.. date: 2023-08-22-17-39-12 .. gh-issue: 108310 .. nonce: fVM3sg .. release date: 2023-10-13 .. section: Security Fixed an issue where instances of :class:`ssl.SSLSocket` were vulnerable to a bypass of the TLS handshake and included protections (like certificate verification) and treating sent unencrypted data as if it were post-handshake TLS encrypted data. Security issue reported as :cve:`2023-40217` by Aapo Oksman. Patch by Gregory P. Smith. .. .. date: 2023-08-05-03-51-05 .. gh-issue: 107774 .. nonce: VPjaTR .. section: Security PEP 669 specifies that ``sys.monitoring.register_callback`` will generate an audit event. Pre-releases of Python 3.12 did not generate the audit event. This is now fixed. .. .. date: 2023-06-13-20-52-24 .. gh-issue: 102988 .. nonce: Kei7Vf .. section: Security Reverted the :mod:`email.utils` security improvement change released in 3.12beta4 that unintentionally caused :mod:`email.utils.getaddresses` to fail to parse email addresses with a comma in the quoted name field. See :gh:`106669`. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-09-29-08 .. gh-issue: 99108 .. nonce: hwS2cr .. section: Security Refresh our new HACL* built-in :mod:`hashlib` code from upstream. Built-in SHA2 should be faster and an issue with SHA3 on 32-bit platforms is fixed. .. .. date: 2023-03-07-21-46-29 .. gh-issue: 102509 .. nonce: 5ouaH_ .. section: Security Start initializing ``ob_digit`` during creation of :c:type:`PyLongObject` objects. Patch by Illia Volochii. .. .. date: 2023-10-12-15-03-24 .. gh-issue: 110782 .. nonce: EqzIzi .. section: Core and Builtins Fix crash when :class:`typing.TypeVar` is constructed with a keyword argument. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-10-12-06-32-25 .. gh-issue: 110752 .. nonce: FYfI0h .. section: Core and Builtins Reset ``ceval.eval_breaker`` in :func:`interpreter_clear` .. .. date: 2023-10-11-16-56-54 .. gh-issue: 110721 .. nonce: afcSsH .. section: Core and Builtins Use the :mod:`traceback` implementation for the default :c:func:`PyErr_Display` functionality. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-10-11-13-46-14 .. gh-issue: 110696 .. nonce: J9kSzr .. section: Core and Builtins Fix incorrect error message for invalid argument unpacking. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-10-11-12-48-03 .. gh-issue: 104169 .. nonce: bPoX8u .. section: Core and Builtins Split the tokenizer into two separate directories: - One part includes the actual lexeme producing logic and lives in ``Parser/lexer``. - The second part wraps the lexer according to the different tokenization modes we have (string, utf-8, file, interactive, readline) and lives in ``Parser/tokenizer``. .. .. date: 2023-10-11-11-39-22 .. gh-issue: 110688 .. nonce: lB6Q7t .. section: Core and Builtins Remove undocumented ``test_c_api`` method from :class:`set`, which was only defined for testing purposes under ``Py_DEBUG``. Now we have proper CAPI tests. .. .. date: 2023-10-10-00-49-35 .. gh-issue: 104584 .. nonce: z94TuJ .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a reference leak when running with :envvar:`PYTHONUOPS` or :option:`-X uops <-X>` enabled. .. .. date: 2023-10-08-20-08-54 .. gh-issue: 110514 .. nonce: Q9bdRU .. section: Core and Builtins Add ``PY_THROW`` to :func:`sys.setprofile` events .. .. date: 2023-10-06-22-30-25 .. gh-issue: 110489 .. nonce: rI2n8A .. section: Core and Builtins Optimise :func:`math.ceil` when the input is exactly a float, resulting in about a 10% improvement. .. .. date: 2023-10-06-12-00-43 .. gh-issue: 110455 .. nonce: 8BjNGg .. section: Core and Builtins Guard ``assert(tstate->thread_id > 0)`` with ``#ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD_STUBS``. This allows for for pydebug builds to work under WASI which (currently) lacks thread support. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-23-26-18 .. gh-issue: 110309 .. nonce: Y8nDOF .. section: Core and Builtins Remove unnecessary empty constant nodes in the ast of f-string specs. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-11-43-48 .. gh-issue: 110259 .. nonce: ka93x5 .. section: Core and Builtins Correctly identify the format spec in f-strings (with single or triple quotes) that have multiple lines in the expression part and include a formatting spec. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-10-02-23-17-08 .. gh-issue: 110237 .. nonce: _Xub0z .. section: Core and Builtins Fix missing error checks for calls to ``PyList_Append`` in ``_PyEval_MatchClass``. .. .. date: 2023-10-01-02-58-00 .. gh-issue: 110164 .. nonce: z7TMCq .. section: Core and Builtins regrtest: If the ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` environment variable is defined, regrtest now disables tests randomization. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-27-21-35-49 .. gh-issue: 109889 .. nonce: t5hIRT .. section: Core and Builtins Fix the compiler's redundant NOP detection algorithm to skip over NOPs with no line number when looking for the next instruction's lineno. .. .. date: 2023-09-27-18-01-06 .. gh-issue: 109853 .. nonce: coQQiL .. section: Core and Builtins ``sys.path[0]`` is now set correctly for subinterpreters. .. .. date: 2023-09-26-21-26-54 .. gh-issue: 109923 .. nonce: WO3CHi .. section: Core and Builtins Set line number on the ``POP_TOP`` that follows a ``RETURN_GENERATOR``. .. .. date: 2023-09-26-14-00-25 .. gh-issue: 105716 .. nonce: SUJkW1 .. section: Core and Builtins Subinterpreters now correctly handle the case where they have threads running in the background. Before, such threads would interfere with cleaning up and destroying them, as well as prevent running another script. .. .. date: 2023-09-26-03-46-55 .. gh-issue: 109369 .. nonce: OJbxbF .. section: Core and Builtins The internal eval_breaker and supporting flags, plus the monitoring version have been merged into a single atomic integer to speed up checks. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-14-28-14 .. gh-issue: 109823 .. nonce: kbVTKF .. section: Core and Builtins Fix bug where compiler does not adjust labels when removing an empty basic block which is a jump target. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-09-24-10 .. gh-issue: 109793 .. nonce: zFQBkv .. section: Core and Builtins The main thread no longer exits prematurely when a subinterpreter is cleaned up during runtime finalization. The bug was a problem particularly because, when triggered, the Python process would always return with a 0 exitcode, even if it failed. .. .. date: 2023-09-22-13-38-17 .. gh-issue: 109719 .. nonce: fx5OTz .. section: Core and Builtins Fix missing jump target labels when compiler reorders cold/warm blocks. .. .. date: 2023-09-22-01-44-53 .. gh-issue: 109595 .. nonce: fVINgD .. section: Core and Builtins Add :option:`-X cpu_count <-X>` command line option to override return results of :func:`os.cpu_count` and :func:`os.process_cpu_count`. This option is useful for users who need to limit CPU resources of a container system without having to modify the container (application code). Patch by Donghee Na. .. .. date: 2023-09-20-23-04-15 .. gh-issue: 109627 .. nonce: xxe7De .. section: Core and Builtins Fix bug where the compiler does not assign a new jump target label to a duplicated small exit block. .. .. date: 2023-09-20-13-18-08 .. gh-issue: 109596 .. nonce: RG0K2G .. section: Core and Builtins Fix some tokens in the grammar that were incorrectly marked as soft keywords. Also fix some repeated rule names and ensure that repeated rules are not allowed. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-09-18-15-35-08 .. gh-issue: 109496 .. nonce: Kleoz3 .. section: Core and Builtins On a Python built in debug mode, :c:func:`Py_DECREF()` now calls ``_Py_NegativeRefcount()`` if the object is a dangling pointer to deallocated memory: memory filled with ``0xDD`` "dead byte" by the debug hook on memory allocators. The fix is to check the reference count *before* checking for ``_Py_IsImmortal()``. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-14-20-15-57 .. gh-issue: 107265 .. nonce: qHZL_6 .. section: Core and Builtins Deopt opcodes hidden by the executor when base opcode is needed .. .. date: 2023-09-13-21-04-04 .. gh-issue: 109371 .. nonce: HPEJr8 .. section: Core and Builtins Deopted instructions correctly for tool initialization and modified the incorrect assertion in instrumentation, when a previous tool already sets INSTRUCTION events .. .. date: 2023-09-13-19-16-51 .. gh-issue: 105658 .. nonce: z2nR2u .. section: Core and Builtins Fix bug where the line trace of an except block ending with a conditional includes an excess event with the line of the conditional expression. .. .. date: 2023-09-13-08-42-45 .. gh-issue: 109219 .. nonce: UiN8sc .. section: Core and Builtins Fix compiling type param scopes that use a name which is also free in an inner scope. .. .. date: 2023-09-12-16-00-42 .. gh-issue: 109351 .. nonce: kznGeR .. section: Core and Builtins Fix crash when compiling an invalid AST involving a named (walrus) expression. .. .. date: 2023-09-12-15-45-49 .. gh-issue: 109341 .. nonce: 4V5bkm .. section: Core and Builtins Fix crash when compiling an invalid AST involving a :class:`ast.TypeAlias`. .. .. date: 2023-09-11-15-51-55 .. gh-issue: 109195 .. nonce: iwxmuo .. section: Core and Builtins Fix source location for the ``LOAD_*`` instruction preceding a ``LOAD_SUPER_ATTR`` to load the ``super`` global (or shadowing variable) so that it encompasses only the name ``super`` and not the following parentheses. .. .. date: 2023-09-11-15-11-03 .. gh-issue: 109256 .. nonce: 6mfhvF .. section: Core and Builtins Opcode IDs for specialized opcodes are allocated in their own range to improve stability of the IDs for the 'real' opcodes. .. .. date: 2023-09-11-12-41-42 .. gh-issue: 109216 .. nonce: 60QOSb .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible memory leak in :opcode:`BUILD_MAP`. .. .. date: 2023-09-10-18-53-55 .. gh-issue: 109207 .. nonce: Fei8bY .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a SystemError in ``__repr__`` of symtable entry object. .. .. date: 2023-09-09-21-17-18 .. gh-issue: 109179 .. nonce: ZR8qs2 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix bug where the C traceback display drops notes from :exc:`SyntaxError`. .. .. date: 2023-09-09-12-49-46 .. gh-issue: 109118 .. nonce: gx0X4h .. section: Core and Builtins Disallow nested scopes (lambdas, generator expressions, and comprehensions) within PEP 695 annotation scopes that are nested within classes. .. .. date: 2023-09-08-18-31-04 .. gh-issue: 109156 .. nonce: KK1EXI .. section: Core and Builtins Add tests for de-instrumenting instructions while keeping the instrumentation for lines .. .. date: 2023-09-08-01-50-41 .. gh-issue: 109114 .. nonce: adqgtb .. section: Core and Builtins Relax the detection of the error message for invalid lambdas inside f-strings to not search for arbitrary replacement fields to avoid false positives. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-09-07-20-52-27 .. gh-issue: 105848 .. nonce: p799D1 .. section: Core and Builtins Add a new :opcode:`CALL_KW` opcode, used for calls containing keyword arguments. Also, fix a possible crash when jumping over method calls in a debugger. .. .. date: 2023-09-07-18-49-01 .. gh-issue: 109052 .. nonce: TBU4nC .. section: Core and Builtins Use the base opcode when comparing code objects to avoid interference from instrumentation .. .. date: 2023-09-07-18-24-42 .. gh-issue: 109118 .. nonce: yPXRAe .. section: Core and Builtins Fix interpreter crash when a NameError is raised inside the type parameters of a generic class. .. .. date: 2023-09-07-16-05-36 .. gh-issue: 88943 .. nonce: rH_X3W .. section: Core and Builtins Improve syntax error for non-ASCII character that follows a numerical literal. It now points on the invalid non-ASCII character, not on the valid numerical literal. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-22-50-25 .. gh-issue: 108976 .. nonce: MUKaIJ .. section: Core and Builtins Fix crash that occurs after de-instrumenting a code object in a monitoring callback. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-13-28-42 .. gh-issue: 108732 .. nonce: I6DkEQ .. section: Core and Builtins Make iteration variables of module- and class-scoped comprehensions visible to pdb and other tools that use ``frame.f_locals`` again. .. .. date: 2023-09-05-20-52-17 .. gh-issue: 108959 .. nonce: 6z45Sy .. section: Core and Builtins Fix caret placement for error locations for subscript and binary operations that involve non-semantic parentheses and spaces. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-09-05-11-31-27 .. gh-issue: 104584 .. nonce: IRSXA2 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a crash when running with :envvar:`PYTHONUOPS` or :option:`-X uops <-X>` enabled and an error occurs during optimization. .. .. date: 2023-08-31-21-29-28 .. gh-issue: 108727 .. nonce: blNRGM .. section: Core and Builtins Define ``tp_dealloc`` for ``CounterOptimizer_Type``. This fixes a segfault on deallocation. .. .. date: 2023-08-30-15-41-47 .. gh-issue: 108520 .. nonce: u0ZGP_ .. section: Core and Builtins Fix :meth:`multiprocessing.synchronize.SemLock.__setstate__` to properly initialize :attr:`multiprocessing.synchronize.SemLock._is_fork_ctx`. This fixes a regression when passing a SemLock across nested processes. Rename :attr:`multiprocessing.synchronize.SemLock.is_fork_ctx` to :attr:`multiprocessing.synchronize.SemLock._is_fork_ctx` to avoid exposing it as public API. .. .. date: 2023-08-29-17-53-12 .. gh-issue: 108654 .. nonce: jbkDVo .. section: Core and Builtins Restore locals shadowed by an inlined comprehension if the comprehension raises an exception. .. .. date: 2023-08-28-22-22-15 .. gh-issue: 108488 .. nonce: e8-fxg .. section: Core and Builtins Change the initialization of inline cache entries so that the cache entry for ``JUMP_BACKWARD`` is initialized to zero, instead of the ``adaptive_counter_warmup()`` value used for all other instructions. This counter, unique among instructions, counts up from zero. .. .. date: 2023-08-28-03-38-28 .. gh-issue: 108716 .. nonce: HJBPwt .. section: Core and Builtins Turn off deep-freezing of code objects. Modules are still frozen, so that a file system search is not needed for common modules. .. .. date: 2023-08-26-10-36-45 .. gh-issue: 108614 .. nonce: wl5l-W .. section: Core and Builtins Add RESUME_CHECK instruction, to avoid having to handle instrumentation, signals, and contexts switches in the tier 2 execution engine. .. .. date: 2023-08-26-04-31-01 .. gh-issue: 108487 .. nonce: 1Gbr9k .. section: Core and Builtins Move an assert that would cause a spurious crash in a devious case that should only trigger deoptimization. .. .. date: 2023-08-25-14-51-06 .. gh-issue: 106176 .. nonce: D1EA2a .. section: Core and Builtins Use a ``WeakValueDictionary`` to track the lists containing the modules each thread is currently importing. This helps avoid a reference leak from keeping the list around longer than necessary. Weakrefs are used as GC can't interrupt the cleanup. .. .. date: 2023-08-23-14-54-15 .. gh-issue: 105481 .. nonce: 40q-c4 .. section: Core and Builtins The regen-opcode build stage was removed and its work is now done in regen-cases. .. .. date: 2023-08-21-21-13-30 .. gh-issue: 107901 .. nonce: hszvdk .. section: Core and Builtins Fix missing line number on :opcode:`JUMP_BACKWARD` at the end of a for loop. .. .. date: 2023-08-18-18-21-27 .. gh-issue: 108113 .. nonce: 1h0poE .. section: Core and Builtins The :func:`compile` built-in can now accept a new flag, ``ast.PyCF_OPTIMIZED_AST``, which is similar to ``ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST`` except that the returned ``AST`` is optimized according to the value of the ``optimize`` argument. :func:`ast.parse` now accepts an optional argument ``optimize`` which is passed on to the :func:`compile` built-in. This makes it possible to obtain an optimized ``AST``. .. .. date: 2023-08-15-13-06-05 .. gh-issue: 107971 .. nonce: lPbx04 .. section: Core and Builtins Opcode IDs are generated from bytecodes.c instead of being hard coded in opcode.py. .. .. date: 2023-08-15-11-09-50 .. gh-issue: 107944 .. nonce: zQLp3j .. section: Core and Builtins Improve error message for function calls with bad keyword arguments. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-08-13-17-18-22 .. gh-issue: 108390 .. nonce: TkBccC .. section: Core and Builtins Raise an exception when setting a non-local event (``RAISE``, ``EXCEPTION_HANDLED``, etc.) in ``sys.monitoring.set_local_events``. Fixes crash when tracing in recursive calls to Python classes. .. .. date: 2023-08-11-16-18-19 .. gh-issue: 108035 .. nonce: e2msOD .. section: Core and Builtins Remove the ``_PyCFrame`` struct, moving the pointer to the current interpreter frame back to the threadstate, as it was for 3.10 and earlier. The ``_PyCFrame`` existed as a performance optimization for tracing. Since PEP 669 has been implemented, this optimization no longer applies. .. .. date: 2023-08-10-17-36-27 .. gh-issue: 91051 .. nonce: LfaeNW .. section: Core and Builtins Fix abort / segfault when using all eight type watcher slots, on platforms where ``char`` is signed by default. .. .. date: 2023-08-10-00-00-48 .. gh-issue: 106581 .. nonce: o7zDty .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible assertion failures and missing instrumentation events when :envvar:`PYTHONUOPS` or :option:`-X uops <-X>` is enabled. .. .. date: 2023-08-09-15-05-27 .. gh-issue: 107526 .. nonce: PB32z- .. section: Core and Builtins Revert converting ``vars``, ``dir``, ``next``, ``getattr``, and ``iter`` to argument clinic. .. .. date: 2023-08-09-08-31-20 .. gh-issue: 84805 .. nonce: 7JRWua .. section: Core and Builtins Autogenerate signature for :c:macro:`METH_NOARGS` and :c:macro:`METH_O` extension functions. .. .. date: 2023-08-08-02-46-46 .. gh-issue: 107758 .. nonce: R5kyBI .. section: Core and Builtins Make the ``dump_stack()`` routine used by the ``lltrace`` feature (low-level interpreter debugging) robust against recursion by ensuring that it never calls a ``__repr__`` method implemented in Python. Also make the similar output for Tier-2 uops appear on ``stdout`` (instead of ``stderr``), to match the ``lltrace`` code in ceval.c. .. .. date: 2023-08-05-15-45-07 .. gh-issue: 107659 .. nonce: QgtQ5M .. section: Core and Builtins Add docstrings for :func:`ctypes.pointer` and :func:`ctypes.POINTER`. .. .. date: 2023-08-05-09-06-56 .. gh-issue: 105848 .. nonce: Drc-1- .. section: Core and Builtins Modify the bytecode so that the actual callable for a :opcode:`CALL` is at a consistent position on the stack (regardless of whether or not bound-method-calling optimizations are active). .. .. date: 2023-08-05-04-47-18 .. gh-issue: 107674 .. nonce: 0sYhR2 .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed performance regression in ``sys.settrace``. .. .. date: 2023-08-04-21-25-26 .. gh-issue: 107724 .. nonce: EbBXMr .. section: Core and Builtins In pre-release versions of 3.12, up to rc1, the sys.monitoring callback function for the ``PY_THROW`` event was missing the third, exception argument. That is now fixed. .. .. date: 2023-08-03-13-38-14 .. gh-issue: 84436 .. nonce: gl1wHx .. section: Core and Builtins Skip reference count modifications for many known immortal objects. .. .. date: 2023-08-03-11-13-09 .. gh-issue: 107596 .. nonce: T3yPGI .. section: Core and Builtins Specialize subscripting :class:`str` objects by :class:`int` indexes. .. .. date: 2023-08-02-12-24-51 .. gh-issue: 107080 .. nonce: PNolFU .. section: Core and Builtins Trace refs builds (``--with-trace-refs``) were crashing when used with isolated subinterpreters. The problematic global state has been isolated to each interpreter. Other fixing the crashes, this change does not affect users. .. .. date: 2023-08-02-09-55-21 .. gh-issue: 107557 .. nonce: P1z-in .. section: Core and Builtins Generate the cases needed for the barebones tier 2 abstract interpreter for optimization passes in CPython. .. .. date: 2023-08-01-09-41-36 .. gh-issue: 106608 .. nonce: OFZogw .. section: Core and Builtins Make ``_PyUOpExecutorObject`` variable length. .. .. date: 2023-07-30-18-05-11 .. gh-issue: 100964 .. nonce: HluhBJ .. section: Core and Builtins Clear generators' exception state after ``return`` to break reference cycles. .. .. date: 2023-07-30-14-18-49 .. gh-issue: 107455 .. nonce: Es53l7 .. section: Core and Builtins Improve error messages when converting an incompatible type to :class:`ctypes.c_char_p`, :class:`ctypes.c_wchar_p` and :class:`ctypes.c_void_p`. .. .. date: 2023-07-30-05-20-16 .. gh-issue: 107263 .. nonce: q0IU2M .. section: Core and Builtins Increase C recursion limit for functions other than the main interpreter from 800 to 1500. This should allow functions like ``list.__repr__`` and ``json.dumps`` to handle all the inputs that they could prior to 3.12 .. .. date: 2023-07-29-22-01-30 .. gh-issue: 104584 .. nonce: tINuoA .. section: Core and Builtins Fix an issue which caused incorrect inline caches to be read when running with :envvar:`PYTHONUOPS` or :option:`-X uops <-X>` enabled. .. .. date: 2023-07-27-11-47-29 .. gh-issue: 104432 .. nonce: oGHF-z .. section: Core and Builtins Fix potential unaligned memory access on C APIs involving returned sequences of ``char *`` pointers within the :mod:`grp` and :mod:`socket` modules. These were revealed using a ``-fsaniziter=alignment`` build on ARM macOS. Patch by Christopher Chavez. .. .. date: 2023-07-27-11-18-04 .. gh-issue: 106078 .. nonce: WEy2Yn .. section: Core and Builtins Isolate :mod:`!_decimal` (apply :pep:`687`). Patch by Charlie Zhao. .. .. date: 2023-07-26-21-28-06 .. gh-issue: 106898 .. nonce: 8Wjuiv .. section: Core and Builtins Add the exception as the third argument to ``PY_UNIND`` callbacks in ``sys.monitoring``. This makes the ``PY_UNWIND`` callback consistent with the other exception handling callbacks. .. .. date: 2023-07-26-18-53-34 .. gh-issue: 106895 .. nonce: DdEwV8 .. section: Core and Builtins Raise a ``ValueError`` when a monitoring callback function returns ``DISABLE`` for events that cannot be disabled locally. .. .. date: 2023-07-26-12-18-10 .. gh-issue: 106897 .. nonce: EsGurc .. section: Core and Builtins Add a ``RERAISE`` event to ``sys.monitoring``, which occurs when an exception is reraise, either explicitly by a plain ``raise`` statement, or implicitly in an ``except`` or ``finally`` block. .. .. date: 2023-07-25-22-35-35 .. gh-issue: 77377 .. nonce: EHAbXx .. section: Core and Builtins Ensure that multiprocessing synchronization objects created in a fork context are not sent to a different process created in a spawn context. This changes a segfault into an actionable RuntimeError in the parent process. .. .. date: 2023-07-25-15-29-26 .. gh-issue: 106931 .. nonce: kKU1le .. section: Core and Builtins Statically allocated string objects are now interned globally instead of per-interpreter. This fixes a situation where such a string would only be interned in a single interpreter. Normal string objects are unaffected. .. .. date: 2023-07-24-11-11-41 .. gh-issue: 104621 .. nonce: vM8Y_l .. section: Core and Builtins Unsupported modules now always fail to be imported. .. .. date: 2023-07-23-21-16-54 .. gh-issue: 107122 .. nonce: VNuNcq .. section: Core and Builtins Add :meth:`dbm.ndbm.ndbm.clear` to :mod:`dbm.ndbm`. Patch By Donghee Na. .. .. date: 2023-07-23-13-07-34 .. gh-issue: 107122 .. nonce: 9HFUyb .. section: Core and Builtins Add :meth:`dbm.gnu.gdbm.clear` to :mod:`dbm.gnu`. Patch By Donghee Na. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-14-35-38 .. gh-issue: 107015 .. nonce: Ghp58t .. section: Core and Builtins The ASYNC and AWAIT tokens are removed from the Grammar, which removes the possibility of making ``async`` and ``await`` soft keywords when using ``feature_version<7`` in :func:`ast.parse`. .. .. date: 2023-07-21-14-37-48 .. gh-issue: 106917 .. nonce: 1jWp_m .. section: Core and Builtins Fix classmethod-style :func:`super` method calls (i.e., where the second argument to :func:`super`, or the implied second argument drawn from ``self/cls`` in the case of zero-arg super, is a type) when the target of the call is not a classmethod. .. .. date: 2023-07-20-15-15-57 .. gh-issue: 105699 .. nonce: DdqHFg .. section: Core and Builtins Python no longer crashes due an infrequent race when initializing per-interpreter interned strings. The crash would manifest when the interpreter was finalized. .. .. date: 2023-07-20-12-21-37 .. gh-issue: 105699 .. nonce: 08ywGV .. section: Core and Builtins Python no longer crashes due to an infrequent race in setting ``Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding`` and ``Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors`` (both deprecated), when simultaneously initializing two isolated subinterpreters. Now they are only set during runtime initialization. .. .. date: 2023-07-20-01-15-58 .. gh-issue: 106908 .. nonce: cDmcVI .. section: Core and Builtins Fix various hangs, reference leaks, test failures, and tracing/introspection bugs when running with :envvar:`PYTHONUOPS` or :option:`-X uops <-X>` enabled. .. .. date: 2023-07-18-16-13-51 .. gh-issue: 106092 .. nonce: bObgRM .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a segmentation fault caused by a use-after-free bug in ``frame_dealloc`` when the trashcan delays the deallocation of a ``PyFrameObject``. .. .. date: 2023-07-16-07-55-19 .. gh-issue: 106485 .. nonce: wPb1bH .. section: Core and Builtins Reduce the number of materialized instances dictionaries by dematerializing them when possible. .. .. date: 2023-07-13-15-59-07 .. gh-issue: 106719 .. nonce: jmVrsv .. section: Core and Builtins No longer suppress arbitrary errors in the ``__annotations__`` getter and setter in the type and module types. .. .. date: 2023-07-13-14-55-45 .. gh-issue: 106723 .. nonce: KsMufQ .. section: Core and Builtins Propagate ``frozen_modules`` to multiprocessing spawned process interpreters. .. .. date: 2023-07-12-11-18-55 .. gh-issue: 104909 .. nonce: DRUsuh .. section: Core and Builtins Split :opcode:`LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE_VALUE` into micro-ops. .. .. date: 2023-07-12-10-48-08 .. gh-issue: 104909 .. nonce: sWjcr2 .. section: Core and Builtins Split :opcode:`LOAD_GLOBAL` specializations into micro-ops. .. .. date: 2023-07-10-15-30-45 .. gh-issue: 106597 .. nonce: WAZ14y .. section: Core and Builtins A new debug structure of offsets has been added to the ``_PyRuntimeState`` that will help out-of-process debuggers and profilers to obtain the offsets to relevant interpreter structures in a way that is agnostic of how Python was compiled and that doesn't require copying the headers. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-07-06-22-46-05 .. gh-issue: 106487 .. nonce: u3KfAD .. section: Core and Builtins Allow the *count* argument of :meth:`str.replace` to be a keyword. Patch by Hugo van Kemenade. .. .. date: 2023-07-06-00-35-44 .. gh-issue: 96844 .. nonce: kwvoS- .. section: Core and Builtins Improve error message of :meth:`list.remove`. Patch by Donghee Na. .. .. date: 2023-07-04-20-42-54 .. gh-issue: 81283 .. nonce: hfh_MD .. section: Core and Builtins Compiler now strips indents from docstrings. It reduces ``pyc`` file size 5% when the module is heavily documented. This change affects to ``__doc__`` so tools like doctest will be affected. .. .. date: 2023-07-04-09-51-45 .. gh-issue: 106396 .. nonce: DmYp7x .. section: Core and Builtins When the format specification of an f-string expression is empty, the parser now generates an empty :class:`ast.JoinedStr` node for it instead of an one-element :class:`ast.JoinedStr` with an empty string :class:`ast.Constant`. .. .. date: 2023-07-04-04-50-14 .. gh-issue: 100288 .. nonce: yNQ1ez .. section: Core and Builtins Specialize :opcode:`LOAD_ATTR` for non-descriptors on the class. Adds :opcode:`LOAD_ATTR_NONDESCRIPTOR_WITH_VALUES` and :opcode:`LOAD_ATTR_NONDESCRIPTOR_NO_DICT`. .. .. date: 2023-07-03-11-38-43 .. gh-issue: 106008 .. nonce: HDf1zd .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible reference leaks when failing to optimize comparisons with :const:`None` in the bytecode compiler. .. .. date: 2023-06-29-09-46-41 .. gh-issue: 106145 .. nonce: QC6-Kq .. section: Core and Builtins Make ``end_lineno`` and ``end_col_offset`` required on ``type_param`` ast nodes. .. .. date: 2023-06-29-09-42-56 .. gh-issue: 106213 .. nonce: TCUgzM .. section: Core and Builtins Changed the way that Emscripten call trampolines work for compatibility with Wasm/JS Promise integration. .. .. date: 2023-06-28-15-19-59 .. gh-issue: 106182 .. nonce: cDSFi0 .. section: Core and Builtins :func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding` and :mod:`sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors` now return interned Unicode object. .. .. date: 2023-06-28-13-19-20 .. gh-issue: 106210 .. nonce: oE7VMn .. section: Core and Builtins Removed Emscripten import trampoline as it was no longer necessary for Pyodide. .. .. date: 2023-06-27-00-58-26 .. gh-issue: 104584 .. nonce: Wu-uXy .. section: Core and Builtins Added a new, experimental, tracing optimizer and interpreter (a.k.a. "tier 2"). This currently pessimizes, so don't use yet -- this is infrastructure so we can experiment with optimizing passes. To enable it, pass ``-Xuops`` or set ``PYTHONUOPS=1``. To get debug output, set ``PYTHONUOPSDEBUG=N`` where ``N`` is a debug level (0-4, where 0 is no debug output and 4 is excessively verbose). .. .. date: 2023-06-24-10-34-27 .. gh-issue: 105775 .. nonce: OqjoGV .. section: Core and Builtins :opcode:`LOAD_CLOSURE` is now a pseudo-op. .. .. date: 2023-06-23-16-51-02 .. gh-issue: 105730 .. nonce: 16haMe .. section: Core and Builtins Allow any callable other than type objects as the condition predicate in :meth:`BaseExceptionGroup.split` and :meth:`BaseExceptionGroup.subgroup`. .. .. date: 2023-06-22-19-16-24 .. gh-issue: 105979 .. nonce: TDP2CU .. section: Core and Builtins Fix crash in :func:`!_imp.get_frozen_object` due to improper exception handling. .. .. date: 2023-06-22-17-37-35 .. gh-issue: 106003 .. nonce: 2Vc_Tw .. section: Core and Builtins Add a new :opcode:`TO_BOOL` instruction, which performs boolean conversions for :opcode:`POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE`, :opcode:`POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE`, and :opcode:`UNARY_NOT` (which all expect exact :class:`bool` values now). Also, modify the oparg of :opcode:`COMPARE_OP` to include an optional "boolean conversion" flag. .. .. date: 2023-06-22-14-19-17 .. gh-issue: 98931 .. nonce: PPgvSF .. section: Core and Builtins Ensure custom :exc:`SyntaxError` error messages are raised for invalid imports with multiple targets. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-20-10-53-17 .. gh-issue: 105724 .. nonce: d23L4M .. section: Core and Builtins Improve ``assert`` error messages by providing exact error range. .. .. date: 2023-06-19-11-04-01 .. gh-issue: 105908 .. nonce: 7oanny .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed bug where :gh:`99111` breaks future import ``barry_as_FLUFL`` in the Python REPL. .. .. date: 2023-06-15-22-11-43 .. gh-issue: 105840 .. nonce: Fum_g_ .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible crashes when specializing function calls with too many ``__defaults__``. .. .. date: 2023-06-15-15-54-47 .. gh-issue: 105831 .. nonce: -MC9Zs .. section: Core and Builtins Fix an f-string bug, where using a debug expression (the ``=`` sign) that appears in the last line of a file results to the debug buffer that holds the expression text being one character too small. .. .. date: 2023-06-14-22-52-06 .. gh-issue: 105800 .. nonce: hdpPzZ .. section: Core and Builtins Correctly issue :exc:`SyntaxWarning` in f-strings if invalid sequences are used. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-12-16-38-31 .. gh-issue: 105340 .. nonce: _jRHXe .. section: Core and Builtins Include the comprehension iteration variable in ``locals()`` inside a module- or class-scope comprehension. .. .. date: 2023-06-11-09-14-30 .. gh-issue: 105331 .. nonce: nlZvoW .. section: Core and Builtins Raise :exc:`ValueError` if the ``delay`` argument to :func:`asyncio.sleep` is a NaN (matching :func:`time.sleep`). .. .. date: 2023-06-10-21-38-49 .. gh-issue: 105587 .. nonce: rL3rzv .. section: Core and Builtins The runtime can't guarantee that immortal objects will not be mutated by Extensions. Thus, this modifies _PyStaticObject_CheckRefcnt to warn instead of asserting. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-15-25-12 .. gh-issue: 105564 .. nonce: sFdUu4 .. section: Core and Builtins Don't include artificil newlines in the ``line`` attribute of tokens in the APIs of the :mod:`tokenize` module. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-09-12-59-18 .. gh-issue: 105549 .. nonce: PYfTNp .. section: Core and Builtins Tokenize separately ``NUMBER`` and ``NAME`` tokens that are not ambiguous. Patch by Pablo Galindo. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-11-19-51 .. gh-issue: 105588 .. nonce: Y5ovpY .. section: Core and Builtins Fix an issue that could result in crashes when compiling malformed :mod:`ast` nodes. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-10-48-17 .. gh-issue: 100987 .. nonce: mK-xny .. section: Core and Builtins Allow objects other than code objects as the "executable" in internal frames. In the long term, this can help tools like Cython and PySpy interact more efficiently. In the shorter term, it allows us to perform some optimizations more simply. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-10-10-07 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: 35VGDd .. section: Core and Builtins Fix bugs in the :mod:`builtins` module where exceptions could end up being overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-09-54-37 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: kqKT3E .. section: Core and Builtins Fix bug in the compiler where an exception could end up being overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-09-25-52 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: ocB7fT .. section: Core and Builtins Improve error handling in :c:func:`PyUnicode_BuildEncodingMap` where an exception could end up being overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-09-10-15 .. gh-issue: 105486 .. nonce: dev-WS .. section: Core and Builtins Change the repr of ``ParamSpec`` list of args in ``types.GenericAlias``. .. .. date: 2023-06-07-21-27-55 .. gh-issue: 105678 .. nonce: wKOr7F .. section: Core and Builtins Break the ``MAKE_FUNCTION`` instruction into two parts, ``MAKE_FUNCTION`` which makes the function and ``SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE`` which sets the attributes on the function. This makes the stack effect of ``MAKE_FUNCTION`` regular to ease optimization and code generation. .. .. date: 2023-06-07-12-20-59 .. gh-issue: 105435 .. nonce: 6VllI0 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix spurious newline character if file ends on a comment without a newline. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-06-17-10-42 .. gh-issue: 105390 .. nonce: DvqI-e .. section: Core and Builtins Correctly raise :exc:`tokenize.TokenError` exceptions instead of :exc:`SyntaxError` for tokenize errors such as incomplete input. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-06-11-37-53 .. gh-issue: 105259 .. nonce: E2BGKL .. section: Core and Builtins Don't include newline character for trailing ``NEWLINE`` tokens emitted in the :mod:`tokenize` module. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-05-23-38-43 .. gh-issue: 104635 .. nonce: VYZhVh .. section: Core and Builtins Eliminate redundant :opcode:`STORE_FAST` instructions in the compiler. Patch by Donghee Na and Carl Meyer. .. .. date: 2023-06-05-17-35-50 .. gh-issue: 105324 .. nonce: BqhiJJ .. section: Core and Builtins Fix the main function of the :mod:`tokenize` module when reading from ``sys.stdin``. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-05-08-30-49 .. gh-issue: 33092 .. nonce: hZ0xSI .. section: Core and Builtins Simplify and speed up interpreter for f-strings. Removes ``FORMAT_VALUE`` opcode. Add ``CONVERT_VALUE``, ``FORMAT_SIMPLE`` and ``FORMAT_WITH_SPEC`` opcode. Compiler emits more efficient sequence for each format expression. .. .. date: 2023-06-03-04-28-28 .. gh-issue: 105229 .. nonce: stEmfp .. section: Core and Builtins Remove remaining two-codeunit superinstructions. All remaining superinstructions only take a single codeunit, simplifying instrumentation and quickening. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-19-37-29 .. gh-issue: 105235 .. nonce: fgFGTi .. section: Core and Builtins Prevent out-of-bounds memory access during ``mmap.find()`` calls. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-17-39-19 .. gh-issue: 98963 .. nonce: J4wJgk .. section: Core and Builtins Restore the ability for a subclass of :class:`property` to define ``__slots__`` or otherwise be dict-less by ignoring failures to set a docstring on such a class. This behavior had regressed in 3.12beta1. An :exc:`AttributeError` where there had not previously been one was disruptive to existing code. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-15-15-41 .. gh-issue: 104812 .. nonce: dfZiG5 .. section: Core and Builtins The "pending call" machinery now works for all interpreters, not just the main interpreter, and runs in all threads, not just the main thread. Some calls are still only done in the main thread, ergo in the main interpreter. This change does not affect signal handling nor the existing public C-API (``Py_AddPendingCall()``), which both still only target the main thread. The new functionality is meant strictly for internal use for now, since consequences of its use are not well understood yet outside some very restricted cases. This change brings the capability in line with the intention when the state was made per-interpreter several years ago. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-11-37-12 .. gh-issue: 105194 .. nonce: 4eu56B .. section: Core and Builtins Do not escape with backslashes f-string format specifiers. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-06-02-01-27-35 .. gh-issue: 105229 .. nonce: U05x4G .. section: Core and Builtins Replace some dynamic superinstructions with single instruction equivalents. .. .. date: 2023-06-01-11-37-03 .. gh-issue: 105162 .. nonce: r8VCXk .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed bug in generator.close()/throw() where an inner iterator would be ignored when the outer iterator was instrumented. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-19-35-22 .. gh-issue: 105164 .. nonce: 6Wajph .. section: Core and Builtins Ensure annotations are set up correctly if the only annotation in a block is within a :keyword:`match` block. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-16-22-29 .. gh-issue: 105148 .. nonce: MOlb1d .. section: Core and Builtins Make ``_PyASTOptimizeState`` internal to ast_opt.c. Make ``_PyAST_Optimize`` take two integers instead of a pointer to this struct. This avoids the need to include pycore_compile.h in ast_opt.c. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-08-10-59 .. gh-issue: 104799 .. nonce: 8kDWti .. section: Core and Builtins Attributes of :mod:`ast` nodes that are lists now default to the empty list if omitted. This means that some code that previously raised :exc:`TypeError` when the AST node was used will now proceed with the empty list instead. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-30-20-30-57 .. gh-issue: 105111 .. nonce: atn0_6 .. section: Core and Builtins Remove the old trashcan macros ``Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN`` and ``Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_END``. They should be replaced by the new macros ``Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN`` and ``Py_TRASHCAN_END``. .. .. date: 2023-05-30-08-09-43 .. gh-issue: 105035 .. nonce: OWUlHy .. section: Core and Builtins Fix :func:`super` calls on types with custom :c:member:`~PyTypeObject.tp_getattro` implementation (e.g. meta-types.) .. .. date: 2023-05-27-21-50-48 .. gh-issue: 105017 .. nonce: 4sDyDV .. section: Core and Builtins Show CRLF lines in the tokenize string attribute in both NL and NEWLINE tokens. Patch by Marta Gómez. .. .. date: 2023-05-27-16-57-11 .. gh-issue: 105013 .. nonce: IsDgDY .. section: Core and Builtins Fix handling of multiline parenthesized lambdas in :func:`inspect.getsource`. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-05-27-16-23-16 .. gh-issue: 105017 .. nonce: KQrsC0 .. section: Core and Builtins Do not include an additional final ``NL`` token when parsing files having CRLF lines. Patch by Marta Gómez. .. .. date: 2023-05-26-15-16-11 .. gh-issue: 104976 .. nonce: 6dLitD .. section: Core and Builtins Ensure that trailing ``DEDENT`` :class:`tokenize.TokenInfo` objects emitted by the :mod:`tokenize` module are reported as in Python 3.11. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-05-26-14-09-47 .. gh-issue: 104972 .. nonce: El2UjE .. section: Core and Builtins Ensure that the ``line`` attribute in :class:`tokenize.TokenInfo` objects in the :mod:`tokenize` module are always correct. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-05-25-21-40-39 .. gh-issue: 104955 .. nonce: LZx7jf .. section: Core and Builtins Fix signature for the new :meth:`~object.__release_buffer__` slot. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-12-10-54 .. gh-issue: 104690 .. nonce: HX3Jou .. section: Core and Builtins Starting new threads and process creation through :func:`os.fork` during interpreter shutdown (such as from :mod:`atexit` handlers) is no longer supported. It can lead to race condition between the main Python runtime thread freeing thread states while internal :mod:`threading` routines are trying to allocate and use the state of just created threads. Or forked children trying to use the mid-shutdown runtime and thread state in the child process. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-10-19-35 .. gh-issue: 104879 .. nonce: v-29NL .. section: Core and Builtins Fix crash when accessing the ``__module__`` attribute of type aliases defined outside a module. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-09-59-56 .. gh-issue: 104825 .. nonce: mQesie .. section: Core and Builtins Tokens emitted by the :mod:`tokenize` module do not include an implicit ``\n`` character in the ``line`` attribute anymore. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-05-23-00-36-02 .. gh-issue: 104770 .. nonce: poSkyY .. section: Core and Builtins If a generator returns a value upon being closed, the value is now returned by :meth:`generator.close`. .. .. date: 2023-05-18-12-48-39 .. gh-issue: 89091 .. nonce: FDzRcW .. section: Core and Builtins Raise :exc:`RuntimeWarning` for unawaited async generator methods like :meth:`~agen.asend`, :meth:`~agen.athrow` and :meth:`~agen.aclose`. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2023-04-04-00-40-04 .. gh-issue: 96663 .. nonce: PdR9hK .. section: Core and Builtins Add a better, more introspect-able error message when setting attributes on classes without a ``__dict__`` and no slot member for the attribute. .. .. date: 2023-03-26-19-11-10 .. gh-issue: 93627 .. nonce: 0UgwBL .. section: Core and Builtins Update the Python pickle module implementation to match the C implementation of the pickle module. For objects setting reduction methods like :meth:`~object.__reduce_ex__` or :meth:`~object.__reduce__` to ``None``, pickling will result in a :exc:`TypeError`. .. .. date: 2023-01-13-11-37-41 .. gh-issue: 101006 .. nonce: fuLvn2 .. section: Core and Builtins Improve error handling when read :mod:`marshal` data. .. .. date: 2022-11-10-13-04-35 .. gh-issue: 91095 .. nonce: 4E3Pwn .. section: Core and Builtins Specializes calls to most Python classes. Specifically, any class that inherits from ``object``, or another Python class, and does not override ``__new__``. The specialized instruction does the following: 1. Creates the object (by calling ``object.__new__``) 2. Pushes a shim frame to the frame stack (to cleanup after ``__init__``) 3. Pushes the frame for ``__init__`` to the frame stack Speeds up the instantiation of most Python classes. .. .. date: 2023-10-13-01-31-27 .. gh-issue: 110786 .. nonce: sThp-A .. section: Library :mod:`sysconfig`'s CLI now ignores :exc:`BrokenPipeError`, making it exit normally if its output is being piped and the pipe closes. .. .. date: 2023-10-13-00-14-17 .. gh-issue: 103480 .. nonce: lmdf1J .. section: Library The :mod:`sysconfig` module is now a package, instead of a single-file module. .. .. date: 2023-10-11-18-43-43 .. gh-issue: 110733 .. nonce: UlrgVm .. section: Library Micro-optimization: Avoid calling ``min()``, ``max()`` in :meth:`BaseEventLoop._run_once`. .. .. date: 2023-10-11-15-07-21 .. gh-issue: 94597 .. nonce: NbPC8t .. section: Library Added :class:`asyncio.EventLoop` for use with the :func:`asyncio.run` *loop_factory* kwarg to avoid calling the asyncio policy system. .. .. date: 2023-10-11-11-00-11 .. gh-issue: 110682 .. nonce: bXRFaX .. section: Library :func:`runtime-checkable protocols <typing.runtime_checkable>` used to consider ``__match_args__`` a protocol member in ``__instancecheck__`` if it was present on the protocol. Now, this attribute is ignored if it is present. .. .. date: 2023-10-10-22-54-56 .. gh-issue: 110488 .. nonce: 2I7OiZ .. section: Library Fix a couple of issues in :meth:`pathlib.PurePath.with_name`: a single dot was incorrectly considered a valid name, and in :class:`PureWindowsPath`, a name with an NTFS alternate data stream, like ``a:b``, was incorrectly considered invalid. .. .. date: 2023-10-10-10-46-55 .. gh-issue: 110590 .. nonce: fatz-h .. section: Library Fix a bug in :meth:`!_sre.compile` where :exc:`TypeError` would be overwritten by :exc:`OverflowError` when the *code* argument was a list of non-ints. .. .. date: 2023-10-09-19-09-32 .. gh-issue: 65052 .. nonce: C2mRlo .. section: Library Prevent :mod:`pdb` from crashing when trying to display undisplayable objects .. .. date: 2023-10-08-18-15-02 .. gh-issue: 110519 .. nonce: RDGe8- .. section: Library Deprecation warning about non-integer number in :mod:`gettext` now always refers to the line in the user code where gettext function or method is used. Previously it could refer to a line in ``gettext`` code. .. .. date: 2023-10-07-21-12-28 .. gh-issue: 89902 .. nonce: dCokZj .. section: Library Deprecate non-standard format specifier "N" for :class:`decimal.Decimal`. It was not documented and only supported in the C implementation. .. .. date: 2023-10-07-13-50-12 .. gh-issue: 110378 .. nonce: Y4L8fl .. section: Library :func:`~contextlib.contextmanager` and :func:`~contextlib.asynccontextmanager` context managers now close an invalid underlying generator object that yields more then one value. .. .. date: 2023-10-07-00-18-40 .. gh-issue: 106670 .. nonce: kCGyRc .. section: Library In :mod:`pdb`, set convenience variable ``$_exception`` for post mortem debugging. .. .. date: 2023-10-04-18-56-29 .. gh-issue: 110365 .. nonce: LCxiau .. section: Library Fix :func:`termios.tcsetattr` bug that was overwriting existing errors during parsing integers from ``term`` list. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-15-17-03 .. gh-issue: 109653 .. nonce: 9DYOMD .. section: Library Slightly improve the import time of several standard-library modules by deferring imports of :mod:`warnings` within those modules. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-14-07-05 .. gh-issue: 110273 .. nonce: QaDUmS .. section: Library :func:`dataclasses.replace` now raises TypeError instead of ValueError if specify keyword argument for a field declared with init=False or miss keyword argument for required InitVar field. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-00-04-26 .. gh-issue: 110249 .. nonce: K0mMrs .. section: Library Add ``--inline-caches`` flag to ``dis`` command line. .. .. date: 2023-10-02-15-40-10 .. gh-issue: 109653 .. nonce: iB0peK .. section: Library Fix a Python 3.12 regression in the import time of :mod:`random`. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-10-02-15-07-28 .. gh-issue: 110222 .. nonce: zl_oHh .. section: Library Add support of struct sequence objects in :func:`copy.replace`. Patched by Xuehai Pan. .. .. date: 2023-10-01-01-47-21 .. gh-issue: 109649 .. nonce: BizOaD .. section: Library :mod:`multiprocessing`, :mod:`concurrent.futures`, :mod:`compileall`: Replace :func:`os.cpu_count` with :func:`os.process_cpu_count` to select the default number of worker threads and processes. Get the CPU affinity if supported. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-30-12-50-47 .. gh-issue: 110150 .. nonce: 9j0Ij5 .. section: Library Fix base case handling in statistics.quantiles. Now allows a single data point. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-18-53-11 .. gh-issue: 110036 .. nonce: fECxTj .. section: Library On Windows, multiprocessing ``Popen.terminate()`` now catches :exc:`PermissionError` and get the process exit code. If the process is still running, raise again the :exc:`PermissionError`. Otherwise, the process terminated as expected: store its exit code. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-18-50-33 .. gh-issue: 110038 .. nonce: nx_gCu .. section: Library Fixed an issue that caused :meth:`KqueueSelector.select` to not return all the ready events in some cases when a file descriptor is registered for both read and write. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-18-08-02 .. gh-issue: 110045 .. nonce: 0YIGKv .. section: Library Update the :mod:`symtable` module to support the new scopes introduced by :pep:`695`. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-12-32-57 .. gh-issue: 88402 .. nonce: hoa3Gx .. section: Library Add new variables to :py:meth:`sysconfig.get_config_vars` on Windows: ``LIBRARY``, ``LDLIBRARY``, ``LIBDIR``, ``SOABI``, and ``Py_NOGIL``. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-23-00-37 .. gh-issue: 109631 .. nonce: eWSqpO .. section: Library :mod:`re` functions such as :func:`re.findall`, :func:`re.split`, :func:`re.search` and :func:`re.sub` which perform short repeated matches can now be interrupted by user. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-10-47-22 .. gh-issue: 109653 .. nonce: TUHrId .. section: Library Reduce the import time of :mod:`email.utils` by around 43%. This results in the import time of :mod:`email.message` falling by around 18%, which in turn reduces the import time of :mod:`importlib.metadata` by around 6%. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-09-59-59 .. gh-issue: 109818 .. nonce: dLRtT- .. section: Library Fix :func:`reprlib.recursive_repr` not copying ``__type_params__`` from decorated function. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-02-11-14 .. gh-issue: 109047 .. nonce: b1TrqG .. section: Library :mod:`concurrent.futures`: The *executor manager thread* now catches exceptions when adding an item to the *call queue*. During Python finalization, creating a new thread can now raise :exc:`RuntimeError`. Catch the exception and call ``terminate_broken()`` in this case. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-24-16-43-33 .. gh-issue: 109782 .. nonce: gMC_7z .. section: Library Ensure the signature of :func:`os.path.isdir` is identical on all platforms. Patch by Amin Alaee. .. .. date: 2023-09-24-13-28-35 .. gh-issue: 109653 .. nonce: 9IFU0B .. section: Library Improve import time of :mod:`functools` by around 13%. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-09-24-06-04-14 .. gh-issue: 109590 .. nonce: 9EMofC .. section: Library :func:`shutil.which` will prefer files with an extension in ``PATHEXT`` if the given mode includes ``os.X_OK`` on win32. If no ``PATHEXT`` match is found, a file without an extension in ``PATHEXT`` can be returned. This change will have :func:`shutil.which` act more similarly to previous behavior in Python 3.11. .. .. date: 2023-09-23-12-47-45 .. gh-issue: 109653 .. nonce: 9wZBfs .. section: Library Reduce the import time of :mod:`enum` by over 50%. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-09-22-20-16-44 .. gh-issue: 109593 .. nonce: LboaNM .. section: Library Avoid deadlocking on a reentrant call to the multiprocessing resource tracker. Such a reentrant call, though unlikely, can happen if a GC pass invokes the finalizer for a multiprocessing object such as SemLock. .. .. date: 2023-09-21-19-42-22 .. gh-issue: 109653 .. nonce: bL3iLH .. section: Library Reduce the import time of :mod:`typing` by around a third. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-09-21-16-21-19 .. gh-issue: 109649 .. nonce: YYCjAF .. section: Library Add :func:`os.process_cpu_count` function to get the number of logical CPUs usable by the calling thread of the current process. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-21-14-26-44 .. gh-issue: 74481 .. nonce: KAUDcD .. section: Library Add ``set_error_mode`` related constants in ``msvcrt`` module in Python debug build. .. .. date: 2023-09-20-17-45-46 .. gh-issue: 109613 .. nonce: P13ogN .. section: Library Fix :func:`os.stat` and :meth:`os.DirEntry.stat`: check for exceptions. Previously, on Python built in debug mode, these functions could trigger a fatal Python error (and abort the process) when a function succeeded with an exception set. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-20-07-38-14 .. gh-issue: 109599 .. nonce: IaSLJz .. section: Library Expose the type of PyCapsule objects as ``types.CapsuleType``. .. .. date: 2023-09-19-17-56-24 .. gh-issue: 109109 .. nonce: WJvvX2 .. section: Library You can now get the raw TLS certificate chains from TLS connections via :meth:`ssl.SSLSocket.get_verified_chain` and :meth:`ssl.SSLSocket.get_unverified_chain` methods. Contributed by Mateusz Nowak. .. .. date: 2023-09-19-01-22-43 .. gh-issue: 109559 .. nonce: ijaycU .. section: Library Update :mod:`unicodedata` database to Unicode 15.1.0. .. .. date: 2023-09-18-07-43-22 .. gh-issue: 109543 .. nonce: 1tOGoV .. section: Library Remove unnecessary :func:`hasattr` check during :data:`typing.TypedDict` creation. .. .. date: 2023-09-16-15-44-16 .. gh-issue: 109495 .. nonce: m2H5Bk .. section: Library Remove unnecessary extra ``__slots__`` in :class:`~datetime.datetime`\'s pure python implementation to reduce memory size, as they are defined in the superclass. Patch by James Hilton-Balfe .. .. date: 2023-09-15-17-12-53 .. gh-issue: 109461 .. nonce: VNFPTK .. section: Library :mod:`logging`: Use a context manager for lock acquisition. .. .. date: 2023-09-15-12-20-23 .. gh-issue: 109096 .. nonce: VksX1D .. section: Library :class:`http.server.CGIHTTPRequestHandler` has been deprecated for removal in 3.15. Its design is old and the web world has long since moved beyond CGI. .. .. date: 2023-09-15-10-42-30 .. gh-issue: 109409 .. nonce: RlffA3 .. section: Library Fix error when it was possible to inherit a frozen dataclass from multiple parents some of which were possibly not frozen. .. .. date: 2023-09-13-17-22-44 .. gh-issue: 109375 .. nonce: ijJHZ9 .. section: Library The :mod:`pdb` ``alias`` command now prevents registering aliases without arguments. .. .. date: 2023-09-12-13-01-55 .. gh-issue: 109319 .. nonce: YaCMtW .. section: Library Deprecate the ``dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT`` field in favour of ``dis.hasarg``. .. .. date: 2023-09-11-00-32-18 .. gh-issue: 107219 .. nonce: 3zqyFT .. section: Library Fix a race condition in ``concurrent.futures``. When a process in the process pool was terminated abruptly (while the future was running or pending), close the connection write end. If the call queue is blocked on sending bytes to a worker process, closing the connection write end interrupts the send, so the queue can be closed. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-10-20-23-20 .. gh-issue: 66143 .. nonce: 71xvgL .. section: Library The :class:`codecs.CodecInfo` object has been made copyable and pickleable. Patched by Robert Lehmann and Furkan Onder. .. .. date: 2023-09-09-17-09-54 .. gh-issue: 109187 .. nonce: dIayNW .. section: Library :meth:`pathlib.Path.resolve` now treats symlink loops like other errors: in strict mode, :exc:`OSError` is raised, and in non-strict mode, no exception is raised. .. .. date: 2023-09-09-15-08-37 .. gh-issue: 50644 .. nonce: JUAZOh .. section: Library Attempts to pickle or create a shallow or deep copy of :mod:`codecs` streams now raise a TypeError. Previously, copying failed with a RecursionError, while pickling produced wrong results that eventually caused unpickling to fail with a RecursionError. .. .. date: 2023-09-09-09-05-41 .. gh-issue: 109174 .. nonce: OJea5s .. section: Library Add support of :class:`types.SimpleNamespace` in :func:`copy.replace`. .. .. date: 2023-09-08-22-26-26 .. gh-issue: 109164 .. nonce: -9BFWR .. section: Library :mod:`pdb`: Replace :mod:`getopt` with :mod:`argparse` for parsing command line arguments. .. .. date: 2023-09-08-19-44-01 .. gh-issue: 109151 .. nonce: GkzkQu .. section: Library Enable ``readline`` editing features in the :ref:`sqlite3 command-line interface <sqlite3-cli>` (``python -m sqlite3``). .. .. date: 2023-09-08-12-09-55 .. gh-issue: 108987 .. nonce: x5AIG8 .. section: Library Fix :func:`_thread.start_new_thread` race condition. If a thread is created during Python finalization, the newly spawned thread now exits immediately instead of trying to access freed memory and lead to a crash. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-19-33-41 .. gh-issue: 108682 .. nonce: 35Xnc5 .. section: Library Enum: require ``names=()`` or ``type=...`` to create an empty enum using the functional syntax. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-14-47-28 .. gh-issue: 109033 .. nonce: piUzDx .. section: Library Exceptions raised by os.utime builtin function now include the related filename .. .. date: 2023-09-06-06-17-23 .. gh-issue: 108843 .. nonce: WJMhsS .. section: Library Fix an issue in :func:`ast.unparse` when unparsing f-strings containing many quote types. .. .. date: 2023-09-03-04-37-52 .. gh-issue: 108469 .. nonce: kusj40 .. section: Library :func:`ast.unparse` now supports new :term:`f-string` syntax introduced in Python 3.12. Note that the :term:`f-string` quotes are reselected for simplicity under the new syntax. (Patch by Steven Sun) .. .. date: 2023-09-01-13-14-08 .. gh-issue: 108751 .. nonce: 2itqwe .. section: Library Add :func:`copy.replace` function which allows to create a modified copy of an object. It supports named tuples, dataclasses, and many other objects. .. .. date: 2023-08-30-20-10-28 .. gh-issue: 108682 .. nonce: c2gzLQ .. section: Library Enum: raise :exc:`TypeError` if ``super().__new__()`` is called from a custom ``__new__``. .. .. date: 2023-08-29-11-29-15 .. gh-issue: 108278 .. nonce: -UhsnJ .. section: Library Deprecate passing the callback callable by keyword for the following :class:`sqlite3.Connection` APIs: * :meth:`~sqlite3.Connection.set_authorizer` * :meth:`~sqlite3.Connection.set_progress_handler` * :meth:`~sqlite3.Connection.set_trace_callback` The affected parameters will become positional-only in Python 3.15. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-08-26-12-35-39 .. gh-issue: 105829 .. nonce: kyYhWI .. section: Library Fix concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor deadlock .. .. date: 2023-08-26-08-38-57 .. gh-issue: 108295 .. nonce: Pn0QRM .. section: Library Fix crashes related to use of weakrefs on :data:`typing.TypeVar`. .. .. date: 2023-08-25-00-14-34 .. gh-issue: 108463 .. nonce: mQApp_ .. section: Library Make expressions/statements work as expected in pdb .. .. date: 2023-08-23-22-08-32 .. gh-issue: 108277 .. nonce: KLV-6T .. section: Library Add :func:`os.timerfd_create`, :func:`os.timerfd_settime`, :func:`os.timerfd_gettime`, :func:`os.timerfd_settime_ns`, and :func:`os.timerfd_gettime_ns` to provide a low level interface for Linux's timer notification file descriptor. .. .. date: 2023-08-23-17-34-39 .. gh-issue: 107811 .. nonce: 3Fng72 .. section: Library :mod:`tarfile`: extraction of members with overly large UID or GID (e.g. on an OS with 32-bit :c:type:`!id_t`) now fails in the same way as failing to set the ID. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-22-29-42 .. gh-issue: 64662 .. nonce: jHl_Bt .. section: Library Fix support for virtual tables in :meth:`sqlite3.Connection.iterdump`. Patch by Aviv Palivoda. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-17-27-12 .. gh-issue: 108111 .. nonce: N7a4u_ .. section: Library Fix a regression introduced in GH-101251 for 3.12, resulting in an incorrect offset calculation in :meth:`gzip.GzipFile.seek`. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-16-18-49 .. gh-issue: 108294 .. nonce: KEeUcM .. section: Library :func:`time.sleep` now raises an auditing event. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-13-51-10 .. gh-issue: 108278 .. nonce: 11d_qG .. section: Library Deprecate passing name, number of arguments, and the callable as keyword arguments, for the following :class:`sqlite3.Connection` APIs: * :meth:`~sqlite3.Connection.create_function` * :meth:`~sqlite3.Connection.create_aggregate` The affected parameters will become positional-only in Python 3.15. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-12-05-47 .. gh-issue: 108322 .. nonce: kf3NJX .. section: Library Speed-up NormalDist.samples() by using the inverse CDF method instead of calling random.gauss(). .. .. date: 2023-08-18-22-58-07 .. gh-issue: 83417 .. nonce: 61J4yM .. section: Library Add the ability for venv to create a ``.gitignore`` file which causes the created environment to be ignored by Git. It is on by default when venv is called via its CLI. .. .. date: 2023-08-17-14-45-25 .. gh-issue: 105736 .. nonce: NJsH7r .. section: Library Harmonized the pure Python version of :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` with the C version. Now, both versions set up their internal state in ``__new__``. Formerly, the pure Python version did the set up in ``__init__``. .. .. date: 2023-08-17-12-59-35 .. gh-issue: 108083 .. nonce: 9J7UcT .. section: Library Fix bugs in the constructor of :mod:`sqlite3.Connection` and :meth:`sqlite3.Connection.close` where exceptions could be leaked. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-08-16-21-20-55 .. gh-issue: 107932 .. nonce: I7hFsp .. section: Library Fix ``dis`` module to properly report and display bytecode that do not have source lines. .. .. date: 2023-08-16-14-30-13 .. gh-issue: 105539 .. nonce: 29lA6c .. section: Library :mod:`sqlite3` now emits an :exc:`ResourceWarning` if a :class:`sqlite3.Connection` object is not :meth:`closed <sqlite3.connection.close>` explicitly. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-08-16-00-24-07 .. gh-issue: 107995 .. nonce: TlTp5t .. section: Library The ``__module__`` attribute on instances of :class:`functools.cached_property` is now set to the name of the module in which the cached_property is defined, rather than "functools". This means that doctests in ``cached_property`` docstrings are now properly collected by the :mod:`doctest` module. Patch by Tyler Smart. .. .. date: 2023-08-15-18-20-00 .. gh-issue: 107963 .. nonce: 20g5BG .. section: Library Fix :func:`multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload` to check the given list of modules names. Patch by Donghee Na. .. .. date: 2023-08-14-23-11-11 .. gh-issue: 106242 .. nonce: 71HMym .. section: Library Fixes :func:`os.path.normpath` to handle embedded null characters without truncating the path. .. .. date: 2023-08-14-20-18-59 .. gh-issue: 81555 .. nonce: cWdP4a .. section: Library :mod:`xml.dom.minidom` now only quotes ``"`` in attributes. .. .. date: 2023-08-14-20-01-14 .. gh-issue: 50002 .. nonce: E-bpj8 .. section: Library :mod:`xml.dom.minidom` now preserves whitespaces in attributes. .. .. date: 2023-08-14-19-49-02 .. gh-issue: 93057 .. nonce: 5nJwO5 .. section: Library Passing more than one positional argument to :func:`sqlite3.connect` and the :class:`sqlite3.Connection` constructor is deprecated. The remaining parameters will become keyword-only in Python 3.15. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-08-14-17-15-59 .. gh-issue: 76913 .. nonce: LLD0rT .. section: Library Add *merge_extra* parameter/feature to :class:`logging.LoggerAdapter` .. .. date: 2023-08-14-11-18-13 .. gh-issue: 107913 .. nonce: 4ooY6i .. section: Library Fix possible losses of ``errno`` and ``winerror`` values in :exc:`OSError` exceptions if they were cleared or modified by the cleanup code before creating the exception object. .. .. date: 2023-08-10-17-36-22 .. gh-issue: 107845 .. nonce: dABiMJ .. section: Library :func:`tarfile.data_filter` now takes the location of symlinks into account when determining their target, so it will no longer reject some valid tarballs with ``LinkOutsideDestinationError``. .. .. date: 2023-08-09-15-37-20 .. gh-issue: 107812 .. nonce: CflAXa .. section: Library Extend socket's netlink support to the FreeBSD platform. .. .. date: 2023-08-09-13-49-37 .. gh-issue: 107805 .. nonce: ezem0k .. section: Library Fix signatures of module-level generated functions in :mod:`turtle`. .. .. date: 2023-08-08-19-57-45 .. gh-issue: 107782 .. nonce: mInjFE .. section: Library :mod:`pydoc` is now able to show signatures which are not representable in Python, e.g. for ``getattr`` and ``dict.pop``. .. .. date: 2023-08-08-16-09-59 .. gh-issue: 56166 .. nonce: WUMhYG .. section: Library Deprecate passing optional arguments *maxsplit*, *count* and *flags* in module-level functions :func:`re.split`, :func:`re.sub` and :func:`re.subn` as positional. They should only be passed by keyword. .. .. date: 2023-08-07-14-24-42 .. gh-issue: 107710 .. nonce: xfOCfj .. section: Library Speed up :func:`logging.getHandlerNames`. .. .. date: 2023-08-07-14-12-07 .. gh-issue: 107715 .. nonce: 238r2f .. section: Library Fix :meth:`doctest.DocTestFinder.find` in presence of class names with special characters. Patch by Gertjan van Zwieten. .. .. date: 2023-08-06-15-29-00 .. gh-issue: 100814 .. nonce: h195gW .. section: Library Passing a callable object as an option value to a Tkinter image now raises the expected TclError instead of an AttributeError. .. .. date: 2023-08-06-10-52-12 .. gh-issue: 72684 .. nonce: Ls2mSf .. section: Library Add :mod:`tkinter` widget methods: :meth:`!tk_busy_hold`, :meth:`!tk_busy_configure`, :meth:`!tk_busy_cget`, :meth:`!tk_busy_forget`, :meth:`!tk_busy_current`, and :meth:`!tk_busy_status`. .. .. date: 2023-08-05-05-10-41 .. gh-issue: 106684 .. nonce: P9zRXb .. section: Library Raise :exc:`ResourceWarning` when :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` is not closed leading to memory leaks. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2023-08-04-19-00-53 .. gh-issue: 107465 .. nonce: Vc1Il3 .. section: Library Add :meth:`pathlib.Path.from_uri` classmethod. .. .. date: 2023-08-03-12-52-19 .. gh-issue: 107077 .. nonce: -pzHD6 .. section: Library Seems that in some conditions, OpenSSL will return ``SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL`` instead of ``SSL_ERROR_SSL`` when a certification verification has failed, but the error parameters will still contain ``ERR_LIB_SSL`` and ``SSL_R_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED``. We are now detecting this situation and raising the appropriate ``ssl.SSLCertVerificationError``. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2023-08-03-11-31-11 .. gh-issue: 107576 .. nonce: pO_s9I .. section: Library Fix :func:`types.get_original_bases` to only return :attr:`!__orig_bases__` if it is present on ``cls`` directly. Patch by James Hilton-Balfe. .. .. date: 2023-08-01-21-43-58 .. gh-issue: 105481 .. nonce: cl2ajS .. section: Library Remove ``opcode.is_pseudo``, ``opcode.MIN_PSEUDO_OPCODE`` and ``opcode.MAX_PSEUDO_OPCODE``, which were added in 3.12, were never documented and were not intended to be used externally. .. .. date: 2023-08-01-15-17-20 .. gh-issue: 105481 .. nonce: vMbmj_ .. section: Library :data:`!opcode.ENABLE_SPECIALIZATION` (which was added in 3.12 but never documented or intended for external usage) is moved to :data:`!_opcode.ENABLE_SPECIALIZATION` where tests can access it. .. .. date: 2023-07-31-07-36-24 .. gh-issue: 107396 .. nonce: 3_Kh6D .. section: Library tarfiles; Fixed use before assignment of self.exception for gzip decompression .. .. date: 2023-07-29-02-36-50 .. gh-issue: 107409 .. nonce: HG27Nu .. section: Library Set :attr:`!__wrapped__` attribute in :func:`reprlib.recursive_repr`. .. .. date: 2023-07-29-02-01-24 .. gh-issue: 107406 .. nonce: ze6sQP .. section: Library Implement new :meth:`__repr__` method for :class:`struct.Struct`. Now it returns ``Struct(<format repr>)``. .. .. date: 2023-07-28-14-56-35 .. gh-issue: 107369 .. nonce: bvTq8F .. section: Library Optimize :func:`textwrap.indent`. It is ~30% faster for large input. Patch by Inada Naoki. .. .. date: 2023-07-26-22-52-48 .. gh-issue: 78722 .. nonce: 6SKBLt .. section: Library Fix issue where :meth:`pathlib.Path.iterdir` did not raise :exc:`OSError` until iterated. .. .. date: 2023-07-23-13-05-32 .. gh-issue: 105578 .. nonce: XAQtyR .. section: Library Deprecate :class:`typing.AnyStr` in favor of the new Type Parameter syntax. See PEP 695. .. .. date: 2023-07-23-12-26-23 .. gh-issue: 62519 .. nonce: w8-81X .. section: Library Make :func:`gettext.pgettext` search plural definitions when translation is not found. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-21-57-34 .. gh-issue: 107089 .. nonce: Dnget2 .. section: Library Shelves opened with :func:`shelve.open` have a much faster :meth:`clear` method. Patch by James Cave. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-16-44-58 .. gh-issue: 82500 .. nonce: cQYoPj .. section: Library Fix overflow on 32-bit systems with :mod:`asyncio` :func:`os.sendfile` implementation. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-15-51-33 .. gh-issue: 83006 .. nonce: 21zaCz .. section: Library Document behavior of :func:`shutil.disk_usage` for non-mounted filesystems on Unix. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-14-29-34 .. gh-issue: 65495 .. nonce: fw84qM .. section: Library Use lowercase ``mail from`` and ``rcpt to`` in :class:`smptlib.SMTP`. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-13-09-28 .. gh-issue: 106186 .. nonce: EIsUNG .. section: Library Do not report ``MultipartInvariantViolationDefect`` defect when the :class:`email.parser.Parser` class is used to parse emails with ``headersonly=True``. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-12-53-53 .. gh-issue: 105002 .. nonce: gkfsW0 .. section: Library Fix invalid result from :meth:`PurePath.relative_to` method when attempting to walk a "``..``" segment in *other* with *walk_up* enabled. A :exc:`ValueError` exception is now raised in this case. .. .. date: 2023-07-20-06-00-35 .. gh-issue: 106739 .. nonce: W1hygr .. section: Library Add the ``rtype_cache`` to the warning message (as an addition to the type of leaked objects and the number of leaked objects already included in the message) to make debugging leaked objects easier when the multiprocessing resource tracker process finds leaked objects at shutdown. This helps more quickly identify what was leaked and/or why the leaked object was not properly cleaned up. .. .. date: 2023-07-19-10-45-24 .. gh-issue: 106751 .. nonce: 3HJ1of .. section: Library Optimize :meth:`SelectSelector.select` for many iteration case. Patch By Donghee Na. .. .. date: 2023-07-19-09-11-08 .. gh-issue: 106751 .. nonce: U9nD_B .. section: Library Optimize :meth:`!_PollLikeSelector.select` for many iteration case. .. .. date: 2023-07-18-23-05-12 .. gh-issue: 106751 .. nonce: tVvzN_ .. section: Library Optimize :meth:`KqueueSelector.select` for many iteration case. Patch By Donghee Na. .. .. date: 2023-07-17-21-45-15 .. gh-issue: 106831 .. nonce: RqVq9X .. section: Library Fix potential missing ``NULL`` check of ``d2i_SSL_SESSION`` result in ``_ssl.c``. .. .. date: 2023-07-17-16-46-00 .. gh-issue: 105481 .. nonce: fek_Nn .. section: Library The various opcode lists in the :mod:`dis` module are now generated from bytecodes.c instead of explicitly constructed in opcode.py. .. .. date: 2023-07-16-23-59-33 .. gh-issue: 106727 .. nonce: bk3uCu .. section: Library Make :func:`inspect.getsource` smarter for class for same name definitions .. .. date: 2023-07-16-10-40-34 .. gh-issue: 106789 .. nonce: NvyE3C .. section: Library Remove import of :mod:`pprint` from :mod:`sysconfig`. .. .. date: 2023-07-15-12-52-50 .. gh-issue: 105726 .. nonce: NGthO8 .. section: Library Added ``__slots__`` to :class:`contextlib.AbstractContextManager` and :class:`contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager` so that child classes can use ``__slots__``. .. .. date: 2023-07-15-10-24-56 .. gh-issue: 106774 .. nonce: FJcqCj .. section: Library Update the bundled copy of pip to version 23.2.1. .. .. date: 2023-07-14-20-31-09 .. gh-issue: 106751 .. nonce: 52F6yQ .. section: Library :mod:`selectors`: Optimize ``EpollSelector.select()`` code by moving some code outside of the loop. .. .. date: 2023-07-14-16-54-13 .. gh-issue: 106752 .. nonce: BT1Yxw .. section: Library Fixed several bugs in zipfile.Path, including: in :meth:`zipfile.Path.match`, Windows separators are no longer honored (and never were meant to be); Fixed ``name``/``suffix``/``suffixes``/``stem`` operations when no filename is present and the Path is not at the root of the zipfile; Reworked glob for performance and more correct matching behavior. .. .. date: 2023-07-14-14-53-58 .. gh-issue: 105293 .. nonce: kimf_i .. section: Library Remove call to ``SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context`` during client side context creation in the :mod:`ssl` module. .. .. date: 2023-07-14-01-47-39 .. gh-issue: 106734 .. nonce: eMYSoz .. section: Library Disable tab completion in multiline mode of :mod:`pdb` .. .. date: 2023-07-13-16-04-15 .. gh-issue: 105481 .. nonce: pYSwMj .. section: Library Expose opcode metadata through :mod:`!_opcode`. .. .. date: 2023-07-12-10-59-08 .. gh-issue: 106670 .. nonce: goQ2Sy .. section: Library Add the new ``exceptions`` command to the Pdb debugger. It makes it possible to move between chained exceptions when using post mortem debugging. .. .. date: 2023-07-12-04-58-45 .. gh-issue: 106602 .. nonce: dGCcXe .. section: Library Add __copy__ and __deepcopy__ in :mod:`enum` .. .. date: 2023-07-12-03-04-45 .. gh-issue: 106664 .. nonce: ZeUG78 .. section: Library :mod:`selectors`: Add ``_SelectorMapping.get()`` method and optimize ``_SelectorMapping.__getitem__()``. .. .. date: 2023-07-11-16-36-22 .. gh-issue: 106628 .. nonce: Kx8Zvc .. section: Library Speed up parsing of emails by about 20% by not compiling a new regular expression for every single email. .. .. date: 2023-07-11-12-34-04 .. gh-issue: 89427 .. nonce: GOkCp9 .. section: Library Set the environment variable ``VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT`` at :mod:`venv` activation, even when ``VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT`` is set. .. .. date: 2023-07-11-09-25-40 .. gh-issue: 106530 .. nonce: VgXrMx .. section: Library Revert a change to :func:`colorsys.rgb_to_hls` that caused division by zero for certain almost-white inputs. Patch by Terry Jan Reedy. .. .. date: 2023-07-11-08-56-40 .. gh-issue: 106584 .. nonce: g-SBtC .. section: Library Fix exit code for ``unittest`` if all tests are skipped. Patch by Egor Eliseev. .. .. date: 2023-07-09-13-10-54 .. gh-issue: 106566 .. nonce: NN35-U .. section: Library Optimize ``(?!)`` (pattern which always fails) in regular expressions. .. .. date: 2023-07-09-01-59-24 .. gh-issue: 106554 .. nonce: 37c53J .. section: Library :mod:`selectors`: Reduce Selector overhead by using a ``dict.get()`` to lookup file descriptors. .. .. date: 2023-07-09-00-36-33 .. gh-issue: 106558 .. nonce: Zqsj6F .. section: Library Remove ref cycle in callers of :func:`~multiprocessing.managers.convert_to_error` by deleting ``result`` from scope in a ``finally`` block. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-21-15-17 .. gh-issue: 100502 .. nonce: Iici1B .. section: Library Add :attr:`pathlib.PurePath.pathmod` class attribute that stores the implementation of :mod:`os.path` used for low-level path operations: either ``posixpath`` or ``ntpath``. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-18-22-07 .. gh-issue: 106527 .. nonce: spHQ0W .. section: Library Reduce overhead to add and remove :mod:`asyncio` readers and writers. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-17-44-03 .. gh-issue: 106524 .. nonce: XkBV8h .. section: Library Fix crash in :func:`!_sre.template` with templates containing invalid group indices. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-16-19-59 .. gh-issue: 106531 .. nonce: eMfNm8 .. section: Library Removed ``_legacy`` and the names it provided from ``importlib.resources``: ``Resource``, ``contents``, ``is_resource``, ``open_binary``, ``open_text``, ``path``, ``read_binary``, and ``read_text``. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-14-52-31 .. gh-issue: 106052 .. nonce: ak8nbs .. section: Library :mod:`re` module: fix the matching of possessive quantifiers in the case of a subpattern containing backtracking. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-13-47-28 .. gh-issue: 106510 .. nonce: 9n5BdC .. section: Library Improve debug output for atomic groups in regular expressions. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-03-05-58 .. gh-issue: 106503 .. nonce: ltfeiH .. section: Library Fix ref cycle in :class:`!asyncio._SelectorSocketTransport` by removing ``_write_ready`` in ``close``. .. .. date: 2023-07-05-14-34-10 .. gh-issue: 105497 .. nonce: HU5u89 .. section: Library Fix flag mask inversion when unnamed flags exist. .. .. date: 2023-07-05-13-08-23 .. gh-issue: 90876 .. nonce: Qvlkfl .. section: Library Prevent :mod:`multiprocessing.spawn` from failing to *import* in environments where ``sys.executable`` is ``None``. This regressed in 3.11 with the addition of support for path-like objects in multiprocessing. .. .. date: 2023-07-04-07-25-30 .. gh-issue: 106403 .. nonce: GmefbV .. section: Library Instances of :class:`typing.TypeVar`, :class:`typing.ParamSpec`, :class:`typing.ParamSpecArgs`, :class:`typing.ParamSpecKwargs`, and :class:`typing.TypeVarTuple` once again support weak references, fixing a regression introduced in Python 3.12.0 beta 1. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-07-03-20-23-56 .. gh-issue: 89812 .. nonce: cFkDOE .. section: Library Add private ``pathlib._PathBase`` class, which provides experimental support for virtual filesystems, and may be made public in a future version of Python. .. .. date: 2023-07-03-15-09-44 .. gh-issue: 106292 .. nonce: 3npldV .. section: Library Check for an instance-dict cached value in the :meth:`__get__` method of :func:`functools.cached_property`. This better matches the pre-3.12 behavior and improves compatibility for users subclassing :func:`functools.cached_property` and adding a :meth:`__set__` method. .. .. date: 2023-07-03-03-46-20 .. gh-issue: 106350 .. nonce: LLcTEe .. section: Library Detect possible memory allocation failure in the libtommath function :c:func:`mp_init` used by the ``_tkinter`` module. .. .. date: 2023-07-02-10-56-41 .. gh-issue: 106330 .. nonce: QSkIUH .. section: Library Fix incorrect matching of empty paths in :meth:`pathlib.PurePath.match`. This bug was introduced in Python 3.12.0 beta 1. .. .. date: 2023-07-01-16-51-55 .. gh-issue: 106309 .. nonce: hSlB17 .. section: Library Deprecate :func:`typing.no_type_check_decorator`. No major type checker ever added support for this decorator. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-07-01-16-40-54 .. gh-issue: 102541 .. nonce: C1ahtk .. section: Library Make :func:`pydoc.doc` catch bad module :exc:`ImportError` when output stream is not ``None``. .. .. date: 2023-06-30-16-42-44 .. gh-issue: 106263 .. nonce: tk-t93 .. section: Library Fix crash when calling ``repr`` with a manually constructed SignalDict object. Patch by Charlie Zhao. .. .. date: 2023-06-29-15-10-44 .. gh-issue: 106236 .. nonce: EAIX4l .. section: Library Replace ``assert`` statements with ``raise RuntimeError`` in :mod:`threading`, so that ``_DummyThread`` cannot be joined even with ``-OO``. .. .. date: 2023-06-29-12-40-52 .. gh-issue: 106238 .. nonce: VulKb9 .. section: Library Fix rare concurrency bug in lock acquisition by the logging package. .. .. date: 2023-06-27-23-22-37 .. gh-issue: 106152 .. nonce: ya5jBT .. section: Library Added PY_THROW event hook for :mod:`cProfile` for generators .. .. date: 2023-06-25-12-28-55 .. gh-issue: 106075 .. nonce: W7tMRb .. section: Library Added ``asyncio.taskgroups.__all__`` to ``asyncio.__all__`` for export in star imports. .. .. date: 2023-06-25-06-57-24 .. gh-issue: 104527 .. nonce: TJEUkd .. section: Library Zipapp will now skip over appending an archive to itself. .. .. date: 2023-06-23-22-52-24 .. gh-issue: 106046 .. nonce: OdLiLJ .. section: Library Improve the error message from :func:`os.fspath` if called on an object where ``__fspath__`` is set to ``None``. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-06-22-15-21-11 .. gh-issue: 105987 .. nonce: T7Kzrb .. section: Library Fix crash due to improper reference counting in :mod:`asyncio` eager task factory internal routines. .. .. date: 2023-06-21-19-04-27 .. gh-issue: 105974 .. nonce: M47n3t .. section: Library Fix bug where a :class:`typing.Protocol` class that had one or more non-callable members would raise :exc:`TypeError` when :func:`issubclass` was called against it, even if it defined a custom ``__subclasshook__`` method. The behaviour in Python 3.11 and lower -- which has now been restored -- was not to raise :exc:`TypeError` in these situations if a custom ``__subclasshook__`` method was defined. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-06-20-23-18-45 .. gh-issue: 96145 .. nonce: o5dTRM .. section: Library Reverted addition of ``json.AttrDict``. .. .. date: 2023-06-19-22-20-41 .. gh-issue: 89812 .. nonce: z2l_e8 .. section: Library Add :exc:`pathlib.UnsupportedOperation`, which is raised instead of :exc:`NotImplementedError` when a path operation isn't supported. .. .. date: 2023-06-19-11-31-55 .. gh-issue: 105808 .. nonce: NL-quu .. section: Library Fix a regression introduced in GH-101251 for 3.12, causing :meth:`gzip.GzipFile.flush` to not flush the compressor (nor pass along the ``zip_mode`` argument). .. .. date: 2023-06-17-12-13-57 .. gh-issue: 105481 .. nonce: KgBH5w .. section: Library :func:`~dis.stack_effect` no longer raises an exception if an ``oparg`` is provided for an ``opcode`` that doesn't use its arg, or when it is not provided for an ``opcode`` that does use it. In the latter case, the stack effect is returned for ``oparg=0``. .. .. date: 2023-06-15-18-11-47 .. gh-issue: 104799 .. nonce: BcLzbP .. section: Library Enable :func:`ast.unparse` to unparse function and class definitions created without the new ``type_params`` field from :pep:`695`. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-06-14-18-41-18 .. gh-issue: 105793 .. nonce: YSoykM .. section: Library Add *follow_symlinks* keyword-only argument to :meth:`pathlib.Path.is_dir` and :meth:`~pathlib.Path.is_file`, defaulting to ``True``. .. .. date: 2023-06-14-14-32-31 .. gh-issue: 105570 .. nonce: sFTtQU .. section: Library Deprecate two methods of creating :class:`typing.TypedDict` classes with 0 fields using the functional syntax: ``TD = TypedDict("TD")`` and ``TD = TypedDict("TD", None)``. Both will be disallowed in Python 3.15. To create a ``TypedDict`` class with 0 fields, either use ``class TD(TypedDict): pass`` or ``TD = TypedDict("TD", {})``. .. .. date: 2023-06-14-10-27-34 .. gh-issue: 105745 .. nonce: l1ttOQ .. section: Library Fix ``webbrowser.Konqueror.open`` method. .. .. date: 2023-06-13-19-38-12 .. gh-issue: 105733 .. nonce: WOp0mG .. section: Library :mod:`ctypes`: Deprecate undocumented :func:`!ctypes.SetPointerType` and :func:`!ctypes.ARRAY` functions. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-12-15-17-34 .. gh-issue: 105687 .. nonce: ZUonKm .. section: Library Remove deprecated ``re.template``, ``re.T``, ``re.TEMPLATE``, ``sre_constans.SRE_FLAG_TEMPLATE``. .. .. date: 2023-06-12-10-40-38 .. gh-issue: 105684 .. nonce: yiHkFD .. section: Library Supporting :meth:`asyncio.Task.set_name` is now mandatory for third party task implementations. The undocumented :func:`!_set_task_name` function (deprecated since 3.8) has been removed. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2023-06-11-22-46-06 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: YkhSNt .. section: Library Fix a bug in :c:func:`!_Unpickler_SetInputStream` where an exception could end up being overwritten in case of failure. .. .. date: 2023-06-10-12-20-17 .. gh-issue: 105626 .. nonce: XyZein .. section: Library Change the default return value of :meth:`http.client.HTTPConnection.get_proxy_response_headers` to be ``None`` and not ``{}``. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-23-46-23 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: 9KaioS .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`sys` where exceptions could end up being overwritten because of deferred error handling. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-23-00-13 .. gh-issue: 105605 .. nonce: YuwqxY .. section: Library Harden :mod:`pyexpat` error handling during module initialisation to prevent exceptions from possibly being overwritten, and objects from being dereferenced twice. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-22-52-45 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: 6igkhn .. section: Library Fix bug in :mod:`decimal` where an exception could end up being overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-22-45-26 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: 9rp6tG .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`!_datetime` where exceptions could be overwritten in case of module initialisation failure. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-22-16-46 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: EgVJOP .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`!_ssl` initialisation which could lead to leaked references and overwritten exceptions. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-21-46-52 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: yrJelV .. section: Library Fix a bug in :class:`array.array` where an exception could end up being overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-21-40-45 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: _sZilh .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`!_ctypes` where exceptions could end up being overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-21-30-59 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: eewafp .. section: Library Fix a bug in the :mod:`posix` module where an exception could be overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-21-25-14 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: 95g1eI .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`!_elementtree` where exceptions could be overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-21-11-28 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: 4Mxn7t .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`zoneinfo` where exceptions could be overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-21-04-39 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: bTcqS9 .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`errno` where exceptions could be overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-20-34-23 .. gh-issue: 105566 .. nonce: YxlGg1 .. section: Library Deprecate creating a :class:`typing.NamedTuple` class using keyword arguments to denote the fields (``NT = NamedTuple("NT", x=int, y=str)``). This will be disallowed in Python 3.15. Use the class-based syntax or the functional syntax instead. Two methods of creating ``NamedTuple`` classes with 0 fields using the functional syntax are also deprecated, and will be disallowed in Python 3.15: ``NT = NamedTuple("NT")`` and ``NT = NamedTuple("NT", None)``. To create a ``NamedTuple`` class with 0 fields, either use ``class NT(NamedTuple): pass`` or ``NT = NamedTuple("NT", [])``. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-08-38-30 .. gh-issue: 105545 .. nonce: 2q3ysu .. section: Library Remove deprecated in 3.11 ``webbrowser.MacOSXOSAScript._name`` attribute. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-17-49-46 .. gh-issue: 105497 .. nonce: K6Q8nU .. section: Library Fix flag inversion when alias/mask members exist. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-15-56-45 .. gh-issue: 105509 .. nonce: YIG57j .. section: Library :data:`typing.Annotated` is now implemented as an instance of ``typing._SpecialForm`` rather than a class. This should have no user-facing impact for users of the :mod:`typing` module public API. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-08-58-36 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: bTcqS9 .. section: Library Fix bugs in :mod:`pickle` where exceptions could be overwritten. .. .. date: 2023-06-07-00-13-00 .. gh-issue: 70303 .. nonce: frwUKH .. section: Library Emit :exc:`FutureWarning` from :meth:`pathlib.Path.glob` and :meth:`~pathlib.Path.rglob` if the given pattern ends with "``**``". In a future Python release, patterns with this ending will match both files and directories. Add a trailing slash to only match directories. .. .. date: 2023-06-07-00-09-52 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: Y_9D4n .. section: Library Fix a bug in :mod:`sqlite3` where an exception could be overwritten in the :meth:`collation <sqlite3.Connection.create_collation>` callback. .. .. date: 2023-06-06-16-00-03 .. gh-issue: 105382 .. nonce: A1LgzA .. section: Library Remove *cafile*, *capath* and *cadefault* parameters of the :func:`urllib.request.urlopen` function, deprecated in Python 3.6. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-06-15-32-44 .. gh-issue: 105376 .. nonce: W4oDQp .. section: Library :mod:`logging`: Remove undocumented and untested ``Logger.warn()`` and ``LoggerAdapter.warn()`` methods and ``logging.warn()`` function. Deprecated since Python 3.3, they were aliases to the :meth:`logging.Logger.warning` method, :meth:`!logging.LoggerAdapter.warning` method and :func:`logging.warning` function. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-06-11-50-33 .. gh-issue: 105332 .. nonce: tmpgRA .. section: Library Revert pickling method from by-name back to by-value. .. .. date: 2023-06-05-14-43-56 .. gh-issue: 104554 .. nonce: pwfKIo .. section: Library Add RTSPS scheme support in urllib.parse .. .. date: 2023-06-04-23-20-56 .. gh-issue: 105292 .. nonce: ns6XQR .. section: Library Add option to :func:`traceback.format_exception_only` to recurse into the nested exception of a :exc:`BaseExceptionGroup`. .. .. date: 2023-06-04-12-16-47 .. gh-issue: 105280 .. nonce: srRbCe .. section: Library Fix bug where ``isinstance([], collections.abc.Mapping)`` could evaluate to ``True`` if garbage collection happened at the wrong time. The bug was caused by changes to the implementation of :class:`typing.Protocol` in Python 3.12. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-23-32-17 .. gh-issue: 80480 .. nonce: savBw9 .. section: Library :mod:`array`: Add ``'w'`` typecode that represents ``Py_UCS4``. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-14-57-11 .. gh-issue: 105239 .. nonce: SAmuuj .. section: Library Fix longstanding bug where ``issubclass(object, typing.Protocol)`` would evaluate to ``True`` in some edge cases. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-14-23-41 .. gh-issue: 104310 .. nonce: UamCOB .. section: Library In the beta 1 release we added a utility function for extension module authors, to use when testing their module for support in multiple interpreters or under a per-interpreter GIL. The name of that function has changed from ``allowing_all_extensions`` to ``_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions``. The default for the "disable_check" argument has change from ``True`` to ``False``, to better match the new function name. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-02-38-26 .. gh-issue: 105080 .. nonce: 2imGMg .. section: Library Fixed inconsistent signature on derived classes for :func:`inspect.signature` .. .. date: 2023-05-31-16-58-42 .. gh-issue: 105144 .. nonce: Oqfn0V .. section: Library Fix a recent regression in the :mod:`typing` module. The regression meant that doing ``class Foo(X, typing.Protocol)``, where ``X`` was a class that had :class:`abc.ABCMeta` as its metaclass, would then cause subsequent ``isinstance(1, X)`` calls to erroneously raise :exc:`TypeError`. Patch by Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-05-30-18-45-02 .. gh-issue: 62948 .. nonce: 1-5wMR .. section: Library The :class:`io.IOBase` finalizer now logs the ``close()`` method errors with :data:`sys.unraisablehook`. Previously, errors were ignored silently by default, and only logged in :ref:`Python Development Mode <devmode>` or on :ref:`Python built on debug mode <debug-build>`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-30-17-39-03 .. gh-issue: 105096 .. nonce: pw00FW .. section: Library :mod:`wave`: Deprecate the ``getmark()``, ``setmark()`` and ``getmarkers()`` methods of the :class:`wave.Wave_read` and :class:`wave.Wave_write` classes. They will be removed in Python 3.15. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-26-21-33-24 .. gh-issue: 104992 .. nonce: dbq9WK .. section: Library Remove the untested and undocumented :meth:`!unittest.TestProgram.usageExit` method, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van Kemenade. .. .. date: 2023-05-26-21-24-06 .. gh-issue: 104996 .. nonce: aaW78g .. section: Library Improve performance of :class:`pathlib.PurePath` initialisation by deferring joining of paths when multiple arguments are given. .. .. date: 2023-05-26-01-31-30 .. gh-issue: 101588 .. nonce: RaqxFy .. section: Library Deprecate undocumented copy/deepcopy/pickle support for itertools. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-23-34-54 .. gh-issue: 103631 .. nonce: x5Urye .. section: Library Fix ``pathlib.PurePosixPath(pathlib.PureWindowsPath(...))`` not converting path separators to restore 3.11 compatible behavior. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-22-54-20 .. gh-issue: 104947 .. nonce: hi6TUr .. section: Library Make comparisons between :class:`pathlib.PureWindowsPath` objects consistent across Windows and Posix to match 3.11 behavior. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-17-25-16 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: O6TOMc .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!audioop` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-16-50-43 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: pmg0Fr .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!aifc` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-15-54-02 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: nW-5MI .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!uu` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-08-50-47 .. gh-issue: 104935 .. nonce: -rm1BR .. section: Library Fix bugs with the interaction between :func:`typing.runtime_checkable` and :class:`typing.Generic` that were introduced by the :pep:`695` implementation. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-00-53-08 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: Iyjtt0 .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!crypt` module and its private :mod:`!_crypt` extension, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-23-40-22 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: FHA99J .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!nis` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-22-50-21 .. gh-issue: 104898 .. nonce: UbT2S4 .. section: Library Add missing :attr:`~object.__slots__` to :class:`os.PathLike`. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-22-47-13 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: itOIf3 .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!xdrlib` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-22-22-03 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: NwpjhZ .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!nntplib` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-21-30-40 .. gh-issue: 104886 .. nonce: 8TuV-_ .. section: Library Remove the undocumented :class:`!configparser.LegacyInterpolation` class, deprecated in the docstring since Python 3.2, and with a deprecation warning since Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van Kemenade. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-20-21-27 .. gh-issue: 104786 .. nonce: SmgT5_ .. section: Library Remove kwargs-based :class:`typing.TypedDict` creation .. .. date: 2023-05-24-19-48-16 .. gh-issue: 104876 .. nonce: Z00Qnk .. section: Library Remove the :meth:`!turtle.RawTurtle.settiltangle` method, deprecated in docs since Python 3.1 and with a deprecation warning since Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van Kemenade. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-18-48-10 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: TrgUeO .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Removed the :mod:`!msilib` package, deprecated in Python 3.11. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-17-47-25 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: TzUSY2 .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!spwd` module, deprecated in Python 3.11: the :pypi:`python-pam` project can be used instead. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-17-22-56 .. gh-issue: 75552 .. nonce: _QlrpQ .. section: Library Removed the ``tkinter.tix`` module, deprecated since Python 3.6. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-15-57-34 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: IHWRgg .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!chunk` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-15-17-05 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: EmFIQ5 .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!mailcap` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-14-58-13 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: sQaXrY .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!sunau` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-14-30-14 .. gh-issue: 104780 .. nonce: nXGIJt .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!ossaudiodev` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-11-45-22 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: R0Br4- .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!pipes` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-09-55-33 .. gh-issue: 104873 .. nonce: BKQ54y .. section: Library Add :func:`typing.get_protocol_members` to return the set of members defining a :class:`typing.Protocol`. Add :func:`typing.is_protocol` to check whether a class is a :class:`typing.Protocol`. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-09-34-23 .. gh-issue: 104874 .. nonce: oqyJSy .. section: Library Document the ``__name__`` and ``__supertype__`` attributes of :class:`typing.NewType`. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-08-45-04 .. gh-issue: 104835 .. nonce: bN_B-B .. section: Library Removed the following :mod:`unittest` functions, deprecated in Python 3.11: * :func:`!unittest.findTestCases` * :func:`!unittest.makeSuite` * :func:`!unittest.getTestCaseNames` Use :class:`~unittest.TestLoader` methods instead: * :meth:`unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule` * :meth:`unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase` * :meth:`unittest.TestLoader.getTestCaseNames` Patch by Hugo van Kemenade. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-21-25-54 .. gh-issue: 104804 .. nonce: 78fiE6 .. section: Library Remove the untested and undocumented :mod:`webbrowser` :class:`!MacOSX` class, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van Kemenade. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-19-53-18 .. gh-issue: 83863 .. nonce: eRI5JG .. section: Library Support for using :class:`pathlib.Path` objects as context managers has been removed. Before Python 3.9, exiting the context manager marked a path as "closed", which caused some (but not all!) methods to raise when called. Since Python 3.9, using a path as a context manager does nothing. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-18-31-49 .. gh-issue: 104799 .. nonce: MJYOw6 .. section: Library Adjust the location of the (see :pep:`695`) ``type_params`` field on :class:`ast.ClassDef`, :class:`ast.AsyncFunctionDef`, and :class:`ast.FunctionDef` to better preserve backward compatibility. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra .. .. date: 2023-05-23-17-43-52 .. gh-issue: 104797 .. nonce: NR7KzF .. section: Library Allow :class:`typing.Protocol` classes to inherit from :class:`collections.abc.Buffer`. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-04-01-27 .. gh-issue: 104783 .. nonce: QyhIoq .. section: Library Remove ``locale.resetlocale()`` function deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-03-36-47 .. gh-issue: 104780 .. nonce: P4e3Yf .. section: Library Remove the ``2to3`` program and the :mod:`!lib2to3` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-02-20-13 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: 7K59zr .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!telnetlib` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-02-13-11 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: JNiEjv .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!imghdr` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-01-47-57 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: I6MQhb .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!cgi` and :mod:`!cgitb` modules, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-01-37-40 .. gh-issue: 104773 .. nonce: 8c-GsG .. section: Library :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!sndhdr` module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-22-18-39-53 .. gh-issue: 104372 .. nonce: 7tDRaK .. section: Library On Linux where :mod:`subprocess` can use the ``vfork()`` syscall for faster spawning, prevent the parent process from blocking other threads by dropping the GIL while it waits for the vfork'ed child process ``exec()`` outcome. This prevents spawning a binary from a slow filesystem from blocking the rest of the application. .. .. date: 2023-05-19-19-46-22 .. gh-issue: 99108 .. nonce: wqCg0t .. section: Library We now release the GIL around built-in :mod:`hashlib` computations of reasonable size for the SHA families and MD5 hash functions, matching what our OpenSSL backed hash computations already does. .. .. date: 2023-05-15-18-57-42 .. gh-issue: 102613 .. nonce: YD9yx- .. section: Library Improve performance of :meth:`pathlib.Path.glob` when expanding a pattern with a non-terminal "``**``" component by filtering walked paths through a regular expression, rather than calling :func:`os.scandir` more than once on each directory. .. .. date: 2023-05-11-23-03-00 .. gh-issue: 104399 .. nonce: MMatTP .. section: Library Prepare the ``_tkinter`` module for building with Tcl 9.0 and future libtommath by replacing usage of deprecated functions :c:func:`mp_to_unsigned_bin_n` and :c:func:`mp_unsigned_bin_size` when necessary. .. .. date: 2023-04-28-09-31-21 .. gh-issue: 102676 .. nonce: J8qDRa .. section: Library Add fields ``start_offset``, ``cache_offset``, ``end_offset``, ``baseopname``, ``baseopcode``, ``jump_target`` and ``oparg`` to :class:`dis.Instruction`. .. .. date: 2023-04-15-23-26-16 .. gh-issue: 103558 .. nonce: w9OzK4 .. section: Library Fixed ``parent`` argument validation mechanism of :mod:`argparse`. Improved test coverage. .. .. date: 2023-04-12-03-03-27 .. gh-issue: 103464 .. nonce: Oa_8IW .. section: Library Provide helpful usage messages when parsing incorrect :mod:`pdb` commands. .. .. date: 2023-04-09-05-30-41 .. gh-issue: 103384 .. nonce: zAV7iB .. section: Library Generalize the regex pattern ``BaseConfigurator.INDEX_PATTERN`` to allow spaces and non-alphanumeric characters in keys. .. .. date: 2023-04-09-03-53-02 .. gh-issue: 103124 .. nonce: JspiNN .. section: Library Added multiline statement support for :mod:`pdb` .. .. date: 2023-04-08-12-43-52 .. gh-issue: 101162 .. nonce: yOCd_J .. section: Library Forbid using :func:`builtins.issubclass` with :class:`types.GenericAlias` as the first argument. .. .. date: 2023-04-03-08-09-40 .. gh-issue: 103200 .. nonce: lq1Etz .. section: Library Fix cache repopulation semantics of zipimport.invalidate_caches(). The cache is now repopulated upon retrieving files with an invalid cache, not when the cache is invalidated. .. .. date: 2023-03-14-01-19-57 .. gh-issue: 100061 .. nonce: CiXJYn .. section: Library Fix a bug that causes wrong matches for regular expressions with possessive qualifier. .. .. date: 2023-03-12-03-37-03 .. gh-issue: 77609 .. nonce: aOQttm .. section: Library Add *follow_symlinks* argument to :meth:`pathlib.Path.glob` and :meth:`~pathlib.Path.rglob`, defaulting to false. .. .. date: 2023-03-12-01-17-15 .. gh-issue: 102541 .. nonce: LK1adc .. section: Library Hide traceback in :func:`help` prompt, when import failed. .. .. date: 2023-03-08-19-30-53 .. gh-issue: 102120 .. nonce: xkQ5Wr .. section: Library Added a stream mode to ``tarfile`` that allows for reading archives without caching info about the inner files. .. .. date: 2023-02-20-15-41-59 .. gh-issue: 102029 .. nonce: 9ZPG99 .. section: Library Deprecate passing any arguments to :func:`threading.RLock`. .. .. date: 2023-02-20-12-00-11 .. gh-issue: 88233 .. nonce: o5Zb0t .. section: Library Refactored ``zipfile._strip_extra`` to use higher level abstractions for extras instead of a heavy-state loop. .. .. date: 2023-02-18-22-55-48 .. gh-issue: 102024 .. nonce: RUmg_D .. section: Library Reduce calls of ``_idle_semaphore.release()`` in :func:`concurrent.futures.thread._worker`. .. .. date: 2023-02-17-18-56-46 .. gh-issue: 73435 .. nonce: 7sTJHk .. section: Library Add support for recursive wildcards in :meth:`pathlib.PurePath.match`. .. .. date: 2022-12-24-12-50-54 .. gh-issue: 84867 .. nonce: OhaLbU .. section: Library :class:`unittest.TestLoader` no longer loads test cases from exact :class:`unittest.TestCase` and :class:`unittest.FunctionTestCase` classes. .. .. date: 2022-11-26-22-05-22 .. gh-issue: 99203 .. nonce: j0DUae .. section: Library Restore following CPython <= 3.10.5 behavior of :func:`shutil.make_archive`: do not create an empty archive if ``root_dir`` is not a directory, and, in that case, raise :class:`FileNotFoundError` or :class:`NotADirectoryError` regardless of ``format`` choice. Beyond the brought-back behavior, the function may now also raise these exceptions in ``dry_run`` mode. .. .. date: 2022-08-07-11-10-26 .. gh-issue: 80480 .. nonce: IFccj3 .. section: Library Emit :exc:`DeprecationWarning` for :mod:`array`'s ``'u'`` type code, deprecated in docs since Python 3.3. .. .. date: 2022-07-18-14-20-56 .. gh-issue: 94924 .. nonce: X0buz2 .. section: Library :func:`unittest.mock.create_autospec` now properly returns coroutine functions compatible with :func:`inspect.iscoroutinefunction` .. .. date: 2022-07-12-18-45-13 .. gh-issue: 94777 .. nonce: mOybx7 .. section: Library Fix hanging :mod:`multiprocessing` ``ProcessPoolExecutor`` when a child process crashes while data is being written in the call queue. .. .. date: 2022-05-17-10-46-44 .. gh-issue: 92871 .. nonce: GVogrT .. section: Library Remove the ``typing.io`` and ``typing.re`` namespaces, deprecated since Python 3.8. All items are still available from the main :mod:`typing` module. .. .. bpo: 43633 .. date: 2021-10-31-16-06-28 .. nonce: vflwXv .. section: Library Improve the textual representation of IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses (:rfc:`4291` Sections 2.2, in :mod:`ipaddress`. Patch by Oleksandr Pavliuk. .. .. bpo: 44850 .. date: 2021-08-16-17-52-26 .. nonce: r8jx5u .. section: Library Improve performance of :func:`operator.methodcaller` using the :pep:`590` ``vectorcall`` convention. Patch by Anthony Lee and Pieter Eendebak. .. .. bpo: 44185 .. date: 2021-06-24-20-45-03 .. nonce: ZHb8yJ .. section: Library :func:`unittest.mock.mock_open` will call the :func:`close` method of the file handle mock when it is exiting from the context manager. Patch by Samet Yaslan. .. .. bpo: 40988 .. date: 2020-11-10-07-04-15 .. nonce: 5kBC-O .. section: Library Improve performance of :class:`functools.singledispatchmethod` by caching the generated dispatch wrapper. Optimization suggested by frederico. Patch by @mental32, Alex Waygood and Pieter Eendebak. .. .. bpo: 41768 .. date: 2020-09-16-16-53-06 .. nonce: 8_fWkC .. section: Library :mod:`unittest.mock` speccing no longer calls class properties. Patch by Melanie Witt. .. .. bpo: 18319 .. date: 2020-05-03-00-33-15 .. nonce: faPTlx .. section: Library Ensure ``gettext(msg)`` retrieve translations even if a plural form exists. In other words: ``gettext(msg) == ngettext(msg, '', 1)``. .. .. bpo: 17013 .. date: 2019-09-13-13-28-10 .. nonce: NWcgE3 .. section: Library Add ``ThreadingMock`` to :mod:`unittest.mock` that can be used to create Mock objects that can wait until they are called. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan and Mario Corchero. .. .. date: 2023-09-10-02-39-06 .. gh-issue: 109209 .. nonce: 0LBewo .. section: Documentation The minimum Sphinx version required for the documentation is now 4.2. .. .. date: 2023-09-03-13-43-49 .. gh-issue: 108826 .. nonce: KG7abS .. section: Documentation :mod:`dis` module command-line interface is now mentioned in documentation. .. .. date: 2023-07-26-16-33-04 .. gh-issue: 107305 .. nonce: qB2LS4 .. section: Documentation Add documentation for :c:type:`PyInterpreterConfig` and :c:func:`Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig`. Also clarify some of the nearby docs relative to per-interpreter GIL. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-15-14-13 .. gh-issue: 107008 .. nonce: 3JQ1Vt .. section: Documentation Document the :mod:`curses` module variables :const:`~curses.LINES` and :const:`~curses.COLS`. .. .. date: 2023-07-21-11-51-57 .. gh-issue: 106948 .. nonce: K_JQ7j .. section: Documentation Add a number of standard external names to ``nitpick_ignore``. .. .. date: 2023-06-30-19-28-59 .. gh-issue: 106232 .. nonce: hQ4-tz .. section: Documentation Make timeit doc command lines compatible with Windows by using double quotes for arguments. This works on linux and macOS also. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-23-05-51 .. gh-issue: 105172 .. nonce: SVfvkD .. section: Documentation Fixed :func:`functools.lru_cache` docstring accounting for ``typed`` argument's different handling of str and int. Patch by Bar Harel. .. .. date: 2023-05-29-14-10-24 .. gh-issue: 105052 .. nonce: MGFwbm .. section: Documentation Update ``timeit`` doc to specify that time in seconds is just the default. .. .. date: 2023-05-28-21-01-00 .. gh-issue: 89455 .. nonce: qAKRrA .. section: Documentation Add missing documentation for the ``max_group_depth`` and ``max_group_width`` parameters and the ``exceptions`` attribute of the :class:`traceback.TracebackException` class. .. .. date: 2023-05-28-19-08-42 .. gh-issue: 89412 .. nonce: j4cg7K .. section: Documentation Add missing documentation for the ``end_lineno`` and ``end_offset`` attributes of the :class:`traceback.TracebackException` class. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-22-34-31 .. gh-issue: 104943 .. nonce: J2v1Pc .. section: Documentation Remove mentions of old Python versions in :class:`typing.NamedTuple`. .. .. date: 2023-05-16-22-08-24 .. gh-issue: 54738 .. nonce: mJvCnj .. section: Documentation Add documentation on how to localize the :mod:`argparse` module. .. .. date: 2023-03-19-09-39-31 .. gh-issue: 102823 .. nonce: OzsOz0 .. section: Documentation Document the return type of ``x // y`` when ``x`` and ``y`` have type :class:`float`. .. .. date: 2023-03-16-15-39-26 .. gh-issue: 102759 .. nonce: ehpHw6 .. section: Documentation Align function signature for ``functools.reduce`` in documentation and docstring with the C implementation. .. .. date: 2023-10-10-23-20-13 .. gh-issue: 110647 .. nonce: jKG3sY .. section: Tests Fix test_stress_modifying_handlers() of test_signal. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-10-06-02-32-18 .. gh-issue: 103053 .. nonce: VfxBLI .. section: Tests Fix test_tools.test_freeze on FreeBSD: run "make distclean" instead of "make clean" in the copied source directory to remove also the "python" program. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-10-05-19-33-49 .. gh-issue: 110167 .. nonce: mIdj3v .. section: Tests Fix a deadlock in test_socket when server fails with a timeout but the client is still running in its thread. Don't hold a lock to call cleanup functions in doCleanups(). One of the cleanup function waits until the client completes, whereas the client could deadlock if it called addCleanup() in such situation. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-10-05-14-22-48 .. gh-issue: 110388 .. nonce: 1-HQJO .. section: Tests Add tests for :mod:`tty`. .. .. date: 2023-10-05-13-46-50 .. gh-issue: 81002 .. nonce: bOcuV6 .. section: Tests Add tests for :mod:`termios`. .. .. date: 2023-10-04-18-27-47 .. gh-issue: 110367 .. nonce: Nnq1I7 .. section: Tests regrtest: When using worker processes (-jN) with --verbose3 option, regrtest can now display the worker output even if a worker process does crash. Previously, sys.stdout and sys.stderr were replaced and so the worker output was lost on a crash. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-10-54-09 .. gh-issue: 110267 .. nonce: O-c47G .. section: Tests Add tests for pickling and copying PyStructSequence objects. Patched by Xuehai Pan. .. .. date: 2023-10-01-10-27-02 .. gh-issue: 110171 .. nonce: ZPlo0h .. section: Tests ``libregrtest`` now always sets and shows ``random.seed``, so tests are more reproducible. Use ``--randseed`` flag to pass the explicit random seed for tests. .. .. date: 2023-09-30-20-18-38 .. gh-issue: 110152 .. nonce: 4Kxve1 .. section: Tests Remove ``Tools/scripts/run_tests.py`` and ``make hostrunnertest``. Just run ``./python -m test --slow-ci``, ``make buildbottest`` or ``make test`` instead. Python test runner (regrtest) now handles cross-compilation and HOSTRUNNER. It also adds options to Python such fast ``-u -E -W default -bb`` when ``--fast-ci`` or ``--slow-ci`` option is used. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-29-14-11-30 .. gh-issue: 110031 .. nonce: fQnFnc .. section: Tests Skip test_threading tests using thread+fork if Python is built with Address Sanitizer (ASAN). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-29-12-48-42 .. gh-issue: 110088 .. nonce: qUhRga .. section: Tests Fix test_asyncio timeouts: don't measure the maximum duration, a test should not measure a CI performance. Only measure the minimum duration when a task has a timeout or delay. Add ``CLOCK_RES`` to ``test_asyncio.utils``. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-29-00-19-21 .. gh-issue: 109974 .. nonce: Sh_g-r .. section: Tests Fix race conditions in test_threading lock tests. Wait until a condition is met rather than using :func:`time.sleep` with a hardcoded number of seconds. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-18-14-52 .. gh-issue: 110033 .. nonce: 2yHMx0 .. section: Tests Fix ``test_interprocess_signal()`` of ``test_signal``. Make sure that the ``subprocess.Popen`` object is deleted before the test raising an exception in a signal handler. Otherwise, ``Popen.__del__()`` can get the exception which is logged as ``Exception ignored in: ...`` and the test fails. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-14-47-14 .. gh-issue: 109594 .. nonce: DB5KPP .. section: Tests Fix test_timeout() of test_concurrent_futures.test_wait. Remove the future which may or may not complete depending if it takes longer than the timeout or not. Keep the second future which does not complete before wait() timeout. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-12-25-19 .. gh-issue: 109972 .. nonce: GYnwIP .. section: Tests Split test_gdb.py file into a test_gdb package made of multiple tests, so tests can now be run in parallel. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-26-18-12-01 .. gh-issue: 109566 .. nonce: CP0Vhf .. section: Tests regrtest: When ``--fast-ci`` or ``--slow-ci`` option is used, regrtest now replaces the current process with a new process to add ``-u -W default -bb -E`` options to Python. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-26-00-49-18 .. gh-issue: 109748 .. nonce: nxlT1i .. section: Tests Fix ``test_zippath_from_non_installed_posix()`` of test_venv: don't copy ``__pycache__/`` sub-directories, because they can be modified by other Python tests running in parallel. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-23-59-37 .. gh-issue: 109739 .. nonce: MUn7K5 .. section: Tests regrtest: Fix reference leak check on Windows. Disable the load tracker on Windows in the reference leak check mode (-R option). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-25-14-41-18 .. gh-issue: 109276 .. nonce: uC_cWo .. section: Tests regrtest: When a test fails with "env changed" and the --rerun option is used, the test is now re-run in verbose mode in a fresh process. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-20-02-32-17 .. gh-issue: 103053 .. nonce: AoUJuK .. section: Tests Skip test_freeze_simple_script() of test_tools.test_freeze if Python is built with ``./configure --enable-optimizations``, which means with Profile Guided Optimization (PGO): it just makes the test too slow. The freeze tool is tested by many other CIs with other (faster) compiler flags. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-19-19-08-22 .. gh-issue: 109580 .. nonce: G02Zam .. section: Tests Skip ``test_perf_profiler`` if Python is built with ASAN, MSAN or UBSAN sanitizer. Python does crash randomly in this test on such build. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-19-13-33-20 .. gh-issue: 109566 .. nonce: aX0g9o .. section: Tests regrtest: Add ``--fast-ci`` and ``--slow-ci`` options. ``--fast-ci`` uses a default timeout of 10 minutes and ``-u all,-cpu`` (skip slowest tests). ``--slow-ci`` uses a default timeout of 20 minutes and ``-u all`` (run all tests). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-14-23-27-40 .. gh-issue: 109425 .. nonce: j-uFep .. section: Tests libregrtest now decodes stdout of test worker processes with the "backslashreplace" error handler to log corrupted stdout, instead of failing with an error and not logging the stdout. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-14-22-58-47 .. gh-issue: 109396 .. nonce: J1a4jR .. section: Tests Fix ``test_socket.test_hmac_sha1()`` in FIPS mode. Use a longer key: FIPS mode requires at least of at least 112 bits. The previous key was only 32 bits. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-13-05-58-09 .. gh-issue: 104736 .. nonce: lA25Fu .. section: Tests Fix test_gdb on Python built with LLVM clang 16 on Linux ppc64le (ex: Fedora 38). Search patterns in gdb "bt" command output to detect when gdb fails to retrieve the traceback. For example, skip a test if ``Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC`` is found. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-11-19-11-57 .. gh-issue: 109276 .. nonce: qxI4OG .. section: Tests libregrtest now calls :func:`random.seed` before running each test file when ``-r/--randomize`` command line option is used. Moreover, it's also called in worker processes. It should help to make tests more deterministic. Previously, it was only called once in the main process before running all test files and it was not called in worker processes. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-11-18-19-52 .. gh-issue: 109276 .. nonce: btfFtT .. section: Tests libregrtest now uses a separated file descriptor to write test result as JSON. Previously, if a test wrote debug messages late around the JSON, the main test process failed to parse JSON. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-10-23-05-50 .. gh-issue: 108996 .. nonce: tJBru6 .. section: Tests Fix and enable ``test_msvcrt``. .. .. date: 2023-09-10-22-32-20 .. gh-issue: 109237 .. nonce: SvgKwD .. section: Tests Fix ``test_site.test_underpth_basic()`` when the working directory contains at least one non-ASCII character: encode the ``._pth`` file to UTF-8 and enable the UTF-8 Mode to use UTF-8 for the child process stdout. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-10-19-59-57 .. gh-issue: 109230 .. nonce: SRNLFQ .. section: Tests Fix ``test_pyexpat.test_exception()``: it can now be run from a directory different than Python source code directory. Before, the test failed in this case. Skip the test if Modules/pyexpat.c source is not available. Skip also the test on Python implementations other than CPython. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-22-06-22 .. gh-issue: 108996 .. nonce: IBhR3U .. section: Tests Add tests for ``msvcrt``. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-18-27-53 .. gh-issue: 109015 .. nonce: 1dS1AQ .. section: Tests Fix test_asyncio, test_imaplib and test_socket tests on FreeBSD if the TCP blackhole is enabled (``sysctl net.inet.tcp.blackhole``). Skip the few tests which failed with ``ETIMEDOUT`` which such non standard configuration. Currently, the `FreeBSD GCP image enables TCP and UDP blackhole <https://reviews.freebsd.org/D41751>`_ (``sysctl net.inet.tcp.blackhole=2`` and ``sysctl net.inet.udp.blackhole=1``). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-15-36-51 .. gh-issue: 91960 .. nonce: P3nD5v .. section: Tests Skip ``test_gdb`` if gdb is unable to retrieve Python frame objects: if a frame is ``<optimized out>``. When Python is built with "clang -Og", gdb can fail to retrieve the *frame* parameter of ``_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault()``. In this case, tests like ``py_bt()`` are likely to fail. Without getting access to Python frames, ``python-gdb.py`` is mostly clueless on retrieving the Python traceback. Moreover, ``test_gdb`` is no longer skipped on macOS if Python is built with Clang. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-05-23-00-09 .. gh-issue: 108962 .. nonce: R4NwuU .. section: Tests Skip ``test_tempfile.test_flags()`` if ``chflags()`` fails with "OSError: [Errno 45] Operation not supported" (ex: on FreeBSD 13). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-05-21-42-54 .. gh-issue: 91960 .. nonce: abClTs .. section: Tests FreeBSD 13.2 CI coverage for pull requests is now provided by Cirrus-CI (a hosted CI service that supports Linux, macOS, Windows, and FreeBSD). .. .. date: 2023-09-04-15-18-14 .. gh-issue: 89392 .. nonce: 8A4T5p .. section: Tests Removed support of ``test_main()`` function in tests. They now always use normal unittest test runner. .. .. date: 2023-09-03-21-41-10 .. gh-issue: 108851 .. nonce: xFTYOE .. section: Tests Fix ``test_tomllib`` recursion tests for WASI buildbots: reduce the recursion limit and compute the maximum nested array/dict depending on the current available recursion limit. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-03-21-18-35 .. gh-issue: 108851 .. nonce: CCuHyI .. section: Tests Add ``get_recursion_available()`` and ``get_recursion_depth()`` functions to the :mod:`test.support` module. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-03-20-15-49 .. gh-issue: 108834 .. nonce: Osvmhf .. section: Tests Add ``--fail-rerun option`` option to regrtest: if a test failed when then passed when rerun in verbose mode, exit the process with exit code 2 (error), instead of exit code 0 (success). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-03-06-17-12 .. gh-issue: 108834 .. nonce: fjV-CJ .. section: Tests Rename regrtest ``--verbose2`` option (``-w``) to ``--rerun``. Keep ``--verbose2`` as a deprecated alias. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-03-02-01-55 .. gh-issue: 108834 .. nonce: iAwXzj .. section: Tests When regrtest reruns failed tests in verbose mode (``./python -m test --rerun``), tests are now rerun in fresh worker processes rather than being executed in the main process. If a test does crash or is killed by a timeout, the main process can detect and handle the killed worker process. Tests are rerun in parallel if the ``-jN`` option is used to run tests in parallel. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-02-19-06-52 .. gh-issue: 108822 .. nonce: arTbBI .. section: Tests ``regrtest`` now computes statistics on all tests: successes, failures and skipped. ``test_netrc``, ``test_pep646_syntax`` and ``test_xml_etree`` now return results in their ``test_main()`` function. Patch by Victor Stinner and Alex Waygood. .. .. date: 2023-09-02-05-13-38 .. gh-issue: 108794 .. nonce: tGHXBt .. section: Tests The :meth:`doctest.DocTestRunner.run` method now counts the number of skipped tests. Add :attr:`doctest.DocTestRunner.skips` and :attr:`doctest.TestResults.skipped` attributes. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-24-06-10-36 .. gh-issue: 108388 .. nonce: YCVB0D .. section: Tests Convert test_concurrent_futures to a package of 7 sub-tests. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-24-04-23-35 .. gh-issue: 108388 .. nonce: mr0MeE .. section: Tests Split test_multiprocessing_fork, test_multiprocessing_forkserver and test_multiprocessing_spawn into test packages. Each package is made of 4 sub-tests: processes, threads, manager and misc. It allows running more tests in parallel and so reduce the total test duration. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-23-04-08-18 .. gh-issue: 105776 .. nonce: oE6wp_ .. section: Tests Fix test_cppext when the C compiler command ``-std=c11`` option: remove ``-std=`` options from the compiler command. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-05-14-01-07 .. gh-issue: 107652 .. nonce: 5OxOlT .. section: Tests Set up CIFuzz to run fuzz targets in GitHub Actions. Patch by Illia Volochii. .. .. date: 2023-07-25-14-36-33 .. gh-issue: 107237 .. nonce: y1pY79 .. section: Tests ``test_logging``: Fix ``test_udp_reconnection()`` by increasing the timeout from 100 ms to 5 minutes (LONG_TIMEOUT). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-07-24-16-56-59 .. gh-issue: 107178 .. nonce: Gq1usE .. section: Tests Add the C API test for functions in the Mapping Protocol, the Sequence Protocol and some functions in the Object Protocol. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-13-49-40 .. gh-issue: 106714 .. nonce: btYI5S .. section: Tests test_capi: Fix test_no_FatalError_infinite_loop() to no longer write a coredump, by using test.support.SuppressCrashReport. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-07-16-02-57-08 .. gh-issue: 104090 .. nonce: cKtK7g .. section: Tests Avoid creating a reference to the test object in :meth:`~unittest.TestResult.collectedDurations`. .. .. date: 2023-07-14-16-20-06 .. gh-issue: 106752 .. nonce: gd1i6D .. section: Tests Moved tests for ``zipfile.Path`` into ``Lib/test/test_zipfile/_path``. Made ``zipfile._path`` a package. .. .. date: 2023-07-12-14-07-07 .. gh-issue: 106690 .. nonce: NDz-oG .. section: Tests Add .coveragerc to cpython repository for use with coverage package. .. .. date: 2023-06-28-02-51-08 .. gh-issue: 101634 .. nonce: Rayczr .. section: Tests When running the Python test suite with ``-jN`` option, if a worker stdout cannot be decoded from the locale encoding report a failed testn so the exitcode is non-zero. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-29-14-49-46 .. gh-issue: 105084 .. nonce: lvVvoj .. section: Tests When the Python build is configured ``--with-wheel-pkg-dir``, tests requiring the ``setuptools`` and ``wheel`` wheels will search for the wheels in ``WHEEL_PKG_DIR``. .. .. date: 2023-05-19-08-06-06 .. gh-issue: 81005 .. nonce: -q7m9W .. section: Tests String tests are modified to reflect that ``str`` and ``unicode`` are merged in Python 3. Patch by Daniel Fortunov. .. .. date: 2023-04-05-06-45-20 .. gh-issue: 103186 .. nonce: 640Eg- .. section: Tests Suppress and assert expected RuntimeWarnings in test_sys_settrace.py .. .. date: 2022-06-09-21-27-38 .. gh-issue: 69714 .. nonce: 49tyHW .. section: Tests Add additional tests to :mod:`calendar` to achieve full test coverage. .. .. date: 2023-10-06-02-15-23 .. gh-issue: 103053 .. nonce: --7JUF .. section: Build "make check-clean-src" now also checks if the "python" program is found in the source directory: fail with an error if it does exist. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-10-05-11-46-20 .. gh-issue: 109191 .. nonce: imUkVN .. section: Build Fix compile error when building with recent versions of libedit. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-17-55-09 .. gh-issue: 110276 .. nonce: luaKRg .. section: Build No longer ignore :envvar:`PROFILE_TASK` failure silently: command used by Profile Guided Optimization (PGO). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-29-21-01-48 .. gh-issue: 109566 .. nonce: _enldb .. section: Build Remove ``make testall`` target: use ``make buildbottest`` instead. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-26-16-00-50 .. gh-issue: 109740 .. nonce: wboWdQ .. section: Build The experimental ``--disable-gil`` configure flag now includes "t" (for "threaded") in extension ABI tags. .. .. date: 2023-09-07-19-58-05 .. gh-issue: 109054 .. nonce: 5r3S3l .. section: Build Fix building the ``_testcapi`` extension on Linux AArch64 which requires linking to libatomic when ``<cpython/pyatomic.h>`` is used: the ``_Py_atomic_or_uint64()`` function requires libatomic ``__atomic_fetch_or_8()`` on this platform. The configure script now checks if linking to libatomic is needed and generates a new LIBATOMIC variable used to build the _testcapi extension. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-02-18-04-15 .. gh-issue: 63760 .. nonce: r8hJ6q .. section: Build Fix Solaris build: no longer redefine the ``gethostname()`` function. Solaris defines the function since 2005. Patch by Victor Stinner, original patch by Jakub Kulík. .. .. date: 2023-09-01-01-39-26 .. gh-issue: 108740 .. nonce: JHExAQ .. section: Build Fix a race condition in ``make regen-all``. The ``deepfreeze.c`` source and files generated by Argument Clinic are now generated or updated before generating "global objects". Previously, some identifiers may miss depending on the order in which these files were generated. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-30-02-52-52 .. gh-issue: 108634 .. nonce: 3dpBvf .. section: Build Python built with :file:`configure` :option:`--with-trace-refs` (tracing references) is now ABI compatible with Python release build and :ref:`debug build <debug-build>`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-29-15-05-09 .. gh-issue: 85283 .. nonce: tlK7G7 .. section: Build The ``_stat`` C extension is now built with the :ref:`limited C API <limited-c-api>`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-24-18-36-31 .. gh-issue: 108447 .. nonce: Ofsygr .. section: Build Fix x86_64 GNU/Hurd build .. .. date: 2023-08-09-17-05-33 .. gh-issue: 107814 .. nonce: c0Oapq .. section: Build When calling ``find_python.bat`` with ``-q`` it did not properly silence the output of nuget. That is now fixed. .. .. date: 2023-08-01-17-12-53 .. gh-issue: 105481 .. nonce: 42nsDE .. section: Build Remove the make target ``regen-opcode-targets``, merge its work into ``regen-opcode`` which repeats most of the calculation. This simplifies the code for the build and reduces code duplication. .. .. date: 2023-07-28-18-17-33 .. gh-issue: 106881 .. nonce: U3Ezdq .. section: Build Check for ``linux/limits.h`` before including it in ``Modules/posixmodule.c``. .. .. date: 2023-07-25-02-30-00 .. gh-issue: 95855 .. nonce: wA7rAf .. section: Build Refactor platform triplet detection code and add detection for MIPS soft float and musl libc. .. .. date: 2023-07-23-00-38-51 .. gh-issue: 106962 .. nonce: VVYrWB .. section: Build Detect MPI compilers in :file:`configure`. .. .. date: 2023-06-26-21-56-29 .. gh-issue: 106118 .. nonce: 0cCfhl .. section: Build Fix compilation for platforms without :data:`!O_CLOEXEC`. The issue was introduced with Python 3.12b1 in :gh:`103295`. Patch by Erlend Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-06-16-23-40-49 .. gh-issue: 105875 .. nonce: naj8v5 .. section: Build SQLite 3.15.2 or newer is required to build the :mod:`sqlite3` extension module. Patch by Erlend Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-06-06-09-08-10 .. gh-issue: 90005 .. nonce: 8mmeJQ .. section: Build Fix a regression in :file:`configure` where we could end up unintentionally linking with ``libbsd``. .. .. date: 2023-06-02-19-12-45 .. gh-issue: 102404 .. nonce: Ry9piA .. section: Build Document how to perform a WASI build on Linux. Also add Tools/wasm/build_wasi.sh as a reference implementation of the docs. .. .. date: 2023-05-26-15-44-20 .. gh-issue: 89886 .. nonce: _iSW-p .. section: Build Autoconf 2.71 and aclocal 1.16.4 is now required to regenerate :file:`!configure`. .. .. date: 2023-05-20-23-49-30 .. gh-issue: 104692 .. nonce: s5UIu5 .. section: Build Include ``commoninstall`` as a prerequisite for ``bininstall`` This ensures that ``commoninstall`` is completed before ``bininstall`` is started when parallel builds are used (``make -j install``), and so the ``python3`` symlink is only installed after all standard library modules are installed. .. .. date: 2023-02-03-21-36-42 .. gh-issue: 101538 .. nonce: sF5F6S .. section: Build Add experimental wasi-threads support. Patch by Takashi Yamamoto. .. .. date: 2023-10-06-14-20-14 .. gh-issue: 110437 .. nonce: xpYy9q .. section: Windows Allows overriding the source of VC redistributables so that releases can be guaranteed to never downgrade between updates. .. .. date: 2023-10-05-15-23-23 .. gh-issue: 109286 .. nonce: N8OzMg .. section: Windows Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.43.1. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-12-30-59 .. gh-issue: 82367 .. nonce: nxwfMx .. section: Windows :func:`os.path.realpath` now resolves MS-DOS style file names even if the file is not accessible. Patch by Moonsik Park. .. .. date: 2023-09-28-17-09-23 .. gh-issue: 109991 .. nonce: CIMftz .. section: Windows Update Windows build to use OpenSSL 3.0.11. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-00-36-57 .. gh-issue: 106242 .. nonce: q24ITw .. section: Windows Fixes :func:`~os.path.realpath` to behave consistently when passed a path containing an embedded null character on Windows. In strict mode, it now raises :exc:`OSError` instead of the unexpected :exc:`ValueError`, and in non-strict mode will make the path absolute. .. .. date: 2023-08-18-00-01-21 .. gh-issue: 83180 .. nonce: DdLffv .. section: Windows Changes the :ref:`launcher` to prefer an active virtual environment when the launched script has a shebang line using a Unix-like virtual command, even if the command requests a specific version of Python. .. .. date: 2023-07-18-13-01-26 .. gh-issue: 106844 .. nonce: mci4xO .. section: Windows Fix integer overflow and truncating by the null character in :func:`!_winapi.LCMapStringEx` which affects :func:`ntpath.normcase`. .. .. date: 2023-06-08-11-30-17 .. gh-issue: 105436 .. nonce: 1qlDxw .. section: Windows Ensure that an empty environment block is terminated by two null characters, as is required by Windows. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-16-14-31 .. gh-issue: 105146 .. nonce: gNjqq8 .. section: Windows Updated the links at the end of the installer to point to Discourse rather than the mailing lists. .. .. date: 2023-05-29-17-09-31 .. gh-issue: 103646 .. nonce: U8oGQx .. section: Windows When installed from the Microsoft Store, ``pip`` no longer defaults to per-user installs. However, as the install directory is unwritable, it should automatically decide to do a per-user install anyway. This should resolve issues when ``pip`` is passed an option that conflicts with ``--user``. .. .. date: 2023-05-29-11-38-53 .. gh-issue: 88745 .. nonce: cldf9G .. section: Windows Improve performance of :func:`shutil.copy2` by using the operating system's ``CopyFile2`` function. This may result in subtle changes to metadata copied along with some files, bringing them in line with normal OS behavior. .. .. date: 2023-05-24-21-00-57 .. gh-issue: 104820 .. nonce: ibyrpp .. section: Windows Fixes :func:`~os.stat` and related functions on file systems that do not support file ID requests. This includes FAT32 and exFAT. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-19-26-28 .. gh-issue: 104803 .. nonce: gqxYml .. section: Windows Add :func:`os.path.isdevdrive` to detect whether a path is on a Windows Dev Drive. Returns ``False`` on platforms that do not support Dev Drive, and is absent on non-Windows platforms. .. .. date: 2023-10-04-23-38-24 .. gh-issue: 109286 .. nonce: 1ZLMaq .. section: macOS Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.43.1. .. .. date: 2023-09-27-22-35-22 .. gh-issue: 109991 .. nonce: -xJzaF .. section: macOS Update macOS installer to use OpenSSL 3.0.11. .. .. date: 2023-07-30-23-42-20 .. gh-issue: 99079 .. nonce: JAtoh1 .. section: macOS Update macOS installer to use OpenSSL 3.0.9. .. .. date: 2023-05-23-17-19-49 .. gh-issue: 104719 .. nonce: rvYXH- .. section: IDLE Remove IDLE's modification of tokenize.tabsize and test other uses of tokenize data and methods. .. .. date: 2023-09-27-23-31-54 .. gh-issue: 109991 .. nonce: sUUYY8 .. section: Tools/Demos Update GitHub CI workflows to use OpenSSL 3.0.11 and multissltests to use 1.1.1w, 3.0.11, and 3.1.3. .. .. date: 2023-08-25-22-40-12 .. gh-issue: 108494 .. nonce: 4RbDdu .. section: Tools/Demos `Argument Clinic <https://devguide.python.org/development-tools/clinic/>`__ now has a partial support of the :ref:`Limited API <limited-c-api>`: see `documentation in the Python Developer's Guide <https://devguide.python.org/development-tools/clinic/#clinic-howto-limited-capi>`__ Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-15-19-50-49 .. gh-issue: 107704 .. nonce: Uu84vd .. section: Tools/Demos It is now possible to deprecate passing keyword arguments for keyword-or-positional parameters with Argument Clinic, using the new ``/ [from X.Y]`` syntax. (To be read as *"positional-only from Python version X.Y"*.) See `documentation in the Python Developer's Guide <https://devguide.python.org/development-tools/clinic/#clinic-howto-deprecate-keyword>`__ for more information. .. .. date: 2023-08-13-11-18-06 .. gh-issue: 107880 .. nonce: gBVVQ7 .. section: Tools/Demos Argument Clinic can now clone :meth:`!__init__` and :meth:`!__new__` methods. .. .. date: 2023-08-08-12-21-41 .. gh-issue: 104683 .. nonce: DRsAQE .. section: Tools/Demos Add ``--exclude`` option to Argument Clinic CLI. .. .. date: 2023-08-07-16-30-48 .. gh-issue: 95065 .. nonce: -im4R5 .. section: Tools/Demos Argument Clinic now supports overriding automatically generated signature by using directive ``@text_signature``. See `documentation in the Python Developer's Guide <https://devguide.python.org/development-tools/clinic/#clinic-howto-override-signature>`__ .. .. date: 2023-08-04-00-04-40 .. gh-issue: 107609 .. nonce: 2DqgtL .. section: Tools/Demos Fix duplicate module check in Argument Clinic. Previously, a duplicate definition would incorrectly be silently accepted. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-07-30-23-32-16 .. gh-issue: 107467 .. nonce: 5O9p3G .. section: Tools/Demos The Argument Clinic command-line tool now prints to stderr instead of stdout on failure. .. .. date: 2023-07-21-23-16-05 .. gh-issue: 106970 .. nonce: NLRnml .. section: Tools/Demos Fix bugs in the Argument Clinic ``destination <name> clear`` command; the destination buffers would never be cleared, and the ``destination`` directive parser would simply continue to the fault handler after processing the command. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2023-07-13-12-08-35 .. gh-issue: 106706 .. nonce: 29zp8E .. section: Tools/Demos Change bytecode syntax for families to remove redundant name matching pseudo syntax. .. .. date: 2023-07-03-14-06-19 .. gh-issue: 106359 .. nonce: RfJuR0 .. section: Tools/Demos Argument Clinic now explicitly forbids "kwarg splats" in function calls used as annotations. .. .. date: 2023-04-05-07-19-36 .. gh-issue: 103186 .. nonce: yEozgK .. section: Tools/Demos ``freeze`` now fetches ``CONFIG_ARGS`` from the original CPython instance the Makefile uses to call utility scripts. Patch by Ijtaba Hussain. .. .. date: 2022-07-23-00-33-28 .. gh-issue: 95065 .. nonce: NfCCpp .. section: Tools/Demos It is now possible to deprecate passing parameters positionally with Argument Clinic, using the new ``* [from X.Y]`` syntax. (To be read as *"keyword-only from Python version X.Y"*.) See `documentation in the Python Developer's Guide <https://devguide.python.org/development-tools/clinic/#clinic-howto-deprecate-positional>`__ for more information. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland with help from Alex Waygood, Nikita Sobolev, and Serhiy Storchaka. .. .. date: 2023-10-11-17-29-52 .. gh-issue: 85283 .. nonce: OsqIBF .. section: C API If the :c:macro:`Py_LIMITED_API` macro is defined, :c:macro:`!Py_BUILD_CORE`, :c:macro:`!Py_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN` and :c:macro:`!Py_BUILD_CORE_MODULE` macros are now undefined by ``<Python.h>``. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-19-01-20 .. gh-issue: 110289 .. nonce: YBIHEz .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyUnicode_EqualToUTF8AndSize` and :c:func:`PyUnicode_EqualToUTF8` functions. .. .. date: 2023-10-03-06-19-10 .. gh-issue: 110235 .. nonce: uec5AG .. section: C API Raise :exc:`TypeError` for duplicate/unknown fields in ``PyStructSequence`` constructor. Patched by Xuehai Pan. .. .. date: 2023-10-02-13-39-57 .. gh-issue: 110014 .. nonce: gfQ4jU .. section: C API Remove undocumented ``PY_TIMEOUT_MAX`` constant from the limited C API. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-17-21-47-31 .. gh-issue: 109521 .. nonce: JDF6i9 .. section: C API :c:func:`PyImport_GetImporter` now sets RuntimeError if it fails to get :data:`sys.path_hooks` or :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` or they are not list and dict correspondingly. Previously it could return NULL without setting error in obscure cases, crash or raise SystemError if these attributes have wrong type. .. .. date: 2023-09-12-13-09-36 .. gh-issue: 108724 .. nonce: -yMsC8 .. section: C API Add :c:type:`PyMutex` internal-only lightweight locking API. .. .. date: 2023-09-06-00-14-49 .. gh-issue: 85283 .. nonce: GKY0Cc .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PySys_AuditTuple` function: similar to :c:func:`PySys_Audit`, but pass event arguments as a Python :class:`tuple` object. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-04-11-47-12 .. gh-issue: 108867 .. nonce: Cr_LKd .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyThreadState_GetUnchecked()` function: similar to :c:func:`PyThreadState_Get()`, but don't kill the process with a fatal error if it is NULL. The caller is responsible to check if the result is NULL. Previously, the function was private and known as ``_PyThreadState_UncheckedGet()``. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-02-22-35-55 .. gh-issue: 108765 .. nonce: 4TOdBT .. section: C API ``Python.h`` no longer includes the ``<ctype.h>`` standard header file. If needed, it should now be included explicitly. For example, it provides ``isalpha()`` and ``tolower()`` functions which are locale dependent. Python provides locale independent functions, like :c:func:`!Py_ISALPHA` and :c:func:`!Py_TOLOWER`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-01-21-10-29 .. gh-issue: 108765 .. nonce: eeXtYF .. section: C API ``Python.h`` no longer includes the ``<unistd.h>`` standard header file. If needed, it should now be included explicitly. For example, it provides the functions: ``close()``, ``getpagesize()``, ``getpid()`` and ``sysconf()``. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-01-20-41-49 .. gh-issue: 108765 .. nonce: 5dXc1r .. section: C API ``Python.h`` no longer includes the ``<ieeefp.h>`` standard header. It was included for the ``finite()`` function which is now provided by the ``<math.h>`` header. It should now be included explicitly if needed. Remove also the ``HAVE_IEEEFP_H`` macro. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-01-18-42-31 .. gh-issue: 108765 .. nonce: IyYNDu .. section: C API ``Python.h`` no longer includes these standard header files: ``<time.h>``, ``<sys/select.h>`` and ``<sys/time.h>``. If needed, they should now be included explicitly. For example, ``<time.h>`` provides the ``clock()`` and ``gmtime()`` functions, ``<sys/select.h>`` provides the ``select()`` function, and ``<sys/time.h>`` provides the ``futimes()``, ``gettimeofday()`` and ``setitimer()`` functions. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-09-01-16-28-09 .. gh-issue: 108511 .. nonce: gg-QDG .. section: C API Add functions :c:func:`PyObject_HasAttrWithError`, :c:func:`PyObject_HasAttrStringWithError`, :c:func:`PyMapping_HasKeyWithError` and :c:func:`PyMapping_HasKeyStringWithError`. .. .. date: 2023-09-01-15-35-05 .. gh-issue: 107073 .. nonce: zCz0iN .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyObject_VisitManagedDict` and :c:func:`PyObject_ClearManagedDict` functions which must be called by the traverse and clear functions of a type using :c:macro:`Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT` flag. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-30-02-54-06 .. gh-issue: 108634 .. nonce: oV3Xzk .. section: C API Python built with :file:`configure` :option:`--with-trace-refs` (tracing references) now supports the :ref:`Limited API <limited-c-api>`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-24-20-08-02 .. gh-issue: 108014 .. nonce: 20DOSS .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyLong_AsInt` function: similar to :c:func:`PyLong_AsLong`, but store the result in a C :c:expr:`int` instead of a C :c:expr:`long`. Previously, it was known as the private function :c:func:`!_PyLong_AsInt` (with an underscore prefix). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-18-45-20 .. gh-issue: 108314 .. nonce: nOlmwq .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyDict_ContainsString` function: same as :c:func:`PyDict_Contains`, but *key* is specified as a :c:expr:`const char*` UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a :c:expr:`PyObject*`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-22-13-00-54 .. gh-issue: 108337 .. nonce: wceHZm .. section: C API Add atomic operations on additional data types in pyatomic.h. .. .. date: 2023-08-16-17-16-19 .. gh-issue: 108014 .. nonce: wXN3CF .. section: C API Add :c:func:`Py_IsFinalizing` function: check if the main Python interpreter is :term:`shutting down <interpreter shutdown>`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-08-14-10-59-03 .. gh-issue: 107916 .. nonce: KH4Muo .. section: C API C API functions :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename`, :c:func:`PyErr_SetExcFromWindowsErrWithFilename` and :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFilename` save now the error code before calling :c:func:`PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault`. .. .. date: 2023-08-13-12-33-00 .. gh-issue: 107915 .. nonce: jQ0wOi .. section: C API Such C API functions as ``PyErr_SetString()``, ``PyErr_Format()``, ``PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename()`` and many others no longer crash or ignore errors if it failed to format the error message or decode the filename. Instead, they keep a corresponding error. .. .. date: 2023-08-10-11-12-25 .. gh-issue: 107810 .. nonce: oJ40Qx .. section: C API Improve :exc:`DeprecationWarning` for uses of :c:type:`PyType_Spec` with metaclasses that have custom ``tp_new``. .. .. date: 2023-07-25-17-23-08 .. gh-issue: 107249 .. nonce: xqk2ke .. section: C API Implement the :c:macro:`Py_UNUSED` macro for Windows MSVC compiler. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-07-25-13-41-09 .. gh-issue: 107226 .. nonce: N919zH .. section: C API :c:func:`PyModule_AddObjectRef` is now only available in the limited API version 3.10 or later. .. .. date: 2023-07-22-14-40-48 .. gh-issue: 106320 .. nonce: H3u7x4 .. section: C API Remove private ``_PyUnicode_AsString()`` alias to :c:func:`PyUnicode_AsUTF8`. It was kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.0 - 3.2. The :c:func:`PyUnicode_AsUTF8` is available since Python 3.3. The :c:func:`PyUnicode_AsUTF8String` function can be used to keep compatibility with Python 3.2 and older. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-07-11-01-07-39 .. gh-issue: 106572 .. nonce: y1b35X .. section: C API Convert :c:func:`PyObject_DelAttr` and :c:func:`PyObject_DelAttrString` macros to functions. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-07-08-12-24-17 .. gh-issue: 106307 .. nonce: FVnkBw .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyMapping_GetOptionalItem` function. .. .. date: 2023-07-07-19-14-00 .. gh-issue: 106521 .. nonce: Veh9f3 .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyObject_GetOptionalAttr` and :c:func:`PyObject_GetOptionalAttrString` functions. .. .. date: 2023-07-02-00-00-20 .. gh-issue: 106320 .. nonce: tZWcvG .. section: C API Remove ``_PyInterpreterState_Get()`` alias to :c:func:`PyInterpreterState_Get()` which was kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-07-01-21-23-33 .. gh-issue: 106316 .. nonce: hp2Ijw .. section: C API Remove ``cpython/pytime.h`` header file: it only contained private functions. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-30-09-33-25 .. gh-issue: 106023 .. nonce: YvYiE4 .. section: C API Remove private ``_PyObject_FastCall()`` function: use ``PyObject_Vectorcall()`` which is available since Python 3.8 (:pep:`590`). Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-28-02-30-50 .. gh-issue: 106168 .. nonce: NFOZPv .. section: C API If Python is built in :ref:`debug mode <debug-build>` or :option:`with assertions <--with-assertions>`, :c:func:`PyTuple_SET_ITEM` and :c:func:`PyList_SET_ITEM` now check the index argument with an assertion. If the assertion fails, make sure that the size is set before. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-25-18-01-27 .. gh-issue: 106084 .. nonce: PEzqU3 .. section: C API Remove the old aliases to functions calling functions which were kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8 provisional API: * ``_PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs()``: use ``PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs()`` * ``_PyObject_CallMethodOneArg()``: use ``PyObject_CallMethodOneArg()`` * ``_PyObject_CallOneArg()``: use ``PyObject_CallOneArg()`` * ``_PyObject_FastCallDict()``: use ``PyObject_VectorcallDict()`` * ``_PyObject_Vectorcall()``: use ``PyObject_Vectorcall()`` * ``_PyObject_VectorcallMethod()``: use ``PyObject_VectorcallMethod()`` * ``_PyVectorcall_Function()``: use ``PyVectorcall_Function()`` Just remove the underscore prefix to update your code. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-23-02-57-15 .. gh-issue: 106004 .. nonce: -OToh6 .. section: C API Adds :c:func:`PyDict_GetItemRef` and :c:func:`PyDict_GetItemStringRef` functions: similar to :c:func:`PyDict_GetItemWithError` but returning a :term:`strong reference` instead of a :term:`borrowed reference`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-22-00-25-55 .. gh-issue: 105927 .. nonce: GRxZtI .. section: C API Deprecate the :c:func:`PyWeakref_GetObject` and :c:func:`PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT` functions: use the new :c:func:`PyWeakref_GetRef` function instead. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-20-08-59-05 .. gh-issue: 105927 .. nonce: DfGeEA .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyWeakref_GetRef` function: similar to :c:func:`PyWeakref_GetObject` but returns a :term:`strong reference`, or ``NULL`` if the referent is no longer live. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-19-20-02-16 .. gh-issue: 105922 .. nonce: o4T6wO .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyImport_AddModuleRef`: similar to :c:func:`PyImport_AddModule`, but return a :term:`strong reference` instead of a :term:`borrowed reference`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-13-14-24-55 .. gh-issue: 105227 .. nonce: HDL9aF .. section: C API The new :c:func:`PyType_GetDict` provides the dictionary for the given type object that is normally exposed by ``cls.__dict__``. Normally it's sufficient to use :c:member:`~PyTypeObject.tp_dict`, but for the static builtin types :c:member:`!tp_dict` is now always ``NULL``. :c:func:`!PyType_GetDict()` provides the correct dict object instead. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-23-34-25 .. gh-issue: 105375 .. nonce: n7amiF .. section: C API Fix a bug in :c:func:`PyErr_WarnExplicit` where an exception could end up being overwritten if the API failed internally. .. .. date: 2023-06-09-19-16-57 .. gh-issue: 105603 .. nonce: -z6G22 .. section: C API We've renamed the new (in 3.12) ``PyInterpreterConfig.own_gil`` to ``PyInterpreterConfig.gil`` and changed the meaning of the value from "bool" to an integer with supported values of ``PyInterpreterConfig_DEFAULT_GIL``, ``PyInterpreterConfig_SHARED_GIL``, and ``PyInterpreterConfig_OWN_GIL``. The default is "shared". .. .. date: 2023-06-09-12-35-55 .. gh-issue: 105387 .. nonce: wM_oL- .. section: C API In the limited C API version 3.12, :c:func:`Py_INCREF` and :c:func:`Py_DECREF` functions are now implemented as opaque function calls to hide implementation details. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-06-17-43-28 .. gh-issue: 105396 .. nonce: FQJG5B .. section: C API Deprecate the :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock` function which is just an alias to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule` since Python 3.3. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-06-14-14-41 .. gh-issue: 103968 .. nonce: BTO6II .. section: C API :c:func:`PyType_FromMetaclass` now allows metaclasses with ``tp_new`` set to ``NULL``. .. .. date: 2023-06-06-10-57-18 .. gh-issue: 105268 .. nonce: OTJUko .. section: C API Remove the old private, undocumented and untested ``_PyGC_FINALIZED()`` macro which was kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8 and older. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-01-11-24-03 .. gh-issue: 105182 .. nonce: l5sCw4 .. section: C API Remove ``PyEval_AcquireLock()`` and ``PyEval_ReleaseLock()`` functions, deprecated in Python 3.2. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-01-11-23-28 .. gh-issue: 105182 .. nonce: kLEHl- .. section: C API Remove ``PyEval_InitThreads()`` and ``PyEval_ThreadsInitialized()`` functions, deprecated in Python 3.9. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-06-01-09-40-30 .. gh-issue: 105145 .. nonce: WOOE-w .. section: C API Deprecate old Python initialization functions: * :c:func:`PySys_ResetWarnOptions` * :c:func:`Py_GetExecPrefix` * :c:func:`Py_GetPath` * :c:func:`Py_GetPrefix` * :c:func:`Py_GetProgramFullPath` * :c:func:`Py_GetProgramName` * :c:func:`Py_GetPythonHome` Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-19-38-45 .. gh-issue: 85275 .. nonce: doojgE .. section: C API ``PyObject_AsCharBuffer()``, ``PyObject_AsReadBuffer()``, ``PyObject_CheckReadBuffer()``, and ``PyObject_AsWriteBuffer()`` are removed. Please migrate to new buffer protocol; :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` and :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release`. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-18-37-57 .. gh-issue: 105156 .. nonce: R4El5V .. section: C API Deprecate the old ``Py_UNICODE`` and ``PY_UNICODE_TYPE`` types: use directly the :c:type:`wchar_t` type instead. Since Python 3.3, ``Py_UNICODE`` and ``PY_UNICODE_TYPE`` are just aliases to :c:type:`wchar_t`. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-31-16-51-18 .. gh-issue: 105145 .. nonce: b3B6lJ .. section: C API Remove the following old functions to configure the Python initialization, deprecated in Python 3.11: * ``PySys_AddWarnOptionUnicode()`` * ``PySys_AddWarnOption()`` * ``PySys_AddXOption()`` * ``PySys_HasWarnOptions()`` * ``PySys_SetArgvEx()`` * ``PySys_SetArgv()`` * ``PySys_SetPath()`` * ``Py_SetPath()`` * ``Py_SetProgramName()`` * ``Py_SetPythonHome()`` * ``Py_SetStandardStreamEncoding()`` * ``_Py_SetProgramFullPath()`` Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-30-19-11-09 .. gh-issue: 105107 .. nonce: YQwMnm .. section: C API Remove functions deprecated in Python 3.9. * ``PyEval_CallObject()``, ``PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords()``: use :c:func:`PyObject_CallNoArgs` and :c:func:`PyObject_Call` (positional arguments must not be *NULL*) instead. * ``PyEval_CallFunction()``: use :c:func:`PyObject_CallFunction` instead. * ``PyEval_CallMethod()``: use :c:func:`PyObject_CallMethod` instead. * ``PyCFunction_Call()``: use :c:func:`PyObject_Call` instead. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2023-05-30-17-45-32 .. gh-issue: 105115 .. nonce: iRho1K .. section: C API ``PyTypeObject.tp_bases`` (and ``tp_mro``) for builtin static types are now shared by all interpreters, whereas in 3.12-beta1 they were stored on ``PyInterpreterState``. Also note that now the tuples are immortal objects. .. .. date: 2023-05-30-10-15-13 .. gh-issue: 105071 .. nonce: dPtp7c .. section: C API Add ``PyUnstable_Exc_PrepReraiseStar`` to the unstable C api to expose the implementation of :keyword:`except* <except_star>`. .. .. date: 2023-05-29-16-09-27 .. gh-issue: 104922 .. nonce: L23qaU .. section: C API ``PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN`` is no longer required to use ``'#'`` formats in APIs like :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` and :c:func:`Py_BuildValue`. They uses ``Py_ssize_t`` for ``'#'`` regardless ``PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN``. .. .. date: 2023-05-25-15-44-48 .. gh-issue: 104584 .. nonce: cSAoRh .. section: C API Add an unstable C API for hooking in an optimizer. This is mainly internal, but marked "unstable" to allow third-party experimentation. .. .. date: 2023-05-19-10-22-34 .. gh-issue: 104668 .. nonce: MLX1g9 .. section: C API Don't call :c:var:`PyOS_InputHook` or :c:var:`PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer` in subinterpreters, since it's generally difficult to avoid using global state in their registered callbacks. This also avoids situations where extensions may find themselves running in a subinterpreter they don't support (or haven't yet been loaded in). .. .. bpo: 42327 .. date: 2020-11-11-22-36-29 .. nonce: ODSZBM .. section: C API Add :c:func:`PyModule_Add` function: similar to :c:func:`PyModule_AddObjectRef` and :c:func:`PyModule_AddObject`, but always steals a reference to the value. .. .. bpo: 40309 .. date: 2020-06-25-09-44-59 .. nonce: CuoGoQ .. section: C API Properly handle trailing spaces before closing parenthesis in :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` format strings.