from test.test_support import verbose, TestFailed, verify import types class F: def a(self): pass def b(): 'my docstring' pass # __module__ is a special attribute verify(b.__module__ == __name__) verify(verify.__module__ == "test.test_support") # setting attributes on functions try: b.publish except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, 'expected AttributeError' if b.__dict__ != {}: raise TestFailed, 'expected unassigned func.__dict__ to be {}' b.publish = 1 if b.publish != 1: raise TestFailed, 'function attribute not set to expected value' docstring = 'its docstring' b.__doc__ = docstring if b.__doc__ != docstring: raise TestFailed, 'problem with setting __doc__ attribute' if 'publish' not in dir(b): raise TestFailed, 'attribute not in dir()' try: del b.__dict__ except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, 'del func.__dict__ expected TypeError' b.publish = 1 try: b.__dict__ = None except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, 'func.__dict__ = None expected TypeError' d = {'hello': 'world'} b.__dict__ = d if b.__dict__ is not d: raise TestFailed, 'func.__dict__ assignment to dictionary failed' if b.hello != 'world': raise TestFailed, 'attribute after func.__dict__ assignment failed' f1 = F() f2 = F() try: F.a.publish except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, 'expected AttributeError' try: f1.a.publish except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, 'expected AttributeError' # In Python 2.1 beta 1, we disallowed setting attributes on unbound methods # (it was already disallowed on bound methods). See the PEP for details. try: F.a.publish = 1 except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, 'expected AttributeError or TypeError' # But setting it explicitly on the underlying function object is okay. F.a.im_func.publish = 1 if F.a.publish != 1: raise TestFailed, 'unbound method attribute not set to expected value' if f1.a.publish != 1: raise TestFailed, 'bound method attribute access did not work' if f2.a.publish != 1: raise TestFailed, 'bound method attribute access did not work' if 'publish' not in dir(F.a): raise TestFailed, 'attribute not in dir()' try: f1.a.publish = 0 except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, 'expected AttributeError or TypeError' # See the comment above about the change in semantics for Python 2.1b1 try: F.a.myclass = F except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, 'expected AttributeError or TypeError' F.a.im_func.myclass = F f1.a.myclass f2.a.myclass f1.a.myclass F.a.myclass if f1.a.myclass is not f2.a.myclass or \ f1.a.myclass is not F.a.myclass: raise TestFailed, 'attributes were not the same' # try setting __dict__ try: F.a.__dict__ = (1, 2, 3) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, 'expected TypeError or AttributeError' F.a.im_func.__dict__ = {'one': 11, 'two': 22, 'three': 33} if f1.a.two != 22: raise TestFailed, 'setting __dict__' from UserDict import UserDict d = UserDict({'four': 44, 'five': 55}) try: F.a.__dict__ = d except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed if != != != 11: raise TestFailed # im_func may not be a Python method! import new = new.instancemethod(id, None, F) eff = F() if != id(eff): raise TestFailed try: except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed try: = 12 except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed try: except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed try: except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed try: = 12 except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed try: except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed # Regression test for a crash in pre-2.1a1 def another(): pass try: del another.__dict__ except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed try: del another.__dict__ except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed try: another.__dict__ = None except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed try: del except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed # This isn't specifically related to function attributes, but it does test a # core dump regression in funcobject.c del another.__defaults__ def foo(): pass def bar(): pass def temp(): print(1) if foo==bar: raise TestFailed d={} d[foo] = 1 foo.__code__ = temp.__code__ d[foo] # Test all predefined function attributes systematically def cantset(obj, name, value, exception=(AttributeError, TypeError)): verify(hasattr(obj, name)) # Otherwise it's probably a typo try: setattr(obj, name, value) except exception: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be able to set %s to %r" % (name, value) try: delattr(obj, name) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be able to del %s" % name def test_func_closure(): a = 12 def f(): print(a) c = f.__closure__ verify(isinstance(c, tuple)) verify(len(c) == 1) verify(c[0].__class__.__name__ == "cell") # don't have a type object handy cantset(f, "__closure__", c) def test_func_doc(): def f(): pass verify(f.__doc__ is None) f.__doc__ = "hello" verify(f.__doc__ == "hello") del f.__doc__ verify(f.__doc__ is None) def test_func_globals(): def f(): pass verify(f.__globals__ is globals()) cantset(f, "__globals__", globals()) def test_func_name(): def f(): pass verify(f.__name__ == "f") f.__name__ = "g" verify(f.__name__ == "g") cantset(f, "__globals__", 1) cantset(f, "__name__", 1) # test that you can access func.__name__ in restricted mode s = """def f(): pass\nf.__name__""" exec(s, {'__builtins__':{}}) def test_func_code(): a = b = 24 def f(): pass def g(): print(12) def f1(): print(a) def g1(): print(b) def f2(): print(a, b) verify(type(f.__code__) is types.CodeType) f.__code__ = g.__code__ cantset(f, "__code__", None) # can't change the number of free vars cantset(f, "__code__", f1.__code__, exception=ValueError) cantset(f1, "__code__", f.__code__, exception=ValueError) cantset(f1, "__code__", f2.__code__, exception=ValueError) f1.__code__ = g1.__code__ def test_func_defaults(): def f(a, b): return (a, b) verify(f.__defaults__ is None) f.__defaults__ = (1, 2) verify(f.__defaults__ == (1, 2)) verify(f(10) == (10, 2)) def g(a=1, b=2): return (a, b) verify(g.__defaults__ == (1, 2)) del g.__defaults__ verify(g.__defaults__ is None) try: g() except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be allowed to call g() w/o defaults" def test_func_dict(): def f(): pass a = f.__dict__ verify(a == {}) f.hello = 'world' verify(a == {'hello': 'world'}) verify(a is f.__dict__) f.__dict__ = {'world': 'hello'} verify( == "hello") verify(f.__dict__ == {'world': 'hello'}) cantset(f, "__dict__", None) def test_im_class(): class C: def foo(self): pass verify( is C) verify(C().foo.im_class is C) cantset(, "im_class", C) cantset(C().foo, "im_class", C) def test_im_func(): def foo(self): pass class C: pass = foo verify( is foo) verify(C().foo.im_func is foo) cantset(, "im_func", foo) cantset(C().foo, "im_func", foo) def test_im_self(): class C: def foo(self): pass verify( is None) c = C() verify( is c) cantset(, "im_self", None) cantset(, "im_self", c) def test_im_dict(): class C: def foo(self): pass = 42 verify( == {'bar': 42}) verify(C().foo.__dict__ == {'bar': 42}) cantset(, "__dict__", cantset(C().foo, "__dict__", def test_im_doc(): class C: def foo(self): "hello" verify( == "hello") verify(C().foo.__doc__ == "hello") cantset(, "__doc__", "hello") cantset(C().foo, "__doc__", "hello") def test_im_name(): class C: def foo(self): pass verify( == "foo") verify(C().foo.__name__ == "foo") cantset(, "__name__", "foo") cantset(C().foo, "__name__", "foo") def testmore(): test_func_closure() test_func_doc() test_func_globals() test_func_name() test_func_code() test_func_defaults() test_func_dict() # Tests for instance method attributes test_im_class() test_im_func() test_im_self() test_im_dict() test_im_doc() test_im_name() testmore()