/* module.c - the module itself * * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Gerhard Häring * * This file is part of pysqlite. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "connection.h" #include "statement.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "cache.h" #include "prepare_protocol.h" #include "microprotocols.h" #include "row.h" #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER < 3007015 #error "SQLite 3.7.15 or higher required" #endif #include "clinic/module.c.h" /*[clinic input] module _sqlite3 [clinic start generated code]*/ /*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=81e330492d57488e]*/ /* static objects at module-level */ PyObject *pysqlite_Error = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_Warning = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_InterfaceError = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_DatabaseError = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_InternalError = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_OperationalError = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_ProgrammingError = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_IntegrityError = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_DataError = NULL; PyObject *pysqlite_NotSupportedError = NULL; PyObject* _pysqlite_converters = NULL; int _pysqlite_enable_callback_tracebacks = 0; int pysqlite_BaseTypeAdapted = 0; static PyObject* module_connect(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs) { /* Python seems to have no way of extracting a single keyword-arg at * C-level, so this code is redundant with the one in connection_init in * connection.c and must always be copied from there ... */ static char *kwlist[] = { "database", "timeout", "detect_types", "isolation_level", "check_same_thread", "factory", "cached_statements", "uri", NULL }; PyObject* database; int detect_types = 0; PyObject* isolation_level; PyObject* factory = NULL; int check_same_thread = 1; int cached_statements; int uri = 0; double timeout = 5.0; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O|diOiOip", kwlist, &database, &timeout, &detect_types, &isolation_level, &check_same_thread, &factory, &cached_statements, &uri)) { return NULL; } if (factory == NULL) { factory = (PyObject*)pysqlite_ConnectionType; } return PyObject_Call(factory, args, kwargs); } PyDoc_STRVAR(module_connect_doc, "connect(database[, timeout, detect_types, isolation_level,\n\ check_same_thread, factory, cached_statements, uri])\n\ \n\ Opens a connection to the SQLite database file *database*. You can use\n\ \":memory:\" to open a database connection to a database that resides in\n\ RAM instead of on disk."); /*[clinic input] _sqlite3.complete_statement as pysqlite_complete_statement statement: str Checks if a string contains a complete SQL statement. Non-standard. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * pysqlite_complete_statement_impl(PyObject *module, const char *statement) /*[clinic end generated code: output=e55f1ff1952df558 input=f6b24996b31c5c33]*/ { if (sqlite3_complete(statement)) { return Py_NewRef(Py_True); } else { return Py_NewRef(Py_False); } } /*[clinic input] _sqlite3.enable_shared_cache as pysqlite_enable_shared_cache do_enable: int Enable or disable shared cache mode for the calling thread. Experimental/Non-standard. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * pysqlite_enable_shared_cache_impl(PyObject *module, int do_enable) /*[clinic end generated code: output=259c74eedee1516b input=8400e41bc58b6b24]*/ { int rc; rc = sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(do_enable); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { PyErr_SetString(pysqlite_OperationalError, "Changing the shared_cache flag failed"); return NULL; } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } /*[clinic input] _sqlite3.register_adapter as pysqlite_register_adapter type: object(type='PyTypeObject *') caster: object / Registers an adapter with pysqlite's adapter registry. Non-standard. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * pysqlite_register_adapter_impl(PyObject *module, PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *caster) /*[clinic end generated code: output=a287e8db18e8af23 input=839dad90e2492725]*/ { int rc; /* a basic type is adapted; there's a performance optimization if that's not the case * (99 % of all usages) */ if (type == &PyLong_Type || type == &PyFloat_Type || type == &PyUnicode_Type || type == &PyByteArray_Type) { pysqlite_BaseTypeAdapted = 1; } rc = pysqlite_microprotocols_add(type, (PyObject*)pysqlite_PrepareProtocolType, caster); if (rc == -1) return NULL; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /*[clinic input] _sqlite3.register_converter as pysqlite_register_converter name as orig_name: unicode converter as callable: object / Registers a converter with pysqlite. Non-standard. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * pysqlite_register_converter_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *orig_name, PyObject *callable) /*[clinic end generated code: output=a2f2bfeed7230062 input=e074cf7f4890544f]*/ { PyObject* name = NULL; PyObject* retval = NULL; _Py_IDENTIFIER(upper); /* convert the name to upper case */ name = _PyObject_CallMethodIdNoArgs(orig_name, &PyId_upper); if (!name) { goto error; } if (PyDict_SetItem(_pysqlite_converters, name, callable) != 0) { goto error; } retval = Py_NewRef(Py_None); error: Py_XDECREF(name); return retval; } /*[clinic input] _sqlite3.enable_callback_tracebacks as pysqlite_enable_callback_trace enable: int / Enable or disable callback functions throwing errors to stderr. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * pysqlite_enable_callback_trace_impl(PyObject *module, int enable) /*[clinic end generated code: output=4ff1d051c698f194 input=cb79d3581eb77c40]*/ { _pysqlite_enable_callback_tracebacks = enable; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /*[clinic input] _sqlite3.adapt as pysqlite_adapt obj: object proto: object(c_default='(PyObject*)pysqlite_PrepareProtocolType') = PrepareProtocolType alt: object = NULL / Adapt given object to given protocol. Non-standard. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * pysqlite_adapt_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *obj, PyObject *proto, PyObject *alt) /*[clinic end generated code: output=0c3927c5fcd23dd9 input=a58ab77fb5ae22dd]*/ { return pysqlite_microprotocols_adapt(obj, proto, alt); } static int converters_init(PyObject* module) { _pysqlite_converters = PyDict_New(); if (!_pysqlite_converters) { return -1; } int res = PyModule_AddObjectRef(module, "converters", _pysqlite_converters); Py_DECREF(_pysqlite_converters); return res; } static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = { {"connect", (PyCFunction)(void(*)(void))module_connect, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, module_connect_doc}, PYSQLITE_ADAPT_METHODDEF PYSQLITE_COMPLETE_STATEMENT_METHODDEF PYSQLITE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_TRACE_METHODDEF PYSQLITE_ENABLE_SHARED_CACHE_METHODDEF PYSQLITE_REGISTER_ADAPTER_METHODDEF PYSQLITE_REGISTER_CONVERTER_METHODDEF {NULL, NULL} }; static int add_integer_constants(PyObject *module) { int ret = 0; ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, PARSE_DECLTYPES); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, PARSE_COLNAMES); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_OK); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DENY); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_IGNORE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_INDEX); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_TABLE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_INDEX); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TABLE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_VIEW); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_TRIGGER); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_VIEW); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DELETE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_INDEX); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_TABLE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_INDEX); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TRIGGER); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_VIEW); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_TRIGGER); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_VIEW); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_INSERT); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_PRAGMA); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_READ); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_SELECT); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_TRANSACTION); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_UPDATE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_ATTACH); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DETACH); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_REINDEX); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_ANALYZE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_CREATE_VTABLE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DROP_VTABLE); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_FUNCTION); ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_SAVEPOINT); #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= 3008003 ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_RECURSIVE); #endif ret += PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, SQLITE_DONE); return ret; } static struct PyModuleDef _sqlite3module = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "_sqlite3", NULL, -1, module_methods, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; #define ADD_TYPE(module, type) \ do { \ if (PyModule_AddType(module, &type) < 0) { \ goto error; \ } \ } while (0) #define ADD_EXCEPTION(module, name, exc, base) \ do { \ exc = PyErr_NewException(MODULE_NAME "." name, base, NULL); \ if (!exc) { \ goto error; \ } \ int res = PyModule_AddObjectRef(module, name, exc); \ Py_DECREF(exc); \ if (res < 0) { \ goto error; \ } \ } while (0) PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__sqlite3(void) { PyObject *module; if (sqlite3_libversion_number() < 3007015) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, MODULE_NAME ": SQLite 3.7.15 or higher required"); return NULL; } int rc = sqlite3_initialize(); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, sqlite3_errstr(rc)); return NULL; } module = PyModule_Create(&_sqlite3module); if (!module || (pysqlite_row_setup_types(module) < 0) || (pysqlite_cursor_setup_types(module) < 0) || (pysqlite_connection_setup_types(module) < 0) || (pysqlite_cache_setup_types(module) < 0) || (pysqlite_statement_setup_types(module) < 0) || (pysqlite_prepare_protocol_setup_types(module) < 0) ) { goto error; } ADD_TYPE(module, *pysqlite_ConnectionType); ADD_TYPE(module, *pysqlite_CursorType); ADD_TYPE(module, *pysqlite_PrepareProtocolType); ADD_TYPE(module, *pysqlite_RowType); /*** Create DB-API Exception hierarchy */ ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "Error", pysqlite_Error, PyExc_Exception); ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "Warning", pysqlite_Warning, PyExc_Exception); /* Error subclasses */ ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "InterfaceError", pysqlite_InterfaceError, pysqlite_Error); ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "DatabaseError", pysqlite_DatabaseError, pysqlite_Error); /* pysqlite_DatabaseError subclasses */ ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "InternalError", pysqlite_InternalError, pysqlite_DatabaseError); ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "OperationalError", pysqlite_OperationalError, pysqlite_DatabaseError); ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "ProgrammingError", pysqlite_ProgrammingError, pysqlite_DatabaseError); ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "IntegrityError", pysqlite_IntegrityError, pysqlite_DatabaseError); ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "DataError", pysqlite_DataError, pysqlite_DatabaseError); ADD_EXCEPTION(module, "NotSupportedError", pysqlite_NotSupportedError, pysqlite_DatabaseError); /* Set integer constants */ if (add_integer_constants(module) < 0) { goto error; } if (PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "version", PYSQLITE_VERSION) < 0) { goto error; } if (PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "sqlite_version", sqlite3_libversion())) { goto error; } /* initialize microprotocols layer */ if (pysqlite_microprotocols_init(module) < 0) { goto error; } /* initialize the default converters */ if (converters_init(module) < 0) { goto error; } return module; error: sqlite3_shutdown(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, MODULE_NAME ": init failed"); Py_XDECREF(module); return NULL; }