#!/usr/bin/env python import unittest from test import test_support from test.test_urllib2 import sanepathname2url import socket import urllib2 import sys import os import mimetools def _urlopen_with_retry(host, *args, **kwargs): # Connecting to remote hosts is flaky. Make it more robust # by retrying the connection several times. for i in range(3): try: return urllib2.urlopen(host, *args, **kwargs) except urllib2.URLError as last_exc: continue except: raise raise last_exc class URLTimeoutTest(unittest.TestCase): TIMEOUT = 10.0 def setUp(self): socket.setdefaulttimeout(self.TIMEOUT) def tearDown(self): socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) def testURLread(self): f = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org/") x = f.read() class AuthTests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests urllib2 authentication features.""" ## Disabled at the moment since there is no page under python.org which ## could be used to HTTP authentication. # # def test_basic_auth(self): # import httplib # # test_url = "http://www.python.org/test/test_urllib2/basic_auth" # test_hostport = "www.python.org" # test_realm = 'Test Realm' # test_user = 'test.test_urllib2net' # test_password = 'blah' # # # failure # try: # _urlopen_with_retry(test_url) # except urllib2.HTTPError, exc: # self.assertEqual(exc.code, 401) # else: # self.fail("urlopen() should have failed with 401") # # # success # auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() # auth_handler.add_password(test_realm, test_hostport, # test_user, test_password) # opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) # f = opener.open('http://localhost/') # response = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org/") # # # The 'userinfo' URL component is deprecated by RFC 3986 for security # # reasons, let's not implement it! (it's already implemented for proxy # # specification strings (that is, URLs or authorities specifying a # # proxy), so we must keep that) # self.assertRaises(httplib.InvalidURL, # urllib2.urlopen, "http://evil:thing@example.com") class CloseSocketTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_close(self): import socket, httplib, gc # calling .close() on urllib2's response objects should close the # underlying socket # delve deep into response to fetch socket._socketobject response = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org/") abused_fileobject = response.fp httpresponse = abused_fileobject.raw self.assert_(httpresponse.__class__ is httplib.HTTPResponse) fileobject = httpresponse.fp self.assert_(not fileobject.closed) response.close() self.assert_(fileobject.closed) class urlopenNetworkTests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests urllib2.urlopen using the network. These tests are not exhaustive. Assuming that testing using files does a good job overall of some of the basic interface features. There are no tests exercising the optional 'data' and 'proxies' arguments. No tests for transparent redirection have been written. setUp is not used for always constructing a connection to http://www.python.org/ since there a few tests that don't use that address and making a connection is expensive enough to warrant minimizing unneeded connections. """ def test_basic(self): # Simple test expected to pass. open_url = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org/") for attr in ("read", "close", "info", "geturl"): self.assert_(hasattr(open_url, attr), "object returned from " "urlopen lacks the %s attribute" % attr) try: self.assert_(open_url.read(), "calling 'read' failed") finally: open_url.close() def test_info(self): # Test 'info'. open_url = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org/") try: info_obj = open_url.info() finally: open_url.close() self.assert_(isinstance(info_obj, mimetools.Message), "object returned by 'info' is not an instance of " "mimetools.Message") self.assertEqual(info_obj.getsubtype(), "html") def test_geturl(self): # Make sure same URL as opened is returned by geturl. URL = "http://www.python.org/" open_url = _urlopen_with_retry(URL) try: gotten_url = open_url.geturl() finally: open_url.close() self.assertEqual(gotten_url, URL) def test_bad_address(self): # Make sure proper exception is raised when connecting to a bogus # address. self.assertRaises(IOError, # SF patch 809915: In Sep 2003, VeriSign started # highjacking invalid .com and .net addresses to # boost traffic to their own site. This test # started failing then. One hopes the .invalid # domain will be spared to serve its defined # purpose. # urllib2.urlopen, "http://www.sadflkjsasadf.com/") urllib2.urlopen, "http://www.python.invalid./") class OtherNetworkTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if 0: # for debugging import logging logger = logging.getLogger("test_urllib2net") logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) def test_range (self): req = urllib2.Request("http://www.python.org", headers={'Range': 'bytes=20-39'}) result = _urlopen_with_retry(req) data = result.read() self.assertEqual(len(data), 20) # XXX The rest of these tests aren't very good -- they don't check much. # They do sometimes catch some major disasters, though. def test_ftp(self): urls = [ 'ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/README', 'ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/non-existant-file', #'ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/leenox/kernel/test', 'ftp://gatekeeper.research.compaq.com/pub/DEC/SRC' '/research-reports/00README-Legal-Rules-Regs', ] self._test_urls(urls, self._extra_handlers()) def test_file(self): TESTFN = test_support.TESTFN f = open(TESTFN, 'w') try: f.write('hi there\n') f.close() urls = [ 'file:'+sanepathname2url(os.path.abspath(TESTFN)), ('file:///nonsensename/etc/passwd', None, urllib2.URLError), ] self._test_urls(urls, self._extra_handlers(), urllib2.urlopen) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) def test_http(self): urls = [ 'http://www.espn.com/', # redirect 'http://www.python.org/Spanish/Inquistion/', ('http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw.py', 'query=pythonistas&querytype=simple&casefold=yes&req=search', None), 'http://www.python.org/', ] self._test_urls(urls, self._extra_handlers()) # XXX Following test depends on machine configurations that are internal # to CNRI. Need to set up a public server with the right authentication # configuration for test purposes. ## def test_cnri(self): ## if socket.gethostname() == 'bitdiddle': ## localhost = 'bitdiddle.cnri.reston.va.us' ## elif socket.gethostname() == 'bitdiddle.concentric.net': ## localhost = 'localhost' ## else: ## localhost = None ## if localhost is not None: ## urls = [ ## 'file://%s/etc/passwd' % localhost, ## 'http://%s/simple/' % localhost, ## 'http://%s/digest/' % localhost, ## 'http://%s/not/found.h' % localhost, ## ] ## bauth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler() ## bauth.add_password('basic_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton', ## 'password') ## dauth = HTTPDigestAuthHandler() ## dauth.add_password('digest_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton', ## 'password') ## self._test_urls(urls, self._extra_handlers()+[bauth, dauth]) def _test_urls(self, urls, handlers, urlopen=_urlopen_with_retry): import socket import time import logging debug = logging.getLogger("test_urllib2").debug urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)) for url in urls: if isinstance(url, tuple): url, req, expected_err = url else: req = expected_err = None debug(url) try: f = urlopen(url, req) except EnvironmentError as err: debug(err) if expected_err: msg = ("Didn't get expected error(s) %s for %s %s, got %s: %s" % (expected_err, url, req, type(err), err)) self.assert_(isinstance(err, expected_err), msg) else: with test_support.transient_internet(): buf = f.read() f.close() debug("read %d bytes" % len(buf)) debug("******** next url coming up...") time.sleep(0.1) def _extra_handlers(self): handlers = [] cfh = urllib2.CacheFTPHandler() cfh.setTimeout(1) handlers.append(cfh) return handlers class TimeoutTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_http_basic(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org") self.assertTrue(u.fp.raw.fp._sock.gettimeout() is None) def test_http_NoneWithdefault(self): prev = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) try: u = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org", timeout=None) self.assertTrue(u.fp.raw.fp._sock.gettimeout(), 60) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(prev) def test_http_Value(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org", timeout=120) self.assertEqual(u.fp.raw.fp._sock.gettimeout(), 120) def test_http_NoneNodefault(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry("http://www.python.org", timeout=None) self.assertTrue(u.fp.raw.fp._sock.gettimeout() is None) FTP_HOST = "ftp://ftp.mirror.nl/pub/mirror/gnu/" def test_ftp_basic(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST) self.assertTrue(u.fp.fp.raw._sock.gettimeout() is None) def test_ftp_NoneWithdefault(self): prev = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) try: u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(u.fp.fp._sock.gettimeout(), 60) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(prev) def test_ftp_NoneNodefault(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST, timeout=None) self.assertTrue(u.fp.fp._sock.gettimeout() is None) def test_ftp_Value(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST, timeout=60) self.assertEqual(u.fp.fp.raw._sock.gettimeout(), 60) def test_main(): test_support.requires("network") test_support.run_unittest(URLTimeoutTest, urlopenNetworkTests, AuthTests, OtherNetworkTests, CloseSocketTest, TimeoutTest, ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()