.. date: 2024-02-18-03-14-40
.. gh-issue: 115398
.. nonce: tzvxH8
.. release date: 2024-03-12
.. section: Security

Allow controlling Expat >=2.6.0 reparse deferral (:cve:`2023-52425`) by adding
five new methods:

* :meth:`xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser.flush`
* :meth:`xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLPullParser.flush`
* :meth:`xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser.GetReparseDeferralEnabled`
* :meth:`xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser.SetReparseDeferralEnabled`
* :meth:`xml.sax.expatreader.ExpatParser.flush`


.. date: 2024-01-26-22-14-09
.. gh-issue: 114572
.. nonce: t1QMQD
.. section: Security

:meth:`ssl.SSLContext.cert_store_stats` and
:meth:`ssl.SSLContext.get_ca_certs` now correctly lock access to the
certificate store, when the :class:`ssl.SSLContext` is shared across
multiple threads.


.. date: 2024-03-11-22-24-59
.. gh-issue: 116604
.. nonce: LCEzAT
.. section: Core and Builtins

Respect the status of the garbage collector when indirect calls are made via
:c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals` and the evaluation breaker. Patch by Pablo


.. date: 2024-03-09-11-10-53
.. gh-issue: 112087
.. nonce: nbI0Pw
.. section: Core and Builtins

:class:`list` is now compatible with the implementation of :pep:`703`.


.. date: 2024-03-05-22-00-58
.. gh-issue: 116381
.. nonce: 0Nq9iO
.. section: Core and Builtins

Add specialization for ``CONTAINS_OP``.


.. date: 2024-03-04-10-19-51
.. gh-issue: 116296
.. nonce: gvtxyU
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix possible refleak in :meth:`!object.__reduce__` internal error handling.


.. date: 2024-02-22-16-17-53
.. gh-issue: 115823
.. nonce: c1TreJ
.. section: Core and Builtins

Properly calculate error ranges in the parser when raising
:exc:`SyntaxError` exceptions caused by invalid byte sequences. Patch by
Pablo Galindo


.. date: 2024-02-22-11-33-20
.. gh-issue: 115778
.. nonce: jksd1D
.. section: Core and Builtins

Add ``tierN`` annotation for instruction definition in interpreter DSL.


.. date: 2024-02-20-18-49-02
.. gh-issue: 115733
.. nonce: 51Zb85
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix crash when calling ``next()`` on exhausted list iterators.


.. date: 2024-02-20-12-46-20
.. gh-issue: 115700
.. nonce: KLJ5r4
.. section: Core and Builtins

The regen-cases build stage now works on Windows.


.. date: 2024-02-14-23-50-43
.. gh-issue: 115347
.. nonce: VkHvQC
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix bug where docstring was replaced by a redundant NOP when Python is run
with ``-OO``.


.. date: 2024-02-12-23-29-17
.. gh-issue: 115323
.. nonce: 3t6687
.. section: Core and Builtins

Make error message more meaningful for when :meth:`bytearray.extend` is
called with a :class:`str` object.


.. date: 2024-02-09-18-59-22
.. gh-issue: 112175
.. nonce: qglugr
.. section: Core and Builtins

Every ``PyThreadState`` now has its own ``eval_breaker``, allowing specific
threads to be interrupted.


.. date: 2024-02-08-16-01-18
.. gh-issue: 115154
.. nonce: ji96FV
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix a bug that was causing the :func:`tokenize.untokenize` function to
handle unicode named literals incorrectly. Patch by Pablo Galindo


.. date: 2024-01-28-02-46-12
.. gh-issue: 112433
.. nonce: FUX-nT
.. section: Core and Builtins

Add ability to force alignment of :mod:`ctypes.Structure` by way of the new
``_align_`` attribute on the class.


.. date: 2023-07-16-15-02-47
.. gh-issue: 104090
.. nonce: oMjNa9
.. section: Core and Builtins

The multiprocessing resource tracker now exits with non-zero status code if
a resource leak was detected. It still exits with status code 0 otherwise.


.. date: 2023-06-16-21-29-06
.. gh-issue: 105858
.. nonce: Q7h0EV
.. section: Core and Builtins

Improve the constructors for :mod:`ast` nodes. Arguments of list types now
default to an empty list if omitted, and optional fields default to
``None``. AST nodes now have an ``__annotations__`` attribute with the
expected types of their attributes. Passing unrecognized extra arguments to
AST nodes is deprecated and will become an error in Python 3.15. Omitting a
required argument to an AST node is deprecated and will become an error in
Python 3.15. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.


.. date: 2023-02-13-11-36-50
.. gh-issue: 101860
.. nonce: CKCMbC
.. section: Core and Builtins

Expose ``__name__`` attribute on property.


.. date: 2022-09-04-16-51-56
.. gh-issue: 96497
.. nonce: HTBuIL
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix incorrect resolution of mangled class variables used in assignment
expressions in comprehensions.


.. date: 2024-03-11-12-11-10
.. gh-issue: 116600
.. nonce: FcNBy_
.. section: Library

Fix :func:`repr` for global :class:`~enum.Flag` members.


.. date: 2024-03-07-21-57-50
.. gh-issue: 116349
.. nonce: fD2pbP
.. section: Library

:func:`platform.java_ver` is deprecated and will be removed in 3.15. It was
largely untested, had a confusing API, and was only useful for Jython


.. date: 2024-03-05-20-53-34
.. gh-issue: 116143
.. nonce: sww6Zl
.. section: Library

Fix a race in pydoc ``_start_server``, eliminating a window in which
``_start_server`` can return a thread that is "serving" but without a
``docserver`` set.


.. date: 2024-03-05-14-34-22
.. gh-issue: 116127
.. nonce: 5uktu3
.. section: Library

:mod:`typing`: implement :pep:`705` which adds :data:`typing.ReadOnly`
support to :class:`typing.TypedDict`.


.. date: 2024-03-05-02-09-18
.. gh-issue: 116325
.. nonce: FmlBYv
.. section: Library

:mod:`typing`: raise :exc:`SyntaxError` instead of :exc:`AttributeError` on
forward references as empty strings.


.. date: 2024-03-02-11-31-49
.. gh-issue: 115957
.. nonce: C-3Z_U
.. section: Library

When ``asyncio.TaskGroup.create_task`` is called on an inactive
``asyncio.TaskGroup``, the given coroutine will be closed (which prevents a


.. date: 2024-03-01-14-22-08
.. gh-issue: 115978
.. nonce: r2ePTo
.. section: Library

Disable preadv(), readv(), pwritev(), and writev() on WASI.

Under wasmtime for WASI 0.2, these functions don't pass test_posix


.. date: 2024-03-01-11-57-32
.. gh-issue: 88352
.. nonce: bZ68rw
.. section: Library

Fix the computation of the next rollover time in the
:class:`logging.TimedRotatingFileHandler` handler. :meth:`!computeRollover`
now always returns a timestamp larger than the specified time and works
correctly during the DST change. :meth:`!doRollover` no longer overwrite the
already rolled over file, saving from data loss when run at midnight or
during repeated time at the DST change.


.. date: 2024-02-29-20-06-06
.. gh-issue: 87115
.. nonce: FVMiOR
.. section: Library

Set ``__main__.__spec__`` to ``None`` when running a script with :mod:`pdb`


.. date: 2024-02-29-17-06-54
.. gh-issue: 76511
.. nonce: WqjRLP
.. section: Library

Fix UnicodeEncodeError in :meth:`email.Message.as_string` that results when
a message that claims to be in the ascii character set actually has
non-ascii characters. Non-ascii characters are now replaced with the U+FFFD
replacement character, like in the ``replace`` error handler.


.. date: 2024-02-28-17-50-42
.. gh-issue: 89547
.. nonce: GetF38
.. section: Library

Add support for nested typing special forms like Final[ClassVar[int]].


.. date: 2024-02-28-17-04-28
.. gh-issue: 65824
.. nonce: gG8KR1
.. section: Library

Improve the ``less`` prompt in :mod:`pydoc`.


.. date: 2024-02-28-13-10-17
.. gh-issue: 116040
.. nonce: wDidHd
.. section: Library

[Enum] fix by-value calls when second value is falsey; e.g. Cardinal(1, 0)


.. date: 2024-02-28-12-14-31
.. gh-issue: 115821
.. nonce: YO2vKA
.. section: Library

[Enum] Improve error message when calling super().__new__() in custom


.. date: 2024-02-27-20-11-29
.. gh-issue: 85644
.. nonce: 3rgcBm
.. section: Library

Use the ``XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP`` environment variable in :mod:`webbrowser` to
check desktop. Prefer it to the deprecated ``GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID`` for
GNOME detection.


.. date: 2024-02-27-13-05-51
.. gh-issue: 75988
.. nonce: In6LlB
.. section: Library

Fixed :func:`unittest.mock.create_autospec` to pass the call through to the
wrapped object to return the real result.


.. date: 2024-02-25-19-20-05
.. gh-issue: 115881
.. nonce: ro_Kuw
.. section: Library

Fix issue where :func:`ast.parse` would incorrectly flag conditional context
managers (such as ``with (x() if y else z()): ...``) as invalid syntax if
``feature_version=(3, 8)`` was passed. This reverts changes to the grammar
made as part of gh-94949.


.. date: 2024-02-24-18-48-14
.. gh-issue: 115886
.. nonce: rgM6AF
.. section: Library

Fix silent truncation of the name with an embedded null character in


.. date: 2024-02-23-11-08-31
.. gh-issue: 115532
.. nonce: zVd3gK
.. section: Library

Add kernel density estimation to the statistics module.


.. date: 2024-02-22-12-10-18
.. gh-issue: 115714
.. nonce: P2JsU1
.. section: Library

On WASI, the :mod:`time` module no longer get process time using ``times()``
or ``CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID``, system API is that is unreliable and is
likely to be removed from WASI. The affected clock functions fall back to
calling ``clock()``.


.. date: 2024-02-22-11-29-27
.. gh-issue: 115809
.. nonce: 9H1DhB
.. section: Library

Improve algorithm for computing which rolled-over log files to delete in
:class:`logging.TimedRotatingFileHandler`. It is now reliable for handlers
without ``namer`` and with arbitrary deterministic ``namer`` that leaves the
datetime part in the file name unmodified.


.. date: 2024-02-21-17-54-59
.. gh-issue: 74668
.. nonce: JT-Q8W
.. section: Library

:mod:`urllib.parse` functions :func:`~urllib.parse.parse_qs` and
:func:`~urllib.parse.parse_qsl` now support bytes arguments containing raw
and percent-encoded non-ASCII data.


.. date: 2024-02-20-22-02-34
.. gh-issue: 67044
.. nonce: QF9_Ru
.. section: Library

:func:`csv.writer` now always quotes or escapes ``'\r'`` and ``'\n'``,
regardless of *lineterminator* value.


.. date: 2024-02-20-16-42-54
.. gh-issue: 115712
.. nonce: EXVMXw
.. section: Library

Restore support of space delimiter with ``skipinitialspace=True`` in
:mod:`csv`. :func:`csv.writer` now quotes empty fields if delimiter is a
space and skipinitialspace is true and raises exception if quoting is not


.. date: 2024-02-20-07-38-15
.. gh-issue: 112364
.. nonce: EX7uGI
.. section: Library

Fixed :func:`ast.unparse` to handle format_spec with ``"``, ``'`` or ``\\``.
Patched by Frank Hoffmann.


.. date: 2024-02-19-16-53-48
.. gh-issue: 112997
.. nonce: sYBXRZ
.. section: Library

Stop logging potentially sensitive callback arguments in :mod:`asyncio`
unless debug mode is active.


.. date: 2024-02-19-15-52-30
.. gh-issue: 114914
.. nonce: M5-1d8
.. section: Library

Fix an issue where an abandoned :class:`StreamWriter` would not be garbage


.. date: 2024-02-18-12-18-12
.. gh-issue: 111358
.. nonce: 9yJUMD
.. section: Library

Fix a bug in :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.shutdown_default_executor` to
ensure the timeout passed to the coroutine behaves as expected.


.. date: 2024-02-17-18-47-12
.. gh-issue: 115618
.. nonce: napiNp
.. section: Library

Fix improper decreasing the reference count for ``None`` argument in
:class:`property` methods :meth:`~property.getter`, :meth:`~property.setter`
and :meth:`~property.deleter`.


.. date: 2024-02-16-16-40-10
.. gh-issue: 112720
.. nonce: io6_Ac
.. section: Library

Refactor :class:`dis.ArgResolver` to make it possible to subclass and change
the way jump args are interpreted.


.. date: 2024-02-15-23-42-54
.. gh-issue: 112006
.. nonce: 4wxcK-
.. section: Library

Fix :func:`inspect.unwrap` for types with the ``__wrapper__`` data
descriptor. Fix :meth:`inspect.Signature.from_callable` for builtins
:func:`classmethod` and :func:`staticmethod`.


.. date: 2024-02-15-19-11-49
.. gh-issue: 101293
.. nonce: 898b8l
.. section: Library

Support callables with the ``__call__()`` method and types with
``__new__()`` and ``__init__()`` methods set to class methods, static
methods, bound methods, partial functions, and other types of methods and
descriptors in :meth:`inspect.Signature.from_callable`.


.. date: 2024-02-12-11-42-48
.. gh-issue: 103092
.. nonce: sGMKr0
.. section: Library

Isolate :mod:`!_lsprof` (apply :pep:`687`).


.. date: 2024-02-11-20-12-39
.. gh-issue: 113942
.. nonce: i72sMJ
.. section: Library

:mod:`pydoc` no longer skips global functions implemented as builtin
methods, such as :class:`~type.MethodDescriptorType` and


.. date: 2024-02-10-17-18-49
.. gh-issue: 115256
.. nonce: 41Fy9P
.. section: Library

Added DeprecationWarning when accessing the tarfile attribute of TarInfo
objects. The attribute is never used internally and is only attached to
TarInfos when the tarfile is opened in write-mode, not read-mode. The
attribute creates an unnecessary reference cycle which may cause corruption
when not closing the handle after writing a tarfile.


.. date: 2024-02-09-19-41-48
.. gh-issue: 115197
.. nonce: 20wkWH
.. section: Library

``urllib.request`` no longer resolves the hostname before checking it
against the system's proxy bypass list on macOS and Windows.


.. date: 2024-02-09-12-22-47
.. gh-issue: 113812
.. nonce: wOraaG
.. section: Library

:meth:`DatagramTransport.sendto` will now send zero-length datagrams if
called with an empty bytes object. The transport flow control also now
accounts for the datagram header when calculating the buffer size.


.. date: 2024-01-30-23-28-29
.. gh-issue: 114763
.. nonce: BRjKkg
.. section: Library

Protect modules loaded with :class:`importlib.util.LazyLoader` from race
conditions when multiple threads try to access attributes before the loading
is complete.


.. date: 2024-01-29-13-46-41
.. gh-issue: 114709
.. nonce: SQ998l
.. section: Library

:func:`posixpath.commonpath` now raises a :exc:`ValueError` exception when
passed an empty iterable. Previously, :exc:`IndexError` was raised.

:func:`posixpath.commonpath` now raises a :exc:`TypeError` exception when
passed ``None``. Previously, :exc:`ValueError` was raised.


.. date: 2024-01-26-16-42-31
.. gh-issue: 114610
.. nonce: S18Vuz
.. section: Library

Fix bug where :meth:`pathlib.PurePath.with_stem` converted a non-empty path
suffix to a stem when given an empty *stem* argument. It now raises
:exc:`ValueError`, just like :meth:`pathlib.PurePath.with_suffix` does when
called on a path with an empty stem, given a non-empty *suffix* argument.


.. date: 2023-11-24-23-40-00
.. gh-issue: 107361
.. nonce: v54gh46
.. section: Library

Add :data:`ssl.VERIFY_X509_PARTIAL_CHAIN` and :data:`VERIFY_X509_STRICT` to
the default SSL context created with :func:`ssl.create_default_context`.


.. date: 2023-11-20-16-15-44
.. gh-issue: 112281
.. nonce: gH4EVk
.. section: Library

Allow creating :ref:`union of types<types-union>` for
:class:`typing.Annotated` with unhashable metadata.


.. date: 2023-11-07-10-22-06
.. gh-issue: 111775
.. nonce: IoVxfX
.. section: Library

Fix :meth:`importlib.resources.simple.ResourceHandle.open` for text mode,
added missed ``stream`` argument.


.. date: 2023-10-07-06-15-13
.. gh-issue: 90095
.. nonce: gWn1ka
.. section: Library

Make .pdbrc and -c work with any valid pdb commands.


.. date: 2023-08-05-08-41-58
.. gh-issue: 107625
.. nonce: cVSHCT
.. section: Library

Raise :exc:`configparser.ParsingError` from
:meth:`~configparser.ConfigParser.read` and
:meth:`~configparser.ConfigParser.read_file` methods of
:class:`configparser.ConfigParser` if a key without a corresponding value is
continued (that is, followed by an indented line).


.. date: 2023-08-02-01-17-32
.. gh-issue: 107155
.. nonce: Mj1K9L
.. section: Library

Fix incorrect output of ``help(x)`` where ``x`` is a :keyword:`lambda`
function, which has an ``__annotations__`` dictionary attribute with a
``"return"`` key.


.. date: 2023-07-12-14-52-04
.. gh-issue: 57141
.. nonce: L2k8Xb
.. section: Library

Add option for *non-shallow* comparisons to :class:`filecmp.dircmp` like
:func:`filecmp.cmp`. Original patch by Steven Ward. Enhanced by Tobias


.. date: 2023-05-17-21-33-21
.. gh-issue: 69990
.. nonce: Blvz9G
.. section: Library

:meth:`Profile.print_stats` has been improved to accept multiple sort
arguments. Patched by Chiu-Hsiang Hsu and Furkan Onder.


.. date: 2023-05-01-22-28-57
.. gh-issue: 104061
.. nonce: vxfBXf
.. section: Library

Add :data:`socket.SO_BINDTOIFINDEX` constant.


.. date: 2023-04-02-21-20-35
.. gh-issue: 60346
.. nonce: 7mjgua
.. section: Library

Fix ArgumentParser inconsistent with parse_known_args.


.. date: 2023-03-03-09-05-42
.. gh-issue: 102389
.. nonce: ucmo0_
.. section: Library

Add ``windows_31j`` to aliases for ``cp932`` codec


.. date: 2023-02-14-17-19-59
.. gh-issue: 72249
.. nonce: fv35wU
.. section: Library

:func:`functools.partial`s of :func:`repr` has been improved to include the
:term:`module` name. Patched by Furkan Onder and Anilyka Barry.


.. date: 2023-01-12-14-16-01
.. gh-issue: 100985
.. nonce: GT5Fvd
.. section: Library

Update HTTPSConnection to consistently wrap IPv6 Addresses when using a


.. date: 2023-01-09-14-08-02
.. gh-issue: 100884
.. nonce: DcmdLl
.. section: Library

email: fix misfolding of comma in address-lists over multiple lines in
combination with unicode encoding.


.. date: 2022-11-22-23-17-43
.. gh-issue: 95782
.. nonce: an_and
.. section: Library

Fix :func:`io.BufferedReader.tell`, :func:`io.BufferedReader.seek`,
:func:`!_pyio.BufferedReader.tell`, :func:`io.BufferedRandom.tell`,
:func:`io.BufferedRandom.seek` and :func:`!_pyio.BufferedRandom.tell` being
able to return negative offsets.


.. date: 2022-08-26-15-50-53
.. gh-issue: 96310
.. nonce: 0NssDh
.. section: Library

Fix a traceback in :mod:`argparse` when all options in a mutually exclusive
group are suppressed.


.. date: 2022-05-25-17-49-04
.. gh-issue: 93205
.. nonce: DjhFVR
.. section: Library

Fixed a bug in :class:`logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler` where
multiple rotating handler instances pointing to files with the same name but
different extensions would conflict and not delete the correct files.


.. bpo: 31116
.. date: 2022-01-14-10-50-17
.. nonce: 0bduV9
.. section: Library

Add Z85 encoding to ``base64``.


.. bpo: 44865
.. date: 2021-08-24-20-47-37
.. nonce: c3BhZS
.. section: Library

Add missing call to localization function in :mod:`argparse`.


.. bpo: 43952
.. date: 2021-05-03-11-04-12
.. nonce: Me7fJe
.. section: Library

Fix :meth:`multiprocessing.connection.Listener.accept` to accept empty
bytes as authkey. Not accepting empty bytes as key causes it to hang


.. bpo: 42125
.. date: 2020-12-15-22-30-49
.. nonce: UGyseY
.. section: Library

linecache: get module name from ``__spec__`` if available. This allows
getting source code for the ``__main__`` module when a custom loader is


.. bpo: 41122
.. date: 2020-07-13-23-59-42
.. nonce: 8P_Brh
.. section: Library

Failing to pass arguments properly to :func:`functools.singledispatchmethod`
now throws a TypeError instead of hitting an index out of bounds internally.


.. bpo: 40818
.. date: 2020-05-29-18-08-54
.. nonce: Ij8ffq
.. section: Library

The asyncio REPL now runs :data:`sys.__interactivehook__` on startup. The
default implementation of :data:`sys.__interactivehook__` provides
auto-completion to the asyncio REPL. Patch contributed by RĂ©mi Lapeyre.


.. bpo: 33775
.. date: 2019-04-06-23-50-59
.. nonce: 0yhMDc
.. section: Library

Add 'default' and 'version' help text for localization in argparse.


.. date: 2024-02-14-20-17-04
.. gh-issue: 115399
.. nonce: fb9a0R
.. section: Documentation

Document :cve:`2023-52425` of Expat <2.6.0 under "XML vulnerabilities".


.. date: 2024-02-08-08-51-37
.. gh-issue: 109653
.. nonce: QHLW4w
.. section: Documentation

Improve import time of :mod:`uuid` on Linux.


.. date: 2024-02-25-16-28-26
.. gh-issue: 71052
.. nonce: lSb9EC
.. section: Tests

Add test exclusions to support running the test suite on Android.


.. date: 2024-02-25-15-58-28
.. gh-issue: 71052
.. nonce: lxBjqY
.. section: Tests

Enable ``test_concurrent_futures`` on platforms that support threading but
not multiprocessing.


.. date: 2024-02-22-00-17-06
.. gh-issue: 115796
.. nonce: d4hpKy
.. section: Tests

Make '_testinternalcapi.assemble_code_object' construct the exception table
for the code object.


.. date: 2024-02-20-15-47-41
.. gh-issue: 115720
.. nonce: w8i8UG
.. section: Tests

Leak tests (``-R``, ``--huntrleaks``) now show a summary of the number of
leaks found in each iteration.


.. date: 2024-02-18-14-20-52
.. gh-issue: 115122
.. nonce: 3rGNo9
.. section: Tests

Add ``--bisect`` option to regrtest test runner: run failed tests with
``test.bisect_cmd`` to identify failing tests. Patch by Victor Stinner.


.. date: 2024-02-17-08-25-01
.. gh-issue: 115596
.. nonce: RGPCrR
.. section: Tests

Fix ``ProgramPriorityTests`` in ``test_os`` permanently changing the process


.. date: 2024-02-16-13-04-28
.. gh-issue: 115556
.. nonce: rjaQ9w
.. section: Tests

On Windows, commas passed in arguments to ``Tools\buildbot\test.bat`` and
``PCbuild\\rt.bat`` are now properly handled.


.. date: 2024-02-13-18-24-04
.. gh-issue: 115420
.. nonce: -dlzfI
.. section: Tests

Fix translation of exception handler targets by


.. date: 2024-02-12-22-35-01
.. gh-issue: 115376
.. nonce: n9vubZ
.. section: Tests

Fix segfault in ``_testinternalcapi.compiler_codegen`` on bad input.


.. date: 2024-03-04-12-43-42
.. gh-issue: 116313
.. nonce: cLLb8S
.. section: Build

Get WASI builds to work under wasmtime 18 w/ WASI 0.2/preview2 primitives.


.. date: 2024-03-01-16-44-19
.. gh-issue: 71052
.. nonce: Hs-9EP
.. section: Build

Change Android's :data:`sys.platform` from ``"linux"`` to ``"android"``.


.. date: 2024-02-29-15-12-31
.. gh-issue: 116117
.. nonce: eENkQK
.. section: Build

Backport ``libb2``'s PR #42 to fix compiling CPython on 32-bit Windows with


.. date: 2024-02-26-14-54-58
.. gh-issue: 71052
.. nonce: XvFay1
.. section: Build

Fix several Android build issues


.. date: 2024-02-26-13-13-53
.. gh-issue: 114099
.. nonce: 8lpX-7
.. section: Build

A testbed project was added to run the test suite on iOS.


.. date: 2024-02-24-12-50-43
.. gh-issue: 115350
.. nonce: naQA6y
.. section: Build

Fix building ctypes module with -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN defined


.. date: 2024-02-21-18-22-49
.. gh-issue: 111225
.. nonce: Z8C3av
.. section: Build

Link extension modules against libpython on Android.


.. date: 2024-02-21-11-58-30
.. gh-issue: 115737
.. nonce: dpNl2T
.. section: Build

The install name for libPython is now correctly set for non-framework macOS


.. date: 2024-02-13-14-52-59
.. gh-issue: 114099
.. nonce: zjXsQr
.. section: Build

Makefile targets were added to support compiling an iOS-compatible framework


.. date: 2024-02-27-23-21-55
.. gh-issue: 116012
.. nonce: B9_IwM
.. section: Windows

Ensure the value of ``GetLastError()`` is preserved across GIL operations.


.. date: 2024-02-23-11-43-43
.. gh-issue: 115582
.. nonce: sk1XPi
.. section: Windows

Building extensions intended for free-threaded builds of CPython now require
compiling with ``/DPy_GIL_DISABLED`` manually when using a regular install.
This is expected to change in future releases.


.. date: 2024-02-21-23-48-59
.. gh-issue: 115554
.. nonce: 02mpQC
.. section: Windows

The installer now has more strict rules about updating the :ref:`launcher`.
In general, most users only have a single launcher installed and will see no
difference. When multiple launchers have been installed, the option to
install the launcher is disabled until all but one have been removed.
Downgrading the launcher (which was never allowed) is now more obviously


.. date: 2024-02-15-23-16-31
.. gh-issue: 115543
.. nonce: otrWnw
.. section: Windows

:ref:`launcher` can now detect Python 3.13 when installed from the Microsoft
Store, and will install Python 3.12 by default when


.. date: 2024-02-29-20-52-23
.. gh-issue: 116145
.. nonce: ygafim
.. section: macOS

Update macOS installer to Tcl/Tk 8.6.14.


.. date: 2023-12-09-11-04-26
.. gh-issue: 88516
.. nonce: SIIvfs
.. section: IDLE

On macOS show a proxy icon in the title bar of editor windows to match
platform behaviour.


.. date: 2023-02-12-19-28-08
.. gh-issue: 100176
.. nonce: Kzs4Zw
.. section: Tools/Demos

Remove outdated Tools/{io,cc,string}bench


.. bpo: 45101
.. date: 2021-09-05-02-47-48
.. nonce: 60Zqmt
.. section: Tools/Demos

Add consistency in usage message IO between 2 versions of python-config.


.. date: 2024-02-16-15-56-53
.. gh-issue: 114626
.. nonce: ie2esA
.. section: C API

Add again ``_PyCFunctionFastWithKeywords`` name, removed in Python 3.13
alpha 4 by mistake.  Keep the old private ``_PyCFunctionFastWithKeywords``
name (Python 3.7) as an alias to the new public name
``PyCFunctionFastWithKeywords`` (Python 3.13a4). Patch by Victor Stinner.


.. date: 2023-11-15-09-24-51
.. gh-issue: 111418
.. nonce: FYYetY
.. section: C API

Add :c:macro:`PyHASH_MODULUS`, :c:macro:`PyHASH_BITS`, :c:macro:`PyHASH_INF`
and :c:macro:`PyHASH_IMAG` C macros.  Patch by Sergey B Kirpichev.