	WASTE Demo Project:
	Sample WASTE Object Handlers

	Copyright � 1993-1998 Marco Piovanelli
	All Rights Reserved

#include "WEObjectHandlers.h"

#ifndef __ICONS__
#include <Icons.h>

#ifndef __SOUND__
#include <Sound.h>


pascal OSErr HandleNewPicture(Point *defaultObjectSize, WEObjectReference objectRef)
	PicHandle thePicture;
	Rect frame;

	/* get handle to object data (in this case, a picture handle) */
	thePicture = (PicHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);

	/* figure out the default object size by looking at the picFrame record */
	frame = (*thePicture)->picFrame;
	OffsetRect(&frame, -frame.left, -frame.top);
	defaultObjectSize->v = frame.bottom;
	defaultObjectSize->h = frame.right;

	return noErr;

pascal OSErr HandleDisposePicture(WEObjectReference objectRef)
	PicHandle thePicture;

	/* get handle to object data (in this case, a picture handle) */
	thePicture = (PicHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);

	/* kill the picture */

	return MemError();

pascal OSErr HandleDrawPicture(const Rect *destRect, WEObjectReference objectRef)
	PicHandle thePicture;

	/* get handle to object data (in this case, a picture handle) */
	thePicture = (PicHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);

	/* draw the picture */
	DrawPicture(thePicture, destRect);

	return noErr;

/* SOUND */

pascal OSErr HandleNewSound(Point *defaultObjectSize, WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused(objectRef)

	/* sounds are drawn as standard 32x32 icons */
	defaultObjectSize->v = 32;
	defaultObjectSize->h = 32;

	return noErr;

pascal OSErr HandleDrawSound(const Rect *destRect, WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused(objectRef)

	/* draw the sound icon */
	return PlotIconID(destRect, kAlignNone, kTransformNone, kSoundIconID);

pascal Boolean HandleClickSound(Point hitPt, EventModifiers modifiers,
					UInt32 clickTime, WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused(hitPt, clickTime)

	SndListHandle theSound;

	/* WASTE sets the low bit of modifiers on double (multiple) clicks */
	if (modifiers & 0x0001)

		/* get a handle to the object data (in this case, a sound handle) */
		theSound = (SndListHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);

		/* play the sound */
		SndPlay(nil, theSound, false);

		/* return TRUE so WASTE knows we handled the click */
		return true;
		/* not a double click: let WASTE handle the mouse-down */
		return false;