.. bpo: 32381 .. date: 2020-12-04-17-17-44 .. nonce: NY5t2S .. release date: 2020-12-21 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix encoding name when running a ``.pyc`` file on Windows: :c:func:`PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags()` now uses the correct encoding to decode the filename. .. .. bpo: 42536 .. date: 2020-12-02-20-23-31 .. nonce: Kx3ZOu .. section: Core and Builtins Several built-in and standard library types now ensure that their internal result tuples are always tracked by the :term:`garbage collector `: - :meth:`collections.OrderedDict.items() ` - :meth:`dict.items` - :func:`enumerate` - :func:`functools.reduce` - :func:`itertools.combinations` - :func:`itertools.combinations_with_replacement` - :func:`itertools.permutations` - :func:`itertools.product` - :func:`itertools.zip_longest` - :func:`zip` Previously, they could have become untracked by a prior garbage collection. Patch by Brandt Bucher. .. .. bpo: 42630 .. date: 2020-12-15-17-51-27 .. nonce: jf4jBl .. section: Library :mod:`tkinter` functions and constructors which need a default root window raise now :exc:`RuntimeError` with descriptive message instead of obscure :exc:`AttributeError` or :exc:`NameError` if it is not created yet or cannot be created automatically. .. .. bpo: 42644 .. date: 2020-12-15-10-00-04 .. nonce: XgLCNx .. section: Library `logging.disable` will now validate the types and value of its parameter. It also now accepts strings representing the levels (as does `loging.setLevel`) instead of only the numerical values. .. .. bpo: 36541 .. date: 2020-12-14-08-23-57 .. nonce: qdEtZv .. section: Library Fixed lib2to3.pgen2 to be able to parse PEP-570 positional only argument syntax. .. .. bpo: 42375 .. date: 2020-11-19-04-13-53 .. nonce: U8bp4s .. section: Library subprocess module update for DragonFlyBSD support. .. .. bpo: 39825 .. date: 2020-10-20-08-28-26 .. nonce: n6KnG0 .. section: Library Windows: Change ``sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')`` to the expected full ``platform_tag.extension`` format. Previously it was hard-coded to ``.pyd``, now it is compatible with ``distutils.sysconfig`` and will result in something like ``.cp38-win_amd64.pyd``. This brings windows into conformance with the other platforms. .. .. bpo: 39101 .. date: 2020-10-11-21-43-03 .. nonce: -I49Pm .. section: Library Fixed tests using IsolatedAsyncioTestCase from hanging on BaseExceptions. .. .. bpo: 41907 .. date: 2020-10-02-10-19-49 .. nonce: wiIEsz .. section: Library fix `format()` behavior for `IntFlag` .. .. bpo: 41889 .. date: 2020-10-01-16-17-11 .. nonce: qLkNh8 .. section: Library Enum: fix regression involving inheriting a multiply-inherited enum .. .. bpo: 41891 .. date: 2020-09-30-13-35-29 .. nonce: pNAeYI .. section: Library Ensure asyncio.wait_for waits for task completion .. .. bpo: 40219 .. date: 2020-07-13-19-43-11 .. nonce: MUoJEP .. section: Library Lowered :class:`tkinter.ttk.LabeledScale` dummy widget to prevent hiding part of the content label. .. .. bpo: 40084 .. date: 2020-03-29-21-32-00 .. nonce: MCYwcv .. section: Library Fix ``Enum.__dir__``: dir(Enum.member) now includes attributes as well as methods. .. .. bpo: 17140 .. date: 2020-12-16-21-06-16 .. nonce: 1leSEg .. section: Documentation Add documentation for the :class:`multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool` class. .. .. bpo: 42604 .. date: 2020-12-20-02-35-28 .. nonce: gRd89w .. section: Build Now all platforms use a value for the "EXT_SUFFIX" build variable derived from SOABI (for instance in freeBSD, "EXT_SUFFIX" is now ".cpython-310d.so" instead of ".so"). Previosuly only Linux, Mac and VxWorks were using a value for "EXT_SUFFIX" that included "SOABI". .. .. bpo: 42598 .. date: 2020-12-13-14-43-10 .. nonce: 7ipr5H .. section: Build Fix implicit function declarations in configure which could have resulted in incorrect configuration checks. Patch contributed by Joshua Root. .. .. bpo: 42613 .. date: 2020-12-16-09-10-32 .. nonce: J-jnm5 .. section: Tools/Demos Fix ``freeze.py`` tool to use the prope config and library directories. Patch by Victor Stinner.