"""Build a "big" applet for the IDE, and put it in the Python home directory. It will contain all IDE-specific modules as PYC resources, which reduces the startup time (especially on slower machines).""" import sys import os import buildtools import Res import py_resource buildtools.DEBUG=1 template = buildtools.findtemplate() ide_home = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, ":Mac:Tools:IDE") mainfilename = os.path.join(ide_home, "PythonIDE.py") dstfilename = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "Python IDE") buildtools.process(template, mainfilename, dstfilename, 1) targetref = Res.FSpOpenResFile(dstfilename, 3) Res.UseResFile(targetref) files = os.listdir(ide_home) # skip this script and the main program files = filter(lambda x: x[-3:] == '.py' and x not in ("BuildIDE.py", "PythonIDE.py"), files) # add the modules as PYC resources for name in files: print "adding", name fullpath = os.path.join(ide_home, name) id, name = py_resource.frompyfile(fullpath, name[:-3], preload=1, ispackage=0) # add W resources wresref = Res.FSpOpenResFile(os.path.join(ide_home, "Widgets.rsrc"), 1) buildtools.copyres(wresref, targetref, [], 0)