import W import Wkeys from Carbon import Fm import WASTEconst from types import * from Carbon import Events import string import sys import traceback import MacOS import MacPrefs from Carbon import Qd import EasyDialogs import PyInteractive if not hasattr(sys, 'ps1'): sys.ps1 = '>>> ' if not hasattr(sys, 'ps2'): sys.ps2 = '... ' def inspect(foo): # JJS 1/25/99 "Launch the browser on the given object. This is a general built-in function." import PyBrowser PyBrowser.Browser(foo) class ConsoleTextWidget(W.EditText): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): W.EditText.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._inputstart = 0 self._buf = '' self.pyinteractive = PyInteractive.PyInteractive() import __main__ self._namespace = __main__.__dict__ self._namespace['inspect'] = inspect # JJS 1/25/99 def insert(self, text): self.checkselection() self.ted.WEInsert(text, None, None) self.changed = 1 self.selchanged = 1 def set_namespace(self, dict): if type(dict) <> DictionaryType: raise TypeError, "The namespace needs to be a dictionary" if 'inspect' not in dict.keys(): dict['inspect'] = inspect # JJS 1/25/99 self._namespace = dict def open(self): import __main__ self.write('Python %s\n' % sys.version) self.write('Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.\n') self.write('MacPython IDE %s\n' % __main__.__version__) self.write(sys.ps1) self.flush() def key(self, char, event): (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event if self._enabled and not modifiers & Events.cmdKey or char in Wkeys.arrowkeys: if char not in Wkeys.navigationkeys: self.checkselection() if char == Wkeys.enterkey: char = Wkeys.returnkey selstart, selend = self.getselection() if char == Wkeys.backspacekey: if selstart <= (self._inputstart - (selstart <> selend)): return self.ted.WEKey(ord(char), modifiers) if char not in Wkeys.navigationkeys: self.changed = 1 if char not in Wkeys.scrollkeys: self.selchanged = 1 self.updatescrollbars() if char == Wkeys.returnkey: text = self.get()[self._inputstart:selstart] text = string.join(string.split(text, "\r"), "\n") if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'): saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0) self._scriptDone = False if sys.platform == "darwin": # see identical construct in from threading import Thread t = Thread(target=self._userCancelledMonitor, name="UserCancelledMonitor") t.start() try: self.pyinteractive.executeline(text, self, self._namespace) finally: self._scriptDone = True if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'): MacOS.EnableAppswitch(saveyield) selstart, selend = self.getselection() self._inputstart = selstart def _userCancelledMonitor(self): # XXX duplicate code from import time, os from signal import SIGINT from Carbon import Evt while not self._scriptDone: if Evt.CheckEventQueueForUserCancel(): # Send a SIGINT signal to ourselves. # This gets delivered to the main thread, # cancelling the running script. os.kill(os.getpid(), SIGINT) break time.sleep(0.25) def domenu_save_as(self, *args): filename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSave(message='Save console text as:', savedFileName='console.txt') if not filename: return f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(self.get()) f.close() MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(filename, W._signature, 'TEXT') def write(self, text): self._buf = self._buf + text if '\n' in self._buf: self.flush() def flush(self): stuff = string.split(self._buf, '\n') stuff = string.join(stuff, '\r') self.setselection_at_end() try: self.ted.WEInsert(stuff, None, None) finally: self._buf = "" selstart, selend = self.getselection() self._inputstart = selstart self.ted.WEClearUndo() self.updatescrollbars() if self._parentwindow.wid.GetWindowPort().QDIsPortBuffered(): self._parentwindow.wid.GetWindowPort().QDFlushPortBuffer(None) def selection_ok(self): selstart, selend = self.getselection() return not (selstart < self._inputstart or selend < self._inputstart) def checkselection(self): if not self.selection_ok(): self.setselection_at_end() def setselection_at_end(self): end = self.ted.WEGetTextLength() self.setselection(end, end) self.updatescrollbars() def domenu_cut(self, *args): if not self.selection_ok(): return W.EditText.domenu_cut(self) def domenu_paste(self, *args): if not self.selection_ok(): self.setselection_at_end() W.EditText.domenu_paste(self) def domenu_clear(self, *args): if not self.selection_ok(): return W.EditText.domenu_clear(self) class PyConsole(W.Window): def __init__(self, bounds, show = 1, fontsettings = ("Monaco", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)), tabsettings = (32, 0), unclosable = 0): W.Window.__init__(self, bounds, "Python Interactive", minsize = (200, 100), tabbable = 0, show = show) self._unclosable = unclosable consoletext = ConsoleTextWidget((-1, -1, -14, 1), inset = (6, 5), fontsettings = fontsettings, tabsettings = tabsettings) self._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, 14, 16, -14), consoletext.vscroll, max = 32767) self.consoletext = consoletext self.namespacemenu = W.PopupMenu((-15, -1, 16, 16), [], self.consoletext.set_namespace) self.namespacemenu.bind('', self.makenamespacemenu) def makenamespacemenu(self, *args): W.SetCursor('watch') namespacelist = self.getnamespacelist() self.namespacemenu.set([("Clear window", self.clearbuffer), ("Font settings\xc9", self.dofontsettings), ["Namespace"] + namespacelist, ("Browse namespace\xc9", self.browsenamespace)]) currentname = self.consoletext._namespace["__name__"] for i in range(len(namespacelist)): if namespacelist[i][0] == currentname: break else: return # XXX this functionality should be generally available in Wmenus submenuid = menu =[submenuid] + 1, 1) def browsenamespace(self): import PyBrowser, W W.SetCursor('watch') PyBrowser.Browser(self.consoletext._namespace, self.consoletext._namespace["__name__"]) def clearbuffer(self): from Carbon import Res self.consoletext.ted.WEUseText(Res.Resource('')) self.consoletext.write(sys.ps1) self.consoletext.flush() def getnamespacelist(self): import os import __main__ editors = filter(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__ == "Editor", self.parent._windows.values()) namespaces = [ ("__main__",__main__.__dict__) ] for ed in editors: modname = os.path.splitext(ed.title)[0] if sys.modules.has_key(modname): module = sys.modules[modname] namespaces.append((modname, module.__dict__)) else: if ed.title[-3:] == '.py': modname = ed.title[:-3] else: modname = ed.title ed.globals["__name__"] = modname namespaces.append((modname, ed.globals)) return namespaces def dofontsettings(self): import FontSettings settings = FontSettings.FontDialog(self.consoletext.getfontsettings(), self.consoletext.gettabsettings()) if settings: fontsettings, tabsettings = settings self.consoletext.setfontsettings(fontsettings) self.consoletext.settabsettings(tabsettings) def show(self, onoff = 1):, onoff) if onoff: def close(self): if self._unclosable: return -1 W.Window.close(self) def writeprefs(self): prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath) = self.isvisible() prefs.console.windowbounds = self.getbounds() prefs.console.fontsettings = self.consoletext.getfontsettings() prefs.console.tabsettings = self.consoletext.gettabsettings() def getselectedtext(self): return self.consoletext.getselectedtext() class OutputTextWidget(W.EditText): def domenu_save_as(self, *args): title = self._parentwindow.gettitle() filename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSave(message='Save %s text as:' % title, savedFileName=title + '.txt') if not filename: return f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(self.get()) f.close() MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(filename, W._signature, 'TEXT') def domenu_cut(self, *args): self.domenu_copy(*args) def domenu_clear(self, *args): self.set('') class PyOutput: def __init__(self, bounds, show = 1, fontsettings = ("Monaco", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)), tabsettings = (32, 0)): self.bounds = bounds self.fontsettings = fontsettings self.tabsettings = tabsettings self.w = None self.closed = 1 self._buf = '' # should be able to set this self.savestdout, self.savestderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stderr = sys.stdout = self if show: def setupwidgets(self): self.w = W.Window(self.bounds, "Output", minsize = (200, 100), tabbable = 0) self.w.outputtext = OutputTextWidget((-1, -1, -14, 1), inset = (6, 5), fontsettings = self.fontsettings, tabsettings = self.tabsettings, readonly = 1) menuitems = [("Clear window", self.clearbuffer), ("Font settings\xc9", self.dofontsettings)] self.w.popupmenu = W.PopupMenu((-15, -1, 16, 16), menuitems) self.w._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, 14, 16, -14), self.w.outputtext.vscroll, max = 32767) self.w.bind("", self.close) self.w.bind("", self.activate) def write(self, text): if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'): oldyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1) try: self._buf = self._buf + text if '\n' in self._buf: self.flush() finally: if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'): MacOS.EnableAppswitch(oldyield) def flush(self): stuff = string.split(self._buf, '\n') stuff = string.join(stuff, '\r') end = self.w.outputtext.ted.WEGetTextLength() self.w.outputtext.setselection(end, end) self.w.outputtext.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFReadOnly, 0) try: self.w.outputtext.ted.WEInsert(stuff, None, None) finally: self._buf = "" self.w.outputtext.updatescrollbars() self.w.outputtext.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFReadOnly, 1) if self.w.wid.GetWindowPort().QDIsPortBuffered(): self.w.wid.GetWindowPort().QDFlushPortBuffer(None) def show(self): if self.closed: if not self.w: self.setupwidgets() self.w.outputtext.updatescrollbars() self.closed = 0 else: self.closed = 0 def writeprefs(self): if self.w is not None: prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath) = self.w.isvisible() prefs.output.windowbounds = self.w.getbounds() prefs.output.fontsettings = self.w.outputtext.getfontsettings() prefs.output.tabsettings = self.w.outputtext.gettabsettings() def dofontsettings(self): import FontSettings settings = FontSettings.FontDialog(self.w.outputtext.getfontsettings(), self.w.outputtext.gettabsettings()) if settings: fontsettings, tabsettings = settings self.w.outputtext.setfontsettings(fontsettings) self.w.outputtext.settabsettings(tabsettings) def clearbuffer(self): from Carbon import Res self.w.outputtext.set('') def activate(self, onoff): if onoff: self.closed = 0 def close(self): self.closed = 1 return -1 class SimpleStdin: def readline(self): import EasyDialogs # A trick to make the input dialog box a bit more palatable if hasattr(sys.stdout, '_buf'): prompt = sys.stdout._buf else: prompt = "" if not prompt: prompt = "Stdin input:" sys.stdout.flush() rv = EasyDialogs.AskString(prompt) if rv is None: return "" rv = rv + "\n" # readline should include line terminator sys.stdout.write(rv) # echo user's reply return rv def installconsole(defaultshow = 1): global console prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath) if not prefs.console or not hasattr(prefs.console, 'show'): = defaultshow if not hasattr(prefs.console, "windowbounds"): prefs.console.windowbounds = (450, 250) if not hasattr(prefs.console, "fontsettings"): prefs.console.fontsettings = ("Monaco", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)) if not hasattr(prefs.console, "tabsettings"): prefs.console.tabsettings = (32, 0) console = PyConsole(prefs.console.windowbounds,, prefs.console.fontsettings, prefs.console.tabsettings, 1) def installoutput(defaultshow = 0, OutPutWindow = PyOutput): global output # quick 'n' dirty std in emulation sys.stdin = SimpleStdin() prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath) if not prefs.output or not hasattr(prefs.output, 'show'): = defaultshow if not hasattr(prefs.output, "windowbounds"): prefs.output.windowbounds = (450, 250) if not hasattr(prefs.output, "fontsettings"): prefs.output.fontsettings = ("Monaco", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)) if not hasattr(prefs.output, "tabsettings"): prefs.output.tabsettings = (32, 0) output = OutPutWindow(prefs.output.windowbounds,, prefs.output.fontsettings, prefs.output.tabsettings)