import unittest from import TestSkipped, run_unittest import os, struct try: import fcntl, termios except ImportError: raise TestSkipped("No fcntl or termios module") if not hasattr(termios,'TIOCGPGRP'): raise TestSkipped("termios module doesn't have TIOCGPGRP") try: tty = open("/dev/tty", "r") tty.close() except IOError: raise TestSkipped("Unable to open /dev/tty") try: import pty except ImportError: pty = None class IoctlTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_ioctl(self): # If this process has been put into the background, TIOCGPGRP returns # the session ID instead of the process group id. ids = (os.getpgrp(), os.getsid(0)) tty = open("/dev/tty", "r") r = fcntl.ioctl(tty, termios.TIOCGPGRP, " ") rpgrp = struct.unpack("i", r)[0] self.assert_(rpgrp in ids, "%s not in %s" % (rpgrp, ids)) def test_ioctl_mutate(self): import array buf = array.array('i', [0]) ids = (os.getpgrp(), os.getsid(0)) tty = open("/dev/tty", "r") r = fcntl.ioctl(tty, termios.TIOCGPGRP, buf, 1) rpgrp = buf[0] self.assertEquals(r, 0) self.assert_(rpgrp in ids, "%s not in %s" % (rpgrp, ids)) def test_ioctl_signed_unsigned_code_param(self): if not pty: raise TestSkipped('pty module required') mfd, sfd = pty.openpty() try: if termios.TIOCSWINSZ < 0: set_winsz_opcode_maybe_neg = termios.TIOCSWINSZ set_winsz_opcode_pos = termios.TIOCSWINSZ & 0xffffffff else: set_winsz_opcode_pos = termios.TIOCSWINSZ set_winsz_opcode_maybe_neg, = struct.unpack("i", struct.pack("I", termios.TIOCSWINSZ)) our_winsz = struct.pack("HHHH",80,25,0,0) # test both with a positive and potentially negative ioctl code new_winsz = fcntl.ioctl(mfd, set_winsz_opcode_pos, our_winsz) new_winsz = fcntl.ioctl(mfd, set_winsz_opcode_maybe_neg, our_winsz) finally: os.close(mfd) os.close(sfd) def test_main(): run_unittest(IoctlTests) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()