import re import unittest import warnings from test import test_support class SyntaxTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def _check_error(self, code, errtext, filename="<testcase>", mode="exec"): """Check that compiling code raises SyntaxError with errtext. errtest is a regular expression that must be present in the test of the exception raised. """ try: compile(code, filename, mode) except SyntaxError, err: mo =, str(err)) if mo is None:"SyntaxError did not contain '%r'" % (errtext,)) else:"compile() did not raise SyntaxError") def test_assign_call(self): self._check_error("f() = 1", "assign") def test_assign_del(self): self._check_error("del f()", "delete") def test_global_err_then_warn(self): # Bug tickler: The SyntaxError raised for one global statement # shouldn't be clobbered by a SyntaxWarning issued for a later one. source = re.sub('(?m)^ *:', '', """\ :def error(a): : global a # SyntaxError :def warning(): : b = 1 : global b # SyntaxWarning :""") warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=SyntaxWarning) self._check_error(source, "global") warnings.filters.pop(0) def test_main(): test_support.run_unittest(SyntaxTestCase) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()