# Test the Windows-only _winapi module

import os
import pathlib
import re
import unittest
from test.support import import_helper, os_helper

_winapi = import_helper.import_module('_winapi', required_on=['win'])


class WinAPIBatchedWaitForMultipleObjectsTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def _events_waitall_test(self, n):
        evts = [_winapi.CreateEventW(0, False, False, None) for _ in range(n)]

        with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError):
            _winapi.BatchedWaitForMultipleObjects(evts, True, 100)

        # Ensure no errors raised when all are triggered
        for e in evts:
            _winapi.BatchedWaitForMultipleObjects(evts, True, 100)
        except TimeoutError:
            self.fail("expected wait to complete immediately")

        # Choose 8 events to set, distributed throughout the list, to make sure
        # we don't always have them in the first chunk
        chosen = [i * (len(evts) // 8) for i in range(8)]

        # Replace events with invalid handles to make sure we fail
        for i in chosen:
            old_evt = evts[i]
            evts[i] = -1
            with self.assertRaises(OSError):
                _winapi.BatchedWaitForMultipleObjects(evts, True, 100)
            evts[i] = old_evt

    def _events_waitany_test(self, n):
        evts = [_winapi.CreateEventW(0, False, False, None) for _ in range(n)]

        with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError):
            _winapi.BatchedWaitForMultipleObjects(evts, False, 100)

        # Choose 8 events to set, distributed throughout the list, to make sure
        # we don't always have them in the first chunk
        chosen = [i * (len(evts) // 8) for i in range(8)]

        # Trigger one by one. They are auto-reset events, so will only trigger once
        for i in chosen:
            with self.subTest(f"trigger event {i} of {len(evts)}"):
                triggered = _winapi.BatchedWaitForMultipleObjects(evts, False, 10000)
                self.assertSetEqual(set(triggered), {i})

        # Trigger all at once. This may require multiple calls
        for i in chosen:
        triggered = set()
        while len(triggered) < len(chosen):
            triggered.update(_winapi.BatchedWaitForMultipleObjects(evts, False, 10000))
        self.assertSetEqual(triggered, set(chosen))

        # Replace events with invalid handles to make sure we fail
        for i in chosen:
            with self.subTest(f"corrupt event {i} of {len(evts)}"):
                old_evt = evts[i]
                evts[i] = -1
                with self.assertRaises(OSError):
                    _winapi.BatchedWaitForMultipleObjects(evts, False, 100)
                evts[i] = old_evt

    def test_few_events_waitall(self):

    def test_many_events_waitall(self):

    def test_max_events_waitall(self):

    def test_few_events_waitany(self):

    def test_many_events_waitany(self):

    def test_max_events_waitany(self):

class WinAPITests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_getlongpathname(self):
        testfn = pathlib.Path(os.getenv("ProgramFiles")).parents[-1] / "PROGRA~1"
        if not os.path.isdir(testfn):
            raise unittest.SkipTest("require x:\\PROGRA~1 to test")

        # pathlib.Path will be rejected - only str is accepted
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        actual = _winapi.GetLongPathName(os.fsdecode(testfn))

        # Can't assume that PROGRA~1 expands to any particular variation, so
        # ensure it matches any one of them.
        candidates = set(testfn.parent.glob("Progra*"))
        self.assertIn(pathlib.Path(actual), candidates)

    def test_getshortpathname(self):
        testfn = pathlib.Path(os.getenv("ProgramFiles"))
        if not os.path.isdir(testfn):
            raise unittest.SkipTest("require '%ProgramFiles%' to test")

        # pathlib.Path will be rejected - only str is accepted
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        actual = _winapi.GetShortPathName(os.fsdecode(testfn))

        # Should contain "PROGRA~" but we can't predict the number
        self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(r".\:\\PROGRA~\d", actual.upper()), actual)

    def test_namedpipe(self):
        pipe_name = rf"\\.\pipe\LOCAL\{os_helper.TESTFN}"

        # Pipe does not exist, so this raises
        with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
            _winapi.WaitNamedPipe(pipe_name, 0)

        pipe = _winapi.CreateNamedPipe(
            2, # two instances available
            32, 32, 0, 0)
        self.addCleanup(_winapi.CloseHandle, pipe)

        # Pipe instance is available, so this passes
        _winapi.WaitNamedPipe(pipe_name, 0)

        with open(pipe_name, 'w+b') as pipe2:
            # No instances available, so this times out
            # (WinError 121 does not get mapped to TimeoutError)
            with self.assertRaises(OSError):
                _winapi.WaitNamedPipe(pipe_name, 0)

            _winapi.WriteFile(pipe, b'testdata')
            self.assertEqual(b'testdata', pipe2.read(8))

            self.assertEqual((b'', 0), _winapi.PeekNamedPipe(pipe, 8)[:2])
            self.assertEqual((b'testdata', 8), _winapi.PeekNamedPipe(pipe, 8)[:2])