# Simple test suite for http/cookies.py

from test.support import run_unittest, run_doctest, check_warnings
import unittest
from http import cookies

import warnings

class CookieTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self._warnings_manager = check_warnings()
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".* class is insecure.*",

    def tearDown(self):
        self._warnings_manager.__exit__(None, None, None)

    def test_basic(self):
        cases = [
            {'data': 'chips=ahoy; vienna=finger',
             'dict': {'chips':'ahoy', 'vienna':'finger'},
             'repr': "<SimpleCookie: chips='ahoy' vienna='finger'>",
             'output': 'Set-Cookie: chips=ahoy\nSet-Cookie: vienna=finger'},

            {'data': 'keebler="E=mc2; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;"',
             'dict': {'keebler' : 'E=mc2; L="Loves"; fudge=\012;'},
             'repr': '''<SimpleCookie: keebler='E=mc2; L="Loves"; fudge=\\n;'>''',
             'output': 'Set-Cookie: keebler="E=mc2; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;"'},

            # Check illegal cookies that have an '=' char in an unquoted value
            {'data': 'keebler=E=mc2',
             'dict': {'keebler' : 'E=mc2'},
             'repr': "<SimpleCookie: keebler='E=mc2'>",
             'output': 'Set-Cookie: keebler=E=mc2'},

        for case in cases:
            C = cookies.SimpleCookie()
            self.assertEqual(repr(C), case['repr'])
            self.assertEqual(C.output(sep='\n'), case['output'])
            for k, v in sorted(case['dict'].items()):
                self.assertEqual(C[k].value, v)

    def test_load(self):
        C = cookies.SimpleCookie()
        C.load('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Version=1; Path=/acme')

        self.assertEqual(C['Customer'].value, 'WILE_E_COYOTE')
        self.assertEqual(C['Customer']['version'], '1')
        self.assertEqual(C['Customer']['path'], '/acme')

            'Set-Cookie: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Path=/acme')
        self.assertEqual(C.js_output(), r"""
        <script type="text/javascript">
        <!-- begin hiding
        document.cookie = "Customer=\"WILE_E_COYOTE\"; Path=/acme; Version=1";
        // end hiding -->
        self.assertEqual(C.js_output(['path']), r"""
        <script type="text/javascript">
        <!-- begin hiding
        document.cookie = "Customer=\"WILE_E_COYOTE\"; Path=/acme";
        // end hiding -->

    def test_special_attrs(self):
        # 'expires'
        C = cookies.SimpleCookie('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"')
        C['Customer']['expires'] = 0
        # can't test exact output, it always depends on current date/time

        # loading 'expires'
        C = cookies.SimpleCookie()
        C.load('Customer="W"; expires=Wed, 01-Jan-2010 00:00:00 GMT')
                         'Wed, 01-Jan-2010 00:00:00 GMT')
        C = cookies.SimpleCookie()
        C.load('Customer="W"; expires=Wed, 01-Jan-98 00:00:00 GMT')
                         'Wed, 01-Jan-98 00:00:00 GMT')

        # 'max-age'
        C = cookies.SimpleCookie('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"')
        C['Customer']['max-age'] = 10
                         'Set-Cookie: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Max-Age=10')

        # others
        C = cookies.SimpleCookie('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"')
        C['Customer']['secure'] = True
        C['Customer']['httponly'] = True
            'Set-Cookie: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; httponly; secure')

    def test_quoted_meta(self):
        # Try cookie with quoted meta-data
        C = cookies.SimpleCookie()
        C.load('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"')
        self.assertEqual(C['Customer'].value, 'WILE_E_COYOTE')
        self.assertEqual(C['Customer']['version'], '1')
        self.assertEqual(C['Customer']['path'], '/acme')

                         'Set-Cookie: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Path=/acme')
        self.assertEqual(C.js_output(), r"""
        <script type="text/javascript">
        <!-- begin hiding
        document.cookie = "Customer=\"WILE_E_COYOTE\"; Path=/acme; Version=1";
        // end hiding -->
        self.assertEqual(C.js_output(['path']), r"""
        <script type="text/javascript">
        <!-- begin hiding
        document.cookie = "Customer=\"WILE_E_COYOTE\"; Path=/acme";
        // end hiding -->

class MorselTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for the Morsel object."""

    def test_reserved_keys(self):
        M = cookies.Morsel()
        # tests valid and invalid reserved keys for Morsels
        for i in M._reserved:
            # Test that all valid keys are reported as reserved and set them
            M[i] = '%s_value' % i
        for i in M._reserved:
            # Test that valid key values come out fine
            self.assertEqual(M[i], '%s_value' % i)
        for i in "the holy hand grenade".split():
            # Test that invalid keys raise CookieError
                              M.__setitem__, i, '%s_value' % i)

    def test_setter(self):
        M = cookies.Morsel()
        # tests the .set method to set keys and their values
        for i in M._reserved:
            # Makes sure that all reserved keys can't be set this way
                              M.set, i, '%s_value' % i, '%s_value' % i)
        for i in "thou cast _the- !holy! ^hand| +*grenade~".split():
            # Try typical use case. Setting decent values.
            # Check output and js_output.
            M['path'] = '/foo' # Try a reserved key as well
            M.set(i, "%s_val" % i, "%s_coded_val" % i)
                "Set-Cookie: %s=%s; Path=/foo" % (i, "%s_coded_val" % i))
            expected_js_output = """
        <script type="text/javascript">
        <!-- begin hiding
        document.cookie = "%s=%s; Path=/foo";
        // end hiding -->
        """ % (i, "%s_coded_val" % i)
            self.assertEqual(M.js_output(), expected_js_output)
        for i in ["foo bar", "foo@bar"]:
            # Try some illegal characters
                              M.set, i, '%s_value' % i, '%s_value' % i)

def test_main():
    run_unittest(CookieTests, MorselTests)

if __name__ == '__main__':