/* Useful #includes and #defines for programming a set of Unix look-alike file system access functions on the Macintosh. Public domain by Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam (July 1987). */ #include #include #include #ifndef MPW #include #endif #include #include /* Difference in origin between Mac and Unix clocks: */ #define TIMEDIFF ((unsigned long) \ (((1970-1904)*365 + (1970-1904)/4) * 24 * 3600)) /* Macro to find out whether we can do HFS-only calls: */ #define FSFCBLen (* (short *) 0x3f6) #define hfsrunning() (FSFCBLen > 0) /* Universal constants: */ #define MAXPATH 256 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #define EOS '\0' #define SEP ':' #if 0 // doesn't work /* Call Macsbug: */ pascal void Debugger() extern 0xA9FF; #endif