"""Suite Finder Suite: Objects and Events for the Finder Level 1, version 1 Generated from flap:System Folder:Extensions:Finder Scripting Extension AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0 """ import aetools import MacOS _code = 'fndr' class Finder_Suite: _argmap_clean_up = { 'by' : 'by ', } def clean_up(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """clean up: Arrange items in window nicely Required argument: the window to clean up Keyword argument by: the order in which to clean up the objects Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'fclu' aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_clean_up) _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] _argmap_computer = { 'has' : 'has ', } def computer(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """computer: Test attributes of this computer Required argument: the attribute to test Keyword argument has: test specific bits of response Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary Returns: the result of the query """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'gstl' aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_computer) _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def eject(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """eject: Eject the specified disk(s), or every ejectable disk if no parameter is specified Required argument: the items to eject Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'ejct' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def empty(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """empty: Empty the trash Required argument: ³empty² and ³empty trash² both do the same thing Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'empt' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def erase(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """erase: Erase the specified disk(s) Required argument: the items to erase Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'fera' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] _argmap_put_away = { 'items' : 'fsel', } def put_away(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """put away: Put away the specified object(s) Required argument: the items to put away Keyword argument items: DO NOT USE: provided for backwards compatibility with old event suite. Will be removed in future Finders Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary Returns: the object put away in its put-away location """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'ptwy' aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_put_away) _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def restart(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """restart: Restart the Macintosh Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'rest' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected' _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def reveal(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """reveal: Bring the specified object(s) into view Required argument: the object to be made visible Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'misc' _subcode = 'mvis' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def select(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """select: Select the specified object(s) Required argument: the object to select Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'misc' _subcode = 'slct' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def shut_down(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """shut down: Shut Down the Macintosh Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'shut' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected' _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def sleep(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """sleep: Sleep the Macintosh Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'snoz' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected' _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] _argmap_sort = { 'by' : 'by ', } def sort(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """sort: Return the specified object(s) in a sorted list Required argument: a list of finder objects to sort Keyword argument by: the property to sort the items by Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary Returns: the sorted items in their new order """ _code = 'DATA' _subcode = 'SORT' aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_sort) _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def update(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """update: Update the display of the specified object(s) to match their on-disk representation Required argument: the item to update Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'fndr' _subcode = 'fupd' if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected' _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.has_key('errn'): raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] class accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem): """accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file""" want = 'pcda' class desk_accessory_file(aetools.NProperty): """desk accessory file - the desk accessory file from which this process was launched""" which = 'dafi' want = 'obj ' accessory_processes = accessory_process class accessory_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem): """accessory suitcase - A desk accessory suitcase""" want = 'dsut' # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] accessory_suitcases = accessory_suitcase class alias_file(aetools.ComponentItem): """alias file - An alias file (created with ³Make Alias²)""" want = 'alia' class original_item(aetools.NProperty): """original item - the original item pointed to by the alias""" which = 'orig' want = 'obj ' alias_files = alias_file class application(aetools.ComponentItem): """application - An application program""" want = 'capp' class about_this_macintosh(aetools.NProperty): """about this macintosh - the ³About this Macintosh² dialog, and the list of running processes displayed in it""" which = 'abbx' want = 'obj ' class apple_menu_items_folder(aetools.NProperty): """apple menu items folder - the special folder ³Apple Menu Items,² the contents of which appear in the Apple menu""" which = 'amnu' want = 'obj ' class clipboard(aetools.NProperty): """clipboard - the Finder's clipboard window""" which = 'pcli' want = 'obj ' class control_panels_folder(aetools.NProperty): """control panels folder - the special folder ³Control Panels²""" which = 'ctrl' want = 'obj ' class desktop(aetools.NProperty): """desktop - the desktop""" which = 'desk' want = 'obj ' class extensions_folder(aetools.NProperty): """extensions folder - the special folder ³Extensions²""" which = 'extn' want = 'obj ' class file_sharing(aetools.NProperty): """file sharing - Is file sharing on?""" which = 'fshr' want = 'bool' class fonts_folder(aetools.NProperty): """fonts folder - the special folder ³Fonts²""" which = 'ffnt' want = 'obj ' class frontmost(aetools.NProperty): """frontmost - Is this the frontmost application?""" which = 'pisf' want = 'bool' class insertion_location(aetools.NProperty): """insertion location - the container that a new folder would appear in if ³New Folder² was selected""" which = 'pins' want = 'obj ' class largest_free_block(aetools.NProperty): """largest free block - the largest free block of process memory available to launch an application""" which = 'mfre' want = 'long' class preferences_folder(aetools.NProperty): """preferences folder - the special folder ³Preferences²""" which = 'pref' want = 'obj ' class product_version(aetools.NProperty): """product version - the version of the System software running on this Macintosh""" which = 'ver2' want = 'itxt' class selection(aetools.NProperty): """selection - the selection visible to the user""" which = 'sele' want = 'obj ' class sharing_starting_up(aetools.NProperty): """sharing starting up - Is File sharing in the process of starting up (still off, but soon to be on)?""" which = 'fsup' want = 'bool' class shortcuts(aetools.NProperty): """shortcuts - the ³Finder Shortcuts² item in the Finder's help menu""" which = 'scut' want = 'obj ' class shutdown_items_folder(aetools.NProperty): """shutdown items folder - the special folder ³Shutdown Items²""" which = 'shdf' want = 'obj ' class startup_items_folder(aetools.NProperty): """startup items folder - the special folder ³Startup Items²""" which = 'strt' want = 'obj ' class system_folder(aetools.NProperty): """system folder - the System folder""" which = 'macs' want = 'obj ' class temporary_items_folder(aetools.NProperty): """temporary items folder - the special folder ³Temporary Items² (invisible)""" which = 'temp' want = 'obj ' class version(aetools.NProperty): """version - the version of the Finder Scripting Extension""" which = 'vers' want = 'itxt' class view_preferences(aetools.NProperty): """view preferences - the view preferences control panel""" which = 'pvwp' want = 'obj ' class visible(aetools.NProperty): """visible - Is the Finder's layer visible?""" which = 'pvis' want = 'bool' # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID '] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cwnd' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dwnd' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cdsk' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cdis' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID '] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID '] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'iwnd' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'swnd' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctrs' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cwin' as ['indx', 'name'] class application_file(aetools.ComponentItem): """application file - An application's file on disk""" want = 'appf' class minimum_partition_size(aetools.NProperty): """minimum partition size - the smallest memory size that the application can possibly be launched with""" which = 'mprt' want = 'long' class partition_size(aetools.NProperty): """partition size - the memory size that the application will be launched with""" which = 'appt' want = 'long' class scriptable(aetools.NProperty): """scriptable - Is this application high-level event aware (accepts open application, open document, print document, and quit)?""" which = 'isab' want = 'bool' class suggested_partition_size(aetools.NProperty): """suggested partition size - the memory size that the developer recommends that the application should be launched with""" which = 'sprt' want = 'long' application_files = application_file class application_process(aetools.ComponentItem): """application process - A process launched from an application file""" want = 'pcap' class application_file(aetools.NProperty): """application file - the application file from which this process was launched""" which = 'appf' want = 'appf' application_processes = application_process class container(aetools.ComponentItem): """container - An item that contains other items""" want = 'ctnr' class completely_expanded(aetools.NProperty): """completely expanded - Is the container and all of its children open in outline view?""" which = 'pexc' want = 'bool' class container_window(aetools.NProperty): """container window - the main window for the container""" which = 'cwnd' want = 'obj ' class entire_contents(aetools.NProperty): """entire contents - the entire contents of the container, including the contents of its children""" which = 'ects' want = 'obj ' class expandable(aetools.NProperty): """expandable - Is the container capable of being expanded into outline view?""" which = 'pexa' want = 'bool' class expanded(aetools.NProperty): """expanded - Is the container open in outline view?""" which = 'pexp' want = 'bool' class previous_list_view(aetools.NProperty): """previous list view - the last non-icon view (by name, by date, etc.) selected for the container (forgotten as soon as the window is closed)""" which = 'svew' want = 'long' # repeated property selection the selection visible to the user class view(aetools.NProperty): """view - the view selected for the container (by icon, by name, by date, etc.)""" which = 'pvew' want = 'long' # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] containers = container class container_window(aetools.ComponentItem): """container window - A window that contains items""" want = 'cwnd' class container(aetools.NProperty): """container - the container this window is opened from""" which = 'ctnr' want = 'obj ' class disk(aetools.NProperty): """disk - the disk on which the item this window was opened from is stored""" which = 'cdis' want = 'obj ' class folder(aetools.NProperty): """folder - the folder this window is opened from""" which = 'cfol' want = 'obj ' class item(aetools.NProperty): """item - the item this window is opened from""" which = 'cobj' want = 'obj ' # repeated property previous_list_view the last non-icon view (by name, by date, etc.) selected for the window (forgotten as soon as the window is closed) # repeated property selection the selection visible to the user # repeated property view the view selected for the window (by icon, by name, by date, etc.) # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] container_windows = container_window class content_space(aetools.ComponentItem): """content space - All windows, including the desktop window (³Window² does not include the desktop window)""" want = 'dwnd' content_spaces = content_space class control_panel(aetools.ComponentItem): """control panel - A control panel""" want = 'ccdv' class calculate_folder_sizes(aetools.NProperty): """calculate folder sizes - (Views) Are folder sizes calculated and displayed in Finder list windows?""" which = 'sfsz' want = 'bool' class comment_heading(aetools.NProperty): """comment heading - (Views) Are comments displayed in Finder list windows?""" which = 'scom' want = 'bool' class date_heading(aetools.NProperty): """date heading - (Views) Are modification dates displayed in Finder list windows?""" which = 'sdat' want = 'bool' class disk_information_heading(aetools.NProperty): """disk information heading - (Views) Is information about the volume displayed in Finder list windows?""" which = 'sdin' want = 'bool' class icon_size(aetools.NProperty): """icon size - (Views) the size of icons displayed in Finder list windows""" which = 'lvis' want = 'long' class kind_heading(aetools.NProperty): """kind heading - (Views) Are document kinds displayed in Finder list windows?""" which = 'sknd' want = 'bool' class label_heading(aetools.NProperty): """label heading - (Views) Are labels displayed in Finder list windows?""" which = 'slbl' want = 'bool' class size_heading(aetools.NProperty): """size heading - (Views) Are file sizes displayed in Finder list windows""" which = 'ssiz' want = 'bool' class snap_to_grid(aetools.NProperty): """snap to grid - (Views) Are items always snapped to the nearest grid point when they are moved?""" which = 'fgrd' want = 'bool' class staggered_grid(aetools.NProperty): """staggered grid - (Views) Are grid lines staggered?""" which = 'fstg' want = 'bool' class version_heading(aetools.NProperty): """version heading - (Views) Are file versions displayed in Finder list windows?""" which = 'svrs' want = 'bool' class view_font(aetools.NProperty): """view font - (Views) the id of the font used in Finder views""" which = 'vfnt' want = 'long' class view_font_size(aetools.NProperty): """view font size - (Views) the size of the font used in Finder views""" which = 'vfsz' want = 'long' control_panels = control_panel class desk_accessory_file(aetools.ComponentItem): """desk accessory file - A desk accessory file""" want = 'dafi' desk_accessory_files = desk_accessory_file class desktop_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem): """desktop-object - Desktop-object is the class of the ³desktop² object""" want = 'cdsk' class startup_disk(aetools.NProperty): """startup disk - the startup disk""" which = 'sdsk' want = 'obj ' class trash(aetools.NProperty): """trash - the trash""" which = 'trsh' want = 'obj ' # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] class disk(aetools.ComponentItem): """disk - A disk""" want = 'cdis' class capacity(aetools.NProperty): """capacity - the total number of bytes (free or used) on the disk""" which = 'capa' want = 'long' class ejectable(aetools.NProperty): """ejectable - Can the media can be ejected (floppies, CD's, syquest)?""" which = 'isej' want = 'bool' class free_space(aetools.NProperty): """free space - the number of free bytes left on the disk""" which = 'frsp' want = 'long' class local_volume(aetools.NProperty): """local volume - Is the media is a local volume (rather than a file server)?""" which = 'isrv' want = 'bool' class startup(aetools.NProperty): """startup - Is this disk the boot disk?""" which = 'istd' want = 'bool' # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'ID ', 'name'] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] disks = disk class document_file(aetools.ComponentItem): """document file - A document file""" want = 'docf' document_files = document_file class file(aetools.ComponentItem): """file - A file""" want = 'file' class creator_type(aetools.NProperty): """creator type - the OSType identifying the application that created the item""" which = 'fcrt' want = 'type' class file_type(aetools.NProperty): """file type - the OSType identifying the type of data contained in the item""" which = 'fitp' want = 'type' class locked(aetools.NProperty): """locked - Is the file locked?""" which = 'islk' want = 'bool' # repeated property product_version the version of the product (visible at the top of the ³Get Info² dialog) class stationery(aetools.NProperty): """stationery - Is the item a stationery pad?""" which = 'pspd' want = 'bool' # repeated property version the version of the file (visible at the bottom of the ³Get Info² dialog) files = file class folder(aetools.ComponentItem): """folder - A folder""" want = 'cfol' # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] folders = folder class font_file(aetools.ComponentItem): """font file - A font file""" want = 'fntf' font_files = font_file class font_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem): """font suitcase - A font suitcase""" want = 'fsut' # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] font_suitcases = font_suitcase class group(aetools.ComponentItem): """group - A Group in the Users and Groups control panel""" want = 'sgrp' class bounds(aetools.NProperty): """bounds - the bounding rectangle of the group""" which = 'pbnd' want = 'qdrt' class icon(aetools.NProperty): """icon - the icon bitmap of the group""" which = 'iimg' want = 'ifam' class label_index(aetools.NProperty): """label index - the label of the group""" which = 'labi' want = 'long' class name(aetools.NProperty): """name - the name of the group""" which = 'pnam' want = 'itxt' class position(aetools.NProperty): """position - the position of the group within its parent window""" which = 'posn' want = 'QDpt' groups = group class information_window(aetools.ComponentItem): """information window - An information window (opened by ³Get InfoŠ²)""" want = 'iwnd' class comment(aetools.NProperty): """comment - the comment""" which = 'comt' want = 'itxt' class creation_date(aetools.NProperty): """creation date - the date on which the item was created""" which = 'crtd' want = 'ldt ' # repeated property icon the icon bitmap of the item # repeated property item the item this window was opened from # repeated property locked Is the item locked? # repeated property minimum_partition_size the smallest memory size that the application can possibly be launched with class modification_date(aetools.NProperty): """modification date - the date on which the item was last modified""" which = 'modd' want = 'ldt ' # repeated property partition_size the memory size that the application will be launched with class physical_size(aetools.NProperty): """physical size - the actual space used by the item on disk""" which = 'phys' want = 'long' # repeated property product_version the version of the product (visible at the top of the ³Get Info² dialog) class size(aetools.NProperty): """size - the logical size of the item""" which = 'ptsz' want = 'long' # repeated property stationery Is the item a stationery pad? # repeated property suggested_partition_size the memory size that the developer recommends that the application should be launched with # repeated property version the version of the file (visible at the bottom of the ³Get Info² dialog) class warn_before_emptying(aetools.NProperty): """warn before emptying - Is a dialog displayed when ³Empty trashŠ² is selected?""" which = 'warn' want = 'bool' information_windows = information_window class item(aetools.ComponentItem): """item - An item""" want = 'cobj' # repeated property bounds the bounding rectangle of the item # repeated property comment the comment displayed in the ³Get Info² window of the item # repeated property container the container of this item class content_space(aetools.NProperty): """content space - the window that would open if the item was opened""" which = 'dwnd' want = 'dwnd' # repeated property creation_date the date on which the item was created # repeated property disk the disk on which the item is stored # repeated property folder the folder in which the item is stored # repeated property icon the icon bitmap of the item class id(aetools.NProperty): """id - an id that identifies the item""" which = 'ID ' want = 'long' class information_window(aetools.NProperty): """information window - the information window for the item""" which = 'iwnd' want = 'obj ' class kind(aetools.NProperty): """kind - the kind of the item""" which = 'kind' want = 'itxt' # repeated property label_index the label of the item # repeated property modification_date the date on which the item was last modified # repeated property name the name of the item # repeated property physical_size the actual space used by the item on disk # repeated property position the position of the item within its parent window class selected(aetools.NProperty): """selected - Is the item selected?""" which = 'issl' want = 'bool' # repeated property size the logical size of the item class window(aetools.NProperty): """window - the window that would open if the item was opened""" which = 'cwin' want = 'cwin' items = item class process(aetools.ComponentItem): """process - A process running on this Macintosh""" want = 'prcs' # repeated property creator_type the creator type of this process class file(aetools.NProperty): """file - the file that launched this process""" which = 'file' want = 'obj ' # repeated property file_type the file type of the file that launched this process # repeated property frontmost Is this the frontmost application? # repeated property name the name of the process # repeated property partition_size the size of the partition that this application was launched with class partition_space_used(aetools.NProperty): """partition space used - the number of bytes currently used in this partition""" which = 'pusd' want = 'long' class remote_events(aetools.NProperty): """remote events - Will this process accepts remote events?""" which = 'revt' want = 'bool' # repeated property scriptable Is this process high-level event aware (accepts open application, open document, print document, and quit)? # repeated property visible Is this process' layer visible? processes = process class sharable_container(aetools.ComponentItem): """sharable container - A container that may be shared (disks and folders)""" want = 'sctr' class exported(aetools.NProperty): """exported - Is this folder a share point or inside a share point?""" which = 'sexp' want = 'bool' class group(aetools.NProperty): """group - the user or group that has special access to the folder""" which = 'sgrp' want = 'itxt' class group_privileges(aetools.NProperty): """group privileges - the see folders/see files/make changes privileges for the group""" which = 'gppr' want = 'priv' class guest_privileges(aetools.NProperty): """guest privileges - the see folders/see files/make changes privileges for everyone""" which = 'gstp' want = 'priv' class inherited_privileges(aetools.NProperty): """inherited privileges - Are the privileges of this item always the same as the container it is stored in?""" which = 'iprv' want = 'bool' class mounted(aetools.NProperty): """mounted - Is this folder mounted on another machine's desktop?""" which = 'smou' want = 'bool' class owner(aetools.NProperty): """owner - the user that owns this folder""" which = 'sown' want = 'itxt' class owner_privileges(aetools.NProperty): """owner privileges - the see folders/see files/make changes privileges for the owner""" which = 'ownr' want = 'priv' class protected(aetools.NProperty): """protected - Is container protected from being moved, renamed or deleted?""" which = 'spro' want = 'bool' class shared(aetools.NProperty): """shared - Is container a share point?""" which = 'shar' want = 'bool' class sharing_window(aetools.NProperty): """sharing window - the sharing window for the container""" which = 'swnd' want = 'obj ' # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] sharable_containers = sharable_container class sharing_privileges(aetools.ComponentItem): """sharing privileges - A set of sharing properties""" want = 'priv' class make_changes(aetools.NProperty): """make changes - privileges to make changes""" which = 'prvw' want = 'bool' class see_files(aetools.NProperty): """see files - privileges to see files""" which = 'prvr' want = 'bool' class see_folders(aetools.NProperty): """see folders - privileges to see folders""" which = 'prvs' want = 'bool' class sharing_window(aetools.ComponentItem): """sharing window - A sharing window (opened by ³SharingŠ²)""" want = 'swnd' # repeated property container the container that this window was opened from # repeated property exported Is this container a share point or inside a share point? # repeated property folder the folder that this window was opened from # repeated property group the user or group that has special access to the container # repeated property group_privileges the see folders/see files/make changes privileges for the group # repeated property guest_privileges the see folders/see files/make changes privileges for everyone # repeated property inherited_privileges Are the privileges of this item always the same as the container it is stored in? # repeated property item the item that this window was opened from # repeated property mounted Is this container mounted on another machine's desktop? # repeated property owner the user that owns the container # repeated property owner_privileges the see folders/see files/make changes privileges for the owner # repeated property protected Is container protected from being moved, renamed or deleted? class sharable_container(aetools.NProperty): """sharable container - the sharable container that this window was opened from""" which = 'sctr' want = 'obj ' # repeated property shared Is container a share point? sharing_windows = sharing_window class sound_file(aetools.ComponentItem): """sound file - This class represents sound files""" want = 'sndf' sound_files = sound_file class status_window(aetools.ComponentItem): """status window - These windows are progress dialogs (copy window, rebuild desktop database, empty trash)""" want = 'qwnd' status_windows = status_window class suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem): """suitcase - A font or desk accessory suitcase""" want = 'stcs' # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] suitcases = suitcase class trash_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem): """trash-object - Trash-object is the class of the ³trash² object""" want = 'ctrs' # repeated property warn_before_emptying Is a dialog displayed when ³Empty trashŠ² is selected? # element 'dsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'ccdv' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'dafi' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'file' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fntf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'fsut' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sctr' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'sndf' as ['indx', 'name'] # element 'stcs' as ['indx', 'name'] class user(aetools.ComponentItem): """user - A User in the Users and Groups control panel""" want = 'cuse' # repeated property bounds the bounding rectangle of the user # repeated property icon the icon bitmap of the user # repeated property label_index the label of the user # repeated property name the name of the user # repeated property position the position of the user within its parent window users = user class window(aetools.ComponentItem): """window - A window""" want = 'cwin' windows = window accessory_process._propdict = { 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, } accessory_process._elemdict = { } accessory_suitcase._propdict = { } accessory_suitcase._elemdict = { 'item' : item, } alias_file._propdict = { 'original_item' : original_item, } alias_file._elemdict = { } application._propdict = { 'about_this_macintosh' : about_this_macintosh, 'apple_menu_items_folder' : apple_menu_items_folder, 'clipboard' : clipboard, 'control_panels_folder' : control_panels_folder, 'desktop' : desktop, 'extensions_folder' : extensions_folder, 'file_sharing' : file_sharing, 'fonts_folder' : fonts_folder, 'frontmost' : frontmost, 'insertion_location' : insertion_location, 'largest_free_block' : largest_free_block, 'preferences_folder' : preferences_folder, 'product_version' : product_version, 'selection' : selection, 'sharing_starting_up' : sharing_starting_up, 'shortcuts' : shortcuts, 'shutdown_items_folder' : shutdown_items_folder, 'startup_items_folder' : startup_items_folder, 'system_folder' : system_folder, 'temporary_items_folder' : temporary_items_folder, 'version' : version, 'view_preferences' : view_preferences, 'visible' : visible, } application._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'container_window' : container_window, 'content_space' : content_space, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'desktop_2d_object' : desktop_2d_object, 'disk' : disk, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'information_window' : information_window, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sharing_window' : sharing_window, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, 'trash_2d_object' : trash_2d_object, 'window' : window, } application_file._propdict = { 'minimum_partition_size' : minimum_partition_size, 'partition_size' : partition_size, 'scriptable' : scriptable, 'suggested_partition_size' : suggested_partition_size, } application_file._elemdict = { } application_process._propdict = { 'application_file' : application_file, } application_process._elemdict = { } container._propdict = { 'completely_expanded' : completely_expanded, 'container_window' : container_window, 'entire_contents' : entire_contents, 'expandable' : expandable, 'expanded' : expanded, 'previous_list_view' : previous_list_view, 'selection' : selection, 'view' : view, } container._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, } container_window._propdict = { 'container' : container, 'disk' : disk, 'folder' : folder, 'item' : item, 'previous_list_view' : previous_list_view, 'selection' : selection, 'view' : view, } container_window._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, } content_space._propdict = { } content_space._elemdict = { } control_panel._propdict = { 'calculate_folder_sizes' : calculate_folder_sizes, 'comment_heading' : comment_heading, 'date_heading' : date_heading, 'disk_information_heading' : disk_information_heading, 'icon_size' : icon_size, 'kind_heading' : kind_heading, 'label_heading' : label_heading, 'size_heading' : size_heading, 'snap_to_grid' : snap_to_grid, 'staggered_grid' : staggered_grid, 'version_heading' : version_heading, 'view_font' : view_font, 'view_font_size' : view_font_size, } control_panel._elemdict = { } desk_accessory_file._propdict = { } desk_accessory_file._elemdict = { } desktop_2d_object._propdict = { 'startup_disk' : startup_disk, 'trash' : trash, } desktop_2d_object._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, } disk._propdict = { 'capacity' : capacity, 'ejectable' : ejectable, 'free_space' : free_space, 'local_volume' : local_volume, 'startup' : startup, } disk._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, } document_file._propdict = { } document_file._elemdict = { } file._propdict = { 'creator_type' : creator_type, 'file_type' : file_type, 'locked' : locked, 'product_version' : product_version, 'stationery' : stationery, 'version' : version, } file._elemdict = { } folder._propdict = { } folder._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, } font_file._propdict = { } font_file._elemdict = { } font_suitcase._propdict = { } font_suitcase._elemdict = { 'item' : item, } group._propdict = { 'bounds' : bounds, 'icon' : icon, 'label_index' : label_index, 'name' : name, 'position' : position, } group._elemdict = { } information_window._propdict = { 'comment' : comment, 'creation_date' : creation_date, 'icon' : icon, 'item' : item, 'locked' : locked, 'minimum_partition_size' : minimum_partition_size, 'modification_date' : modification_date, 'partition_size' : partition_size, 'physical_size' : physical_size, 'product_version' : product_version, 'size' : size, 'stationery' : stationery, 'suggested_partition_size' : suggested_partition_size, 'version' : version, 'warn_before_emptying' : warn_before_emptying, } information_window._elemdict = { } item._propdict = { 'bounds' : bounds, 'comment' : comment, 'container' : container, 'content_space' : content_space, 'creation_date' : creation_date, 'disk' : disk, 'folder' : folder, 'icon' : icon, 'id' : id, 'information_window' : information_window, 'kind' : kind, 'label_index' : label_index, 'modification_date' : modification_date, 'name' : name, 'physical_size' : physical_size, 'position' : position, 'selected' : selected, 'size' : size, 'window' : window, } item._elemdict = { } process._propdict = { 'creator_type' : creator_type, 'file' : file, 'file_type' : file_type, 'frontmost' : frontmost, 'name' : name, 'partition_size' : partition_size, 'partition_space_used' : partition_space_used, 'remote_events' : remote_events, 'scriptable' : scriptable, 'visible' : visible, } process._elemdict = { } sharable_container._propdict = { 'exported' : exported, 'group' : group, 'group_privileges' : group_privileges, 'guest_privileges' : guest_privileges, 'inherited_privileges' : inherited_privileges, 'mounted' : mounted, 'owner' : owner, 'owner_privileges' : owner_privileges, 'protected' : protected, 'shared' : shared, 'sharing_window' : sharing_window, } sharable_container._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, } sharing_privileges._propdict = { 'make_changes' : make_changes, 'see_files' : see_files, 'see_folders' : see_folders, } sharing_privileges._elemdict = { } sharing_window._propdict = { 'container' : container, 'exported' : exported, 'folder' : folder, 'group' : group, 'group_privileges' : group_privileges, 'guest_privileges' : guest_privileges, 'inherited_privileges' : inherited_privileges, 'item' : item, 'mounted' : mounted, 'owner' : owner, 'owner_privileges' : owner_privileges, 'protected' : protected, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'shared' : shared, } sharing_window._elemdict = { } sound_file._propdict = { } sound_file._elemdict = { } status_window._propdict = { } status_window._elemdict = { } suitcase._propdict = { } suitcase._elemdict = { 'item' : item, } trash_2d_object._propdict = { 'warn_before_emptying' : warn_before_emptying, } trash_2d_object._elemdict = { 'accessory_suitcase' : accessory_suitcase, 'alias_file' : alias_file, 'application_file' : application_file, 'container' : container, 'control_panel' : control_panel, 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file, 'document_file' : document_file, 'file' : file, 'folder' : folder, 'font_file' : font_file, 'font_suitcase' : font_suitcase, 'item' : item, 'sharable_container' : sharable_container, 'sound_file' : sound_file, 'suitcase' : suitcase, } user._propdict = { 'bounds' : bounds, 'icon' : icon, 'label_index' : label_index, 'name' : name, 'position' : position, } user._elemdict = { } window._propdict = { } window._elemdict = { } _Enum_vwby = { 'conflicts' : 'cflc', # 'existing_items' : 'exsi', # 'small_icon' : 'smic', # 'all' : 'kyal', # } _Enum_gsen = { 'CPU' : 'proc', # 'FPU' : 'fpu ', # 'MMU' : 'mmu ', # 'hardware' : 'hdwr', # 'operating_system' : 'os ', # 'sound_system' : 'snd ', # 'memory_available' : 'lram', # 'memory_installed' : 'ram ', # } # # Indices of types declared in this module # _classdeclarations = { 'swnd' : sharing_window, 'iwnd' : information_window, 'ccdv' : control_panel, 'cwnd' : container_window, 'appf' : application_file, 'prcs' : process, 'cdis' : disk, 'cwin' : window, 'dafi' : desk_accessory_file, 'sgrp' : group, 'alia' : alias_file, 'ctnr' : container, 'qwnd' : status_window, 'fsut' : font_suitcase, 'sndf' : sound_file, 'priv' : sharing_privileges, 'dwnd' : content_space, 'pcap' : application_process, 'stcs' : suitcase, 'ctrs' : trash_2d_object, 'file' : file, 'cobj' : item, 'cuse' : user, 'cdsk' : desktop_2d_object, 'pcda' : accessory_process, 'capp' : application, 'cfol' : folder, 'sctr' : sharable_container, 'dsut' : accessory_suitcase, 'docf' : document_file, 'fntf' : font_file, } _propdeclarations = { 'swnd' : sharing_window, 'fshr' : file_sharing, 'pvew' : view, 'pusd' : partition_space_used, 'fcrt' : creator_type, 'sdat' : date_heading, 'sdin' : disk_information_heading, 'strt' : startup_items_folder, 'issl' : selected, 'pvis' : visible, 'slbl' : label_heading, 'cdis' : disk, 'fitp' : file_type, 'smou' : mounted, 'pexc' : completely_expanded, 'pexa' : expandable, 'comt' : comment, 'svew' : previous_list_view, 'labi' : label_index, 'sctr' : sharable_container, 'sknd' : kind_heading, 'trsh' : trash, 'fstg' : staggered_grid, 'macs' : system_folder, 'vfsz' : view_font_size, 'pexp' : expanded, 'posn' : position, 'cobj' : item, 'amnu' : apple_menu_items_folder, 'pvwp' : view_preferences, 'desk' : desktop, 'pnam' : name, 'mprt' : minimum_partition_size, 'cwin' : window, 'pcli' : clipboard, 'spro' : protected, 'islk' : locked, 'sprt' : suggested_partition_size, 'pisf' : frontmost, 'sele' : selection, 'ffnt' : fonts_folder, 'istd' : startup, 'sdsk' : startup_disk, 'shar' : shared, 'dwnd' : content_space, 'file' : file, 'sfsz' : calculate_folder_sizes, 'ID ' : id, 'prvw' : make_changes, 'iprv' : inherited_privileges, 'prvr' : see_files, 'prvs' : see_folders, 'phys' : physical_size, 'ctrl' : control_panels_folder, 'cwnd' : container_window, 'extn' : extensions_folder, 'ownr' : owner_privileges, 'modd' : modification_date, 'dafi' : desk_accessory_file, 'sgrp' : group, 'temp' : temporary_items_folder, 'fgrd' : snap_to_grid, 'ptsz' : size, 'kind' : kind, 'scut' : shortcuts, 'abbx' : about_this_macintosh, 'ctnr' : container, 'isej' : ejectable, 'svrs' : version_heading, 'vfnt' : view_font, 'warn' : warn_before_emptying, 'isab' : scriptable, 'isrv' : local_volume, 'lvis' : icon_size, 'shdf' : shutdown_items_folder, 'gstp' : guest_privileges, 'vers' : version, 'appf' : application_file, 'iwnd' : information_window, 'revt' : remote_events, 'frsp' : free_space, 'capa' : capacity, 'pspd' : stationery, 'scom' : comment_heading, 'pins' : insertion_location, 'orig' : original_item, 'pref' : preferences_folder, 'fsup' : sharing_starting_up, 'sown' : owner, 'cfol' : folder, 'mfre' : largest_free_block, 'ssiz' : size_heading, 'iimg' : icon, 'appt' : partition_size, 'gppr' : group_privileges, 'pbnd' : bounds, 'ects' : entire_contents, 'sexp' : exported, 'ver2' : product_version, 'crtd' : creation_date, } _compdeclarations = { } _enumdeclarations = { 'gsen' : _Enum_gsen, 'vwby' : _Enum_vwby, }