import tempfile import unittest import os from test import test_tools test_tools.skip_if_missing('cases_generator') with test_tools.imports_under_tool('cases_generator'): import analysis import formatting import generate_cases from parsing import StackEffect class TestEffects(unittest.TestCase): def test_effect_sizes(self): input_effects = [ x := StackEffect("x", "", "", ""), y := StackEffect("y", "", "", "oparg"), z := StackEffect("z", "", "", "oparg*2"), ] output_effects = [ StackEffect("a", "", "", ""), StackEffect("b", "", "", "oparg*4"), StackEffect("c", "", "", ""), ] other_effects = [ StackEffect("p", "", "", "oparg<<1"), StackEffect("q", "", "", ""), StackEffect("r", "", "", ""), ] self.assertEqual(formatting.effect_size(x), (1, "")) self.assertEqual(formatting.effect_size(y), (0, "oparg")) self.assertEqual(formatting.effect_size(z), (0, "oparg*2")) self.assertEqual( formatting.list_effect_size(input_effects), (1, "oparg + oparg*2"), ) self.assertEqual( formatting.list_effect_size(output_effects), (2, "oparg*4"), ) self.assertEqual( formatting.list_effect_size(other_effects), (2, "(oparg<<1)"), ) self.assertEqual( formatting.string_effect_size( formatting.list_effect_size(input_effects), ), "1 + oparg + oparg*2", ) self.assertEqual( formatting.string_effect_size( formatting.list_effect_size(output_effects), ), "2 + oparg*4", ) self.assertEqual( formatting.string_effect_size( formatting.list_effect_size(other_effects), ), "2 + (oparg<<1)", ) class TestGeneratedCases(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() self.temp_input_filename = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "input.txt") self.temp_output_filename = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "output.txt") self.temp_metadata_filename = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "metadata.txt") self.temp_pymetadata_filename = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "pymetadata.txt") self.temp_executor_filename = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "executor.txt") def tearDown(self) -> None: for filename in [ self.temp_input_filename, self.temp_output_filename, self.temp_metadata_filename, self.temp_pymetadata_filename, self.temp_executor_filename, ]: try: os.remove(filename) except: pass super().tearDown() def run_cases_test(self, input: str, expected: str): with open(self.temp_input_filename, "w+") as temp_input: temp_input.write(analysis.BEGIN_MARKER) temp_input.write(input) temp_input.write(analysis.END_MARKER) temp_input.flush() a = generate_cases.Generator([self.temp_input_filename]) a.parse() a.analyze() if a.errors: raise RuntimeError(f"Found {a.errors} errors") a.write_instructions(self.temp_output_filename, False) with open(self.temp_output_filename) as temp_output: lines = temp_output.readlines() while lines and lines[0].startswith("// "): lines.pop(0) actual = "".join(lines) # if actual.rstrip() != expected.rstrip(): # print("Actual:") # print(actual) # print("Expected:") # print(expected) # print("End") self.assertEqual(actual.rstrip(), expected.rstrip()) def test_inst_no_args(self): input = """ inst(OP, (--)) { spam(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { spam(); DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_inst_one_pop(self): input = """ inst(OP, (value --)) { spam(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *value = stack_pointer[-1]; spam(); STACK_SHRINK(1); DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_inst_one_push(self): input = """ inst(OP, (-- res)) { spam(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *res; spam(); STACK_GROW(1); stack_pointer[-1] = res; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_inst_one_push_one_pop(self): input = """ inst(OP, (value -- res)) { spam(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *value = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *res; spam(); stack_pointer[-1] = res; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_binary_op(self): input = """ inst(OP, (left, right -- res)) { spam(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *right = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *left = stack_pointer[-2]; PyObject *res; spam(); STACK_SHRINK(1); stack_pointer[-1] = res; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_overlap(self): input = """ inst(OP, (left, right -- left, result)) { spam(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *right = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *left = stack_pointer[-2]; PyObject *result; spam(); stack_pointer[-1] = result; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_predictions_and_eval_breaker(self): input = """ inst(OP1, (--)) { } inst(OP3, (arg -- res)) { DEOPT_IF(xxx, OP1); CHECK_EVAL_BREAKER(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP1) { PREDICTED(OP1); DISPATCH(); } TARGET(OP3) { PyObject *arg = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *res; DEOPT_IF(xxx, OP1); stack_pointer[-1] = res; CHECK_EVAL_BREAKER(); DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_error_if_plain(self): input = """ inst(OP, (--)) { ERROR_IF(cond, label); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { if (cond) goto label; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_error_if_plain_with_comment(self): input = """ inst(OP, (--)) { ERROR_IF(cond, label); // Comment is ok } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { if (cond) goto label; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_error_if_pop(self): input = """ inst(OP, (left, right -- res)) { ERROR_IF(cond, label); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *right = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *left = stack_pointer[-2]; PyObject *res; if (cond) goto pop_2_label; STACK_SHRINK(1); stack_pointer[-1] = res; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_cache_effect(self): input = """ inst(OP, (counter/1, extra/2, value --)) { } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *value = stack_pointer[-1]; uint16_t counter = read_u16(&next_instr[0].cache); uint32_t extra = read_u32(&next_instr[1].cache); STACK_SHRINK(1); next_instr += 3; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_suppress_dispatch(self): input = """ inst(OP, (--)) { goto somewhere; } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { goto somewhere; } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_macro_instruction(self): input = """ inst(OP1, (counter/1, left, right -- left, right)) { op1(left, right); } op(OP2, (extra/2, arg2, left, right -- res)) { res = op2(arg2, left, right); } macro(OP) = OP1 + cache/2 + OP2; inst(OP3, (unused/5, arg2, left, right -- res)) { res = op3(arg2, left, right); } family(OP, INLINE_CACHE_ENTRIES_OP) = { OP3 }; """ output = """ TARGET(OP1) { PyObject *right = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *left = stack_pointer[-2]; uint16_t counter = read_u16(&next_instr[0].cache); op1(left, right); next_instr += 1; DISPATCH(); } TARGET(OP) { PyObject *_tmp_1 = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *_tmp_2 = stack_pointer[-2]; PyObject *_tmp_3 = stack_pointer[-3]; { PyObject *right = _tmp_1; PyObject *left = _tmp_2; uint16_t counter = read_u16(&next_instr[0].cache); op1(left, right); _tmp_2 = left; _tmp_1 = right; } { PyObject *right = _tmp_1; PyObject *left = _tmp_2; PyObject *arg2 = _tmp_3; PyObject *res; uint32_t extra = read_u32(&next_instr[3].cache); res = op2(arg2, left, right); _tmp_3 = res; } next_instr += 5; static_assert(INLINE_CACHE_ENTRIES_OP == 5, "incorrect cache size"); STACK_SHRINK(2); stack_pointer[-1] = _tmp_3; DISPATCH(); } TARGET(OP3) { PyObject *right = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *left = stack_pointer[-2]; PyObject *arg2 = stack_pointer[-3]; PyObject *res; res = op3(arg2, left, right); STACK_SHRINK(2); stack_pointer[-1] = res; next_instr += 5; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_array_input(self): input = """ inst(OP, (below, values[oparg*2], above --)) { spam(); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *above = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject **values = (stack_pointer - (1 + oparg*2)); PyObject *below = stack_pointer[-(2 + oparg*2)]; spam(); STACK_SHRINK(oparg*2); STACK_SHRINK(2); DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_array_output(self): input = """ inst(OP, (unused, unused -- below, values[oparg*3], above)) { spam(values, oparg); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *below; PyObject **values = stack_pointer - (2) + 1; PyObject *above; spam(values, oparg); STACK_GROW(oparg*3); stack_pointer[-1] = above; stack_pointer[-(2 + oparg*3)] = below; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_array_input_output(self): input = """ inst(OP, (values[oparg] -- values[oparg], above)) { spam(values, oparg); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject **values = (stack_pointer - oparg); PyObject *above; spam(values, oparg); STACK_GROW(1); stack_pointer[-1] = above; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_array_error_if(self): input = """ inst(OP, (extra, values[oparg] --)) { ERROR_IF(oparg == 0, somewhere); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject **values = (stack_pointer - oparg); PyObject *extra = stack_pointer[-(1 + oparg)]; if (oparg == 0) { STACK_SHRINK(oparg); goto pop_1_somewhere; } STACK_SHRINK(oparg); STACK_SHRINK(1); DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_cond_effect(self): input = """ inst(OP, (aa, input if ((oparg & 1) == 1), cc -- xx, output if (oparg & 2), zz)) { output = spam(oparg, input); } """ output = """ TARGET(OP) { PyObject *cc = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *input = ((oparg & 1) == 1) ? stack_pointer[-(1 + (((oparg & 1) == 1) ? 1 : 0))] : NULL; PyObject *aa = stack_pointer[-(2 + (((oparg & 1) == 1) ? 1 : 0))]; PyObject *xx; PyObject *output = NULL; PyObject *zz; output = spam(oparg, input); STACK_SHRINK((((oparg & 1) == 1) ? 1 : 0)); STACK_GROW(((oparg & 2) ? 1 : 0)); stack_pointer[-1] = zz; if (oparg & 2) { stack_pointer[-(1 + ((oparg & 2) ? 1 : 0))] = output; } stack_pointer[-(2 + ((oparg & 2) ? 1 : 0))] = xx; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) def test_macro_cond_effect(self): input = """ op(A, (left, middle, right --)) { # Body of A } op(B, (-- deep, extra if (oparg), res)) { # Body of B } macro(M) = A + B; """ output = """ TARGET(M) { PyObject *_tmp_1 = stack_pointer[-1]; PyObject *_tmp_2 = stack_pointer[-2]; PyObject *_tmp_3 = stack_pointer[-3]; { PyObject *right = _tmp_1; PyObject *middle = _tmp_2; PyObject *left = _tmp_3; # Body of A } { PyObject *deep; PyObject *extra = NULL; PyObject *res; # Body of B _tmp_3 = deep; if (oparg) { _tmp_2 = extra; } _tmp_1 = res; } STACK_SHRINK(1); STACK_GROW((oparg ? 1 : 0)); stack_pointer[-1] = _tmp_1; if (oparg) { stack_pointer[-2] = _tmp_2; } stack_pointer[-3] = _tmp_3; DISPATCH(); } """ self.run_cases_test(input, output) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()