=88, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=418, start_offset=418, starts_line=True, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=80, arg=10, argval="OK, now we're done", argrepr='"OK, now we\'re done"', offset=428, start_offset=428, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=49, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=430, start_offset=430, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=438, start_offset=438, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=100, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=440, start_offset=440, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=57, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=442, start_offset=442, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=444, start_offset=444, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=100, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=446, start_offset=446, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] # One last piece of inspect fodder to check the default line number handling def simple(): pass expected_opinfo_simple = [ Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=simple.__code__.co_firstlineno, label=None, positions=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_CONST', opcode=101, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=False, line_number=simple.__code__.co_firstlineno, label=None), ] class InstructionTestCase(BytecodeTestCase): def assertInstructionsEqual(self, instrs_1, instrs_2, /): instrs_1 = [instr_1._replace(positions=None, cache_info=None) for instr_1 in instrs_1] instrs_2 = [instr_2._replace(positions=None, cache_info=None) for instr_2 in instrs_2] self.assertEqual(instrs_1, instrs_2) class InstructionTests(InstructionTestCase): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.maxDiff = None def test_instruction_str(self): # smoke test for __str__ instrs = dis.get_instructions(simple) for instr in instrs: str(instr) def test_default_first_line(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(simple) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_simple) def test_first_line_set_to_None(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(simple, first_line=None) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_simple) def test_outer(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(outer, first_line=expected_outer_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_outer) def test_nested(self): with captured_stdout(): f = outer() actual = dis.get_instructions(f, first_line=expected_f_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_f) def test_doubly_nested(self): with captured_stdout(): inner = outer()() actual = dis.get_instructions(inner, first_line=expected_inner_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_inner) def test_jumpy(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(jumpy, first_line=expected_jumpy_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_jumpy) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_co_positions(self): code = compile('f(\n x, y, z\n)', '', 'exec') positions = [ instr.positions for instr in dis.get_instructions(code) ] expected = [ (0, 1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1), (2, 2, 2, 3), (2, 2, 5, 6), (2, 2, 8, 9), (1, 3, 0, 1), (1, 3, 0, 1), (1, 3, 0, 1) ] self.assertEqual(positions, expected) named_positions = [ (pos.lineno, pos.end_lineno, pos.col_offset, pos.end_col_offset) for pos in positions ] self.assertEqual(named_positions, expected) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_co_positions_missing_info(self): code = compile('x, y, z', '', 'exec') code_without_location_table = code.replace(co_linetable=b'') actual = dis.get_instructions(code_without_location_table) for instruction in actual: with self.subTest(instruction=instruction): positions = instruction.positions self.assertEqual(len(positions), 4) if instruction.opname == "RESUME": continue self.assertIsNone(positions.lineno) self.assertIsNone(positions.end_lineno) self.assertIsNone(positions.col_offset) self.assertIsNone(positions.end_col_offset) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_co_positions_with_lots_of_caches(self): def roots(a, b, c): d = b**2 - 4 * a * c yield (-b - cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a) if d: yield (-b + cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a) code = roots.__code__ ops = code.co_code[::2] cache_opcode = opcode.opmap["CACHE"] caches = sum(op == cache_opcode for op in ops) non_caches = len(ops) - caches # Make sure we have "lots of caches". If not, roots should be changed: assert 1 / 3 <= caches / non_caches, "this test needs more caches!" for show_caches in (False, True): for adaptive in (False, True): with self.subTest(f"{adaptive=}, {show_caches=}"): co_positions = [ positions for op, positions in zip(ops, code.co_positions(), strict=True) if show_caches or op != cache_opcode ] dis_positions = [ None if instruction.positions is None else ( instruction.positions.lineno, instruction.positions.end_lineno, instruction.positions.col_offset, instruction.positions.end_col_offset, ) for instruction in _unroll_caches_as_Instructions(dis.get_instructions( code, adaptive=adaptive, show_caches=show_caches ), show_caches=show_caches) ] self.assertEqual(co_positions, dis_positions) def test_oparg_alias(self): instruction = Instruction(opname="NOP", opcode=dis.opmap["NOP"], arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(instruction.arg, instruction.oparg) def test_show_caches_with_label(self): def f(x, y, z): if x: res = y else: res = z return res output = io.StringIO() dis.dis(f.__code__, file=output, show_caches=True) self.assertIn("L1:", output.getvalue()) def test_baseopname_and_baseopcode(self): # Standard instructions for name, code in dis.opmap.items(): instruction = Instruction(opname=name, opcode=code, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) baseopname = instruction.baseopname baseopcode = instruction.baseopcode self.assertIsNotNone(baseopname) self.assertIsNotNone(baseopcode) self.assertEqual(name, baseopname) self.assertEqual(code, baseopcode) # Specialized instructions for name in opcode._specialized_opmap: instruction = Instruction(opname=name, opcode=dis._all_opmap[name], arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) baseopname = instruction.baseopname baseopcode = instruction.baseopcode self.assertIn(name, opcode._specializations[baseopname]) self.assertEqual(opcode.opmap[baseopname], baseopcode) def test_jump_target(self): # Non-jump instructions should return None instruction = Instruction(opname="NOP", opcode=dis.opmap["NOP"], arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertIsNone(instruction.jump_target) delta = 100 instruction = Instruction(opname="JUMP_FORWARD", opcode=dis.opmap["JUMP_FORWARD"], arg=delta, argval=delta, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(10 + 2 + 100*2, instruction.jump_target) # Test negative deltas instruction = Instruction(opname="JUMP_BACKWARD", opcode=dis.opmap["JUMP_BACKWARD"], arg=delta, argval=delta, argrepr='', offset=200, start_offset=200, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(200 + 2 - 100*2 + 2*1, instruction.jump_target) # Make sure cache entries are handled instruction = Instruction(opname="SEND", opcode=dis.opmap["SEND"], arg=delta, argval=delta, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(10 + 2 + 1*2 + 100*2, instruction.jump_target) def test_argval_argrepr(self): def f(opcode, oparg, offset, *init_args): arg_resolver = dis.ArgResolver(*init_args) return arg_resolver.get_argval_argrepr(opcode, oparg, offset) offset = 42 co_consts = (0, 1, 2, 3) names = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'} varname_from_oparg = lambda i : names[i] labels_map = {24: 1} args = (offset, co_consts, names, varname_from_oparg, labels_map) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["POP_TOP"], None, *args), (None, '')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["LOAD_CONST"], 1, *args), (1, '1')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["LOAD_GLOBAL"], 2, *args), ('a', 'a')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["JUMP_BACKWARD"], 11, *args), (24, 'to L1')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["COMPARE_OP"], 3, *args), ('<', '<')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE"], 2, *args), (2, 'kwdefaults')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["BINARY_OP"], 3, *args), (3, '<<')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["CALL_INTRINSIC_1"], 2, *args), (2, 'INTRINSIC_IMPORT_STAR')) def test_custom_arg_resolver(self): class MyArgResolver(dis.ArgResolver): def offset_from_jump_arg(self, op, arg, offset): return arg + 1 def get_label_for_offset(self, offset): return 2 * offset def f(opcode, oparg, offset, *init_args): arg_resolver = MyArgResolver(*init_args) return arg_resolver.get_argval_argrepr(opcode, oparg, offset) offset = 42 self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["JUMP_BACKWARD"], 1, offset), (2, 'to L4')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["SETUP_FINALLY"], 2, offset), (3, 'to L6')) def get_instructions(self, code): return dis._get_instructions_bytes(code) def test_start_offset(self): # When no extended args are present, # start_offset should be equal to offset instructions = list(dis.Bytecode(_f)) for instruction in instructions: self.assertEqual(instruction.offset, instruction.start_offset) def last_item(iterable): return functools.reduce(lambda a, b : b, iterable) code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, ]) labels_map = dis._make_labels_map(code) jump = last_item(self.get_instructions(code)) self.assertEqual(4, jump.offset) self.assertEqual(2, jump.start_offset) code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, ]) jump = last_item(self.get_instructions(code)) self.assertEqual(8, jump.offset) self.assertEqual(2, jump.start_offset) code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, ]) instructions = list(self.get_instructions(code)) # 1st jump self.assertEqual(4, instructions[2].offset) self.assertEqual(2, instructions[2].start_offset) # 2nd jump self.assertEqual(14, instructions[6].offset) self.assertEqual(8, instructions[6].start_offset) def test_cache_offset_and_end_offset(self): code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_GLOBAL"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CALL"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00 ]) instructions = list(self.get_instructions(code)) self.assertEqual(2, instructions[0].cache_offset) self.assertEqual(10, instructions[0].end_offset) self.assertEqual(12, instructions[1].cache_offset) self.assertEqual(12, instructions[1].end_offset) self.assertEqual(14, instructions[2].cache_offset) self.assertEqual(20, instructions[2].end_offset) # end_offset of the previous instruction should be equal to the # start_offset of the following instruction instructions = list(dis.Bytecode(self.test_cache_offset_and_end_offset)) for prev, curr in zip(instructions, instructions[1:]): self.assertEqual(prev.end_offset, curr.start_offset) # get_instructions has its own tests above, so can rely on it to validate # the object oriented API class BytecodeTests(InstructionTestCase, DisTestBase): def test_instantiation(self): # Test with function, method, code string and code object for obj in [_f, _C(1).__init__, "a=1", _f.__code__]: with self.subTest(obj=obj): b = dis.Bytecode(obj) self.assertIsInstance(b.codeobj, types.CodeType) self.assertRaises(TypeError, dis.Bytecode, object()) def test_iteration(self): for obj in [_f, _C(1).__init__, "a=1", _f.__code__]: with self.subTest(obj=obj): via_object = list(dis.Bytecode(obj)) via_generator = list(dis.get_instructions(obj)) self.assertInstructionsEqual(via_object, via_generator) def test_explicit_first_line(self): actual = dis.Bytecode(outer, first_line=expected_outer_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_outer) def test_source_line_in_disassembly(self): # Use the line in the source code actual = dis.Bytecode(simple).dis() actual = actual.strip().partition(" ")[0] # extract the line no expected = str(simple.__code__.co_firstlineno) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) # Use an explicit first line number actual = dis.Bytecode(simple, first_line=350).dis() actual = actual.strip().partition(" ")[0] # extract the line no self.assertEqual(actual, "350") def test_info(self): self.maxDiff = 1000 for x, expected in CodeInfoTests.test_pairs: b = dis.Bytecode(x) self.assertRegex(b.info(), expected) def test_disassembled(self): actual = dis.Bytecode(_f).dis() self.do_disassembly_compare(actual, dis_f) def test_from_traceback(self): tb = get_tb() b = dis.Bytecode.from_traceback(tb) while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next self.assertEqual(b.current_offset, tb.tb_lasti) def test_from_traceback_dis(self): self.maxDiff = None tb = get_tb() b = dis.Bytecode.from_traceback(tb) self.assertEqual(b.dis(), dis_traceback) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_bytecode_co_positions(self): bytecode = dis.Bytecode("a=1") for instr, positions in zip(bytecode, bytecode.codeobj.co_positions()): assert instr.positions == positions class TestBytecodeTestCase(BytecodeTestCase): def test_assert_not_in_with_op_not_in_bytecode(self): code = compile("a = 1", "", "exec") self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_CONST", 1) self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_NAME") self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_NAME", "a") def test_assert_not_in_with_arg_not_in_bytecode(self): code = compile("a = 1", "", "exec") self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_CONST") self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_CONST", 1) self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_CONST", 2) def test_assert_not_in_with_arg_in_bytecode(self): code = compile("a = 1", "", "exec") with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_CONST", 1) class TestFinderMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test__find_imports(self): cases = [ ("import a.b.c", ('a.b.c', 0, None)), ("from a.b import c", ('a.b', 0, ('c',))), ("from a.b import c as d", ('a.b', 0, ('c',))), ("from a.b import *", ('a.b', 0, ('*',))), ("from ...a.b import c as d", ('a.b', 3, ('c',))), ("from ..a.b import c as d, e as f", ('a.b', 2, ('c', 'e'))), ("from ..a.b import *", ('a.b', 2, ('*',))), ] for src, expected in cases: with self.subTest(src=src): code = compile(src, "", "exec") res = tuple(dis._find_imports(code)) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertEqual(res[0], expected) def test__find_store_names(self): cases = [ ("x+y", ()), ("x=y=1", ('x', 'y')), ("x+=y", ('x',)), ("global x\nx=y=1", ('x', 'y')), ("global x\nz=x", ('z',)), ] for src, expected in cases: with self.subTest(src=src): code = compile(src, "", "exec") res = tuple(dis._find_store_names(code)) self.assertEqual(res, expected) def test_findlabels(self): labels = dis.findlabels(jumpy.__code__.co_code) jumps = [ instr.offset for instr in expected_opinfo_jumpy if instr.is_jump_target ] self.assertEqual(sorted(labels), sorted(jumps)) def test_findlinestarts(self): def func(): pass code = func.__code__ offsets = [linestart[0] for linestart in dis.findlinestarts(code)] self.assertEqual(offsets, [0, 2]) class TestDisTraceback(DisTestBase): def setUp(self) -> None: try: # We need to clean up existing tracebacks del sys.last_exc except AttributeError: pass try: # We need to clean up existing tracebacks del sys.last_traceback except AttributeError: pass return super().setUp() def get_disassembly(self, tb): output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): dis.distb(tb) return output.getvalue() def test_distb_empty(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): dis.distb() def test_distb_last_traceback(self): self.maxDiff = None # We need to have an existing last traceback in `sys`: tb = get_tb() sys.last_traceback = tb self.do_disassembly_compare(self.get_disassembly(None), dis_traceback) def test_distb_explicit_arg(self): self.maxDiff = None tb = get_tb() self.do_disassembly_compare(self.get_disassembly(tb), dis_traceback) class TestDisTracebackWithFile(TestDisTraceback): # Run the `distb` tests again, using the file arg instead of print def get_disassembly(self, tb): output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): dis.distb(tb, file=output) return output.getvalue() def _unroll_caches_as_Instructions(instrs, show_caches=False): # Cache entries are no longer reported by dis as fake instructions, # but some tests assume that do. We should rewrite the tests to assume # the new API, but it will be clearer to keep the tests working as # before and do that in a separate PR. for instr in instrs: yield instr if not show_caches: continue offset = instr.offset for name, size, data in (instr.cache_info or ()): for i in range(size): offset += 2 # Only show the fancy argrepr for a CACHE instruction when it's # the first entry for a particular cache value: if i == 0: argrepr = f"{name}: {int.from_bytes(data, sys.byteorder)}" else: argrepr = "" yield Instruction("CACHE", CACHE, 0, None, argrepr, offset, offset, False, None, None, instr.positions) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()