/* Testing module for multi-phase initialization of extension modules (PEP 489) */ #include "Python.h" /* State for testing module state access from methods */ typedef struct { int counter; } meth_state; /*[clinic input] module _testmultiphase class _testmultiphase.StateAccessType "StateAccessTypeObject *" "!StateAccessType" [clinic start generated code]*/ /*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=bab9f2fe3bd312ff]*/ /* Example objects */ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyObject *x_attr; /* Attributes dictionary */ } ExampleObject; typedef struct { PyObject *integer; } testmultiphase_state; typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD } StateAccessTypeObject; /* Example methods */ static int Example_traverse(ExampleObject *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) { Py_VISIT(self->x_attr); return 0; } static void Example_finalize(ExampleObject *self) { Py_CLEAR(self->x_attr); } static PyObject * Example_demo(ExampleObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *o = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|O:demo", &o)) return NULL; if (o != NULL && PyUnicode_Check(o)) { Py_INCREF(o); return o; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } #include "clinic/_testmultiphase.c.h" static PyMethodDef Example_methods[] = { {"demo", (PyCFunction)Example_demo, METH_VARARGS, PyDoc_STR("demo() -> None")}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static PyObject * Example_getattro(ExampleObject *self, PyObject *name) { if (self->x_attr != NULL) { PyObject *v = PyDict_GetItemWithError(self->x_attr, name); if (v != NULL) { Py_INCREF(v); return v; } else if (PyErr_Occurred()) { return NULL; } } return PyObject_GenericGetAttr((PyObject *)self, name); } static int Example_setattr(ExampleObject *self, const char *name, PyObject *v) { if (self->x_attr == NULL) { self->x_attr = PyDict_New(); if (self->x_attr == NULL) return -1; } if (v == NULL) { int rv = PyDict_DelItemString(self->x_attr, name); if (rv < 0 && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_KeyError)) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "delete non-existing Example attribute"); return rv; } else return PyDict_SetItemString(self->x_attr, name, v); } static PyType_Slot Example_Type_slots[] = { {Py_tp_doc, "The Example type"}, {Py_tp_finalize, Example_finalize}, {Py_tp_traverse, Example_traverse}, {Py_tp_getattro, Example_getattro}, {Py_tp_setattr, Example_setattr}, {Py_tp_methods, Example_methods}, {0, 0}, }; static PyType_Spec Example_Type_spec = { "_testimportexec.Example", sizeof(ExampleObject), 0, Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC, Example_Type_slots }; static PyModuleDef def_meth_state_access; static PyModuleDef def_nonmodule; static PyModuleDef def_nonmodule_with_methods; /*[clinic input] _testmultiphase.StateAccessType.get_defining_module cls: defining_class Return the module of the defining class. Also tests that result of _PyType_GetModuleByDef matches defining_class's module. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * _testmultiphase_StateAccessType_get_defining_module_impl(StateAccessTypeObject *self, PyTypeObject *cls) /*[clinic end generated code: output=ba2a14284a5d0921 input=356f999fc16e0933]*/ { PyObject *retval; retval = PyType_GetModule(cls); if (retval == NULL) { return NULL; } assert(_PyType_GetModuleByDef(Py_TYPE(self), &def_meth_state_access) == retval); Py_INCREF(retval); return retval; } /*[clinic input] _testmultiphase.StateAccessType.getmodulebydef_bad_def cls: defining_class Test that result of _PyType_GetModuleByDef with a bad def is NULL. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * _testmultiphase_StateAccessType_getmodulebydef_bad_def_impl(StateAccessTypeObject *self, PyTypeObject *cls) /*[clinic end generated code: output=64509074dfcdbd31 input=906047715ee293cd]*/ { _PyType_GetModuleByDef(Py_TYPE(self), &def_nonmodule); // should raise assert(PyErr_Occurred()); return NULL; } /*[clinic input] _testmultiphase.StateAccessType.increment_count_clinic cls: defining_class / n: int = 1 * twice: bool = False Add 'n' from the module-state counter. Pass 'twice' to double that amount. This tests Argument Clinic support for defining_class. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * _testmultiphase_StateAccessType_increment_count_clinic_impl(StateAccessTypeObject *self, PyTypeObject *cls, int n, int twice) /*[clinic end generated code: output=3b34f86bc5473204 input=551d482e1fe0b8f5]*/ { meth_state *m_state = PyType_GetModuleState(cls); if (twice) { n *= 2; } m_state->counter += n; Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(_StateAccessType_decrement_count__doc__, "decrement_count($self, /, n=1, *, twice=None)\n" "--\n" "\n" "Add 'n' from the module-state counter.\n" "Pass 'twice' to double that amount.\n" "(This is to test both positional and keyword arguments."); // Intentionally does not use Argument Clinic static PyObject * _StateAccessType_increment_count_noclinic(StateAccessTypeObject *self, PyTypeObject *defining_class, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs, PyObject *kwnames) { if (!_PyArg_CheckPositional("StateAccessTypeObject.decrement_count", nargs, 0, 1)) { return NULL; } long n = 1; if (nargs) { n = PyLong_AsLong(args[0]); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { return NULL; } } if (kwnames && PyTuple_Check(kwnames)) { if (PyTuple_GET_SIZE(kwnames) > 1 || PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString( PyTuple_GET_ITEM(kwnames, 0), "twice" )) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "decrement_count only takes 'twice' keyword argument" ); return NULL; } n *= 2; } meth_state *m_state = PyType_GetModuleState(defining_class); m_state->counter += n; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /*[clinic input] _testmultiphase.StateAccessType.get_count cls: defining_class Return the value of the module-state counter. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * _testmultiphase_StateAccessType_get_count_impl(StateAccessTypeObject *self, PyTypeObject *cls) /*[clinic end generated code: output=64600f95b499a319 input=d5d181f12384849f]*/ { meth_state *m_state = PyType_GetModuleState(cls); return PyLong_FromLong(m_state->counter); } static PyMethodDef StateAccessType_methods[] = { _TESTMULTIPHASE_STATEACCESSTYPE_GET_DEFINING_MODULE_METHODDEF _TESTMULTIPHASE_STATEACCESSTYPE_GETMODULEBYDEF_BAD_DEF_METHODDEF _TESTMULTIPHASE_STATEACCESSTYPE_GET_COUNT_METHODDEF _TESTMULTIPHASE_STATEACCESSTYPE_INCREMENT_COUNT_CLINIC_METHODDEF { "increment_count_noclinic", (PyCFunction)(void(*)(void))_StateAccessType_increment_count_noclinic, METH_METHOD|METH_FASTCALL|METH_KEYWORDS, _StateAccessType_decrement_count__doc__ }, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static PyType_Slot StateAccessType_Type_slots[] = { {Py_tp_doc, "Type for testing per-module state access from methods."}, {Py_tp_methods, StateAccessType_methods}, {0, NULL} }; static PyType_Spec StateAccessType_spec = { "_testimportexec.StateAccessType", sizeof(StateAccessTypeObject), 0, Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_FINALIZE | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, StateAccessType_Type_slots }; /* Function of two integers returning integer */ PyDoc_STRVAR(testexport_foo_doc, "foo(i,j)\n\ \n\ Return the sum of i and j."); static PyObject * testexport_foo(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { long i, j; long res; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ll:foo", &i, &j)) return NULL; res = i + j; return PyLong_FromLong(res); } /* Test that PyState registration fails */ PyDoc_STRVAR(call_state_registration_func_doc, "register_state(0): call PyState_FindModule()\n\ register_state(1): call PyState_AddModule()\n\ register_state(2): call PyState_RemoveModule()"); static PyObject * call_state_registration_func(PyObject *mod, PyObject *args) { int i, ret; PyModuleDef *def = PyModule_GetDef(mod); if (def == NULL) { return NULL; } if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:call_state_registration_func", &i)) return NULL; switch (i) { case 0: mod = PyState_FindModule(def); if (mod == NULL) { Py_RETURN_NONE; } return mod; case 1: ret = PyState_AddModule(mod, def); if (ret != 0) { return NULL; } break; case 2: ret = PyState_RemoveModule(def); if (ret != 0) { return NULL; } break; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } static PyType_Slot Str_Type_slots[] = { {Py_tp_base, NULL}, /* filled out in module exec function */ {0, 0}, }; static PyType_Spec Str_Type_spec = { "_testimportexec.Str", 0, 0, Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, Str_Type_slots }; static PyMethodDef testexport_methods[] = { {"foo", testexport_foo, METH_VARARGS, testexport_foo_doc}, {"call_state_registration_func", call_state_registration_func, METH_VARARGS, call_state_registration_func_doc}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static int execfunc(PyObject *m) { PyObject *temp = NULL; /* Due to cross platform compiler issues the slots must be filled * here. It's required for portability to Windows without requiring * C++. */ Str_Type_slots[0].pfunc = &PyUnicode_Type; /* Add a custom type */ temp = PyType_FromSpec(&Example_Type_spec); if (temp == NULL) { goto fail; } if (PyModule_AddObject(m, "Example", temp) != 0) { Py_DECREF(temp); goto fail; } /* Add an exception type */ temp = PyErr_NewException("_testimportexec.error", NULL, NULL); if (temp == NULL) { goto fail; } if (PyModule_AddObject(m, "error", temp) != 0) { Py_DECREF(temp); goto fail; } /* Add Str */ temp = PyType_FromSpec(&Str_Type_spec); if (temp == NULL) { goto fail; } if (PyModule_AddObject(m, "Str", temp) != 0) { Py_DECREF(temp); goto fail; } if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "int_const", 1969) != 0) { goto fail; } if (PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "str_const", "something different") != 0) { goto fail; } return 0; fail: return -1; } /* Helper for module definitions; there'll be a lot of them */ #define TEST_MODULE_DEF(name, slots, methods) { \ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, /* m_base */ \ name, /* m_name */ \ PyDoc_STR("Test module " name), /* m_doc */ \ 0, /* m_size */ \ methods, /* m_methods */ \ slots, /* m_slots */ \ NULL, /* m_traverse */ \ NULL, /* m_clear */ \ NULL, /* m_free */ \ } static PyModuleDef_Slot main_slots[] = { {Py_mod_exec, execfunc}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef main_def = TEST_MODULE_DEF("main", main_slots, testexport_methods); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&main_def); } /**** Importing a non-module object ****/ /* Create a SimpleNamespace(three=3) */ static PyObject* createfunc_nonmodule(PyObject *spec, PyModuleDef *def) { PyObject *dct, *ns, *three; if (def != &def_nonmodule && def != &def_nonmodule_with_methods) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "def does not match"); return NULL; } dct = PyDict_New(); if (dct == NULL) return NULL; three = PyLong_FromLong(3); if (three == NULL) { Py_DECREF(dct); return NULL; } PyDict_SetItemString(dct, "three", three); Py_DECREF(three); ns = _PyNamespace_New(dct); Py_DECREF(dct); return ns; } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_create_nonmodule[] = { {Py_mod_create, createfunc_nonmodule}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_nonmodule = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_nonmodule", slots_create_nonmodule, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_nonmodule(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_nonmodule); } PyDoc_STRVAR(nonmodule_bar_doc, "bar(i,j)\n\ \n\ Return the difference of i - j."); static PyObject * nonmodule_bar(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { long i, j; long res; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ll:bar", &i, &j)) return NULL; res = i - j; return PyLong_FromLong(res); } static PyMethodDef nonmodule_methods[] = { {"bar", nonmodule_bar, METH_VARARGS, nonmodule_bar_doc}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static PyModuleDef def_nonmodule_with_methods = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_nonmodule_with_methods", slots_create_nonmodule, nonmodule_methods); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_nonmodule_with_methods(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_nonmodule_with_methods); } /**** Non-ASCII-named modules ****/ static PyModuleDef def_nonascii_latin = { \ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, /* m_base */ "_testmultiphase_nonascii_latin", /* m_name */ PyDoc_STR("Module named in Czech"), /* m_doc */ 0, /* m_size */ NULL, /* m_methods */ NULL, /* m_slots */ NULL, /* m_traverse */ NULL, /* m_clear */ NULL, /* m_free */ }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInitU__testmultiphase_zkouka_naten_evc07gi8e(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_nonascii_latin); } static PyModuleDef def_nonascii_kana = { \ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, /* m_base */ "_testmultiphase_nonascii_kana", /* m_name */ PyDoc_STR("Module named in Japanese"), /* m_doc */ 0, /* m_size */ NULL, /* m_methods */ NULL, /* m_slots */ NULL, /* m_traverse */ NULL, /* m_clear */ NULL, /* m_free */ }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInitU_eckzbwbhc6jpgzcx415x(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_nonascii_kana); } /*** Module with a single-character name ***/ PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_x(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&main_def); } /**** Testing NULL slots ****/ static PyModuleDef null_slots_def = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_null_slots", NULL, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_null_slots(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&null_slots_def); } /**** Problematic modules ****/ static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_bad_large[] = { {_Py_mod_LAST_SLOT + 1, NULL}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_bad_large = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_bad_slot_large", slots_bad_large, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_bad_slot_large(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_bad_large); } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_bad_negative[] = { {-1, NULL}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_bad_negative = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_bad_slot_negative", slots_bad_negative, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_bad_slot_negative(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_bad_negative); } static PyModuleDef def_create_int_with_state = { \ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, /* m_base */ "create_with_state", /* m_name */ PyDoc_STR("Not a PyModuleObject object, but requests per-module state"), 10, /* m_size */ NULL, /* m_methods */ slots_create_nonmodule, /* m_slots */ NULL, /* m_traverse */ NULL, /* m_clear */ NULL, /* m_free */ }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_create_int_with_state(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_create_int_with_state); } static PyModuleDef def_negative_size = { \ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, /* m_base */ "negative_size", /* m_name */ PyDoc_STR("PyModuleDef with negative m_size"), -1, /* m_size */ NULL, /* m_methods */ slots_create_nonmodule, /* m_slots */ NULL, /* m_traverse */ NULL, /* m_clear */ NULL, /* m_free */ }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_negative_size(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_negative_size); } static PyModuleDef uninitialized_def = TEST_MODULE_DEF("main", main_slots, testexport_methods); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_export_uninitialized(PyObject *spec) { return (PyObject*) &uninitialized_def; } PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_export_null(PyObject *spec) { return NULL; } PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_export_raise(PyObject *spec) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "bad export function"); return NULL; } PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_export_unreported_exception(PyObject *spec) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "bad export function"); return PyModuleDef_Init(&main_def); } static PyObject* createfunc_null(PyObject *spec, PyModuleDef *def) { return NULL; } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_create_null[] = { {Py_mod_create, createfunc_null}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_create_null = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_create_null", slots_create_null, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_create_null(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_create_null); } static PyObject* createfunc_raise(PyObject *spec, PyModuleDef *def) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "bad create function"); return NULL; } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_create_raise[] = { {Py_mod_create, createfunc_raise}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_create_raise = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_create_null", slots_create_raise, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_create_raise(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_create_raise); } static PyObject* createfunc_unreported_exception(PyObject *spec, PyModuleDef *def) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "bad create function"); return PyModule_New("foo"); } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_create_unreported_exception[] = { {Py_mod_create, createfunc_unreported_exception}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_create_unreported_exception = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_create_unreported_exception", slots_create_unreported_exception, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_create_unreported_exception(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_create_unreported_exception); } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_nonmodule_with_exec_slots[] = { {Py_mod_create, createfunc_nonmodule}, {Py_mod_exec, execfunc}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_nonmodule_with_exec_slots = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_nonmodule_with_exec_slots", slots_nonmodule_with_exec_slots, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_nonmodule_with_exec_slots(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_nonmodule_with_exec_slots); } static int execfunc_err(PyObject *mod) { return -1; } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_exec_err[] = { {Py_mod_exec, execfunc_err}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_exec_err = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_exec_err", slots_exec_err, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_exec_err(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_exec_err); } static int execfunc_raise(PyObject *spec) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "bad exec function"); return -1; } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_exec_raise[] = { {Py_mod_exec, execfunc_raise}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_exec_raise = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_exec_raise", slots_exec_raise, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_exec_raise(PyObject *mod) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_exec_raise); } static int execfunc_unreported_exception(PyObject *mod) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "bad exec function"); return 0; } static PyModuleDef_Slot slots_exec_unreported_exception[] = { {Py_mod_exec, execfunc_unreported_exception}, {0, NULL}, }; static PyModuleDef def_exec_unreported_exception = TEST_MODULE_DEF( "_testmultiphase_exec_unreported_exception", slots_exec_unreported_exception, NULL); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_exec_unreported_exception(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_exec_unreported_exception); } static int meth_state_access_exec(PyObject *m) { PyObject *temp; meth_state *m_state; m_state = PyModule_GetState(m); if (m_state == NULL) { return -1; } temp = PyType_FromModuleAndSpec(m, &StateAccessType_spec, NULL); if (temp == NULL) { return -1; } if (PyModule_AddObject(m, "StateAccessType", temp) != 0) { Py_DECREF(temp); return -1; } return 0; } static PyModuleDef_Slot meth_state_access_slots[] = { {Py_mod_exec, meth_state_access_exec}, {0, NULL} }; static PyModuleDef def_meth_state_access = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, .m_name = "_testmultiphase_meth_state_access", .m_doc = PyDoc_STR("Module testing access" " to state from methods."), .m_size = sizeof(meth_state), .m_slots = meth_state_access_slots, }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__testmultiphase_meth_state_access(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&def_meth_state_access); } static PyModuleDef def_module_state_shared = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, .m_name = "_test_module_state_shared", .m_doc = PyDoc_STR("Regression Test module for single-phase init."), .m_size = -1, }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__test_module_state_shared(PyObject *spec) { PyObject *module = PyModule_Create(&def_module_state_shared); if (module == NULL) { return NULL; } if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(module, "Error", PyExc_Exception) < 0) { Py_DECREF(module); return NULL; } return module; } /*** Helper for imp test ***/ static PyModuleDef imp_dummy_def = TEST_MODULE_DEF("imp_dummy", main_slots, testexport_methods); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_imp_dummy(PyObject *spec) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&imp_dummy_def); }