# Scan , generating ctlgen.py. import sys import os BGENDIR=os.path.join(sys.prefix, ':Tools:bgen:bgen') sys.path.append(BGENDIR) from scantools import Scanner from bgenlocations import TOOLBOXDIR def main(): # input = "Controls.h" # Universal Headers < 3.3 input = ["Controls.h", "ControlDefinitions.h"] # Universal Headers >= 3.3 output = "ctlgen.py" defsoutput = TOOLBOXDIR + "Controls.py" scanner = MyScanner(input, output, defsoutput) scanner.scan() scanner.close() print "=== Done scanning and generating, now doing 'import ctlsupport' ===" import ctlsupport print "=== Done. It's up to you to compile Ctlmodule.c ===" class MyScanner(Scanner): def destination(self, type, name, arglist): classname = "Function" listname = "functions" if arglist: t, n, m = arglist[0] if t in ("ControlHandle", "ControlRef") and m == "InMode": classname = "Method" listname = "methods" return classname, listname def writeinitialdefs(self): self.defsfile.write("def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x\n") self.defsfile.write("from TextEdit import *\n") self.defsfile.write("from QuickDraw import *\n") self.defsfile.write("from Dragconst import *\n") self.defsfile.write("from CarbonEvents import *\n") self.defsfile.write("from Appearance import *\n") self.defsfile.write("kDataBrowserItemAnyState = -1\n") self.defsfile.write("kControlBevelButtonCenterPopupGlyphTag = -1\n") self.defsfile.write("kDataBrowserClientPropertyFlagsMask = 0xFF << 24 # kDataBrowserClientPropertyFlagsOffset\n") self.defsfile.write("\n") def makeblacklistnames(self): return [ 'FindControlUnderMouse', # Generated manually, returns an existing control, not a new one. 'DisposeControl', # Generated manually 'KillControls', # Implied by close of dialog 'SetCtlAction', 'TrackControl', # Generated manually 'HandleControlClick', # Generated manually 'SetControlData', # Generated manually 'GetControlData', # Generated manually 'kControlBevelButtonCenterPopupGlyphTag', # Constant with funny definition 'kDataBrowserClientPropertyFlagsMask', # ditto 'kDataBrowserItemAnyState', # and ditto # The following are unavailable for static 68k (appearance manager) ## 'GetBevelButtonMenuValue', ## 'SetBevelButtonMenuValue', ## 'GetBevelButtonMenuHandle', ## 'SetBevelButtonTransform', 'SetBevelButtonGraphicAlignment', 'SetBevelButtonTextAlignment', 'SetBevelButtonTextPlacement', ## 'SetImageWellTransform', ## 'GetTabContentRect', ## 'SetTabEnabled', ## 'SetDisclosureTriangleLastValue', ## # Unavailable in CW Pro 3 libraries ## 'SetUpControlTextColor', ## # Unavailable in Jack's CW Pro 5.1 libraries ## 'GetControlRegion', ## 'RemoveControlProperty', ## 'IsValidControlHandle', ## 'SetControl32BitMinimum', ## 'GetControl32BitMinimum', ## 'SetControl32BitMaximum', ## 'GetControl32BitMaximum', ## 'SetControl32BitValue', ## 'GetControl32BitValue', ## 'SetControlViewSize', ## 'GetControlViewSize', # Generally Bad News 'GetControlProperty', 'SetControlProperty', 'GetControlPropertySize', 'SendControlMessage', # Parameter changed from long to void* from UH3.3 to UH3.4 # unavailable in Just's CW6 + UH 3.4 libs 'CreateDisclosureButtonControl', 'CreateRelevanceBarControl', 'DisableControl', 'EnableControl', 'IsControlEnabled', 'CreateEditUnicodeTextControl', 'CopyDataBrowserEditText', ] def makegreylist(self): return [ ('#if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON', [ 'GetAuxiliaryControlRecord', 'SetControlColor', # These have suddenly disappeared in UH 3.3.2... ## 'GetBevelButtonMenuValue', ## 'SetBevelButtonMenuValue', ## 'GetBevelButtonMenuHandle', ## 'SetBevelButtonTransform', ## 'SetImageWellTransform', ## 'GetTabContentRect', ## 'SetTabEnabled', ## 'SetDisclosureTriangleLastValue', ]), ('#if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON', [ 'IsAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow', 'SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow', 'HandleControlDragReceive', 'HandleControlDragTracking', 'GetControlByID', 'IsControlDragTrackingEnabled', 'SetControlDragTrackingEnabled', 'GetControlPropertyAttributes', 'ChangeControlPropertyAttributes', 'GetControlID', 'SetControlID', 'HandleControlSetCursor', 'GetControlClickActivation', 'HandleControlContextualMenuClick', ]), ('#if ACCESSOR_CALLS_ARE_FUNCTIONS', [ # XXX These are silly, they should be #defined to access the fields # directly. Later... 'GetControlBounds', 'IsControlHilited', 'GetControlHilite', 'GetControlOwner', 'GetControlDataHandle', 'GetControlPopupMenuHandle', 'GetControlPopupMenuID', 'SetControlDataHandle', 'SetControlBounds', 'SetControlPopupMenuHandle', 'SetControlPopupMenuID', ])] def makeblacklisttypes(self): return [ 'ProcPtr', 'ControlActionUPP', 'ControlButtonContentInfoPtr', 'Ptr', 'ControlDefSpec', # Don't know how to do this yet 'ControlDefSpec_ptr', # ditto 'Collection', # Ditto # not-yet-supported stuff in Universal Headers 3.4: 'ControlColorUPP', 'ControlKind', # XXX easy: 2-tuple containing 2 OSType's 'ControlTabEntry_ptr', # XXX needed for tabs 'ControlButtonContentInfo', # XXX ugh: a union 'ControlButtonContentInfo_ptr', # XXX ugh: a union 'ListDefSpec_ptr', # XXX see _Listmodule.c, tricky but possible 'DataBrowserItemID_ptr', # XXX array of UInt32, for BrowserView 'DataBrowserItemUPP', 'DataBrowserItemDataRef', # XXX void * 'DataBrowserCallbacks', # difficult struct 'DataBrowserCallbacks_ptr', 'DataBrowserCustomCallbacks', 'DataBrowserCustomCallbacks_ptr', 'DataBrowserTableViewColumnDesc', 'DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc', 'CFDataRef', ] def makerepairinstructions(self): return [ ([("void_ptr", "*", "InMode"), ("long", "*", "InMode")], [("InBuffer", "*", "*")]), ([("void", "*", "OutMode"), ("long", "*", "InMode"), ("long", "*", "OutMode")], [("VarVarOutBuffer", "*", "InOutMode")]), ## # For TrackControl ## ([("ProcPtr", "actionProc", "InMode")], ## [("FakeType('(ControlActionUPP)0')", "*", "*")]), ## ([("ControlActionUPP", "actionProc", "InMode")], ## [("FakeType('(ControlActionUPP)0')", "*", "*")]), # For GetControlTitle ([('Str255', 'title', 'InMode')], [('Str255', 'title', 'OutMode')]), ([("ControlHandle", "*", "OutMode")], [("ExistingControlHandle", "*", "*")]), ([("ControlRef", "*", "OutMode")], # Ditto, for Universal Headers [("ExistingControlHandle", "*", "*")]), ([("Rect_ptr", "*", "ReturnMode")], # GetControlBounds [("void", "*", "ReturnMode")]), ] if __name__ == "__main__": main()