.. bpo: 39401 .. date: 2020-01-28-20-54-09 .. nonce: he7h_A .. release date: 2020-02-10 .. section: Security Avoid unsafe load of ``api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll`` at startup on Windows 7. .. .. bpo: 39184 .. date: 2020-01-07-00-42-08 .. nonce: fe7NgK .. section: Security Add audit events to command execution functions in os and pty modules. .. .. bpo: 39579 .. date: 2020-02-07-15-18-35 .. nonce: itNmC0 .. section: Core and Builtins Change the ending column offset of `Attribute` nodes constructed in `ast_for_dotted_name` to point at the end of the current node and not at the end of the last `NAME` node. .. .. bpo: 39510 .. date: 2020-02-04-10-27-41 .. nonce: PMIh-f .. section: Core and Builtins Fix segfault in ``readinto()`` method on closed BufferedReader. .. .. bpo: 39492 .. date: 2020-01-30-01-14-42 .. nonce: eTuy0F .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a reference cycle in the C Pickler that was preventing the garbage collection of deleted, pickled objects. .. .. bpo: 39421 .. date: 2020-01-22-15-53-37 .. nonce: O3nG7u .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible crashes when operating with the functions in the :mod:`heapq` module and custom comparison operators. .. .. bpo: 39386 .. date: 2020-01-20-21-40-57 .. nonce: ULqD8t .. section: Core and Builtins Prevent double awaiting of async iterator. .. .. bpo: 39235 .. date: 2020-01-09-10-01-18 .. nonce: RYwjoc .. section: Core and Builtins Fix AST end location for lone generator expression in function call, e.g. f(i for i in a). .. .. bpo: 39209 .. date: 2020-01-06-10-29-16 .. nonce: QHAONe .. section: Core and Builtins Correctly handle multi-line tokens in interactive mode. Patch by Pablo Galindo. .. .. bpo: 39216 .. date: 2020-01-05-06-55-52 .. nonce: 74jLh9 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix constant folding optimization for positional only arguments - by Anthony Sottile. .. .. bpo: 39215 .. date: 2020-01-04-17-25-34 .. nonce: xiqiIz .. section: Core and Builtins Fix ``SystemError`` when nested function has annotation on positional-only argument - by Anthony Sottile. .. .. bpo: 38588 .. date: 2019-12-29-19-13-54 .. nonce: pgXnNS .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible crashes in dict and list when calling :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool`. .. .. bpo: 38610 .. date: 2019-10-31-14-30-39 .. nonce: fHdVMS .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible crashes in several list methods by holding strong references to list elements when calling :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool`. .. .. bpo: 39590 .. date: 2020-02-09-05-51-05 .. nonce: rf98GU .. section: Library Collections.deque now holds strong references during deque.__contains__ and deque.count, fixing crashes. .. .. bpo: 38149 .. date: 2020-02-05-11-24-16 .. nonce: GWsjHE .. section: Library :func:`sys.audit` is now called only once per call of :func:`glob.glob` and :func:`glob.iglob`. .. .. bpo: 39450 .. date: 2020-02-02-14-46-34 .. nonce: 48R274 .. section: Library Striped whitespace from docstring before returning it from :func:`unittest.case.shortDescription`. .. .. bpo: 39493 .. date: 2020-01-30-01-13-19 .. nonce: CbFRi7 .. section: Library Mark ``typing.IO.closed`` as a property .. .. bpo: 39485 .. date: 2020-01-29-14-58-27 .. nonce: Zy3ot6 .. section: Library Fix a bug in :func:`unittest.mock.create_autospec` that would complain about the wrong number of arguments for custom descriptors defined in an extension module returning functions. .. .. bpo: 39082 .. date: 2020-01-24-13-24-35 .. nonce: qKgrq_ .. section: Library Allow AsyncMock to correctly patch static/class methods .. .. bpo: 39430 .. date: 2020-01-24-11-05-21 .. nonce: I0UQzM .. section: Library Fixed race condition in lazy imports in :mod:`tarfile`. .. .. bpo: 39390 .. date: 2020-01-23-21-34-29 .. nonce: D2tSXk .. section: Library Fixed a regression with the `ignore` callback of :func:`shutil.copytree`. The argument types are now str and List[str] again. .. .. bpo: 39389 .. date: 2020-01-20-00-56-01 .. nonce: fEirIS .. section: Library Write accurate compression level metadata in :mod:`gzip` archives, rather than always signaling maximum compression. .. .. bpo: 39274 .. date: 2020-01-15-23-13-03 .. nonce: lpc0-n .. section: Library ``bool(fraction.Fraction)`` now returns a boolean even if (numerator != 0) does not return a boolean (ex: numpy number). .. .. bpo: 39297 .. date: 2020-01-11-01-15-37 .. nonce: y98Z6Q .. section: Library Improved performance of importlib.metadata distribution discovery and resilients to inaccessible sys.path entries (importlib_metadata v1.4.0). .. .. bpo: 39242 .. date: 2020-01-08-23-25-27 .. nonce: bnL65N .. section: Library Updated the Gmane domain from news.gmane.org to news.gmane.io which is used for examples of :class:`~nntplib.NNTP` news reader server and nntplib tests. .. .. bpo: 38907 .. date: 2020-01-06-02-14-38 .. nonce: F1RkCR .. section: Library In http.server script, restore binding to IPv4 on Windows. .. .. bpo: 39152 .. date: 2020-01-03-18-02-50 .. nonce: JgPjCC .. section: Library Fix ttk.Scale.configure([name]) to return configuration tuple for name or all options. Giovanni Lombardo contributed part of the patch. .. .. bpo: 39198 .. date: 2020-01-02-20-21-03 .. nonce: nzwGyG .. section: Library If an exception were to be thrown in `Logger.isEnabledFor` (say, by asyncio timeouts or stopit) , the `logging` global lock may not be released appropriately, resulting in deadlock. This change wraps that block of code with `try...finally` to ensure the lock is released. .. .. bpo: 39191 .. date: 2020-01-02-17-28-03 .. nonce: ur_scy .. section: Library Perform a check for running loop before starting a new task in ``loop.run_until_complete()`` to fail fast; it prevents the side effect of new task spawning before exception raising. .. .. bpo: 38871 .. date: 2020-01-01-18-44-52 .. nonce: 3EEOLg .. section: Library Correctly parenthesize filter-based statements that contain lambda expressions in mod:`lib2to3`. Patch by Dong-hee Na. .. .. bpo: 39142 .. date: 2019-12-31-19-27-23 .. nonce: oqU5iD .. section: Library A change was made to logging.config.dictConfig to avoid converting instances of named tuples to ConvertingTuple. It's assumed that named tuples are too specialised to be treated like ordinary tuples; if a user of named tuples requires ConvertingTuple functionality, they will have to implement that themselves in their named tuple class. .. .. bpo: 39129 .. date: 2019-12-24-10-43-13 .. nonce: jVx5rW .. section: Library Fix import path for ``asyncio.TimeoutError`` .. .. bpo: 39057 .. date: 2019-12-15-21-47-54 .. nonce: FOxn-w .. section: Library :func:`urllib.request.proxy_bypass_environment` now ignores leading dots and no longer ignores a trailing newline. .. .. bpo: 39056 .. date: 2019-12-15-21-05-16 .. nonce: nEfUM9 .. section: Library Fixed handling invalid warning category in the -W option. No longer import the re module if it is not needed. .. .. bpo: 39055 .. date: 2019-12-15-19-23-23 .. nonce: FmN3un .. section: Library :func:`base64.b64decode` with ``validate=True`` raises now a binascii.Error if the input ends with a single ``\n``. .. .. bpo: 39033 .. date: 2019-12-13-18-54-49 .. nonce: cepuyD .. section: Library Fix :exc:`NameError` in :mod:`zipimport`. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan. .. .. bpo: 38878 .. date: 2019-11-22-12-08-52 .. nonce: EJ0cFf .. section: Library Fixed __subclasshook__ of :class:`os.PathLike` to return a correct result upon inheritence. Patch by Bar Harel. .. .. bpo: 35182 .. date: 2019-10-31-19-23-25 .. nonce: hzeNl9 .. section: Library Fixed :func:`Popen.communicate` subsequent call crash when the child process has already closed any piped standard stream, but still continues to be running. Patch by Andriy Maletsky. .. .. bpo: 38473 .. date: 2019-10-14-21-14-55 .. nonce: uXpVld .. section: Library Use signature from inner mock for autospecced methods attached with :func:`unittest.mock.attach_mock`. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan. .. .. bpo: 38293 .. date: 2019-09-29-08-17-03 .. nonce: wls5s3 .. section: Library Add :func:`copy.copy` and :func:`copy.deepcopy` support to :func:`property` objects. .. .. bpo: 39153 .. date: 2020-01-27-22-24-51 .. nonce: Pjl8jV .. section: Documentation Clarify refcounting semantics for the following functions: - PyObject_SetItem - PyMapping_SetItemString - PyDict_SetItem - PyDict_SetItemString .. .. bpo: 39392 .. date: 2020-01-27-18-18-42 .. nonce: oiqcLO .. section: Documentation Explain that when filling with turtle, overlap regions may be left unfilled. .. .. bpo: 39381 .. date: 2020-01-18-15-37-56 .. nonce: wTWe8d .. section: Documentation Mention in docs that :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop` implicitly creates new event loop only if called from the main thread. .. .. bpo: 38918 .. date: 2019-12-15-22-04-41 .. nonce: 8JnDTS .. section: Documentation Add an entry for ``__module__`` in the "function" & "method" sections of the `inspect docs types and members table `_ .. .. bpo: 3530 .. date: 2019-11-17-11-53-10 .. nonce: 8zFUMc .. section: Documentation In the :mod:`ast` module documentation, fix a misleading ``NodeTransformer`` example and add advice on when to use the ``fix_missing_locations`` function. .. .. bpo: 39502 .. date: 2020-01-30-15-04-54 .. nonce: chbpII .. section: Tests Skip test_zipfile.test_add_file_after_2107() if :func:`time.localtime` fails with :exc:`OverflowError`. It is the case on AIX 6.1 for example. .. .. bpo: 38546 .. date: 2019-12-18-14-52-08 .. nonce: 2kxNuM .. section: Tests Fix test_ressources_gced_in_workers() of test_concurrent_futures: explicitly stop the manager to prevent leaking a child process running in the background after the test completes. .. .. bpo: 39144 .. date: 2019-12-27-22-18-26 .. nonce: dwHMlR .. section: Build The ctags and etags build targets both include Modules/_ctypes and Python standard library source files. .. .. bpo: 39439 .. date: 2020-01-24-03-15-05 .. nonce: sFxGfR .. section: Windows Honor the Python path when a virtualenv is active on Windows. .. .. bpo: 39393 .. date: 2020-01-20-23-42-53 .. nonce: gWlJDG .. section: Windows Improve the error message when attempting to load a DLL with unresolved dependencies. .. .. bpo: 38883 .. date: 2020-01-11-22-53-55 .. nonce: X7FRaN .. section: Windows :meth:`~pathlib.Path.home()` and :meth:`~pathlib.Path.expanduser()` on Windows now prefer :envvar:`USERPROFILE` and no longer use :envvar:`HOME`, which is not normally set for regular user accounts. This makes them again behave like :func:`os.path.expanduser`, which was changed to ignore :envvar:`HOME` in 3.8, see :issue:`36264`. .. .. bpo: 39185 .. date: 2020-01-02-01-11-53 .. nonce: T4herN .. section: Windows The build.bat script has additional options for very-quiet output (-q) and very-verbose output (-vv) .. .. bpo: 30780 .. date: 2020-01-27-16-44-29 .. nonce: nR80qu .. section: IDLE Add remaining configdialog tests for buttons and highlights and keys tabs. .. .. bpo: 39388 .. date: 2020-01-25-02-26-45 .. nonce: x4TQNh .. section: IDLE IDLE Settings Cancel button now cancels pending changes .. .. bpo: 39050 .. date: 2020-01-22-22-28-06 .. nonce: zkn0FO .. section: IDLE Make IDLE Settings dialog Help button work again. .. .. bpo: 34118 .. date: 2019-12-30-16-44-07 .. nonce: FaNW0a .. section: IDLE Tag memoryview, range, and tuple as classes, the same as list, etcetera, in the library manual built-in functions list. .. .. bpo: 38792 .. date: 2019-11-13-23-51-39 .. nonce: xhTC5a .. section: IDLE Close an IDLE shell calltip if a :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or shell restart occurs. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 32989 .. date: 2018-03-03-12-56-26 .. nonce: FVhmhH .. section: IDLE Add tests for editor newline_and_indent_event method. Remove dead code from pyparse find_good_parse_start method.