/********************************************************** Copyright 1991-1995 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Stichting Mathematisch Centrum or CWI not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. STICHTING MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL STICHTING MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* AL module -- interface to Mark Callow's Audio Library (AL). */ #include <audio.h> /* Check which version audio library we have: */ #ifdef AL_ERROR_NUMBER #define AL_405 /* XXXX 4.0.5 libaudio also allows us to provide better error ** handling (with ALseterrorhandler). We should implement that ** sometime. */ #endif #include "allobjects.h" #include "import.h" #include "modsupport.h" #include "structmember.h" #include "ceval.h" /* Config objects */ typedef struct { OB_HEAD ALconfig ob_config; } configobject; staticforward typeobject Configtype; #define is_configobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &Configtype) /* Forward */ static int getconfigarg PROTO((object *, ALconfig *)); static int getstrstrconfigarg PROTO((object *, char **, char **, ALconfig *)); static object * setConfig (self, args, func) configobject *self; object *args; void (*func)(ALconfig, long); { long par; if (!getlongarg (args, &par)) return NULL; (*func) (self-> ob_config, par); INCREF (None); return None; } static object * getConfig (self, args, func) configobject *self; object *args; long (*func)(ALconfig); { long par; if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; par = (*func) (self-> ob_config); return newintobject (par); } static object * al_setqueuesize (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (setConfig (self, args, ALsetqueuesize)); } static object * al_getqueuesize (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (getConfig (self, args, ALgetqueuesize)); } static object * al_setwidth (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (setConfig (self, args, ALsetwidth)); } static object * al_getwidth (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (getConfig (self, args, ALgetwidth)); } static object * al_getchannels (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (getConfig (self, args, ALgetchannels)); } static object * al_setchannels (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (setConfig (self, args, ALsetchannels)); } #ifdef AL_405 static object * al_getsampfmt (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (getConfig (self, args, ALgetsampfmt)); } static object * al_setsampfmt (self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { return (setConfig (self, args, ALsetsampfmt)); } static object * al_getfloatmax(self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { double arg; if ( !getnoarg(args) ) return 0; arg = ALgetfloatmax(self->ob_config); return newfloatobject(arg); } static object * al_setfloatmax(self, args) configobject *self; object *args; { double arg; if ( !getargs(args, "d", &arg) ) return 0; ALsetfloatmax(self->ob_config, arg); INCREF(None); return None; } #endif /* AL_405 */ static struct methodlist config_methods[] = { {"getqueuesize", (method)al_getqueuesize}, {"setqueuesize", (method)al_setqueuesize}, {"getwidth", (method)al_getwidth}, {"setwidth", (method)al_setwidth}, {"getchannels", (method)al_getchannels}, {"setchannels", (method)al_setchannels}, #ifdef AL_405 {"getsampfmt", (method)al_getsampfmt}, {"setsampfmt", (method)al_setsampfmt}, {"getfloatmax", (method)al_getfloatmax}, {"setfloatmax", (method)al_setfloatmax}, #endif /* AL_405 */ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static void config_dealloc(self) configobject *self; { ALfreeconfig(self->ob_config); DEL(self); } static object * config_getattr(self, name) configobject *self; char *name; { return findmethod(config_methods, (object *)self, name); } static typeobject Configtype = { OB_HEAD_INIT(&Typetype) 0, /*ob_size*/ "config", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(configobject), /*tp_size*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ /* methods */ (destructor)config_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)config_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ 0, /*tp_setattr*/ 0, /*tp_compare*/ 0, /*tp_repr*/ }; static object * newconfigobject(config) ALconfig config; { configobject *p; p = NEWOBJ(configobject, &Configtype); if (p == NULL) return NULL; p->ob_config = config; return (object *)p; } /* Port objects */ typedef struct { OB_HEAD ALport ob_port; } portobject; staticforward typeobject Porttype; #define is_portobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &Porttype) static object * al_closeport (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; if (self->ob_port != NULL) { ALcloseport (self-> ob_port); self->ob_port = NULL; /* XXX Using a closed port may dump core! */ } INCREF (None); return None; } static object * al_getfd (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { int fd; if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; fd = ALgetfd (self-> ob_port); return newintobject (fd); } static object * al_getfilled (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { long count; if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; count = ALgetfilled (self-> ob_port); return newintobject (count); } static object * al_getfillable (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { long count; if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; count = ALgetfillable (self-> ob_port); return newintobject (count); } static object * al_readsamps (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { long count; object *v; ALconfig c; int width; if (!getlongarg (args, &count)) return NULL; if (count <= 0) { err_setstr (RuntimeError, "al.readsamps : arg <= 0"); return NULL; } c = ALgetconfig(self->ob_port); #ifdef AL_405 width = ALgetsampfmt(c); if ( width == AL_SAMPFMT_FLOAT ) width = sizeof(float); else if ( width == AL_SAMPFMT_DOUBLE ) width = sizeof(double); else width = ALgetwidth(c); #else width = ALgetwidth(c); #endif /* AL_405 */ ALfreeconfig(c); v = newsizedstringobject ((char *)NULL, width * count); if (v == NULL) return NULL; BGN_SAVE ALreadsamps (self-> ob_port, (void *) getstringvalue(v), count); END_SAVE return (v); } static object * al_writesamps (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { long count; char *buf; int size, width; ALconfig c; if (!getargs (args, "s#", &buf, &size)) return NULL; c = ALgetconfig(self->ob_port); #ifdef AL_405 width = ALgetsampfmt(c); if ( width == AL_SAMPFMT_FLOAT ) width = sizeof(float); else if ( width == AL_SAMPFMT_DOUBLE ) width = sizeof(double); else width = ALgetwidth(c); #else width = ALgetwidth(c); #endif /* AL_405 */ ALfreeconfig(c); BGN_SAVE ALwritesamps (self-> ob_port, (void *) buf, (long) size / width); END_SAVE INCREF (None); return None; } static object * al_getfillpoint (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { long count; if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; count = ALgetfillpoint (self-> ob_port); return newintobject (count); } static object * al_setfillpoint (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { long count; if (!getlongarg (args, &count)) return NULL; ALsetfillpoint (self-> ob_port, count); INCREF (None); return (None); } static object * al_setconfig (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { ALconfig config; if (!getconfigarg (args, &config)) return NULL; ALsetconfig (self-> ob_port, config); INCREF (None); return (None); } static object * al_getconfig (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { ALconfig config; if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; config = ALgetconfig (self-> ob_port); return newconfigobject (config); } #ifdef AL_405 static object * al_getstatus (self, args) portobject *self; object *args; { object *list, *v; long *PVbuffer; long length; int i; if (!getargs(args, "O", &list)) return NULL; if (!is_listobject(list)) { err_badarg(); return NULL; } length = getlistsize(list); PVbuffer = NEW(long, length); if (PVbuffer == NULL) return err_nomem(); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { v = getlistitem(list, i); if (!is_intobject(v)) { DEL(PVbuffer); err_badarg(); return NULL; } PVbuffer[i] = getintvalue(v); } ALgetstatus(self->ob_port, PVbuffer, length); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) setlistitem(list, i, newintobject(PVbuffer[i])); DEL(PVbuffer); INCREF(None); return None; } #endif /* AL_405 */ static struct methodlist port_methods[] = { {"closeport", (method)al_closeport}, {"getfd", (method)al_getfd}, {"fileno", (method)al_getfd}, {"getfilled", (method)al_getfilled}, {"getfillable", (method)al_getfillable}, {"readsamps", (method)al_readsamps}, {"writesamps", (method)al_writesamps}, {"setfillpoint", (method)al_setfillpoint}, {"getfillpoint", (method)al_getfillpoint}, {"setconfig", (method)al_setconfig}, {"getconfig", (method)al_getconfig}, #ifdef AL_405 {"getstatus", (method)al_getstatus}, #endif /* AL_405 */ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static void port_dealloc(p) portobject *p; { if (p->ob_port != NULL) ALcloseport(p->ob_port); DEL(p); } static object * port_getattr(p, name) portobject *p; char *name; { return findmethod(port_methods, (object *)p, name); } static typeobject Porttype = { OB_HEAD_INIT(&Typetype) 0, /*ob_size*/ "port", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(portobject), /*tp_size*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ /* methods */ (destructor)port_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)port_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ 0, /*tp_setattr*/ 0, /*tp_compare*/ 0, /*tp_repr*/ }; static object * newportobject(port) ALport port; { portobject *p; p = NEWOBJ(portobject, &Porttype); if (p == NULL) return NULL; p->ob_port = port; return (object *)p; } /* the module al */ static object * al_openport (self, args) object *self, *args; { char *name, *dir; ALport port; ALconfig config = NULL; int size; if (args == NULL || !is_tupleobject(args)) { err_badarg (); return NULL; } size = gettuplesize(args); if (size == 2) { if (!getargs (args, "(ss)", &name, &dir)) return NULL; } else if (size == 3) { if (!getstrstrconfigarg (args, &name, &dir, &config)) return NULL; } else { err_badarg (); return NULL; } port = ALopenport(name, dir, config); if (port == NULL) { err_errno(RuntimeError); return NULL; } return newportobject (port); } static object * al_newconfig (self, args) object *self, *args; { ALconfig config; if (!getnoarg (args)) return NULL; config = ALnewconfig (); if (config == NULL) { err_errno(RuntimeError); return NULL; } return newconfigobject (config); } static object * al_queryparams(self, args) object *self, *args; { long device; long length; long *PVbuffer; long PVdummy[2]; object *v; object *w; if (!getlongarg (args, &device)) return NULL; length = ALqueryparams(device, PVdummy, 2L); PVbuffer = NEW(long, length); if (PVbuffer == NULL) return err_nomem(); (void) ALqueryparams(device, PVbuffer, length); v = newlistobject((int)length); if (v != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) setlistitem(v, i, newintobject(PVbuffer[i])); } DEL(PVbuffer); return v; } static object * doParams(args, func, modified) object *args; void (*func)(long, long *, long); int modified; { long device; object *list, *v; long *PVbuffer; long length; int i; if (!getargs(args, "(lO)", &device, &list)) return NULL; if (!is_listobject(list)) { err_badarg(); return NULL; } length = getlistsize(list); PVbuffer = NEW(long, length); if (PVbuffer == NULL) return err_nomem(); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { v = getlistitem(list, i); if (!is_intobject(v)) { DEL(PVbuffer); err_badarg(); return NULL; } PVbuffer[i] = getintvalue(v); } (*func)(device, PVbuffer, length); if (modified) { for (i = 0; i < length; i++) setlistitem(list, i, newintobject(PVbuffer[i])); } DEL(PVbuffer); INCREF(None); return None; } static object * al_getparams(self, args) object *self, *args; { return doParams(args, ALgetparams, 1); } static object * al_setparams(self, args) object *self, *args; { return doParams(args, ALsetparams, 0); } static object * al_getname(self, args) object *self, *args; { long device, descriptor; char *name; if (!getargs(args, "(ll)", &device, &descriptor)) return NULL; name = ALgetname(device, descriptor); if (name == NULL) { err_setstr(ValueError, "al.getname: bad descriptor"); return NULL; } return newstringobject(name); } static object * al_getdefault(self, args) object *self, *args; { long device, descriptor, value; if (!getargs(args, "(ll)", &device, &descriptor)) return NULL; value = ALgetdefault(device, descriptor); return newlongobject(value); } static object * al_getminmax(self, args) object *self, *args; { long device, descriptor, min, max; if (!getargs(args, "(ll)", &device, &descriptor)) return NULL; min = -1; max = -1; ALgetminmax(device, descriptor, &min, &max); return mkvalue("ll", min, max); } static struct methodlist al_methods[] = { {"openport", (method)al_openport}, {"newconfig", (method)al_newconfig}, {"queryparams", (method)al_queryparams}, {"getparams", (method)al_getparams}, {"setparams", (method)al_setparams}, {"getname", (method)al_getname}, {"getdefault", (method)al_getdefault}, {"getminmax", (method)al_getminmax}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; void inital() { initmodule("al", al_methods); } static int getconfigarg(o, conf) object *o; ALconfig *conf; { if (o == NULL || !is_configobject(o)) return err_badarg (); *conf = ((configobject *) o) -> ob_config; return 1; } static int getstrstrconfigarg(v, a, b, c) object *v; char **a; char **b; ALconfig *c; { object *o; return getargs(v, "(ssO)", a, b, &o) && getconfigarg(o, c); }