import unittest from test import support from test import test_urllib import os import io import socket import array import sys import urllib.request # The proxy bypass method imported below has logic specific to the OSX # proxy config data structure but is testable on all platforms. from urllib.request import Request, OpenerDirector, _parse_proxy, _proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf from urllib.parse import urlparse import urllib.error import http.client # XXX # Request # CacheFTPHandler (hard to write) # parse_keqv_list, parse_http_list, HTTPDigestAuthHandler class TrivialTests(unittest.TestCase): def test___all__(self): # Verify which names are exposed for module in 'request', 'response', 'parse', 'error', 'robotparser': context = {} exec('from urllib.%s import *' % module, context) del context['__builtins__'] if module == 'request' and == 'nt': u, p = context.pop('url2pathname'), context.pop('pathname2url') self.assertEqual(u.__module__, 'nturl2path') self.assertEqual(p.__module__, 'nturl2path') for k, v in context.items(): self.assertEqual(v.__module__, 'urllib.%s' % module, "%r is exposed in 'urllib.%s' but defined in %r" % (k, module, v.__module__)) def test_trivial(self): # A couple trivial tests self.assertRaises(ValueError, urllib.request.urlopen, 'bogus url') # XXX Name hacking to get this to work on Windows. fname = os.path.abspath(urllib.request.__file__).replace(os.sep, '/') if == 'nt': file_url = "file:///%s" % fname else: file_url = "file://%s" % fname f = urllib.request.urlopen(file_url) f.close() def test_parse_http_list(self): tests = [ ('a,b,c', ['a', 'b', 'c']), ('path"o,l"og"i"cal, example', ['path"o,l"og"i"cal', 'example']), ('a, b, "c", "d", "e,f", g, h', ['a', 'b', '"c"', '"d"', '"e,f"', 'g', 'h']), ('a="b\\"c", d="e\\,f", g="h\\\\i"', ['a="b"c"', 'd="e,f"', 'g="h\\i"'])] for string, list in tests: self.assertEqual(urllib.request.parse_http_list(string), list) def test_URLError_reasonstr(self): err = urllib.error.URLError('reason') self.assertIn(err.reason, str(err)) class RequestHdrsTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_request_headers_dict(self): """ The Request.headers dictionary is not a documented interface. It should stay that way, because the complete set of headers are only accessible through the .get_header(), .has_header(), .header_items() interface. However, .headers pre-dates those methods, and so real code will be using the dictionary. The introduction in 2.4 of those methods was a mistake for the same reason: code that previously saw all (urllib2 user)-provided headers in .headers now sees only a subset. """ url = "" self.assertEqual(Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"} ).headers["Spam-eggs"], "blah") self.assertEqual(Request(url, headers={"spam-EggS": "blah"} ).headers["Spam-eggs"], "blah") def test_request_headers_methods(self): """ Note the case normalization of header names here, to .capitalize()-case. This should be preserved for backwards-compatibility. (In the HTTP case, normalization to .title()-case is done by urllib2 before sending headers to http.client). Note that e.g. r.has_header("spam-EggS") is currently False, and r.get_header("spam-EggS") returns None, but that could be changed in future. Method r.remove_header should remove items both from r.headers and r.unredirected_hdrs dictionaries """ url = "" req = Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}) self.assertTrue(req.has_header("Spam-eggs")) self.assertEqual(req.header_items(), [('Spam-eggs', 'blah')]) req.add_header("Foo-Bar", "baz") self.assertEqual(sorted(req.header_items()), [('Foo-bar', 'baz'), ('Spam-eggs', 'blah')]) self.assertFalse(req.has_header("Not-there")) self.assertIsNone(req.get_header("Not-there")) self.assertEqual(req.get_header("Not-there", "default"), "default") req.remove_header("Spam-eggs") self.assertFalse(req.has_header("Spam-eggs")) req.add_unredirected_header("Unredirected-spam", "Eggs") self.assertTrue(req.has_header("Unredirected-spam")) req.remove_header("Unredirected-spam") self.assertFalse(req.has_header("Unredirected-spam")) def test_password_manager(self): mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr() add = mgr.add_password find_user_pass = mgr.find_user_password add("Some Realm", "", "joe", "password") add("Some Realm", "", "ni", "ni") add("c", "", "foo", "ni") add("c", "", "bar", "nini") add("b", "", "first", "blah") add("b", "", "second", "spam") add("a", "", "1", "a") add("Some Realm", "", "3", "c") add("Some Realm", "", "4", "d") add("Some Realm", "", "5", "e") self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) #self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), # ('ni', 'ni')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual( find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual( find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('foo', 'ni')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('bar', 'nini')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("b", ""), ('second', 'spam')) # No special relationship between and self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("a", ""), ('1', 'a')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("a", ""), (None, None)) # Ports: self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('3', 'c')) self.assertEqual( find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('3', 'c')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('4', 'd')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('5', 'e')) def test_password_manager_default_port(self): """ The point to note here is that we can't guess the default port if there's no scheme. This applies to both add_password and find_user_password. """ mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr() add = mgr.add_password find_user_pass = mgr.find_user_password add("f", "", "10", "j") add("g", "", "11", "k") add("h", "", "12", "l") add("i", "", "13", "m") self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), ('10', 'j')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), ('10', 'j')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), ('10', 'j')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("g", ""), ('11', 'k')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("g", ""), ('11', 'k')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("g", ""), ('11', 'k')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("h", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("h", ""), ('12', 'l')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("h", ""), ('12', 'l')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), ('13', 'm')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), ('13', 'm')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), (None, None)) class MockOpener: addheaders = [] def open(self, req, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): self.req,, self.timeout = req, data, timeout def error(self, proto, *args): self.proto, self.args = proto, args class MockFile: def read(self, count=None): pass def readline(self, count=None): pass def close(self): pass class MockHeaders(dict): def getheaders(self, name): return list(self.values()) class MockResponse(io.StringIO): def __init__(self, code, msg, headers, data, url=None): io.StringIO.__init__(self, data) self.code, self.msg, self.headers, self.url = code, msg, headers, url def info(self): return self.headers def geturl(self): return self.url class MockCookieJar: def add_cookie_header(self, request): self.ach_req = request def extract_cookies(self, response, request): self.ec_req, self.ec_r = request, response class FakeMethod: def __init__(self, meth_name, action, handle): self.meth_name = meth_name self.handle = handle self.action = action def __call__(self, *args): return self.handle(self.meth_name, self.action, *args) class MockHTTPResponse(io.IOBase): def __init__(self, fp, msg, status, reason): self.fp = fp self.msg = msg self.status = status self.reason = reason self.code = 200 def read(self): return '' def info(self): return {} def geturl(self): return self.url class MockHTTPClass: def __init__(self): self.level = 0 self.req_headers = [] = None self.raise_on_endheaders = False self.sock = None self._tunnel_headers = {} def __call__(self, host, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): = host self.timeout = timeout return self def set_debuglevel(self, level): self.level = level def set_tunnel(self, host, port=None, headers=None): self._tunnel_host = host self._tunnel_port = port if headers: self._tunnel_headers = headers else: self._tunnel_headers.clear() def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None): self.method = method self.selector = url if headers is not None: self.req_headers += headers.items() self.req_headers.sort() if body: = body if self.raise_on_endheaders: raise OSError() def getresponse(self): return MockHTTPResponse(MockFile(), {}, 200, "OK") def close(self): pass class MockHandler: # useful for testing handler machinery # see add_ordered_mock_handlers() docstring handler_order = 500 def __init__(self, methods): self._define_methods(methods) def _define_methods(self, methods): for spec in methods: if len(spec) == 2: name, action = spec else: name, action = spec, None meth = FakeMethod(name, action, self.handle) setattr(self.__class__, name, meth) def handle(self, fn_name, action, *args, **kwds): self.parent.calls.append((self, fn_name, args, kwds)) if action is None: return None elif action == "return self": return self elif action == "return response": res = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") return res elif action == "return request": return Request("http://blah/") elif action.startswith("error"): code = action[action.rfind(" ")+1:] try: code = int(code) except ValueError: pass res = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") return self.parent.error("http", args[0], res, code, "", {}) elif action == "raise": raise urllib.error.URLError("blah") assert False def close(self): pass def add_parent(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.parent.calls = [] def __lt__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "handler_order"): # No handler_order, leave in original order. Yuck. return True return self.handler_order < other.handler_order def add_ordered_mock_handlers(opener, meth_spec): """Create MockHandlers and add them to an OpenerDirector. meth_spec: list of lists of tuples and strings defining methods to define on handlers. eg: [["http_error", "ftp_open"], ["http_open"]] defines methods .http_error() and .ftp_open() on one handler, and .http_open() on another. These methods just record their arguments and return None. Using a tuple instead of a string causes the method to perform some action (see MockHandler.handle()), eg: [["http_error"], [("http_open", "return request")]] defines .http_error() on one handler (which simply returns None), and .http_open() on another handler, which returns a Request object. """ handlers = [] count = 0 for meths in meth_spec: class MockHandlerSubclass(MockHandler): pass h = MockHandlerSubclass(meths) h.handler_order += count h.add_parent(opener) count = count + 1 handlers.append(h) opener.add_handler(h) return handlers def build_test_opener(*handler_instances): opener = OpenerDirector() for h in handler_instances: opener.add_handler(h) return opener class MockHTTPHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): # useful for testing redirections and auth # sends supplied headers and code as first response # sends 200 OK as second response def __init__(self, code, headers): self.code = code self.headers = headers self.reset() def reset(self): self._count = 0 self.requests = [] def http_open(self, req): import email, http.client, copy self.requests.append(copy.deepcopy(req)) if self._count == 0: self._count = self._count + 1 name = http.client.responses[self.code] msg = email.message_from_string(self.headers) return self.parent.error( "http", req, MockFile(), self.code, name, msg) else: self.req = req msg = email.message_from_string("\r\n\r\n") return MockResponse(200, "OK", msg, "", req.get_full_url()) class MockHTTPSHandler(urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler): # Useful for testing the Proxy-Authorization request by verifying the # properties of httpcon def __init__(self): urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler.__init__(self) self.httpconn = MockHTTPClass() def https_open(self, req): return self.do_open(self.httpconn, req) class MockPasswordManager: def add_password(self, realm, uri, user, password): self.realm = realm self.url = uri self.user = user self.password = password def find_user_password(self, realm, authuri): self.target_realm = realm self.target_url = authuri return self.user, self.password class OpenerDirectorTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_non_handler(self): class NonHandler(object): pass self.assertRaises(TypeError, OpenerDirector().add_handler, NonHandler()) def test_badly_named_methods(self): # test work-around for three methods that accidentally follow the # naming conventions for handler methods # (*_open() / *_request() / *_response()) # These used to call the accidentally-named methods, causing a # TypeError in real code; here, returning self from these mock # methods would either cause no exception, or AttributeError. from urllib.error import URLError o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("do_open", "return self"), ("proxy_open", "return self")], [("redirect_request", "return self")], ] add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) o.add_handler(urllib.request.UnknownHandler()) for scheme in "do", "proxy", "redirect": self.assertRaises(URLError,, scheme+"://") def test_handled(self): # handler returning non-None means no more handlers will be called o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ ["http_open", "ftp_open", "http_error_302"], ["ftp_open"], [("http_open", "return self")], [("http_open", "return self")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") r = # Second .http_open() gets called, third doesn't, since second returned # non-None. Handlers without .http_open() never get any methods called # on them. # In fact, second mock handler defining .http_open() returns self # (instead of response), which becomes the OpenerDirector's return # value. self.assertEqual(r, handlers[2]) calls = [(handlers[0], "http_open"), (handlers[2], "http_open")] for expected, got in zip(calls, o.calls): handler, name, args, kwds = got self.assertEqual((handler, name), expected) self.assertEqual(args, (req,)) def test_handler_order(self): o = OpenerDirector() handlers = [] for meths, handler_order in [ ([("http_open", "return self")], 500), (["http_open"], 0), ]: class MockHandlerSubclass(MockHandler): pass h = MockHandlerSubclass(meths) h.handler_order = handler_order handlers.append(h) o.add_handler(h)"") # handlers called in reverse order, thanks to their sort order self.assertEqual(o.calls[0][0], handlers[1]) self.assertEqual(o.calls[1][0], handlers[0]) def test_raise(self): # raising URLError stops processing of request o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "raise")], [("http_open", "return self")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError,, req) self.assertEqual(o.calls, [(handlers[0], "http_open", (req,), {})]) def test_http_error(self): # XXX http_error_default # http errors are a special case o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "error 302")], [("http_error_400", "raise"), "http_open"], [("http_error_302", "return response"), "http_error_303", "http_error"], [("http_error_302")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) class Unknown: def __eq__(self, other): return True req = Request("") assert len(o.calls) == 2 calls = [(handlers[0], "http_open", (req,)), (handlers[2], "http_error_302", (req, Unknown(), 302, "", {}))] for expected, got in zip(calls, o.calls): handler, method_name, args = expected self.assertEqual((handler, method_name), got[:2]) self.assertEqual(args, got[2]) def test_processors(self): # *_request / *_response methods get called appropriately o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_request", "return request"), ("http_response", "return response")], [("http_request", "return request"), ("http_response", "return response")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") # processor methods are called on *all* handlers that define them, # not just the first handler that handles the request calls = [ (handlers[0], "http_request"), (handlers[1], "http_request"), (handlers[0], "http_response"), (handlers[1], "http_response")] for i, (handler, name, args, kwds) in enumerate(o.calls): if i < 2: # *_request self.assertEqual((handler, name), calls[i]) self.assertEqual(len(args), 1) self.assertIsInstance(args[0], Request) else: # *_response self.assertEqual((handler, name), calls[i]) self.assertEqual(len(args), 2) self.assertIsInstance(args[0], Request) # response from is None, because there's no # handler that defines http_open to handle it if args[1] is not None: self.assertIsInstance(args[1], MockResponse) def sanepathname2url(path): try: path.encode("utf-8") except UnicodeEncodeError: raise unittest.SkipTest("path is not encodable to utf8") urlpath = urllib.request.pathname2url(path) if == "nt" and urlpath.startswith("///"): urlpath = urlpath[2:] # XXX don't ask me about the mac... return urlpath class HandlerTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_ftp(self): class MockFTPWrapper: def __init__(self, data): = data def retrfile(self, filename, filetype): self.filename, self.filetype = filename, filetype return io.StringIO(, len( def close(self): pass class NullFTPHandler(urllib.request.FTPHandler): def __init__(self, data): = data def connect_ftp(self, user, passwd, host, port, dirs, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): self.user, self.passwd = user, passwd, self.port = host, port self.dirs = dirs self.ftpwrapper = MockFTPWrapper( return self.ftpwrapper import ftplib data = "rheum rhaponicum" h = NullFTPHandler(data) h.parent = MockOpener() for url, host, port, user, passwd, type_, dirs, filename, mimetype in [ ("ftp://localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://%25parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "%parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://%2542parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "%42parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://localhost:80/foo/bar/", "localhost", 80, "", "", "D", ["foo", "bar"], "", None), ("ftp://localhost/baz.gif;type=a", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "", "", "A", [], "baz.gif", None), # XXX really this should guess image/gif ]: req = Request(url) req.timeout = None r = h.ftp_open(req) # ftp authentication not yet implemented by FTPHandler self.assertEqual(h.user, user) self.assertEqual(h.passwd, passwd) self.assertEqual(, socket.gethostbyname(host)) self.assertEqual(h.port, port) self.assertEqual(h.dirs, dirs) self.assertEqual(h.ftpwrapper.filename, filename) self.assertEqual(h.ftpwrapper.filetype, type_) headers = self.assertEqual(headers.get("Content-type"), mimetype) self.assertEqual(int(headers["Content-length"]), len(data)) def test_file(self): import email.utils h = urllib.request.FileHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() TESTFN = support.TESTFN urlpath = sanepathname2url(os.path.abspath(TESTFN)) towrite = b"hello, world\n" urls = [ "file://localhost%s" % urlpath, "file://%s" % urlpath, "file://%s%s" % (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'), urlpath), ] try: localaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.gaierror: localaddr = '' if localaddr: urls.append("file://%s%s" % (localaddr, urlpath)) for url in urls: f = open(TESTFN, "wb") try: try: f.write(towrite) finally: f.close() r = h.file_open(Request(url)) try: data = headers = respurl = r.geturl() finally: r.close() stats = os.stat(TESTFN) modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) self.assertEqual(data, towrite) self.assertEqual(headers["Content-type"], "text/plain") self.assertEqual(headers["Content-length"], "13") self.assertEqual(headers["Last-modified"], modified) self.assertEqual(respurl, url) for url in [ "file://localhost:80%s" % urlpath, "file:///file_does_not_exist.txt", "file://", "file://%s:80%s/%s" % (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'), os.getcwd(), TESTFN), "file://" % (os.getcwd(), TESTFN), ]: try: f = open(TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(towrite) finally: f.close() self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError, h.file_open, Request(url)) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) h = urllib.request.FileHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() # XXXX why does // mean ftp (and /// mean not ftp!), and where # is file: scheme specified? I think this is really a bug, and # what was intended was to distinguish between URLs like: # file:/blah.txt (a file) # file://localhost/blah.txt (a file) # file:///blah.txt (a file) # file:// (an ftp URL) for url, ftp in [ ("file://", False), ("file://", False), # XXXX bug: fails with OSError, should be URLError ("file://", False), ("file://somehost//foo/something.txt", False), ("file://localhost//foo/something.txt", False), ]: req = Request(url) try: h.file_open(req) # XXXX remove OSError when bug fixed except (urllib.error.URLError, OSError): self.assertFalse(ftp) else: self.assertIs(o.req, req) self.assertEqual(req.type, "ftp") self.assertEqual(req.type == "ftp", ftp) def test_http(self): h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() url = "" for method, data in [("GET", None), ("POST", b"blah")]: req = Request(url, data, {"Foo": "bar"}) req.timeout = None req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "eggs") http = MockHTTPClass() r = h.do_open(http, req) # result attributes; r.readline # wrapped MockFile methods; r.geturl # addinfourl methods r.code, r.msg == 200, "OK" # added from MockHTTPClass.getreply() hdrs = hdrs.get; hdrs.__contains__ # gives dict from .getreply() self.assertEqual(r.geturl(), url) self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(http.level, 0) self.assertEqual(http.method, method) self.assertEqual(http.selector, "/") self.assertEqual(http.req_headers, [("Connection", "close"), ("Foo", "bar"), ("Spam", "eggs")]) self.assertEqual(, data) # check OSError converted to URLError http.raise_on_endheaders = True self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError, h.do_open, http, req) # Check for TypeError on POST data which is str. req = Request("","badpost") self.assertRaises(TypeError, h.do_request_, req) # check adding of standard headers o.addheaders = [("Spam", "eggs")] for data in b"", None: # POST, GET req = Request("", data) r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") newreq = h.do_request_(req) if data is None: # GET self.assertNotIn("Content-length", req.unredirected_hdrs) self.assertNotIn("Content-type", req.unredirected_hdrs) else: # POST self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"], "0") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") # XXX the details of Host could be better tested self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Spam"], "eggs") # don't clobber existing headers req.add_unredirected_header("Content-length", "foo") req.add_unredirected_header("Content-type", "bar") req.add_unredirected_header("Host", "baz") req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "foo") newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"], "foo") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-type"], "bar") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "baz") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Spam"], "foo") # Check iterable body support def iterable_body(): yield b"one" yield b"two" yield b"three" for headers in {}, {"Content-Length": 11}: req = Request("", iterable_body(), headers) if not headers: # Having an iterable body without a Content-Length should # raise an exception self.assertRaises(ValueError, h.do_request_, req) else: newreq = h.do_request_(req) # A file object. # Test only Content-Length attribute of request. file_obj = io.BytesIO() file_obj.write(b"Something\nSomething\nSomething\n") for headers in {}, {"Content-Length": 30}: req = Request("", file_obj, headers) if not headers: # Having an iterable body without a Content-Length should # raise an exception self.assertRaises(ValueError, h.do_request_, req) else: newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(int(newreq.get_header('Content-length')),30) file_obj.close() # array.array Iterable - Content Length is calculated iterable_array = array.array("I",[1,2,3,4]) for headers in {}, {"Content-Length": 16}: req = Request("", iterable_array, headers) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(int(newreq.get_header('Content-length')),16) def test_http_doubleslash(self): # Checks the presence of any unnecessary double slash in url does not # break anything. Previously, a double slash directly after the host # could cause incorrect parsing. h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() h.parent = MockOpener() data = b"" ds_urls = [ "", "", "", "" ] for ds_url in ds_urls: ds_req = Request(ds_url, data) # Check whether host is determined correctly if there is no proxy np_ds_req = h.do_request_(ds_req) self.assertEqual(np_ds_req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"],"") # Check whether host is determined correctly if there is a proxy ds_req.set_proxy("someproxy:3128",None) p_ds_req = h.do_request_(ds_req) self.assertEqual(p_ds_req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"],"") def test_full_url_setter(self): # Checks to ensure that components are set correctly after setting the # full_url of a Request object urls = [ '', '', '', ] # testing a reusable request instance, but the url parameter is # required, so just use a dummy one to instantiate r = Request('') for url in urls: r.full_url = url parsed = urlparse(url) self.assertEqual(r.get_full_url(), url) # full_url setter uses splittag to split into components. # splittag sets the fragment as None while urlparse sets it to '' self.assertEqual(r.fragment or '', parsed.fragment) self.assertEqual(urlparse(r.get_full_url()).query, parsed.query) def test_full_url_deleter(self): r = Request('') del r.full_url self.assertIsNone(r.full_url) self.assertIsNone(r.fragment) self.assertEqual(r.selector, '') def test_fixpath_in_weirdurls(self): # Issue4493: urllib2 to supply '/' when to urls where path does not # start with'/' h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() h.parent = MockOpener() weird_url = '' req = Request(weird_url) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(,'') self.assertEqual(newreq.selector,'/?getspam') url_without_path = '' req = Request(url_without_path) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(,'') self.assertEqual(newreq.selector,'') def test_errors(self): h = urllib.request.HTTPErrorProcessor() o = h.parent = MockOpener() url = "" req = Request(url) # all 2xx are passed through r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called r = MockResponse(202, "Accepted", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called r = MockResponse(206, "Partial content", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called # anything else calls o.error (and MockOpener returns None, here) r = MockResponse(502, "Bad gateway", {}, "", url) self.assertIsNone(h.http_response(req, r)) self.assertEqual(o.proto, "http") # o.error called self.assertEqual(o.args, (req, r, 502, "Bad gateway", {})) def test_cookies(self): cj = MockCookieJar() h = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) h.parent = MockOpener() req = Request("") r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") newreq = h.http_request(req) self.assertIs(cj.ach_req, req) self.assertIs(cj.ach_req, newreq) self.assertEqual(req.origin_req_host, "") self.assertFalse(req.unverifiable) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(cj.ec_req, req) self.assertIs(cj.ec_r, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) def test_redirect(self): from_url = "" to_url = "" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() # ordinary redirect behaviour for code in 301, 302, 303, 307: for data in None, "blah\nblah\n": method = getattr(h, "http_error_%s" % code) req = Request(from_url, data) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT req.add_header("Nonsense", "viking=withhold") if data is not None: req.add_header("Content-Length", str(len(data))) req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "spam") try: method(req, MockFile(), code, "Blah", MockHeaders({"location": to_url})) except urllib.error.HTTPError: # 307 in response to POST requires user OK self.assertEqual(code, 307) self.assertIsNotNone(data) self.assertEqual(o.req.get_full_url(), to_url) try: self.assertEqual(o.req.get_method(), "GET") except AttributeError: self.assertFalse( # now it's a GET, there should not be headers regarding content # (possibly dragged from before being a POST) headers = [x.lower() for x in o.req.headers] self.assertNotIn("content-length", headers) self.assertNotIn("content-type", headers) self.assertEqual(o.req.headers["Nonsense"], "viking=withhold") self.assertNotIn("Spam", o.req.headers) self.assertNotIn("Spam", o.req.unredirected_hdrs) # loop detection req = Request(from_url) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT def redirect(h, req, url=to_url): h.http_error_302(req, MockFile(), 302, "Blah", MockHeaders({"location": url})) # Note that the *original* request shares the same record of # redirections with the sub-requests caused by the redirections. # detect infinite loop redirect of a URL to itself req = Request(from_url, origin_req_host="") count = 0 req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: while 1: redirect(h, req, "") count = count + 1 except urllib.error.HTTPError: # don't stop until max_repeats, because cookies may introduce state self.assertEqual(count, urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.max_repeats) # detect endless non-repeating chain of redirects req = Request(from_url, origin_req_host="") count = 0 req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: while 1: redirect(h, req, "" % count) count = count + 1 except urllib.error.HTTPError: self.assertEqual(count, urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.max_redirections) def test_invalid_redirect(self): from_url = "" valid_schemes = ['http','https','ftp'] invalid_schemes = ['file','imap','ldap'] schemeless_url = "" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() req = Request(from_url) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT for scheme in invalid_schemes: invalid_url = scheme + '://' + schemeless_url self.assertRaises(urllib.error.HTTPError, h.http_error_302, req, MockFile(), 302, "Security Loophole", MockHeaders({"location": invalid_url})) for scheme in valid_schemes: valid_url = scheme + '://' + schemeless_url h.http_error_302(req, MockFile(), 302, "That's fine", MockHeaders({"location": valid_url})) self.assertEqual(o.req.get_full_url(), valid_url) def test_relative_redirect(self): from_url = "" relative_url = "/b.html" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() req = Request(from_url) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT valid_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(from_url,relative_url) h.http_error_302(req, MockFile(), 302, "That's fine", MockHeaders({"location": valid_url})) self.assertEqual(o.req.get_full_url(), valid_url) def test_cookie_redirect(self): # cookies shouldn't leak into redirected requests from http.cookiejar import CookieJar from test.test_http_cookiejar import interact_netscape cj = CookieJar() interact_netscape(cj, "", "spam=eggs") hh = MockHTTPHandler(302, "Location:\r\n\r\n") hdeh = urllib.request.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler() hrh = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() cp = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) o = build_test_opener(hh, hdeh, hrh, cp)"") self.assertFalse(hh.req.has_header("Cookie")) def test_redirect_fragment(self): redirected_url = '\r\n\r\n' hh = MockHTTPHandler(302, 'Location: ' + redirected_url) hdeh = urllib.request.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler() hrh = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = build_test_opener(hh, hdeh, hrh) fp ='') self.assertEqual(fp.geturl(), redirected_url.strip()) def test_proxy(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) o.add_handler(ph) meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "return response")] ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual([(handlers[0], "http_open")], [tup[0:2] for tup in o.calls]) def test_proxy_no_proxy(self): os.environ['no_proxy'] = '' o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) o.add_handler(ph) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") del os.environ['no_proxy'] def test_proxy_no_proxy_all(self): os.environ['no_proxy'] = '*' o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) o.add_handler(ph) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") del os.environ['no_proxy'] def test_proxy_https(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(https="")) o.add_handler(ph) meth_spec = [ [("https_open", "return response")] ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual([(handlers[0], "https_open")], [tup[0:2] for tup in o.calls]) def test_proxy_https_proxy_authorization(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(https='')) o.add_handler(ph) https_handler = MockHTTPSHandler() o.add_handler(https_handler) req = Request("") req.add_header("Proxy-Authorization","FooBar") req.add_header("User-Agent","Grail") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertIsNone(req._tunnel_host) # Verify Proxy-Authorization gets tunneled to request. # httpsconn req_headers do not have the Proxy-Authorization header but # the req will have. self.assertNotIn(("Proxy-Authorization","FooBar"), https_handler.httpconn.req_headers) self.assertIn(("User-Agent","Grail"), https_handler.httpconn.req_headers) self.assertIsNotNone(req._tunnel_host) self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(req.get_header("Proxy-authorization"),"FooBar") # TODO: This should be only for OSX @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'darwin', "only relevant for OSX") def test_osx_proxy_bypass(self): bypass = { 'exclude_simple': False, 'exceptions': ['', '*', '', '10.10', '10.0/16'] } # Check hosts that should trigger the proxy bypass for host in ('', '', '', '', ''): self.assertTrue(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf(host, bypass), 'expected bypass of %s to be True' % host) # Check hosts that should not trigger the proxy bypass for host in ('', '', '', '', 'notinbypass'): self.assertFalse(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf(host, bypass), 'expected bypass of %s to be False' % host) # Check the exclude_simple flag bypass = {'exclude_simple': True, 'exceptions': []} self.assertTrue(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf('test', bypass)) def test_basic_auth(self, quote_char='"'): opener = OpenerDirector() password_manager = MockPasswordManager() auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Widget Store" http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=%s%s%s\r\n\r\n' % (quote_char, realm, quote_char) ) opener.add_handler(auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self._test_basic_auth(opener, auth_handler, "Authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) def test_basic_auth_with_single_quoted_realm(self): self.test_basic_auth(quote_char="'") def test_basic_auth_with_unquoted_realm(self): opener = OpenerDirector() password_manager = MockPasswordManager() auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Widget Store" http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=%s\r\n\r\n' % realm) opener.add_handler(auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) with self.assertWarns(UserWarning): self._test_basic_auth(opener, auth_handler, "Authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) def test_proxy_basic_auth(self): opener = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) opener.add_handler(ph) password_manager = MockPasswordManager() auth_handler = urllib.request.ProxyBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Networks" http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 407, 'Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"\r\n\r\n' % realm) opener.add_handler(auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self._test_basic_auth(opener, auth_handler, "Proxy-authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) def test_basic_and_digest_auth_handlers(self): # HTTPDigestAuthHandler raised an exception if it couldn't handle a 40* # response (, where it should instead # return None to allow another handler (especially # HTTPBasicAuthHandler) to handle the response. # Also (, RFC 2617 section 1.2), we must # try digest first (since it's the strongest auth scheme), so we record # order of calls here to check digest comes first: class RecordingOpenerDirector(OpenerDirector): def __init__(self): OpenerDirector.__init__(self) self.recorded = [] def record(self, info): self.recorded.append(info) class TestDigestAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds): self.parent.record("digest") urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds) class TestBasicAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds): self.parent.record("basic") urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds) opener = RecordingOpenerDirector() password_manager = MockPasswordManager() digest_handler = TestDigestAuthHandler(password_manager) basic_handler = TestBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Networks" http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"\r\n\r\n' % realm) opener.add_handler(basic_handler) opener.add_handler(digest_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) # check basic auth isn't blocked by digest handler failing self._test_basic_auth(opener, basic_handler, "Authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) # check digest was tried before basic (twice, because # _test_basic_auth called .open() twice) self.assertEqual(opener.recorded, ["digest", "basic"]*2) def test_unsupported_auth_digest_handler(self): opener = OpenerDirector() # While using DigestAuthHandler digest_auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(None) http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Kerberos\r\n\r\n') opener.add_handler(digest_auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self.assertRaises(ValueError,,"") def test_unsupported_auth_basic_handler(self): # While using BasicAuthHandler opener = OpenerDirector() basic_auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(None) http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\r\n\r\n') opener.add_handler(basic_auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self.assertRaises(ValueError,,"") def _test_basic_auth(self, opener, auth_handler, auth_header, realm, http_handler, password_manager, request_url, protected_url): import base64 user, password = "wile", "coyote" # .add_password() fed through to password manager auth_handler.add_password(realm, request_url, user, password) self.assertEqual(realm, password_manager.realm) self.assertEqual(request_url, password_manager.url) self.assertEqual(user, password_manager.user) self.assertEqual(password, password_manager.password) # should have asked the password manager for the username/password self.assertEqual(password_manager.target_realm, realm) self.assertEqual(password_manager.target_url, protected_url) # expect one request without authorization, then one with self.assertEqual(len(http_handler.requests), 2) self.assertFalse(http_handler.requests[0].has_header(auth_header)) userpass = bytes('%s:%s' % (user, password), "ascii") auth_hdr_value = ('Basic ' + base64.encodebytes(userpass).strip().decode()) self.assertEqual(http_handler.requests[1].get_header(auth_header), auth_hdr_value) self.assertEqual(http_handler.requests[1].unredirected_hdrs[auth_header], auth_hdr_value) # if the password manager can't find a password, the handler won't # handle the HTTP auth error password_manager.user = password_manager.password = None http_handler.reset() self.assertEqual(len(http_handler.requests), 1) self.assertFalse(http_handler.requests[0].has_header(auth_header)) def test_http_closed(self): """Test the connection is cleaned up when the response is closed""" for (transfer, data) in ( ("Connection: close", b"data"), ("Transfer-Encoding: chunked", b"4\r\ndata\r\n0\r\n\r\n"), ("Content-Length: 4", b"data"), ): header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n{}\r\n\r\n".format(transfer) conn = test_urllib.fakehttp(header.encode() + data) handler = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() req = Request("http://dummy/") req.timeout = None with handler.do_open(conn, req) as resp: self.assertTrue(conn.fakesock.closed, "Connection not closed with {!r}".format(transfer)) def test_invalid_closed(self): """Test the connection is cleaned up after an invalid response""" conn = test_urllib.fakehttp(b"") handler = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() req = Request("http://dummy/") req.timeout = None with self.assertRaises(http.client.BadStatusLine): handler.do_open(conn, req) self.assertTrue(conn.fakesock.closed, "Connection not closed") def test_auth_prior_handler(self): pwd_manager = MockPasswordManager() pwd_manager.add_password(None, '', 'somebody', 'verysecret') auth_prior_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicPriorAuthHandler( pwd_manager) http_hand = MockHTTPSHandler() opener = OpenerDirector() opener.add_handler(http_hand) opener.add_handler(auth_prior_handler) req = Request("") self.assertNotIn('Authorization', http_hand.httpconn.req_headers) class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase): def opener_has_handler(self, opener, handler_class): self.assertTrue(any(h.__class__ == handler_class for h in opener.handlers)) def test_build_opener(self): class MyHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): pass class FooHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def foo_open(self): pass class BarHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def bar_open(self): pass build_opener = urllib.request.build_opener o = build_opener(FooHandler, BarHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, FooHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, BarHandler) # can take a mix of classes and instances o = build_opener(FooHandler, BarHandler()) self.opener_has_handler(o, FooHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, BarHandler) # subclasses of default handlers override default handlers o = build_opener(MyHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyHTTPHandler) # a particular case of overriding: default handlers can be passed # in explicitly o = build_opener() self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) o = build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) o = build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPHandler()) self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) # Issue2670: multiple handlers sharing the same base class class MyOtherHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): pass o = build_opener(MyHTTPHandler, MyOtherHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyOtherHTTPHandler) @unittest.skipUnless(support.is_resource_enabled('network'), 'test requires network access') def test_issue16464(self): with support.transient_internet(""): opener = urllib.request.build_opener() request = urllib.request.Request("") self.assertEqual(None,, "1".encode("us-ascii")) self.assertEqual(b"1", self.assertEqual("1", request.get_header("Content-length")), "1234567890".encode("us-ascii")) self.assertEqual(b"1234567890", self.assertEqual("10", request.get_header("Content-length")) def test_HTTPError_interface(self): """ Issue 13211 reveals that HTTPError didn't implement the URLError interface even though HTTPError is a subclass of URLError. """ msg = 'something bad happened' url = code = fp = None hdrs = 'Content-Length: 42' err = urllib.error.HTTPError(url, code, msg, hdrs, fp) self.assertTrue(hasattr(err, 'reason')) self.assertEqual(err.reason, 'something bad happened') self.assertTrue(hasattr(err, 'headers')) self.assertEqual(err.headers, 'Content-Length: 42') expected_errmsg = 'HTTP Error %s: %s' % (err.code, err.msg) self.assertEqual(str(err), expected_errmsg) def test_parse_proxy(self): parse_proxy_test_cases = [ ('', (None, None, None, '')), ('', (None, None, None, '')), ('', (None, None, None, '')), ('', (None, None, None, '')), # The authority component may optionally include userinfo # (assumed to be # username:password): ('', (None, 'joe', 'password', '')), ('', (None, 'joe', 'password', '')), #Examples with URLS ('', ('http', None, None, '')), ('', ('http', None, None, '')), ('', ('http', 'joe', 'password', '')), ('', ('http', 'joe', 'password', '')), # Everything after the authority is ignored ('', ('ftp', 'joe', 'password', '')), # Test for no trailing '/' case ('', ('http', 'joe', 'password', '')) ] for tc, expected in parse_proxy_test_cases: self.assertEqual(_parse_proxy(tc), expected) self.assertRaises(ValueError, _parse_proxy, 'file:/'), class RequestTests(unittest.TestCase): class PutRequest(Request): method='PUT' def setUp(self): self.get = Request("") = Request("", "data", headers={"X-Test": "test"}) self.head = Request("", method='HEAD') self.put = self.PutRequest("") self.force_post = self.PutRequest("", method="POST") def test_method(self): self.assertEqual("POST", self.assertEqual("GET", self.get.get_method()) self.assertEqual("HEAD", self.head.get_method()) self.assertEqual("PUT", self.put.get_method()) self.assertEqual("POST", self.force_post.get_method()) def test_data(self): self.assertFalse( self.assertEqual("GET", self.get.get_method()) = "spam" self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual("POST", self.get.get_method()) # issue 16464 # if we change data we need to remove content-length header # (cause it's most probably calculated for previous value) def test_setting_data_should_remove_content_length(self): self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) self.get.add_unredirected_header("Content-length", 42) self.assertEqual(42, self.get.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"]) = "spam" self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) # issue 17485 same for deleting data. def test_deleting_data_should_remove_content_length(self): self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) = 'foo' self.get.add_unredirected_header("Content-length", 3) self.assertEqual(3, self.get.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"]) del self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) def test_get_full_url(self): self.assertEqual("", self.get.get_full_url()) def test_selector(self): self.assertEqual("/~jeremy/", self.get.selector) req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/", req.selector) def test_get_type(self): self.assertEqual("http", self.get.type) def test_get_host(self): self.assertEqual("", def test_get_host_unquote(self): req = Request("") self.assertEqual("", def test_proxy(self): self.assertFalse(self.get.has_proxy()) self.get.set_proxy("", "http") self.assertTrue(self.get.has_proxy()) self.assertEqual("", self.get.origin_req_host) self.assertEqual("", def test_wrapped_url(self): req = Request("") self.assertEqual("", def test_url_fragment(self): req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/?qs=query", req.selector) req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/", req.selector) # Issue 11703: geturl() omits fragment in the original URL. url = '' req = Request(url) self.assertEqual(req.get_full_url(), url) def test_url_fullurl_get_full_url(self): urls = ['', '', '' ] for url in urls: req = Request(url) self.assertEqual(req.get_full_url(), req.full_url) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()