import unittest from test import support from import os_helper from import requires_subprocess from import warnings_helper from test import test_urllib from unittest import mock import os import io import ftplib import socket import array import sys import tempfile import subprocess import urllib.request # The proxy bypass method imported below has logic specific to the # corresponding system but is testable on all platforms. from urllib.request import (Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPBasicAuthHandler, HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth, _parse_proxy, _proxy_bypass_winreg_override, _proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf, AbstractDigestAuthHandler) from urllib.parse import urlparse import urllib.error import http.client support.requires_working_socket(module=True) # XXX # Request # CacheFTPHandler (hard to write) # parse_keqv_list, parse_http_list, HTTPDigestAuthHandler class TrivialTests(unittest.TestCase): def test___all__(self): # Verify which names are exposed for module in 'request', 'response', 'parse', 'error', 'robotparser': context = {} exec('from urllib.%s import *' % module, context) del context['__builtins__'] if module == 'request' and == 'nt': u, p = context.pop('url2pathname'), context.pop('pathname2url') self.assertEqual(u.__module__, 'nturl2path') self.assertEqual(p.__module__, 'nturl2path') for k, v in context.items(): self.assertEqual(v.__module__, 'urllib.%s' % module, "%r is exposed in 'urllib.%s' but defined in %r" % (k, module, v.__module__)) def test_trivial(self): # A couple trivial tests # clear _opener global variable self.addCleanup(urllib.request.urlcleanup) self.assertRaises(ValueError, urllib.request.urlopen, 'bogus url') # XXX Name hacking to get this to work on Windows. fname = os.path.abspath(urllib.request.__file__).replace(os.sep, '/') if == 'nt': file_url = "file:///%s" % fname else: file_url = "file://%s" % fname with urllib.request.urlopen(file_url) as f: def test_parse_http_list(self): tests = [ ('a,b,c', ['a', 'b', 'c']), ('path"o,l"og"i"cal, example', ['path"o,l"og"i"cal', 'example']), ('a, b, "c", "d", "e,f", g, h', ['a', 'b', '"c"', '"d"', '"e,f"', 'g', 'h']), ('a="b\\"c", d="e\\,f", g="h\\\\i"', ['a="b"c"', 'd="e,f"', 'g="h\\i"'])] for string, list in tests: self.assertEqual(urllib.request.parse_http_list(string), list) def test_URLError_reasonstr(self): err = urllib.error.URLError('reason') self.assertIn(err.reason, str(err)) class RequestHdrsTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_request_headers_dict(self): """ The Request.headers dictionary is not a documented interface. It should stay that way, because the complete set of headers are only accessible through the .get_header(), .has_header(), .header_items() interface. However, .headers pre-dates those methods, and so real code will be using the dictionary. The introduction in 2.4 of those methods was a mistake for the same reason: code that previously saw all (urllib2 user)-provided headers in .headers now sees only a subset. """ url = "" self.assertEqual(Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"} ).headers["Spam-eggs"], "blah") self.assertEqual(Request(url, headers={"spam-EggS": "blah"} ).headers["Spam-eggs"], "blah") def test_request_headers_methods(self): """ Note the case normalization of header names here, to .capitalize()-case. This should be preserved for backwards-compatibility. (In the HTTP case, normalization to .title()-case is done by urllib2 before sending headers to http.client). Note that e.g. r.has_header("spam-EggS") is currently False, and r.get_header("spam-EggS") returns None, but that could be changed in future. Method r.remove_header should remove items both from r.headers and r.unredirected_hdrs dictionaries """ url = "" req = Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}) self.assertTrue(req.has_header("Spam-eggs")) self.assertEqual(req.header_items(), [('Spam-eggs', 'blah')]) req.add_header("Foo-Bar", "baz") self.assertEqual(sorted(req.header_items()), [('Foo-bar', 'baz'), ('Spam-eggs', 'blah')]) self.assertFalse(req.has_header("Not-there")) self.assertIsNone(req.get_header("Not-there")) self.assertEqual(req.get_header("Not-there", "default"), "default") req.remove_header("Spam-eggs") self.assertFalse(req.has_header("Spam-eggs")) req.add_unredirected_header("Unredirected-spam", "Eggs") self.assertTrue(req.has_header("Unredirected-spam")) req.remove_header("Unredirected-spam") self.assertFalse(req.has_header("Unredirected-spam")) def test_password_manager(self): mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr() add = mgr.add_password find_user_pass = mgr.find_user_password add("Some Realm", "", "joe", "password") add("Some Realm", "", "ni", "ni") add("Some Realm", "", "3", "c") add("Some Realm", "", "4", "d") add("Some Realm", "", "5", "e") # For the same realm, password set the highest path is the winner. self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('joe', 'password')) # You can have different passwords for different paths. add("c", "", "foo", "ni") add("c", "", "bar", "nini") add("c", "", "foobar", "nibar") self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('foo', 'ni')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('bar', 'nini')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('foo', 'ni')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('foo', 'ni')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('foo', 'ni')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), (None, None)) add("c", "", "baz", "ninini") self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('baz', 'ninini')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""), ('baz', 'ninini')) # For the same path, newer password should be considered. add("b", "", "first", "blah") add("b", "", "second", "spam") self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("b", ""), ('second', 'spam')) # No special relationship between and add("a", "", "1", "a") self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("a", ""), ('1', 'a')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("a", ""), (None, None)) # Ports: self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('3', 'c')) self.assertEqual( find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('3', 'c')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('4', 'd')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""), ('5', 'e')) def test_password_manager_default_port(self): """ The point to note here is that we can't guess the default port if there's no scheme. This applies to both add_password and find_user_password. """ mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr() add = mgr.add_password find_user_pass = mgr.find_user_password add("f", "", "10", "j") add("g", "", "11", "k") add("h", "", "12", "l") add("i", "", "13", "m") self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), ('10', 'j')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), ('10', 'j')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("f", ""), ('10', 'j')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("g", ""), ('11', 'k')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("g", ""), ('11', 'k')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("g", ""), ('11', 'k')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("h", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("h", ""), ('12', 'l')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("h", ""), ('12', 'l')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), ('13', 'm')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), (None, None)) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), ('13', 'm')) self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("i", ""), (None, None)) class MockOpener: addheaders = [] def open(self, req, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): self.req,, self.timeout = req, data, timeout def error(self, proto, *args): self.proto, self.args = proto, args class MockFile: def read(self, count=None): pass def readline(self, count=None): pass def close(self): pass class MockHeaders(dict): def getheaders(self, name): return list(self.values()) class MockResponse(io.StringIO): def __init__(self, code, msg, headers, data, url=None): io.StringIO.__init__(self, data) self.code, self.msg, self.headers, self.url = code, msg, headers, url def info(self): return self.headers def geturl(self): return self.url class MockCookieJar: def add_cookie_header(self, request): self.ach_req = request def extract_cookies(self, response, request): self.ec_req, self.ec_r = request, response class FakeMethod: def __init__(self, meth_name, action, handle): self.meth_name = meth_name self.handle = handle self.action = action def __call__(self, *args): return self.handle(self.meth_name, self.action, *args) class MockHTTPResponse(io.IOBase): def __init__(self, fp, msg, status, reason): self.fp = fp self.msg = msg self.status = status self.reason = reason self.code = 200 def read(self): return '' def info(self): return {} def geturl(self): return self.url class MockHTTPClass: def __init__(self): self.level = 0 self.req_headers = [] = None self.raise_on_endheaders = False self.sock = None self._tunnel_headers = {} def __call__(self, host, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): = host self.timeout = timeout return self def set_debuglevel(self, level): self.level = level def set_tunnel(self, host, port=None, headers=None): self._tunnel_host = host self._tunnel_port = port if headers: self._tunnel_headers = headers else: self._tunnel_headers.clear() def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, *, encode_chunked=False): self.method = method self.selector = url if headers is not None: self.req_headers += headers.items() self.req_headers.sort() if body: = body self.encode_chunked = encode_chunked if self.raise_on_endheaders: raise OSError() def getresponse(self): return MockHTTPResponse(MockFile(), {}, 200, "OK") def close(self): pass class MockHandler: # useful for testing handler machinery # see add_ordered_mock_handlers() docstring handler_order = 500 def __init__(self, methods): self._define_methods(methods) def _define_methods(self, methods): for spec in methods: if len(spec) == 2: name, action = spec else: name, action = spec, None meth = FakeMethod(name, action, self.handle) setattr(self.__class__, name, meth) def handle(self, fn_name, action, *args, **kwds): self.parent.calls.append((self, fn_name, args, kwds)) if action is None: return None elif action == "return self": return self elif action == "return response": res = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") return res elif action == "return request": return Request("http://blah/") elif action.startswith("error"): code = action[action.rfind(" ")+1:] try: code = int(code) except ValueError: pass res = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") return self.parent.error("http", args[0], res, code, "", {}) elif action == "raise": raise urllib.error.URLError("blah") assert False def close(self): pass def add_parent(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.parent.calls = [] def __lt__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "handler_order"): # No handler_order, leave in original order. Yuck. return True return self.handler_order < other.handler_order def add_ordered_mock_handlers(opener, meth_spec): """Create MockHandlers and add them to an OpenerDirector. meth_spec: list of lists of tuples and strings defining methods to define on handlers. eg: [["http_error", "ftp_open"], ["http_open"]] defines methods .http_error() and .ftp_open() on one handler, and .http_open() on another. These methods just record their arguments and return None. Using a tuple instead of a string causes the method to perform some action (see MockHandler.handle()), eg: [["http_error"], [("http_open", "return request")]] defines .http_error() on one handler (which simply returns None), and .http_open() on another handler, which returns a Request object. """ handlers = [] count = 0 for meths in meth_spec: class MockHandlerSubclass(MockHandler): pass h = MockHandlerSubclass(meths) h.handler_order += count h.add_parent(opener) count = count + 1 handlers.append(h) opener.add_handler(h) return handlers def build_test_opener(*handler_instances): opener = OpenerDirector() for h in handler_instances: opener.add_handler(h) return opener class MockHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): # Very simple mock HTTP handler with no special behavior other than using a mock HTTP connection def __init__(self, debuglevel=None): super(MockHTTPHandler, self).__init__(debuglevel=debuglevel) self.httpconn = MockHTTPClass() def http_open(self, req): return self.do_open(self.httpconn, req) class MockHTTPHandlerRedirect(urllib.request.BaseHandler): # useful for testing redirections and auth # sends supplied headers and code as first response # sends 200 OK as second response def __init__(self, code, headers): self.code = code self.headers = headers self.reset() def reset(self): self._count = 0 self.requests = [] def http_open(self, req): import email, copy self.requests.append(copy.deepcopy(req)) if self._count == 0: self._count = self._count + 1 name = http.client.responses[self.code] msg = email.message_from_string(self.headers) return self.parent.error( "http", req, MockFile(), self.code, name, msg) else: self.req = req msg = email.message_from_string("\r\n\r\n") return MockResponse(200, "OK", msg, "", req.get_full_url()) if hasattr(http.client, 'HTTPSConnection'): class MockHTTPSHandler(urllib.request.HTTPSHandler): # Useful for testing the Proxy-Authorization request by verifying the # properties of httpcon def __init__(self, debuglevel=None, context=None, check_hostname=None): super(MockHTTPSHandler, self).__init__(debuglevel, context, check_hostname) self.httpconn = MockHTTPClass() def https_open(self, req): return self.do_open(self.httpconn, req) class MockHTTPHandlerCheckAuth(urllib.request.BaseHandler): # useful for testing auth # sends supplied code response # checks if auth header is specified in request def __init__(self, code): self.code = code self.has_auth_header = False def reset(self): self.has_auth_header = False def http_open(self, req): if req.has_header('Authorization'): self.has_auth_header = True name = http.client.responses[self.code] return MockResponse(self.code, name, MockFile(), "", req.get_full_url()) class MockPasswordManager: def add_password(self, realm, uri, user, password): self.realm = realm self.url = uri self.user = user self.password = password def find_user_password(self, realm, authuri): self.target_realm = realm self.target_url = authuri return self.user, self.password class OpenerDirectorTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_non_handler(self): class NonHandler(object): pass self.assertRaises(TypeError, OpenerDirector().add_handler, NonHandler()) def test_badly_named_methods(self): # test work-around for three methods that accidentally follow the # naming conventions for handler methods # (*_open() / *_request() / *_response()) # These used to call the accidentally-named methods, causing a # TypeError in real code; here, returning self from these mock # methods would either cause no exception, or AttributeError. from urllib.error import URLError o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("do_open", "return self"), ("proxy_open", "return self")], [("redirect_request", "return self")], ] add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) o.add_handler(urllib.request.UnknownHandler()) for scheme in "do", "proxy", "redirect": self.assertRaises(URLError,, scheme+"://") def test_handled(self): # handler returning non-None means no more handlers will be called o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ ["http_open", "ftp_open", "http_error_302"], ["ftp_open"], [("http_open", "return self")], [("http_open", "return self")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") r = # Second .http_open() gets called, third doesn't, since second returned # non-None. Handlers without .http_open() never get any methods called # on them. # In fact, second mock handler defining .http_open() returns self # (instead of response), which becomes the OpenerDirector's return # value. self.assertEqual(r, handlers[2]) calls = [(handlers[0], "http_open"), (handlers[2], "http_open")] for expected, got in zip(calls, o.calls): handler, name, args, kwds = got self.assertEqual((handler, name), expected) self.assertEqual(args, (req,)) def test_handler_order(self): o = OpenerDirector() handlers = [] for meths, handler_order in [([("http_open", "return self")], 500), (["http_open"], 0)]: class MockHandlerSubclass(MockHandler): pass h = MockHandlerSubclass(meths) h.handler_order = handler_order handlers.append(h) o.add_handler(h)"") # handlers called in reverse order, thanks to their sort order self.assertEqual(o.calls[0][0], handlers[1]) self.assertEqual(o.calls[1][0], handlers[0]) def test_raise(self): # raising URLError stops processing of request o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "raise")], [("http_open", "return self")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError,, req) self.assertEqual(o.calls, [(handlers[0], "http_open", (req,), {})]) def test_http_error(self): # XXX http_error_default # http errors are a special case o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "error 302")], [("http_error_400", "raise"), "http_open"], [("http_error_302", "return response"), "http_error_303", "http_error"], [("http_error_302")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") assert len(o.calls) == 2 calls = [(handlers[0], "http_open", (req,)), (handlers[2], "http_error_302", (req, support.ALWAYS_EQ, 302, "", {}))] for expected, got in zip(calls, o.calls): handler, method_name, args = expected self.assertEqual((handler, method_name), got[:2]) self.assertEqual(args, got[2]) def test_processors(self): # *_request / *_response methods get called appropriately o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_request", "return request"), ("http_response", "return response")], [("http_request", "return request"), ("http_response", "return response")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") # processor methods are called on *all* handlers that define them, # not just the first handler that handles the request calls = [ (handlers[0], "http_request"), (handlers[1], "http_request"), (handlers[0], "http_response"), (handlers[1], "http_response")] for i, (handler, name, args, kwds) in enumerate(o.calls): if i < 2: # *_request self.assertEqual((handler, name), calls[i]) self.assertEqual(len(args), 1) self.assertIsInstance(args[0], Request) else: # *_response self.assertEqual((handler, name), calls[i]) self.assertEqual(len(args), 2) self.assertIsInstance(args[0], Request) # response from is None, because there's no # handler that defines http_open to handle it if args[1] is not None: self.assertIsInstance(args[1], MockResponse) def sanepathname2url(path): try: path.encode("utf-8") except UnicodeEncodeError: raise unittest.SkipTest("path is not encodable to utf8") urlpath = urllib.request.pathname2url(path) if == "nt" and urlpath.startswith("///"): urlpath = urlpath[2:] # XXX don't ask me about the mac... return urlpath class HandlerTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_ftp(self): class MockFTPWrapper: def __init__(self, data): = data def retrfile(self, filename, filetype): self.filename, self.filetype = filename, filetype return io.StringIO(, len( def close(self): pass class NullFTPHandler(urllib.request.FTPHandler): def __init__(self, data): = data def connect_ftp(self, user, passwd, host, port, dirs, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): self.user, self.passwd = user, passwd, self.port = host, port self.dirs = dirs self.ftpwrapper = MockFTPWrapper( return self.ftpwrapper data = "rheum rhaponicum" h = NullFTPHandler(data) h.parent = MockOpener() for url, host, port, user, passwd, type_, dirs, filename, mimetype in [ ("ftp://localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://%25parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "%parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://%2542parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "%42parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://localhost:80/foo/bar/", "localhost", 80, "", "", "D", ["foo", "bar"], "", None), ("ftp://localhost/baz.gif;type=a", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "", "", "A", [], "baz.gif", "image/gif"), ]: req = Request(url) req.timeout = None r = h.ftp_open(req) # ftp authentication not yet implemented by FTPHandler self.assertEqual(h.user, user) self.assertEqual(h.passwd, passwd) self.assertEqual(, socket.gethostbyname(host)) self.assertEqual(h.port, port) self.assertEqual(h.dirs, dirs) self.assertEqual(h.ftpwrapper.filename, filename) self.assertEqual(h.ftpwrapper.filetype, type_) headers = self.assertEqual(headers.get("Content-type"), mimetype) self.assertEqual(int(headers["Content-length"]), len(data)) def test_ftp_error(self): class ErrorFTPHandler(urllib.request.FTPHandler): def __init__(self, exception): self._exception = exception def connect_ftp(self, user, passwd, host, port, dirs, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): raise self._exception exception = ftplib.error_perm( "500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/nonexistent") h = ErrorFTPHandler(exception) urlopen = urllib.request.build_opener(h).open try: urlopen("") except urllib.error.URLError as raised: self.assertEqual(raised.reason, f"ftp error: {exception.args[0]}") else:"Did not raise ftplib exception") def test_file(self): import email.utils h = urllib.request.FileHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() TESTFN = os_helper.TESTFN urlpath = sanepathname2url(os.path.abspath(TESTFN)) towrite = b"hello, world\n" urls = [ "file://localhost%s" % urlpath, "file://%s" % urlpath, "file://%s%s" % (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'), urlpath), ] try: localaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.gaierror: localaddr = '' if localaddr: urls.append("file://%s%s" % (localaddr, urlpath)) for url in urls: f = open(TESTFN, "wb") try: try: f.write(towrite) finally: f.close() r = h.file_open(Request(url)) try: data = headers = respurl = r.geturl() finally: r.close() stats = os.stat(TESTFN) modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) self.assertEqual(data, towrite) self.assertEqual(headers["Content-type"], "text/plain") self.assertEqual(headers["Content-length"], "13") self.assertEqual(headers["Last-modified"], modified) self.assertEqual(respurl, url) for url in [ "file://localhost:80%s" % urlpath, "file:///file_does_not_exist.txt", "file://", "file://%s:80%s/%s" % (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'), os.getcwd(), TESTFN), "file://" % (os.getcwd(), TESTFN), ]: try: f = open(TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(towrite) finally: f.close() self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError, h.file_open, Request(url)) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) h = urllib.request.FileHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() # XXXX why does // mean ftp (and /// mean not ftp!), and where # is file: scheme specified? I think this is really a bug, and # what was intended was to distinguish between URLs like: # file:/blah.txt (a file) # file://localhost/blah.txt (a file) # file:///blah.txt (a file) # file:// (an ftp URL) for url, ftp in [ ("file://", False), ("file://", False), ("file://", False), ("file://somehost//foo/something.txt", False), ("file://localhost//foo/something.txt", False), ]: req = Request(url) try: h.file_open(req) except urllib.error.URLError: self.assertFalse(ftp) else: self.assertIs(o.req, req) self.assertEqual(req.type, "ftp") self.assertEqual(req.type == "ftp", ftp) def test_http(self): h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() url = "" for method, data in [("GET", None), ("POST", b"blah")]: req = Request(url, data, {"Foo": "bar"}) req.timeout = None req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "eggs") http = MockHTTPClass() r = h.do_open(http, req) # result attributes; r.readline # wrapped MockFile methods; r.geturl # addinfourl methods r.code, r.msg == 200, "OK" # added from MockHTTPClass.getreply() hdrs = hdrs.get; hdrs.__contains__ # gives dict from .getreply() self.assertEqual(r.geturl(), url) self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(http.level, 0) self.assertEqual(http.method, method) self.assertEqual(http.selector, "/") self.assertEqual(http.req_headers, [("Connection", "close"), ("Foo", "bar"), ("Spam", "eggs")]) self.assertEqual(, data) # check OSError converted to URLError http.raise_on_endheaders = True self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError, h.do_open, http, req) # Check for TypeError on POST data which is str. req = Request("","badpost") self.assertRaises(TypeError, h.do_request_, req) # check adding of standard headers o.addheaders = [("Spam", "eggs")] for data in b"", None: # POST, GET req = Request("", data) r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") newreq = h.do_request_(req) if data is None: # GET self.assertNotIn("Content-length", req.unredirected_hdrs) self.assertNotIn("Content-type", req.unredirected_hdrs) else: # POST self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"], "0") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") # XXX the details of Host could be better tested self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Spam"], "eggs") # don't clobber existing headers req.add_unredirected_header("Content-length", "foo") req.add_unredirected_header("Content-type", "bar") req.add_unredirected_header("Host", "baz") req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "foo") newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"], "foo") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-type"], "bar") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "baz") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Spam"], "foo") def test_http_body_file(self): # A regular file - chunked encoding is used unless Content Length is # already set. h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', delete=False) file_path = file_obj.close() self.addCleanup(os.unlink, file_path) with open(file_path, "rb") as f: req = Request("", f, {}) newreq = h.do_request_(req) te = newreq.get_header('Transfer-encoding') self.assertEqual(te, "chunked") self.assertFalse(newreq.has_header('Content-length')) with open(file_path, "rb") as f: req = Request("", f, {"Content-Length": 30}) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(int(newreq.get_header('Content-length')), 30) self.assertFalse(newreq.has_header("Transfer-encoding")) def test_http_body_fileobj(self): # A file object - chunked encoding is used # unless Content Length is already set. # (Note that there are some subtle differences to a regular # file, that is why we are testing both cases.) h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() file_obj = io.BytesIO() req = Request("", file_obj, {}) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(newreq.get_header('Transfer-encoding'), 'chunked') self.assertFalse(newreq.has_header('Content-length')) headers = {"Content-Length": 30} req = Request("", file_obj, headers) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(int(newreq.get_header('Content-length')), 30) self.assertFalse(newreq.has_header("Transfer-encoding")) file_obj.close() @requires_subprocess() def test_http_body_pipe(self): # A file reading from a pipe. # A pipe cannot be seek'ed. There is no way to determine the # content length up front. Thus, do_request_() should fall # back to Transfer-encoding chunked. h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() cmd = [sys.executable, "-c", r"pass"] for headers in {}, {"Content-Length": 30}: with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: req = Request("", proc.stdout, headers) newreq = h.do_request_(req) if not headers: self.assertEqual(newreq.get_header('Content-length'), None) self.assertEqual(newreq.get_header('Transfer-encoding'), 'chunked') else: self.assertEqual(int(newreq.get_header('Content-length')), 30) def test_http_body_iterable(self): # Generic iterable. There is no way to determine the content # length up front. Fall back to Transfer-encoding chunked. h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() def iterable_body(): yield b"one" for headers in {}, {"Content-Length": 11}: req = Request("", iterable_body(), headers) newreq = h.do_request_(req) if not headers: self.assertEqual(newreq.get_header('Content-length'), None) self.assertEqual(newreq.get_header('Transfer-encoding'), 'chunked') else: self.assertEqual(int(newreq.get_header('Content-length')), 11) def test_http_body_empty_seq(self): # Zero-length iterable body should be treated like any other iterable h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() h.parent = MockOpener() req = h.do_request_(Request("", ())) self.assertEqual(req.get_header("Transfer-encoding"), "chunked") self.assertFalse(req.has_header("Content-length")) def test_http_body_array(self): # array.array Iterable - Content Length is calculated h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() iterable_array = array.array("I",[1,2,3,4]) for headers in {}, {"Content-Length": 16}: req = Request("", iterable_array, headers) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(int(newreq.get_header('Content-length')),16) def test_http_handler_global_debuglevel(self): with mock.patch.object(http.client.HTTPConnection, 'debuglevel', 6): o = OpenerDirector() h = MockHTTPHandler() o.add_handler(h)"") self.assertEqual(h._debuglevel, 6) def test_http_handler_local_debuglevel(self): o = OpenerDirector() h = MockHTTPHandler(debuglevel=5) o.add_handler(h)"") self.assertEqual(h._debuglevel, 5) @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(http.client, 'HTTPSConnection'), 'HTTPSConnection required for HTTPS tests.') def test_https_handler_global_debuglevel(self): with mock.patch.object(http.client.HTTPSConnection, 'debuglevel', 7): o = OpenerDirector() h = MockHTTPSHandler() o.add_handler(h)"") self.assertEqual(h._debuglevel, 7) @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(http.client, 'HTTPSConnection'), 'HTTPSConnection required for HTTPS tests.') def test_https_handler_local_debuglevel(self): o = OpenerDirector() h = MockHTTPSHandler(debuglevel=4) o.add_handler(h)"") self.assertEqual(h._debuglevel, 4) def test_http_doubleslash(self): # Checks the presence of any unnecessary double slash in url does not # break anything. Previously, a double slash directly after the host # could cause incorrect parsing. h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() h.parent = MockOpener() data = b"" ds_urls = [ "", "", "", "" ] for ds_url in ds_urls: ds_req = Request(ds_url, data) # Check whether host is determined correctly if there is no proxy np_ds_req = h.do_request_(ds_req) self.assertEqual(np_ds_req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "") # Check whether host is determined correctly if there is a proxy ds_req.set_proxy("someproxy:3128", None) p_ds_req = h.do_request_(ds_req) self.assertEqual(p_ds_req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "") def test_full_url_setter(self): # Checks to ensure that components are set correctly after setting the # full_url of a Request object urls = [ '', '', '', ] # testing a reusable request instance, but the url parameter is # required, so just use a dummy one to instantiate r = Request('') for url in urls: r.full_url = url parsed = urlparse(url) self.assertEqual(r.get_full_url(), url) # full_url setter uses splittag to split into components. # splittag sets the fragment as None while urlparse sets it to '' self.assertEqual(r.fragment or '', parsed.fragment) self.assertEqual(urlparse(r.get_full_url()).query, parsed.query) def test_full_url_deleter(self): r = Request('') del r.full_url self.assertIsNone(r.full_url) self.assertIsNone(r.fragment) self.assertEqual(r.selector, '') def test_fixpath_in_weirdurls(self): # Issue4493: urllib2 to supply '/' when to urls where path does not # start with'/' h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() h.parent = MockOpener() weird_url = '' req = Request(weird_url) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(, '') self.assertEqual(newreq.selector, '/?getspam') url_without_path = '' req = Request(url_without_path) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(, '') self.assertEqual(newreq.selector, '') def test_errors(self): h = urllib.request.HTTPErrorProcessor() o = h.parent = MockOpener() url = "" req = Request(url) # all 2xx are passed through r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called r = MockResponse(202, "Accepted", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called r = MockResponse(206, "Partial content", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called # anything else calls o.error (and MockOpener returns None, here) r = MockResponse(502, "Bad gateway", {}, "", url) self.assertIsNone(h.http_response(req, r)) self.assertEqual(o.proto, "http") # o.error called self.assertEqual(o.args, (req, r, 502, "Bad gateway", {})) def test_cookies(self): cj = MockCookieJar() h = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) h.parent = MockOpener() req = Request("") r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") newreq = h.http_request(req) self.assertIs(cj.ach_req, req) self.assertIs(cj.ach_req, newreq) self.assertEqual(req.origin_req_host, "") self.assertFalse(req.unverifiable) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(cj.ec_req, req) self.assertIs(cj.ec_r, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) def test_redirect(self): from_url = "" to_url = "" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() # ordinary redirect behaviour for code in 301, 302, 303, 307, 308: for data in None, "blah\nblah\n": method = getattr(h, "http_error_%s" % code) req = Request(from_url, data) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT req.add_header("Nonsense", "viking=withhold") if data is not None: req.add_header("Content-Length", str(len(data))) req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "spam") try: method(req, MockFile(), code, "Blah", MockHeaders({"location": to_url})) except urllib.error.HTTPError: # 307 and 308 in response to POST require user OK self.assertIn(code, (307, 308)) self.assertIsNotNone(data) self.assertEqual(o.req.get_full_url(), to_url) try: self.assertEqual(o.req.get_method(), "GET") except AttributeError: self.assertFalse( # now it's a GET, there should not be headers regarding content # (possibly dragged from before being a POST) headers = [x.lower() for x in o.req.headers] self.assertNotIn("content-length", headers) self.assertNotIn("content-type", headers) self.assertEqual(o.req.headers["Nonsense"], "viking=withhold") self.assertNotIn("Spam", o.req.headers) self.assertNotIn("Spam", o.req.unredirected_hdrs) # loop detection req = Request(from_url) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT def redirect(h, req, url=to_url): h.http_error_302(req, MockFile(), 302, "Blah", MockHeaders({"location": url})) # Note that the *original* request shares the same record of # redirections with the sub-requests caused by the redirections. # detect infinite loop redirect of a URL to itself req = Request(from_url, origin_req_host="") count = 0 req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: while 1: redirect(h, req, "") count = count + 1 except urllib.error.HTTPError: # don't stop until max_repeats, because cookies may introduce state self.assertEqual(count, urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.max_repeats) # detect endless non-repeating chain of redirects req = Request(from_url, origin_req_host="") count = 0 req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: while 1: redirect(h, req, "" % count) count = count + 1 except urllib.error.HTTPError: self.assertEqual(count, urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.max_redirections) def test_invalid_redirect(self): from_url = "" valid_schemes = ['http','https','ftp'] invalid_schemes = ['file','imap','ldap'] schemeless_url = "" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() req = Request(from_url) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT for scheme in invalid_schemes: invalid_url = scheme + '://' + schemeless_url self.assertRaises(urllib.error.HTTPError, h.http_error_302, req, MockFile(), 302, "Security Loophole", MockHeaders({"location": invalid_url})) for scheme in valid_schemes: valid_url = scheme + '://' + schemeless_url h.http_error_302(req, MockFile(), 302, "That's fine", MockHeaders({"location": valid_url})) self.assertEqual(o.req.get_full_url(), valid_url) def test_relative_redirect(self): from_url = "" relative_url = "/b.html" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() req = Request(from_url) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT valid_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(from_url,relative_url) h.http_error_302(req, MockFile(), 302, "That's fine", MockHeaders({"location": valid_url})) self.assertEqual(o.req.get_full_url(), valid_url) def test_cookie_redirect(self): # cookies shouldn't leak into redirected requests from http.cookiejar import CookieJar from test.test_http_cookiejar import interact_netscape cj = CookieJar() interact_netscape(cj, "", "spam=eggs") hh = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect(302, "Location:\r\n\r\n") hdeh = urllib.request.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler() hrh = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() cp = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) o = build_test_opener(hh, hdeh, hrh, cp)"") self.assertFalse(hh.req.has_header("Cookie")) def test_redirect_fragment(self): redirected_url = '\r\n\r\n' hh = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect(302, 'Location: ' + redirected_url) hdeh = urllib.request.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler() hrh = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = build_test_opener(hh, hdeh, hrh) fp ='') self.assertEqual(fp.geturl(), redirected_url.strip()) def test_redirect_no_path(self): # Issue 14132: Relative redirect strips original path # clear _opener global variable self.addCleanup(urllib.request.urlcleanup) real_class = http.client.HTTPConnection response1 = b"HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nLocation: ?query\r\n\r\n" http.client.HTTPConnection = test_urllib.fakehttp(response1) self.addCleanup(setattr, http.client, "HTTPConnection", real_class) urls = iter(("/path", "/path?query")) def request(conn, method, url, *pos, **kw): self.assertEqual(url, next(urls)) real_class.request(conn, method, url, *pos, **kw) # Change response for subsequent connection conn.__class__.fakedata = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nHello!" http.client.HTTPConnection.request = request fp = urllib.request.urlopen("") self.assertEqual(fp.geturl(), "") def test_redirect_encoding(self): # Some characters in the redirect target may need special handling, # but most ASCII characters should be treated as already encoded class Handler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): def http_open(self, req): result = self.do_open(self.connection, req) self.last_buf = self.connection.buf # Set up a normal response for the next request self.connection = test_urllib.fakehttp( b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' b'Content-Length: 3\r\n' b'\r\n' b'123' ) return result handler = Handler() opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler) tests = ( (b'/p\xC3\xA5-dansk/', b'/p%C3%A5-dansk/'), (b'/spaced%20path/', b'/spaced%20path/'), (b'/spaced path/', b'/spaced%20path/'), (b'/?p\xC3\xA5-dansk', b'/?p%C3%A5-dansk'), ) for [location, result] in tests: with self.subTest(repr(location)): handler.connection = test_urllib.fakehttp( b'HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect\r\n' b'Location: ' + location + b'\r\n' b'\r\n' ) response ='') expected = b'GET ' + result + b' ' request = handler.last_buf self.assertTrue(request.startswith(expected), repr(request)) def test_redirect_head_request(self): from_url = "" to_url = "" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() req = Request(from_url, method="HEAD") fp = MockFile() new_req = h.redirect_request(req, fp, 302, "Found", {}, to_url) self.assertEqual(new_req.get_method(), "HEAD") def test_proxy(self): u = "" for d in dict(http=u), dict(HTTP=u): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(d) o.add_handler(ph) meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "return response")] ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, u) self.assertEqual([(handlers[0], "http_open")], [tup[0:2] for tup in o.calls]) def test_proxy_no_proxy(self): os.environ['no_proxy'] = '' o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) o.add_handler(ph) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") del os.environ['no_proxy'] def test_proxy_no_proxy_all(self): os.environ['no_proxy'] = '*' o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) o.add_handler(ph) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") del os.environ['no_proxy'] def test_proxy_https(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(https="")) o.add_handler(ph) meth_spec = [ [("https_open", "return response")] ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual([(handlers[0], "https_open")], [tup[0:2] for tup in o.calls]) @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(http.client, 'HTTPSConnection'), 'HTTPSConnection required for HTTPS tests.') def test_proxy_https_proxy_authorization(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(https='')) o.add_handler(ph) https_handler = MockHTTPSHandler() o.add_handler(https_handler) req = Request("") req.add_header("Proxy-Authorization", "FooBar") req.add_header("User-Agent", "Grail") self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertIsNone(req._tunnel_host) # Verify Proxy-Authorization gets tunneled to request. # httpsconn req_headers do not have the Proxy-Authorization header but # the req will have. self.assertNotIn(("Proxy-Authorization", "FooBar"), https_handler.httpconn.req_headers) self.assertIn(("User-Agent", "Grail"), https_handler.httpconn.req_headers) self.assertIsNotNone(req._tunnel_host) self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(req.get_header("Proxy-authorization"), "FooBar") @unittest.skipUnless( == "nt", "only relevant for Windows") def test_winreg_proxy_bypass(self): proxy_override = ";*;" proxy_bypass = _proxy_bypass_winreg_override for host in ("", "", ""): self.assertTrue(proxy_bypass(host, proxy_override), "expected bypass of %s to be true" % host) for host in ("", "", "", ""): self.assertFalse(proxy_bypass(host, proxy_override), "expected bypass of %s to be False" % host) # check intranet address bypass proxy_override = "; <local>" self.assertTrue(proxy_bypass("", proxy_override), "expected bypass of %s to be true" % host) self.assertFalse(proxy_bypass("", proxy_override), "expected bypass of %s to be False" % host) for host in ("test", "localhost"): self.assertTrue(proxy_bypass(host, proxy_override), "expect <local> to bypass intranet address '%s'" % host) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'darwin', "only relevant for OSX") def test_osx_proxy_bypass(self): bypass = { 'exclude_simple': False, 'exceptions': ['', '*', '', '10.10', '10.0/16'] } # Check hosts that should trigger the proxy bypass for host in ('', '', '', '', ''): self.assertTrue(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf(host, bypass), 'expected bypass of %s to be True' % host) # Check hosts that should not trigger the proxy bypass for host in ('', '', '', '', 'notinbypass'): self.assertFalse(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf(host, bypass), 'expected bypass of %s to be False' % host) # Check the exclude_simple flag bypass = {'exclude_simple': True, 'exceptions': []} self.assertTrue(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf('test', bypass)) # Check that invalid prefix lengths are ignored bypass = { 'exclude_simple': False, 'exceptions': [ '', '' ] } host = '' self.assertTrue(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf(host, bypass), 'expected bypass of %s to be True' % host) host = '' self.assertFalse(_proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf(host, bypass), 'expected bypass of %s to be False' % host) def check_basic_auth(self, headers, realm): with self.subTest(realm=realm, headers=headers): opener = OpenerDirector() password_manager = MockPasswordManager() auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) body = '\r\n'.join(headers) + '\r\n\r\n' http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect(401, body) opener.add_handler(auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self._test_basic_auth(opener, auth_handler, "Authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "") def test_basic_auth(self): realm = "" realm2 = "" basic = f'Basic realm="{realm}"' basic2 = f'Basic realm="{realm2}"' other_no_realm = 'Otherscheme xxx' digest = (f'Digest realm="{realm2}", ' f'qop="auth, auth-int", ' f'nonce="dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093", ' f'opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41"') for realm_str in ( # test "quote" and 'quote' f'Basic realm="{realm}"', f"Basic realm='{realm}'", # charset is ignored f'Basic realm="{realm}", charset="UTF-8"', # Multiple challenges per header f'{basic}, {basic2}', f'{basic}, {other_no_realm}', f'{other_no_realm}, {basic}', f'{basic}, {digest}', f'{digest}, {basic}', ): headers = [f'WWW-Authenticate: {realm_str}'] self.check_basic_auth(headers, realm) # no quote: expect a warning with warnings_helper.check_warnings(("Basic Auth Realm was unquoted", UserWarning)): headers = [f'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm={realm}'] self.check_basic_auth(headers, realm) # Multiple headers: one challenge per header. # Use the first Basic realm. for challenges in ( [basic, basic2], [basic, digest], [digest, basic], ): headers = [f'WWW-Authenticate: {challenge}' for challenge in challenges] self.check_basic_auth(headers, realm) def test_proxy_basic_auth(self): opener = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) opener.add_handler(ph) password_manager = MockPasswordManager() auth_handler = urllib.request.ProxyBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Networks" http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect( 407, 'Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"\r\n\r\n' % realm) opener.add_handler(auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self._test_basic_auth(opener, auth_handler, "Proxy-authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) def test_basic_and_digest_auth_handlers(self): # HTTPDigestAuthHandler raised an exception if it couldn't handle a 40* # response (, where it should instead # return None to allow another handler (especially # HTTPBasicAuthHandler) to handle the response. # Also (, RFC 2617 section 1.2), we must # try digest first (since it's the strongest auth scheme), so we record # order of calls here to check digest comes first: class RecordingOpenerDirector(OpenerDirector): def __init__(self): OpenerDirector.__init__(self) self.recorded = [] def record(self, info): self.recorded.append(info) class TestDigestAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds): self.parent.record("digest") urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds) class TestBasicAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds): self.parent.record("basic") urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds) opener = RecordingOpenerDirector() password_manager = MockPasswordManager() digest_handler = TestDigestAuthHandler(password_manager) basic_handler = TestBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Networks" http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"\r\n\r\n' % realm) opener.add_handler(basic_handler) opener.add_handler(digest_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) # check basic auth isn't blocked by digest handler failing self._test_basic_auth(opener, basic_handler, "Authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) # check digest was tried before basic (twice, because # _test_basic_auth called .open() twice) self.assertEqual(opener.recorded, ["digest", "basic"]*2) def test_unsupported_auth_digest_handler(self): opener = OpenerDirector() # While using DigestAuthHandler digest_auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(None) http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Kerberos\r\n\r\n') opener.add_handler(digest_auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, "") def test_unsupported_auth_basic_handler(self): # While using BasicAuthHandler opener = OpenerDirector() basic_auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(None) http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\r\n\r\n') opener.add_handler(basic_auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, "") def _test_basic_auth(self, opener, auth_handler, auth_header, realm, http_handler, password_manager, request_url, protected_url): import base64 user, password = "wile", "coyote" # .add_password() fed through to password manager auth_handler.add_password(realm, request_url, user, password) self.assertEqual(realm, password_manager.realm) self.assertEqual(request_url, password_manager.url) self.assertEqual(user, password_manager.user) self.assertEqual(password, password_manager.password) # should have asked the password manager for the username/password self.assertEqual(password_manager.target_realm, realm) self.assertEqual(password_manager.target_url, protected_url) # expect one request without authorization, then one with self.assertEqual(len(http_handler.requests), 2) self.assertFalse(http_handler.requests[0].has_header(auth_header)) userpass = bytes('%s:%s' % (user, password), "ascii") auth_hdr_value = ('Basic ' + base64.encodebytes(userpass).strip().decode()) self.assertEqual(http_handler.requests[1].get_header(auth_header), auth_hdr_value) self.assertEqual(http_handler.requests[1].unredirected_hdrs[auth_header], auth_hdr_value) # if the password manager can't find a password, the handler won't # handle the HTTP auth error password_manager.user = password_manager.password = None http_handler.reset() self.assertEqual(len(http_handler.requests), 1) self.assertFalse(http_handler.requests[0].has_header(auth_header)) def test_basic_prior_auth_auto_send(self): # Assume already authenticated if is_authenticated=True # for APIs like Github that don't return 401 user, password = "wile", "coyote" request_url = "" http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerCheckAuth(200) pwd_manager = HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth() auth_prior_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pwd_manager) auth_prior_handler.add_password( None, request_url, user, password, is_authenticated=True) self.assertTrue(pwd_manager.is_authenticated(request_url)) self.assertTrue(pwd_manager.is_authenticated(request_url + '/nested')) self.assertFalse(pwd_manager.is_authenticated(request_url + 'plain')) opener = OpenerDirector() opener.add_handler(auth_prior_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) # expect request to be sent with auth header self.assertTrue(http_handler.has_auth_header) def test_basic_prior_auth_send_after_first_success(self): # Auto send auth header after authentication is successful once user, password = 'wile', 'coyote' request_url = '' realm = 'ACME' pwd_manager = HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth() auth_prior_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pwd_manager) auth_prior_handler.add_password(realm, request_url, user, password) is_auth = pwd_manager.is_authenticated(request_url) self.assertFalse(is_auth) opener = OpenerDirector() opener.add_handler(auth_prior_handler) http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerRedirect( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"\r\n\r\n' % None) opener.add_handler(http_handler) is_auth = pwd_manager.is_authenticated(request_url) self.assertTrue(is_auth) http_handler = MockHTTPHandlerCheckAuth(200) self.assertFalse(http_handler.has_auth_header) opener = OpenerDirector() opener.add_handler(auth_prior_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) # After getting 200 from MockHTTPHandler # Next request sends header in the first request # expect request to be sent with auth header self.assertTrue(http_handler.has_auth_header) def test_http_closed(self): """Test the connection is cleaned up when the response is closed""" for (transfer, data) in ( ("Connection: close", b"data"), ("Transfer-Encoding: chunked", b"4\r\ndata\r\n0\r\n\r\n"), ("Content-Length: 4", b"data"), ): header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n{}\r\n\r\n".format(transfer) conn = test_urllib.fakehttp(header.encode() + data) handler = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() req = Request("http://dummy/") req.timeout = None with handler.do_open(conn, req) as resp: self.assertTrue(conn.fakesock.closed, "Connection not closed with {!r}".format(transfer)) def test_invalid_closed(self): """Test the connection is cleaned up after an invalid response""" conn = test_urllib.fakehttp(b"") handler = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() req = Request("http://dummy/") req.timeout = None with self.assertRaises(http.client.BadStatusLine): handler.do_open(conn, req) self.assertTrue(conn.fakesock.closed, "Connection not closed") class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase): def opener_has_handler(self, opener, handler_class): self.assertTrue(any(h.__class__ == handler_class for h in opener.handlers)) def test_build_opener(self): class MyHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): pass class FooHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def foo_open(self): pass class BarHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def bar_open(self): pass build_opener = urllib.request.build_opener o = build_opener(FooHandler, BarHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, FooHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, BarHandler) # can take a mix of classes and instances o = build_opener(FooHandler, BarHandler()) self.opener_has_handler(o, FooHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, BarHandler) # subclasses of default handlers override default handlers o = build_opener(MyHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyHTTPHandler) # a particular case of overriding: default handlers can be passed # in explicitly o = build_opener() self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) o = build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) o = build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPHandler()) self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) # Issue2670: multiple handlers sharing the same base class class MyOtherHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): pass o = build_opener(MyHTTPHandler, MyOtherHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyOtherHTTPHandler) def test_HTTPError_interface(self): """ Issue 13211 reveals that HTTPError didn't implement the URLError interface even though HTTPError is a subclass of URLError. """ msg = 'something bad happened' url = code = fp = None hdrs = 'Content-Length: 42' err = urllib.error.HTTPError(url, code, msg, hdrs, fp) self.assertTrue(hasattr(err, 'reason')) self.assertEqual(err.reason, 'something bad happened') self.assertTrue(hasattr(err, 'headers')) self.assertEqual(err.headers, 'Content-Length: 42') expected_errmsg = 'HTTP Error %s: %s' % (err.code, err.msg) self.assertEqual(str(err), expected_errmsg) expected_errmsg = '<HTTPError %s: %r>' % (err.code, err.msg) self.assertEqual(repr(err), expected_errmsg) def test_gh_98778(self): x = urllib.error.HTTPError("url", 405, "METHOD NOT ALLOWED", None, None) self.assertEqual(getattr(x, "__notes__", ()), ()) self.assertIsInstance(, bytes) def test_parse_proxy(self): parse_proxy_test_cases = [ ('', (None, None, None, '')), ('', (None, None, None, '')), ('', (None, None, None, '')), ('', (None, None, None, '')), # The authority component may optionally include userinfo # (assumed to be # username:password): ('', (None, 'joe', 'password', '')), ('', (None, 'joe', 'password', '')), #Examples with URLS ('', ('http', None, None, '')), ('', ('http', None, None, '')), ('', ('http', 'joe', 'password', '')), ('', ('http', 'joe', 'password', '')), # Everything after the authority is ignored ('', ('ftp', 'joe', 'password', '')), # Test for no trailing '/' case ('', ('http', 'joe', 'password', '')), # Testcases with '/' character in username, password ('http://user/name:password@localhost:22', ('http', 'user/name', 'password', 'localhost:22')), ('http://username:pass/word@localhost:22', ('http', 'username', 'pass/word', 'localhost:22')), ('http://user/name:pass/word@localhost:22', ('http', 'user/name', 'pass/word', 'localhost:22')), ] for tc, expected in parse_proxy_test_cases: self.assertEqual(_parse_proxy(tc), expected) self.assertRaises(ValueError, _parse_proxy, 'file:/'), def test_unsupported_algorithm(self): handler = AbstractDigestAuthHandler() with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: handler.get_algorithm_impls('invalid') self.assertEqual( str(exc.exception), "Unsupported digest authentication algorithm 'invalid'" ) class RequestTests(unittest.TestCase): class PutRequest(Request): method = 'PUT' def setUp(self): self.get = Request("") = Request("", "data", headers={"X-Test": "test"}) self.head = Request("", method='HEAD') self.put = self.PutRequest("") self.force_post = self.PutRequest("", method="POST") def test_method(self): self.assertEqual("POST", self.assertEqual("GET", self.get.get_method()) self.assertEqual("HEAD", self.head.get_method()) self.assertEqual("PUT", self.put.get_method()) self.assertEqual("POST", self.force_post.get_method()) def test_data(self): self.assertFalse( self.assertEqual("GET", self.get.get_method()) = "spam" self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual("POST", self.get.get_method()) # issue 16464 # if we change data we need to remove content-length header # (cause it's most probably calculated for previous value) def test_setting_data_should_remove_content_length(self): self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) self.get.add_unredirected_header("Content-length", 42) self.assertEqual(42, self.get.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"]) = "spam" self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) # issue 17485 same for deleting data. def test_deleting_data_should_remove_content_length(self): self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) = 'foo' self.get.add_unredirected_header("Content-length", 3) self.assertEqual(3, self.get.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"]) del self.assertNotIn("Content-length", self.get.unredirected_hdrs) def test_get_full_url(self): self.assertEqual("", self.get.get_full_url()) def test_selector(self): self.assertEqual("/~jeremy/", self.get.selector) req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/", req.selector) def test_get_type(self): self.assertEqual("http", self.get.type) def test_get_host(self): self.assertEqual("", def test_get_host_unquote(self): req = Request("") self.assertEqual("", def test_proxy(self): self.assertFalse(self.get.has_proxy()) self.get.set_proxy("", "http") self.assertTrue(self.get.has_proxy()) self.assertEqual("", self.get.origin_req_host) self.assertEqual("", def test_wrapped_url(self): req = Request("<URL:>") self.assertEqual("", def test_url_fragment(self): req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/?qs=query", req.selector) req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/", req.selector) # Issue 11703: geturl() omits fragment in the original URL. url = '' req = Request(url) self.assertEqual(req.get_full_url(), url) def test_url_fullurl_get_full_url(self): urls = ['', '', ''] for url in urls: req = Request(url) self.assertEqual(req.get_full_url(), req.full_url) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()