# Testing the line trace facility. from test import test_support import unittest import sys import difflib # A very basic example. If this fails, we're in deep trouble. def basic(): return 1 basic.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (1, 'return')] # Many of the tests below are tricky because they involve pass statements. # If there is implicit control flow around a pass statement (in an except # clause or else caluse) under what conditions do you set a line number # following that clause? # The entire "while 0:" statement is optimized away. No code # exists for it, so the line numbers skip directly from "del x" # to "x = 1". def arigo_example(): x = 1 del x while 0: pass x = 1 arigo_example.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (5, 'line'), (5, 'return')] # check that lines consisting of just one instruction get traced: def one_instr_line(): x = 1 del x x = 1 one_instr_line.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (3, 'line'), (3, 'return')] def no_pop_tops(): # 0 x = 1 # 1 for a in range(2): # 2 if a: # 3 x = 1 # 4 else: # 5 x = 1 # 6 no_pop_tops.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (3, 'line'), (6, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (3, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (2, 'return')] def no_pop_blocks(): y = 1 while not y: bla x = 1 no_pop_blocks.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (4, 'return')] def called(): # line -3 x = 1 def call(): # line 0 called() call.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (-3, 'call'), (-2, 'line'), (-2, 'return'), (1, 'return')] def raises(): raise Exception def test_raise(): try: raises() except Exception, exc: x = 1 test_raise.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (-3, 'call'), (-2, 'line'), (-2, 'exception'), (-2, 'return'), (2, 'exception'), (3, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (4, 'return')] def _settrace_and_return(tracefunc): sys.settrace(tracefunc) sys._getframe().f_back.f_trace = tracefunc def settrace_and_return(tracefunc): _settrace_and_return(tracefunc) settrace_and_return.events = [(1, 'return')] def _settrace_and_raise(tracefunc): sys.settrace(tracefunc) sys._getframe().f_back.f_trace = tracefunc raise RuntimeError def settrace_and_raise(tracefunc): try: _settrace_and_raise(tracefunc) except RuntimeError, exc: pass settrace_and_raise.events = [(2, 'exception'), (3, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (4, 'return')] # implicit return example # This test is interesting because of the else: pass # part of the code. The code generate for the true # part of the if contains a jump past the else branch. # The compiler then generates an implicit "return None" # Internally, the compiler visits the pass statement # and stores its line number for use on the next instruction. # The next instruction is the implicit return None. def ireturn_example(): a = 5 b = 5 if a == b: b = a+1 else: pass ireturn_example.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (3, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (6, 'line'), (6, 'return')] # Tight loop with while(1) example (SF #765624) def tightloop_example(): items = range(0, 3) try: i = 0 while 1: b = items[i]; i+=1 except IndexError: pass tightloop_example.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (3, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (5, 'line'), (5, 'line'), (5, 'line'), (5, 'line'), (5, 'exception'), (6, 'line'), (7, 'line'), (7, 'return')] def tighterloop_example(): items = range(1, 4) try: i = 0 while 1: i = items[i] except IndexError: pass tighterloop_example.events = [(0, 'call'), (1, 'line'), (2, 'line'), (3, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (4, 'line'), (4, 'exception'), (5, 'line'), (6, 'line'), (6, 'return')] def generator_function(): try: yield True "continued" finally: "finally" def generator_example(): # any() will leave the generator before its end x = any(generator_function()) # the following lines were not traced for x in range(10): y = x generator_example.events = ([(0, 'call'), (2, 'line'), (-6, 'call'), (-5, 'line'), (-4, 'line'), (-4, 'return'), (-4, 'call'), (-4, 'exception'), (-1, 'line'), (-1, 'return')] + [(5, 'line'), (6, 'line')] * 10 + [(5, 'line'), (5, 'return')]) class Tracer: def __init__(self): self.events = [] def trace(self, frame, event, arg): self.events.append((frame.f_lineno, event)) return self.trace def traceWithGenexp(self, frame, event, arg): (o for o in [1]) self.events.append((frame.f_lineno, event)) return self.trace class TraceTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def compare_events(self, line_offset, events, expected_events): events = [(l - line_offset, e) for (l, e) in events] if events != expected_events: self.fail( "events did not match expectation:\n" + "\n".join(difflib.ndiff([str(x) for x in expected_events], [str(x) for x in events]))) def run_test(self, func): tracer = Tracer() sys.settrace(tracer.trace) func() sys.settrace(None) self.compare_events(func.func_code.co_firstlineno, tracer.events, func.events) def run_test2(self, func): tracer = Tracer() func(tracer.trace) sys.settrace(None) self.compare_events(func.func_code.co_firstlineno, tracer.events, func.events) def set_and_retrieve_none(self): sys.settrace(None) assert sys.gettrace() is None def set_and_retrieve_func(self): def fn(*args): pass sys.settrace(fn) try: assert sys.gettrace() is fn finally: sys.settrace(None) def test_01_basic(self): self.run_test(basic) def test_02_arigo(self): self.run_test(arigo_example) def test_03_one_instr(self): self.run_test(one_instr_line) def test_04_no_pop_blocks(self): self.run_test(no_pop_blocks) def test_05_no_pop_tops(self): self.run_test(no_pop_tops) def test_06_call(self): self.run_test(call) def test_07_raise(self): self.run_test(test_raise) def test_08_settrace_and_return(self): self.run_test2(settrace_and_return) def test_09_settrace_and_raise(self): self.run_test2(settrace_and_raise) def test_10_ireturn(self): self.run_test(ireturn_example) def test_11_tightloop(self): self.run_test(tightloop_example) def test_12_tighterloop(self): self.run_test(tighterloop_example) def test_13_genexp(self): self.run_test(generator_example) # issue1265: if the trace function contains a generator, # and if the traced function contains another generator # that is not completely exhausted, the trace stopped. # Worse: the 'finally' clause was not invoked. tracer = Tracer() sys.settrace(tracer.traceWithGenexp) generator_example() sys.settrace(None) self.compare_events(generator_example.__code__.co_firstlineno, tracer.events, generator_example.events) class RaisingTraceFuncTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def trace(self, frame, event, arg): """A trace function that raises an exception in response to a specific trace event.""" if event == self.raiseOnEvent: raise ValueError # just something that isn't RuntimeError else: return self.trace def f(self): """The function to trace; raises an exception if that's the case we're testing, so that the 'exception' trace event fires.""" if self.raiseOnEvent == 'exception': x = 0 y = 1/x else: return 1 def run_test_for_event(self, event): """Tests that an exception raised in response to the given event is handled OK.""" self.raiseOnEvent = event try: for i in xrange(sys.getrecursionlimit() + 1): sys.settrace(self.trace) try: self.f() except ValueError: pass else: self.fail("exception not thrown!") except RuntimeError: self.fail("recursion counter not reset") # Test the handling of exceptions raised by each kind of trace event. def test_call(self): self.run_test_for_event('call') def test_line(self): self.run_test_for_event('line') def test_return(self): self.run_test_for_event('return') def test_exception(self): self.run_test_for_event('exception') def test_trash_stack(self): def f(): for i in range(5): print i # line tracing will raise an exception at this line def g(frame, why, extra): if (why == 'line' and frame.f_lineno == f.func_code.co_firstlineno + 2): raise RuntimeError, "i am crashing" return g sys.settrace(g) try: f() except RuntimeError: # the test is really that this doesn't segfault: import gc gc.collect() else: self.fail("exception not propagated") # 'Jump' tests: assigning to frame.f_lineno within a trace function # moves the execution position - it's how debuggers implement a Jump # command (aka. "Set next statement"). class JumpTracer: """Defines a trace function that jumps from one place to another, with the source and destination lines of the jump being defined by the 'jump' property of the function under test.""" def __init__(self, function): self.function = function self.jumpFrom = function.jump[0] self.jumpTo = function.jump[1] self.done = False def trace(self, frame, event, arg): if not self.done and frame.f_code == self.function.func_code: firstLine = frame.f_code.co_firstlineno if frame.f_lineno == firstLine + self.jumpFrom: # Cope with non-integer self.jumpTo (because of # no_jump_to_non_integers below). try: frame.f_lineno = firstLine + self.jumpTo except TypeError: frame.f_lineno = self.jumpTo self.done = True return self.trace # The first set of 'jump' tests are for things that are allowed: def jump_simple_forwards(output): output.append(1) output.append(2) output.append(3) jump_simple_forwards.jump = (1, 3) jump_simple_forwards.output = [3] def jump_simple_backwards(output): output.append(1) output.append(2) jump_simple_backwards.jump = (2, 1) jump_simple_backwards.output = [1, 1, 2] def jump_out_of_block_forwards(output): for i in 1, 2: output.append(2) for j in [3]: # Also tests jumping over a block output.append(4) output.append(5) jump_out_of_block_forwards.jump = (3, 5) jump_out_of_block_forwards.output = [2, 5] def jump_out_of_block_backwards(output): output.append(1) for i in [1]: output.append(3) for j in [2]: # Also tests jumping over a block output.append(5) output.append(6) output.append(7) jump_out_of_block_backwards.jump = (6, 1) jump_out_of_block_backwards.output = [1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7] def jump_to_codeless_line(output): output.append(1) # Jumping to this line should skip to the next one. output.append(3) jump_to_codeless_line.jump = (1, 2) jump_to_codeless_line.output = [3] def jump_to_same_line(output): output.append(1) output.append(2) output.append(3) jump_to_same_line.jump = (2, 2) jump_to_same_line.output = [1, 2, 3] # Tests jumping within a finally block, and over one. def jump_in_nested_finally(output): try: output.append(2) finally: output.append(4) try: output.append(6) finally: output.append(8) output.append(9) jump_in_nested_finally.jump = (4, 9) jump_in_nested_finally.output = [2, 9] # The second set of 'jump' tests are for things that are not allowed: def no_jump_too_far_forwards(output): try: output.append(2) output.append(3) except ValueError, e: output.append('after' in str(e)) no_jump_too_far_forwards.jump = (3, 6) no_jump_too_far_forwards.output = [2, True] def no_jump_too_far_backwards(output): try: output.append(2) output.append(3) except ValueError, e: output.append('before' in str(e)) no_jump_too_far_backwards.jump = (3, -1) no_jump_too_far_backwards.output = [2, True] # Test each kind of 'except' line. def no_jump_to_except_1(output): try: output.append(2) except: e = sys.exc_info()[1] output.append('except' in str(e)) no_jump_to_except_1.jump = (2, 3) no_jump_to_except_1.output = [True] def no_jump_to_except_2(output): try: output.append(2) except ValueError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] output.append('except' in str(e)) no_jump_to_except_2.jump = (2, 3) no_jump_to_except_2.output = [True] def no_jump_to_except_3(output): try: output.append(2) except ValueError, e: output.append('except' in str(e)) no_jump_to_except_3.jump = (2, 3) no_jump_to_except_3.output = [True] def no_jump_to_except_4(output): try: output.append(2) except (ValueError, RuntimeError), e: output.append('except' in str(e)) no_jump_to_except_4.jump = (2, 3) no_jump_to_except_4.output = [True] def no_jump_forwards_into_block(output): try: output.append(2) for i in 1, 2: output.append(4) except ValueError, e: output.append('into' in str(e)) no_jump_forwards_into_block.jump = (2, 4) no_jump_forwards_into_block.output = [True] def no_jump_backwards_into_block(output): try: for i in 1, 2: output.append(3) output.append(4) except ValueError, e: output.append('into' in str(e)) no_jump_backwards_into_block.jump = (4, 3) no_jump_backwards_into_block.output = [3, 3, True] def no_jump_into_finally_block(output): try: try: output.append(3) x = 1 finally: output.append(6) except ValueError, e: output.append('finally' in str(e)) no_jump_into_finally_block.jump = (4, 6) no_jump_into_finally_block.output = [3, 6, True] # The 'finally' still runs def no_jump_out_of_finally_block(output): try: try: output.append(3) finally: output.append(5) output.append(6) except ValueError, e: output.append('finally' in str(e)) no_jump_out_of_finally_block.jump = (5, 1) no_jump_out_of_finally_block.output = [3, True] # This verifies the line-numbers-must-be-integers rule. def no_jump_to_non_integers(output): try: output.append(2) except ValueError, e: output.append('integer' in str(e)) no_jump_to_non_integers.jump = (2, "Spam") no_jump_to_non_integers.output = [True] # This verifies that you can't set f_lineno via _getframe or similar # trickery. def no_jump_without_trace_function(): try: previous_frame = sys._getframe().f_back previous_frame.f_lineno = previous_frame.f_lineno except ValueError, e: # This is the exception we wanted; make sure the error message # talks about trace functions. if 'trace' not in str(e): raise else: # Something's wrong - the expected exception wasn't raised. raise RuntimeError, "Trace-function-less jump failed to fail" class JumpTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def compare_jump_output(self, expected, received): if received != expected: self.fail( "Outputs don't match:\n" + "Expected: " + repr(expected) + "\n" + "Received: " + repr(received)) def run_test(self, func): tracer = JumpTracer(func) sys.settrace(tracer.trace) output = [] func(output) sys.settrace(None) self.compare_jump_output(func.output, output) def test_01_jump_simple_forwards(self): self.run_test(jump_simple_forwards) def test_02_jump_simple_backwards(self): self.run_test(jump_simple_backwards) def test_03_jump_out_of_block_forwards(self): self.run_test(jump_out_of_block_forwards) def test_04_jump_out_of_block_backwards(self): self.run_test(jump_out_of_block_backwards) def test_05_jump_to_codeless_line(self): self.run_test(jump_to_codeless_line) def test_06_jump_to_same_line(self): self.run_test(jump_to_same_line) def test_07_jump_in_nested_finally(self): self.run_test(jump_in_nested_finally) def test_08_no_jump_too_far_forwards(self): self.run_test(no_jump_too_far_forwards) def test_09_no_jump_too_far_backwards(self): self.run_test(no_jump_too_far_backwards) def test_10_no_jump_to_except_1(self): self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_1) def test_11_no_jump_to_except_2(self): self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_2) def test_12_no_jump_to_except_3(self): self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_3) def test_13_no_jump_to_except_4(self): self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_4) def test_14_no_jump_forwards_into_block(self): self.run_test(no_jump_forwards_into_block) def test_15_no_jump_backwards_into_block(self): self.run_test(no_jump_backwards_into_block) def test_16_no_jump_into_finally_block(self): self.run_test(no_jump_into_finally_block) def test_17_no_jump_out_of_finally_block(self): self.run_test(no_jump_out_of_finally_block) def test_18_no_jump_to_non_integers(self): self.run_test(no_jump_to_non_integers) def test_19_no_jump_without_trace_function(self): no_jump_without_trace_function() def test_main(): test_support.run_unittest( TraceTestCase, RaisingTraceFuncTestCase, JumpTestCase ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()