/* * A type which wraps a pipe handle in message oriented mode * * pipe_connection.c * * Copyright (c) 2006-2008, R Oudkerk --- see COPYING.txt */ #include "multiprocessing.h" #define CLOSE(h) CloseHandle(h) /* * Send string to the pipe; assumes in message oriented mode */ static Py_ssize_t conn_send_string(ConnectionObject *conn, char *string, size_t length) { DWORD amount_written; BOOL ret; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS ret = WriteFile(conn->handle, string, length, &amount_written, NULL); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS return ret ? MP_SUCCESS : MP_STANDARD_ERROR; } /* * Attempts to read into buffer, or if buffer too small into *newbuffer. * * Returns number of bytes read. Assumes in message oriented mode. */ static Py_ssize_t conn_recv_string(ConnectionObject *conn, char *buffer, size_t buflength, char **newbuffer, size_t maxlength) { DWORD left, length, full_length, err; BOOL ret; *newbuffer = NULL; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS ret = ReadFile(conn->handle, buffer, MIN(buflength, maxlength), &length, NULL); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (ret) return length; err = GetLastError(); if (err != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { if (err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) return MP_END_OF_FILE; return MP_STANDARD_ERROR; } if (!PeekNamedPipe(conn->handle, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &left)) return MP_STANDARD_ERROR; full_length = length + left; if (full_length > maxlength) return MP_BAD_MESSAGE_LENGTH; *newbuffer = PyMem_Malloc(full_length); if (*newbuffer == NULL) return MP_MEMORY_ERROR; memcpy(*newbuffer, buffer, length); Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS ret = ReadFile(conn->handle, *newbuffer+length, left, &length, NULL) Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (ret) { assert(length == left); return full_length; } else { PyMem_Free(*newbuffer); return MP_STANDARD_ERROR; } } /* * Check whether any data is available for reading */ #define conn_poll(conn, timeout) conn_poll_save(conn, timeout, _save) static int conn_poll_save(ConnectionObject *conn, double timeout, PyThreadState *_save) { DWORD bytes, deadline, delay; int difference, res; BOOL block = FALSE; if (!PeekNamedPipe(conn->handle, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytes, NULL)) return MP_STANDARD_ERROR; if (timeout == 0.0) return bytes > 0; if (timeout < 0.0) block = TRUE; else /* XXX does not check for overflow */ deadline = GetTickCount() + (DWORD)(1000 * timeout + 0.5); Sleep(0); for (delay = 1 ; ; delay += 1) { if (!PeekNamedPipe(conn->handle, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytes, NULL)) return MP_STANDARD_ERROR; else if (bytes > 0) return TRUE; if (!block) { difference = deadline - GetTickCount(); if (difference < 0) return FALSE; if ((int)delay > difference) delay = difference; } if (delay > 20) delay = 20; Sleep(delay); /* check for signals */ Py_BLOCK_THREADS res = PyErr_CheckSignals(); Py_UNBLOCK_THREADS if (res) return MP_EXCEPTION_HAS_BEEN_SET; } } /* * "connection.h" defines the PipeConnection type using the definitions above */ #define CONNECTION_NAME "PipeConnection" #define CONNECTION_TYPE PipeConnectionType #include "connection.h"