"""Suite Text Suite: A set of basic classes for text processing Level 1, version 1 Generated from flap:System Folder:Extensions:Scripting Additions:Dialects:English Dialect AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0 """ import aetools import MacOS _code = 'TEXT' class Text_Suite: pass class character(aetools.ComponentItem): """character - A character""" want = 'cha ' class best_type(aetools.NProperty): """best type - the best descriptor type""" which = 'pbst' want = 'type' class _class(aetools.NProperty): """class - the class""" which = 'pcls' want = 'type' class color(aetools.NProperty): """color - the color""" which = 'colr' want = 'cRGB' class default_type(aetools.NProperty): """default type - the default descriptor type""" which = 'deft' want = 'type' class font(aetools.NProperty): """font - the name of the font""" which = 'font' want = 'ctxt' class size(aetools.NProperty): """size - the size in points""" which = 'ptsz' want = 'fixd' class writing_code(aetools.NProperty): """writing code - the script system and language""" which = 'psct' want = 'intl' class style(aetools.NProperty): """style - the text style""" which = 'txst' want = 'tsty' class uniform_styles(aetools.NProperty): """uniform styles - the text style""" which = 'ustl' want = 'tsty' class line(aetools.ComponentItem): """line - A line of text""" want = 'clin' class justification(aetools.NProperty): """justification - Justification of the text""" which = 'pjst' want = 'just' lines = line class paragraph(aetools.ComponentItem): """paragraph - A paragraph""" want = 'cpar' paragraphs = paragraph class text(aetools.ComponentItem): """text - Text""" want = 'ctxt' class text_flow(aetools.ComponentItem): """text flow - A contiguous block of text""" want = 'cflo' class name(aetools.NProperty): """name - the name""" which = 'pnam' want = 'itxt' text_flows = text_flow class word(aetools.ComponentItem): """word - A word""" want = 'cwor' words = word character._propdict = { 'best_type' : best_type, '_class' : _class, 'color' : color, 'default_type' : default_type, 'font' : font, 'size' : size, 'writing_code' : writing_code, 'style' : style, 'uniform_styles' : uniform_styles, } character._elemdict = { } line._propdict = { 'justification' : justification, } line._elemdict = { } paragraph._propdict = { } paragraph._elemdict = { } text._propdict = { } text._elemdict = { } text_flow._propdict = { 'name' : name, } text_flow._elemdict = { } word._propdict = { } word._elemdict = { } _Enum_just = { 'left' : 'left', # Align with left margin 'right' : 'rght', # Align with right margin 'center' : 'cent', # Align with center 'full' : 'full', # Align with both left and right margins } _Enum_styl = { 'plain' : 'plan', # Plain 'bold' : 'bold', # Bold 'italic' : 'ital', # Italic 'outline' : 'outl', # Outline 'shadow' : 'shad', # Shadow 'underline' : 'undl', # Underline 'superscript' : 'spsc', # Superscript 'subscript' : 'sbsc', # Subscript 'strikethrough' : 'strk', # Strikethrough 'small_caps' : 'smcp', # Small caps 'all_caps' : 'alcp', # All capital letters 'all_lowercase' : 'lowc', # Lowercase 'condensed' : 'cond', # Condensed 'expanded' : 'pexp', # Expanded 'hidden' : 'hidn', # Hidden } # # Indices of types declared in this module # _classdeclarations = { 'cflo' : text_flow, 'clin' : line, 'ctxt' : text, 'cha ' : character, 'cwor' : word, 'cpar' : paragraph, } _propdeclarations = { 'pbst' : best_type, 'psct' : writing_code, 'txst' : style, 'colr' : color, 'font' : font, 'pnam' : name, 'pcls' : _class, 'deft' : default_type, 'pjst' : justification, 'ptsz' : size, 'ustl' : uniform_styles, } _compdeclarations = { } _enumdeclarations = { 'styl' : _Enum_styl, 'just' : _Enum_just, }