"""Test suite for the profile module.""" import os import sys import pstats import unittest from difflib import unified_diff from io import StringIO from test.test_support import run_unittest import profile from test.profilee import testfunc, timer class ProfileTest(unittest.TestCase): profilerclass = profile.Profile methodnames = ['print_stats', 'print_callers', 'print_callees'] expected_output = {} @classmethod def do_profiling(cls): results = [] prof = cls.profilerclass(timer, 0.001) prof.runctx("testfunc()", globals(), locals()) results.append(timer()) for methodname in cls.methodnames: s = StringIO() stats = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=s) stats.strip_dirs().sort_stats("stdname") getattr(stats, methodname)() results.append(s.getvalue()) return results def test_cprofile(self): results = self.do_profiling() self.assertEqual(results[0], 43000) for i, method in enumerate(self.methodnames): if results[i+1] != self.expected_output[method]: print("Stats.%s output for %s doesn't fit expectation!" % (method, self.profilerclass.__name__)) print('\n'.join(unified_diff( results[i+1].split('\n'), self.expected_output[method].split('\n')))) def regenerate_expected_output(filename, cls): filename = filename.rstrip('co') print('Regenerating %s...' % filename) results = cls.do_profiling() newfile = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: newfile.append(line) if line[:6] == '#--cut': break with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(newfile) for i, method in enumerate(cls.methodnames): f.write('%s.expected_output[%r] = """\\\n%s"""\n' % ( cls.__name__, method, results[i+1])) f.write('\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n main()\n') def test_main(): run_unittest(ProfileTest) def main(): if '-r' not in sys.argv: test_main() else: regenerate_expected_output(__file__, ProfileTest) # Don't remove this comment. Everything below it is auto-generated. #--cut-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProfileTest.expected_output['print_stats'] = """\ 126 function calls (106 primitive calls) in 999.751 CPU seconds Ordered by: standard name ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 4 -0.004 -0.001 -0.004 -0.001 :0(append) 4 -0.004 -0.001 -0.004 -0.001 :0(exc_info) 1 -0.004 -0.004 999.753 999.753 :0(exec) 12 -0.024 -0.002 11.964 0.997 :0(hasattr) 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 :0(setprofile) 1 -0.002 -0.002 999.767 999.767 :1() 2 -0.004 -0.002 -0.010 -0.005 io.py:1213(flush) 2 -0.002 -0.001 -0.002 -0.001 io.py:656(closed) 2 -0.004 -0.002 -0.006 -0.003 io.py:874(flush) 0 0.000 0.000 profile:0(profiler) 1 -0.002 -0.002 999.751 999.751 profile:0(testfunc()) 28 27.972 0.999 27.972 0.999 profilee.py:110(__getattr__) 1 269.996 269.996 999.769 999.769 profilee.py:25(testfunc) 23/3 149.937 6.519 169.917 56.639 profilee.py:35(factorial) 20 19.980 0.999 19.980 0.999 profilee.py:48(mul) 2 39.986 19.993 599.830 299.915 profilee.py:55(helper) 4 115.984 28.996 119.964 29.991 profilee.py:73(helper1) 2 -0.006 -0.003 139.946 69.973 profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect) 8 311.976 38.997 399.912 49.989 profilee.py:88(helper2) 8 63.976 7.997 79.960 9.995 profilee.py:98(subhelper) """ ProfileTest.expected_output['print_callers'] = """\ Ordered by: standard name Function was called by... :0(append) <- profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964 :0(exc_info) <- profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964 :0(exec) <- profile:0(testfunc())(1) 999.751 :0(hasattr) <- profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964 profilee.py:88(helper2)(8) 399.912 :0(setprofile) <- profile:0(testfunc())(1) 999.751 :1() <- :0(exec)(1) 999.753 io.py:1213(flush) <- :0(exec)(2) 999.753 io.py:656(closed) <- io.py:874(flush)(2) -0.006 io.py:874(flush) <- io.py:1213(flush)(2) -0.010 profile:0(profiler) <- profile:0(testfunc()) <- profile:0(profiler)(1) 0.000 profilee.py:110(__getattr__) <- :0(hasattr)(12) 11.964 profilee.py:98(subhelper)(16) 79.960 profilee.py:25(testfunc) <- :1()(1) 999.767 profilee.py:35(factorial) <- profilee.py:25(testfunc)(1) 999.769 profilee.py:35(factorial)(20) 169.917 profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect)(2) 139.946 profilee.py:48(mul) <- profilee.py:35(factorial)(20) 169.917 profilee.py:55(helper) <- profilee.py:25(testfunc)(2) 999.769 profilee.py:73(helper1) <- profilee.py:55(helper)(4) 599.830 profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect) <- profilee.py:55(helper)(2) 599.830 profilee.py:88(helper2) <- profilee.py:55(helper)(6) 599.830 profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect)(2) 139.946 profilee.py:98(subhelper) <- profilee.py:88(helper2)(8) 399.912 """ ProfileTest.expected_output['print_callees'] = """\ Ordered by: standard name Function called... :0(append) -> :0(exc_info) -> :0(exec) -> :1()(1) 999.767 io.py:1213(flush)(2) -0.010 :0(hasattr) -> profilee.py:110(__getattr__)(12) 27.972 :0(setprofile) -> :1() -> profilee.py:25(testfunc)(1) 999.769 io.py:1213(flush) -> io.py:874(flush)(2) -0.006 io.py:656(closed) -> io.py:874(flush) -> io.py:656(closed)(2) -0.002 profile:0(profiler) -> profile:0(testfunc())(1) 999.751 profile:0(testfunc()) -> :0(exec)(1) 999.753 :0(setprofile)(1) 0.000 profilee.py:110(__getattr__) -> profilee.py:25(testfunc) -> profilee.py:35(factorial)(1) 169.917 profilee.py:55(helper)(2) 599.830 profilee.py:35(factorial) -> profilee.py:35(factorial)(20) 169.917 profilee.py:48(mul)(20) 19.980 profilee.py:48(mul) -> profilee.py:55(helper) -> profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964 profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect)(2) 139.946 profilee.py:88(helper2)(6) 399.912 profilee.py:73(helper1) -> :0(append)(4) -0.004 :0(exc_info)(4) -0.004 :0(hasattr)(4) 11.964 profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect) -> profilee.py:35(factorial)(2) 169.917 profilee.py:88(helper2)(2) 399.912 profilee.py:88(helper2) -> :0(hasattr)(8) 11.964 profilee.py:98(subhelper)(8) 79.960 profilee.py:98(subhelper) -> profilee.py:110(__getattr__)(16) 27.972 """ if __name__ == "__main__": main()