# Python test set -- part 6, built-in types from test.test_support import run_unittest, have_unicode import unittest import sys class TypesTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_truth_values(self): if None: self.fail('None is true instead of false') if 0: self.fail('0 is true instead of false') if 0: self.fail('0L is true instead of false') if 0.0: self.fail('0.0 is true instead of false') if '': self.fail('\'\' is true instead of false') if not 1: self.fail('1 is false instead of true') if not 1: self.fail('1L is false instead of true') if not 1.0: self.fail('1.0 is false instead of true') if not 'x': self.fail('\'x\' is false instead of true') if not {'x': 1}: self.fail('{\'x\': 1} is false instead of true') def f(): pass class C: pass import sys x = C() if not f: self.fail('f is false instead of true') if not C: self.fail('C is false instead of true') if not sys: self.fail('sys is false instead of true') if not x: self.fail('x is false instead of true') def test_boolean_ops(self): if 0 or 0: self.fail('0 or 0 is true instead of false') if 1 and 1: pass else: self.fail('1 and 1 is false instead of true') if not 1: self.fail('not 1 is true instead of false') def test_comparisons(self): if 0 < 1 <= 1 == 1 >= 1 > 0 != 1: pass else: self.fail('int comparisons failed') if 0 < 1 <= 1 == 1 >= 1 > 0 != 1: pass else: self.fail('long int comparisons failed') if 0.0 < 1.0 <= 1.0 == 1.0 >= 1.0 > 0.0 != 1.0: pass else: self.fail('float comparisons failed') if '' < 'a' <= 'a' == 'a' < 'abc' < 'abd' < 'b': pass else: self.fail('string comparisons failed') if None is None: pass else: self.fail('identity test failed') def test_float_constructor(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, float, '') self.assertRaises(ValueError, float, '5\0') def test_zero_division(self): try: 5.0 / 0.0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: self.fail("5.0 / 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError") try: 5.0 // 0.0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: self.fail("5.0 // 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError") try: 5.0 % 0.0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: self.fail("5.0 % 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError") try: 5 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: self.fail("5 / 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError") try: 5 // 0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: self.fail("5 // 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError") try: 5 % 0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: self.fail("5 % 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError") def test_numeric_types(self): if 0 != 0 or 0 != 0.0 or 0 != 0.0: self.fail('mixed comparisons') if 1 != 1 or 1 != 1.0 or 1 != 1.0: self.fail('mixed comparisons') if -1 != -1 or -1 != -1.0 or -1 != -1.0: self.fail('int/long/float value not equal') # calling built-in types without argument must return 0 if int() != 0: self.fail('int() does not return 0') if int() != 0: self.fail('long() does not return 0L') if float() != 0.0: self.fail('float() does not return 0.0') if int(1.9) == 1 == int(1.1) and int(-1.1) == -1 == int(-1.9): pass else: self.fail('int() does not round properly') if int(1.9) == 1 == int(1.1) and int(-1.1) == -1 == int(-1.9): pass else: self.fail('long() does not round properly') if float(1) == 1.0 and float(-1) == -1.0 and float(0) == 0.0: pass else: self.fail('float() does not work properly') def test_normal_integers(self): # Ensure the first 256 integers are shared a = 256 b = 128*2 if a is not b: self.fail('256 is not shared') if 12 + 24 != 36: self.fail('int op') if 12 + (-24) != -12: self.fail('int op') if (-12) + 24 != 12: self.fail('int op') if (-12) + (-24) != -36: self.fail('int op') if not 12 < 24: self.fail('int op') if not -24 < -12: self.fail('int op') # Test for a particular bug in integer multiply xsize, ysize, zsize = 238, 356, 4 if not (xsize*ysize*zsize == zsize*xsize*ysize == 338912): self.fail('int mul commutativity') # And another. m = -sys.maxint - 1 for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32: j = m // divisor prod = divisor * j if prod != m: self.fail("%r * %r == %r != %r" % (divisor, j, prod, m)) if type(prod) is not int: self.fail("expected type(prod) to be int, not %r" % type(prod)) # Check for expected * overflow to long. for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32: j = m // divisor - 1 prod = divisor * j if type(prod) is not int: self.fail("expected type(%r) to be long, not %r" % (prod, type(prod))) # Check for expected * overflow to long. m = sys.maxint for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32: j = m // divisor + 1 prod = divisor * j if type(prod) is not int: self.fail("expected type(%r) to be long, not %r" % (prod, type(prod))) def test_long_integers(self): if 12 + 24 != 36: self.fail('long op') if 12 + (-24) != -12: self.fail('long op') if (-12) + 24 != 12: self.fail('long op') if (-12) + (-24) != -36: self.fail('long op') if not 12 < 24: self.fail('long op') if not -24 < -12: self.fail('long op') x = sys.maxint if int(int(x)) != x: self.fail('long op') try: y = int(int(x)+1) except OverflowError: self.fail('long op') if not isinstance(y, int): self.fail('long op') x = -x if int(int(x)) != x: self.fail('long op') x = x-1 if int(int(x)) != x: self.fail('long op') try: y = int(int(x)-1) except OverflowError: self.fail('long op') if not isinstance(y, int): self.fail('long op') try: 5 << -5 except ValueError: pass else: self.fail('int negative shift <<') try: 5 << -5 except ValueError: pass else: self.fail('long negative shift <<') try: 5 >> -5 except ValueError: pass else: self.fail('int negative shift >>') try: 5 >> -5 except ValueError: pass else: self.fail('long negative shift >>') def test_floats(self): if 12.0 + 24.0 != 36.0: self.fail('float op') if 12.0 + (-24.0) != -12.0: self.fail('float op') if (-12.0) + 24.0 != 12.0: self.fail('float op') if (-12.0) + (-24.0) != -36.0: self.fail('float op') if not 12.0 < 24.0: self.fail('float op') if not -24.0 < -12.0: self.fail('float op') def test_strings(self): if len('') != 0: self.fail('len(\'\')') if len('a') != 1: self.fail('len(\'a\')') if len('abcdef') != 6: self.fail('len(\'abcdef\')') if 'xyz' + 'abcde' != 'xyzabcde': self.fail('string concatenation') if 'xyz'*3 != 'xyzxyzxyz': self.fail('string repetition *3') if 0*'abcde' != '': self.fail('string repetition 0*') if min('abc') != 'a' or max('abc') != 'c': self.fail('min/max string') if 'a' in 'abc' and 'b' in 'abc' and 'c' in 'abc' and 'd' not in 'abc': pass else: self.fail('in/not in string') x = 'x'*103 if '%s!'%x != x+'!': self.fail('nasty string formatting bug') #extended slices for strings a = '0123456789' self.assertEqual(a[::], a) self.assertEqual(a[::2], '02468') self.assertEqual(a[1::2], '13579') self.assertEqual(a[::-1],'9876543210') self.assertEqual(a[::-2], '97531') self.assertEqual(a[3::-2], '31') self.assertEqual(a[-100:100:], a) self.assertEqual(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1]) self.assertEqual(a[-100:100:2], '02468') if have_unicode: a = str('0123456789', 'ascii') self.assertEqual(a[::], a) self.assertEqual(a[::2], str('02468', 'ascii')) self.assertEqual(a[1::2], str('13579', 'ascii')) self.assertEqual(a[::-1], str('9876543210', 'ascii')) self.assertEqual(a[::-2], str('97531', 'ascii')) self.assertEqual(a[3::-2], str('31', 'ascii')) self.assertEqual(a[-100:100:], a) self.assertEqual(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1]) self.assertEqual(a[-100:100:2], str('02468', 'ascii')) def test_type_function(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, type, 1, 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, type, 1, 2, 3, 4) def test_buffers(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, buffer, 'asdf', -1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, buffer, None) a = buffer('asdf') hash(a) b = a * 5 if a == b: self.fail('buffers should not be equal') if str(b) != ('asdf' * 5): self.fail('repeated buffer has wrong content') if str(a * 0) != '': self.fail('repeated buffer zero times has wrong content') if str(a + buffer('def')) != 'asdfdef': self.fail('concatenation of buffers yields wrong content') if str(buffer(a)) != 'asdf': self.fail('composing buffers failed') if str(buffer(a, 2)) != 'df': self.fail('specifying buffer offset failed') if str(buffer(a, 0, 2)) != 'as': self.fail('specifying buffer size failed') if str(buffer(a, 1, 2)) != 'sd': self.fail('specifying buffer offset and size failed') self.assertRaises(ValueError, buffer, buffer('asdf', 1), -1) if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 0)) != 'as': self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed') if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 0, 5000)) != 'as': self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed') if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 0, -1)) != 'as': self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed') if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 1, 2)) != 's': self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed') try: a[1] = 'g' except TypeError: pass else: self.fail("buffer assignment should raise TypeError") try: a[0:1] = 'g' except TypeError: pass else: self.fail("buffer slice assignment should raise TypeError") # array.array() returns an object that does not implement a char buffer, # something which int() uses for conversion. import array try: int(buffer(array.array('c'))) except TypeError: pass else: self.fail("char buffer (at C level) not working") def test_main(): run_unittest(TypesTests) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()