# Minimal tests for dis module import ast import contextlib import dis import functools import io import itertools import opcode import re import sys import tempfile import textwrap import types import unittest from test.support import (captured_stdout, requires_debug_ranges, requires_specialization, cpython_only, os_helper) from test.support.bytecode_helper import BytecodeTestCase CACHE = dis.opmap["CACHE"] def get_tb(): def _error(): try: 1 / 0 except Exception as e: tb = e.__traceback__ return tb tb = _error() while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next return tb TRACEBACK_CODE = get_tb().tb_frame.f_code class _C: def __init__(self, x): self.x = x == 1 @staticmethod def sm(x): x = x == 1 @classmethod def cm(cls, x): cls.x = x == 1 dis_c_instance_method = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 1 (x) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 COMPARE_OP 72 (==) LOAD_FAST 0 (self) STORE_ATTR 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ % (_C.__init__.__code__.co_firstlineno, _C.__init__.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,) dis_c_instance_method_bytes = """\ RESUME 0 LOAD_FAST 1 LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 COMPARE_OP 72 (==) LOAD_FAST 0 STORE_ATTR 0 LOAD_CONST 0 RETURN_VALUE """ dis_c_class_method = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 1 (x) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 COMPARE_OP 72 (==) LOAD_FAST 0 (cls) STORE_ATTR 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ % (_C.cm.__code__.co_firstlineno, _C.cm.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2,) dis_c_static_method = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 0 (x) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 COMPARE_OP 72 (==) STORE_FAST 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ % (_C.sm.__code__.co_firstlineno, _C.sm.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2,) # Class disassembling info has an extra newline at end. dis_c = """\ Disassembly of %s: %s Disassembly of %s: %s Disassembly of %s: %s """ % (_C.__init__.__name__, dis_c_instance_method, _C.cm.__name__, dis_c_class_method, _C.sm.__name__, dis_c_static_method) def _f(a): print(a) return 1 dis_f = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (print + NULL) LOAD_FAST 0 (a) CALL 1 POP_TOP %3d LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 RETURN_VALUE """ % (_f.__code__.co_firstlineno, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2) dis_f_with_offsets = """\ %3d 0 RESUME 0 %3d 2 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (print + NULL) 12 LOAD_FAST 0 (a) 14 CALL 1 22 POP_TOP %3d 24 LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 26 RETURN_VALUE """ % (_f.__code__.co_firstlineno, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2) dis_f_with_positions_format = f"""\ %-14s RESUME 0 %-14s LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (print + NULL) %-14s LOAD_FAST 0 (a) %-14s CALL 1 %-14s POP_TOP %-14s LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 %-14s RETURN_VALUE """ dis_f_co_code = """\ RESUME 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 LOAD_FAST 0 CALL 1 POP_TOP LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 RETURN_VALUE """ def bug708901(): for res in range(1, 10): pass dis_bug708901 = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (range + NULL) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 %3d LOAD_SMALL_INT 10 %3d CALL 2 GET_ITER L1: FOR_ITER 3 (to L2) STORE_FAST 0 (res) %3d JUMP_BACKWARD 5 (to L1) %3d L2: END_FOR POP_ITER LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ % (bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) def bug1333982(x=[]): assert 0, ((s for s in x) + 1) pass dis_bug1333982 = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_COMMON_CONSTANT 0 (AssertionError) LOAD_CONST 0 ( at 0x..., file "%s", line %d>) MAKE_FUNCTION LOAD_FAST 0 (x) GET_ITER CALL 0 %3d LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 %3d BINARY_OP 0 (+) CALL 0 RAISE_VARARGS 1 """ % (bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, __file__, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) def bug42562(): pass # Set line number for 'pass' to None bug42562.__code__ = bug42562.__code__.replace(co_linetable=b'\xf8') dis_bug42562 = """\ RESUME 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ # Extended arg followed by NOP code_bug_45757 = bytes([ opcode.opmap['EXTENDED_ARG'], 0x01, opcode.opmap['NOP'], 0xFF, opcode.opmap['EXTENDED_ARG'], 0x01, opcode.opmap['LOAD_CONST'], 0x29, opcode.opmap['RETURN_VALUE'], 0x00, ]) dis_bug_45757 = """\ EXTENDED_ARG 1 NOP EXTENDED_ARG 1 LOAD_CONST 297 RETURN_VALUE """ # [255, 255, 255, 252] is -4 in a 4 byte signed integer bug46724 = bytes([ opcode.EXTENDED_ARG, 255, opcode.EXTENDED_ARG, 255, opcode.EXTENDED_ARG, 255, opcode.opmap['JUMP_FORWARD'], 252, ]) dis_bug46724 = """\ L1: EXTENDED_ARG 255 EXTENDED_ARG 65535 EXTENDED_ARG 16777215 JUMP_FORWARD -4 (to L1) """ def func_w_kwargs(a, b, **c): pass def wrap_func_w_kwargs(): func_w_kwargs(1, 2, c=5) dis_kw_names = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (func_w_kwargs + NULL) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 LOAD_SMALL_INT 2 LOAD_SMALL_INT 5 LOAD_CONST 0 (('c',)) CALL_KW 3 POP_TOP LOAD_CONST 1 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ % (wrap_func_w_kwargs.__code__.co_firstlineno, wrap_func_w_kwargs.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) dis_intrinsic_1_2 = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_SMALL_INT 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (('*',)) IMPORT_NAME 0 (math) CALL_INTRINSIC_1 2 (INTRINSIC_IMPORT_STAR) POP_TOP LOAD_CONST 1 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ dis_intrinsic_1_5 = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (a) CALL_INTRINSIC_1 5 (INTRINSIC_UNARY_POSITIVE) RETURN_VALUE """ dis_intrinsic_1_6 = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 BUILD_LIST 0 LOAD_NAME 0 (a) LIST_EXTEND 1 CALL_INTRINSIC_1 6 (INTRINSIC_LIST_TO_TUPLE) RETURN_VALUE """ _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT = """\ 1 RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (spam) POP_TOP LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT2 = """\ 1 RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (spam) POP_TOP LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ dis_module_expected_results = """\ Disassembly of f: 4 RESUME 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE Disassembly of g: 5 RESUME 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ expr_str = "x + 1" dis_expr_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (x) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 BINARY_OP 0 (+) RETURN_VALUE """ simple_stmt_str = "x = x + 1" dis_simple_stmt_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (x) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 BINARY_OP 0 (+) STORE_NAME 0 (x) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ annot_stmt_str = """\ x: int = 1 y: fun(1) lst[fun(0)]: int = 1 """ # leading newline is for a reason (tests lineno) dis_annot_stmt_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 2 LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 STORE_NAME 0 (x) 4 LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 LOAD_NAME 1 (lst) LOAD_NAME 2 (fun) PUSH_NULL LOAD_SMALL_INT 0 CALL 1 STORE_SUBSCR 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (", line 2>) MAKE_FUNCTION STORE_NAME 3 (__annotate__) LOAD_CONST 1 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ fn_with_annotate_str = """ def foo(a: int, b: str) -> str: return a * b """ dis_fn_with_annotate_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (", line 2>) MAKE_FUNCTION LOAD_CONST 1 (", line 2>) MAKE_FUNCTION SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE 16 (annotate) STORE_NAME 0 (foo) LOAD_CONST 2 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ compound_stmt_str = """\ x = 0 while 1: x += 1""" # Trailing newline has been deliberately omitted dis_compound_stmt_str = """\ 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_SMALL_INT 0 STORE_NAME 0 (x) 2 L1: NOP 3 LOAD_NAME 0 (x) LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 BINARY_OP 13 (+=) STORE_NAME 0 (x) JUMP_BACKWARD 8 (to L1) """ dis_traceback = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d NOP %4d L1: LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 LOAD_SMALL_INT 0 --> BINARY_OP 11 (/) POP_TOP %4d L2: LOAD_FAST_CHECK 1 (tb) RETURN_VALUE -- L3: PUSH_EXC_INFO %4d LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (Exception) CHECK_EXC_MATCH POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 24 (to L7) NOT_TAKEN STORE_FAST 0 (e) %4d L4: LOAD_FAST 0 (e) LOAD_ATTR 2 (__traceback__) STORE_FAST 1 (tb) L5: POP_EXCEPT LOAD_CONST 0 (None) STORE_FAST 0 (e) DELETE_FAST 0 (e) %4d LOAD_FAST 1 (tb) RETURN_VALUE -- L6: LOAD_CONST 0 (None) STORE_FAST 0 (e) DELETE_FAST 0 (e) RERAISE 1 %4d L7: RERAISE 0 -- L8: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L3 [0] L3 to L4 -> L8 [1] lasti L4 to L5 -> L6 [1] lasti L6 to L8 -> L8 [1] lasti """ % (TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 1, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 2, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 5, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 3, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 4, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 5, TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 3) def _fstring(a, b, c, d): return f'{a} {b:4} {c!r} {d!r:4}' dis_fstring = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_FAST 0 (a) FORMAT_SIMPLE LOAD_CONST 0 (' ') LOAD_FAST 1 (b) LOAD_CONST 1 ('4') FORMAT_WITH_SPEC LOAD_CONST 0 (' ') LOAD_FAST 2 (c) CONVERT_VALUE 2 (repr) FORMAT_SIMPLE LOAD_CONST 0 (' ') LOAD_FAST 3 (d) CONVERT_VALUE 2 (repr) LOAD_CONST 1 ('4') FORMAT_WITH_SPEC BUILD_STRING 7 RETURN_VALUE """ % (_fstring.__code__.co_firstlineno, _fstring.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1) def _with(c): with c: x = 1 y = 2 dis_with = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (c) COPY 1 LOAD_SPECIAL 1 (__exit__) SWAP 2 SWAP 3 LOAD_SPECIAL 0 (__enter__) CALL 0 L1: POP_TOP %4d LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 STORE_FAST 1 (x) %4d L2: LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) CALL 3 POP_TOP %4d LOAD_SMALL_INT 2 STORE_FAST 2 (y) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE %4d L3: PUSH_EXC_INFO WITH_EXCEPT_START TO_BOOL POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE 2 (to L4) NOT_TAKEN RERAISE 2 L4: POP_TOP L5: POP_EXCEPT POP_TOP POP_TOP POP_TOP %4d LOAD_SMALL_INT 2 STORE_FAST 2 (y) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE -- L6: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L3 [2] lasti L3 to L5 -> L6 [4] lasti """ % (_with.__code__.co_firstlineno, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _with.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) async def _asyncwith(c): async with c: x = 1 y = 2 dis_asyncwith = """\ %4d RETURN_GENERATOR POP_TOP L1: RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (c) COPY 1 LOAD_SPECIAL 3 (__aexit__) SWAP 2 SWAP 3 LOAD_SPECIAL 2 (__aenter__) CALL 0 GET_AWAITABLE 1 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) L2: SEND 3 (to L5) L3: YIELD_VALUE 1 L4: RESUME 3 JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 5 (to L2) L5: END_SEND L6: POP_TOP %4d LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 STORE_FAST 1 (x) %4d L7: LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) CALL 3 GET_AWAITABLE 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) L8: SEND 3 (to L11) L9: YIELD_VALUE 1 L10: RESUME 3 JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 5 (to L8) L11: END_SEND POP_TOP %4d LOAD_SMALL_INT 2 STORE_FAST 2 (y) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE %4d L12: CLEANUP_THROW L13: JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 26 (to L5) L14: CLEANUP_THROW L15: JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 10 (to L11) L16: PUSH_EXC_INFO WITH_EXCEPT_START GET_AWAITABLE 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) L17: SEND 4 (to L21) L18: YIELD_VALUE 1 L19: RESUME 3 JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT 5 (to L17) L20: CLEANUP_THROW L21: END_SEND TO_BOOL POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE 2 (to L24) L22: NOT_TAKEN L23: RERAISE 2 L24: POP_TOP L25: POP_EXCEPT POP_TOP POP_TOP POP_TOP %4d LOAD_SMALL_INT 2 STORE_FAST 2 (y) LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE -- L26: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 L27: CALL_INTRINSIC_1 3 (INTRINSIC_STOPITERATION_ERROR) RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L3 -> L27 [0] lasti L3 to L4 -> L12 [4] L4 to L6 -> L27 [0] lasti L6 to L7 -> L16 [2] lasti L7 to L9 -> L27 [0] lasti L9 to L10 -> L14 [2] L10 to L13 -> L27 [0] lasti L14 to L15 -> L27 [0] lasti L16 to L18 -> L26 [4] lasti L18 to L19 -> L20 [7] L19 to L22 -> L26 [4] lasti L23 to L25 -> L26 [4] lasti L25 to L27 -> L27 [0] lasti """ % (_asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _asyncwith.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) def _tryfinally(a, b): try: return a finally: b() def _tryfinallyconst(b): try: return 1 finally: b() dis_tryfinally = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d NOP %4d L1: LOAD_FAST 0 (a) %4d L2: LOAD_FAST 1 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP RETURN_VALUE -- L3: PUSH_EXC_INFO %4d LOAD_FAST 1 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP RERAISE 0 -- L4: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L3 [0] L3 to L4 -> L4 [1] lasti """ % (_tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, _tryfinally.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, ) dis_tryfinallyconst = """\ %4d RESUME 0 %4d NOP %4d NOP %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 RETURN_VALUE -- L1: PUSH_EXC_INFO %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (b) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 POP_TOP RERAISE 0 -- L2: COPY 3 POP_EXCEPT RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L2 -> L2 [1] lasti """ % (_tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, _tryfinallyconst.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, ) def _g(x): yield x async def _ag(x): yield x async def _co(x): async for item in _ag(x): pass def _h(y): def foo(x): '''funcdoc''' return list(x + z for z in y) return foo dis_nested_0 = """\ -- MAKE_CELL 0 (y) %4d RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_FAST 0 (y) BUILD_TUPLE 1 LOAD_CONST 0 () MAKE_FUNCTION SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE 8 (closure) STORE_FAST 1 (foo) %4d LOAD_FAST 1 (foo) RETURN_VALUE """ % (_h.__code__.co_firstlineno, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 4, ) dis_nested_1 = """%s Disassembly of : -- COPY_FREE_VARS 1 MAKE_CELL 0 (x) %4d RESUME 0 %4d LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (list + NULL) LOAD_FAST 0 (x) BUILD_TUPLE 1 LOAD_CONST 1 ( at 0x..., file "%s", line %d>) MAKE_FUNCTION SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE 8 (closure) LOAD_DEREF 1 (y) GET_ITER CALL 0 CALL 1 RETURN_VALUE """ % (dis_nested_0, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) dis_nested_2 = """%s Disassembly of at 0x..., file "%s", line %d>: -- COPY_FREE_VARS 1 %4d RETURN_GENERATOR POP_TOP L1: RESUME 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0) GET_ITER L2: FOR_ITER 10 (to L3) STORE_FAST 1 (z) LOAD_DEREF 2 (x) LOAD_FAST 1 (z) BINARY_OP 0 (+) YIELD_VALUE 0 RESUME 5 POP_TOP JUMP_BACKWARD 12 (to L2) L3: END_FOR POP_ITER LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE -- L4: CALL_INTRINSIC_1 3 (INTRINSIC_STOPITERATION_ERROR) RERAISE 1 ExceptionTable: L1 to L4 -> L4 [0] lasti """ % (dis_nested_1, __file__, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, _h.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3, ) def load_test(x, y=0): a, b = x, y return a, b dis_load_test_quickened_code = """\ %3d RESUME_CHECK 0 %3d LOAD_FAST_LOAD_FAST 1 (x, y) STORE_FAST_STORE_FAST 50 (b, a) %3d LOAD_FAST_LOAD_FAST 35 (a, b) BUILD_TUPLE 2 RETURN_VALUE """ % (load_test.__code__.co_firstlineno, load_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, load_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2) def loop_test(): for i in [1, 2, 3] * 3: load_test(i) dis_loop_test_quickened_code = """\ %3d RESUME_CHECK 0 %3d BUILD_LIST 0 LOAD_CONST 0 ((1, 2, 3)) LIST_EXTEND 1 LOAD_SMALL_INT 3 BINARY_OP 5 (*) GET_ITER L1: FOR_ITER_LIST 14 (to L2) STORE_FAST 0 (i) %3d LOAD_GLOBAL_MODULE 1 (load_test + NULL) LOAD_FAST 0 (i) CALL_PY_GENERAL 1 POP_TOP JUMP_BACKWARD 16 (to L1) %3d L2: END_FOR POP_ITER LOAD_CONST_IMMORTAL 1 (None) RETURN_VALUE """ % (loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno, loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1, loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2, loop_test.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,) def extended_arg_quick(): *_, _ = ... dis_extended_arg_quick_code = """\ %3d RESUME 0 %3d LOAD_CONST 0 (Ellipsis) EXTENDED_ARG 1 UNPACK_EX 256 POP_TOP STORE_FAST 0 (_) LOAD_CONST 1 (None) RETURN_VALUE """% (extended_arg_quick.__code__.co_firstlineno, extended_arg_quick.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,) ADAPTIVE_WARMUP_DELAY = 2 class DisTestBase(unittest.TestCase): "Common utilities for DisTests and TestDisTraceback" def strip_addresses(self, text): return re.sub(r'\b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\b', '0x...', text) def assert_exception_table_increasing(self, lines): prev_start, prev_end = -1, -1 count = 0 for line in lines: m = re.match(r' L(\d+) to L(\d+) -> L\d+ \[\d+\]', line) start, end = [int(g) for g in m.groups()] self.assertGreaterEqual(end, start) self.assertGreaterEqual(start, prev_end) prev_start, prev_end = start, end count += 1 return count def do_disassembly_compare(self, got, expected): if got != expected: got = self.strip_addresses(got) self.assertEqual(got, expected) class DisTests(DisTestBase): maxDiff = None def get_disassembly(self, func, lasti=-1, wrapper=True, **kwargs): # We want to test the default printing behaviour, not the file arg output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): if wrapper: dis.dis(func, **kwargs) else: dis.disassemble(func, lasti, **kwargs) return output.getvalue() def get_disassemble_as_string(self, func, lasti=-1): return self.get_disassembly(func, lasti, False) def do_disassembly_test(self, func, expected, **kwargs): self.maxDiff = None got = self.get_disassembly(func, depth=0, **kwargs) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, expected) # Add checks for dis.disco if hasattr(func, '__code__'): got_disco = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(got_disco): dis.disco(func.__code__, **kwargs) self.do_disassembly_compare(got_disco.getvalue(), expected) def test_opmap(self): self.assertEqual(dis.opmap["CACHE"], 0) self.assertIn(dis.opmap["LOAD_CONST"], dis.hasconst) self.assertIn(dis.opmap["STORE_NAME"], dis.hasname) def test_opname(self): self.assertEqual(dis.opname[dis.opmap["LOAD_FAST"]], "LOAD_FAST") def test_boundaries(self): self.assertEqual(dis.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], dis.EXTENDED_ARG) def test_widths(self): long_opcodes = set(['JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT', 'INSTRUMENTED_CALL_FUNCTION_EX']) for opcode, opname in enumerate(dis.opname): if opname in long_opcodes or opname.startswith("INSTRUMENTED"): continue with self.subTest(opname=opname): width = dis._OPNAME_WIDTH if opcode in dis.hasarg: width += 1 + dis._OPARG_WIDTH self.assertLessEqual(len(opname), width) def test_dis(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_f, dis_f) def test_dis_with_offsets(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_f, dis_f_with_offsets, show_offsets=True) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_dis_with_all_positions(self): def format_instr_positions(instr): values = tuple('?' if p is None else p for p in instr.positions) return '%s:%s-%s:%s' % (values[0], values[2], values[1], values[3]) instrs = list(dis.get_instructions(_f)) for instr in instrs: with self.subTest(instr=instr): self.assertTrue(all(p is not None for p in instr.positions)) positions = tuple(map(format_instr_positions, instrs)) expected = dis_f_with_positions_format % positions self.do_disassembly_test(_f, expected, show_positions=True) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_dis_with_some_positions(self): code = ("def f():\n" " try: pass\n" " finally:pass") f = compile(ast.parse(code), "?", "exec").co_consts[0] expect = '\n'.join([ '1:0-1:0 RESUME 0', '', '2:3-3:15 NOP', '', '3:11-3:15 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)', '3:11-3:15 RETURN_VALUE', '', ' -- L1: PUSH_EXC_INFO', '', '3:11-3:15 RERAISE 0', '', ' -- L2: COPY 3', ' -- POP_EXCEPT', ' -- RERAISE 1', 'ExceptionTable:', ' L1 to L2 -> L2 [1] lasti', '', ]) self.do_disassembly_test(f, expect, show_positions=True) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_dis_with_linenos_but_no_columns(self): code = "def f():\n\tx = 1" tree = ast.parse(code) func = tree.body[0] ass_x = func.body[0].targets[0] # remove columns information but keep line information ass_x.col_offset = ass_x.end_col_offset = -1 f = compile(tree, "?", "exec").co_consts[0] expect = '\n'.join([ '1:0-1:0 RESUME 0', '', '2:5-2:6 LOAD_SMALL_INT 1', '2:?-2:? STORE_FAST 0 (x)', '2:?-2:? LOAD_CONST 0 (None)', '2:?-2:? RETURN_VALUE', '', ]) self.do_disassembly_test(f, expect, show_positions=True) def test_dis_with_no_positions(self): def f(): pass f.__code__ = f.__code__.replace(co_linetable=b'') expect = '\n'.join([ ' RESUME 0', ' LOAD_CONST 0 (None)', ' RETURN_VALUE', '', ]) self.do_disassembly_test(f, expect, show_positions=True) def test_bug_708901(self): self.do_disassembly_test(bug708901, dis_bug708901) def test_bug_1333982(self): # This one is checking bytecodes generated for an `assert` statement, # so fails if the tests are run with -O. Skip this test then. if not __debug__: self.skipTest('need asserts, run without -O') self.do_disassembly_test(bug1333982, dis_bug1333982) def test_bug_42562(self): self.do_disassembly_test(bug42562, dis_bug42562) def test_bug_45757(self): # Extended arg followed by NOP self.do_disassembly_test(code_bug_45757, dis_bug_45757) def test_bug_46724(self): # Test that negative operargs are handled properly self.do_disassembly_test(bug46724, dis_bug46724) def test_kw_names(self): # Test that value is displayed for keyword argument names: self.do_disassembly_test(wrap_func_w_kwargs, dis_kw_names) def test_intrinsic_1(self): # Test that argrepr is displayed for CALL_INTRINSIC_1 self.do_disassembly_test("from math import *", dis_intrinsic_1_2) self.do_disassembly_test("+a", dis_intrinsic_1_5) self.do_disassembly_test("(*a,)", dis_intrinsic_1_6) def test_intrinsic_2(self): self.assertIn("CALL_INTRINSIC_2 1 (INTRINSIC_PREP_RERAISE_STAR)", self.get_disassembly("try: pass\nexcept* Exception: x")) def test_big_linenos(self): def func(count): namespace = {} func = "def foo():\n " + "".join(["\n "] * count + ["spam\n"]) exec(func, namespace) return namespace['foo'] # Test all small ranges for i in range(1, 300): expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT % (i + 2) self.do_disassembly_test(func(i), expected) # Test some larger ranges too for i in range(300, 1000, 10): expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT % (i + 2) self.do_disassembly_test(func(i), expected) for i in range(1000, 5000, 10): expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT2 % (i + 2) self.do_disassembly_test(func(i), expected) from test import dis_module self.do_disassembly_test(dis_module, dis_module_expected_results) def test_disassemble_str(self): self.do_disassembly_test(expr_str, dis_expr_str) self.do_disassembly_test(simple_stmt_str, dis_simple_stmt_str) self.do_disassembly_test(annot_stmt_str, dis_annot_stmt_str) self.do_disassembly_test(fn_with_annotate_str, dis_fn_with_annotate_str) self.do_disassembly_test(compound_stmt_str, dis_compound_stmt_str) def test_disassemble_bytes(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_f.__code__.co_code, dis_f_co_code) def test_disassemble_class(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C, dis_c) def test_disassemble_instance_method(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C(1).__init__, dis_c_instance_method) def test_disassemble_instance_method_bytes(self): method_bytecode = _C(1).__init__.__code__.co_code self.do_disassembly_test(method_bytecode, dis_c_instance_method_bytes) def test_disassemble_static_method(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C.sm, dis_c_static_method) def test_disassemble_class_method(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_C.cm, dis_c_class_method) def test_disassemble_generator(self): gen_func_disas = self.get_disassembly(_g) # Generator function gen_disas = self.get_disassembly(_g(1)) # Generator iterator self.assertEqual(gen_disas, gen_func_disas) def test_disassemble_async_generator(self): agen_func_disas = self.get_disassembly(_ag) # Async generator function agen_disas = self.get_disassembly(_ag(1)) # Async generator iterator self.assertEqual(agen_disas, agen_func_disas) def test_disassemble_coroutine(self): coro_func_disas = self.get_disassembly(_co) # Coroutine function coro = _co(1) # Coroutine object coro.close() # Avoid a RuntimeWarning (never awaited) coro_disas = self.get_disassembly(coro) self.assertEqual(coro_disas, coro_func_disas) def test_disassemble_fstring(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_fstring, dis_fstring) def test_disassemble_with(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_with, dis_with) def test_disassemble_asyncwith(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_asyncwith, dis_asyncwith) def test_disassemble_try_finally(self): self.do_disassembly_test(_tryfinally, dis_tryfinally) self.do_disassembly_test(_tryfinallyconst, dis_tryfinallyconst) def test_dis_none(self): try: del sys.last_exc except AttributeError: pass try: del sys.last_traceback except AttributeError: pass self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, dis.dis, None) def test_dis_traceback(self): self.maxDiff = None try: del sys.last_traceback except AttributeError: pass try: 1/0 except Exception as e: tb = e.__traceback__ sys.last_exc = e tb_dis = self.get_disassemble_as_string(tb.tb_frame.f_code, tb.tb_lasti) self.do_disassembly_test(None, tb_dis) def test_dis_object(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, dis.dis, object()) def test_disassemble_recursive(self): def check(expected, **kwargs): dis = self.get_disassembly(_h, **kwargs) dis = self.strip_addresses(dis) self.assertEqual(dis, expected) check(dis_nested_0, depth=0) check(dis_nested_1, depth=1) check(dis_nested_2, depth=2) check(dis_nested_2, depth=3) check(dis_nested_2, depth=None) check(dis_nested_2) def test__try_compile_no_context_exc_on_error(self): # see gh-102114 try: dis._try_compile(")", "") except Exception as e: self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) @staticmethod def code_quicken(f, times=ADAPTIVE_WARMUP_DELAY): for _ in range(times): f() @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_super_instructions(self): self.code_quicken(lambda: load_test(0, 0)) got = self.get_disassembly(load_test, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, dis_load_test_quickened_code) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_load_attr_specialize(self): load_attr_quicken = """\ 0 RESUME_CHECK 0 1 LOAD_CONST_IMMORTAL 0 ('a') LOAD_ATTR_SLOT 0 (__class__) RETURN_VALUE """ co = compile("'a'.__class__", "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co, {}, {})) got = self.get_disassembly(co, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, load_attr_quicken) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_call_specialize(self): call_quicken = """\ 0 RESUME_CHECK 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (str) PUSH_NULL LOAD_SMALL_INT 1 CALL_STR_1 1 RETURN_VALUE """ co = compile("str(1)", "", "eval") self.code_quicken(lambda: exec(co, {}, {})) got = self.get_disassembly(co, adaptive=True) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, call_quicken) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_loop_quicken(self): # Loop can trigger a quicken where the loop is located self.code_quicken(loop_test, 4) got = self.get_disassembly(loop_test, adaptive=True) expected = dis_loop_test_quickened_code self.do_disassembly_compare(got, expected) @cpython_only @requires_specialization def test_loop_with_conditional_at_end_is_quickened(self): def for_loop_true(x): for i in range(10): if x: pass for_loop_true(True) self.assertIn('FOR_ITER_RANGE', self.get_disassembly(for_loop_true, adaptive=True)) def for_loop_false(x): for i in range(10): if x: pass for_loop_false(False) self.assertIn('FOR_ITER_RANGE', self.get_disassembly(for_loop_false, adaptive=True)) def while_loop(): i = 0 while i < 10: i += 1 while_loop() self.assertIn('COMPARE_OP_INT', self.get_disassembly(while_loop, adaptive=True)) @cpython_only def test_extended_arg_quick(self): got = self.get_disassembly(extended_arg_quick) self.do_disassembly_compare(got, dis_extended_arg_quick_code) def get_cached_values(self, quickened, adaptive): def f(): l = [] for i in range(42): l.append(i) if quickened: self.code_quicken(f) else: # "copy" the code to un-quicken it: f.__code__ = f.__code__.replace() for instruction in _unroll_caches_as_Instructions(dis.get_instructions( f, show_caches=True, adaptive=adaptive ), show_caches=True): if instruction.opname == "CACHE": yield instruction.argrepr @cpython_only def test_show_caches(self): for quickened in (False, True): for adaptive in (False, True): with self.subTest(f"{quickened=}, {adaptive=}"): if adaptive: pattern = r"^(\w+: \d+)?$" else: pattern = r"^(\w+: 0)?$" caches = list(self.get_cached_values(quickened, adaptive)) for cache in caches: self.assertRegex(cache, pattern) total_caches = 21 empty_caches = 7 self.assertEqual(caches.count(""), empty_caches) self.assertEqual(len(caches), total_caches) @cpython_only def test_show_currinstr_with_cache(self): """ Make sure that with lasti pointing to CACHE, it still shows the current line correctly """ def f(): print(a) # The code above should generate a LOAD_GLOBAL which has CACHE instr after # However, this might change in the future. So we explicitly try to find # a CACHE entry in the instructions. If we can't do that, fail the test for inst in _unroll_caches_as_Instructions( dis.get_instructions(f, show_caches=True), show_caches=True): if inst.opname == "CACHE": op_offset = inst.offset - 2 cache_offset = inst.offset break else: opname = inst.opname else: self.fail("Can't find a CACHE entry in the function provided to do the test") assem_op = self.get_disassembly(f.__code__, lasti=op_offset, wrapper=False) assem_cache = self.get_disassembly(f.__code__, lasti=cache_offset, wrapper=False) # Make sure --> exists and points to the correct op self.assertRegex(assem_op, fr"--> {opname}") # Make sure when lasti points to cache, it shows the same disassembly self.assertEqual(assem_op, assem_cache) class DisWithFileTests(DisTests): # Run the tests again, using the file arg instead of print def get_disassembly(self, func, lasti=-1, wrapper=True, **kwargs): output = io.StringIO() if wrapper: dis.dis(func, file=output, **kwargs) else: dis.disassemble(func, lasti, file=output, **kwargs) return output.getvalue() if dis.code_info.__doc__ is None: code_info_consts = "0: None" else: code_info_consts = "0: 'Formatted details of methods, functions, or code.'" code_info_code_info = f"""\ Name: code_info Filename: (.*) Argument count: 1 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 1 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, HAS_DOCSTRING Constants: {code_info_consts} Names: 0: _format_code_info 1: _get_code_object Variable names: 0: x""" @staticmethod def tricky(a, b, /, x, y, z=True, *args, c, d, e=[], **kwds): def f(c=c): print(a, b, x, y, z, c, d, e, f) yield a, b, x, y, z, c, d, e, f code_info_tricky = """\ Name: tricky Filename: (.*) Argument count: 5 Positional-only arguments: 2 Kw-only arguments: 3 Number of locals: 10 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, VARARGS, VARKEYWORDS, GENERATOR Constants: 0: 1: None Variable names: 0: a 1: b 2: x 3: y 4: z 5: c 6: d 7: e 8: args 9: kwds Cell variables: 0: [abedfxyz] 1: [abedfxyz] 2: [abedfxyz] 3: [abedfxyz] 4: [abedfxyz] 5: [abedfxyz] 6: [abedfxyz] 7: [abedfxyz]""" # NOTE: the order of the cell variables above depends on dictionary order! co_tricky_nested_f = tricky.__func__.__code__.co_consts[0] code_info_tricky_nested_f = """\ Filename: (.*) Argument count: 1 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 1 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, NESTED Constants: 0: None Names: 0: print Variable names: 0: c Free variables: 0: [abedfxyz] 1: [abedfxyz] 2: [abedfxyz] 3: [abedfxyz] 4: [abedfxyz] 5: [abedfxyz]""" code_info_expr_str = """\ Name: Filename: Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 0 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: 0x0 Names: 0: x""" code_info_simple_stmt_str = """\ Name: Filename: Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 0 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: 0x0 Constants: 0: None Names: 0: x""" code_info_compound_stmt_str = """\ Name: Filename: Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 0 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: 0x0 Constants: 0: None Names: 0: x""" async def async_def(): await 1 async for a in b: pass async with c as d: pass code_info_async_def = """\ Name: async_def Filename: (.*) Argument count: 0 Positional-only arguments: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 2 Stack size: \\d+ Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, COROUTINE Constants: 0: None Names: 0: b 1: c Variable names: 0: a 1: d""" class CodeInfoTests(unittest.TestCase): test_pairs = [ (dis.code_info, code_info_code_info), (tricky, code_info_tricky), (co_tricky_nested_f, code_info_tricky_nested_f), (expr_str, code_info_expr_str), (simple_stmt_str, code_info_simple_stmt_str), (compound_stmt_str, code_info_compound_stmt_str), (async_def, code_info_async_def) ] def test_code_info(self): self.maxDiff = 1000 for x, expected in self.test_pairs: self.assertRegex(dis.code_info(x), expected) def test_show_code(self): self.maxDiff = 1000 for x, expected in self.test_pairs: with captured_stdout() as output: dis.show_code(x) self.assertRegex(output.getvalue(), expected+"\n") output = io.StringIO() dis.show_code(x, file=output) self.assertRegex(output.getvalue(), expected) def test_code_info_object(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, dis.code_info, object()) def test_pretty_flags_no_flags(self): self.assertEqual(dis.pretty_flags(0), '0x0') # Fodder for instruction introspection tests # Editing any of these may require recalculating the expected output def outer(a=1, b=2): def f(c=3, d=4): def inner(e=5, f=6): print(a, b, c, d, e, f) print(a, b, c, d) return inner print(a, b, '', 1, [], {}, "Hello world!") return f def jumpy(): # This won't actually run (but that's OK, we only disassemble it) for i in range(10): print(i) if i < 4: continue if i > 6: break else: print("I can haz else clause?") while i: print(i) i -= 1 if i > 6: continue if i < 4: break else: print("Who let lolcatz into this test suite?") try: 1 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError: print("Here we go, here we go, here we go...") else: with i as dodgy: print("Never reach this") finally: print("OK, now we're done") # End fodder for opinfo generation tests expected_outer_line = 1 _line_offset = outer.__code__.co_firstlineno - 1 code_object_f = outer.__code__.co_consts[0] expected_f_line = code_object_f.co_firstlineno - _line_offset code_object_inner = code_object_f.co_consts[0] expected_inner_line = code_object_inner.co_firstlineno - _line_offset expected_jumpy_line = 1 # The following lines are useful to regenerate the expected results after # either the fodder is modified or the bytecode generation changes # After regeneration, update the references to code_object_f and # code_object_inner before rerunning the tests def _stringify_instruction(instr): # Since line numbers and other offsets change a lot for these # test cases, ignore them. return f" {instr._replace(positions=None)!r}," def _prepare_test_cases(): ignore = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(ignore): f = outer() inner = f() _instructions_outer = dis.get_instructions(outer, first_line=expected_outer_line) _instructions_f = dis.get_instructions(f, first_line=expected_f_line) _instructions_inner = dis.get_instructions(inner, first_line=expected_inner_line) _instructions_jumpy = dis.get_instructions(jumpy, first_line=expected_jumpy_line) result = "\n".join( [ "expected_opinfo_outer = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_outer), "]", "", "expected_opinfo_f = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_f), "]", "", "expected_opinfo_inner = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_inner), "]", "", "expected_opinfo_jumpy = [", *map(_stringify_instruction, _instructions_jumpy), "]", ] ) result = result.replace(repr(repr(code_object_f)), "repr(code_object_f)") result = result.replace(repr(code_object_f), "code_object_f") result = result.replace(repr(repr(code_object_inner)), "repr(code_object_inner)") result = result.replace(repr(code_object_inner), "code_object_inner") print(result) # from test.test_dis import _prepare_test_cases; _prepare_test_cases() Instruction = dis.Instruction expected_opinfo_outer = [ Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=94, arg=0, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=94, arg=1, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=4, start_offset=4, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=3, argval=(3, 4), argrepr='(3, 4)', offset=6, start_offset=6, starts_line=True, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=8, start_offset=8, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=1, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_TUPLE', opcode=50, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=12, start_offset=12, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=0, argval=code_object_f, argrepr=repr(code_object_f), offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_FUNCTION', opcode=23, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=16, start_offset=16, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=105, arg=8, argval=8, argrepr='closure', offset=18, start_offset=18, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=105, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='defaults', offset=20, start_offset=20, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=109, arg=2, argval='f', argrepr='f', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=1, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=True, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=34, start_offset=34, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=1, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=36, start_offset=36, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=1, argval='', argrepr="''", offset=38, start_offset=38, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=40, start_offset=40, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_LIST', opcode=45, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=42, start_offset=42, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_MAP', opcode=46, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=44, start_offset=44, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=2, argval='Hello world!', argrepr="'Hello world!'", offset=46, start_offset=46, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=7, argval=7, argrepr='', offset=48, start_offset=48, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=56, start_offset=56, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=2, argval='f', argrepr='f', offset=58, start_offset=58, starts_line=True, line_number=8, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_VALUE', opcode=35, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=60, start_offset=60, starts_line=False, line_number=8, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] expected_opinfo_f = [ Instruction(opname='COPY_FREE_VARS', opcode=60, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=94, arg=0, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_CELL', opcode=94, arg=1, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=4, start_offset=4, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=6, start_offset=6, starts_line=True, line_number=2, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=1, argval=(5, 6), argrepr='(5, 6)', offset=8, start_offset=8, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=3, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=4, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=12, start_offset=12, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=1, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=16, start_offset=16, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BUILD_TUPLE', opcode=50, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=18, start_offset=18, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=0, argval=code_object_inner, argrepr=repr(code_object_inner), offset=20, start_offset=20, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='MAKE_FUNCTION', opcode=23, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=105, arg=8, argval=8, argrepr='closure', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', opcode=105, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='defaults', offset=26, start_offset=26, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=109, arg=2, argval='inner', argrepr='inner', offset=28, start_offset=28, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=1, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=30, start_offset=30, starts_line=True, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=3, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=40, start_offset=40, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=4, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=42, start_offset=42, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=0, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=44, start_offset=44, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=1, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=46, start_offset=46, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=48, start_offset=48, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=56, start_offset=56, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=2, argval='inner', argrepr='inner', offset=58, start_offset=58, starts_line=True, line_number=6, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_VALUE', opcode=35, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=60, start_offset=60, starts_line=False, line_number=6, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] expected_opinfo_inner = [ Instruction(opname='COPY_FREE_VARS', opcode=60, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=1, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=4, start_offset=4, starts_line=True, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=2, argval='a', argrepr='a', offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=3, argval='b', argrepr='b', offset=16, start_offset=16, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=4, argval='c', argrepr='c', offset=18, start_offset=18, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_DEREF', opcode=82, arg=5, argval='d', argrepr='d', offset=20, start_offset=20, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST_LOAD_FAST', opcode=86, arg=1, argval=('e', 'f'), argrepr='e, f', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=6, argval=6, argrepr='', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=32, start_offset=32, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=34, start_offset=34, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_VALUE', opcode=35, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=36, start_offset=36, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] expected_opinfo_jumpy = [ Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=1, argval='range', argrepr='range + NULL', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=10, argval=10, argrepr='', offset=12, start_offset=12, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=14, start_offset=14, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='GET_ITER', opcode=16, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=22, start_offset=22, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='FOR_ITER', opcode=69, arg=32, argval=92, argrepr='to L4', offset=24, start_offset=24, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=1, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=109, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=28, start_offset=28, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=30, start_offset=30, starts_line=True, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=40, start_offset=40, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=42, start_offset=42, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=50, start_offset=50, starts_line=False, line_number=4, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=52, start_offset=52, starts_line=True, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=54, start_offset=54, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=56, arg=18, argval='<', argrepr='bool(<)', offset=56, start_offset=56, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=97, arg=3, argval=70, argrepr='to L2', offset=60, start_offset=60, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='NOT_TAKEN', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=64, start_offset=64, starts_line=False, line_number=5, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=74, arg=23, argval=24, argrepr='to L1', offset=66, start_offset=66, starts_line=True, line_number=6, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=70, start_offset=70, starts_line=True, line_number=7, label=2, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=6, argval=6, argrepr='', offset=72, start_offset=72, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=56, arg=148, argval='>', argrepr='bool(>)', offset=74, start_offset=74, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', opcode=100, arg=3, argval=88, argrepr='to L3', offset=78, start_offset=78, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='NOT_TAKEN', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=82, start_offset=82, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=74, arg=32, argval=24, argrepr='to L1', offset=84, start_offset=84, starts_line=False, line_number=7, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=88, start_offset=88, starts_line=True, line_number=8, label=3, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_FORWARD', opcode=76, arg=13, argval=118, argrepr='to L5', offset=90, start_offset=90, starts_line=False, line_number=8, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='END_FOR', opcode=9, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=92, start_offset=92, starts_line=True, line_number=3, label=4, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_ITER', opcode=30, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=94, start_offset=94, starts_line=False, line_number=3, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=96, start_offset=96, starts_line=True, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=0, argval='I can haz else clause?', argrepr="'I can haz else clause?'", offset=106, start_offset=106, starts_line=False, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=108, start_offset=108, starts_line=False, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=116, start_offset=116, starts_line=False, line_number=10, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST_CHECK', opcode=85, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=118, start_offset=118, starts_line=True, line_number=11, label=5, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='TO_BOOL', opcode=39, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=120, start_offset=120, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=97, arg=36, argval=204, argrepr='to L8', offset=128, start_offset=128, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='NOT_TAKEN', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=132, start_offset=132, starts_line=False, line_number=11, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=134, start_offset=134, starts_line=True, line_number=12, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=144, start_offset=144, starts_line=False, line_number=12, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=146, start_offset=146, starts_line=False, line_number=12, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=154, start_offset=154, starts_line=False, line_number=12, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=156, start_offset=156, starts_line=True, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=158, start_offset=158, starts_line=False, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BINARY_OP', opcode=44, arg=23, argval=23, argrepr='-=', offset=160, start_offset=160, starts_line=False, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=109, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=164, start_offset=164, starts_line=False, line_number=13, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=166, start_offset=166, starts_line=True, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=6, argval=6, argrepr='', offset=168, start_offset=168, starts_line=False, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=56, arg=148, argval='>', argrepr='bool(>)', offset=170, start_offset=170, starts_line=False, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=97, arg=3, argval=184, argrepr='to L6', offset=174, start_offset=174, starts_line=False, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='NOT_TAKEN', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=178, start_offset=178, starts_line=False, line_number=14, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=74, arg=33, argval=118, argrepr='to L5', offset=180, start_offset=180, starts_line=True, line_number=15, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=184, start_offset=184, starts_line=True, line_number=16, label=6, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=4, argval=4, argrepr='', offset=186, start_offset=186, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COMPARE_OP', opcode=56, arg=18, argval='<', argrepr='bool(<)', offset=188, start_offset=188, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', opcode=100, arg=3, argval=202, argrepr='to L7', offset=192, start_offset=192, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='NOT_TAKEN', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=196, start_offset=196, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD', opcode=74, arg=42, argval=118, argrepr='to L5', offset=198, start_offset=198, starts_line=False, line_number=16, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='JUMP_FORWARD', opcode=76, arg=11, argval=226, argrepr='to L9', offset=202, start_offset=202, starts_line=True, line_number=17, label=7, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=204, start_offset=204, starts_line=True, line_number=19, label=8, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=1, argval='Who let lolcatz into this test suite?', argrepr="'Who let lolcatz into this test suite?'", offset=214, start_offset=214, starts_line=False, line_number=19, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=216, start_offset=216, starts_line=False, line_number=19, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=224, start_offset=224, starts_line=False, line_number=19, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='NOP', opcode=27, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=226, start_offset=226, starts_line=True, line_number=20, label=9, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=228, start_offset=228, starts_line=True, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SMALL_INT', opcode=91, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=230, start_offset=230, starts_line=False, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='BINARY_OP', opcode=44, arg=11, argval=11, argrepr='/', offset=232, start_offset=232, starts_line=False, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=236, start_offset=236, starts_line=False, line_number=21, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_FAST', opcode=83, arg=0, argval='i', argrepr='i', offset=238, start_offset=238, starts_line=True, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=59, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=240, start_offset=240, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SPECIAL', opcode=92, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='__exit__', offset=242, start_offset=242, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SWAP', opcode=114, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=244, start_offset=244, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='SWAP', opcode=114, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=246, start_offset=246, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_SPECIAL', opcode=92, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='__enter__', offset=248, start_offset=248, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=250, start_offset=250, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='STORE_FAST', opcode=109, arg=1, argval='dodgy', argrepr='dodgy', offset=258, start_offset=258, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=260, start_offset=260, starts_line=True, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=2, argval='Never reach this', argrepr="'Never reach this'", offset=270, start_offset=270, starts_line=False, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=272, start_offset=272, starts_line=False, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=280, start_offset=280, starts_line=False, line_number=26, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=3, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=282, start_offset=282, starts_line=True, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=3, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=284, start_offset=284, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=3, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=286, start_offset=286, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=288, start_offset=288, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=296, start_offset=296, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=298, start_offset=298, starts_line=True, line_number=28, label=10, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=5, argval="OK, now we're done", argrepr='"OK, now we\'re done"', offset=308, start_offset=308, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=310, start_offset=310, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=318, start_offset=318, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=3, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=320, start_offset=320, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_VALUE', opcode=35, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=322, start_offset=322, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='PUSH_EXC_INFO', opcode=32, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=324, start_offset=324, starts_line=True, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='WITH_EXCEPT_START', opcode=43, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=326, start_offset=326, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='TO_BOOL', opcode=39, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=328, start_offset=328, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', opcode=100, arg=2, argval=344, argrepr='to L11', offset=336, start_offset=336, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='NOT_TAKEN', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=340, start_offset=340, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=102, arg=2, argval=2, argrepr='', offset=342, start_offset=342, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=344, start_offset=344, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=11, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=346, start_offset=346, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=348, start_offset=348, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=350, start_offset=350, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=352, start_offset=352, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT', opcode=75, arg=29, argval=298, argrepr='to L10', offset=354, start_offset=354, starts_line=False, line_number=25, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=59, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=356, start_offset=356, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=358, start_offset=358, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=102, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=360, start_offset=360, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='PUSH_EXC_INFO', opcode=32, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=362, start_offset=362, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=4, argval='ZeroDivisionError', argrepr='ZeroDivisionError', offset=364, start_offset=364, starts_line=True, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='CHECK_EXC_MATCH', opcode=5, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=374, start_offset=374, starts_line=False, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', opcode=97, arg=15, argval=410, argrepr='to L12', offset=376, start_offset=376, starts_line=False, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='NOT_TAKEN', opcode=28, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=380, start_offset=380, starts_line=False, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=382, start_offset=382, starts_line=False, line_number=22, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=384, start_offset=384, starts_line=True, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=4, argval='Here we go, here we go, here we go...', argrepr="'Here we go, here we go, here we go...'", offset=394, start_offset=394, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=396, start_offset=396, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=404, start_offset=404, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=406, start_offset=406, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT', opcode=75, arg=56, argval=298, argrepr='to L10', offset=408, start_offset=408, starts_line=False, line_number=23, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=102, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=410, start_offset=410, starts_line=True, line_number=22, label=12, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=59, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=412, start_offset=412, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=414, start_offset=414, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=102, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=416, start_offset=416, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='PUSH_EXC_INFO', opcode=32, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=418, start_offset=418, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode=89, arg=3, argval='print', argrepr='print + NULL', offset=420, start_offset=420, starts_line=True, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('index', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('module_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('builtin_keys_version', 1, b'\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=5, argval="OK, now we're done", argrepr='"OK, now we\'re done"', offset=430, start_offset=430, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='CALL', opcode=51, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=432, start_offset=432, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=[('counter', 1, b'\x00\x00'), ('func_version', 2, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')]), Instruction(opname='POP_TOP', opcode=31, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=440, start_offset=440, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=102, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=442, start_offset=442, starts_line=False, line_number=28, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='COPY', opcode=59, arg=3, argval=3, argrepr='', offset=444, start_offset=444, starts_line=True, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='POP_EXCEPT', opcode=29, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=446, start_offset=446, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), Instruction(opname='RERAISE', opcode=102, arg=1, argval=1, argrepr='', offset=448, start_offset=448, starts_line=False, line_number=None, label=None, positions=None, cache_info=None), ] # One last piece of inspect fodder to check the default line number handling def simple(): pass expected_opinfo_simple = [ Instruction(opname='RESUME', opcode=149, arg=0, argval=0, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=simple.__code__.co_firstlineno, label=None, positions=None), Instruction(opname='LOAD_CONST', opcode=81, arg=0, argval=None, argrepr='None', offset=2, start_offset=2, starts_line=False, line_number=simple.__code__.co_firstlineno, label=None), Instruction(opname='RETURN_VALUE', opcode=35, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=4, start_offset=4, starts_line=False, line_number=simple.__code__.co_firstlineno, label=None), ] class InstructionTestCase(BytecodeTestCase): def assertInstructionsEqual(self, instrs_1, instrs_2, /): instrs_1 = [instr_1._replace(positions=None, cache_info=None) for instr_1 in instrs_1] instrs_2 = [instr_2._replace(positions=None, cache_info=None) for instr_2 in instrs_2] self.assertEqual(instrs_1, instrs_2) class InstructionTests(InstructionTestCase): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.maxDiff = None def test_instruction_str(self): # smoke test for __str__ instrs = dis.get_instructions(simple) for instr in instrs: str(instr) def test_default_first_line(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(simple) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_simple) def test_first_line_set_to_None(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(simple, first_line=None) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_simple) def test_outer(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(outer, first_line=expected_outer_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_outer) def test_nested(self): with captured_stdout(): f = outer() actual = dis.get_instructions(f, first_line=expected_f_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_f) def test_doubly_nested(self): with captured_stdout(): inner = outer()() actual = dis.get_instructions(inner, first_line=expected_inner_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_inner) def test_jumpy(self): actual = dis.get_instructions(jumpy, first_line=expected_jumpy_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_jumpy) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_co_positions(self): code = compile('f(\n x, y, z\n)', '', 'exec') positions = [ instr.positions for instr in dis.get_instructions(code) ] expected = [ (0, 1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1), (2, 2, 2, 3), (2, 2, 5, 6), (2, 2, 8, 9), (1, 3, 0, 1), (1, 3, 0, 1), (1, 3, 0, 1), (1, 3, 0, 1) ] self.assertEqual(positions, expected) named_positions = [ (pos.lineno, pos.end_lineno, pos.col_offset, pos.end_col_offset) for pos in positions ] self.assertEqual(named_positions, expected) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_co_positions_missing_info(self): code = compile('x, y, z', '', 'exec') code_without_location_table = code.replace(co_linetable=b'') actual = dis.get_instructions(code_without_location_table) for instruction in actual: with self.subTest(instruction=instruction): positions = instruction.positions self.assertEqual(len(positions), 4) if instruction.opname == "RESUME": continue self.assertIsNone(positions.lineno) self.assertIsNone(positions.end_lineno) self.assertIsNone(positions.col_offset) self.assertIsNone(positions.end_col_offset) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_co_positions_with_lots_of_caches(self): def roots(a, b, c): d = b**2 - 4 * a * c yield (-b - cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a) if d: yield (-b + cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a) code = roots.__code__ ops = code.co_code[::2] cache_opcode = opcode.opmap["CACHE"] caches = sum(op == cache_opcode for op in ops) non_caches = len(ops) - caches # Make sure we have "lots of caches". If not, roots should be changed: assert 1 / 3 <= caches / non_caches, "this test needs more caches!" for show_caches in (False, True): for adaptive in (False, True): with self.subTest(f"{adaptive=}, {show_caches=}"): co_positions = [ positions for op, positions in zip(ops, code.co_positions(), strict=True) if show_caches or op != cache_opcode ] dis_positions = [ None if instruction.positions is None else ( instruction.positions.lineno, instruction.positions.end_lineno, instruction.positions.col_offset, instruction.positions.end_col_offset, ) for instruction in _unroll_caches_as_Instructions(dis.get_instructions( code, adaptive=adaptive, show_caches=show_caches ), show_caches=show_caches) ] self.assertEqual(co_positions, dis_positions) def test_oparg_alias(self): instruction = Instruction(opname="NOP", opcode=dis.opmap["NOP"], arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(instruction.arg, instruction.oparg) def test_show_caches_with_label(self): def f(x, y, z): if x: res = y else: res = z return res output = io.StringIO() dis.dis(f.__code__, file=output, show_caches=True) self.assertIn("L1:", output.getvalue()) def test_is_op_format(self): output = io.StringIO() dis.dis("a is b", file=output, show_caches=True) self.assertIn("IS_OP 0 (is)", output.getvalue()) output = io.StringIO() dis.dis("a is not b", file=output, show_caches=True) self.assertIn("IS_OP 1 (is not)", output.getvalue()) def test_contains_op_format(self): output = io.StringIO() dis.dis("a in b", file=output, show_caches=True) self.assertIn("CONTAINS_OP 0 (in)", output.getvalue()) output = io.StringIO() dis.dis("a not in b", file=output, show_caches=True) self.assertIn("CONTAINS_OP 1 (not in)", output.getvalue()) def test_baseopname_and_baseopcode(self): # Standard instructions for name, code in dis.opmap.items(): instruction = Instruction(opname=name, opcode=code, arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) baseopname = instruction.baseopname baseopcode = instruction.baseopcode self.assertIsNotNone(baseopname) self.assertIsNotNone(baseopcode) self.assertEqual(name, baseopname) self.assertEqual(code, baseopcode) # Specialized instructions for name in opcode._specialized_opmap: instruction = Instruction(opname=name, opcode=dis._all_opmap[name], arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=0, start_offset=0, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) baseopname = instruction.baseopname baseopcode = instruction.baseopcode self.assertIn(name, opcode._specializations[baseopname]) self.assertEqual(opcode.opmap[baseopname], baseopcode) def test_jump_target(self): # Non-jump instructions should return None instruction = Instruction(opname="NOP", opcode=dis.opmap["NOP"], arg=None, argval=None, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertIsNone(instruction.jump_target) delta = 100 instruction = Instruction(opname="JUMP_FORWARD", opcode=dis.opmap["JUMP_FORWARD"], arg=delta, argval=delta, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(10 + 2 + 100*2, instruction.jump_target) # Test negative deltas instruction = Instruction(opname="JUMP_BACKWARD", opcode=dis.opmap["JUMP_BACKWARD"], arg=delta, argval=delta, argrepr='', offset=200, start_offset=200, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(200 + 2 - 100*2 + 2*1, instruction.jump_target) # Make sure cache entries are handled instruction = Instruction(opname="SEND", opcode=dis.opmap["SEND"], arg=delta, argval=delta, argrepr='', offset=10, start_offset=10, starts_line=True, line_number=1, label=None, positions=None) self.assertEqual(10 + 2 + 1*2 + 100*2, instruction.jump_target) def test_argval_argrepr(self): def f(opcode, oparg, offset, *init_args): arg_resolver = dis.ArgResolver(*init_args) return arg_resolver.get_argval_argrepr(opcode, oparg, offset) offset = 42 co_consts = (0, 1, 2, 3) names = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'} varname_from_oparg = lambda i : names[i] labels_map = {24: 1} args = (offset, co_consts, names, varname_from_oparg, labels_map) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["POP_TOP"], None, *args), (None, '')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["LOAD_CONST"], 1, *args), (1, '1')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["LOAD_GLOBAL"], 2, *args), ('a', 'a')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["JUMP_BACKWARD"], 11, *args), (24, 'to L1')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["COMPARE_OP"], 3, *args), ('<', '<')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE"], 2, *args), (2, 'kwdefaults')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["BINARY_OP"], 3, *args), (3, '<<')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["CALL_INTRINSIC_1"], 2, *args), (2, 'INTRINSIC_IMPORT_STAR')) def test_custom_arg_resolver(self): class MyArgResolver(dis.ArgResolver): def offset_from_jump_arg(self, op, arg, offset): return arg + 1 def get_label_for_offset(self, offset): return 2 * offset def f(opcode, oparg, offset, *init_args): arg_resolver = MyArgResolver(*init_args) return arg_resolver.get_argval_argrepr(opcode, oparg, offset) offset = 42 self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["JUMP_BACKWARD"], 1, offset), (2, 'to L4')) self.assertEqual(f(opcode.opmap["SETUP_FINALLY"], 2, offset), (3, 'to L6')) def get_instructions(self, code): return dis._get_instructions_bytes(code) def test_start_offset(self): # When no extended args are present, # start_offset should be equal to offset instructions = list(dis.Bytecode(_f)) for instruction in instructions: self.assertEqual(instruction.offset, instruction.start_offset) def last_item(iterable): return functools.reduce(lambda a, b : b, iterable) code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, ]) labels_map = dis._make_labels_map(code) jump = last_item(self.get_instructions(code)) self.assertEqual(4, jump.offset) self.assertEqual(2, jump.start_offset) code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, ]) jump = last_item(self.get_instructions(code)) self.assertEqual(8, jump.offset) self.assertEqual(2, jump.start_offset) code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE"], 0xFF, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, ]) instructions = list(self.get_instructions(code)) # 1st jump self.assertEqual(4, instructions[2].offset) self.assertEqual(2, instructions[2].start_offset) # 2nd jump self.assertEqual(14, instructions[6].offset) self.assertEqual(8, instructions[6].start_offset) def test_cache_offset_and_end_offset(self): code = bytes([ opcode.opmap["LOAD_GLOBAL"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["LOAD_FAST"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CALL"], 0x01, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00, opcode.opmap["CACHE"], 0x00 ]) instructions = list(self.get_instructions(code)) self.assertEqual(2, instructions[0].cache_offset) self.assertEqual(10, instructions[0].end_offset) self.assertEqual(12, instructions[1].cache_offset) self.assertEqual(12, instructions[1].end_offset) self.assertEqual(14, instructions[2].cache_offset) self.assertEqual(20, instructions[2].end_offset) # end_offset of the previous instruction should be equal to the # start_offset of the following instruction instructions = list(dis.Bytecode(self.test_cache_offset_and_end_offset)) for prev, curr in zip(instructions, instructions[1:]): self.assertEqual(prev.end_offset, curr.start_offset) # get_instructions has its own tests above, so can rely on it to validate # the object oriented API class BytecodeTests(InstructionTestCase, DisTestBase): def test_instantiation(self): # Test with function, method, code string and code object for obj in [_f, _C(1).__init__, "a=1", _f.__code__]: with self.subTest(obj=obj): b = dis.Bytecode(obj) self.assertIsInstance(b.codeobj, types.CodeType) self.assertRaises(TypeError, dis.Bytecode, object()) def test_iteration(self): for obj in [_f, _C(1).__init__, "a=1", _f.__code__]: with self.subTest(obj=obj): via_object = list(dis.Bytecode(obj)) via_generator = list(dis.get_instructions(obj)) self.assertInstructionsEqual(via_object, via_generator) def test_explicit_first_line(self): actual = dis.Bytecode(outer, first_line=expected_outer_line) self.assertInstructionsEqual(list(actual), expected_opinfo_outer) def test_source_line_in_disassembly(self): # Use the line in the source code actual = dis.Bytecode(simple).dis() actual = actual.strip().partition(" ")[0] # extract the line no expected = str(simple.__code__.co_firstlineno) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) # Use an explicit first line number actual = dis.Bytecode(simple, first_line=350).dis() actual = actual.strip().partition(" ")[0] # extract the line no self.assertEqual(actual, "350") def test_info(self): self.maxDiff = 1000 for x, expected in CodeInfoTests.test_pairs: b = dis.Bytecode(x) self.assertRegex(b.info(), expected) def test_disassembled(self): actual = dis.Bytecode(_f).dis() self.do_disassembly_compare(actual, dis_f) def test_from_traceback(self): tb = get_tb() b = dis.Bytecode.from_traceback(tb) while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next self.assertEqual(b.current_offset, tb.tb_lasti) def test_from_traceback_dis(self): self.maxDiff = None tb = get_tb() b = dis.Bytecode.from_traceback(tb) self.assertEqual(b.dis(), dis_traceback) @requires_debug_ranges() def test_bytecode_co_positions(self): bytecode = dis.Bytecode("a=1") for instr, positions in zip(bytecode, bytecode.codeobj.co_positions()): assert instr.positions == positions class TestBytecodeTestCase(BytecodeTestCase): def test_assert_not_in_with_op_not_in_bytecode(self): code = compile("a = 1", "", "exec") self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_SMALL_INT", 1) self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_NAME") self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_NAME", "a") def test_assert_not_in_with_arg_not_in_bytecode(self): code = compile("a = 1", "", "exec") self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_SMALL_INT") self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_SMALL_INT", 1) self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_CONST", 2) def test_assert_not_in_with_arg_in_bytecode(self): code = compile("a = 1", "", "exec") with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "LOAD_SMALL_INT", 1) class TestFinderMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test__find_imports(self): cases = [ ("import a.b.c", ('a.b.c', 0, None)), ("from a.b import c", ('a.b', 0, ('c',))), ("from a.b import c as d", ('a.b', 0, ('c',))), ("from a.b import *", ('a.b', 0, ('*',))), ("from ...a.b import c as d", ('a.b', 3, ('c',))), ("from ..a.b import c as d, e as f", ('a.b', 2, ('c', 'e'))), ("from ..a.b import *", ('a.b', 2, ('*',))), ] for src, expected in cases: with self.subTest(src=src): code = compile(src, "", "exec") res = tuple(dis._find_imports(code)) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertEqual(res[0], expected) def test__find_store_names(self): cases = [ ("x+y", ()), ("x=y=1", ('x', 'y')), ("x+=y", ('x',)), ("global x\nx=y=1", ('x', 'y')), ("global x\nz=x", ('z',)), ] for src, expected in cases: with self.subTest(src=src): code = compile(src, "", "exec") res = tuple(dis._find_store_names(code)) self.assertEqual(res, expected) def test_findlabels(self): labels = dis.findlabels(jumpy.__code__.co_code) jumps = [ instr.offset for instr in expected_opinfo_jumpy if instr.is_jump_target ] self.assertEqual(sorted(labels), sorted(jumps)) def test_findlinestarts(self): def func(): pass code = func.__code__ offsets = [linestart[0] for linestart in dis.findlinestarts(code)] self.assertEqual(offsets, [0, 2]) class TestDisTraceback(DisTestBase): def setUp(self) -> None: try: # We need to clean up existing tracebacks del sys.last_exc except AttributeError: pass try: # We need to clean up existing tracebacks del sys.last_traceback except AttributeError: pass return super().setUp() def get_disassembly(self, tb): output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): dis.distb(tb) return output.getvalue() def test_distb_empty(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): dis.distb() def test_distb_last_traceback(self): self.maxDiff = None # We need to have an existing last traceback in `sys`: tb = get_tb() sys.last_traceback = tb self.do_disassembly_compare(self.get_disassembly(None), dis_traceback) def test_distb_explicit_arg(self): self.maxDiff = None tb = get_tb() self.do_disassembly_compare(self.get_disassembly(tb), dis_traceback) class TestDisTracebackWithFile(TestDisTraceback): # Run the `distb` tests again, using the file arg instead of print def get_disassembly(self, tb): output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): dis.distb(tb, file=output) return output.getvalue() def _unroll_caches_as_Instructions(instrs, show_caches=False): # Cache entries are no longer reported by dis as fake instructions, # but some tests assume that do. We should rewrite the tests to assume # the new API, but it will be clearer to keep the tests working as # before and do that in a separate PR. for instr in instrs: yield instr if not show_caches: continue offset = instr.offset for name, size, data in (instr.cache_info or ()): for i in range(size): offset += 2 # Only show the fancy argrepr for a CACHE instruction when it's # the first entry for a particular cache value: if i == 0: argrepr = f"{name}: {int.from_bytes(data, sys.byteorder)}" else: argrepr = "" yield Instruction("CACHE", CACHE, 0, None, argrepr, offset, offset, False, None, None, instr.positions) class TestDisCLI(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.filename = tempfile.mktemp() self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, self.filename) @staticmethod def text_normalize(string): """Dedent *string* and strip it from its surrounding whitespaces. This method is used by the other utility functions so that any string to write or to match against can be freely indented. """ return textwrap.dedent(string).strip() def set_source(self, content): with open(self.filename, 'w') as fp: fp.write(self.text_normalize(content)) def invoke_dis(self, *flags): output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): dis.main(args=[*flags, self.filename]) return self.text_normalize(output.getvalue()) def check_output(self, source, expect, *flags): with self.subTest(source=source, flags=flags): self.set_source(source) res = self.invoke_dis(*flags) expect = self.text_normalize(expect) self.assertListEqual(res.splitlines(), expect.splitlines()) def test_invocation(self): # test various combinations of parameters base_flags = [ ('-C', '--show-caches'), ('-O', '--show-offsets'), ('-P', '--show-positions'), ('-S', '--specialized'), ] self.set_source(''' def f(): print(x) return None ''') for r in range(1, len(base_flags) + 1): for choices in itertools.combinations(base_flags, r=r): for args in itertools.product(*choices): with self.subTest(args=args[1:]): _ = self.invoke_dis(*args) with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): # suppress argparse error message with contextlib.redirect_stderr(io.StringIO()): _ = self.invoke_dis('--unknown') def test_show_cache(self): # test 'python -m dis -C/--show-caches' source = 'print()' expect = ''' 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_NAME 0 (print) PUSH_NULL CALL 0 CACHE 0 (counter: 0) CACHE 0 (func_version: 0) CACHE 0 POP_TOP LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE ''' for flag in ['-C', '--show-caches']: self.check_output(source, expect, flag) def test_show_offsets(self): # test 'python -m dis -O/--show-offsets' source = 'pass' expect = ''' 0 0 RESUME 0 1 2 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 4 RETURN_VALUE ''' for flag in ['-O', '--show-offsets']: self.check_output(source, expect, flag) def test_show_positions(self): # test 'python -m dis -P/--show-positions' source = 'pass' expect = ''' 0:0-1:0 RESUME 0 1:0-1:4 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 1:0-1:4 RETURN_VALUE ''' for flag in ['-P', '--show-positions']: self.check_output(source, expect, flag) def test_specialized_code(self): # test 'python -m dis -S/--specialized' source = 'pass' expect = ''' 0 RESUME 0 1 LOAD_CONST_IMMORTAL 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE ''' for flag in ['-S', '--specialized']: self.check_output(source, expect, flag) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()