# # Test suite for Optik. Supplied by Johannes Gijsbers # (taradino@softhome.net) -- translated from the original Optik # test suite to this PyUnit-based version. # # $Id$ # import sys import os import re import copy import unittest from io import StringIO from test import support from optparse import make_option, Option, \ TitledHelpFormatter, OptionParser, OptionGroup, \ SUPPRESS_USAGE, OptionError, OptionConflictError, \ BadOptionError, OptionValueError, Values from optparse import _match_abbrev from optparse import _parse_num retype = type(re.compile('')) class InterceptedError(Exception): def __init__(self, error_message=None, exit_status=None, exit_message=None): self.error_message = error_message self.exit_status = exit_status self.exit_message = exit_message def __str__(self): return self.error_message or self.exit_message or "intercepted error" class InterceptingOptionParser(OptionParser): def exit(self, status=0, msg=None): raise InterceptedError(exit_status=status, exit_message=msg) def error(self, msg): raise InterceptedError(error_message=msg) class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase): def assertParseOK(self, args, expected_opts, expected_positional_args): """Assert the options are what we expected when parsing arguments. Otherwise, fail with a nicely formatted message. Keyword arguments: args -- A list of arguments to parse with OptionParser. expected_opts -- The options expected. expected_positional_args -- The positional arguments expected. Returns the options and positional args for further testing. """ (options, positional_args) = self.parser.parse_args(args) optdict = vars(options) self.assertEqual(optdict, expected_opts, """ Options are %(optdict)s. Should be %(expected_opts)s. Args were %(args)s.""" % locals()) self.assertEqual(positional_args, expected_positional_args, """ Positional arguments are %(positional_args)s. Should be %(expected_positional_args)s. Args were %(args)s.""" % locals ()) return (options, positional_args) def assertRaises(self, func, args, kwargs, expected_exception, expected_message): """ Assert that the expected exception is raised when calling a function, and that the right error message is included with that exception. Arguments: func -- the function to call args -- positional arguments to `func` kwargs -- keyword arguments to `func` expected_exception -- exception that should be raised expected_message -- expected exception message (or pattern if a compiled regex object) Returns the exception raised for further testing. """ if args is None: args = () if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} try: func(*args, **kwargs) except expected_exception as err: actual_message = str(err) if isinstance(expected_message, retype): self.assertTrue(expected_message.search(actual_message), """\ expected exception message pattern: /%s/ actual exception message: '''%s''' """ % (expected_message.pattern, actual_message)) else: self.assertEqual(actual_message, expected_message, """\ expected exception message: '''%s''' actual exception message: '''%s''' """ % (expected_message, actual_message)) return err else: self.fail("""expected exception %(expected_exception)s not raised called %(func)r with args %(args)r and kwargs %(kwargs)r """ % locals ()) # -- Assertions used in more than one class -------------------- def assertParseFail(self, cmdline_args, expected_output): """ Assert the parser fails with the expected message. Caller must ensure that self.parser is an InterceptingOptionParser. """ try: self.parser.parse_args(cmdline_args) except InterceptedError as err: self.assertEqual(err.error_message, expected_output) else: self.assertFalse("expected parse failure") def assertOutput(self, cmdline_args, expected_output, expected_status=0, expected_error=None): """Assert the parser prints the expected output on stdout.""" save_stdout = sys.stdout try: try: sys.stdout = StringIO() self.parser.parse_args(cmdline_args) finally: output = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout = save_stdout except InterceptedError as err: self.assertTrue( isinstance(output, str), "expected output to be an ordinary string, not %r" % type(output)) if output != expected_output: self.fail("expected: \n'''\n" + expected_output + "'''\nbut got \n'''\n" + output + "'''") self.assertEqual(err.exit_status, expected_status) self.assertEqual(err.exit_message, expected_error) else: self.assertFalse("expected parser.exit()") def assertTypeError(self, func, expected_message, *args): """Assert that TypeError is raised when executing func.""" self.assertRaises(func, args, None, TypeError, expected_message) def assertHelp(self, parser, expected_help): actual_help = parser.format_help() if actual_help != expected_help: raise self.failureException( 'help text failure; expected:\n"' + expected_help + '"; got:\n"' + actual_help + '"\n') # -- Test make_option() aka Option ------------------------------------- # It's not necessary to test correct options here. All the tests in the # parser.parse_args() section deal with those, because they're needed # there. class TestOptionChecks(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) def assertOptionError(self, expected_message, args=[], kwargs={}): self.assertRaises(make_option, args, kwargs, OptionError, expected_message) def test_opt_string_empty(self): self.assertTypeError(make_option, "at least one option string must be supplied") def test_opt_string_too_short(self): self.assertOptionError( "invalid option string 'b': must be at least two characters long", ["b"]) def test_opt_string_short_invalid(self): self.assertOptionError( "invalid short option string '--': must be " "of the form -x, (x any non-dash char)", ["--"]) def test_opt_string_long_invalid(self): self.assertOptionError( "invalid long option string '---': " "must start with --, followed by non-dash", ["---"]) def test_attr_invalid(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: invalid keyword arguments: bar, foo", ["-b"], {'foo': None, 'bar': None}) def test_action_invalid(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: invalid action: 'foo'", ["-b"], {'action': 'foo'}) def test_type_invalid(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: invalid option type: 'foo'", ["-b"], {'type': 'foo'}) self.assertOptionError( "option -b: invalid option type: 'tuple'", ["-b"], {'type': tuple}) def test_no_type_for_action(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: must not supply a type for action 'count'", ["-b"], {'action': 'count', 'type': 'int'}) def test_no_choices_list(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b/--bad: must supply a list of " "choices for type 'choice'", ["-b", "--bad"], {'type': "choice"}) def test_bad_choices_list(self): typename = type('').__name__ self.assertOptionError( "option -b/--bad: choices must be a list of " "strings ('%s' supplied)" % typename, ["-b", "--bad"], {'type': "choice", 'choices':"bad choices"}) def test_no_choices_for_type(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: must not supply choices for type 'int'", ["-b"], {'type': 'int', 'choices':"bad"}) def test_no_const_for_action(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: 'const' must not be supplied for action 'store'", ["-b"], {'action': 'store', 'const': 1}) def test_no_nargs_for_action(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: 'nargs' must not be supplied for action 'count'", ["-b"], {'action': 'count', 'nargs': 2}) def test_callback_not_callable(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: callback not callable: 'foo'", ["-b"], {'action': 'callback', 'callback': 'foo'}) def dummy(self): pass def test_callback_args_no_tuple(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: callback_args, if supplied, " "must be a tuple: not 'foo'", ["-b"], {'action': 'callback', 'callback': self.dummy, 'callback_args': 'foo'}) def test_callback_kwargs_no_dict(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: callback_kwargs, if supplied, " "must be a dict: not 'foo'", ["-b"], {'action': 'callback', 'callback': self.dummy, 'callback_kwargs': 'foo'}) def test_no_callback_for_action(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: callback supplied ('foo') for non-callback option", ["-b"], {'action': 'store', 'callback': 'foo'}) def test_no_callback_args_for_action(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: callback_args supplied for non-callback option", ["-b"], {'action': 'store', 'callback_args': 'foo'}) def test_no_callback_kwargs_for_action(self): self.assertOptionError( "option -b: callback_kwargs supplied for non-callback option", ["-b"], {'action': 'store', 'callback_kwargs': 'foo'}) class TestOptionParser(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser() self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", "-n", "--noisy", action="store_true", dest="verbose") self.parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", "--silent", action="store_false", dest="verbose") def test_add_option_no_Option(self): self.assertTypeError(self.parser.add_option, "not an Option instance: None", None) def test_add_option_invalid_arguments(self): self.assertTypeError(self.parser.add_option, "invalid arguments", None, None) def test_get_option(self): opt1 = self.parser.get_option("-v") self.assertIsInstance(opt1, Option) self.assertEqual(opt1._short_opts, ["-v", "-n"]) self.assertEqual(opt1._long_opts, ["--verbose", "--noisy"]) self.assertEqual(opt1.action, "store_true") self.assertEqual(opt1.dest, "verbose") def test_get_option_equals(self): opt1 = self.parser.get_option("-v") opt2 = self.parser.get_option("--verbose") opt3 = self.parser.get_option("-n") opt4 = self.parser.get_option("--noisy") self.assertTrue(opt1 is opt2 is opt3 is opt4) def test_has_option(self): self.assertTrue(self.parser.has_option("-v")) self.assertTrue(self.parser.has_option("--verbose")) def assertTrueremoved(self): self.assertTrue(self.parser.get_option("-v") is None) self.assertTrue(self.parser.get_option("--verbose") is None) self.assertTrue(self.parser.get_option("-n") is None) self.assertTrue(self.parser.get_option("--noisy") is None) self.assertFalse(self.parser.has_option("-v")) self.assertFalse(self.parser.has_option("--verbose")) self.assertFalse(self.parser.has_option("-n")) self.assertFalse(self.parser.has_option("--noisy")) self.assertTrue(self.parser.has_option("-q")) self.assertTrue(self.parser.has_option("--silent")) def test_remove_short_opt(self): self.parser.remove_option("-n") self.assertTrueremoved() def test_remove_long_opt(self): self.parser.remove_option("--verbose") self.assertTrueremoved() def test_remove_nonexistent(self): self.assertRaises(self.parser.remove_option, ('foo',), None, ValueError, "no such option 'foo'") def test_refleak(self): # If an OptionParser is carrying around a reference to a large # object, various cycles can prevent it from being GC'd in # a timely fashion. destroy() breaks the cycles to ensure stuff # can be cleaned up. big_thing = [42] refcount = sys.getrefcount(big_thing) parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-a", "--aaarggh") parser.big_thing = big_thing parser.destroy() #self.assertEqual(refcount, sys.getrefcount(big_thing)) del parser self.assertEqual(refcount, sys.getrefcount(big_thing)) class TestOptionValues(BaseTest): def setUp(self): pass def test_basics(self): values = Values() self.assertEqual(vars(values), {}) self.assertEqual(values, {}) self.assertNotEqual(values, {"foo": "bar"}) self.assertNotEqual(values, "") dict = {"foo": "bar", "baz": 42} values = Values(defaults=dict) self.assertEqual(vars(values), dict) self.assertEqual(values, dict) self.assertNotEqual(values, {"foo": "bar"}) self.assertNotEqual(values, {}) self.assertNotEqual(values, "") self.assertNotEqual(values, []) class TestTypeAliases(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser() def test_str_aliases_string(self): self.parser.add_option("-s", type="str") self.assertEquals(self.parser.get_option("-s").type, "string") def test_type_object(self): self.parser.add_option("-s", type=str) self.assertEquals(self.parser.get_option("-s").type, "string") self.parser.add_option("-x", type=int) self.assertEquals(self.parser.get_option("-x").type, "int") # Custom type for testing processing of default values. _time_units = { 's' : 1, 'm' : 60, 'h' : 60*60, 'd' : 60*60*24 } def _check_duration(option, opt, value): try: if value[-1].isdigit(): return int(value) else: return int(value[:-1]) * _time_units[value[-1]] except (ValueError, IndexError): raise OptionValueError( 'option %s: invalid duration: %r' % (opt, value)) class DurationOption(Option): TYPES = Option.TYPES + ('duration',) TYPE_CHECKER = copy.copy(Option.TYPE_CHECKER) TYPE_CHECKER['duration'] = _check_duration class TestDefaultValues(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser() self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", default=True) self.parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest='verbose') self.parser.add_option("-n", type="int", default=37) self.parser.add_option("-m", type="int") self.parser.add_option("-s", default="foo") self.parser.add_option("-t") self.parser.add_option("-u", default=None) self.expected = { 'verbose': True, 'n': 37, 'm': None, 's': "foo", 't': None, 'u': None } def test_basic_defaults(self): self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected) def test_mixed_defaults_post(self): self.parser.set_defaults(n=42, m=-100) self.expected.update({'n': 42, 'm': -100}) self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected) def test_mixed_defaults_pre(self): self.parser.set_defaults(x="barf", y="blah") self.parser.add_option("-x", default="frob") self.parser.add_option("-y") self.expected.update({'x': "frob", 'y': "blah"}) self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected) self.parser.remove_option("-y") self.parser.add_option("-y", default=None) self.expected.update({'y': None}) self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected) def test_process_default(self): self.parser.option_class = DurationOption self.parser.add_option("-d", type="duration", default=300) self.parser.add_option("-e", type="duration", default="6m") self.parser.set_defaults(n="42") self.expected.update({'d': 300, 'e': 360, 'n': 42}) self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected) self.parser.set_process_default_values(False) self.expected.update({'d': 300, 'e': "6m", 'n': "42"}) self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected) class TestProgName(BaseTest): """ Test that %prog expands to the right thing in usage, version, and help strings. """ def assertUsage(self, parser, expected_usage): self.assertEqual(parser.get_usage(), expected_usage) def assertVersion(self, parser, expected_version): self.assertEqual(parser.get_version(), expected_version) def test_default_progname(self): # Make sure that program name taken from sys.argv[0] by default. save_argv = sys.argv[:] try: sys.argv[0] = os.path.join("foo", "bar", "baz.py") parser = OptionParser("%prog ...", version="%prog 1.2") expected_usage = "Usage: baz.py ...\n" self.assertUsage(parser, expected_usage) self.assertVersion(parser, "baz.py 1.2") self.assertHelp(parser, expected_usage + "\n" + "Options:\n" " --version show program's version number and exit\n" " -h, --help show this help message and exit\n") finally: sys.argv[:] = save_argv def test_custom_progname(self): parser = OptionParser(prog="thingy", version="%prog 0.1", usage="%prog arg arg") parser.remove_option("-h") parser.remove_option("--version") expected_usage = "Usage: thingy arg arg\n" self.assertUsage(parser, expected_usage) self.assertVersion(parser, "thingy 0.1") self.assertHelp(parser, expected_usage + "\n") class TestExpandDefaults(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser(prog="test") self.help_prefix = """\ Usage: test [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit """ self.file_help = "read from FILE [default: %default]" self.expected_help_file = self.help_prefix + \ " -f FILE, --file=FILE read from FILE [default: foo.txt]\n" self.expected_help_none = self.help_prefix + \ " -f FILE, --file=FILE read from FILE [default: none]\n" def test_option_default(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", default="foo.txt", help=self.file_help) self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file) def test_parser_default_1(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", help=self.file_help) self.parser.set_default('file', "foo.txt") self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file) def test_parser_default_2(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", help=self.file_help) self.parser.set_defaults(file="foo.txt") self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file) def test_no_default(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", help=self.file_help) self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_none) def test_default_none_1(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", default=None, help=self.file_help) self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_none) def test_default_none_2(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", help=self.file_help) self.parser.set_defaults(file=None) self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_none) def test_float_default(self): self.parser.add_option( "-p", "--prob", help="blow up with probability PROB [default: %default]") self.parser.set_defaults(prob=0.43) expected_help = self.help_prefix + \ " -p PROB, --prob=PROB blow up with probability PROB [default: 0.43]\n" self.assertHelp(self.parser, expected_help) def test_alt_expand(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", default="foo.txt", help="read from FILE [default: *DEFAULT*]") self.parser.formatter.default_tag = "*DEFAULT*" self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file) def test_no_expand(self): self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", default="foo.txt", help="read from %default file") self.parser.formatter.default_tag = None expected_help = self.help_prefix + \ " -f FILE, --file=FILE read from %default file\n" self.assertHelp(self.parser, expected_help) # -- Test parser.parse_args() ------------------------------------------ class TestStandard(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option("-a", type="string"), make_option("-b", "--boo", type="int", dest='boo'), make_option("--foo", action="append")] self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, option_list=options) def test_required_value(self): self.assertParseFail(["-a"], "-a option requires an argument") def test_invalid_integer(self): self.assertParseFail(["-b", "5x"], "option -b: invalid integer value: '5x'") def test_no_such_option(self): self.assertParseFail(["--boo13"], "no such option: --boo13") def test_long_invalid_integer(self): self.assertParseFail(["--boo=x5"], "option --boo: invalid integer value: 'x5'") def test_empty(self): self.assertParseOK([], {'a': None, 'boo': None, 'foo': None}, []) def test_shortopt_empty_longopt_append(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "", "--foo=blah", "--foo="], {'a': "", 'boo': None, 'foo': ["blah", ""]}, []) def test_long_option_append(self): self.assertParseOK(["--foo", "bar", "--foo", "", "--foo=x"], {'a': None, 'boo': None, 'foo': ["bar", "", "x"]}, []) def test_option_argument_joined(self): self.assertParseOK(["-abc"], {'a': "bc", 'boo': None, 'foo': None}, []) def test_option_argument_split(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "34"], {'a': "34", 'boo': None, 'foo': None}, []) def test_option_argument_joined_integer(self): self.assertParseOK(["-b34"], {'a': None, 'boo': 34, 'foo': None}, []) def test_option_argument_split_negative_integer(self): self.assertParseOK(["-b", "-5"], {'a': None, 'boo': -5, 'foo': None}, []) def test_long_option_argument_joined(self): self.assertParseOK(["--boo=13"], {'a': None, 'boo': 13, 'foo': None}, []) def test_long_option_argument_split(self): self.assertParseOK(["--boo", "111"], {'a': None, 'boo': 111, 'foo': None}, []) def test_long_option_short_option(self): self.assertParseOK(["--foo=bar", "-axyz"], {'a': 'xyz', 'boo': None, 'foo': ["bar"]}, []) def test_abbrev_long_option(self): self.assertParseOK(["--f=bar", "-axyz"], {'a': 'xyz', 'boo': None, 'foo': ["bar"]}, []) def test_defaults(self): (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args([]) defaults = self.parser.get_default_values() self.assertEqual(vars(defaults), vars(options)) def test_ambiguous_option(self): self.parser.add_option("--foz", action="store", type="string", dest="foo") self.assertParseFail(["--f=bar"], "ambiguous option: --f (--foo, --foz?)") def test_short_and_long_option_split(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "xyz", "--foo", "bar"], {'a': 'xyz', 'boo': None, 'foo': ["bar"]}, []), def test_short_option_split_long_option_append(self): self.assertParseOK(["--foo=bar", "-b", "123", "--foo", "baz"], {'a': None, 'boo': 123, 'foo': ["bar", "baz"]}, []) def test_short_option_split_one_positional_arg(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "foo", "bar"], {'a': "foo", 'boo': None, 'foo': None}, ["bar"]), def test_short_option_consumes_separator(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "--", "foo", "bar"], {'a': "--", 'boo': None, 'foo': None}, ["foo", "bar"]), self.assertParseOK(["-a", "--", "--foo", "bar"], {'a': "--", 'boo': None, 'foo': ["bar"]}, []), def test_short_option_joined_and_separator(self): self.assertParseOK(["-ab", "--", "--foo", "bar"], {'a': "b", 'boo': None, 'foo': None}, ["--foo", "bar"]), def test_hyphen_becomes_positional_arg(self): self.assertParseOK(["-ab", "-", "--foo", "bar"], {'a': "b", 'boo': None, 'foo': ["bar"]}, ["-"]) def test_no_append_versus_append(self): self.assertParseOK(["-b3", "-b", "5", "--foo=bar", "--foo", "baz"], {'a': None, 'boo': 5, 'foo': ["bar", "baz"]}, []) def test_option_consumes_optionlike_string(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "-b3"], {'a': "-b3", 'boo': None, 'foo': None}, []) def test_combined_single_invalid_option(self): self.parser.add_option("-t", action="store_true") self.assertParseFail(["-test"], "no such option: -e") class TestBool(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=''), make_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose")] self.parser = OptionParser(option_list = options) def test_bool_default(self): self.assertParseOK([], {'verbose': ''}, []) def test_bool_false(self): (options, args) = self.assertParseOK(["-q"], {'verbose': 0}, []) if hasattr(__builtins__, 'False'): self.assertTrue(options.verbose is False) def test_bool_true(self): (options, args) = self.assertParseOK(["-v"], {'verbose': 1}, []) if hasattr(__builtins__, 'True'): self.assertTrue(options.verbose is True) def test_bool_flicker_on_and_off(self): self.assertParseOK(["-qvq", "-q", "-v"], {'verbose': 1}, []) class TestChoice(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) self.parser.add_option("-c", action="store", type="choice", dest="choice", choices=["one", "two", "three"]) def test_valid_choice(self): self.assertParseOK(["-c", "one", "xyz"], {'choice': 'one'}, ["xyz"]) def test_invalid_choice(self): self.assertParseFail(["-c", "four", "abc"], "option -c: invalid choice: 'four' " "(choose from 'one', 'two', 'three')") def test_add_choice_option(self): self.parser.add_option("-d", "--default", choices=["four", "five", "six"]) opt = self.parser.get_option("-d") self.assertEqual(opt.type, "choice") self.assertEqual(opt.action, "store") class TestCount(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) self.v_opt = make_option("-v", action="count", dest="verbose") self.parser.add_option(self.v_opt) self.parser.add_option("--verbose", type="int", dest="verbose") self.parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", dest="verbose", const=0) def test_empty(self): self.assertParseOK([], {'verbose': None}, []) def test_count_one(self): self.assertParseOK(["-v"], {'verbose': 1}, []) def test_count_three(self): self.assertParseOK(["-vvv"], {'verbose': 3}, []) def test_count_three_apart(self): self.assertParseOK(["-v", "-v", "-v"], {'verbose': 3}, []) def test_count_override_amount(self): self.assertParseOK(["-vvv", "--verbose=2"], {'verbose': 2}, []) def test_count_override_quiet(self): self.assertParseOK(["-vvv", "--verbose=2", "-q"], {'verbose': 0}, []) def test_count_overriding(self): self.assertParseOK(["-vvv", "--verbose=2", "-q", "-v"], {'verbose': 1}, []) def test_count_interspersed_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["--quiet", "3", "-v"], {'verbose': 1}, ["3"]) def test_count_no_interspersed_args(self): self.parser.disable_interspersed_args() self.assertParseOK(["--quiet", "3", "-v"], {'verbose': 0}, ["3", "-v"]) def test_count_no_such_option(self): self.assertParseFail(["-q3", "-v"], "no such option: -3") def test_count_option_no_value(self): self.assertParseFail(["--quiet=3", "-v"], "--quiet option does not take a value") def test_count_with_default(self): self.parser.set_default('verbose', 0) self.assertParseOK([], {'verbose':0}, []) def test_count_overriding_default(self): self.parser.set_default('verbose', 0) self.assertParseOK(["-vvv", "--verbose=2", "-q", "-v"], {'verbose': 1}, []) class TestMultipleArgs(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) self.parser.add_option("-p", "--point", action="store", nargs=3, type="float", dest="point") def test_nargs_with_positional_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["foo", "-p", "1", "2.5", "-4.3", "xyz"], {'point': (1.0, 2.5, -4.3)}, ["foo", "xyz"]) def test_nargs_long_opt(self): self.assertParseOK(["--point", "-1", "2.5", "-0", "xyz"], {'point': (-1.0, 2.5, -0.0)}, ["xyz"]) def test_nargs_invalid_float_value(self): self.assertParseFail(["-p", "1.0", "2x", "3.5"], "option -p: " "invalid floating-point value: '2x'") def test_nargs_required_values(self): self.assertParseFail(["--point", "1.0", "3.5"], "--point option requires 3 arguments") class TestMultipleArgsAppend(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) self.parser.add_option("-p", "--point", action="store", nargs=3, type="float", dest="point") self.parser.add_option("-f", "--foo", action="append", nargs=2, type="int", dest="foo") self.parser.add_option("-z", "--zero", action="append_const", dest="foo", const=(0, 0)) def test_nargs_append(self): self.assertParseOK(["-f", "4", "-3", "blah", "--foo", "1", "666"], {'point': None, 'foo': [(4, -3), (1, 666)]}, ["blah"]) def test_nargs_append_required_values(self): self.assertParseFail(["-f4,3"], "-f option requires 2 arguments") def test_nargs_append_simple(self): self.assertParseOK(["--foo=3", "4"], {'point': None, 'foo':[(3, 4)]}, []) def test_nargs_append_const(self): self.assertParseOK(["--zero", "--foo", "3", "4", "-z"], {'point': None, 'foo':[(0, 0), (3, 4), (0, 0)]}, []) class TestVersion(BaseTest): def test_version(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, version="%prog 0.1") save_argv = sys.argv[:] try: sys.argv[0] = os.path.join(os.curdir, "foo", "bar") self.assertOutput(["--version"], "bar 0.1\n") finally: sys.argv[:] = save_argv def test_no_version(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) self.assertParseFail(["--version"], "no such option: --version") # -- Test conflicting default values and parser.parse_args() ----------- class TestConflictingDefaults(BaseTest): """Conflicting default values: the last one should win.""" def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser(option_list=[ make_option("-v", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=1)]) def test_conflict_default(self): self.parser.add_option("-q", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=0) self.assertParseOK([], {'verbose': 0}, []) def test_conflict_default_none(self): self.parser.add_option("-q", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=None) self.assertParseOK([], {'verbose': None}, []) class TestOptionGroup(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) def test_option_group_create_instance(self): group = OptionGroup(self.parser, "Spam") self.parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option("--spam", action="store_true", help="spam spam spam spam") self.assertParseOK(["--spam"], {'spam': 1}, []) def test_add_group_no_group(self): self.assertTypeError(self.parser.add_option_group, "not an OptionGroup instance: None", None) def test_add_group_invalid_arguments(self): self.assertTypeError(self.parser.add_option_group, "invalid arguments", None, None) def test_add_group_wrong_parser(self): group = OptionGroup(self.parser, "Spam") group.parser = OptionParser() self.assertRaises(self.parser.add_option_group, (group,), None, ValueError, "invalid OptionGroup (wrong parser)") def test_group_manipulate(self): group = self.parser.add_option_group("Group 2", description="Some more options") group.set_title("Bacon") group.add_option("--bacon", type="int") self.assertTrue(self.parser.get_option_group("--bacon"), group) # -- Test extending and parser.parse_args() ---------------------------- class TestExtendAddTypes(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, option_class=self.MyOption) self.parser.add_option("-a", None, type="string", dest="a") self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", type="file", dest="file") def tearDown(self): if os.path.isdir(support.TESTFN): os.rmdir(support.TESTFN) elif os.path.isfile(support.TESTFN): os.unlink(support.TESTFN) class MyOption (Option): def check_file(option, opt, value): if not os.path.exists(value): raise OptionValueError("%s: file does not exist" % value) elif not os.path.isfile(value): raise OptionValueError("%s: not a regular file" % value) return value TYPES = Option.TYPES + ("file",) TYPE_CHECKER = copy.copy(Option.TYPE_CHECKER) TYPE_CHECKER["file"] = check_file def test_filetype_ok(self): open(support.TESTFN, "w").close() self.assertParseOK(["--file", support.TESTFN, "-afoo"], {'file': support.TESTFN, 'a': 'foo'}, []) def test_filetype_noexist(self): self.assertParseFail(["--file", support.TESTFN, "-afoo"], "%s: file does not exist" % support.TESTFN) def test_filetype_notfile(self): os.mkdir(support.TESTFN) self.assertParseFail(["--file", support.TESTFN, "-afoo"], "%s: not a regular file" % support.TESTFN) class TestExtendAddActions(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [self.MyOption("-a", "--apple", action="extend", type="string", dest="apple")] self.parser = OptionParser(option_list=options) class MyOption (Option): ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",) STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",) TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser): if action == "extend": lvalue = value.split(",") values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue) else: Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, parser, value, values) def test_extend_add_action(self): self.assertParseOK(["-afoo,bar", "--apple=blah"], {'apple': ["foo", "bar", "blah"]}, []) def test_extend_add_action_normal(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "foo", "-abar", "--apple=x,y"], {'apple': ["foo", "bar", "x", "y"]}, []) # -- Test callbacks and parser.parse_args() ---------------------------- class TestCallback(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option("-x", None, action="callback", callback=self.process_opt), make_option("-f", "--file", action="callback", callback=self.process_opt, type="string", dest="filename")] self.parser = OptionParser(option_list=options) def process_opt(self, option, opt, value, parser_): if opt == "-x": self.assertEqual(option._short_opts, ["-x"]) self.assertEqual(option._long_opts, []) self.assertTrue(parser_ is self.parser) self.assertTrue(value is None) self.assertEqual(vars(parser_.values), {'filename': None}) parser_.values.x = 42 elif opt == "--file": self.assertEqual(option._short_opts, ["-f"]) self.assertEqual(option._long_opts, ["--file"]) self.assertTrue(parser_ is self.parser) self.assertEqual(value, "foo") self.assertEqual(vars(parser_.values), {'filename': None, 'x': 42}) setattr(parser_.values, option.dest, value) else: self.fail("Unknown option %r in process_opt." % opt) def test_callback(self): self.assertParseOK(["-x", "--file=foo"], {'filename': "foo", 'x': 42}, []) def test_callback_help(self): # This test was prompted by SF bug #960515 -- the point is # not to inspect the help text, just to make sure that # format_help() doesn't crash. parser = OptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) parser.remove_option("-h") parser.add_option("-t", "--test", action="callback", callback=lambda: None, type="string", help="foo") expected_help = ("Options:\n" " -t TEST, --test=TEST foo\n") self.assertHelp(parser, expected_help) class TestCallbackExtraArgs(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option("-p", "--point", action="callback", callback=self.process_tuple, callback_args=(3, int), type="string", dest="points", default=[])] self.parser = OptionParser(option_list=options) def process_tuple(self, option, opt, value, parser_, len, type): self.assertEqual(len, 3) self.assertTrue(type is int) if opt == "-p": self.assertEqual(value, "1,2,3") elif opt == "--point": self.assertEqual(value, "4,5,6") value = tuple(map(type, value.split(","))) getattr(parser_.values, option.dest).append(value) def test_callback_extra_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["-p1,2,3", "--point", "4,5,6"], {'points': [(1,2,3), (4,5,6)]}, []) class TestCallbackMeddleArgs(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option(str(x), action="callback", callback=self.process_n, dest='things') for x in range(-1, -6, -1)] self.parser = OptionParser(option_list=options) # Callback that meddles in rargs, largs def process_n(self, option, opt, value, parser_): # option is -3, -5, etc. nargs = int(opt[1:]) rargs = parser_.rargs if len(rargs) < nargs: self.fail("Expected %d arguments for %s option." % (nargs, opt)) dest = parser_.values.ensure_value(option.dest, []) dest.append(tuple(rargs[0:nargs])) parser_.largs.append(nargs) del rargs[0:nargs] def test_callback_meddle_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["-1", "foo", "-3", "bar", "baz", "qux"], {'things': [("foo",), ("bar", "baz", "qux")]}, [1, 3]) def test_callback_meddle_args_separator(self): self.assertParseOK(["-2", "foo", "--"], {'things': [('foo', '--')]}, [2]) class TestCallbackManyArgs(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option("-a", "--apple", action="callback", nargs=2, callback=self.process_many, type="string"), make_option("-b", "--bob", action="callback", nargs=3, callback=self.process_many, type="int")] self.parser = OptionParser(option_list=options) def process_many(self, option, opt, value, parser_): if opt == "-a": self.assertEqual(value, ("foo", "bar")) elif opt == "--apple": self.assertEqual(value, ("ding", "dong")) elif opt == "-b": self.assertEqual(value, (1, 2, 3)) elif opt == "--bob": self.assertEqual(value, (-666, 42, 0)) def test_many_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a", "foo", "bar", "--apple", "ding", "dong", "-b", "1", "2", "3", "--bob", "-666", "42", "0"], {"apple": None, "bob": None}, []) class TestCallbackCheckAbbrev(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = OptionParser() self.parser.add_option("--foo-bar", action="callback", callback=self.check_abbrev) def check_abbrev(self, option, opt, value, parser): self.assertEqual(opt, "--foo-bar") def test_abbrev_callback_expansion(self): self.assertParseOK(["--foo"], {}, []) class TestCallbackVarArgs(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option("-a", type="int", nargs=2, dest="a"), make_option("-b", action="store_true", dest="b"), make_option("-c", "--callback", action="callback", callback=self.variable_args, dest="c")] self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, option_list=options) def variable_args(self, option, opt, value, parser): self.assertTrue(value is None) value = [] rargs = parser.rargs while rargs: arg = rargs[0] if ((arg[:2] == "--" and len(arg) > 2) or (arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != "-")): break else: value.append(arg) del rargs[0] setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) def test_variable_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["-a3", "-5", "--callback", "foo", "bar"], {'a': (3, -5), 'b': None, 'c': ["foo", "bar"]}, []) def test_consume_separator_stop_at_option(self): self.assertParseOK(["-c", "37", "--", "xxx", "-b", "hello"], {'a': None, 'b': True, 'c': ["37", "--", "xxx"]}, ["hello"]) def test_positional_arg_and_variable_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["hello", "-c", "foo", "-", "bar"], {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c':["foo", "-", "bar"]}, ["hello"]) def test_stop_at_option(self): self.assertParseOK(["-c", "foo", "-b"], {'a': None, 'b': True, 'c': ["foo"]}, []) def test_stop_at_invalid_option(self): self.assertParseFail(["-c", "3", "-5", "-a"], "no such option: -5") # -- Test conflict handling and parser.parse_args() -------------------- class ConflictBase(BaseTest): def setUp(self): options = [make_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbose", help="increment verbosity")] self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, option_list=options) def show_version(self, option, opt, value, parser): parser.values.show_version = 1 class TestConflict(ConflictBase): """Use the default conflict resolution for Optik 1.2: error.""" def assertTrueconflict_error(self, func): err = self.assertRaises( func, ("-v", "--version"), {'action' : "callback", 'callback' : self.show_version, 'help' : "show version"}, OptionConflictError, "option -v/--version: conflicting option string(s): -v") self.assertEqual(err.msg, "conflicting option string(s): -v") self.assertEqual(err.option_id, "-v/--version") def test_conflict_error(self): self.assertTrueconflict_error(self.parser.add_option) def test_conflict_error_group(self): group = OptionGroup(self.parser, "Group 1") self.assertTrueconflict_error(group.add_option) def test_no_such_conflict_handler(self): self.assertRaises( self.parser.set_conflict_handler, ('foo',), None, ValueError, "invalid conflict_resolution value 'foo'") class TestConflictResolve(ConflictBase): def setUp(self): ConflictBase.setUp(self) self.parser.set_conflict_handler("resolve") self.parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="callback", callback=self.show_version, help="show version") def test_conflict_resolve(self): v_opt = self.parser.get_option("-v") verbose_opt = self.parser.get_option("--verbose") version_opt = self.parser.get_option("--version") self.assertTrue(v_opt is version_opt) self.assertTrue(v_opt is not verbose_opt) self.assertEqual(v_opt._long_opts, ["--version"]) self.assertEqual(version_opt._short_opts, ["-v"]) self.assertEqual(version_opt._long_opts, ["--version"]) self.assertEqual(verbose_opt._short_opts, []) self.assertEqual(verbose_opt._long_opts, ["--verbose"]) def test_conflict_resolve_help(self): self.assertOutput(["-h"], """\ Options: --verbose increment verbosity -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show version """) def test_conflict_resolve_short_opt(self): self.assertParseOK(["-v"], {'verbose': None, 'show_version': 1}, []) def test_conflict_resolve_long_opt(self): self.assertParseOK(["--verbose"], {'verbose': 1}, []) def test_conflict_resolve_long_opts(self): self.assertParseOK(["--verbose", "--version"], {'verbose': 1, 'show_version': 1}, []) class TestConflictOverride(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) self.parser.set_conflict_handler("resolve") self.parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry_run", help="don't do anything") self.parser.add_option("--dry-run", "-n", action="store_const", const=42, dest="dry_run", help="dry run mode") def test_conflict_override_opts(self): opt = self.parser.get_option("--dry-run") self.assertEqual(opt._short_opts, ["-n"]) self.assertEqual(opt._long_opts, ["--dry-run"]) def test_conflict_override_help(self): self.assertOutput(["-h"], """\ Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n, --dry-run dry run mode """) def test_conflict_override_args(self): self.assertParseOK(["-n"], {'dry_run': 42}, []) # -- Other testing. ---------------------------------------------------- _expected_help_basic = """\ Usage: bar.py [options] Options: -a APPLE throw APPLEs at basket -b NUM, --boo=NUM shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem) --foo=FOO store FOO in the foo list for later fooing -h, --help show this help message and exit """ _expected_help_long_opts_first = """\ Usage: bar.py [options] Options: -a APPLE throw APPLEs at basket --boo=NUM, -b NUM shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem) --foo=FOO store FOO in the foo list for later fooing --help, -h show this help message and exit """ _expected_help_title_formatter = """\ Usage ===== bar.py [options] Options ======= -a APPLE throw APPLEs at basket --boo=NUM, -b NUM shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem) --foo=FOO store FOO in the foo list for later fooing --help, -h show this help message and exit """ _expected_help_short_lines = """\ Usage: bar.py [options] Options: -a APPLE throw APPLEs at basket -b NUM, --boo=NUM shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem) --foo=FOO store FOO in the foo list for later fooing -h, --help show this help message and exit """ class TestHelp(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = self.make_parser(80) def make_parser(self, columns): options = [ make_option("-a", type="string", dest='a', metavar="APPLE", help="throw APPLEs at basket"), make_option("-b", "--boo", type="int", dest='boo', metavar="NUM", help= "shout \"boo!\" NUM times (in order to frighten away " "all the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)"), make_option("--foo", action="append", type="string", dest='foo', help="store FOO in the foo list for later fooing"), ] # We need to set COLUMNS for the OptionParser constructor, but # we must restore its original value -- otherwise, this test # screws things up for other tests when it's part of the Python # test suite. with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env: env['COLUMNS'] = str(columns) return InterceptingOptionParser(option_list=options) def assertHelpEquals(self, expected_output): save_argv = sys.argv[:] try: # Make optparse believe bar.py is being executed. sys.argv[0] = os.path.join("foo", "bar.py") self.assertOutput(["-h"], expected_output) finally: sys.argv[:] = save_argv def test_help(self): self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_basic) def test_help_old_usage(self): self.parser.set_usage("Usage: %prog [options]") self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_basic) def test_help_long_opts_first(self): self.parser.formatter.short_first = 0 self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_long_opts_first) def test_help_title_formatter(self): with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env: env["COLUMNS"] = "80" self.parser.formatter = TitledHelpFormatter() self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_title_formatter) def test_wrap_columns(self): # Ensure that wrapping respects $COLUMNS environment variable. # Need to reconstruct the parser, since that's the only time # we look at $COLUMNS. self.parser = self.make_parser(60) self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_short_lines) def test_help_unicode(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE) self.parser.add_option("-a", action="store_true", help="ol\u00E9!") expect = """\ Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a ol\u00E9! """ self.assertHelpEquals(expect) def test_help_unicode_description(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, description="ol\u00E9!") expect = """\ ol\u00E9! Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit """ self.assertHelpEquals(expect) def test_help_description_groups(self): self.parser.set_description( "This is the program description for %prog. %prog has " "an option group as well as single options.") group = OptionGroup( self.parser, "Dangerous Options", "Caution: use of these options is at your own risk. " "It is believed that some of them bite.") group.add_option("-g", action="store_true", help="Group option.") self.parser.add_option_group(group) expect = """\ Usage: bar.py [options] This is the program description for bar.py. bar.py has an option group as well as single options. Options: -a APPLE throw APPLEs at basket -b NUM, --boo=NUM shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem) --foo=FOO store FOO in the foo list for later fooing -h, --help show this help message and exit Dangerous Options: Caution: use of these options is at your own risk. It is believed that some of them bite. -g Group option. """ self.assertHelpEquals(expect) self.parser.epilog = "Please report bugs to /dev/null." self.assertHelpEquals(expect + "\nPlease report bugs to /dev/null.\n") class TestMatchAbbrev(BaseTest): def test_match_abbrev(self): self.assertEqual(_match_abbrev("--f", {"--foz": None, "--foo": None, "--fie": None, "--f": None}), "--f") def test_match_abbrev_error(self): s = "--f" wordmap = {"--foz": None, "--foo": None, "--fie": None} self.assertRaises( _match_abbrev, (s, wordmap), None, BadOptionError, "ambiguous option: --f (--fie, --foo, --foz?)") class TestParseNumber(BaseTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = InterceptingOptionParser() self.parser.add_option("-n", type=int) self.parser.add_option("-l", type=int) def test_parse_num_fail(self): self.assertRaises( _parse_num, ("", int), {}, ValueError, re.compile(r"invalid literal for int().*: '?'?")) self.assertRaises( _parse_num, ("0xOoops", int), {}, ValueError, re.compile(r"invalid literal for int().*: s?'?0xOoops'?")) def test_parse_num_ok(self): self.assertEqual(_parse_num("0", int), 0) self.assertEqual(_parse_num("0x10", int), 16) self.assertEqual(_parse_num("0XA", int), 10) self.assertEqual(_parse_num("010", int), 8) self.assertEqual(_parse_num("0b11", int), 3) self.assertEqual(_parse_num("0b", int), 0) def test_numeric_options(self): self.assertParseOK(["-n", "42", "-l", "0x20"], { "n": 42, "l": 0x20 }, []) self.assertParseOK(["-n", "0b0101", "-l010"], { "n": 5, "l": 8 }, []) self.assertParseFail(["-n008"], "option -n: invalid integer value: '008'") self.assertParseFail(["-l0b0123"], "option -l: invalid integer value: '0b0123'") self.assertParseFail(["-l", "0x12x"], "option -l: invalid integer value: '0x12x'") def test_main(): support.run_unittest(__name__) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()