/*********************************************************** Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Stichting Mathematisch Centrum or CWI not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. STICHTING MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL STICHTING MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* Class object implementation */ #include "allobjects.h" #include "modsupport.h" #include "structmember.h" #include "ceval.h" object * newclassobject(bases, dict, name) object *bases; /* NULL or tuple of classobjects! */ object *dict; object *name; /* String; NULL if unknown */ { int pos; object *key, *value; classobject *op; if (bases == NULL) { bases = newtupleobject(0); if (bases == NULL) return NULL; } else INCREF(bases); op = NEWOBJ(classobject, &Classtype); if (op == NULL) { DECREF(bases); return NULL; } op->cl_bases = bases; INCREF(dict); op->cl_dict = dict; XINCREF(name); op->cl_name = name; pos = 0; while (mappinggetnext(dict, &pos, &key, &value)) { if (is_accessobject(value)) setaccessowner(value, (object *)op); } return (object *) op; } /* Class methods */ static void class_dealloc(op) classobject *op; { DECREF(op->cl_bases); DECREF(op->cl_dict); XDECREF(op->cl_name); free((ANY *)op); } static object * class_lookup(cp, name, pclass) classobject *cp; char *name; classobject **pclass; { int i, n; object *value = dictlookup(cp->cl_dict, name); if (value != NULL) { *pclass = cp; return value; } n = gettuplesize(cp->cl_bases); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { object *v = class_lookup((classobject *) gettupleitem(cp->cl_bases, i), name, pclass); if (v != NULL) return v; } return NULL; } static object * class_getattr(op, name) register classobject *op; register char *name; { register object *v; classobject *class; if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_') { if (strcmp(name, "__dict__") == 0) { INCREF(op->cl_dict); return op->cl_dict; } if (strcmp(name, "__bases__") == 0) { INCREF(op->cl_bases); return op->cl_bases; } if (strcmp(name, "__name__") == 0) { if (op->cl_name == NULL) v = None; else v = op->cl_name; INCREF(v); return v; } } v = class_lookup(op, name, &class); if (v == NULL) { err_setstr(AttributeError, name); return NULL; } if (is_accessobject(v)) { v = getaccessvalue(v, getowner()); if (v == NULL) return NULL; } else INCREF(v); if (is_funcobject(v)) { object *w = newinstancemethodobject(v, (object *)NULL, (object *)class); DECREF(v); v = w; } return v; } static int class_setattr(op, name, v) classobject *op; char *name; object *v; { object *ac; if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_') { int n = strlen(name); if (name[n-1] == '_' && name[n-2] == '_') { err_setstr(TypeError, "read-only special attribute"); return -1; } } ac = dictlookup(op->cl_dict, name); if (ac != NULL && is_accessobject(ac)) return setaccessvalue(ac, getowner(), v); if (v == NULL) { int rv = dictremove(op->cl_dict, name); if (rv < 0) err_setstr(AttributeError, "delete non-existing class attribute"); return rv; } else return dictinsert(op->cl_dict, name, v); } static object * class_repr(op) classobject *op; { char buf[140]; char *name; if (op->cl_name == NULL || !is_stringobject(op->cl_name)) name = "?"; else name = getstringvalue(op->cl_name); sprintf(buf, "", name, (long)op); return newstringobject(buf); } typeobject Classtype = { OB_HEAD_INIT(&Typetype) 0, "class", sizeof(classobject), 0, (destructor)class_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)class_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ (setattrfunc)class_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/ 0, /*tp_compare*/ (reprfunc)class_repr, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/ }; int issubclass(class, base) object *class; object *base; { int i, n; classobject *cp; if (class == base) return 1; if (class == NULL || !is_classobject(class)) return 0; cp = (classobject *)class; n = gettuplesize(cp->cl_bases); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (issubclass(gettupleitem(cp->cl_bases, i), base)) return 1; } return 0; } /* Instance objects */ static object *instance_getattr PROTO((instanceobject *, char *)); static int addaccess(class, inst) classobject *class; instanceobject *inst; { int i, n, pos, ret; object *key, *value, *ac; n = gettuplesize(class->cl_bases); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (addaccess((classobject *)gettupleitem(class->cl_bases, i), inst) < 0) return -1; } pos = 0; while (mappinggetnext(class->cl_dict, &pos, &key, &value)) { object *v; if (!is_accessobject(value)) continue; if (hasaccessvalue(value)) continue; ac = dict2lookup(inst->in_dict, key); if (ac != NULL && is_accessobject(ac)) { err_setval(ConflictError, key); return -1; } ac = cloneaccessobject(value); if (ac == NULL) return -1; ret = dict2insert(inst->in_dict, key, ac); DECREF(ac); if (ret != 0) return -1; } return 0; } object * newinstanceobject(class, arg) object *class; object *arg; { register instanceobject *inst; object *v; object *init; if (!is_classobject(class)) { err_badcall(); return NULL; } inst = NEWOBJ(instanceobject, &Instancetype); if (inst == NULL) return NULL; INCREF(class); inst->in_class = (classobject *)class; inst->in_dict = newdictobject(); inst->in_getattr = NULL; inst->in_setattr = NULL; #ifdef WITH_THREAD inst->in_lock = NULL; inst->in_ident = 0; #endif if (inst->in_dict == NULL || addaccess((classobject *)class, inst) != 0) { DECREF(inst); return NULL; } inst->in_setattr = instance_getattr(inst, "__setattr__"); err_clear(); inst->in_getattr = instance_getattr(inst, "__getattr__"); err_clear(); #ifdef WITH_THREAD if (inst->in_getattr != NULL) inst->in_lock = allocate_lock(); #endif init = instance_getattr(inst, "__init__"); if (init == NULL) { err_clear(); if (arg != NULL && !(is_tupleobject(arg) && gettuplesize(arg) == 0)) { err_setstr(TypeError, "this classobject() takes no arguments"); DECREF(inst); inst = NULL; } } else { object *res = call_object(init, arg); DECREF(init); if (res == NULL) { DECREF(inst); inst = NULL; } else { if (res != None) { err_setstr(TypeError, "__init__() should return None"); DECREF(inst); inst = NULL; } DECREF(res); } } return (object *)inst; } /* Instance methods */ static void instance_dealloc(inst) register instanceobject *inst; { object *error_type, *error_value; object *del; /* Call the __del__ method if it exists. First temporarily revive the object and save the current exception, if any. */ INCREF(inst); err_get(&error_type, &error_value); if ((del = instance_getattr(inst, "__del__")) != NULL) { object *args = newtupleobject(0); object *res = args; if (res != NULL) res = call_object(del, args); XDECREF(args); DECREF(del); XDECREF(res); /* XXX If __del__ raised an exception, it is ignored! */ } /* Restore the saved exception and undo the temporary revival */ err_setval(error_type, error_value); /* Can't use DECREF here, it would cause a recursive call */ if (--inst->ob_refcnt > 0) return; /* __del__ added a reference; don't delete now */ DECREF(inst->in_class); XDECREF(inst->in_dict); XDECREF(inst->in_getattr); XDECREF(inst->in_setattr); #ifdef WITH_THREAD if (inst->in_lock != NULL) free_lock(inst->in_lock); #endif free((ANY *)inst); } static object * instance_getattr(inst, name) register instanceobject *inst; register char *name; { register object *v; classobject *class; if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_') { if (strcmp(name, "__dict__") == 0) { INCREF(inst->in_dict); return inst->in_dict; } if (strcmp(name, "__class__") == 0) { INCREF(inst->in_class); return (object *)inst->in_class; } } class = NULL; v = dictlookup(inst->in_dict, name); if (v == NULL) { v = class_lookup(inst->in_class, name, &class); if (v == NULL) { object *func; long ident; if ((func = inst->in_getattr) != NULL && inst->in_ident != (ident = get_thread_ident())) { object *args; #ifdef WITH_THREAD type_lock lock = inst->in_lock; if (lock != NULL) { BGN_SAVE acquire_lock(lock, 0); END_SAVE } #endif inst->in_ident = ident; args = mkvalue("(s)", name); if (args != NULL) { v = call_object(func, args); DECREF(args); } inst->in_ident = 0; #ifdef WITH_THREAD if (lock != NULL) release_lock(lock); #endif return v; } err_setstr(AttributeError, name); return NULL; } } if (is_accessobject(v)) { v = getaccessvalue(v, getowner()); if (v == NULL) return NULL; } else INCREF(v); if (class != NULL) { if (is_funcobject(v)) { object *w = newinstancemethodobject(v, (object *)inst, (object *)class); DECREF(v); v = w; } else if (is_instancemethodobject(v)) { object *im_class = instancemethodgetclass(v); /* Only if classes are compatible */ if (issubclass((object *)class, im_class)) { object *im_func = instancemethodgetfunc(v); object *w = newinstancemethodobject(im_func, (object *)inst, im_class); DECREF(v); v = w; } } } return v; } static int instance_setattr(inst, name, v) instanceobject *inst; char *name; object *v; { object *ac; if (inst->in_setattr != NULL) { object *args = mkvalue("(sO)", name, v); if (args != NULL) { object *res = call_object(inst->in_setattr, args); DECREF(args); if (res != NULL) { DECREF(res); return 0; } } return -1; } if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_') { int n = strlen(name); if (name[n-1] == '_' && name[n-2] == '_') { err_setstr(TypeError, "read-only special attribute"); return -1; } } ac = dictlookup(inst->in_dict, name); if (ac != NULL && is_accessobject(ac)) return setaccessvalue(ac, getowner(), v); if (v == NULL) { int rv = dictremove(inst->in_dict, name); if (rv < 0) err_setstr(AttributeError, "delete non-existing instance attribute"); return rv; } else return dictinsert(inst->in_dict, name, v); } static object * instance_repr(inst) instanceobject *inst; { object *func; object *res; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__repr__"); if (func == NULL) { char buf[140]; object *classname = inst->in_class->cl_name; char *cname; if (classname != NULL && is_stringobject(classname)) cname = getstringvalue(classname); else cname = "?"; err_clear(); sprintf(buf, "<%.100s instance at %lx>", cname, (long)inst); return newstringobject(buf); } res = call_object(func, (object *)NULL); DECREF(func); return res; } static int instance_compare(inst, other) instanceobject *inst, *other; { object *func; object *res; int outcome; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__cmp__"); if (func == NULL) { err_clear(); if (inst < other) return -1; if (inst > other) return 1; return 0; } res = call_object(func, (object *)other); DECREF(func); if (res == NULL) { err_clear(); /* XXX Should report the error, bot how...??? */ return 0; } if (is_intobject(res)) outcome = getintvalue(res); else outcome = 0; /* XXX Should report the error, bot how...??? */ DECREF(res); return outcome; } static long instance_hash(inst) instanceobject *inst; { object *func; object *res; long outcome; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__hash__"); if (func == NULL) { /* If there is no __cmp__ method, we hash on the address. If a __cmp__ method exists, there must be a __hash__. */ err_clear(); func = instance_getattr(inst, "__cmp__"); if (func == NULL) { err_clear(); outcome = (long)inst; if (outcome == -1) outcome = -2; return outcome; } err_setstr(TypeError, "unhashable instance"); return -1; } res = call_object(func, (object *)NULL); DECREF(func); if (res == NULL) return -1; if (is_intobject(res)) { outcome = getintvalue(res); if (outcome == -1) outcome = -2; } else { err_setstr(TypeError, "__hash__() should return an int"); outcome = -1; } DECREF(res); return outcome; } static int instance_length(inst) instanceobject *inst; { object *func; object *res; int outcome; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__len__"); if (func == NULL) return -1; res = call_object(func, (object *)NULL); DECREF(func); if (res == NULL) return -1; if (is_intobject(res)) { outcome = getintvalue(res); if (outcome < 0) err_setstr(ValueError, "__len__() should return >= 0"); } else { err_setstr(TypeError, "__len__() should return an int"); outcome = -1; } DECREF(res); return outcome; } static object * instance_subscript(inst, key) instanceobject *inst; object *key; { object *func; object *arg; object *res; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__getitem__"); if (func == NULL) return NULL; arg = mkvalue("(O)", key); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return NULL; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); return res; } static int instance_ass_subscript(inst, key, value) instanceobject*inst; object *key; object *value; { object *func; object *arg; object *res; if (value == NULL) func = instance_getattr(inst, "__delitem__"); else func = instance_getattr(inst, "__setitem__"); if (func == NULL) return -1; if (value == NULL) arg = mkvalue("(O)", key); else arg = mkvalue("(OO)", key, value); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return -1; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); if (res == NULL) return -1; DECREF(res); return 0; } static mapping_methods instance_as_mapping = { (inquiry)instance_length, /*mp_length*/ (binaryfunc)instance_subscript, /*mp_subscript*/ (objobjargproc)instance_ass_subscript, /*mp_ass_subscript*/ }; static object * instance_concat(inst, other) instanceobject *inst, *other; { object *func, *arg, *res; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__add__"); if (func == NULL) return NULL; arg = mkvalue("(O)", other); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return NULL; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); return res; } static object * instance_repeat(inst, count) instanceobject *inst; int count; { object *func, *arg, *res; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__mul__"); if (func == NULL) return NULL; arg = newintobject((long)count); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return NULL; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); return res; } static object * instance_item(inst, i) instanceobject *inst; int i; { object *func, *arg, *res; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__getitem__"); if (func == NULL) return NULL; arg = newintobject((long)i); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return NULL; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); return res; } static object * instance_slice(inst, i, j) instanceobject *inst; int i, j; { object *func, *arg, *res; func = instance_getattr(inst, "__getslice__"); if (func == NULL) return NULL; arg = mkvalue("(ii)", i, j); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return NULL; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); return res; } static int instance_ass_item(inst, i, item) instanceobject *inst; int i; object *item; { object *func, *arg, *res; if (item == NULL) func = instance_getattr(inst, "__delitem__"); else func = instance_getattr(inst, "__setitem__"); if (func == NULL) return -1; if (item == NULL) arg = mkvalue("i", i); else arg = mkvalue("(iO)", i, item); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return -1; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); if (res == NULL) return -1; DECREF(res); return 0; } static int instance_ass_slice(inst, i, j, value) instanceobject *inst; int i, j; object *value; { object *func, *arg, *res; if (value == NULL) func = instance_getattr(inst, "__delslice__"); else func = instance_getattr(inst, "__setslice__"); if (func == NULL) return -1; if (value == NULL) arg = mkvalue("(ii)", i, j); else arg = mkvalue("(iiO)", i, j, value); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return -1; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); if (res == NULL) return -1; DECREF(res); return 0; } static sequence_methods instance_as_sequence = { (inquiry)instance_length, /*sq_length*/ (binaryfunc)instance_concat, /*sq_concat*/ (intargfunc)instance_repeat, /*sq_repeat*/ (intargfunc)instance_item, /*sq_item*/ (intintargfunc)instance_slice, /*sq_slice*/ (intobjargproc)instance_ass_item, /*sq_ass_item*/ (intintobjargproc)instance_ass_slice, /*sq_ass_slice*/ }; static object * generic_binary_op(self, other, methodname) instanceobject *self; object *other; char *methodname; { object *func, *arg, *res; if ((func = instance_getattr(self, methodname)) == NULL) return NULL; arg = mkvalue("O", other); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return NULL; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); return res; } static object * generic_unary_op(self, methodname) instanceobject *self; char *methodname; { object *func, *res; if ((func = instance_getattr(self, methodname)) == NULL) return NULL; res = call_object(func, (object *)NULL); DECREF(func); return res; } #define BINARY(funcname, methodname) \ static object * funcname(self, other) instanceobject *self; object *other; { \ return generic_binary_op(self, other, methodname); \ } #define UNARY(funcname, methodname) \ static object *funcname(self) instanceobject *self; { \ return generic_unary_op(self, methodname); \ } BINARY(instance_add, "__add__") BINARY(instance_sub, "__sub__") BINARY(instance_mul, "__mul__") BINARY(instance_div, "__div__") BINARY(instance_mod, "__mod__") BINARY(instance_divmod, "__divmod__") UNARY(instance_neg, "__neg__") UNARY(instance_pos, "__pos__") UNARY(instance_abs, "__abs__") static object * instance_pow(self, other, modulus) instanceobject *self; object *other, *modulus; { object *func, *arg, *res; if ((func = instance_getattr(self, "__pow__")) == NULL) return NULL; if (modulus == None) arg = mkvalue("O", other); else arg = mkvalue("(OO)", other, modulus); if (arg == NULL) { DECREF(func); return NULL; } res = call_object(func, arg); DECREF(func); DECREF(arg); return res; } static int instance_nonzero(self) instanceobject *self; { object *func, *res; long outcome; if ((func = instance_getattr(self, "__nonzero__")) == NULL) { err_clear(); if ((func = instance_getattr(self, "__len__")) == NULL) { err_clear(); /* Fall back to the default behavior: all instances are nonzero */ return 1; } } res = call_object(func, (object *)NULL); DECREF(func); if (res == NULL) return -1; if (!is_intobject(res)) { DECREF(res); err_setstr(TypeError, "__nonzero__ should return an int"); return -1; } outcome = getintvalue(res); DECREF(res); if (outcome < 0) { err_setstr(ValueError, "__nonzero__ should return >= 0"); return -1; } return outcome > 0; } UNARY(instance_invert, "__invert__") BINARY(instance_lshift, "__lshift__") BINARY(instance_rshift, "__rshift__") BINARY(instance_and, "__and__") BINARY(instance_xor, "__xor__") BINARY(instance_or, "__or__") static int instance_coerce(pv, pw) object **pv, **pw; { object *v = *pv; object *w = *pw; object *func; object *res; int outcome; if (!is_instanceobject(v)) return 1; /* XXX shouldn't be possible */ func = instance_getattr((instanceobject *)v, "__coerce__"); if (func == NULL) { err_clear(); return 1; } res = call_object(func, w); if (res == NULL) return -1; if (res == None) { DECREF(res); return 1; } outcome = getargs(res, "(OO)", &v, &w); if (!outcome || v->ob_type != w->ob_type || v->ob_type->tp_as_number == NULL) { DECREF(res); err_setstr(TypeError, "bad __coerce__ result"); return -1; } INCREF(v); INCREF(w); DECREF(res); *pv = v; *pw = w; return 0; } UNARY(instance_int, "__int__") UNARY(instance_long, "__long__") UNARY(instance_float, "__float__") UNARY(instance_oct, "__oct__") UNARY(instance_hex, "__hex__") static number_methods instance_as_number = { (binaryfunc)instance_add, /*nb_add*/ (binaryfunc)instance_sub, /*nb_subtract*/ (binaryfunc)instance_mul, /*nb_multiply*/ (binaryfunc)instance_div, /*nb_divide*/ (binaryfunc)instance_mod, /*nb_remainder*/ (binaryfunc)instance_divmod, /*nb_divmod*/ (ternaryfunc)instance_pow, /*nb_power*/ (unaryfunc)instance_neg, /*nb_negative*/ (unaryfunc)instance_pos, /*nb_positive*/ (unaryfunc)instance_abs, /*nb_absolute*/ (inquiry)instance_nonzero, /*nb_nonzero*/ (unaryfunc)instance_invert, /*nb_invert*/ (binaryfunc)instance_lshift, /*nb_lshift*/ (binaryfunc)instance_rshift, /*nb_rshift*/ (binaryfunc)instance_and, /*nb_and*/ (binaryfunc)instance_xor, /*nb_xor*/ (binaryfunc)instance_or, /*nb_or*/ (coercion)instance_coerce, /*nb_coerce*/ (unaryfunc)instance_int, /*nb_int*/ (unaryfunc)instance_long, /*nb_long*/ (unaryfunc)instance_float, /*nb_float*/ (unaryfunc)instance_oct, /*nb_oct*/ (unaryfunc)instance_hex, /*nb_hex*/ }; typeobject Instancetype = { OB_HEAD_INIT(&Typetype) 0, "instance", sizeof(instanceobject), 0, (destructor)instance_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ (object * (*) FPROTO((object *, char *))) (getattrfunc)instance_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ (setattrfunc)instance_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/ (cmpfunc)instance_compare, /*tp_compare*/ (reprfunc)instance_repr, /*tp_repr*/ &instance_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/ &instance_as_sequence, /*tp_as_sequence*/ &instance_as_mapping, /*tp_as_mapping*/ (hashfunc)instance_hash, /*tp_hash*/ }; /* Instance method objects are used for two purposes: (a) as bound instance methods (returned by instancename.methodname) (b) as unbound methods (returned by ClassName.methodname) In case (b), im_self is NULL */ typedef struct { OB_HEAD object *im_func; /* The function implementing the method */ object *im_self; /* The instance it is bound to, or NULL */ object *im_class; /* The class that defined the method */ } instancemethodobject; object * newinstancemethodobject(func, self, class) object *func; object *self; object *class; { register instancemethodobject *im; if (!is_funcobject(func)) { err_badcall(); return NULL; } im = NEWOBJ(instancemethodobject, &Instancemethodtype); if (im == NULL) return NULL; INCREF(func); im->im_func = func; XINCREF(self); im->im_self = self; INCREF(class); im->im_class = class; return (object *)im; } object * instancemethodgetfunc(im) register object *im; { if (!is_instancemethodobject(im)) { err_badcall(); return NULL; } return ((instancemethodobject *)im)->im_func; } object * instancemethodgetself(im) register object *im; { if (!is_instancemethodobject(im)) { err_badcall(); return NULL; } return ((instancemethodobject *)im)->im_self; } object * instancemethodgetclass(im) register object *im; { if (!is_instancemethodobject(im)) { err_badcall(); return NULL; } return ((instancemethodobject *)im)->im_class; } /* Class method methods */ #define OFF(x) offsetof(instancemethodobject, x) static struct memberlist instancemethod_memberlist[] = { {"im_func", T_OBJECT, OFF(im_func)}, {"im_self", T_OBJECT, OFF(im_self)}, {"im_class", T_OBJECT, OFF(im_class)}, {NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; static object * instancemethod_getattr(im, name) register instancemethodobject *im; char *name; { return getmember((char *)im, instancemethod_memberlist, name); } static void instancemethod_dealloc(im) register instancemethodobject *im; { DECREF(im->im_func); XDECREF(im->im_self); DECREF(im->im_class); free((ANY *)im); } static int instancemethod_compare(a, b) instancemethodobject *a, *b; { int cmp = cmpobject(a->im_self, b->im_self); if (cmp == 0) cmp = cmpobject(a->im_func, b->im_func); return cmp; } static object * instancemethod_repr(a) instancemethodobject *a; { char buf[240]; instanceobject *self = (instanceobject *)(a->im_self); funcobject *func = (funcobject *)(a->im_func); classobject *class = (classobject *)(a->im_class); object *fclassname, *iclassname, *funcname; char *fcname, *icname, *fname; fclassname = class->cl_name; funcname = func->func_name; if (fclassname != NULL && is_stringobject(fclassname)) fcname = getstringvalue(fclassname); else fcname = "?"; if (funcname != NULL && is_stringobject(funcname)) fname = getstringvalue(funcname); else fname = "?"; if (self == NULL) sprintf(buf, "", fcname, fname); else { iclassname = self->in_class->cl_name; if (iclassname != NULL && is_stringobject(iclassname)) icname = getstringvalue(iclassname); else icname = "?"; sprintf(buf, "", fcname, fname, icname, (long)self); } return newstringobject(buf); } static long instancemethod_hash(a) instancemethodobject *a; { long x, y; if (a->im_self == NULL) x = hashobject(None); else x = hashobject(a->im_self); if (x == -1) return -1; y = hashobject(a->im_func); if (y == -1) return -1; return x ^ y; } typeobject Instancemethodtype = { OB_HEAD_INIT(&Typetype) 0, "instance method", sizeof(instancemethodobject), 0, (destructor)instancemethod_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)instancemethod_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ 0, /*tp_setattr*/ (cmpfunc)instancemethod_compare, /*tp_compare*/ (reprfunc)instancemethod_repr, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/ (hashfunc)instancemethod_hash, /*tp_hash*/ };