import sys import os import marshal import glob import importlib import importlib.util import re import struct import time import unittest import unittest.mock import warnings from test import support from import import_helper from import os_helper from zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo, ZIP_STORED, ZIP_DEFLATED import zipimport import linecache import doctest import inspect import io from traceback import extract_tb, extract_stack, print_tb try: import zlib except ImportError: zlib = None test_src = """\ def get_name(): return __name__ def get_file(): return __file__ """ test_co = compile(test_src, "<???>", "exec") raise_src = 'def do_raise(): raise TypeError\n' def make_pyc(co, mtime, size): data = marshal.dumps(co) pyc = (importlib.util.MAGIC_NUMBER + struct.pack("<iLL", 0, int(mtime) & 0xFFFF_FFFF, size & 0xFFFF_FFFF) + data) return pyc def module_path_to_dotted_name(path): return path.replace(os.sep, '.') NOW = time.time() test_pyc = make_pyc(test_co, NOW, len(test_src)) TESTMOD = "ziptestmodule" TESTPACK = "ziptestpackage" TESTPACK2 = "ziptestpackage2" TEMP_DIR = os.path.abspath("junk95142") TEMP_ZIP = os.path.abspath("") TEST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "zipimport_data") pyc_file = importlib.util.cache_from_source(TESTMOD + '.py') pyc_ext = '.pyc' class ImportHooksBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.path = sys.path[:] self.meta_path = sys.meta_path[:] self.path_hooks = sys.path_hooks[:] sys.path_importer_cache.clear() self.modules_before = import_helper.modules_setup() def tearDown(self): sys.path[:] = self.path sys.meta_path[:] = self.meta_path sys.path_hooks[:] = self.path_hooks sys.path_importer_cache.clear() import_helper.modules_cleanup(*self.modules_before) class UncompressedZipImportTestCase(ImportHooksBaseTestCase): compression = ZIP_STORED def setUp(self): # We're reusing the zip archive path, so we must clear the # cached directory info and linecache. linecache.clearcache() zipimport._zip_directory_cache.clear() ImportHooksBaseTestCase.setUp(self) def makeTree(self, files, dirName=TEMP_DIR): # Create a filesystem based set of modules/packages # defined by files under the directory dirName. self.addCleanup(os_helper.rmtree, dirName) for name, (mtime, data) in files.items(): path = os.path.join(dirName, name) if path[-1] == os.sep: if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) else: dname = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.isdir(dname): os.makedirs(dname) with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(data) def makeZip(self, files, zipName=TEMP_ZIP, **kw): # Create a zip archive based set of modules/packages # defined by files in the zip file zipName. If the # key 'stuff' exists in kw it is prepended to the archive. self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, zipName) with ZipFile(zipName, "w") as z: for name, (mtime, data) in files.items(): zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression z.writestr(zinfo, data) comment = kw.get("comment", None) if comment is not None: z.comment = comment stuff = kw.get("stuff", None) if stuff is not None: # Prepend 'stuff' to the start of the zipfile with open(zipName, "rb") as f: data = with open(zipName, "wb") as f: f.write(stuff) f.write(data) def getZip64Files(self): # This is the simplest way to make zipfile generate the zip64 EOCD block return {f"f{n}.py": (NOW, test_src) for n in range(65537)} def doTest(self, expected_ext, files, *modules, **kw): self.makeZip(files, **kw) self.doTestWithPreBuiltZip(expected_ext, *modules, **kw) def doTestWithPreBuiltZip(self, expected_ext, *modules, **kw): sys.path.insert(0, TEMP_ZIP) mod = importlib.import_module(".".join(modules)) call = kw.get('call') if call is not None: call(mod) if expected_ext: file = mod.get_file() self.assertEqual(file, os.path.join(TEMP_ZIP, *modules) + expected_ext) def testAFakeZlib(self): # # This could cause a stack overflow before: importing # from a compressed archive would cause zlib to be imported # which would find in the archive, which would... etc. # # This test *must* be executed first: it must be the first one # to trigger zipimport to import zlib (zipimport caches the # zlib.decompress function object, after which the problem being # tested here wouldn't be a problem anymore... # (Hence the 'A' in the test method name: to make it the first # item in a list sorted by name, like # unittest.TestLoader.getTestCaseNames() does.) # # This test fails on platforms on which the zlib module is # statically linked, but the problem it tests for can't # occur in that case (builtin modules are always found first), # so we'll simply skip it then. Bug #765456. # if "zlib" in sys.builtin_module_names: self.skipTest('zlib is a builtin module') if "zlib" in sys.modules: del sys.modules["zlib"] files = {"": (NOW, test_src)} try: self.doTest(".py", files, "zlib") except ImportError: if self.compression != ZIP_DEFLATED:"expected test to not raise ImportError") else: if self.compression != ZIP_STORED:"expected test to raise ImportError") def testPy(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD) def testPyc(self): files = {TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTMOD) def testBoth(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src), TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTMOD) def testUncheckedHashBasedPyc(self): source = b"state = 'old'" source_hash = importlib.util.source_hash(source) bytecode = importlib._bootstrap_external._code_to_hash_pyc( compile(source, "???", "exec"), source_hash, False, # unchecked ) files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, "state = 'new'"), TESTMOD + ".pyc": (NOW - 20, bytecode)} def check(mod): self.assertEqual(mod.state, 'old') self.doTest(None, files, TESTMOD, call=check) @unittest.mock.patch('_imp.check_hash_based_pycs', 'always') def test_checked_hash_based_change_pyc(self): source = b"state = 'old'" source_hash = importlib.util.source_hash(source) bytecode = importlib._bootstrap_external._code_to_hash_pyc( compile(source, "???", "exec"), source_hash, False, ) files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, "state = 'new'"), TESTMOD + ".pyc": (NOW - 20, bytecode)} def check(mod): self.assertEqual(mod.state, 'new') self.doTest(None, files, TESTMOD, call=check) def testEmptyPy(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, "")} self.doTest(None, files, TESTMOD) def testBadMagic(self): # make pyc magic word invalid, forcing loading from .py badmagic_pyc = bytearray(test_pyc) badmagic_pyc[0] ^= 0x04 # flip an arbitrary bit files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src), TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, badmagic_pyc)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD) def testBadMagic2(self): # make pyc magic word invalid, causing an ImportError badmagic_pyc = bytearray(test_pyc) badmagic_pyc[0] ^= 0x04 # flip an arbitrary bit files = {TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, badmagic_pyc)} try: self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD)"This should not be reached") except zipimport.ZipImportError as exc: self.assertIsInstance(exc.__cause__, ImportError) self.assertIn("magic number", exc.__cause__.msg) def testBadMTime(self): badtime_pyc = bytearray(test_pyc) # flip the second bit -- not the first as that one isn't stored in the # .py's mtime in the zip archive. badtime_pyc[11] ^= 0x02 files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src), TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, badtime_pyc)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD) def test2038MTime(self): # Make sure we can handle mtimes larger than what a 32-bit signed number # can hold. twenty_thirty_eight_pyc = make_pyc(test_co, 2**32 - 1, len(test_src)) files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src), TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, twenty_thirty_eight_pyc)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD) def testPackage(self): packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep files = {packdir + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTPACK, TESTMOD) def testSubPackage(self): # Test that subpackages function when loaded from zip # archives. packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep files = {packdir + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTPACK, TESTPACK2, TESTMOD) def testSubNamespacePackage(self): # Test that implicit namespace subpackages function # when loaded from zip archives. packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep # The first two files are just directory entries (so have no data). files = {packdir: (NOW, ""), packdir2: (NOW, ""), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTPACK, TESTPACK2, TESTMOD) def testMixedNamespacePackage(self): # Test implicit namespace packages spread between a # real filesystem and a zip archive. packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep packdir3 = packdir2 + TESTPACK + '3' + os.sep files1 = {packdir: (NOW, ""), packdir + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2: (NOW, ""), packdir3: (NOW, ""), packdir3 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + '3' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} files2 = {packdir: (NOW, ""), packdir + TESTMOD + '2' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2: (NOW, ""), packdir2 + TESTMOD + '2' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} zip1 = os.path.abspath("") self.makeZip(files1, zip1) zip2 = TEMP_DIR self.makeTree(files2, zip2) # zip2 should override zip1. sys.path.insert(0, zip1) sys.path.insert(0, zip2) mod = importlib.import_module(TESTPACK) # if TESTPACK is functioning as a namespace pkg then # there should be two entries in the __path__. # First should be path2 and second path1. self.assertEqual(2, len(mod.__path__)) p1, p2 = mod.__path__ self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(TEMP_DIR), p1.split(os.sep)[-2]) self.assertEqual("", p2.split(os.sep)[-2]) # packdir3 should import as a namespace package. # Its __path__ is an iterable of 1 element from zip1. mod = importlib.import_module(packdir3.replace(os.sep, '.')[:-1]) self.assertEqual(1, len(mod.__path__)) mpath = list(mod.__path__)[0].split('' + os.sep)[1] self.assertEqual(packdir3[:-1], mpath) # TESTPACK/TESTMOD only exists in path1. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTMOD))) self.assertEqual("", mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-3]) # And TESTPACK/(TESTMOD + '2') only exists in path2. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTMOD + '2'))) self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(TEMP_DIR), mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-3]) # One level deeper... subpkg = '.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTPACK2)) mod = importlib.import_module(subpkg) self.assertEqual(2, len(mod.__path__)) p1, p2 = mod.__path__ self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(TEMP_DIR), p1.split(os.sep)[-3]) self.assertEqual("", p2.split(os.sep)[-3]) # subpkg.TESTMOD exists in both zips should load from zip2. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((subpkg, TESTMOD))) self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(TEMP_DIR), mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-4]) # subpkg.TESTMOD + '2' only exists in zip2. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((subpkg, TESTMOD + '2'))) self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(TEMP_DIR), mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-4]) # Finally subpkg.TESTMOD + '3' only exists in zip1. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((subpkg, TESTMOD + '3'))) self.assertEqual('', mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-4]) def testNamespacePackage(self): # Test implicit namespace packages spread between multiple zip # archives. packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep packdir3 = packdir2 + TESTPACK + '3' + os.sep files1 = {packdir: (NOW, ""), packdir + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2: (NOW, ""), packdir3: (NOW, ""), packdir3 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + '3' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} zip1 = os.path.abspath("") self.makeZip(files1, zip1) files2 = {packdir: (NOW, ""), packdir + TESTMOD + '2' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2: (NOW, ""), packdir2 + TESTMOD + '2' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} zip2 = os.path.abspath("") self.makeZip(files2, zip2) # zip2 should override zip1. sys.path.insert(0, zip1) sys.path.insert(0, zip2) mod = importlib.import_module(TESTPACK) # if TESTPACK is functioning as a namespace pkg then # there should be two entries in the __path__. # First should be path2 and second path1. self.assertEqual(2, len(mod.__path__)) p1, p2 = mod.__path__ self.assertEqual("", p1.split(os.sep)[-2]) self.assertEqual("", p2.split(os.sep)[-2]) # packdir3 should import as a namespace package. # Tts __path__ is an iterable of 1 element from zip1. mod = importlib.import_module(packdir3.replace(os.sep, '.')[:-1]) self.assertEqual(1, len(mod.__path__)) mpath = list(mod.__path__)[0].split('' + os.sep)[1] self.assertEqual(packdir3[:-1], mpath) # TESTPACK/TESTMOD only exists in path1. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTMOD))) self.assertEqual("", mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-3]) # And TESTPACK/(TESTMOD + '2') only exists in path2. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTMOD + '2'))) self.assertEqual("", mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-3]) # One level deeper... subpkg = '.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTPACK2)) mod = importlib.import_module(subpkg) self.assertEqual(2, len(mod.__path__)) p1, p2 = mod.__path__ self.assertEqual("", p1.split(os.sep)[-3]) self.assertEqual("", p2.split(os.sep)[-3]) # subpkg.TESTMOD exists in both zips should load from zip2. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((subpkg, TESTMOD))) self.assertEqual('', mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-4]) # subpkg.TESTMOD + '2' only exists in zip2. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((subpkg, TESTMOD + '2'))) self.assertEqual('', mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-4]) # Finally subpkg.TESTMOD + '3' only exists in zip1. mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((subpkg, TESTMOD + '3'))) self.assertEqual('', mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-4]) def testZipImporterMethods(self): packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep files = {packdir + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), "spam" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, TEMP_ZIP) with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "w") as z: for name, (mtime, data) in files.items(): zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression zinfo.comment = b"spam" z.writestr(zinfo, data) zi = zipimport.zipimporter(TEMP_ZIP) self.assertEqual(zi.archive, TEMP_ZIP) self.assertTrue(zi.is_package(TESTPACK)) # PEP 302 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) mod = zi.load_module(TESTPACK) self.assertEqual(zi.get_filename(TESTPACK), mod.__file__) # PEP 451 spec = zi.find_spec('spam') self.assertIsNotNone(spec) self.assertIsInstance(spec.loader, zipimport.zipimporter) self.assertFalse(spec.loader.is_package('spam')) exec_mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(exec_mod) self.assertEqual(spec.loader.get_filename('spam'), exec_mod.__file__) spec = zi.find_spec(TESTPACK) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) self.assertEqual(zi.get_filename(TESTPACK), mod.__file__) existing_pack_path = importlib.import_module(TESTPACK).__path__[0] expected_path_path = os.path.join(TEMP_ZIP, TESTPACK) self.assertEqual(existing_pack_path, expected_path_path) self.assertFalse(zi.is_package(packdir + '__init__')) self.assertTrue(zi.is_package(packdir + TESTPACK2)) self.assertFalse(zi.is_package(packdir2 + TESTMOD)) mod_path = packdir2 + TESTMOD mod_name = module_path_to_dotted_name(mod_path) mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) self.assertTrue(mod_name in sys.modules) self.assertIsNone(zi.get_source(TESTPACK)) self.assertIsNone(zi.get_source(mod_path)) self.assertEqual(zi.get_filename(mod_path), mod.__file__) # To pass in the module name instead of the path, we must use the # right importer loader = mod.__spec__.loader self.assertIsNone(loader.get_source(mod_name)) self.assertEqual(loader.get_filename(mod_name), mod.__file__) # test prefix and archivepath members zi2 = zipimport.zipimporter(TEMP_ZIP + os.sep + TESTPACK) self.assertEqual(zi2.archive, TEMP_ZIP) self.assertEqual(zi2.prefix, TESTPACK + os.sep) def testInvalidateCaches(self): packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep files = {packdir + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), "spam" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, TEMP_ZIP) with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "w") as z: for name, (mtime, data) in files.items(): zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression zinfo.comment = b"spam" z.writestr(zinfo, data) zi = zipimport.zipimporter(TEMP_ZIP) self.assertEqual(zi._get_files().keys(), files.keys()) # Check that the file information remains accurate after reloading zi.invalidate_caches() self.assertEqual(zi._get_files().keys(), files.keys()) # Add a new file to the ZIP archive newfile = {"spam2" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} files.update(newfile) with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "a") as z: for name, (mtime, data) in newfile.items(): zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression zinfo.comment = b"spam" z.writestr(zinfo, data) # Check that we can detect the new file after invalidating the cache zi.invalidate_caches() self.assertEqual(zi._get_files().keys(), files.keys()) spec = zi.find_spec('spam2') self.assertIsNotNone(spec) self.assertIsInstance(spec.loader, zipimport.zipimporter) # Check that the cached data is removed if the file is deleted os.remove(TEMP_ZIP) zi.invalidate_caches() self.assertFalse(zi._get_files()) self.assertIsNone(zipimport._zip_directory_cache.get(zi.archive)) self.assertIsNone(zi.find_spec("name_does_not_matter")) def testInvalidateCachesWithMultipleZipimports(self): packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep files = {packdir + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), "spam" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, TEMP_ZIP) with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "w") as z: for name, (mtime, data) in files.items(): zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression zinfo.comment = b"spam" z.writestr(zinfo, data) zi = zipimport.zipimporter(TEMP_ZIP) self.assertEqual(zi._get_files().keys(), files.keys()) # Zipimporter for the same path. zi2 = zipimport.zipimporter(TEMP_ZIP) self.assertEqual(zi2._get_files().keys(), files.keys()) # Add a new file to the ZIP archive to make the cache wrong. newfile = {"spam2" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} files.update(newfile) with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "a") as z: for name, (mtime, data) in newfile.items(): zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression zinfo.comment = b"spam" z.writestr(zinfo, data) # Invalidate the cache of the first zipimporter. zi.invalidate_caches() # Check that the second zipimporter detects the new file and isn't using a stale cache. self.assertEqual(zi2._get_files().keys(), files.keys()) spec = zi2.find_spec('spam2') self.assertIsNotNone(spec) self.assertIsInstance(spec.loader, zipimport.zipimporter) def testZipImporterMethodsInSubDirectory(self): packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep files = {packdir2 + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc), packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)} self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, TEMP_ZIP) with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "w") as z: for name, (mtime, data) in files.items(): zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression zinfo.comment = b"eggs" z.writestr(zinfo, data) zi = zipimport.zipimporter(TEMP_ZIP + os.sep + packdir) self.assertEqual(zi.archive, TEMP_ZIP) self.assertEqual(zi.prefix, packdir) self.assertTrue(zi.is_package(TESTPACK2)) # PEP 302 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) mod = zi.load_module(TESTPACK2) self.assertEqual(zi.get_filename(TESTPACK2), mod.__file__) # PEP 451 spec = zi.find_spec(TESTPACK2) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) self.assertEqual(spec.loader.get_filename(TESTPACK2), mod.__file__) self.assertFalse(zi.is_package(TESTPACK2 + os.sep + '__init__')) self.assertFalse(zi.is_package(TESTPACK2 + os.sep + TESTMOD)) pkg_path = TEMP_ZIP + os.sep + packdir + TESTPACK2 zi2 = zipimport.zipimporter(pkg_path) # PEP 451 spec = zi2.find_spec(TESTMOD) self.assertIsNotNone(spec) self.assertIsInstance(spec.loader, zipimport.zipimporter) self.assertFalse(spec.loader.is_package(TESTMOD)) load_mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(load_mod) self.assertEqual( spec.loader.get_filename(TESTMOD), load_mod.__file__) mod_path = TESTPACK2 + os.sep + TESTMOD mod_name = module_path_to_dotted_name(mod_path) mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) self.assertTrue(mod_name in sys.modules) self.assertIsNone(zi.get_source(TESTPACK2)) self.assertIsNone(zi.get_source(mod_path)) self.assertEqual(zi.get_filename(mod_path), mod.__file__) # To pass in the module name instead of the path, we must use the # right importer. loader = mod.__loader__ self.assertIsNone(loader.get_source(mod_name)) self.assertEqual(loader.get_filename(mod_name), mod.__file__) def testGetData(self): self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, TEMP_ZIP) with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "w") as z: z.compression = self.compression name = "testdata.dat" data = bytes(x for x in range(256)) z.writestr(name, data) zi = zipimport.zipimporter(TEMP_ZIP) self.assertEqual(data, zi.get_data(name)) self.assertIn('zipimporter object', repr(zi)) def testImporterAttr(self): src = """if 1: # indent hack def get_file(): return __file__ if __loader__.get_data("") != b"some data": raise AssertionError("bad data")\n""" pyc = make_pyc(compile(src, "<???>", "exec"), NOW, len(src)) files = {TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, pyc), "": (NOW, "some data")} self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTMOD) def testDefaultOptimizationLevel(self): # zipimport should use the default optimization level (#28131) src = """if 1: # indent hack def test(val): assert(val) return val\n""" files = {TESTMOD + '.py': (NOW, src)} self.makeZip(files) sys.path.insert(0, TEMP_ZIP) mod = importlib.import_module(TESTMOD) self.assertEqual(mod.test(1), 1) if __debug__: self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mod.test, False) else: self.assertEqual(mod.test(0), 0) def testImport_WithStuff(self): # try importing from a zipfile which contains additional # stuff at the beginning of the file files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD, stuff=b"Some Stuff"*31) def assertModuleSource(self, module): self.assertEqual(inspect.getsource(module), test_src) def testGetSource(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD, call=self.assertModuleSource) def testGetCompiledSource(self): pyc = make_pyc(compile(test_src, "<???>", "exec"), NOW, len(test_src)) files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src), TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, pyc)} self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTMOD, call=self.assertModuleSource) def runDoctest(self, callback): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src), "xyz.txt": (NOW, ">>> log.append(True)\n")} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD, call=callback) def doDoctestFile(self, module): log = [] old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None try: doctest.testfile( 'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True, globs=locals() ) finally: doctest.master = old_master self.assertEqual(log,[True]) def testDoctestFile(self): self.runDoctest(self.doDoctestFile) def doDoctestSuite(self, module): log = [] doctest.DocFileTest( 'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True, globs=locals() ).run() self.assertEqual(log,[True]) def testDoctestSuite(self): self.runDoctest(self.doDoctestSuite) def doTraceback(self, module): try: module.do_raise() except Exception as e: tb = e.__traceback__.tb_next f,lno,n,line = extract_tb(tb, 1)[0] self.assertEqual(line, raise_src.strip()) f,lno,n,line = extract_stack(tb.tb_frame, 1)[0] self.assertEqual(line, raise_src.strip()) s = io.StringIO() print_tb(tb, 1, s) self.assertTrue(s.getvalue().endswith( ' def do_raise(): raise TypeError\n' '' if support.has_no_debug_ranges() else ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n' )) else: raise AssertionError("This ought to be impossible") def testTraceback(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, raise_src)} self.doTest(None, files, TESTMOD, call=self.doTraceback) @unittest.skipIf(os_helper.TESTFN_UNENCODABLE is None, "need an unencodable filename") def testUnencodable(self): filename = os_helper.TESTFN_UNENCODABLE + ".zip" self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, filename) with ZipFile(filename, "w") as z: zinfo = ZipInfo(TESTMOD + ".py", time.localtime(NOW)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression z.writestr(zinfo, test_src) spec = zipimport.zipimporter(filename).find_spec(TESTMOD) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) def testBytesPath(self): filename = os_helper.TESTFN + ".zip" self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, filename) with ZipFile(filename, "w") as z: zinfo = ZipInfo(TESTMOD + ".py", time.localtime(NOW)) zinfo.compress_type = self.compression z.writestr(zinfo, test_src) zipimport.zipimporter(filename) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): zipimport.zipimporter(os.fsencode(filename)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): zipimport.zipimporter(bytearray(os.fsencode(filename))) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): zipimport.zipimporter(memoryview(os.fsencode(filename))) def testComment(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD, comment=b"comment") def testBeginningCruftAndComment(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD, stuff=b"cruft" * 64, comment=b"hi") def testLargestPossibleComment(self): files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src)} self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD, comment=b"c" * ((1 << 16) - 1)) def testZip64(self): files = self.getZip64Files() self.doTest(".py", files, "f6") def testZip64CruftAndComment(self): files = self.getZip64Files() self.doTest(".py", files, "f65536", comment=b"c" * ((1 << 16) - 1)) def testZip64LargeFile(self): support.requires( "largefile", f"test generates files >{0xFFFFFFFF} bytes and takes a long time " "to run" ) # N.B.: We do alot of gymnastics below in the ZIP_STORED case to save # and reconstruct a sparse zip on systems that support sparse files. # Instead of creating a ~8GB zip file mainly consisting of null bytes # for every run of the test, we create the zip once and save off the # non-null portions of the resulting file as data blobs with offsets # that allow re-creating the zip file sparsely. This drops disk space # usage to ~9KB for the ZIP_STORED case and drops that test time by ~2 # orders of magnitude. For the ZIP_DEFLATED case, however, we bite the # bullet. The resulting zip file is ~8MB of non-null data; so the sparse # trick doesn't work and would result in that full ~8MB zip data file # being checked in to source control. parts_glob = f"sparse-zip64-c{self.compression:d}-0x*.part" full_parts_glob = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, parts_glob) pre_built_zip_parts = glob.glob(full_parts_glob) self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, TEMP_ZIP) if not pre_built_zip_parts: if self.compression != ZIP_STORED: support.requires( "cpu", "test requires a lot of CPU for compression." ) self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, os_helper.TESTFN) with open(os_helper.TESTFN, "wb") as f: f.write(b"data") f.write(os.linesep.encode()), os.SEEK_CUR) f.write(os.linesep.encode()) os.utime(os_helper.TESTFN, (0.0, 0.0)) with ZipFile( TEMP_ZIP, "w", compression=self.compression, strict_timestamps=False ) as z: z.write(os_helper.TESTFN, "data1") z.writestr( ZipInfo("", (1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)), test_src ) z.write(os_helper.TESTFN, "data2") # This "works" but relies on the zip format having a non-empty # final page due to the trailing central directory to wind up with # the correct length file. def make_sparse_zip_parts(name): empty_page = b"\0" * 4096 with open(name, "rb") as f: part = None try: while True: offset = f.tell() data = if not data: break if data != empty_page: if not part: part_fullname = os.path.join( TEST_DATA_DIR, f"sparse-zip64-c{self.compression:d}-" f"{offset:#011x}.part", ) os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(part_fullname), exist_ok=True ) part = open(part_fullname, "wb") print("Created", part_fullname) part.write(data) else: if part: part.close() part = None finally: if part: part.close() if self.compression == ZIP_STORED: print(f"Creating sparse parts to check in into {TEST_DATA_DIR}:") make_sparse_zip_parts(TEMP_ZIP) else: def extract_offset(name): if m :="-(0x[0-9a-f]{9})\.part$", name): return int(, base=16) raise ValueError(f"{name=} does not fit expected pattern.") offset_parts = [(extract_offset(n), n) for n in pre_built_zip_parts] with open(TEMP_ZIP, "wb") as f: for offset, part_fn in sorted(offset_parts): with open(part_fn, "rb") as part:, os.SEEK_SET) f.write( # Confirm that the reconstructed zip file works and looks right. with ZipFile(TEMP_ZIP, "r") as z: self.assertEqual( z.getinfo("").date_time, (1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) ) self.assertEqual(""), test_src.encode(), msg=f"Recreate {full_parts_glob}, unexpected contents." ) def assertDataEntry(name): zinfo = z.getinfo(name) self.assertEqual(zinfo.date_time, (1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) self.assertGreater(zinfo.file_size, 0xffff_ffff) assertDataEntry("data1") assertDataEntry("data2") self.doTestWithPreBuiltZip(".py", "module") @support.requires_zlib() class CompressedZipImportTestCase(UncompressedZipImportTestCase): compression = ZIP_DEFLATED class BadFileZipImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def assertZipFailure(self, filename): self.assertRaises(zipimport.ZipImportError, zipimport.zipimporter, filename) def testNoFile(self): self.assertZipFailure('AdfjdkFJKDFJjdklfjs') def testEmptyFilename(self): self.assertZipFailure('') def testBadArgs(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, zipimport.zipimporter, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, zipimport.zipimporter, TESTMOD, kwd=None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, zipimport.zipimporter, list(os.fsencode(TESTMOD))) def testFilenameTooLong(self): self.assertZipFailure('A' * 33000) def testEmptyFile(self): os_helper.unlink(TESTMOD) os_helper.create_empty_file(TESTMOD) self.assertZipFailure(TESTMOD) @unittest.skipIf(support.is_wasi, "mode 000 not supported.") def testFileUnreadable(self): os_helper.unlink(TESTMOD) fd =, os.O_CREAT, 000) try: os.close(fd) with self.assertRaises(zipimport.ZipImportError) as cm: zipimport.zipimporter(TESTMOD) finally: # If we leave "the read-only bit" set on Windows, nothing can # delete TESTMOD, and later tests suffer bogus failures. os.chmod(TESTMOD, 0o666) os_helper.unlink(TESTMOD) def testNotZipFile(self): os_helper.unlink(TESTMOD) fp = open(TESTMOD, 'w+') fp.write('a' * 22) fp.close() self.assertZipFailure(TESTMOD) # XXX: disabled until this works on Big-endian machines def _testBogusZipFile(self): os_helper.unlink(TESTMOD) fp = open(TESTMOD, 'w+') fp.write(struct.pack('=I', 0x06054B50)) fp.write('a' * 18) fp.close() z = zipimport.zipimporter(TESTMOD) try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.load_module, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.find_module, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.find_spec, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.exec_module, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.is_package, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.get_code, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.get_data, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, z.get_source, None) error = zipimport.ZipImportError self.assertIsNone(z.find_spec('abc')) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) self.assertRaises(error, z.load_module, 'abc') self.assertRaises(error, z.get_code, 'abc') self.assertRaises(OSError, z.get_data, 'abc') self.assertRaises(error, z.get_source, 'abc') self.assertRaises(error, z.is_package, 'abc') finally: zipimport._zip_directory_cache.clear() def tearDownModule(): os_helper.unlink(TESTMOD) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()