/* * WETabHooks.c * * WASTE TABS PACKAGE * Hooks for adding tab support to WASTE * * Written by: * Mark Alldritt (original code) * Dan Crevier (line breaks) * John Daub (maintenance) * Jonathan Kew (variable-width tabs) * Marco Piovanelli (?) * Bert Seltzer (horizontal scrolling) * */ #include "WETabs.h" #include "WETabHooks.h" #define FIXROUND(f) ((SInt16) (((f) + 0x00008000) >> 16)) #define BSL(A, B) (((SInt32) (A)) << (B)) static const Point kOneToOneScaling = { 1, 1 } ; pascal void _WETabDrawText ( const char * pText, SInt32 textLength, Fixed slop, JustStyleCode styleRunPosition, WEReference we ) { #pragma unused ( slop, styleRunPosition ) LongRect destRect; SInt32 beginChar = 0; SInt32 ii; SInt16 tabWidth; SInt16 destLeft; Point penPos; SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we); WEGetDestRect(&destRect, we); destLeft = (SInt16) destRect.left; for ( ii = 0; ii < textLength; ii++ ) { if (pText[ii] == '\t') { DrawText(pText, beginChar, ii - beginChar); /* advance the pen to the next tab stop */ GetPen(&penPos); tabWidth = tabSize - (penPos.h - destLeft) % tabSize; MoveTo(penPos.h + tabWidth, penPos.v); beginChar = ii + 1; } } /* for */ DrawText(pText, beginChar, textLength - beginChar); } pascal SInt32 _WETabPixelToChar ( const char * pText, SInt32 textLength, Fixed slop, Fixed *width, WEEdge *edge, JustStyleCode styleRunPosition, Fixed hPos, WEReference we ) { SInt32 beginChar = 0; SInt32 offset = 0; SInt32 ii; Fixed lastWidth; Fixed tabWidth; SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we); /* loop through every character in the segment looking for tabs */ for ( ii = 0; ii < textLength; ii++ ) { /* exit now if width has gone negative */ /* (i.e., if we have found which glyph was hit) */ if (*width <= 0) { break; } /* tab found? */ if (pText[ii] == '\t') { /* calculate the width of the sub-segment preceding the tab */ lastWidth = *width; offset += PixelToChar((char *)pText + beginChar, ii - beginChar, slop, lastWidth, (Boolean *) edge, width, styleRunPosition, kOneToOneScaling, kOneToOneScaling); beginChar = ii + 1; /* hit point past sub-segment? */ if (*width >= 0) { /* increment hPos by width of sub-segment preceding the tab */ hPos += (lastWidth - *width); /* calculate the width of the tab "glyph" (as a Fixed value) */ tabWidth = BSL(tabSize - FIXROUND(hPos) % tabSize, 16); /* increment hPos by width of tab character */ hPos += tabWidth; /* hit point within tab glyph? */ if (*width < tabWidth) { /* yes: determine which half of tab glyph was hit */ if (*width > (tabWidth >> 1)) { *edge = kTrailingEdge; /* second (trailing) edge of tab */ offset++; } else { *edge = kLeadingEdge; /* first (leading) edge of tab */ } /* returning -1 (as Fixed) in width means we're finished */ *width = 0xFFFF0000; } else { /* hit point is past tab: keep looping */ offset++; *width -= tabWidth; } } /* if (*width >= 0) */ } /* if tab found */ } /* for */ /* no more tabs in this segment: process the last sub-segment */ if (*width >= 0) { lastWidth = *width; offset += PixelToChar((char *)pText + beginChar, textLength - beginChar, slop, lastWidth, (Boolean *) edge, width, styleRunPosition, kOneToOneScaling, kOneToOneScaling); } /* round width to nearest integer value */ /* this is supposed to fix an incompatibility with the WorldScript Power Adapter */ *width = (*width + 0x00008000) & 0xFFFF0000; return offset; } pascal SInt16 _WETabCharToPixel ( const char * pText, SInt32 textLength, Fixed slop, SInt32 offset, SInt16 direction, JustStyleCode styleRunPosition, SInt16 hPos, WEReference we ) { LongRect destRect; SInt32 beginChar = 0; SInt32 ii; SInt16 width; SInt16 destLeft; SInt16 totalWidth = 0; SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we); WEGetDestRect(&destRect, we); destLeft = (SInt16) destRect.left; /* measure text up to offset, if offset is within this segment, otherwise to textLength */ if (offset > textLength) { offset = textLength; } for ( ii = 0; ii < offset; ii++ ) { if (pText[ii] == '\t') { /* calculate the pixel width of the subsegment preceding the tab */ width = TextWidth(pText, beginChar, ii - beginChar); totalWidth += width; hPos += width; /* calculate tab width */ width = tabSize - (hPos - destLeft) % tabSize; totalWidth += width; hPos += width; /* go to next subsegment */ beginChar = ii + 1; } } /* for */ /* calculate width of remaining characters */ width = CharToPixel((char *)pText + beginChar, textLength - beginChar, slop, offset - beginChar, direction, styleRunPosition, kOneToOneScaling, kOneToOneScaling); totalWidth += width; return totalWidth; } pascal StyledLineBreakCode _WETabLineBreak ( const char * pText, SInt32 textLength, SInt32 textStart, SInt32 textEnd, Fixed *textWidth, SInt32 *textOffset, WEReference we ) { LongRect destRect; SInt32 beginChar = textStart; SInt32 ii; Fixed tabWidth; SInt16 destWidth; StyledLineBreakCode breakCode = smBreakOverflow; SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we); WEGetDestRect(&destRect, we); destWidth = (SInt16) (destRect.right - destRect.left); for ( ii = textStart; ii < textEnd; ii++ ) { if (pText[ii] == 0x0D) { /* found a <return>, so stop looking ahead for tabs */ ii++; break; } if (pText[ii] == '\t') { /* do previous "segment" */ breakCode = StyledLineBreak((char *)pText, textLength, beginChar, ii, 0, textWidth, textOffset); if ((breakCode != smBreakOverflow) || (ii >= textLength)) { break; } beginChar = ii + 1; /* calculate tab width (as a Fixed value) */ tabWidth = BSL(tabSize - (destWidth - FIXROUND(*textWidth)) % tabSize, 16); /* if tabWidth > pixelWidth we break in tab */ /* don't move tab to next line */ if (tabWidth > *textWidth) { breakCode = smBreakWord; *textOffset = ii + 1; break; } else { *textWidth -= tabWidth; } } } /* for */ /* do last sub-segment */ if ((ii - beginChar >= 0) && (breakCode == smBreakOverflow)) { breakCode = StyledLineBreak((char *)pText, textLength, beginChar, ii, 0, textWidth, textOffset); } return breakCode; }